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F ' Spr.' ?' Vp HprtCMlmts 15? luld DraoteJ H9- fGfflEEEffll I P^g^^ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. aJiu^i^ieRNdbjrB^A* Bg&CT tto^theSioaMdgaadBcw^rf E|g|l SccrftlnessandTteslitotaas 1 |WjS|Bra neither Optam, Morphine nor |?|^1 Mineral. Not Narcotic KJH Jtm^tfOUDcSAMJELffTOK*. BSsl^V'I JW v HK-* Fl MxSfwmm \ RS'^v-ra AMkSmOt ) 'ft , V' " I ^ I [p 'i C-H ) BK^Ii A helpful Remedy for H^./lpfkjnstJpattoniutdDiarfho?1: I | and Fcvcrlshness and j Kffig?? I Loss OF SLEEP i 1 HSfreg|| ) resuttin $ thercfrora^in KSglj fac-Similc Sijnatnreof 1 Tr? Centaur Conpajoc. ?l "new Exact Copy of Wrapper. # Equal to the Emergency. Mrs. Klatbush?I met Mrs. (Jubb at the funerul today. Mr. Klatbush?oh. that talkative woman? "Yes; and she kept talking all the time, and I was afraid she would disturb the service." "Why didn't you tell her to keep still?" "I did. but she said It wasn't ?... funeral." Tlie only perfect woiiiuu Is your sweetlieurt. I To | America] ! ! ^ There is no founds j \ violations of law att | pany by agents of Kg commission and 1 wt j?, ally that Swift & Com] la any conspiracy to dc sfi ment Nor has Swi IfS guilty of improperly Kg making false entries c Ig Conferences of pa |g have been discussed, Ig the urgent request ? Kjl of representatives c IKS Administration or the raS Defense. And yet th rS accused of committin effl in collusion on Gover Kg We have done ou |g| packers, large and sr KSI the directions of the |jgf Administration in all ] ggfl the furnishing of food |gj Army and Navy an< |*j ing handled through Qfl tration. raaj We will continue I jhw der Government dire iRu production and assis |H tration. We considei life to co-operate wholejgj, fulles*. powers with gj Government is our p <raj| ing duty. H The Trade Comm sk^j by false inference ar [|S| sis, given to disconn Ibuucspuuucnce ia?e files and read into the sinister meaning wit of creating antagoni The services of l United States are m and I regret exceedin this time have to s| defending ourselves unproved, and unfai are being daily made p.ACTnniA vnv I Ulftlfl Tot Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria AlwayB / % Bears the Air CV "n (\r ?sa U> For Over Ml 0 ?fl thirty Tears CftSTOBIA rw? mwnt. >tw ro>? orrv. Eats 'Em Alive. Mutht'r scolded her little daughter for staying at the grocery so long. "Hut, mother, the other little jjlrls stayed to see htm. hut tie did not come." "See what. olitldV" "Why, mamma, there was a sljm there, 'Man Kilting Shaik.' and we wanted to see htm." Opposite Treatment. "What Is the hest way of freezing a rival out?" "By hot competition." rhe I a People | ition for the alleged j*j$ rtbuted to our Com- ''*j\ the Federal Trade 3 mt to say emphatic- f| ?any is not a party to 2 ifraud the Govern- ^ ft & Company been k storing foods or of V >r reports. ^ ickert, where prices it have been held at g| inu in uie presence KM >f either the Food { i Council of National | le packers have been 2 ig a feilony by acting S nment bids! ^ ir bent, with other s nail, to comply with q United States Food 8 particulars, including jjtf supplies for the U. S. SS i the Allies, now be- 9 i the Food Adminis- 8| to do our utmost, un- gj ction, to increase our 9 it the Food Adminis- 0 r that the opportunity 0 heartedly and to our this branch of the f?j lain and most press- J3! ission Attorney has, 91 id misplaced empha- Sj ected portions of the 5 n from our private 3 ; Record, a false and 3 h the plain purpose 5 istic public opinion. S the packers of the ? lost urgently needed, l|| gly that we should at |?| ;>end our efforts in j| against unfounded, fKj ir assertions such as KJ ; public. PH Ms. President jg| impany, U.S. A. 1 ntsi-ansrwhousomi-dtuoous m sam1miv mbtnoos tfmiid m tni makins cm tmm biscuits maim mm tni standard ?t excellence %nr mir hasami. ?/m( w ib?li. 4sk bin ?r vrli u atviu his nam*. cmattanoooa taiuity RURAL SCHOOL AID: WILL 60 FORWARD ? fo of OI 1187.800 800N TO BE DISTRIBUTED de AMONG 721 CONSOLIDATED T1 AND GTADED SCHOOLS. P? DISPATCHES FROM COLUMBIA ? B< tli Pi Doings and Happenings That Mark ^ ths Progress of South Carolina Peo- w pie, Gathered Around the State e* Capital. w, SI Columbia. pi Warrants calling for the payment of ta $187,800 to 721 consolidate and graded rural schools will be paid out by the pt State treasurer immediately, upon c? statements prepared by John E. O. Swearingeu, superintendent of educa- vj tion. The disbursements are for State ui aid to rural graded schools. Of this amount, Richland county w will receive $4,100 to be distributed l"fl among 13 schools. Spartanburg leads ei the list with $15,000 for 52 schools. P' Greenville ranks second $11,500 for 40 schools. Anderson will receive 111."300 for 38 schools and Horry $10,600 Ri for 44 schools. Concerning the aid \fr Qu/ooriniron aiiva * nf These schools furnish the truest and ,n i finest Index to the educational prog- ,K j ress of the State. They are bringing s'' to country boys and girls fuller op- ar portunities, a longer school term, a larger and stronger teaching corps, a ty : broader course of study and a better c8 preparation for citizenship and for 81 life. A Any school receiving $200 must have ! an enrollment of 50 by December 15. nl an average attendance of 30. two | teachers and a six months' term. Any " * j school receiving $300 must have an ; enrollment of 75 by December 15. an *" average attendance of 40. three teach! ers and a seven months' term. Any aI school receiving $400 must have an *5 I enrollment of 100 by December 15. an *1 average attendance of 60. four teachers and a seven months' term. Any school receiving $500 must have an | enri llment of 125 by December 15. an ai | average attendance of 75. five teach- ei I ers and a seven months' term. ai The law provides one teacher for i s< ; each 25 pupils and requires that l;? | * of these pupils shall be in the class room every day for a term of six , months. It is hoped that the minimum <M term for every school will soon be seven months throughout the State. ^ Any community where 50 children are y enrolled can readily secure two teach- P ern and a seven months' term, if the Sl the voters and taxpayers will make P proper use of their privilege to levy u an eight-mill tax and thus secure gradel school aid and equalizing aid. tl P Must Make Application. j d Beginning on April 1 all consumers tl of coal will be required to make writ- p ten application for their annual requirements before the coal dealers will be permitted to make deliveries of coal Cl to tnera. f orms or application nave been prepared by the state fuel ad- P mlnistrator. In accordance with in- '' structions from Washington, and supn'.ies of these forms were forwarded to <?lch city and county fuol committee 11 chairman throughout South Carolina. w After these forms are properly filled n out by the consumers desiring coal 'hey are to be filed with the coal deal- e ers who are to furnish the consumers the coal desired. G Thees forms require the consumers to state the quantity of coal required during the year ending March 31. 1919, ' the quantity desired for immediate deHvery, the quantity of coal consumed during the year ending March 31, 1918, n the quantity of coal now on hand, kind a of building and number of rooms for w which the coal is dosired, and the a name of the coal dealer with whom W 'he order for coal is placed. These 3 forms are to be signed by the con- v sumers and "any person who wilfully makes a false statement upon the application is subject to prosecution un dor the Lever act which imposes a pen- j -lity of $5,000 fine or two years lmorisonment, or both." ti The state fuel administrator is also g sending out supplies of forms which a are to be executed by the coal deal- p ers throughout the state and which tl are to be filed by them with their w | local fuel committee chairman. These p forms inquire as to the coal receipts e of the dealers during the year 1917, e 'he dealers' storage capacity, the 1< amounts of coal sold during 1917 and v *ho names of the mines from which a this coal was bought and received. h New Enterprises Authorized. The Coming Tee Corporation of |i ) Charleston was commissioned by sec- n j retary of state, with a proposed cap- t 1 ital stock of $0 000. the petitioners I< being I-. M. Pinckney and H. D Mas- f j ters, both of Charleston The com- p I nany Intends to do a general real es- h i fate business and deal in agricultural b j ind other products. I The Liberty Motor Comnany of f Charleston was chartered with a cap- r ital stock of $10,000. Officers are Rob b ert Cohen, president and treasurer. \ and Rave Cohen, secretary. ( The Thomas Live Stock Company of Manning was commissioned with a 5 proposed capital stock of $40,000, the petitioners being T. C. Thomas and H. M Thomas, both of Manning The * company Intends to do a general lire c stock business and deal in horse- * drawn vehicles of various kinds. ( The Vinson Mercantile Company of a Rembert, Sumter county, was commis- ^ tinned with a proposed capital stock of $8,000. In addition to a general I mercantile business, the company pro- l posed to deal in Cotton and cotton t seed and conduct farms. Petitioners | are: L. S. Vinton and S. E. Vinson. ? iw South Carolina Concerns | The Committee of Nine of Columbi*. m chartered aa an eleomosynmry coriration, by W. Banks Dove, secrery of state, to "maintain, uphold and [force the laws against Immorality. " ce. gambling and lquor selling." The j llowtng Columbians are named a a ricers: Klrkman G. Flnlav. rector | Trinity Episcopal Church, presi- , int; F. H. McMsster, city editor of | je State, first vice president , W. P. , amrick, general manager o? t<*e smpton group of Pacific Mills Com- , my. second vice president; D. W. | obinson, attorney, secretary; L. L. ] ardin, president of the Bank of Col- i nbia. treasurer, and the Rev. C. E. < irts. D. D., pastor of the First Bap- i it church; S. E. Harmon. M.D., J. N. i rierson. dean of the law school at e University of South Carolina, and 'tlllam Banks, editor of The Record. 1 :ecutive committee 1 The Troy Laundry of Spartanburg \ as chartered with a captal stock of 0.000. Officers are: William Foor. esident. and T. K. Hudgens. secrery and treasurer. The Anchor Auto and Truck Cominv of Sumter, was chartered with a ipital stock of JC.000. Officers are: G. Roland, president; S. K. Roland, ce president, secretary and tress or. W. O. Coker & Sons of Socieiv Hill a* commissioned with a proposed ipilal stock of $100,000 to do a gen*al real estate and farming business; etitioners are T. C. Cork and George . Dargan of Darlington. The Vinson Mercantile Company of embert. Sumter county, was comtnisoned with a proposed capital stock $8,000. In addit'on to a general ercantile husines. the company pro>sed to deal In cotton and cotton 'Od and conduct farms. Petitioners e: L. S. Vinson and S. k. "' 'son. The Rank of Cope. Oran~"~t?rg coun . was commissioned with a proposed ipital stock of $.10,000. Petitioners e: J. I. Valientine. Cope; F. A. dden. Orangeburg, and Frank C. The Peoples' nank of Bowman. Or- j tgehurg county, petitioned for an in- j ease of capital stock from $1:1.000 to i 10.000. abor Shortage Perplexing. Shortage of labor, delay in shipment 111 JpHvOTV of forliUora .? ?.! r in procuring adequate and varied I ipplies of seeds induce a somewhat | loomy outlook for farming interests i r the State. A. C. Summers, commissioner of griculture. commerce and industries, mphasized that reports of lahor short?e are coming to his office from all actions of the State. His estimate as that there wasn't more than a alf supply of needed labor available, [e knew of one farm in Richland lunty. on which there were four Riant houses and each was vacant, he owner's only help is a ten or 12ear-ohl son and the two are now repariug but a small portion of the averal hundred, acres of land for lanting. The farmer had also been j name 10 rem nis land, as tiia neigliora are In a aomewhat similar plight. In restricted localities apparently lere is sufficient labor, but the suply of day labor has been practically epleted by mobilization of troops and ie increased wage lure at Industrial ! lanta in cities. Mr. Summers emphasized that the ibor contract act. passed at the reent session of the general assembly nd since signed by the governor, was roducing much relial. He cited one istance of two wage hands leaving a irmor in Orangeburg county, where ley were receiving $ 1.25 a day, for i? stronger inducement of the city rhere they could make $3.50. The egroes were under contract and by ie provisions of the recent act he was nabled to have the negroes returned > the farm. lovernor Secures Aid. Governor Manning announced thai ! i consequence of a conference witn j 'resident Wilson and Bavmnml n : 'osdick. army camp regulations chairlan, he had received assurance that minimum of $40,000 federal aid rould be provided to help in building nd maintaining the reformatory for rayward girls created at the last seaion of the general assembly. In his conference with President Wilson, Governor Manning stressed he creation of this institution as a rar measure and as such deserved he support of the federal government i clearing areas surrounding cantonletus of immoral women Federal ofIcials were pleased with the sugestion and agreed to apportion a coniderable sum of the $100,000,000 aproprlatlon for war emergencies to his purpose. In that South Carolina ras something of a pioneer in the lan. the federal officials were inclind to be especially generous and Govrnor Manning was assured when saving that a minimum of $40,000 rould be provided. The legislature j tinrniirlslod f 1H AAA Ann.Kalf Af ofhleV I * available this year. The Motor-Livery Company of Chariton was commissioned with a proiosed capital stock of $15 000. the pe'tioncrs being J. D. Parker. C. M. English and Kdward C. Mickey, all of 'harleston. The new concern proposes to operate "a general livery of orse-drawn vehicles and automo?'|es." Tb?? Cfizens Bank of Chesnee. Snarm *!" ?? coifty w?? chartered with a atdfal ?tock of $15,000. the officer? . ieing S. T Rled. president; Oeo. W ! Vail, vice president, and John It 'ash. treasurer The CJeorge Dearmnn Company of Ipartanhurg was commissioned with i proposed capital rtock of $50 000. A vnoiesaie cigar luusn-o, canny. spe , ialty and general merchandise busiiess is contemplated. Petitioners are: leorge Dearntan. Spartanburg ; Thom is I. Swygert. Laurens, and I. C. Black vood, Spartanburg. The Merchants' Grocery Store of Helton was commissioned with pro>osed capital stock of $15,000. A gen>ral mercantile business is contem>lated. Petitioners are W. C. Clinkicales. C. F. Co*, and W. J. Moorhead ) MRS. E. G. HILL USES EAGLE | REMEDY SUCCESSFULLY This Jersey City woman writes: **I ] hrave lived in distress and misery the j past seven years with the plies. The; bleeding was terrible and If anyone has | reason to be thankful It is myself, to | be cured of that terrible complaint. Three boxes of Eagle Pile Remedy have cured me and make me feel ten years younger." This gratifying communication Is only one of thousands that are proving the everyday successes of Eagle ' Pile Remedy. As a blood purifier and ! corrective of pile causes It is without equal. Spore yourself an operation and costly doctor bills. Send (1.00 to the Reed Distributing Co., 146 Godwin St., Peterson, N. J., for a box at once. If your druggist cannot supply you, send his name to the makers at the above address.?Adv. i WHY MR. LOTT DIDN'T ENLIST i Explanation Afforded by Street-Car Conductor at Least Caused Him to "Get a Move On." Joshua Lull sometimes lives up to his inline, hut there Is ti conductor on the 1'respect line who should he named \ Josh Moore. Notwithstanding the eon- ' iluctor's urging to "step up In front," Lott clings to a place on the rear platform when he can In order to he able to squeeze off at Met lee street with Insult and injury fo fewer other passengers. This morn lug Lott was brightening up the corner where he was with some remarks about the service when the conductor horned right In. "Say." lie said, "I've often looked at you and wondered why you didn't enlist. But I know now." "How's that?" asked Lott. helpfully. "Because you're so all-tired scared of getting up to the front," said the conductor. Just then the 00-passenger sto|iped ! at a transfer point to let about eighty I more get on, and Lott was the tlrst to start struggling toward the front I to make room for them.?Kansas City Star. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy nil over the civilized world for more than half a century /or constipation. Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dyspepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, pulpltatlon of heart nnd many other symptoms. A few doses of August Flower will Immediately relieve you. It is a gentle laxative. Ask your druggist. Sold in all civilized countries.?Adv. Bit of Persiflage. Alden (showing heirloom)?Here's i faded < d document that was written in hoard the Mayflower. It's a receipt given by Thomas Dudley' to my ancestor for two pounds which he hail borrowed before they started. Atkins?All! Then your ?noes tor? nine across on the Mayflower in two enses. Allien?Yes, he really hail the dls I net Ion of being the tirst settler.? dost on Transcript. A New Way to Shave Tender skins twice n day without Irritation by using Cutlcura Soup the 'Cutlcurn Way." No slimy mug, germs, wnste of time or money. For free samples address, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists und by mall. Soap 15, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. A Welshman's Prayer. A simple-minded tiifti In a Welsh coal valley Is a character in his way. lie always insists on taking his turn In the devotional services of Ids chapel. Ills prayer the other night was something like this: "Alm^'hty Cod, thou hast heard about that old kaiser. I read ill the paper that his throat Is bad, h in I that he lias <11 flloul t y In breathing. Wall, Lord. tliou kuowest how far to go."?Cardiff Western Mall. Alien's Foot-Ease lor the Troops. Many war cone hospitals have ordered Allen's Foot - Kane, the antiseptic powder, for use aaigng the troops, Bhaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath, Allen's Foot-Kane (tires rest and comfort, and makes walking a lelight. Bold everywhere SSto. Try It today. Adr. A Precaution. "Say, Is there any way of getting out a blanket Injunction?" "Wlmt for?" "You see. my wife persists in using ours this ntlhJ weather for fear of a sudden cold spell." Infections or Inflammation* of the Eyes. Whether from external or Internal cauaea. are promptly healed by the uae of Itoman Bye Balaam at night upon retiring. Adv. Stolen swee'.t are often hard to dl *esf. I 22IV in the 4 CUPS OF If each family would be 22 mil The greatest he make this savir place of white fl \ cup acali 1 cup corn 2 table?po< Save V cup of the measured cold, add sifted flour and bakii bake in greased pan fifteen t Our new Red, White ana retipes for making de ROYAL BAKING P< FOOD \ 1?^?? l . jjp n AU Calomel Loses You Take HnHcnn'c luaiv UVUOUII O Read my guarantee! If bi achy you need not take r ous calomel to get Every druggist In town?your druggist and everybody's druggist bus noticed a great falling off In the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking its place. "Calomel Is dangerous and people know It, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results." said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells It. A large bottle doesn't cost very much, but If It falls to give easy relief In every cnse of liver sluggish ih'sn jinn ronsiipnTion. you navp only | You Need j More Than A Laxative NR Today ? Keeps To tiro and be healthy, your body mechanism must properly digest your food, extract atl the nourishment from it and promptly throw oft the waste that la left. This Is accomplished by the nrocessee of dlffoaflnn. aulmllntlnn and elimination?the worlc of the I stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. The failure of any of the vital or- I rana to do Its work properly aftecta^^H the action of nil the others. A I forced bowel movement does not^ help constipation; it only re-M W llevea for a few hours the con- k dltion that constipation brings V ^ about. m Now if you are used to taking so-called laxative pills, oil, purges^^^ \ a ad the like, you know mighty well you've got to be taking them all the time. Moreover, If you stick to any one laxative, you've got to be Increasing the dose all the time. That can do you a lot of harm. Stop dosing yourself with such things Just long enough to give Nature's Remedy (NK Tablets) a trial, and let the results show the difference. NR Tablets are not mere bowel movers, their purpose Is to correct the condition that indue a constlpatlc u an 1 give you real, ti/WnmnrossiM iV/jjjjvyi^ 21 | \lJ (fpnixTF Riot of Color. Mrs. Kinthiish?What's lipooinc of thnt necktie you ptve your liushatiil for Christinas? Mrs. ltonsonhurst?oh. he's wearing It yet. i "As I remember, It bail all the colors of the rainbow In It." Well, slurp lie got careless with his ' eggs In the morning anil lavish with the gravy at noon, he's nihleil some other colors to It." Mow's This ? We offer flOO.U) for any ease of catairh that cannot be cured by HADE'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HADE'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Ulood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. I'rlce 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Fire of Genius. t immpioy tat tne reception)? is tuts ! Mrs. Passimipen. the rclobrnlcd poetess? Mrs. Passlonpen (haughtily)? It is. < 'humpley (effusively)?I should have known you among a thousjind. Mrs. Pusslonpen?Why? | Chum ploy (grandiloquently) ? The lire of nonius burns on your brow. Mrs. Pussiniipon (dorl.slv* Iv) ? Don't hp devolved. young tnan. Tiuit Is whprp I seorehed mysplf curling my | hnlr. You'll bptter guess again. Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets nro the original little* liver pills put up 40 yrnr.s ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Getting Along. "How old Is Madge?" "Did enough to tnnke a goose of herself when she tries to play the rh'.cken." Our idea of a aoelety man Is one who neglects to say anything when ho speaks. lillion Far i United i WHEAT FLOUR TO ' used 4 cups of flour less per \ lion pounds or 112,244 barrels ? ;lp housekeepers can give to w ig and it can be done by usi: our bread. Corn Meal Biscuits led milk teaspoon salt meal 1 cup white flour >n? shortening 4 teaspoons Rojral E flour for board. Pour milk over corn meal, a ig powder. Roll out lightly on floured boarc 0 twenty minutes. 1 Blue booklet, "Best War Time Recipes, licious and wholesome wheat saving food 3WDER CO., Dept. W, 135 Wil VILL WIN^TH > VH a Day's Work! Liver Tone Instead ???_ lious, constipated or headlasty, sickening, dangerstraightened up. to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasanttasting, purely vegetable remedy. harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling Hue; uo biliousness, sick lieudnche, acid stomnch or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenlence ull the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. I>on't lose a day's work ! Take Dodsou's Liver Tone Instead and l'eel tine, full of vigor and ambition.?Adv. To correct constipation, all organs of digestion and elimination should be helped. Try NR and see how much better you feeL ( the Doctor Away genuine, lasting benefit; to Improve yotH? digestion and assimilation, give you a flood hearty appetite, regulate your Iver and bowels, tone up kidney action and give your poison-clogged body a good cleaning out- . Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) la not harsh; It In mild, easy, pleasant In action: no griping or pain ever follows K^lts use; butlt Is thorough and euro. Its action on the digestive ^ mnrmnii It o IP MwTilch moans extraction of Tuil nourishment from your food. Hand thereby gives you new ? Wstrength, energy, better blood, better appetlto. By toning, not stirring your lasy liver. Nil sends idle Into the intestines, improving Intestinal digestion. Lastly, by gently encouraging more vigorous bowol and kidney action. Nil drives poisonous Impurities out of and cleans up youn body. Try Nature's Remedy (N"R Tablets) and Just see how much better you feel in every way. Get a 25c box today and take one each night for a week. You'll sav you never felt hotter In your II fo. NR Is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. ________ Q SOLD FOR 80 YEARS ifnnsie UUbi) "fever"" 'TTYIeJin/?^ Also Fine General JJ/INJ 11 \>-2 Strengthening Tonic. SOLD BT ALL DKUC STOKES- | FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey end Charleston Wakefield, Bo?cession end Viet Dutch. Hy eiprean, MO, 11.25; 1,000,12.00; 5,000 et 11.75; 10,000 up at ll.SO. V. O. U. 11KRK. Dellrered parcel poet 100, 36a; 1,0001 12.50. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMER VILLE, SL C EGGS-POULTRY Ws ere tbs largest handlers of Bggs and Poultry In the South. WHAT HAVE YOU TO SHIFT The highest market price guaranteed with quick return*. ? !*? tia a trial. Reference,, 1st National Bank. Richmond. Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Copimiaaion Marchanta, RICHMOND. VA. Wanted to Be Helped Out. Mrs. Stylos?Will you come over lo I nut tonight? Mrs. Mylcs?Surely. "And will you bring your husband?" "Wilt- Vi?S ' "And your knitting?" "Most assuredly." "Oil, yes! I almost forgot. And will j you please bring over some sugar and I coal with you?" A Valuable Iron Tonic for the Blood (1IU>V K'M TAHTKI.KSH chill TONIO furltloa and Km nj-en the Blood. II amiifte* tho llrer. driven out mala/.* and build* up the whole syntrm. A tlen<-ra! Hi miutbeiitug Tunic for Adult.* and Chlldraa. die. Aa She Understood It. Mary's mother was buying some changeable silk. After the purchase ' was made Mary said, "Mamma, do they call that changeable because you j can take it hack tomorrow If you wunt j to?" Gone Stale. "What Is this, waiter?" "War broad, sir." j "llang It ! It's too old entirely for active service."?Life. nilies I States | THE POUND i veek, the saving I * jyery week. I 'in the war is to B ng this recipe in taking Powder dd shortening and salt. When L Cut with biscuit cutter and " containing many other s, mailed free?address lliam Street, New York E WAR | .- v.- t I ll>ll Vltf I iS