University of South Carolina Libraries
Ky-t 5? J w '.5?? ' . -%v^ ?.* jB i, -Vsr.' ' | I LUCKY I CIGA T7* VE3RY mo> XZ/LodtyStrfl K end to end, fron the long way ? 15,000, Regular men li Cigarette?go< Burley tobacco because? OH Guaranteed \r Shjis JrywdLnsie* ??? T'ast History. Elsie's mother hold the opinion (ha Instruction should be Riven to childrei Inrldentnlly whenever |M>sslble. There fore on different occasions at the tubli Elsie learned thut venl is cut from i little culf, that slices of Imcon onc< helped to make a pljr. and so on. Om oibmitiK at breakfast she looked u| from her plate with a puzzled expros ion. "Mamma," she inquired, "what wai hash when It was alive?" After a man get* about so full h< can make himself believe that othei men think he la sober. When a toper sees things double hli glasses are a little bit too strong. Whit Do You Know About (gPjl CATTLE? V**!! Do Yob Waat to Know tha W*9I CATTLE BUSINESS ? ONmI Drop tu a post card today an( JAV get raaa imkormanoM atx>a the New Book, "CATTLE. BREEDS AND ORIGIN' about all breeds of cattle on earth ML DAVID ItttlTr VnUIMRT CD. . A 100 RtUHSMA WIS W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 15-1911 Relieve Your Rheumatism For 25c. NR Today?i There tr* three Tital -processes of human existence,?the digestion of food, the extraction of nourishment from It and the elimination of the waste. Let anythln* Interfere wltk these firocesses,?let them be Interrupted or raproperly carried on, and slcknesa^tf of some kind followa Poor digestion and adslmlla-M 1 tlon means failure to derive . full nourtahment from food and k that In turn often means im- V B poverlabed blood, weakness, w B anemia, etc. I'oor elimination means an accumulation of waste matter which poisons the body, lowers vitality, decreases the power of resistance to disease and leads to the development of many serious 111a. Rheumatism,?due to some Interference with the process of elimination, failure to get rid of certain body poisons,?cannot be expected to yield to any medicine that falls to correct the condition responsible for It. Could any reasonable person expect to rid of rheumatic pain as Ions as warn -TABLETSCarter's lit! You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Small PIH I imudom Small Price JM^19 A BSENCB of Iron In the 1 v Blood le the resaon for I many colorless faces but ft %I . * ??* II STRIKE RETTE nth we make enough ce Cigarettes to reach, 1 New York to China, round. That's | AAA i AAV ike the Lucky Strike v >d, solid Kentucky , fine for a cigarette 5 TOASTED ( t t < ! ( t y 11 Couldn't Figure It Out. t t It was tlit* llrst time the little emin* ? i try cousin had visited a schoolhouse j - In the city. During the class reel to- ] b lions lie sat respectfully, as a guest, t l at one of the vacant desks near his s b city relative. His eyes were busy takb Iiik In the unfamiliar surroundings. r i "I think It's all fine," he remarked. u "only I can't figure out how you build j the fire in those stoves," Indicating j i the radiator. j, The young man was taken to the f basement and the mysteries of a mod- ? b ern steam-heating plant were ex- t r plained to him by the teacher with the y | aid of the janitor. 4 i Kill the Flies Now and Prevent s dlMMe. A DAI8Y FLY KILI.EH will do It. j * Kill* thousands. Lasts mil season. All dealers I or iiz Rom expres* psia ror 91. 11. bomkrb, 1 150 Da Kslb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv. 1 C Time Changes. J , "We no longer have the soliloquy on I i the stnKe." "No; the telephone eon- r vernation has taken Its place." * f r However, the disgrace of poverty Is * L J overshadowed by discomfort. I NR does it by Improving digestion, assimilation z r and elimination ? the logical way. J ' a Imlief or No Pay r t | rheum&tlo poison la ennvxt .-? m. main In the body. Think of thla It explains tha auo- t cesa of Nature's Remedy (NR. Tab- t lata) In ao many cases where other , medicines have failed. Thousands are 1 using NR Tablets every day and set^^^ting relief. Why pay five or ten times as much for uncertain I w things? A S6o box of Nature'o IBB Remedy (NR Tablets), contalnlng enough to last twentya Ave days,?must help you, must o I B V give you prompt relief and sat- . Isfactory beiietlt oc cost you ' U^P^nothlnff. J, And Nature's Remedy la not only , for the relief of rheumatism. It lm- 1 proves digestion, tones the liver, reg- / ulates kidney and bowel action, lm- . proves the blood and cleanses the whole system. You'll fe-1 like a new i person when you've taken NR Tablets , a week. You've tried the expensive medicines and doctors, now make the 1 real test. You'll get results this time. ' _ Nature's Rsmsdy (NR Tablets) Is I a sold, guaranteed and recommended br r your druggist. f IBBBI tie liver Pills A Remedy That Makes Life 1ITTI cl WAf4lt I !??? I ' IYER nviuiuiTiug r pi lie Genuine b??ra signature sS-1 I ARTER'S IRON PILLS ! will grwdy help most pale-faced people c msmssmmnesBaemaesael .. i IFR tSR - CRWF * WHOLESOME - DELICIOUS I THI SAMITMtY HUMM WNII6 IN 1MI MAKING. OS mm BMCSITS HAKI I VMM THS STANDARD ?T EXCELLENCE - 1mr Mir Ms 1mm. or if art he ikMld. - ?4sk has or wile m* sfcmu hie mm. CHATTANOOGA ftAKMY - > ii ?J fins^s* v - .i# ? * ^ SP" Jfir# sqvernqr talks i of mm visit UNOS THI BIQ COLLEGE IN EX CELLENT CONDITION IN EVERY RESPECT. low OVER 1,000 STUDENTS York en New Dormitory?Has $90,000 For New Y. W. C. A. RlillHinn Columbia.?The enrollment at Winhrop College this session has exceeded 1,000 students and the attendance las kept up remarkably well, stated Jovernor Manning, who recently atended a meeting of the board of trusees of the institution. The trustees >f the institution. The trustees, he itated. found the college in good conlition in every way and the health of he students has been unimpaired luring the session with the exception >f considerable measles and mumps tince the Christmas holidays. On account of the prevalence of erehro-splnal meningitis in South 'arollna the students have not been illowed to travel about the State, said lie governor, but it is expected that ( t will be possible to raise this quar- j illMlio w'rvtn An oaoamw! u? " uuwm n\A i/uui ui mr nuiiruvenent In the meningitis situation. "The board authorized the building . ommittee to secure an architect, prc>are plans and let the contract for the lew dormitory to accommodate 250 totoo more young women provided for it the Inst session of the legislature,' inhl the governor. "This dorm>ory >annot be completed in time for the lext session, but it will be finished for he subsequent session. It requires j uimething like 12 months to build and ! nake ready for occupancy such a large mlldlng as a dormitory of this size. 1 This new dormitory will enable Winhrop College to accommodate all of he high school graduates in the Sta'e >renared for college who heretofore ~ lave been turned away for lack of oom. "President Johnson r#*norf<?it thnt ?ii I mt $10,000 of the amount needed to lecure lance conditional gifts for a foung Women's Christian Association in'lding for the college had been alsed. It will take $100,000 to erect nirh a structure as is needed at Winhrop to foster and strengthen the reigious and social life* of that iustiutlon. Of this amount, said Dr. Johnen $90,000 has been raised, and. unler the conditions upon which the be:ue3ts were made, the remaining moifnts must be secured and placed n a bank before the first of next rune. The board of trustees earnestly lopes that the amount already raised or this very important building will lot he lost to the State for the lack of lie $10,000. which must be collected rltliln a period of under two months "The college is preparing to train cachers of home economics for the chools of the State under the SmithTughes vocational law. "Preparations have oeen made for a arge and strong summer school at the | ollege to be held from June 18 to une 26. It i9 believed that there will >e a large attendance upon this sumner school, and the teachers are urgd not to lessen theli efforts to fetter i It themselves for their important du- ! ieB on account of the war. but rather o make themselves more efficient on hat account. Pamplico Gets Patriotic. Pampllco.?A blow for liberty and letrocraey was struck when 2,000 cltiens of Paniplico and adjoining com- { nunities arose and with clinched fists >1 edged themselves to work unceasingy until Ame*ica shall be successful n the war. It was the voice of the onst country speaking. The demon"ation came after a series of able iddresses on the war issues. The mass reeling wa9 held in the interest of he Red Cross. Liberty loan and war avings campaigns. It was a truly tmcrlcan mass meeting. Statements :y the speakers denouncing disloyalty n every form were favorably received iy the audience. Don't Like Increased Rates. Aiken.?The South Carolina railroad ommission held a public hearing at Jraniteville, which was attended by a nrge number of people from the ?l.. A.. a. wife V Iron ?aur/ tnuiift UIO Ail^USia* Cken Railway and Electric Corpora "on's trolley line from Augusta to Uken and from Aiken, In response to he request of patrons of the trolley ine, who entered a vigorous protest gainst the increase In passengor ates which has recently gone into efrtct. and particularly against the ng of the zone system. Sell Lemon Trees. Columbia.?Sara J. Derrick, of Swanea. has entered the South Carolina nark't with a new commodity. He ihs a tree for sale and It kit't f?m!v tree either, lie is offering an eight j ear old. ever-bearing lemon tree to ; he publi'- at a reasonable price and he i ins samnles of the fruit to ccnvin e i he mos' doubtful of prosnectlve pur linees. Ifo brought one of tho lemons o Columbia This was one of averr - s>.e. which weighed ore and one n f pounds. The tree is now In fu1! ilorm, with a number of little lemons Young Seamen Study. Columbia.?Edward Mobley Wood vnrd. now enlisted in the United States navy, ia in Columbia on a 30!ay furlough. For several weeks he vlll be coached by Col. A. R. Bank*, 'or entrance into the United States s'aval Academy at Annapolis. This is n accordance with a rceent ruilnt by he serotary of the navy that 100 sail>rs be permitted to enter the academj >n passing the required examnation V large number of sailors will tak< ha examination. P Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion ! The Jutce of two fresh lemons strain ed Into b bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the moot remarkable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon luic* thmmri. fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tnn and Is the Ideal skin softener, sraoothener and beautlfler. Just try ltt Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage It dally Into, the face, neck, nrtnx and bands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any skin. It Is wonderful for rough, red hands. Tour druggist will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. And Teacher Fainted. "<Jood morning, children," said the urithluetic teacher. "How many of you have prepared an original problem in multiplication, as I requested?" Only one hand went up. "Well. William, you may give your problem, und the rest of the class uioy solve It." "If my baby sister is a year old now and weighs 20 pounds, and keeps on gaining two ounces a day until she Is sixteen years old; and if the price of living doubles again in the next ten years, how much will my sister's graduation out lit cost? Mother says she would like to know."?People's Home Journal. LIFTS THE BURDEN OF PAIN FROM THOUSANDS Plies Is a disease to which both sexes and all ages a**9 subject. Physicians have treated thousands of eases with more or less temporary success?with an ultimate recourse to operation in advanced cases. Positive relief comes to users of Eagle Pile Itemedy who will and have na<ul fhla a ?t ?? ? ? j rm mini auu provea medicine. It Is nr. entirely home treatment. simple and easy to take, and has succeeded and permanently removed piles of the worst kind. "I have saved a hundred dollars on operations and loss of time at business." reads one testimonial. What It hns done for others It can do for you. A postal brings an easy-to-understand booklet. A dollar buys a week's supply. At your druggist or direct from llie Reed Distributing Company. 146 Godwin St., Paterson, N. J.?Adv, Following the Rules. A recruit while walking post one night saw a man approaching. He stopped and cried, "Halt, who goes there?" "Officer of the day," came the answer. "Hult; who goes the'e?" cried the sentry again. "Officer of I he day." There was silence for a few seconds, then the officer asked: "Well, what ate you going to do next?" The recruit answered: "Halt you again and then shoot." Cuticura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cuticura Ointment. Follow at once by n hot shampoo with Cuticura Soup, if a nuu , uui morning ir a woman. For free samples address. "CutI extra, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. The Reason. "I saw a woman when I entered the parlor, but she swept out the room in a way that Impressed me." "Did she sweep out with great dig- ' nlty?" "No, with a broom." IIow easy it is to forgive an enemy I when lie is In a position to do you a fnvor! i (f^p|l|??||ll 1 Swift ||ji It shows fSi A Kg Proce P& covered a ||3 expense a |g Company Average pri glj Average pri Average pri Total recen This leaves. ^ Of which th "" ? Th (gIBM ______ I Are Here Told the 1 for Their Tn Freemont, O.?"I was passing period of life, being1 forty-six yei the symptoms incident to that c! nervousness, and was in a genera so it was hard for me to do my v ham's Vegetable Compound was i the best remedy for my troubles,i to be. I feel better and strong taking it, and the annoying s; pe&red."?Mrs. M. Goddxh, 936 if Ohio. North Haven, Conn.?"Lydia ble Compound restored my healtt had failed when passing through la nothing like it to overcome tl ?Mrs. Flobucb Isn.i.a.Box 1W3 In LYDU I VEGET/ I lias tine greote German Bouncing Bomb. The elastic properties of rubber are | being used by the CJennaps In their | p Infest missile, the bouncing bomb. Tills j s curious device bus a busc of rubber so I n weighted that the bomb when thrown I through the uir strikes upon it. The Impact causes it to leup Into the air and also releases the time fuse. This I fuse is so arranged that the bomb bursts when at the highest point? some six feet from the ground. Its destructive power Is then much greater than If It exploded while on the , ground.?Milestones. Holderless Pen. ? A European Inventor lias devised a Ii metal blank with four clumps which 0 carries a i?eii at the end. This device clamped around the forefinger is said to make writing much easier than when a penholder is used. p i Dr. Pierce's Pellets Are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. si It is a sin to steal a |>ln, especially tl if It has a diamond attached to It. flood people who fall to die young u usually die |>oor. tl Send & Company's i that Swift & Com for less money tl eds from the sale of the 11 expense of dressing,: md the profit of $1.29 pi 's 1917 figures as follov Ce Pa*d for live cattle per steer qe received for meat ce received for by-products /ed for expenses and profit ie Pr?f'f Per ?teer was . ere are many other int< facts and figures in We want to send our 1918 for the asking. Address Swift Swift & C( nod sweetens the stomach and altmen- ! tary canal, stlmnlates the liver to se- 1 crete the bile and Impnrltlea from the blood. Sold In all civilised countries. ' Give It a trial.?Adv. h Reason for Hla Question. d William went with his mother to visit a bnby. After being left nlone in the room a little while he cuine out * nnd said: "Isu't she christened?" * His mother said: "Why?" * He said: "Because I called her " (Catherine and she didn't answer me." n g The Right Kind. 11 "What kind of a coach did you get ? for your examinations?" e "An old college hack." | 8 I1 Onions ami whisky form n couibina- j tlon calculated to put almost any hap- i d py home otit of commission. 1 I (Middle i I Wnmi GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER I' Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such as sick bead acne, constipation, so or stomach. nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases In the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion i both In stomach and Intestines, cleans j Calomel Users! Li: | I Guarantee Dc Your druggist gives back ; liven your liver and b< you up without m Ggh! Calomel makes you sick. It's t orrlble! Take a dose of the dangerous j rug tonight and tomorrow you may c >se a day's work. t Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver t rhlch causes necrosis of the bones, c felomel, when it comes Into contact r rlth sour bile, crashes Into It, breuklng 1 t up. This Is when you feel that awful musea und cramping. If you ure slug- ] lsh and "all knocked out," If your ? Iver Is torpid and bowels constipated t r you have headache, dizziness, coat- j d tongue, if breath Is bud or stomach y our, Just try a spoonful of hurmless 1 >odson'8 Liver Tone tonight. 1 Here's my guarantee?Go to any 1 Irug store and get a bottle of Godson's i .lver Tone for a few cents. Take u 1 > ^ged jjSI Best Remedy X through the critical 3^ irs of ago and had all hange ? heat flashes, ,1 run down condition, rorlc. Lydia E. Pinkrecommended to me as \ which it surely proved k ^ er In every way since r/y/S^^L Fmptoms have disap- ZJ~ apolcon St., Fremont, E. Pinkham's Vegeta- <y~w^rC^iHH l after everything elso change of life. There lM HH| le trying symptoms.'* W ', North Haven, Conn. l Sudk Cases i E. PINKF kBLE COM] st record for 4e The Nasal System. While mother wus arranging the nntry shelves Marjory handed her the I pice boxes, mentioning each spice by ame. Presently she snld: "Mamma, i i can read." ( "Can you, dear?" \ "Yes. mamma," snld Marjory, "hut I don't read like you. I read by sinell." -Boston Transcript. ; i Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of | 'ASTORIA, thut famous old remedy | ( jr infunts and children, and see that it , SZZaLtOESi'v a Use for Over au leura. hildren Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Remedy. "I have so much on tny hands at ( resent that I don't know what to do." "Why not try some soap and water?" -London Tlt-Blts. If we could see ourselves as others ' ce us what a disagreeable old world ills would be for us to live In ! i Most I? M>l)le Would i-liM4>rfiillv I lournlng If they could pick out those ; liey lutd to wear It for. ' f for 1918 Year 1 pany sells the mea len the live steel hide, fat, and other by-i refrigeration, freight, er steer as shown by ! /s: $84.45 BOB 6897 BOB 2109 mwm 93.06 BBBBSHH 8.61 1.29 cresting and instructive the Year Book. Year Book, to anyone, anywhere 8e Company, Union Stock Yards, C Dmpany, U. S. A. v , K > i sten To Me! iHcnn'c I iuer Tnno rwwu v biiva I Viiw (rour money if it doesn't >wels and straighten aking you sick. poonful and If It doesn't straighten ou right up and make you feel fine ind vigorous I want you to go back to he store and get your money. L>od,on's Liver Tone is destroying the sale >f calomel because it is real liver uedlclne; entirely vegetable, therefore t cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodsou's Liver Tone will put your ilugglsh liver to work and clean your Miwels of that sour bile and constl>ated waste which is clogging your iystem and making you feel miserable. : guarantee that a bottle ot Dodson's Lilver Tone will keep your entire fnraly feeling flue for month.*, Give It to rour children. It Is harmless; doesn't ;rtpe and they like Its plensnnt taste. JAM'S" t POUND I greatest good! iM MEDICINE CO. LYMH.HASS, J A Traveling Elephant. Horace, aged three, of Winchester, received u book of itnltnal pictures In ivhich he hecnnie very much interested, it ltd asked his mother many questions. One night he was looking at the pic cure or the elephant ami, pointing to the elephant's trunk, said : "What's that, mother?" She told him It was the elephant's trunk. Two days Inter he was looking at the >ook and saw the picture of the elephant again. With childish glee he ran to his mother, exclaiming: "Oh. mother, look at the elephant's suitcase."? Indianapolis News. To Drive Out Malaria end Dulld Up The System Take the Old Standard UROVE'S TASTKI.KW Ihlll TONIC. You know wlint you nr.- taking aa ho formula Is printed on erery label, showing It la Quinine and Iron In u Tasteless form. Doing Her Share. "It lakes eheek lo kiss a girl." "Yes, hut frequently she Is willing :o supply the cheek." Anoint the eyelids with Roman Eye Btlism at nlKht. and In the morning observe he refrrahed and atrengthened aenaatlon la rour eyea. Adv. An ape Is an upe though clothed In dlk and scarlet. Ill!ll|||) Book I it from jra ' cost! <| products | selling Swift & >pj M | lij | hicaero. rScd ; jfc a iJB j, ^1 j - ' t J