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G|::. 1 LUCKY C|GAI Until this i I was made yc 1 have a real 1 I cigarette. It I IT'S TC I The toasting I delicious flav 1 old Kentuck; | never tastec I i\j\ roasting doe I 10* o/7 JfaiS JrwjLn^easi IN ? V The Upper Atmosphere. As agitated neighbor had Just Inteajid Mrs. Warren that Iter son was aft the top of a telegraph pole In the j stfStoitjr. When the hoy had been f rid back to earth again, his mother uauuM rated. "Tad, I've told you how 4mceroas that Is; now ".*!:> will you jpujftst in cliniblng those poles?" "Bat. ma," exclaimed the boy In an acuiered tone. "I have to have some Crash air!"?The Christian llernjd. The dull man bores you ami the sharp one skins you. American Women No Slackers We can well be proud of our American giiia and women, in France and England women are takHyjl!I tflE '?g up the work of men "TOljl resolutely, and have BITVl " ~ Riiown tneir anility to do almost all kinds of work. MffflltiifcL When It becomes necesf snry women will show fLtheir worth in countless Vu** shops, stores, factories 1,n<' olllces. No one hears ti' 'hem complain of their ',an' work. These are the days when American ?lk men have cause to re* ? I spect, love and honor * " their mothers, wives and jaters. If a woman Is home down bf the weakness and sufferings of wornnnUnrt, she should he helped by a herbal tonle made with glycerin wbkt lsns had such uniform success staring the past half century. She ahoalri he well, instead of sick and offering; healthy and vigorous. Instead of worn-out and weak; bright eyes, clear skin, rosy cheeks?you wmtdn't think It was the same worn?. and it's all due to the use of a ftrw bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite description. All druggists. TabMa or liquid. Tablets, dOc. What this medicine has done for Iboosands of delicate women. It will 4d for you. If you're over-worked nd debilitated, It will build you up? i ft you're borne down with the chronic rbi*. pal ns and weaknesses peculinr i to your sex. It relieves and cures. It regulates and promotes the proper Anrtlons of womanhood. This old nd tried Prescription of Dr. Pierce's terlgorntes the system, purities the Mood, improves digestion, and restores health, flesh and strength. Consult the *peclnHs? at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y., for free confidential ane?Scal advice or for free book on Women's diseases.?Adv. IE?i twill reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Toll ey Evil, Quittor, Fistula and qL infected sores quickly as it is S positive antiseptic -jlA\ and germicide. Pleasant to A uki does pot blister or rrnort tbe bair. and you can work (be boras, r jkL S2. SO per bottle, delirered. * Boole 7 K free. AMORBINE. JR. .(he annaeptic liniment for mankind, km Nalul. Swollen Veins. Wens. Strains. Bruiaeai mums fMks snd Inflammation. Pries St 25 per bottle st Maa ?e Sctleeiri. Will tell you more tf you write, llaal Trial Boris for lOe In stamps. V.F. Y0UN6. P. 0. F.. SIOTtmol.St .SprlrtoBeld, Mast. lOTlktra browa Haad 1'oUlufti Vigorous mm* urn><* yield, ra. too ayes |t. rootage paid a? i i?r door Vailajr Haina Farm. Tarry. Mobi. W. H U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 9--191B. \ " ** f ???????I 1 A CTRIfttr iette" lew "smoke", >u could never Burley tobacco .. 's the best yet. LASTED brings out the or of that fine y Burley. You I anything so ?think what is for peanuts. ! 1 J "Magic Butter"?An Old Swirdle. Interest in food saving has given new life to a familiar old swindle, the "mugic buttermaker," a device whereby the delighted housewife who sees It demonstrated for the llrst time Is led to believe that she can transform one pound of butter Into two pounds. This mugic hutterniaker operates on tile simple principle of churning one pound of butter with a pint of milk, and sometimes tin' addition of vegetable oils. The product which results looks like butter and weighs two pounds when placed on a pair of scales, lint unfortunately It is deficient in butterfat, the additional hulk and weight being chiefly water and air. Standard creamery butter should have about 8<? per cent butterfat. "Magic" butter made with this device has less than I>0 per cent. It is illegal to offer such a swindling product for sale. A promoter demonstrating the magic buttermaker was arrested recently in Sun r ruiicisco ami suiijwiwl to a heuvy flue, charged with false advertising.? Food Administration Bulletin. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation, intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dyspepsia and liver trouble bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpitation of heart and many other symptoms. A few doses of August Flower will immediately relieve you. It Is a gentle laxative. Ask your druggist. Sold (a all civilized countries.?Adv. Lavish Substitute. "Everything seems to work out for the best." exclaimed the gentle optimist. "What's working out for the best now?" "Just as prohibition laws deprive so many people of their customary beverage, nature provides an enormous supply of the most delicious Ice water!" Nfl run*- \/ r-? wvi H?M uui r dCC. Is true In most cases. Then keep your face fair and young with Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment as needed. For free samples address. "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap 2.r?. Ointment 2,r? and f>0.?Adv. Conservation. lie? Will you meet me this afternoon for a little cliat, dear? She?No, Harold; Ibis is one of my meatless days. The Unadorned Truth. "Pa, what is teinperaiiieut'!" 'Must a fancy name for eussednesa.' Detroit Free Press. Never hit a man when he is down. Hit him when he is up a tree, then run away before he can get down. Dr. IMerce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet j for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. About the only force some people have is the force of habit. Hnltf Ana "HDOWA nlTIWiafiMi TYi get the genuine, call for foil name LAX ATIV BROMO yl'lNlNM I,ook for algnaiore of H w. OltUVII. Curoi a Cold Id Una Day. aUc Talk Is sciirci' during courtship, but married life brings up the average. If Worma or Tapeworm peralst In your ayatem. It la becauae you have not yet tried the real Vermifuge, Dr. feery'a "Dead Shot," One doae doea the work. Adv. A matchless story Is a novel that ends Without u wedding. t CALL FOR 250,000 jl SHIPYARD HELPERS s Each State Asked to Contribute Volunteers to Speed Mcr- i chant Fleet. ( Yi FORM RESERVE 0R3ANIZATI0N j Workman to Stand Ready When Called d ?Standard Scale of Wages and ' / Good Housing Conditions Assured. , Two hundred nud fifty thousand r workmen are to be enrolled In a re- w serve organisation of American ine- / ehanlcs, skilled workers in many lines, '< to bring to completion the gigantic j shipbuilding program to win the war. ' The organisation Is known as t'.ie Unit- ; ed States Shipyard Volunteers of the mi Public Reserve. Those who enroll will mi stand ready to respond when they art I be called to report at the shlpyurds for ! ne duty. i nm I Uj An appeal (or volunteers has been , made by the department of labor, , the council of national defense, the j an shipping honrd, the 'J0.000 four-minute re men, governors of the various states, j Mi organized labor and business men. The Jje ulm is to fill all the present and future needs of the government's shipyards. ' _^ Tay of volunteers will be In accord- , ~ auce with the prevailing wage In the , shipyards at the time they are culled. jor Construction of houses for the workers Is being pushed wUh energy, und the necessary homes will be ready when the men are called. Cards are Issued to all applicants, hearing statements of the purpose of , the shipyard volunteers, classifying J)U them according to trades aud usking signers to respond when called. Buttons will be given to volunteers hear- ? lug the inscription, "U. S. Shipyard cjt, Volunteers." In addition, the work- ? er will receive a certificate signed by Chairman Hurley, which reads: "This Is to certify (name of vol- SI unteer) of (city, state), has enrolled in the United States } Shipyard Volunteers of- Pub* lie Service Reserve to aid the ^ nation In Its Imperative needs for merchant ships with which to . 1 overcome the submarine menace und maintain our forces at the front." Shipyards to Win or Lose. lnr worm war win De won or lost in the American shipyards. Every rivet driven Is a blow at the kaiser. Every ship turned out brings America nearer to victory." "Those who give their strength nnd influence to the speedy construction of ships render service that is patriotic and highly essential to the successful termination of the war." Plans for the organization of the Shipyard Volunteers were laid with the view to Interfere as little as possl- i hie with the private Industrial concerns and to cause the minimum of Inconvenience to the workers thetnsel ves. Under this system, when an acetylene or electrical welder, blacksmith, boiler maker, carpenter or any other of the skilled workers or laborers is en- ' rolled, he need not fear thnt he will he called upon to quit his present posl' tlon without notice nnd go Immediate ly to a shipyard. The government does not contemplate issuing culls to the volunteers until the yards are renilv to receive them. When u mnn Is enrolled he may nmke his personal plans In nccordnnce with the government's wishes and he ready when the call comes. He will then have awaiting him a definite Job at a definite pHiee. at a definite, generous rate of pay. Sfc Quota of Each State. H Knelt state has been assigned a V quota, based upon the population and jp industries. The quota Is us follows: Maine . 2.H72 New Jersey... 11.348 H Now Itamp... 1.698 Pennsylvania. 32,771 Vermont 1,390 Ohio ts.saj Massachwsettsl't.321 Iiullana 10.847 Rhode Island.. 2.355 Illinois 23,CO? Connecticut ... 4.78"? Michigan 11,734 "? New York ....39 520 Wisconsin .... 9.611 Minnesota .... 8.762 Alabama 8.994 Iowa .. ........ 8.531 Mississippi ...7.488 Missouri 11,812 Arkansas 6.022 C North Dakota. 2.684 Louisiana .... 7.061 \ South Dakota. 2.393 Oklahoma .... 8.492 * Nebraska ..... 4.400 Texas 17.023 Kansas 6.331 Montana 1.687 Delaware 811 Idaho 1 621 Maryland .... 6,280 Wyoming 618 Dlst. of Col... 1,3*' Colorado 3.320 Virginia ...... 8.453 New Mexico... 1.428 West Virginia. 5.32? Arizona 888 t N Carolina... 9.264 Utah 1.600 S Carolina.... 6.253 Nevada 386 fteoruta 11.001 Washington .. fi.936 Florida 8,J3". Oregon 3.204 I Kentucky .... 8.260 California ....11.310 'f niu'ssi e ... 7.932 Trades Needed in Shipbuilding. The department of lebor has provld cd the following list showing the kind of trades most needed in shipbuilding, and it special vtppenl Is addressed to , men In those occupations to enroll In ? the I'tiiled States Shipyard volunteers : Aee'vlene and electrical welders, itbeston workers, blacksmiths, nnele th? .'rop-forge men. fiunge turners. rnttre men. hollermakers. riveters, rettmers. carpenters, sltlp carpenlers. dock builders eliippers and calkers. ! electrical workers, electricians, wiremen. crane 'operators. foundry work ers. laborers (all kinds), loftsmen, I iDiDitlnto molfori! -1 - ! W machine hands (nil sorts). help- i ,v it*, painters. plumbers anil pipe j fl fitters. sheet metnl workers, copper : I smiths. shlpfltters. slruettirnl Iron \ workers, ereetors. bolters up. renien'- ' w ors nnd erane men. i At. Daily Thought. j froi We think there nre circumstances y under wbleb we ran deal with men No without love, nnd there nre no such oui circumstances. You can cut down the Up yo\ trees nnd mnke bricks, or hammer Iron *Hi without love, hut you cannot deal with Joi human beings without it.?Tolstoi. | Kindly Dispensation. * One of Providence's kindest dispensations Is fixing It so that a man can be .lust as happy over feeling Important as really being.?Ohio State Jourtal. . . - WA (OTHERS TO BE houlcl Read Mrs. Monyhan's Letter Published by Her Permission. Mitchell, InA?" Lydia EL Pinkham's f ge table Compoand helped me so modi t during the time I ?H looking forward to the coming of my Utile one that I em recommending it to other ex pee tent mothers. Before taking it, someday* I suffered with neuralgia so badly that I thought I could i not Uve. but after | taking tnree bottles of Lydia E. Pink- J ham's Vegetable Compound I was en- , tirely relieved of ! neuralgia, 1 had ! I ? around and do all j housework. My baby when seven intha old weighed 19 pounds and I feel tter than 1 nave for a long time. I ver had any medicine do me so ach good."?Mrs. Pearl, Monyhan, itchell, Ind. Good nealth during maternity is a 3st important factor to both mother d child, and many letters have been ceived by the Lydia E. Pinkham edicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of althrestoredduringthis trying period the use of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeble Compound. Risky Variation. ' "A wise man may change his opln' 'Yes." replied Senator Sorghum; ut he takes an awful chance If he nnges it more than once or twice ring the same campaign." The man who takes no thought of uornfw will wake up some morning tl And It yesterday. 'hieago may employ hov post ofllce rks. ' j Are Your Livestock and i J Poultry Free From Lice? I ^ lliin't u*o ft lltpld Ins^ctlcldr In cold r wi-ulhor. It la dangerous ? Uts Lih. \ W IUV11) HouttHTt' . jgLi UIOLICE and \ Poultry Louse Powder ?C Kflcctlredry powders that art" lne?. and easy t<> upply. ?<w the Practical Home Vrtrrtnariaa " ?? for rr?? on ibortloa la Cava If no drnlor In your town, write latld HobtrU' Tat. Co.. 100 Graad A?enut. Waukitha. Wla. Both Quality: And Quantity Try Yager's Liniment, the great external remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, chest pains, backache, cuts and bruises. This liniment has wonderfa! curative powers, pene trates instantly, and gives prompt relief from pain. It is the most economical liniment to buy, for the large 35 cent bottle contains more than the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. 35c Per Bottle GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. j I] Water ia the first consideration 5f the home und farm. What kind >f a pump to one? Our catalog will help you >olve tho problem. Our experiencoiaat your i?rvice. A?k your dealer for our pumpa. KANAWHA PUMP WORKS BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. hen You Need a Good Tonic Pake B ABEK | TilH QUICK AND SL'KS CL'KH COR alaria. Chill*. Fever and r.rirme CONTAINS NO yflNlXH L DRCOGIST8 or by Pnreel Post, prepaid, I rn Kloricnskl A Co., Washington, D. C. Vanted?Men or Women Salesmen. canvusalnK. Sales come easy with r plan ami your assistance Selling , erola Cabinet Talking Machines from ir home. Adv.. furnished free. One etnian each county. Write quick. Wm. | in A Co., Dept. 2. Cincinnati. O. >ERSISTENT COUGHS redangeroo*. Relief Is prompt from Piso'? ' Lemedy for Cough* and Colds. Effective and ate for young and old. No opiates (t PISO'S v \ * ' "*;i/ TAKETI DANGI New Discovery! Dodson c?i:...i. ii-i-- \#_-- * oaiivam or mane tou ; Medicine for M Ugh! Calomel makes you sick 'ake a dose of the dangerous d tomorrow you may lose a day's wc Calomel is mercury or quicksih necrosis of the bones. Calomel, wl contact with sour bile crashes int up. This is when you feel that a cramping. If you are sluggish a out," if your liver is torpid and bo or you have headache, diziness, c breath is bad or stomach sour, ju: of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone Here's my guarantee--Go to an; pet a Dottle .of Dodsen's Liver cents. Take a spoonful and if it d COMMANDER SAVED HIS SHIP I Walter N. Vernou Given Credit by Vice Admiral Sims for Quick Action In Emergency. To Commander Walter N. Vernou, Vice Admiral Sims has given special credit for his vigilance and prompt action, which probably saved from a total loss the destroyer Cassia, which was attacked by a submarine while on patrol duty in foreign waters. The sub was sighted five miles away by the I Cassia. Her men took their battle | stations and the American ship made , head-on foV the enemy. After a i search for the craft she began zip- i zagglng hack and forth when Com- , mander Vernou sighted a torpedo headed for his vessel to strike umidshl, ?s. lie at once put full speed on | both engines and cleared the torpedo's course. However,"It branched on the surface and struck the Cassln on the stern. Only one engine was disabled, leaving the Cassln power to get under way. Circling,the spot where the tor- ! pedo had been seen, the otllcer llnully got a glimpse of a conning tower long j enough to tire four shots. The sub 1 then submerged and was not seen again. The Cassln proceeded to safety under the steam of her one engine. (\iniinnnilpr ? '' * ? """ II IMIIIM'UI IXIIIIsas and was appointed to the naval academy from Michigan in 1807. IV BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and it is the laudable ambition of every woman to do all she cun to wuke herself attractive. Many of our southern women have found thut Tetterlue Is invaluable for clcuriug up blotches, Itchy patches, etc., uud muklug the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema uud other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or sent by mull for Ode. by Shuptrlue Co., Suvuunuh, Gu.?Adv. Russian Peasant's Hard Life. The diet of the Russian peasant Is to all intents and purposes vegetarian ?not from choice, however, it is the eonrsest 1111*1 simplest of the poorest man on tin* face of the I'arth. 1 lay in and day out Ivan sons nothing on his rickety table except black bread, made of rye flour, often mixed with weeds, acorns, and oak hark, ami ground in ills own quern. Tills is moistened and washed down with tschee, wliich is made of finely cut cabbage, ami, in season, bits of cucumbers. Add potatoes, not nlways plentiful, and ids iiienii is made up for every week day in the year. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, us they I'unnot reach the seut of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly InlluL-nced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally anil acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces or the System. HALL'S CATARRH MKl'I*'INK is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Ingredients In IIAI.I.'S CATARRH MISDIC1NK is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. V. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, CX. Volcano Hottest on Surface. It appears that a volcano Is hottest on Its surface. This Is the conclusion drawn by a scientist who lias inside Investigations In Hawaii anil lias obtained samples of Rases and lava before they reached the air. Laboratory studies of these samples make it appear that much of the heat required to keep an open lava laisln in fluid rendition Is supplied hy the rhemieal action of the gases. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Testing a Bee's Speed. An experiment was once made to s?>e how fast a bee could tly. The hive was attached to the roof of a train which attained a speed <>f 30 miles ail hour before the bee was left behind. Ice Boating. She (phlnfully modest)?"My cr-exiretnilles lire cold." lie (Solicitous)? j I'ull your hockey cap down over them."-?Milestone. Sore Ryes. Iltood-Shor Ryea. Watery Ryeg. Btlrky Ry<g. all hralrd promptly with nltchtly appltcatlona of Roman Rye I!nl?i?m Adv Milwaukee courts lit 1017 handled 15,000 civil cases. Charity covers a multitude of sins? Mid so does success. W'&WtW7' WM rnnnc pi L1IUUU Uf 's Liver Tone Acts Like Call 5ick?Don't Lose a Day's W< len, Women, Children?Rea It's horrible I you right up and i rug tonight and I want you to go >rk. money. Dodson's rer which causes sale of calomel be ttu it tuiucs into entirely vegetable, o it, breaking it make you sick, wful nausea and I guarantee that nd "all knocked Tone will put yoi wels constipated, clean your bowels oated tongue, if waste which is clo >t try a spoonful you feel miserable tonight. Dodson's Liver T< y drug store and feeling fine for mo Tone for a few It is harmless; d oesn't straighten pleasant taste.?Ad Really Quite Simple. Some soldiers book from the trenches were being shown behind the nl lines u muchinefor sterilizing clothing is ami, of course, eliminating "pests." f? One of the party was obviously quite ei unimpressed, ami afterward an assist- qt ant at the sanitary station asked him if whether he diil not think the machine is a tine one. "Well enough, perhaps," 01 said lie. "Hut I've got a dodge of my tl own that is better." "Oil, what is tc that?" "Well, I wear my shirt two ei days one way; then they are all inside, pi see?" "Yes." "Then turn it inside out, li and wear It that way. Then they're hi all outside, aren't they?" "Well, yes." "By the time they've got inside again I turn it back again." "Well, well?" "And so I go on and on ; and at last the inarching and countermarching tl breaks the little devils' hearts, and "" they die." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 or.. Bay Rum, a small box of Barim Compound, and V4 07.. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or y^u can mix it at home at very little coat. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Itarbo Compound. It will gi adually darken 1 j streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Filial Support. "See here, daughter, I saw young Smith kissing you lust night, and Instead of rebuking his conduct, you kissed him buck." "i whs very angry with him, pa, but, you know how you have been declaring that you believe in a strict policy of reprisals." His Drawback. "Tlds writer lias a great deal of ] rude strength." "Then bow can be I succeed In polite literature?" In 1 Still there were in France 10,7-W miles of railroad track : in I'.M'J there 1 ? were .'11 .GUI miles. ( Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days DmgvUUi refund mono? If t'AZO OINTMHNT falls jr to cup Itchlnu. Blind, Bleeding or Prulrudtug t'Uos. . Kirsl replication gives raliuf. 60c. J* ti Next to charity is the appreciation C thereof. D I Want to Feel E3 Take an NR JUST TRY IT AND SEE how much battar hsadachy. tlrad. don't-know-whst'a-tho-mstl Trouble is, your sysi clogged with a lot of impurities t over-worked digestive and eliminativ can't get rid of. Pills, oil, salts, calomel nary laxatives, cathartics and purges only bowels and prod the liver. Nature'm Remedy (NR Tablets) acts on the liver, bowels and even kidneys, not forcing, ing and strengthening these organs. The prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make Nature's Remedy will act promptly, thorou so mildly, so gently, that you will think na self has come to the rescue and is doing t Andoh,wh; II habitually or W*1 atlpsteJ. Ukot r?Mi^t hjv?j p.?oiedy (WbhletV! Box ? Is sold Guaranteed and recommended lay your druggist"???? I As Age Advances tl Small PHI, Small^^J^j. 0< ^iMpARTE^f LIT' Work jttfWP WITTLe Jatftir fIVER / g pills. i vj^r \ > it Hi Genuin? ?~ beam itTnaturc Colorless or Pale Faces "JJ m condition which will be greatly hel 1 t or UOMEL omel But Doesn't Gripe, )rk?Harmless Liver d Guarantee! make you feel fine and vigorous back to the store and get your Liver Tone is destroying the :cause it is real liver medicine; therefore it can not salivate or one spoonful of Dodson's Liver ar sluggish liver to work and of that sour bile and constipated KK"1*; yuur system aim making' I guarantee that a bottle of me will keep your entire family nths. Give it to your children, ocsn't gripe and they like its v. Drone or Dreamer. Few of us enn he choosers, ami probity for most of us it is well that this so. Hut every one of us euli he arless. Incessant workers. Work ami truest application will, without any iiestion, bring out our talent or ability we possess either. Hut if we foolhly waste our time in bile dreaming, r look upon real work as dull and resume, then we cannot possibly hope ? suceeed. The world has no use for titer drones or dreamers, and the Mson who thinks or arts along these lies stands absolutely no elinnco for a miring. Scientific Aspect. 'I?o you believe in sanitary kissesV "Certainly not. What's in *etn for le germs of affection?" No Rais(> Szfts, W Kr, W Great Remedy CASCARAKpUININE The standard cold cure for 20 year*? ia rv.fclet form ?safe. sure. no opiates ?cure* 'old in 24 hour* (rip in 3 days. Mo.ry back if it fails. Get the yi. genuine bo* with Red top and Mr. Hill's picture on tt. Costs less, gives ^ more, saves money. UV l I U 24 Tabiata for 2Sc. mull loft \Uu|Uy At Any Drug Store xVlfJMy Soothe Your /fy Itching Skin [jX \ With Guticura A Soap 2Sc. Ointmemt 2Sc & 50c FROST PROOF :abbage plants arly Jersey and Charleston Walcefleld, Sno anion and Flat Dutch, lly e*preH?, 6<i0, $1.25; (XX),; 5,1X10 at $1.75; 10,000 up at $1.50. V. O. . 11 KICK. Delivered parcel pout 100, 36c; 1.00U. L50. Satisfaction guaranteed. >. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C i ?. n? j .o jusi lugni i f Tonight ea TOU feel In tha morning. That tar feeling will be gone?touTI laal Una. tern hat your e organs ami ordi- ^wXKg force the ^EfflBggH|rar stomach, but ton- UUOI& i the test. ghly. yet iture herhe work, it a relief I betif i you M R letter every way. tubbnrtly mn- sJPWtA AN/AiKM >ne NR Tablet a 0 tal.e merflclao / Kn^H^VSH^K 1 an ncraiK>nal / '. ijv t that will bo / lyouriytiem //jflHn||llvJ|pnH no ? tcc; / / yMrj.lalUi'lll^^^ it bou. / /KammmAtA^JBVBm FRESH - CRISP WH01ES0ME-DELICIOUS "*"* TMf SANITARY METHODS MtlllD IM TUB Making of th??* biscuits make them the STANDARD -f EXCELLENCE itrer Dealer has Hieth. or if not he should. iAsk Htm or writs us qivitu) his namt. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY '""".W.0** le Liver Requires ccaslon&l slight stimulation. CARTER'S rLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION mlly indicate the absence of Iron in ped'by Carter's Iron Pills