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JPp I Calomel Today! Si I I Guarantee Hi Dont take nasty, dangers constipated, headacl Qilniet makes you sick; you lose a saj'i work. Calomel Is quicksilver ami tt salivates; calomel Injures your you are bilious, feel lnzy, slugtfdh and all knocked out. If your bowels are constipated and your head ekes or stomach Is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tkne Instead of using sickening, sailsating calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone Is veal liver medicine. You'll know it util mornlncr hernnso von will wntro VP feeling fine, your liver will be worktap; jour headache ttud dizziness gone, yaur stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. You will feel like workla^ You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or denier sells you a totlle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a Spring I qusi -spohns-y Mil 1 Mft J7 preventive If you 7oA and ?ure. The SI i / more than the BOc WASJJfcMTJIy for late spring an QOJr ers or manufacture ^2-^ SIM)U.N MISDICi Frank. Kewlywed?I met Bob Spllklns today and he said he envied me. Wife?Bob Spllklns! I told you to ., rut Bob Spllklns. . W Kewlywed?I shall hereafter. He's sacfe a brainless donkey. ON GUARD At this time of the year people feel mk, tired, listless, their blood Is thin, bey have lived Indoors nnd perhaps expended all their mental and bodily energy and they want to know how to iw their energy and stamina, overcoom headaches and backaches, have etear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and feH the exhlluratlon of reul good health tingling thru their body. Good, pure, ' rich, red blood Is the best Insurance ! against Ills of all kinds. Almost ull diseases come from Impure und impov- j criabed blood. It Is to be noticed In the snub ur pimply raco, the tired, huggnrd appearance or the listless manner. Drink, hot water a half hour before aeals, and for a vegetable tonic there's othlng better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Xedlcal Discovery, the old-fashioned herbal remedy, which has had such a Sue repututlon for fifty years. It contains no alcohol or narcotics. It Is adt from Golden Seal root, Blood- j wot, Oregon grape root. Queen's root, IBack Cherry bark, extracted with gly- ! eertno and made Into tublets and liquid. ttMeto sixty cents, at most drug stores. JEhi order to Insure pure blood and to fnaftd op the system try this tonic ; known as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. %Get It now! 1 Was Short and Kinky ( Now ite Long and Fluffy She Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Mctfte. If your dealer can't supply you send to oa. Refuse AUhstitutra. Manufactured by ; 1QAI1 PRODUCTS COUP., RICHMOND, VA. |f HI it I I Vlf TUCV coor ?n vin mii r lies: "disease"" r?i??dM7?birf, Daisy riy Kill?r ?ttr?eU and kllla I I Mil AAt,ol?*nlorn*raent*l,oonveul?nt*n<1 rhrap. , mi MMII S. ISO DC KALB AVI., ROORt.VN. N. V. 1 . RsT|| I "i """ i L .M M W w UHLHEE ' WANTED hands. Vhtle men and women and hoya and atria oarp It tear* of ago. Una of the beat mill* j a tka aW? located In the beat part of the mate, atad paylCa tno highest wage*. J Va want it a beat and ?"o willing to pay for It. Write 01 ua In person for terms and prlooa ( M.L. HOI OiN. Sunt., HOCKV MOUNT, JfUO. Atliran NOCKY MOUNT MILLS;/ EGGS-POULTRY Waarwtt** largest handlaraof Hgga and I'oultry In tba Month. VJHAT HAVI VOU TO IHIPT IWMgjlatr market price guaranteed with qnlek 1 Mat Olfe ua a trial. Hefcreneea, lat National Mk. Ploh-siond. Va WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Orw^ili Merchants. RICHMOND. VA. ^ KODAKS & SUPPUES ftflHK We aleo do highest class of flnlahlng. I I JKK Price* and Catalogue upon requeei. S. Galetki Optical Co., Ridaoood, Va R-'r ? ? . . 1.1 ?? - . I , ? * * - OU False Tsetk t?on'l matter If broken. \*m fee two reise leeta t .,a. n ^ ?6 p.r #rt , Mm eaak fur old fold, tllrer. platinum, dental gold amdetdgnM Jewelry. Will tend oaab by return mall Mwtn bold goods 10 dare for sender sppn.rsl of B^grtea suuL.msMr.asps.a.eooi user .rsusTa. L HI nn WANTED Second-hand Bapa, S> III la ss burlap, scrap bagging and twins. Wrta SWL nil II . I for prVn RICHMOND BAG COM'T , *' llllll U Department tlOf L Cary. Rick mood. Vk V.k''' Wmm ' * - , 1 * * ick Tomorrow! jdson's Liver Tone >U8 calomel when bilious, ly. Listen to me! few cents under my personal guarantee that It will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; It won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being sailvuted. Your druggist guarantees that cucu spuumui win start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson'a Liver Tone because It Is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to-people who have found thnt this pleasant, vegetable ilver medicine tnkes the place ol dnngerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me.?Adv. tun of Distemper VHOLLY AVOIDED BY USING mall outlay of money brings very eat results. It Is a sure cure and a use It as per directions. Simple, safe size Is twice the quantity and nn ounce size. Get your horses In best condition ' d summer. All druggists, harness deal- | rs. VI. CO., Manufacturers, Goshen, IntL MET SITUATION ALL RIGHT Small Boy at Least Showed That He Was Possessed of the Quality of Resourcefulness. Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock of . Nebraska remarked at a social pat her- | lap that when one was dolnp his best | It was all that could be expected of him, and contributed the following ; story as an Illustration: One afternoon little Jimmy was In- ; vlted to take tea with a chum, uml when he returned home he found his mother nnxlously waiting for him. "I hope, Jimmy," said the mother, after listening to sundry details of the affair, "that you remembered to wash your hands before you went to the table." "We wore culled In so quickly," unswered Jimmy, "that I didn't have time to wash but one." "Wash but one?" exclaimed his Niiiiin, wnii uiurii concern. ""M lint <1I<1 you do?" "Why, I ate with that one," was the reassuring reply of Jimmy, "and kept the other In my pocket."?Philadelphia Telegraph. COULD HARDLY" GET HER BREATH On Account of Tight, Smothering Feeling, Caused From Aching Lump in Stomach. BlackDraught Relieved This Lady. Kings Mountain, Ky.?Mrs. Itelle Jenkins, of this town, says: "For about four years I suffered with stomach trouble. It seemed like a lump formed In my stomach and I could hardly get my breath for the tight, smothering feeling. This lump, or whatever It was, ached constantly. I couldn't slppn nt rilr.1,1 1 ?,.wl I , ?.... * "? ujh>?J- | ilte nnd I began falling off. I am nnt- j nrnlly a large woman but Just weighed 135 lbs. 1 got so nervous 1 felt I could not stand It any longer. I knew In my condition I could not live long. We had one doctor, he said 'Indigestion.' I took medicine from him, but It did not seem to help me any. We had another doctor. lie said It was 'neuralgia of the stomach.' 1 took his medicine, still there was that aching lump. Finally the doctor decided It might be a decayed tooth, nnd ndvlsed me to have my teeth drawn, which 1 did. I didn't get uny better. One night my husband brought home a sample of IMack-Druught. I had been unusually restless. I took the sample next morning. I told him I believed I felt better. He brought home a pack- i age, and two packages cured me and 1 j fully believe saved my life. I weigh 183 lbs. nnd am the picture of health.'* Your druggist sells lllnck-Druught. Try It.?Adv. Reasonable Inquiry. "I should like a porterhouse steak with mushrooms," said the stranger, \ "some delicately browned toast with i plenty of butter?" "'Sense me, suh,'1 Interrupted the waiter. "Is you tryln' to give an order or Is you Jes' retain!scln' 'bout old times?" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that fumous old remedy fnr Intnnta nnit chllilrnn nrwt #Ko? l? In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Ca6toria An Audacious Guest. "The lions never touched Uanlel when he was thrown Into their den." "Maybe," ventured the painfully precocious child, "It was meatless ilay." The Sole Recourse. "I wish they could find a remedy for this deadlock." "The only one to suit Is the key to the situation." To Drive Out Mklarla and Build Up _ . .. The System .Old Stendeitf OKoVH'9 TASTBI.B8S emu TONIC. Ton know what you am taking &a printed on 6Tfr? label, ihovimt it. i* ^vuoine ana iron In % TuUlui form.' floe. It's !ess credit to n man to be good If his income exceeds his wants. Self-denial is also one of the attributes of putrlotlsin. REUNION FOR YEAR BR0U6HTT0 CLOSE CONFEDERATE VETERANS OF 8TATE END MOST ENJOYABLE SESSION AT ABBEVILLE. niDniTfiliro rnnu nm minia uiantiunco mum uuLumom Doings and Happenings That Mark the Progress of South Carolina People, Gathered Around the State Capital. Following the concert of the One Hundred and Fifteenth Infantry Band, the business meeting of the South Carolina Division, United Confederate Veterans, opened in the opera house at Abbeville with prayer by the Rev. G. W. Swope. The roll call was called and 36 camps reported delegates present. M. M. Buford of Newberry offered a resolution bringing up the Tillman resolution, which refcrrs to the refunding of the war tax imposed on the people of the South. Just about the close of th esession, W. A. Clark of Columbia offered a resolution indorsing the Wilson administration and the secretary was instructed to send a copy to President Wilson, to the secretary of war and to the secretary of the navy. Resolutions were passed condemning the terrible cruelties of the Germans on the civil population in captured territory. The McLaurin committee on pensions was continued. The pension board was re-elected and consists of Carlton W. Sawyer, comptroller general; Capt. B. R. Flelnnlkon. Or. W. M. Weston, Col. \V. II. Edwards, and Col. R. J. Morris. Gen. B. H. Teagne declined re-election as commander of the division and was elected honory commander for life Gen. \V. A. Clark of Columbia was unanimously elected major general to succeed General Teague as commander of the division. Col J. Fuller Lyon wns elected to command the First Brigade, succeeding General Clark. Gen. C. A. Reed was elected commnnder nf tho Snpnmf Brigade. After voting the following resolutions of thanks to the people of Abbeville the division adjourned: "Resolved, That the thanks of the i South Carolina division of Confederate veterans be and are hereby re- i turned to the chamber of commerce and to the citizens of Abbeville for i their generous hospitality and delightful entertainment extended to the old soldiers, to the committees which planned and so effectively carried in- i to effect the excellent arrangement for the comfort and pleasure of the veterans, to the press for courtesies, to the ladies who graced our reunion at all times, to the soldierly Boy Scouts, to the owners of automobiles whose kindly attention has been very helpful to the old men. to the railroad , officials for reduced rates to the band , and to all others who have contributed , to the pleasure that the reunion has been to each one of our command ** The people of Abbeville and the various organizations of the city have worked to make the reunion a pleas- , ant one for the old soldiers, realizing that for some It will be the last. It was an Inspiring sight to see In the parade the grey-haired men with their banners flying, marching behind the khaki clad band that will soon be In France. The annual reunion ball was danced on the stage in the opera house, bringing to a close an enjoyable occasion. An Open Season on These. Actions of a strange man in the Catawba Junction section Induced the residents of that community to . place the visitor In the category of a German spy and the matter has been brought to the attention of the State Council of Defense. The party In question was observed placing cards in the ends of split railroad ties the enrHs henrtner lno/.?l? _ "*r> tlons which would tend to incite the negroes aaginst the whites and to make the war issues unpopular. The cards were also found in bypaths, 1 leading off from the railroad track. The man is between 30 and 35 years old and weighs about 140 pounds. He is of dark complexion and has black hair and a heavy black moustache. He was dressed in a brown suit, excepting the vest, which was of a fancy pattern. He wore a black hat with high cron. He walks with a decided limp, being apparently crippled in the right leg. He passed Catawba Junction and at Edgcmoor ho turned away from the railroad track. He is described as a "very suspicious, mean looking character." New Enterprises. The Saluda Mercantile Company of Ware Shoals was chartered with a capital stock of $4,500. H. B. Ellis is president, genoral manager and treas- i urer. The Horton Commission and Auction Company of Anderson was com i president and B. H. Smith is vie? missioned, the proposed copital stock liolnir 11 nnrt TKft ?? - ?...n T.,vvv. me tUUllMIl/ Will CUI1- 1 duct a real estate and auction business. Petitioners are E. It. Horton. i L. S. and T. E. Horton. all of Ander- i son. i The Farmers" Tobacco and StoraRO Warehouse Company of Loris, Horrv county, was chartered with a capital stock of $15,000. Pnn W. Ilardwick is president; W. L. Rhodes, vice president. and Ed L. Smith, secretary and 1 treasurer. The Pamlico Oil Company of Pampllco. Florence county, was commissioned with a proposed capital stock 1 of $5,000. A Reneral oil, gasoline and I petroleum business will be conducted. Petitioners are; S. S. Dusenbury and i H. F. Dargan of Florence and B. D. Dargan and L. A. Hyman of Pam- i pllco. Fow Counties Are Slackers. Final tabulation of reporti on tha third Liberie Innn ahmu. tk.? - - ? wmv ?* o luai, euir scription from South Carolina were $20,185.550. The state's apportionment was $14,625,000. The state thus went 38 per cent beyond Its apportionment. Numerous other subscriptions are expected to be drifting in gradually. the purchasing of bonds being kept up after the campaign has been brought to a close. The following is the tabulation by cities, townss and counties, both as to apportionment and subscriptions: Appor- Sub* tlonment. scribed. Abbeville . . .$ 150,000 $ 183.450 Aiken 241.300 417.450 Anderson . . . 699.400 1.079,900 Bamberg . . . 170.000 237.850 Barnwell . . . 183.000 380.150 Beaufort .... 125,000 140.050 Calhoun .... 101000 160,850 Berkeley . . . 125.000 85.000 Charleston . . 2.915.000 3,225.851 Cherokee . . . 173.000 249.750 Chester . . . 204.800 247,750 Chesterfield . . 195,000 201,550 Clarendon . . . 100,000 161 250 Colleton .... 64.000 121,050 Partington. . . 2S6.400 394.500 Dillon .... 146.200 227.800 Dorchester. . . 100.000 164.950 Edgefield . . . 171.000 1S8.400 i_n?i j - " ' r uirneiu. ... l.W oUU 174,350 Florenco. . . . <26.400 651,050 George'own . . 133,300 175,600 Greenville . . . 898.700 1,630,800 G-eenwood. . . 387,900 620.050 Hampton . . . 125000 153,000 Jasper .... 20,000 33 200 Kershaw . . . 150,000 17S.3C0 Lancaster . . . 1 *>1 .'J00 144.104 Laurens .... 2G8.800 414.450 Lee 150,000 182.700 Loxlngton . . . 189 900 270,350 Marion ..... 1S6.800 251.000 Marlboro . . . 217.800 488,100 McCormick . . 53.100 101,500 Newberry . . . 303.100 528.950 Oconee .... 173,900 274.950 Orangeburg . . 562.000 6S8 650 Pickens .... 167,600 195,500 Richland . . . 1.S1S.700 2,115.700 Saluda 125.000 106.800 Spartanburg. . 900 700 1.108 450 Sumter .... 418.000 596.050 Union 175.000 362.350 Williamsburg.. 105.000 223.800 York 419.000 570.000 Unfurl C'o Service Flag. May 8 was a memorable occasion in the history of Clemson College. The massive service ling of the institution was unfurled and dedicated to Clemson's sons who are in the service of ; I the nation. The principal address of the occasion was delivered by Dr. W. S. Currell, president of the university, who spoke on "America and the ' World War." Dr. W. M. Higgs, presi- j dent of the college, presided. After Dr. Currell's address President Riggs j spoke briefly, presenting the flag to j the alumni and students. Appropriate responses were made by Prof. A. B. I Bryan, who accepted the flag for the alumni, and Cadet S. It. Finley. presi- j dent of the senior class, who accepted it for the students. When the great banner, with its 700 Btars, representing that many Clem- i Bon men in the service, was unfurled and the cadet band played "The Star Spangled Banner," patriotism and loyalty were at their greatest height, the antlrn ctiwlnnt 1 * - ~ v ovmmv 111 ?iuuj, lug latun/ auu j the community Joining in doing honor ( to the men and the spirit of service represented by the flag. The flag was designed and made by j the textile department of Clemson. J. j C. Llttlejohn, registrar of the college, ( gathered tho material necessary to ] know how many, and who of Clemson | | men are in the service and superln- \ tended the making of the flag and s the publication of the pamphlet on "Clemson in the War." S- C. Democrats All for Wilson. South Carolina nemocrats, meeting ' In county conventions, showed in no | uncertain terms that this state heart- | . ily indorses the administration of j President Wilson and his policies. In ( every county resolutons were adopted, , approving the measures supported by the administration and pledging the I efTorts of South Carolina Democrats to vigorously push the war to a vie- j torious peace. In many counties the . acts of the administration were enum- j erated while others passed blanket resolutions voicing approval covering I all that Woodrow Wilson has done. j The question of the discontinuance ( of the eountv to rnnntiv r-n n> nn I crn uin? discussed at a number of conventions ( and resolutions were adopted both for ( and against the proposal to abolish-the < campagin. I { In most counties the conventions were harmonious with no factional | lines drawn nlthough factional issues seem to have arisen In a few places. 1 Opponents of the polices of C. L. i Hloase will be largely in the major- I ity. At the convention, the majority j of counties evidently electing solid anti Blease delegations. The delegations are known to have been divided ' In some cases while Blease men are 1 in the majority in a -few counties. The Pine Grove Live Stock Com- < panv of Charleston was commissioned y by W. Banks Dove, secretary of state, with a proposed capital stock of $70.- ^ 000. The company proposes to raise, i buy and sell live stock, operate com- 1 missaries. stores, saw mills and con- t duct a real estate business. Petition- i s ers are E. W. Durant, Jr.. E. H. Jen- j rings and A. M. Mills, all of Charleston. The Orangeburg Pharmacy was j chartered with a cnpital stock of $10, j DOO. J. G. Wannamnker, Jr.. ia presiI'ent and treasurer. Stand of Cotton Poor. The monthly crop report. Issued by Richard H. Sullivan, meteorologist. Indicates that crops generally are in a healthy and growing condition. Irregular stands of cotton are reported from various sections of the state. Torn is in a somewhat better condition. Truck Is very promising. The month generally was wet and cold. The average rainfall was 5.8 inches, or 2.88 Inches above the aver: age or .25 inches above the hlghe4 April average In 32 years. .< Vf;" ' * ; ' ' > * - r* y'Tv**' THINKING MORE ABOUT DEATH War's Effect on the Minds of Englishmen Is Declared to Have Been Extraordinary. Ia England the effect of religious thought of three yeats and a half of war has been extraordinary. The revival of religious fervor. In many Instances the direct result of personal loss by death or fear of impending loss, uus reflected Itself la English literature. ,' The most astonishing of all recent conversions Is that of II. G. Wells, hard-headed und yet tender-hearted Socialist, who now writes of rellgiou us If It were a discovery of his own. Another writer who has beeu led by the war In faith In a life beyond j the grave Is Sir Oliver Lodge, whose j book, "Raymond," dealing with the , communications said to have been re- ! celved from bis son, is one of the j phenomena of present-day literature. The war Is making the world think Intently about death and what conies after and. In consequence. Is urging them to establish a closer relation during life with the eternal.?Exchange. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER1 IS TONGUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? 'CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM TENDER STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves n sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from piny to empty their t)owels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets Blugglsh, stomach sour. w Look at the tongue, mother 1 * If conted, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, brenth bad, restless, doesn't fat henrtlly. full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours ull this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play- 1 ful child again. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment elven In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. \sk your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has rull directions for babies, children of till ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully And sec that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Too Late. "Hello! Is this Senator Blanks?" "Yes. What do you want?" "I wnnt to be appointed postmaster i >f BroezevlUe." "Who are yon?" "I am the son of the present Incum- ; t>ent. Father Is very III. and the doc- j tor snys that he cannot last another ' lay. As no one else outside the family ' Is aware of the seriousness of his Illness I thought I would call you up to make sure that I was the tlrst?" "I'm sorry, but some one has anticipated you." "What! Who was It?" "The doctor!"?Judge. Cuticura Heals Eczema l.nd rashes that itch and burn. If here Is a tendency to pimples, etc., nrevent their return by making Cutl ura your dally toilet preparation. For 'ree samples address, "Cuticura. Dept Boston." At druggists and by malL 5oap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Nothing Even Midway. Jetter?"He's away ahead of his lime with his Ideas." Ketter?"Yes, ind away behind times with paying u* mil*. Cruel Comment. "My wife was stung on tlint Inst bonnet she got." "No wonder; she's nl,vnys got n bee It. It." Too tnnny people have this rule of conduct; "Work not lest ye be vorked." T>r. Peery'e "Dead Shot" not only #ir?I? Vormi or Taprworm but cleane out the nucui In which Ihoy breed and tonea up ' he digestion. One doae auRlclenL Adv. Excessive politeness Is seldom on ipenklng terms with truth. Are You B1 With that gassy, put heart? For e?A You can fairly feel it wc body and Remove* Quickly?Iadige Gi t EATON1C from your Endure a I IN these days of rising prices, we 1 and the ability to do a full day or woman with weak kidneys i kidneys; lame, stiff back, headac tired feeling and urinary disorder) You can't afford to neglect kidne; for gravel, dropsy or Bright's dise of Doan's Kidney Pills today. T They should help you. Personal Reports i 1? A SOUTH CAROLINA CASE. A Mrs. A. T. Dullard, 104 Robeson St., BennettsvlUe, S. C., says: "I hi suffered three years from kidney v< trouble and the medicine I took sr didn't seem to help me. The pains w in my back were so bad at times th I felt as If my back were broken. n< My nerves were a wreck and the be pains shot up from my back Into 1 my head. I had dizzy spells and p: my body swelled. A friend rec- n< ommended Doan's Kidney Pills to and after I used the first box the swellings and pains were relieved. si Three boxes completely cured me le and I have had no sign of kidney I complaint since." th DOAN' I 60c a Box At AU Stores. Foster-Milbi SSii W^niLi SOLE For MAlARIA,CHiLLS and FEVER. KMC cm IIS A CRIME AQAI Stop it or you never can keep well. IF y mouth, coated toneue. Dcrliana headarha deranges the whole system, produces dysp is no better remedy for these disorders I Try them just once and be eternally coi Dr. Tult's i Sounded Like That. The nurse In u well-to-do family ' overheard the little son of the house 4 telling his sister how he had hid he- 4 hind the portiere and spied on his sis- 4 ter and her beau. 4 "<>h, tell tne what they did," cried 4 little sister. hm "It was such fun." chuckled the hoy. "The hij: chump flopped down on his knees and then he said: "Answer me. on Clara. I can stand this expense no lsr longer."?Boston Transcript. ss" state or Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas I ^ County?sb. X Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he la B senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney \j & Co., doing business In the City of To- ' ledo. County and State aforeaald. and that M said firm will pay the sum of ONES HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh ?? that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. . PRANK J. CHENEY. Br-1 Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and ae(s through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists. 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Over There to Stay. A Southern darky, who luid enlist- f ed In the American expeditionary forces, was all pule upon arriving in France. "My! My!" he exclaimed, "It sho' takes some nerve to cross (lot Atlantic ocean. If It don't freeze all ovnh and n railroad ain't built across to inah home In Atlanta. I's a European fo' do rest of my life." B FI.IXIR BADEK A GOOD TONIC And Drives .Malaria Out of the System. k?T "Your 'HabeU* acta like magic; I bare given H It to numerous people In my parish who were Hi Bllff^rincr with nhllla -...J * - -, 1 rrcommrnd It to those who are Bi-fferrrH ami la Kti nrtd of a good tonic."?Rot. S. Szyniaoovrtik I, St. Stephen'* Church, Perth Aml>oy. N. J. t, riltlr Kabek, 50 renin, all Orti^KlKts or by i Parcel Pout, prepaid, from Kloczcvrukl A Co., _ Washington, D. C. 1 0 The Refusal. K Hp?Ilow'tl you like u pet ?lou? She?Now, Charlie, haven't I told t you that I don't Intend to marry? D When n man presents a girl with an engagement ring it Is equal to a JJJ declaration of war. Dr. Pierce's Plensnnt Pellets nre th? f original little liver pills put up 40 years Jf* ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. jtl Life Is full of uncertainties, even to those who expect the worst. W. oated After Eat fy feeling, and hurting near yoi Quick Relief?Take ONE hat 1 UN IC OUR STOMACH S SAKE: >rk. It drives the GAS out ol the Bloat goes with it. Hon, Heartburn, Soar Stomach, etc. Draggiat with thm DOUBLE GUARANTEl m lUf?tr O.. loum IW. W?b?b ATmnu*. CM?IIL :onomy to J ,4 3ad Back need every ounce of strength 's work every day. The man s half crippled. Sore, aching he, dizzy spells and a dull, ? are daily sources of distress. V weakness and make it easy ase to take you. Get a box bey have helped thousands. of Real Cases NORTH CAROLINA CASE. A. T. Webster, Poplar St., Oraim, N. C.. says: "I suffered solely from pa!ns across the nail of my back. My kidneys ere sore and at times the secreons were unnatural and gave me ? end of trouble. Soon after I (gan using Doan's Kidney Pills got better and I had but little iln In my back since. The kldly secretions were cleared ud. o." Seven years later Mr. Webster ild: "Whenever 1 have the ast need of a kidney medicine take a few doses of Doan's and ley always Klve me fine results." S KIDNEY PILLS urn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Chemist* } ? 11111 1 oj 90qb ltj?mdc > FOR fSO YEARS. SO A riNE GCNERAI STDFNr.TMfii. < TONIC. Sold by All Drag Stores. limTION N8T NATURE ou wake with a had taste in the your liver is torpid. A torpid liver epsia, costiveness and piles. There than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, nvinced. For sale by all druggists. .ivar Pills One-Sided View. 'What sort of u man is Green?** 'Fine. The best ever." 'Is he trustworthy?" 'Very." 'Would you lend money to him?" 'As to that I can't say. I've only rrowed from him." Kicking n man after lie Is down la e way of making lilm get up?hut It I't always safe to do It. Distemper Can Be Controlled Using IMl. 1 >A VID KollEltTS FEVER PASTE VHi and WHITE LINIMENT VoS* V>1?^ Ilcad thn Qctv. Practical Home Veterinarian Si-mi for fr<*o booklet on AiioktioS Is Cows. If no dualjr In ?our town, land Robtrtl' Vet. Co., 100 Sraed Annus. Wiukiths, Wit, WSijf Stops I i ?||Neural&ia /y.'Mu, .Pains Aft i ]fr?ry}-! Why (suffer from ((li excruciating neu| . ralgia pains when on application of Yager's Liniment will give Quick /elisl? This liniment it good too, for rheumatism, sciatica, headache, pain in chest or tide, sprains, cuts anil bruises. 35c TER BOTTLE AT ALL DEALERS Kach bottle contains more than the I osaal 60c bottle of liniment. ILHKRT llltOH. X CO.. Ilaltlmoro, Mrf. HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of nw rlt. Ql.ttT JH| Helps So eradicate dandruff. |T\JwS dSH For Restoring Color and d *v#tt /?Beaut r toGriy or Faded Hair. omato Plants Harlnwia and Hum* U. II i&| FOS'l i'AlU 10. 1711 t. o. b. 10). 40# 2) at 1 10 i bore i.UUOBUO 0 at 1 26) K.JAMISON, HUM M KItV I I.i.K, 8. C. MMPW TRMTHEWT. OItos rjnlrk relief. 1 un?rvS Hoon swelling and ehorS ~J breath. Never heard of tte eoual 'or droper. JATrir It Trial treatment eent mat. bf mail. 4 rewrite to DR. THOMAS K.CRCCN -? H? IO0., Ml 4M. ONAISWURTN, N. U., CHAilLOTTE, NO. .20- 191ft.