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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Capt. James D. Fulp, of Camp Jackson, was a week-end visitor in Fort Mill. Mr. W. D. Wolfe is able to return to his business after a weeks' confinement at his home j by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter, of Lancaster, were guests for >4 the week end of Mr. and Mrs. i W. L. Bovd. Mrs. F. Everard Ardrey has returned to her home here after a three week's visit to relatives in Florence. > Miss Ethel Armstrong who has been teaching in the public x school in Lattimore, N. C.,is at home for the holidays. Mrs. Ernest G. Gaither and her little son of' Statesville, N. C.. are guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. James W. Wylie, of Greensboro, N. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray, in thjs city. Mrs. S. L. Garrison, of Fort Mill, is in the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte, for treatment j* i i _ i or paralysis. Mrs. Herbert Battle, of Montgomery, Ala., and Mrs. R. L. Gibbon, of Charlotte, are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey on Booth street. Misses Cornelia and Alice Harris, of Charlotte, were week end guests in the home of their oarents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Harris. The Rev T. F. Haney, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Ilartsville. S. C,, will preach at both the morning and evening services next Sunday in the local Presbyterian church. At the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday evening, April 23, Miss Edith Lee, eldest daughter ot* Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lee, and T. Clarence Hoagland, a young Fort Mill business man, were happily married, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. S. Goodwin. Miss Bessie Armstrong and Mr. Edward Yarhorough, a soldier from Camp Jackson, were married Saturday afternoon at the hotne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Armstrong, in this city. Mr. Yorborough returned to his company Sunday afternoon. An honor flag is prominently displayed on Trade street ilidi eating that Fort Mill has subscribed its quota of the Third Liberty Loan, arid Friday the banks and schools were closed in honor of Liberty Day, wliije the canvass for more subscriptions goes on. The J. B. Mills Co. has purchased the stock and good will of the Carolina Bargain House which for several months past has been owned and managed by Mr. B. M. Lee who expects in ashort time to return to his former home in Texas. The transfer will take place as soon as inventories are taken which will be during the present week. It is the present intention of the new owners to operate the stores at their present location. Mrs. Cannup Dead. Mrs. Avie Cannup. wife of Mr. Chas. M. Cannup, died at her home one mile west of Fort Mill Thursday morning at 5:30 o'clock following an illness of several months. The funeral by Rev. VV. S. Goodwin was held Friday morning from Marvin Baptist church and the burial was made in Marvin cemetery. Mrs. Cannup was about 35 vears of age and was a devout Christian woman, beloved by all who knew her. She is survived by a husband and six children, to whom the sympathy of all goes out. Casualties in France. The following summary of the American rnstiMltiesi im W. WW W ? WVMW to and including April 18th, are as follows: Killed in action, 268 Killed or prisoner 1 Killed by accident 191 Died of disease 911 Lost at sea 237 Died of wounds 88 Dead civilians 7 Gas, suicide, executed and unknown causes,. 46 Total.deaths 1,749 Wounded 1,922 Captured N 43 Missing 39 Captured or rnissiifg 7, Grand total 3,7541 frilw f> * * m ????? ????? Graded School Honor Roll. Following: is the honor roll of the Fort Mill graded school for April: First Grade?Highly Distinguished: Allie Bradford, Pansy Gamble, Josephine McCorkle, Lula Parks. Distinguished: Ruth r?_*i rt i n ^ Danes, neien rerguson. Guy Reeves, Mildred Kearns, Everod Armstrong, Clarence Kloniger, John McGuirt, Hazel McKibben, Prank Lytle, Parks Bradford. Advanced First Grade?Highly Distinguished: Garland Dyches. Distinguished: Henry Armstrong Claude Culp, Harry Harkey, Randolph Carothers, Emma Bailes, Maggie Bell, Cornelia Thompson, Maggie Ligon, Myra Bell Kimbrell, Albert Taylor. Second Grade?Highly Distinguished: Gregory Dyches, Mary Garrison. Distinguished: Melvin Carter. ELhel Rons. Fin ley Lee, James Merritt, Mary Barber, Eleanor Spratt,~ Margaret Bailes, Bleeker Bailes. Third Grade?Highly Distinguished: George lloss Garrison, Owen Patterson. Distinguished: Jessie Lee Archie, Frances Bradford, Willie May Kearns, Frances Hoagland, Mary Brenan Harris, Lewis McKibben, Faulkner Parks. Fourth Grade?Highly Distinguished: Willie Bradford. Cora Massey, Harvey Capps, John McLaughlin. Distinguished: Ada Armstrong, Catherine Crowder. Fifth Grade ? Distinguished:' Lillie Bailes, Ellen Crane, Edith Parks, Hampton Dycnes, Olivej Hood. Sixth Grade ? Distinguished: Lawrence Armstrong, Bertha T>., I_^ T? 1 uivui c, uic[iucii rarns, ijanu Steele. Seventh Grade?Highly Distinguished: Virginia Barber, ; Martha Dyches, Grace Goodwin, i Elizabeth Mills. Eighth Grade?Highly Distin-i guished: Annie Parks, 954-5; 1 Distinguished: Marian Parks, 903 5; Elma Bradford, 90; Arthur Young, 90. Ninth Grade?Blanche Moser, 932-5; Fair Lee. 92 4-5. Tenth Grade?Highly Distin- i guished: Rebecca Blankenship, 95 2-3; Stough Blankenship, ' 952-5. Distinguished: Rleeker 1 Lee, 94 1-6; John Crook, 92 4-5; William Grier, 92 1-6. Buyers of Liberty Bonds. The following Fort Mill people have bought bonds since the i publication of the list last week: I J. H. McMurray, Miss Isabel Grier. W. L. Patterson, Mrs. W. D. Wolfe. W. E. Kimbrell, | J. G. Smith. W. H. Crook, J. D. Adkins, Wm. Grier, J. Z. Bailes, ! S. L. Garrison, Mrs. C. W. AlcNealy, Chas. McNealv. W. H. i Howard. Mrs. W. II. Howard. Democratic Club Meeting. The reorganization of the Fort Mill democratic'club was effected Saturday afternoon at a meeting held in the town hall. Mr. J. R. Haiie was called to the chair and Capt. W. R. Bradford acted a <5 I om nn?-j f? A ?? wm?/vini.T ctiliy, nominating: committee composed of \V. B. Meacham, VV. H. VVindeil and J. H. Sutton was appointed to nominate officers and delegates to the county convention. The report of this committee which was unanimously adopted follows: J. R. Haile, president; B. E. Patterson, vice-presiuent; J. M. Hutchison, secretary, and W. A. Roach, treasurer. Delegates to the county convention are as follows: R. P. Haaris. R. E. McKibben, A. J. Broom, B. E. Patterson, E. S. Parks, J. M. Hutcnison, J. R. > Haile, D. G. Kimbrell, S. H. Epps, VV. II. Windell, C. P. Blankenship, \V. H. Crook, VV. H. Jones, J. H. Sutton; alternates, M. J. Adcock, J. C. McElhaney, A. R. Starnes, J. E. 1 Jones, VV. J. Steele, VV. A. ! Roach, T. F. Lytle. J. F. Lee, W. P. Epp>, J. K. Windell, B. F. Bunnell, C. T. Crook, S. P. Sutton, VV. D. Therrell. As member of the county executive committee, C. P. Blankenship was elected and VV. II. Windell was recommended for election as delegates to the State convention. On motion the dele gates to the county convention were instructed to vote as a unit. Quota $13,000; Took $115,000. Piedmont, a manufacturing t)wn in Greenville county, claims to lead the United States in its record on the Third Liberty loan. Its allotment was $13,000 and it is announced that a total of $115,000 has already been subscribed. . FOR SA LE Spanish Peanuts. See Karl GL Faria. % I Monday, TT iiACfloii I ucouaj IWednes Thui F I Every day is Bargain day if , WASH SKIRTS-A comp Skirts, best materials and st; WAISTS?Voile and Orgai and plain, 60c to $2.50. I Georgette Crepe Waists in flesh. $4.00 and $4.50. r* .1 r^t 1 Iv^repe ue emene in wtnre, : HOSIERY ?Ladies' Fine ! white and j?rey, $1.50. Ladies' Lisle Hose, 35c, 50< I Boys' heavy ribbed Hose, I Misses' ribbed Hose, white CURTAIN GOODS?Whit* Bordered white and Ecru, 15 TABLE LINEN-Pure Lin cerized Linen Damask, 90< I Cotton, 50c and 75c. TABLE NAPKINS-Pure per doz. $3.50 and $4.50. M per doz. $2.50 and $3.00. Me per doz. $1.50 and $2.00. I Learn the Way to Kimb I Fort Mil Strikes Blow at Sub. Base. The British have not permitted the halt in the fighting along the western battlefront to keep inactive. No less objective was sought than the blotting out by one sweeping blow of Germany's submarine menace from the bases Zeebrugge and Ostend. by ; the sinking across the exits from the harbors of large old-time cruisers, laden with cargoes of ballast, to make them more difficult of removal. It is believed, however, that they failed to fully choked the channel. I Card of Thanks. _____ f Wi* wish to publicly thank our neighbors and friends for the acts of kindness and many courtesies shown us during the late illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. May the Lord richly reward you. Chas. Cannup and Children. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 We wish to announce to our patrons and friends that our place will he closed until we can arrange to open a Cafe in connection with our market. We thank the public for psst'patronage and when we open again we expect to work to this end? "Please our patrons." Fort Mill Cash Market. \ Political Announcement. To the Democratic Voters of the Fifth i District. I respectfully ask to be renominated and reelected to Congress from this District, and agree to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. 1 wiil not be able to spend much time in the District this summer, because of the great amount of important legislation growing out of the war, but will attend meetings in my district whenever possible. It is absolutely essential for congressmen to be at their posts at this time. - W. F. STFVKNSON. IONC. TERM FARM MORTGAGE I.OANS. Interest: SPECIAL KATE t> per cent, depending on conditions as to amount and credit period and annual installments offered, and as to borrower's urgency in having loan closed. ORDINARY RATE 7 per cent on a quick 5 to 10-yrar loan not under $300. For particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER. Attorney. Phone 15, Good Coffee, 15c Fresh Country Erpts 40c No. 1 Irish Potatoes, pk.. 50c < Choice Pink Salmon, 20c Canned Tomatoes _'20c Full stock of Flour and Corn Meal. Culp's Grocery, -v ^ w S MH1VI * ? ? ' * * 4 day, I Sh rsday, I _ riday, I Shirt buyi _ I have every Saturday I "!de"Shi' and are sole w to the best i you trade at KIMBRELL'S I range of p silk, at $1.5* lete line of White Wash ?1 nn ? yies. 75c to $3.50. ' ?* tidy Waists, fancy stripe ? W oi k Shi white, tan, lijrht blue and A $>4.50. I 200 pairs Silk Hose, black, brown, I 100 pair!c. 75c. | Pants, at $1 arge size 35c or 3 for $1.00 A u , , ,,, f and black, 25c and 35c. oOVS KI12 2 and Ecru, 15c and 30c. I ' ^ ^0 $2.0C c and 30c. I en Damask, $2.00. Mer- I i and $1.00. Mercerized V I Men'. We at $1.00 to !f i Ladies! W tne Du.y store. | new in our ' relics Ii Pattersi jS | t4Fort Mules, Mules. We now have in our barn a Car Load of Nice Tennessee ind Kentucky Mules and would like for you to call and look he lot over. Also some extra nice HORSES. It will pay you to buy from us. We'll satisfy you. Mills Livestock Co. I Need a New Wagon? Two car loads of these waarons on luuid. and they were bought, over a year ago, when wagons were 40 to f)0 percent, cheaper than thev are today. * In order to reduce our stock, we will sell a few of these wagons for less than to-day's , o * wholesale price. Fort Mill Lumber Company. f ^ j Tl I in; Buying ??????????? . ;-.v; < ng is made easy at this store. We style to select from. *ts and collars are Nationally known 1 by, the best stores in the best cities trade. We have them in a pretty atterns. Best Shirtings, including 0 to $5.00. Other good Shirts at nd $1.50. rts at 50c. 75c and SI.Oil. Pants, Pants. Men's Work Pants $1.50 to $3.00. ? men's "Outing" or Beach Cloth .50. iki, Beach Cloth and Wool Pants, Straw Hat Time. have theni in any style you want ?0. e are constantly adding something Millinery and Ready-to-Wear Depts. ox?? jii s uiy uuuus oiure. Mill's Fastest Growing Store." . | Be Prepared 1 Por the long, hot Summer days that are soon to follow. See us 1 Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Ice Gream Fserzers, Screen Doors \ Screen Windows, Screen Wire, |j Screen Hinges and Springs, k Fly Swatters, Porch Shades, | p d d ?i_ c___* $ i uiui ixutrvcib, r orcn owings, Hammocks, Crex Rugs. jjj Cash or Credit. I Young & Wolfe. I I Why Pay More? | Why keep on paying more for your Grocer- I ies, when you can save money by buying $ from us? We appreciate your past orders | and solicit your future patronage. We be- ? lieve you will be pleased with our goods. First - because we keep a fresh, clean, wholesome line of ' Groceries and Fresh Meats, Second?because we are sure we can I save you money on your purchases, Third ?because we show our appreciation of your patronage by serving you with the best the market affords. FERGUSON & PHILLIPS i !>-:? d.:j c? d?i. _ guvgi a nvcs i aiu iwi * uim. B isiTim, IBVi>AND HIDES I B^L. BIO BEST NA1KET PtICB p l?m rAlDjSlEHIDES.n,RS |l%f W?olCafomlMioa. Writafor /Tfi Kjtf ^ jrio^totmentioolncthJaad, D Unranm _ ltTA*USHt?183T -..III ?"8. J