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I^ 1 ?' I ipl The Fl The Betsy Ross Manufacturers o( 354 Fourth Avenu SELL THEIR PRODUCT DIRE< 65c per full 4 oz. hank $2.50 per lb. in 5 lbs. lol $230 per lb. in 10 lbs U arfcri accempuritd by Maty mia racth Minnesota lust year produced 20,- | mmmm ?mj0* / lasSS^" / ** > .. ,mi : ^1' ^'"J/ mi the home and farm. What kind ?f a pa?p to onT Our catalog will help you MlMttopnblMB. OurcxparlencaUatyour aniai Ask your dealer for our pomps. KANAWHA PUMP WORKS BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. jSJlAiryTg' C rLf>BifBPK jdBSSE|gBaK FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS tarty Jmh u4 Charleston Wakefield, Buo(mhm m4 rlkt Dalch. By uprevt, 500, fl.K; M*JBS?;MOOtat|1.18; 10,000 up at 11.60. W. O. , aUUl Delivered parcel post 100, She; 1,000. Wk alWaullun guaranteed. U R JAMISON. SUMMERVILLE. & C Tom Watson Melon Seed ealected ?11 crop, 45 cents pnnnd puttW. HcLKOI), ADCILLA, FLORIDA 41 SELDOM SEE Vj A big knee like this, hot your horse WR may have a bunch or bruise on his II ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. {) /i will clean It off without laying up ff 1 the horse. No bllater, no nalr gone. Concentrated?only a few ' hsw aeonired at an innliratinn ei <n I Pmitw jwr com lor roockl luncdm Hi t ft ABSORBInET JR.. (W axtmm** Mmm lor loaoHnl redoeaa Palatal SvtlUar*. T~ *- Wnii Prolan. Vartcoao Vriftii allayo MimIMmomIoo. Prier 11.11 tenia at drotflnj or 111 ' UM (rial bottlo poor?aU lor 10c. .y.TWM, P.O. F.. JIOTmwHIU SprtROfUM.Mau. "#rii IJ^CMARLOTTE, NO. 11-1918. LETS the great war-1 le sweetmeat. I the benefit, the 4 easure. the economy 9 r a 5c packaee of 3 RIGLEY'S 3 -has made It the fa- 3 Mite "sweet ration" 3 r the Allied armies, 3 -send It to your friend 3 I the front: 3 it's the handiest. jfl >naest-lastina re- |l resbmeot he can EW IT AFTER . ? [VERY MEAL JbJ lavor LastsHl ^Bj]fh|Ljg%d^#io^ yRw WBMMff KINDS^^ , vofti rI iuiii vuiuj/auj f Knitting Yarns e, New York City CT TO CONSUMER t (62%c per 4 or. hank) . lot (57%c per 4 oz hank) ? preagt UleatiM if tddrmid It Dept. C 1. FRESH -CRtSP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS THt SAMITMIY MPNWI tmilD IM TUB making or mm biscuit* makb TMBH THB STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE W Mir bii bra. or /ait hi skoal/. ?N*k hua or writs as qivitig his nanis. CHATTANOOGA AAKERY Must of the so-culled necessary evils ' tire unnecessary. . Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills contain nothing but vegetable Ingredients, which act gently aa a tonic and purgative. Adv. What Fire Destroys. Apart from the thousands of lives destroyed by tire this country sus- , tains an annual loss from this cause of ut least $,'100,000,000. KI.rXIR BABKK A GOOD TONIO And Drives Malaria Oat of the System. "Your Bsbek' acta like magic; I have given It to numerous people in mv narinh ?? suffering with chills, mslkrUknd fever. I recommend It to those who ?re sufferers end In need of a rood tonic."?Rev. 8. Szy-manowskl, Bt. Stephen's Church, Perth Am hoy, N. J. Kllxlr Bsbek, 60 cents, ell druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocsewskl A Co., Washington, D. C. What a Doughnut Is. The ministry of food has informed tho Twickenham food control committee that a doughnut Is not n bun. Local unrest has been almost completely allayed by the prompt and fearless decision.?London Punch. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of liArbo Compound, and *4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Ilarbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the bcalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. A German Republic. I cannot easily believe in u German revolution, and still less, in n German republic. I shall, at all events, not live long enough lo behold the latter. Hut I feel convinced that, long after we shall have quietly rotted In our graves, they will, In Germany, battle for a republic, with speech and sword. For | republicanism Is an Idea, and the Ger- ( mans have never yet given up an Idea until they have fought It out to its ultimate results.?Heine. $ K # Save Health CASCARA B pUININE Th* old family remedy ? to tablet form?aafe, eure, eaay to take. No opiate*?no uapleaaant after effect*. Cure* cold* ia 34 hour*?Orip la S day*. Money back If It fall*. Oct th* . genuine box with ^ % ESS!:? V V # ' A.-S ON GUARD At this time of the year people fe< weak, tired, listless, their blood Is thli they have lived Indoors and perhap expended all their mental and bodll; energy and they want to know how t renew their energy and stamina, ovei come headaches and backaches, hav clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, an feel the exhilaration of real good healtl tingling thru their body. Good, pun rich, red blood Is the best insuranc ngnlnst Ills of all kinds. Almost al diseases come from impure and impov erished blood. It is to be noticed In th pule or pimply face, the tired, haggnr appearance or the listless raunner. Drink hot water a half hour befor meals, and for a vegetable tonic there' nothing better than Dr. IMcrce's Goldei Medical Discovery, the old-fushlone herbal remedy, which has had such i tine reputation for fifty years. It cor tains no alcohol or narcotics. It i made from Golden Seal rooK Blood root, Oregon grape root, Queen's rool Black Cherry bark, extracted with glj cerlne and made Into tablets and llqult Tablets sixty cents, at most drug store; In order to Insure pure blood and t build up the system try this tonl known as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medics Discovery. Get it now! Robert' Position. Itobert was un honor to the font lie did not make the acquaintance o cooks, nor did he fall asleep on dutj He wus ambitious and yearned for th time when lie would he able to prefl the magic words "Chief Constable" t his surname. One day recently lie hi rested u man on a charge of assault On the ease coming before the magi? trate he inquired as to who made th allegation against the prisoner. Forward stepped the zealous ltnheri who. with a sweeping salute, replied : "Me. your worship; I'm the alligu tor!"?London Tit-Bits. JL ~r*lsT Backache Yager's Liniment is excellent tor any kind of pain or congestion. It quickly relieves backache and rheuImatic pains, and is a splendid remedy for Neuralgia, Sciatica, chest pains, sprains, strains, swellinra *nrt ??. largements. II Keep a bottle in yonr home for II emergencies? you never can tell II when yon will require eomething II of the tort. j 35c Per Bottle dealers || Each bottle contains more than the |l usual SO cent bottle of liniment. || GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. Small Pill Small Don Small Prica^^^^^pJ jgggr If jVER FOR CONSTIPATION have atood the test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache. Indigestion and to clear up a bad complexion. Genuine beers aisnature PALE FACES Generally Indicate a lack of Iron In the Blood Carter's Iron Pills Will help this oondition I Have you I I RHEUMATISM | I Muinuogu or UOUT V I TtkoRHRDMACII>Rtor?BioTelhi>?Di? I (.od drive IU<* poison from the -MUnUrtBK Oil Till 1*11 III I riTB lUllliTlU OB TBI 0CTI1M" I At All Uro(Kl?U I iu. Bid; Jt Sab, WlitkitU DirtriklNi 1 HOW MRS. BOYO | AVOIDED AN j OPERATION Canton, Ohio.?"I nfftnd from o = tomolo trooblo which eanood mo modi I BHmMiHBimnBimHm ****** ond ^rp c Explosion. il George N. Turner, for 40 years a clerk In a Nashville grocery store, was " ' the victim of a practical Joke. The store was crowded with custoiners and loafers and Turner was very 't busy. A young man came in carrying >' a jug and asked for one-half gallon of e vinegar. After working several raln* tites with a frozen vinegar pump, Tur? ner begun to till the Jug. When It was v about full the Jug "exploded" and k Turner was covered with vinegur and soda. The latter had been placed in 0 the bottom of the Jug while the young ! man was talking to n crowd of boys. Turner says he was sure he was blown 1 up by a German bomb.?Indianapolis '* News. j Important to Mothera Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIIIA, that famous old remedy for infants Hnil <>hllilf"t? .?iiH ?k..? u ? ~..v. ?.....uavu, UUU OCC luai 11 i In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Holland's imports are restricted to necessities of life by law. Arizona is agitating for restoration of death penalty for murder. WAS DISCOURAGED Lost 65 Pounds in Weight and Had to Give Up Work. Has Been Well Since Using Doan's. "Being exposed to extreme heat : when working us an engineer, and then going outdoors to cool off, I pnnond mv trlH**o? ??..?>!? ? VMWVV .1.J niuurj HUUUir, ?U>9 Knrl Qoerlng, 8513 N. Orkney St., I Philadelphia, Pu. "In cold weather and when It was damp, my Joints and \ muscles would swell J >1 and ache und often inv n limbs were so badly nf- ? Ai.'yr fected It was only with ' r^~akl great misery I was able to get around. For nXA week I was laid up In bed, hardly able to M. r~. . move hand or foot. m- u*ertB* "Another trouble was from Irregular und scanty pussages of the kidney secretions. I became dull and weuk and had to give up my work, llenduches and dizzy spells nearly blinded me and I went from 285 to 200 In weight. Nothing helped me and I felt I was doomed to sufTer. "At last I had the good fortune to hear of Doan'a Kidney Pills and begun taking them. I soon got buck my strength and weight and all the rheumatic pains nnd other kidney troubles left. I have remained cured." Stcorn fo before me, WM. H. M'MUNN, Notary Public. CM Dmi'i at Any Star*, 60e n Box DOAN'S "p'fAV FOSTER-MILBURN CO* BUFFALO. N. Y. Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known as SNAIfF nil j WILL POSITIVELY RELIEVE PAIN IN THREE MINUTES Try It right now for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen joints, pains In the head, back and liinbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain disappears as If by magic. A new remedy used Internally and externally for Coughs, Colds. Croup, Sore Throat, Diphtheria and Tonsllltis. This oil Is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and Immediate effect In relieving pain Is due to the fact that It penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Illustration pour ten drops on thp thickest piece of sole leather and It will penetrate this substance through and through in three mlnI utes. Accept no substitute. This great oil Is I golden red color only. Every bottle guaranteed; 30c, 60c and $1.00 a bottle or money refunded at all leading druggists, or sent I postpaid from I HERB JUICE MEDICINE CO., JACKSON, TENN. Clear Pimples With Cuticura And Be Happy s??sse. osamiimik tiiMvan in HOKHFNCANBI RKL.IKVBU lk>n't work roar borne* while tber am suffering wltb Ueare*. Kellry* thorn with im. 1)avii> Robirth Home Tonic, Physic Rtlland HKAVR POWDKR rrtHWrlMl A treatment that will enable rnni horaea to do mom work with leaadlacomfort. Head the I'kacticai. IloMl v etyhin a hi a n. Rend for free booklet on Abortion In Cow*. If no dealer In yonrtown, write ' Br. l*tW leberH'VR. C*. 100 Ortad Art***, WtufcMh*. VIA IRRITATING COUGHS Promptly treat coach*, cold*, hooreenea*. brooch I ti* and almilar inflamed and irritated condition* of the throat with a te* ted remedy? PISO'S > Ul|ii tit IwoJd i to go through an Ii IUK?M operation before I I BW could get weJL Pi yuy mother, who had been helped by Qg LydlaE. Pinkhama H Ball] Vegetable Comt, I jUJjPjpMNUJ pound, adrieed me s wfayit before eobo tion. /[relieved me J 1 \ from my troubles e bo I can do my houae work without any ij difficulty. I ad viae any woman who b h afflicted with female troublee to give , Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com ' i pound a trial and it will do aa much for ? them."?Mr*. MARIE BOYD, 1421 6th I1 St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometime* there are aerioua coodi: tiona where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand ao many women have been cured by this e famous root and herb remedy, Lyaia EL 8 , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was d necessary?every woman who wants 11 vo avoid an operation should give it a l* fair trial before submitting to such a * trying ordeaL I- If complications exist, write to Lydla U EL Pinkharo Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many years > experience is at your service. ' 1 Girls! Use Lemons! I I Make a Bleaching, | I Beautifying Cream | The Juice of two fresh lemons struined Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon ! skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemj on Juice Is used to bleach anil remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin softener. 1 inoothener and beautlfler. Just try It! Got throe ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and i two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly frngrnnt lemon lotion and massage It dally ! into the face, neck, arms and hnnds. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It Is simply marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. Evening Things Up. "My father has an Income," said Bertha proudly. I beretta looked at her In a puzzled way for a. minute, and then declared. "My father's got a boll." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation, intestlnul troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dyspepsia and liver trouble, bringing on neaaactie, coining up of food, palpitutlon of henrt and many other symp- 1 toras. A few doses of August Flower ' 1 will Immediately relieve you. It Is a 1 | gentle laxative. Ask your druggist. Sold la all civilized countries.?Adv. j Qualified. "I thought Edith could skate." I "She ought to he able to. She | has a diploma from a correspondence | school." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they ' cannot reach the seat of the disease. | , Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influ- I 1 meed by constitutional conditions. HALL'S | 1 I CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. ; . | It Is taken Internally and acts through ' I the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the < System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la composed of some of the best tonics | known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination , of the Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is what produces such won- 1 ! derfut results In catarrhal conditions. i | Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Q. M Kisses can never he copyrighted? which Is fortunate for those who priut i them. 1 . 1, Pound If each of instead of One loaf i week for a Enough to C 1 cup corn n 1 cap tym Hot 2 tablespoon* 5 teas noonsR Barley flour or o; B results. Sift dry I shortening. Stir 20 to 25 minutes I Oar new Red, White and I recipe* for making deli I ROYAL BAKING P I FOOD V THE RED CROSS NURSES OF EUROPE ARE GIVING TOASTED CIGARETTES TO THE BOYS To anyone who doesn't know of the wonderful advances that have been made in the preparation of smoking tobaccos { In the last few years it may sound strange 1 to speak of toasted cigarettes. Strictly speaking, we should say cigarettes made of toasted tobacco; the smokers of this country will recognise It more readily by its trade name. "LUCKY STRIKE"?the toasted cigarette. im American Tobacco Company are producing millions of these toasted cigarettes and these are being bought In enormous quantities through the various tobacco funds conducted by the newspapers of the country and forwarded through the Red Cross Society to the boys in France. This new process of treating tobacco not only improves the flavor of the tobacco but it seals in this flavor and makes the cigarettes keep better. The Red Cross nurse is always glad to have a cigarette for the wounded soldier, as, in most instances, that is the first thing asked for. ?Adv. Caviar to the General. Although some packers of eitviur In j New York report that spoonbill cavlnr Is being marketed here in bulk ns low ; ns 75 cents n pound, the market generally remains at $1.25 for prime quali Ity, and a few sales nre reported at $1. The quantity has been limited from all | sources and, Indeed, operators here have not been buying heavily. There has been n scarcity of lake caviar In bulk, and packers report that the pre| vailing price for this grade has been usually $1.50 a pound.?Fishing Gnsette. I Calomel Tnrfaul Sir >wi vvauj VIV I Guarantee Do Don't take nasty, dangerou constipated, headachy Calomel makes yon sick; you lose a fe day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver te and It salivates; calomel Injures your lp liver. wi If you are bilious, feel laay, slug- ar glsh and all knocked out, if your bow- T0 els are constipated and your head ea aches or stomach Is sour. Just take a cj, spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Ul Tone Instead of using sickening, sail- j)n vatlng calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake " np feeling fine, your liver will be work- nv lng, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will he sweet and howels regular. You will feel like work- ha lng. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor tu and ambition. ds Your druggist or dealer sells you a m bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a yc Their Medicine Clw IT is characteristic of ? folks after they pass the allotted f> "three score years and ten,** to look ai back over the days that are gone f* and thoughtfully live them over. p X una myseir, M MTrntj-os*, frequently drifting back quarter of century, whin 1 eee myself in toe little drug store I owned it at Bollrer. Mo., making and selling a at vegetable compound to my friends and lc customers ? what was then known only as 1 Dr. Lewis' Medicine for Stomach, Liver a and Bowel Complaints. ? For many years while I eras perfecting my tc formula 1 stndled and Investigated the si laxatives and eathnrtlce on the market and n became convinced that their main fault tl was not that they did not act on the bowels, fh bat that their action was too violent and si drastic, and upset the system of the user; gi which was dne to the fact that tbey wore n not thorough enough in their action, some a simply acting on ths upper or small lutes- ^ tines, while other* would act only on the fc lower or large Intestines, and that they tl almost invariably produoed a habit ro- k quiring augmented doses. n I believed that a preparation to produoe 0 the beet effect must first tone the liver, h then aot on the stomach and entire ellmen- ? tary system. If this was aooompllshed, the medicine would produoe a mild, but thorough elimination of the waste without the usual sickening sensations, and make the user feel better at onoa. ^ After experimenting with hundreds of different compounds, I et lsst perfected the formula that la now known as Mshes's needy, which 1 truly believe goes further Up in the World. "I overheard Mr. and Mrs. Orabeoln having a warm argument as to wheth- K' er or not they should dress for din- dn ner. Mr. Grnbcoin contended that It In would be all right not to put on eve- h> nlng clotty1!!, as no guests were expert- wl ru. air. urubcoln said the effect on the servants would ho demoralizing." fri "Well wellt They are coming <>n. I can remember the time when Mr. th flrahcoln shod his coat, collar and CI dmes before sitting down to the everting meal and nothing was said about it."?Birmingham Age-Herald. _ j t? | p? To keep clean and healthy take Dr. ! Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They reguate liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. wi Conservation. "Mercy on us!" ejneulated Mrs. a Flint, In the midst of her reading, kn 'Here in the paper Is a piece by a professor proving by the Scriptures that this war means the end of the world n April, and?" "Well, if that's the case, I guess I'd lust as well put off going to the den- mi list," returned honest Farmer Flint. 'If what the professor says Is true 1 j zli nun i iii-ru uii> new leem. ltiese old ! tines probably will answer for such j gnashing as I'll have to do."?Kansas Tt City Star. Ct lie End of the Lesson. ra "My hoy, you ran take a lesson from sa the dog that Is trotting by your side, Br iind to whom I point as an example. So He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he Joesn't swear?" "Hut If youse don't stop yer poolntln' it him. mister, he'll do some chewing de presently." ' "I 716,000,001 s of Flour I ' our 22,000,000 families use thi white bread. saves 11,000,000 pounds; three I year means 1,716,(XX),000 pound Feed the Entire A1 orn Bread with Rye Flour tl 1 teaspoon salt ur 1 cup milk agar 1 *11 oyal Baking Powder 2 tablespoons st flour may be used instead of rye flour with ? ingredients into bowl; add milk, beaten egg welL Put into greased pan, allow to stand in and bake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. Blue booklet, "Best War Time Recipes** < cious and wholesome wheat saving foods, i OWDER CO., Dept.w, 135 Willi, TILL WIN THE _ ;k Tomorrow! ;3J dson's Liver Tone % is calomel when bilious, j. Listen to me! w cents under my personal guaran- J e that It will clean your sluggish rer better than nasty calomel; It on't make you sick and you can eat tythlng you want without being sail* ited. Your druggist guarantees that ,ch spoonful will start your ltrer. run your iHiweis ana straighten 70a > by morning or you get your money ick. Children gladly take Dodson's ver Tone because It !s pleasant tastg and doesn't gripe or cramp or ake them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of odson's Liver Tone to people who ive found that this pleasant, vegeble liver medicine takes the place of ingerous calomel. Buy one bottle on y sound, reliable guarantee. Vsk >ur druggist about me.?Adv. est For20Years ad doM mora than any laxative on the target today. The thousand* of letters om users have convinced me I waa right, ad that the uaer of Habae's Rraiady aa a unlly medicine, even though he may have Md it tor twenty-five year*, never hae > Increase the dose. My knowledge of medldne and the rail ta ot It* a me in my own family and none my friends, before I ever ottered it r sale, caused me to have great faith in ibaa'a mmUg from the very first, nd now aa I find myself nearing the age ben I most bow to the Inevitable and go another Ufa, my greatest pleasure la to t aaeh day and read the letters that each all brings from people as old or older tan I, who tell of having used Natve'a MMAr for tAD. flflMtn nniT fraawtw ? id low they and their children' ?ci randchlldren hare been benefited by It. i la a conaollng thought, my frlenda. tor man or my age to (eel that aalde from la own aucoeaa, one baa done aomething >r hij follow man. Mr greatest aatialaoon, tar greateat happineaa today, la the DowloJge that tonight more than one tillion people will take a Nataae'a Haaniy VH Tablet) and will be better, healthier, appler people Cor It. 1 hope yon will a one of thorn. A. H. LEWIS MEOIOINE OO., 8t. Louie, Mo. Maids Are So Dishonest. "You simply cannot trust anybody, reryone seems so dishonest nowa lys." declared the woman. "My ninid, whom I had the utmost confidence, ft me suddenly yesterday and took 1th her my beautiful pearl brooch." "That Is too bad," Sympathized the lend. "Which one was It?" "That very pretty one I smuggled rough last spring." ? Pittsburgh ironlcle Telegraph. Many people lmi(ln* that Wormi or Tipe irm cannot be (rotten rt<l of entirely. ioae who have uaed "Dead 8hot"?I>r. tery*i Vermifuge, know that they can. Adv. Almost Saw Him. The other day two youngsters were liking along the street together. The father of one of the boys was policeman, und bis companion, who lew this, said to him: "What Is your father's number?" "No. 2.r?," replied the boy. The questioner then snid: "I nearly saw him Inst night." "How was thut?" asked the polleonn's son. "I saw No. 24!"? Pearson's Magale. Heal Baby Rashes iat Itch, burn and torture. A hot itlcura Soap buth gives Instant ref when followed by a gentle apf tlon of Cutlcuru Ointment. For free tnples address, "Cutlcuru, Dept. X. >ston." At druggists and by mall. >ap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. No Doubt. Hubby?"I'll be back at eleven, my ar; I give you my word." Wlfey? would rather you keep It, my love.** 0 I Saved s recipe loaves a s saved I lied Army bortnlnf equally good and melted warm place :ontaining many other nailed free?address im St., New York J : WAR j