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ITERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mr. Vv. H. Stewart, of Raeford, N. C., visited relativesand friends in Fort Mill during the past week. Mrs. J. P. Jeter, of Santuc, . S. C.. was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar T. Culp, ^ during the past week. Dr. and Mrs. A/ L. Ott had as their guests during the past week, Misses Emma Kennedy, Dorothy and Marguerite Ruff and Isabel Boyd of Ridgeway. Sam'l Warren, of Camp Green, P.hnrlnftp snpnt thp u/ppk.pnri at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Warren, in Upper Fort Mill. At administrator's sale last Saturday the cottage and lot on Spratt street belonging to the estate ol* the late Mrs. M. H. Wolie was purchased by B. M. Howie for $905.00. Robt. E. Jones, of Camp Sevier, Greenville, was a visitor Monday in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of the township. Washington's birthday was generally observed in Fort Mill, the two local banks, the postoffice, and the rural mail carriers taking a holiday. The local graded school allowed the teachers and pupils a half holiday. Mr. J. Y. Starnes, a well known resident of this city has . been ill at his home for a week or more as a result of a slight stroke of paralysis. His condition is reported to be slowly improving. Friends here of Fred D. Marshall, formerly of Fort Mill and Rock Hill, will be interested to know that he has announced himself a candidate for the Columbia city council. Mr. Marshall is a son of Capt. J. VV. Marshall, of Rock Hill, who for many years was a resident of Upper Fort Mill. +4 The South Carolina supreme court at Columbia Thursday reve?sed judgment and ordered a now trial in the case^of Barbara A. Moser, administratrix of the estate of Thomas Gaston Moser, appellant, versus the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, respondents. The opinion was written by Justice George W. Gage. Today is "Paramount Day" at the Majestic Theatre, the offering being Miss B^annie Ward in a five-reel drama, "The Crystal Gazer." Miss Ward has appeared here a number of times in the Paramount plavs and is a favorite among the picture fans. Tomorrow's show is a World picture, "As Man Made Her." featuring Gail Kane, and produced in five parts. The society of Daughters of the American Revolution will subscribe for $100,000 of the next issue of Liberty bonds and the funds will be' raised by assessing each member one dollar. Kanawha chapter of Fort Mill gave an oyster supper BYiday night in the Meacham building for the purpose of aiding m raising their quota and the affair was quite a success. Ihe local society will be ready with its apportionment when called upon. Every owner of a flock of poultry is being urged as a patriotic duty to refrain from selling for slaughter any hens or pullets. Every hen that is sold before the 1st of May will represent a food loss to the nation of an average of not less than 30 eggs. If the average number of hens and pullets usually sold from February 1 to May 1 is sold this year it will cause an aggregate loss of 150,000,000 eggs. The value of these eggs is 80 per cent to 100 per cent of the actual value of the hens. In an opinion given by Claude N. Sapp, assistant attorney general, it is held that judges of probate may issue liquor permits for the legal quart-a-month of whiskey without a physician's prescription. If the judge of nrohate can not satisfv himself otherwise that the liquor is for legitimate purposes then the physician's prescription may be required. Means of determining the legal purposes of the whiskey, as designated by Mr. Sapp. are: "Personal acquaintance with the applicant, the reputation of the applicant in the community as being a law-abiding citizen with the regard to compliance with the prohibition laws, etc." g W. L. Boyd, of Charlotte, ! joined his wife who is on a visit to relatives here for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Massey and Miss Isabel Massev, of Charlotte, visited relatives in Fort Mill last Sunday. Miss Isabel Grier, of Albemarle, N. C., visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier. during the past week. miss Vivian iNeely, ?of Kock Hill, was,the truest during the past week of ' Dr. and Mrs. A. Theo Neely. W. B. Hoke is able to be out on the streets after being confined to his home from injuries received on the face and head from a flying piece of timber which fell on the saw while operating his saw mill last week. The local fire department was called Tuesday afternoon to the E. W. Russell house on Forest street to extinguish a blaze in one of the outhouses on the rear .of the lot. The house caught fire from a fence which had become ignited when a neighber 4 was burning off his garden. i U7oHA- T>~tt u auci i ctnuii, a yuuiifrt negro , who the police have for some time been on the lookout for, was arrested in Charlotte Monday and brought to this city by Officer Broom. The negro had failed to show up for examination for war service when summoned by the local examining board. The housekeepers and home matrons of Fort Mill and surrounding country are invited tobe present at the local Red Cross work room to-morrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock at which ' time a lady demonstrator *of Washington, I). C., will be ? present and deliver a lecture on . meat substitutes and other mat- , ters pertaining to economical ( cooking. Boyd-Jones Marriage. < A pleasant surprise to their many relatives and friends in Fort Mill and community was j the marriage on Wednesday of last week of Miss Mary Boyd and Mr. John E. Jones, both of c this city. Mr. Jones had gone j, to Rock Hill on the early morn- r ing train, where he passed the 1 war examining board, and on j his return at noon was met at the station by Miss Boyd, the t".Wn innmpvinir r?? tn PliQwlntta ? \'?l l-V V/11CA1 IV/tV/t I where the marriage took place in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs . Jones returned to Fort Mill ( Saturday and are residing at the home of the bride's parents on Confederate street. Mrs. Jones is the third daughter of Prof, and Mrs. John A. Boyd. She is an accomplished young woman and her many friends throughout this section learned with interest of her marriage. Mr. Jones is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of the township, and is also popular throughout this section. He is the proprietor of Jones Drug store and is one of the town's successful young business men. Auditor B. M. Love on yesterday received a telegram from Comptroller General Sawyer notifying him of the extension of the time in which tax returns may be reeeived without penalty until March 1. The extension, however, is of but little importance so far as the property own- s ers of York county are con- i cerned, as they have already . made their return almost as close up as usual. ? Enquirer. \' H ^flHfifeiTHE slGr i a " -" ',n Mot,on | | . MAJESTIC B g Paramount Pictures Presei Miss fann: In the Five-Pan Drama ol "THE CRYST Don't Miss this one. MAJESTIC World Pictur ALICE I BHj One of Filmdom's Leading: 9 "THE DIVOI i H We do not fear to endorse K , 0 0 Gonkey's Li * Produces ^ A Trial Will Convince Y La HUTCHINSON' Agents for M h, ! flood n >1 ' For a general st ; of tested merit ; our store cannot b Our prices are alv and we are prep: public with the be our line. Phone us your wa ways "on the job." Parks Grc Phorn .ONG TERM FARM MORTGAGE LOANS. Interest: SPECIAL RATE (I per ent, depending on conditions* as to imount and credit period and annual 11stailments offered, and as to borower's urgency in having loan closed. )RDINARY RATE 7 per cent on a uick 5 to 10-year loan not under $300. ''or particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER, Attorney. TAX NOTICE- 191 V. Jffice of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C.. Sept. 17, 1917. Notice is hereby given that the Tax looks for York County will be opened in Monday, the 15th day of October, 917, and remain open until the 31st lay of December, 1917, for the collecion of State, County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1917, without >enalty; after which day One Per 'ent penalty will be added to all paynents made in the month of January. 918, and Two Per Cent penalty for all myments made in the month of Februiry, 1918, and Seven Per Cent penalty vill be added to all payments made 'rom the 1st day of March, 1918, to the 5th day of March, 1918, and after this late all unpaid taxes will go into exe utions and all unpaid Single Polls will >e turned over to the several Magis;rates for prosecution in accordance vith law. For the convenience of taxpayers 1 vill attend the following places on the lays named: And at York from Monday, Novem>er 19th, until Monday, the 31st day >f December 1917, after which date he penalties will attach as stated ibove. Note The Tax Books are made un >y Townships, and parties writing ibout Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their jroperty or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Old newspapers for sale at The rimes office. ^ of ALL. i Pictures i?i I TO-DAY ots the Artist Supreme, IE WARD, IiOve, Mjstery, Hatred, XL GAZER." Regular Prices : FRIDAY I I t s Presen's I I JRADY, 11 Stars, in the 5-part olay, m| u:e game/- E any of Miss Brady's plays. jra 4 % I I Httft nore tggs. Clol rge Size Package, 25c. ,? m S PHARMACY Schloi lorris' Candy. ? Ready-* - The } roceries. | J | We will b< | lor Spring. ULIV ui ^luwcncs 4 we believe that ? Easter coi e out-classed. , % new Suit e; rays at the bottom f to-day. ared to serve the st of everything in ? mts. We are al- I I Pattersi t "Fort. >cery Co., f e 116 t =r V " MHIps MHIac We will have a Car Load of Nice Tennessee and Kentucky Mules to arrive on TUESDAY, MARCH 5th. Also some extra nice HORSES. It will pay you to wait for this shipment. Mills Livestock Co. Need a New Wagon? Two ear loads of these wagons on hand, and they were bought over a year ago, when wagons were 40 to 50 per cent cheaper than they arc today. In order to reduce our stock, we will sell a few of these wagons for less than to-day's wholesale price. Fort Mill Lumber Company. - j * ^ X :>Jv" S V wKB^I ?iVt> *&?3n^^H an't Sell ALL the I lies, So We Sell * \ the BEST 1 ' _ ' 1 ss Bros. & Co., Baltimore and New York, a-Wear or Made-toMeasure 5 Royal Tailors, New York and Chicago. Taylor & Co., New York City. e glad to show you the above lines l,5()(Vsamples to select from. mes early, so you will want that arly. Let us take your measure in's Dry Goods Store. Mill's Fastest Growing Store." rrr:?r??? I W hy Hesitate? Come on To-Day and let us fix you up in those things you need in your home. Furniture, Like everything else, is steadily advancing in price, and, if your'e wise youll buy NOW, while prices are reasonable. Cash or Credit. _ I Young & Wolfe. I I The Furniture Men. I Snow Drift Lard. 10 lb. bucket $2.35 5 lb. bucket 1.25 4 lb. bucket 1.00 PICKLES Heinz Pickles, sour and sweet, per bottle, . .25 " India Relish, per bottle, .30 " Pickled Onions, per bottle, 25 " Pure Apple Vinegar, per quart, .35 CANNED GOODS CAMPBELL'S SOUPS. Rex Beef Tripe, per can, ___ 35 Rex Cooked Brains, per can, 25 Rex Roast Beef, per can, .30 Rex Mince Meat, per package .10 Our stock is now more complete than ever before and we appresiate and solicit your orders. FERGUSON & PHILLIPS Highest Prices Paid for Pork. jgjgk rv aiml/ rillltzio msms/mj i biobest maeket pbice bbkssbs lly m paid rot kav puis ihbmff h ikjv amd hides. WaolCommhfcian. Writ* fcr pric?-U*t meatioolay this ad white 400u "?????& mh