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d_ Ugh! Calomel Sicki Please Try Dc . I am sincere! My medic and bowels so ^>ou 1 You're bilious! Your liver Is sluggish ! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue Is coated; breath bad; stomach our aqd bowels constipated. But don't take salivating, calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the' bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite,' breaking It up. That's when jrou feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonSTF Or Diateir.per tn ata /is / / B \f>\ meat dcatrucllre. 1 I?ZL UflaB ,1,1 moved from the bo< In) If rf?'H 5)^1 tho tame must bo d<. V-iv 77?/ spoh \^A /'v/ Will do both?enra i havln* the dlacnae, XTYo pQx doxrn, All druinclati 8POHN MEDICAL J| Lar^e Bottle ? For 35c ET When you buy g Yager 8 Lini3 ment you get 6plendid value I The large 35 cent bottle contains more [ than the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Trritforrheumatism, neuralgia, acUtlca, sprain*, cuts and bruises. I At all dealers ? price 33 cents. GILBERT BROS. * CO- Baltimore, Md. bbwmswbibkw Bct "* B a^H ^ H ?ni^ jti jP8y2Bs2StiSHQ0 "SEWER AND CULVERT PIPE For Sewers, Culverts, Drains. We manufacture all sizes up to 48" in diameter, also Farm Drain Tile. Free Literature on Farm Drainage for the asking. GRAY CONCRETE CO. Thomasville, N. C. HAIR I Was Short and Kinky Now Its Long and Fluffy She Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Prloe Mo. If your dealer can't supply you send to u. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured by OAH PRODUCTS CORP.. RICHMOND. VA. Make Money Easy! Learn front successful real estate men how to sell real estate, farms, stores, fire Insurance, businesses of all kinds. Have your office In your own home. No capital required. Representatives wanted everywhere. Write today. ?v? uvo luiuiiusiiuu. xiftjroo iMmivjr abikk'ir* Uon, Fourth and Plutn, Cincinnati, Ohio (WANTED1 U bknda. White men and women and bora and gtrla over U years of aye. One of the beat mills in the state, located In the beet part of the state, and paying the highest wages. We want (no best and are willing to par for It. Write or see ns In person for terms and prloes. N. L. HOLDEN, Eupt., ROOKY MOUNT, Jl. O. Addrsss ROCKY MOUNT Mll.1.8^ y^SBmsMSswMMwwn?amsaWBQHmamatMmMMmw^ ^ Wrtts Ua far Isfsrautlen Caacmtla| tW Rest ^ WONDERFUL WATER SYSTEM ? Ever Offered for the Country Homo Water coming from the bottom of the well with more force than Is found In the city direct pressure no pntup to got out of tlx. Oust less than Ere oents per day to operate, b STEQALL-MANESS WATER SYSTEM. INC. L. Conoerd, North Carolina y EGGS-POULTRY We are the largest handlers of Kggs and i*onltry In the Houth. _ WHAT HAVE YOU TO SHIRT TtWi highest market price guaranteed with qntek rrte rns Ulre us a trial. References, 1st National Bank, Hlclimond, Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Commission Merchants, RICHMOND. VA. IW (JpULlfoWIIffi j^V S.M far M Tsms. WR RALUIA, CULLS AJTO mOL , *lse ? flseCere?ilStR??t(?elarTs'sls. At All Drag Stars*. | 1 lEH OT0MC I ? ? JrnAW A loll** iir?T?r??lr.n of m?rlV 35% (HWl 101 It?lM to arMluM* AuidraS. Bi& IwSB. dH P?r ft'?l?Hnir Color and HRfS* . B?r KODAKS & SUPPLIES I^Kti Wt ?Im do hijtimn i>i?m ?; PricM ?Dd CtLinU'gnr npi ft ( ens; Salivates! )dson's Liver Tone * sine does not upset liver lose a day's work. \ b . 1 b ful will clean your sluggish liver bet- ? ter than a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't make you sick. * Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver b medicine. You'll know It next morn- ti lug because you will wake up feeling fa fine, your liver will be working, your heudache and dizziness gone, your 8tomnch will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. i/uusiiii 3 uver xone is ennreiy vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodsou's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. {ANGLES lllons, brood marei, colts and all others la 'ho Kcrm causing the dlaeuao muat bo rely of the animal. To prevent the trouble inc. UN'S COMPOUND tho alcVc and prevent those "exposed" from 60 cents and $1 a bottle; $5 and flO the ?. harness houses, or manufacturers co., Manufacturers, Cos hen, Ind., IJ.SjL The Horse's False Teeth. Four-year-old David was greatly Impressed when his grandmother removed her teeth at bedtime. The next I day David saw a man taking the bit t from a horse's mouth. "Grandmother!" he exclaimed, * "look at that man taking the horse's I teeth out 1" CHANGE FOR THE BETTER , ! p And Pains in Sides Relieved, by J Use of Cardui, the Woman's f Tonic, Says Texas Lady. J. h Kemp, Texas.?Mrs. Minnie Cheek ol ^ this town writes "I suffered with pains In my sides . . . and couldn't stand on n my feet, at times. Couldn't do my t< work, only what had to he done. I had a physician and he gave me inedl- c J? cine, tho' It didn't do me any good, f, and he advised an operation. I had , t read In the Ladles' Birthday Almanac ' of Cardui, so I decided to try It. When ; I hud tuken one bottle, I felt the j, change for better. I took 0 or 10 hot- b ties and have been well ever since. j b I recommend Cardui to all suffer- I1 Ing women. When my husband told ? Dr. , our family physician, I was j c taking Cardui, he said it was a good f tonic for me. J will never cease pruls- ! S I r\ r? la- T a- I...IU * ~ iu6 iv. xl uuiit uji iuy system ana u strengthened me more than anything n I ever done." R1 Cardul la a purely vegetable tonic h medicine, composed #of Ingredients c which have been recognized by ruedl- n cal writers for many years, as of value ti In tl\e treatment of ailments peculiar to y women, and thousands of voluntary ? letters similar to the above are received every year, from women users 1 of Cardul, who have actually proven this to be true. If you are weak and run-down from womanly troubles, try Cardul, the ! woman's tonic. All druggists.?Adv. Weary. Actress (to her tlance)?I'lease don't ask me to kiss you for a week or so, darling. You must remember I took over ?'J(H) yesterday selling kisses for the Red Cross.?Parsing Show. VARIOUS ORGANIC TROUBLES LEAD TO BAD CASES OF PILES. Farmers, laborers, mechanics, railroad men and otllee men, whose hours are long and lubors hard, are ipore or less subject to piles. Strain, overwork j and organic troubles combine to bring distress and oftlmes loss of muny v hours at employment. i Sufferers can start today to take r.tigie i*iie uemeuy and be certain of C having their pile troubles removed. I Your case Is no exception to the thousands that have written of the successful use oT Eagle I'lle Remedy In the worst cases. At the last moment It has Raved many expensive oper- * ntlons, as Mr. Quackenbush of CUf- t ton, N. J., writes: "The di\y before ! I was to go to the hospital I began tak- T ing Eagle I'lle Remedy and today I feel thoroughly cured." The hospital T bill was saved and the operation was c not necessary. | ? Eagle I'lle Remedy sold direct from t the mnkers. Price $1.1)0. Reed Pis- ?, trlhutlng Co., 140 Godwin St., I'aterson, N. J.?Adv. Appropriate View. t "What do you think of hanging as f capital punishment?" "I think It Is better to let the subject drop." I $!00 Reward, $100 ; c Catarrh Is a local disease greatly lnflu- I cnced by constitutional conditions. It ^ therefore requires constitutional treat- i ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE * Is taken Internally and acts through the ii Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- , tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE * destroys the foundation of the disease, f Klvee the patient strength by improving . the general health and assists natura In 1 doing Ita work. $100.00 for ar.y case of r Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH _ MEDICINE falls to cure. K Druggists TBc. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. A man's Idea of harmony Is to hnv?evcrytldng bis own way. o When you have decided to get rid of worms or Tapeworm, nae "Dead Shot," Dr. > rmwrj a vcrmiluge. One dote will expel v them. Adv. The chief burden of n woiunu'ii life Ih her neighbor. When Your Eyes Need Care * Try Murine Eye Remedy [ n'p;-Jnet Rye Comfort. V) 4 to ? '.f mtlL Write for Kt?e Hrr . l| . i>#t '.:vkni.MRn\ r?i.. > * JOYS LIVE THREE MONTHS BY HUNTING Kissing Youths Are Recognized by Storekeeper When Thev Buy Supplies. Topeka, Kan.?Carl Luthey and ^lnnett Robinson, two high school oys who disappeared from their omea, near Topeka, Kan., on Novemer 12, 1017, and were believed to ave enlisted In the United States rmy or navy, have been located In >olomon valley, near Cawker City. The ids have been living In the open air, rapping on the Solomon river and untlng In that section of Kansas. Lived by Trapping. "hoy were discovered when they npeared at n store In Cuwker City and urchased a chicken and some white rend for Sunday dinner. They reused to answer questions recardlne hemselves, but their Identity was dlslosed through photographs that had een sent broadcast throughout the Vest. The lads nppeared to be In exel lent health. Immediately after the report was inde by the Cawker City storekeeper o Sheriff Hugh Lorlmer of Topeka, be fathers of the two boys, W. R. toblnson and Louis Luthey, left for iolomon valley, where they attempted o persuade the young men to return to heir homes. Both boys were close followers of he adventures of Daniel Boone and tlier famous trappers. Two weeks efore their departure from home they ad purchased trapping outfits and ooks on trapping. When they dlsapeared froin home they carried smnll raveling hags and a minimum amount f clothing. They dropped out of sight ompletely. Every recruiting station or the army or navy In the United itates whs Informed as to the Identity f the lads, but this precaution brought o results. Whether It was patriotism In obervlng meatless days, poor hunting, or linger for the food of civilization that nused the Journey to Cawker City Is ot known. It Is sufficient that the rip disclosed the whereabouts of the ounir men and cave their oarents an pportualty to find them. NEVER KNEW HIS OWN NAME FOR 24 YEARS Seattle, Wash.?He did not know his own name during twenty-four years. Thnt's the story of Label Stein of this city. For twenty-four years Stein believed that a Rhode Island court had changed his name to Stone, and It was not until he applied for a civil service position and produced his naturalization papers at the cbmmlsslon's request that his error was f discovered. j VHO GETS THE FIRST KISS? )u Bois, Pa., Editor Ventures the Opinion That the Stunt Should Be "Flfty-Flfty." Du Rols, Pa.?The editor of the Du tols Courier received the following leter: "Dear Sir?I would like to have the densure to get In your paper n small >lace for a question. When a boy nmes to the first time In love with a :lrl, who Is entitled to the first kiss, he boy to the girl or the girl to the >oy? "Truly. KATIE." The editor ventured the opinion that he osculatory stunt should be "flftyifty." Claims Unluckiest Title. Pltcalrn, Pa.?Ceorge W. Huff, ii 'ennsylvanla railroad employee, lays lnlm to the title of "unlucklest ninn." le was working on an engine when n linch bar struck lilin on the chin nnd inoeked him to the ground. In fallng, he struck a piece of steel and susnlned a lacerated scalp, and when his oot caught between two ties he was hrown In such a manner that the auscles of his back were hndly trained. Steals "Germ" Rabbits. Montgomery. Ala.?The state labortory and Pasteur Institute had severI rabbits. Inoculated with germs, for xpcrimcntal purposes. Recently a hlef made way with the rabbits. T>eelopments are being awaited with :een Interest. Child Killed by Rooster. Saratoga, Tex.?The year-old daugher of Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy FIbwers died n a hospital at Beaumont two weeks ,fter she had been spurred by a tlgbtng cock. f * = LOOK AT CHILD'S = TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POI. 8ON8 FROM LITTLE 8TOMACH, LIVER, BOWEL8. GIVE CALIFORNIA 8YRUP OF FIQ8 AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CON8TIPATED. Look at the tongue, mother I If coated. It is n sure sign that your little one's stoinnch, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, v doesn't Bleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Pigs," and In a few hours nil the foul, 1 constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the . little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't conx sick children to 1 take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of 1 "California Syrup of Figs," which hus < directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the I bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by the "Pnll- ] fornln Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempT.?Adv. i Held Back. "How old are you, little man?" "I'm eleven. 1 would have been twelve only I was sick for a year." OUR BOYS "OVER THERE" ENJOY TOASTED CIGARETTES. 1 Through the patriotism of the citl' sens of this country thousands of smoke kits are being distributed to American soldiers in France. Author- < Ities agree that men in the trenches need cigarettes almost as much as i food and munitions. ! Doctors, nurses, and commanding officers all join in the demand which has awakened in this country a great movement to keep our boys supplied with smokes. I Millions of the famous LUCKY j J STRIKE Cigarettes are "going over" all the time. There's something 1 about the idea of the ioasleJ ciga- 1 rette that appeals to the men who ! spend their time in cold, wet trenches and billets. | Then, too, the real Kentucky Burley ! tobacco of the LUCKY STRIKE ciga- , rette gives them the solid satisfaction j of a pipe, with a lot less trouble. Adv. 1 1 , The innn who wins Is the man who : works, and the man who fulls Is the j 1 man who shirks, generally. FRECKLES: Now la the Tine to Get Rid of Tlieeo Ugly Spota There's no longer the slightest nee<l of feeling | ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne?double strength?la guaranteed to remove these homely 1 spots. | Simply get an ounce of Othlne?double strength?from your druggist, and apply a little ' of It night and morning and you should soon ?ee ' that even the worst freckles have begun to dls- . appear, while the lighter one# hare vanished en- ! tircly. It ta seldom that more than one ounce i I la needed to completely clear the skin and gain ( a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to nsk for the double strength Othlne, ( as this la sold under guarantee of money back . If It falls to remove freckles.?Adv. I It ts loss to suffor punishment than to deserve It.?Ovid. Roman Kye Hal sum la an antiseptic olntl Blent, applied externally and not a "waih." It heala the Inflamed aurfacea, providing prompt relief. Adv. { For rarely man escapes his destiny. ?Arlsto. -s 1 I TLL !~ B.U.. mid is oeiior Than Laxatives jl On* NR TtbUt Bioh Nl|ht For AWmH Will CorrMt Your Constipation and I Make Conatant Dosing Uniwoaa* i ary. Try It. Poor digestion and assimilation mean a poorly nourished body a.d low vitality. Poor elimination meana j , cloggod bowels, fermentation, put! Ifaetlon and the formation of poisonous gases which are absorbed by the blood and carried through the body. The result Is weakness, headaches, dizziness, coated tongue, Inactive liver* bilious attacks, loss of energy, nervousness. poor appetite, impoverished 1 blood, sallow complexion, pimples, skin disease, and often times serloua Illness. I Ordinary laxatives, purges and cathartics?salts, oils, calomel and the like?may relievo for a few hours, but real, lasting benefit can only corns through use of medicine that tones tip mid strenglhcr.s the dtg> stivo as well as the ellmlnatlve organs. Get a 25c box of Nature s Remedy (NR Tablets) and take one tablet each' right for a week. Relief will follow the very first dose, but a few days will elapse before you feel and realize the fullest benefit. When you get straightened out and feci Just right again you need not take medicine every day?an occasional NTt Tablet will th#n Laph vniir <* *?? * . rj-Jvrm III RIHJII condition and you will always feel your best. Remember, keeping well is easier and cheaper than getting well. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) are old. guaranteed and recommended by your urugjbt. ' 0 THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By fairing LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, One oil Thousands of Such Cases. Blade River Falla, Wis.?"As Lydla B. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound I ______ saved me from an iUIJflfl operation. I cannot IHDNfl say enough in praise of it. I suffered from *fH| organic troubles and fcJn ! my side hurt me so -Jin I could hardly be up *rom ^ed'and i v?as unable to do^ny *' *%' the best doctors in j Eau Claire and they ' < i'V. wnntitd me to have I* 1 ' an operation, but ' ' LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me so I did not need.the operation, and I am telling all my frienda about it"?Mrs. A. W. Binzer, Black River Falls, Wis. It is iust such experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or '* the blues" should not rest until jhe has given it a trial, and for special advice write Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Bweet Potato Plants ? Iim, hid, ui rort* ri,m 1.000 St 12.60 > fob. 1*?S100I>A4o2 1 l><'ro 1.000. IS 60 rum a to Plants?Beutr, s*ru... 8 to.. 1 8S1 1*1 . . POST PAID 1.000, 1.761 T. O. b. 100. 40a 6.000 st 160 hers 1,000 B.W 10,000 St 1.26J 1 w w PEPPRR PT % VTU nnnv irivn BOO l'LANT8. N. Y. ImprovViL* MO. II .361 POST PA'D 1.000. J.a 1 t. o. b. loo. jOc 6,000 at 3.00J bora 1.000,6.16 D. F. JAMISON. 8VUUEKTILLE, A. C. When You Need a Good Vonic Take BABflK Till QUICK AND BUKB C UB FOB Malaria, Chilli, Fe" . and Grippe CONTAIN" ' j QUININB ILL DRUOO'0" ?r by Parcel Post, prepaid, | .-? ? h!c1 A Co., Washington, O. C. j Boys and Girls Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Welcome Word. Hock?"I suppose you always let your wife have the last word." I'eck ?"Yes. and I'm tickled to death when die Rots to It." PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The symptoms of kidney and bladder troubles are often very distressing and eave the system in a run down condition. The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al- i most every victim complnins of lame back ind urinary troubles which should not be | [leglected, as these danger signals often j lead to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so ] many people say, soon heals and strcngthSns the kidneys, is a splendid kidney, j liver and bladder medicine, and, being in herbal compound, lias a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is al- 1 most immediately noticed in most cases t>y those who use it. A trial will convince anyone who may be in need of it. Retter get a bottle from your nearest drug store, and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to te9t this ireat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Itinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Big Red Cross Diamond. One of the finest nn?l largest diamonds in the world has been presented to the lted Cross sale by the Diamond syndicate of London. The stone, which Is of the tint known as "pale canary." weighs 205 karats and Is practically twice as large as the Kohlnoor (100 karats). It Is highly phosphorescent, and nfter brilliant illumination emits the rays It has absorbed, thus :?ecoming self-luminous In the dark. The stone, which originally weighed 170 karats and \yas discovered In 1901 , n the Des Beers mines in Griquclund West, has been cut In very original ?nd beautiful form at Amsterdam, a feature of the cutting being that a Maltese cross Is visible in the facets. This peculiarity Is only shared by the i I'ltt diamond. Some Idea of Its value may be gain- J ?d from the fact that a yellow diamond of 80 karats, belonging to the "/own Jewels of Austria. Is valued at E110.000, and from the model of this fine which was shown recently Is far Inferior to the "lted Cross" diamond.? London Chronicle. Specialized In Athletics. -jones wiisi cunciueu in Harvard, wasn't ho?" "No; merely went there." Scenting Something. "Ever rend the "Reflections of an r?ld Ihiehelur?' " "Reflections on who?" ^MO WASTE IN A PACKAGE OF PostToasties says Corn Food Good ToThe Last Flako* t ' ?^y *' -1 I - .. ?,< IRC WRIG Six reasons / \i\ m the BBS f and sailor; |H Three :^frhe^ Last Stage. "Young Cliumpson is attentive to Miss Fndlelgh." "Yes." "Is he very fur gone?" "I'm afraid so. lie's talking about buying a blue automobile to match her eyes."?llirmingham Age-Herald. pidici uhur iin uinLo: innivc ur A LEMON LOTION LEMON JUICE WHITENS SKIN AND REMOVES TAN, FRECKLES, SALLOWNESS. Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shuku well, and you have a quurter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion whltener, at Very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemish*-# disappear and how clenr, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes I It Is harmless.?Adv. Hla Home. Friend?Why do you put the service flag on the car Instead of your home? Wife of Soldier?Ilecuuse, you know. Jim lived In his car before he went to war.?Life. 8oothe Baby Raahea That Itch and burn with hot baths of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle nnolntlngs of Cutlcura Ointment. Nothing better. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X. Boston." Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv Yes, Elizabeth, you can get a firstclass wattle Impression by sleeping on an old-fashioned corded bedstead. __ ^ Valuable Iron Tonic for the Blood GROVBd TASTKI.KSS chill ToNIO l'urltl.-s and Kiirlt-hua tho Hlood. It >ruu>i'< the llrcr, drive* out mularlii and builds tip th? whole system. A Oonsrel Strengthen! n* Tunic for Adulta and Children, I discretion has a greater commercial cable than valor, Lend^m^ c?, Bcfe PATRIOTISM "Act]ons sfjea words-Act - Doi hhat can It meant a miserable condition of ill h ailments such as headache, backache, d; various kinds, piles and numerous other against nature, and no human being rat constipated. OR. TIJTT S LIVER PII successfully all over this country for 72 ; to have your liver and bowels resumi For sale at all druggists and dealers e\ Dr. f iitt's U?HV flood W lie friend: Steadies nerves Allays thirst Sids appetite lelps digestion leeps teeth clean t's economical i soldiers > supplledl^^^BPL i'7T"iPm -WRIfaLlLi M T[t*Z*K^Kk j^WRIGLEYiTm & IN ooa t after every meal lavor Lasts!_ She Old. "When I met Miss nidglrl she was looking for a tint. l>id she get one?" "Oh, yes. She married it." . A SOFT, VELVETY SKIN should he the nmhttton of every wornan as there Is nothing so attractive as a fair, smooth skin. Neither soaps I nor powders can give this. Thousands of southern women know from experience that Tetterlne will quickly rid the skin of Its disfiguring pimples and blotches and give it that bright cleur appearance so much admired. Tetterlne is sold by druggists or sent by mull for 50c. by Shuptrine Co, Savannah, Ga.?Adv. And now most of us realize that w? have %kept last year's good resolution 11 secret Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A husband in hand is worth two that are beyond control. tDo Your Cows Fail to Clean? Thla tv a serious condition and requires prompt attention l>r. David Kol.erta' Cow Cleaner Kirns quick relief. Keep It on band and prevent the ruin of your cow. Read the Practice I Home Veterinarian Sood for froo booh 1*1 m Abortlaa la Cava If no dealer In your town, write Dr. Daiid Robadi' Tit. Co.. 100 Driad Arsiue, Waukesha. Wla. Kill All Flies! ^sI:sre"0 I'laced anywhere. Daisy Fly K 11 Inr attract# ftnd kills mi uira. r? oai, ne?n, ornarr rn lai, ood Tonieu I am] cheap. ^' ' ' f^ ^ (joMrmg** HAMOLD IOMIR?. ISO DI KALB AVI., DROOKLYM, N. Y. nOflpCV TWUTMMT. OItm qntet Niin. |V J ^ ' Bo?*n rrmoTN swelling and short breath. Iterer heard of Its eaual fur dn>i??F? t Try tu Trial treatment lent Fill, by mall. A-frTwrtuto OR. THOMAS K. CHECH tMk 114^ BU 20, OHAT SWOITM, iA. SlirrPCC Paw OF Tnu lfad,othnri follow. Bi OU6CeSI| rovrer a l.?nd?r. Particulars free. Sdaralloaal lafornalUi Horuo, to? W. litrd til , Na?r Tart W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 18-1918L ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy SAPOLIO For ECONOMY k louder Ihan if Talk - Buy Now WIN NEWS 1.U .1 ? I- -11 ' 1 rami iimi leant to &n sons of special ytpepain, dizzinrja, indigestion, paina of diaordera?CONSTIPATION ia m crime i be well for any length of time while l.S ia the remedy and haa been uaed year*. Get a box and aee how it feela e their health-giving natural functiona. 'crywhere. Liver Pills ' I i: