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~ I HnoronfoA pr I vjuaianiuc uu Hfr I Iflsfen to me! Calomel sicl j day's work. If bifio BPSfe""' I headachy read n Uvea op your sluggish liver 1 Feel p Sff' 1m and cheerful; make your work a e Sv" . jlimuit; be vigorous and full of am- u W Miles But take no nasty, dangerous n gfe ' ailnurl, because It makes you sick ffami you may lose a day's work. n Qtfomet is mercury or quicksilver, i, jr,-< which causes necrosis of the bones. ^ Calomel crashes into sour bile like a dynamite, breaking it up. That's when b you feel that awful nausea und :rump jRv1. tag. HR , Lhteti to me! If you want to enjoy nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced, Just lake a spoonful of harmless Dodson's L IK'1 -? liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or n dealer sells you ;i bottle of, Dodson's tl liver Tone for a few cents under ray si UOLT You can prevent JE/ ( \q\ through your stable mSly Lja?n .I9I (t when you begin t EH rTif fl5| SPOHN'S is safe to r^\* V9W */<?/ " prevents all diste V\ iwl^yo/ at uny ttKe *re "ex VKSjE^K/ goods houses and m \~x-r rQx and II a bottle; $5 >51^ SPOHN MEUICA Plgnty of Water. ) Ikey had lived In a very congested neighborhood. lie had never had any a great fondness for soup and water, hut '1 he was a citizen, at any rate?even if a somewhat unwashed one. And when tl the call caine for volunteers and still '1 more volunteers, Ikey decided it was his duty to enlist. lie was questioned and examined by fi two men nt the recruiting station, and then given over to several others, who ti gave Ikey the hath qnd scrub of ids tl WIk'd the process was over he was Md to report the following tlay and |f he would receive his utilfortu. < "Well, innnuna," he said, when he p ml home that evening. "I enlisted." b "Nu! You enlisted, Ikey? And vat p jf did you enlist In?" 1< "Well, mamma," Ikey said, "I don't know, but I guess It was the I n wvy."?New York Mull. It doesn't muke the slush more de- *' ghtftil to reflect that you may he trampling beds of violets. The faster n fellow runs in debt, the t< farther he gets behind. f, # # ; That Cold. CASCARA QUININE 1 Tbt standard cold cunt for 30 year*? ha tablet form?eafe, sure, no opiates ? ?cures cold In 34 hours?grip in S , day* Money back fails. Get the boa with Red top and Mr. Hill's picture on It. ' Costs less, give* /mWVm 34T^ib!stiTfor 25c! iwivjlm At Any Drug Store A FIGHT FOR LIFE | I It has been fight or die for many of us la the past and the lucky people are those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warn- v teg signal in time to correct their trou- (J Me with that wonderful new discovery . of Dr. Plorce's called "An-u-rlc." You . should promptly heed these warnings, some of which are dlaxy spellj, backache, f Irregularity of the urine or the painful \ twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum- l hag?. To delay may make possible the , dangerous forms of kidney disease, su<A pa stone In the bladder. To overcome those distressing condl-1 Uses take plenty of exercise In the open c air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely . f water and at each meal take Dr. i Pierce's Anurlc Tablets (double strength). Ton will, in a sort time. Dud that you 1 are one of the firm Indorsers of Anurlc, t as are thousands of neighbors. n Step Into the drug store and ask for c a Mc package of Anurlc. or Bend Dr. V. t M. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial v kg. Anurlc, many times more potent f than Uthla. eliminates uric acid as hot * water melts sugar. The Reason. "They put everything on me. I'm ..Bjn uic glllU. Illlll IB neeuuse * fDo will persist In hutting in." fmw - ' Par aprr<1y and effective action Dr. Peery'a Dr*d Bhot" has no equal. One done only | will clean out Wormi or Tapeworm. Adv. . 1 Don't waste time trimming a brush I to paint the mistakes of yesterday. t I To Previ Fortify the System A The strong withstand the W Weak. If your Blood is not ii does not circulate properly, yt to withstand the Winter Cold. and younger people who are 1 and enabled to go through th c Grove's T; chill Tonit Contains the well-known ton and IRON. It purifies and enr up the whole system, thus for colds and grip. Price 60c. ?* r | p Calomel! j dson's Liver Tone Lens and yon may lose a < ! us, constipated or ly guarantee. ersonal money-back guarantee that ach spoonful will clean your sluggish ver better than a dose of nasty calolei and that It won't make you sick. Dodson'a Liver Tone Is real liver ledidne. You'll kuow It next morale. berflttM> vnn will ??!?? ? ? ? ..... -. ?V U)> Itll.llft net your liver will be working; bendche and dlziinew gone; stomach will e sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely egetable, therefore harmless and can ot salivate. Give it to your children, iillions of people are using Dodson's ilver Tone Instead ot dangerous enlolel now. Your druggist will tell you hat the sale of calomel Is almost topped entirely here.?Adv. DISTEMPER this loathsome disease from running f and cure all the colts suffering with he treatment. No matter how young, use on any colt. It la wonderful how mpers. no matter how colts or horses posed." All good druggists and turf anufacturers sell SPOHN'B at 50 cents and 110 a domen. A? CO., Mfra^ tioahen, lad-, V. S. A. No Wonder He Shouted. "Archimedes," read the yourtg pupil J loud, leaped from his huth. shouting j Sureka ! Eureka !* " ; 'One moment, James," Interposed Itf teacher. "What is the meaning of Sureka ?* " " "Eureka means 'I have foufid it.' " "Very well. What hud Archimedes ouiid?' j James pomlered a moment, then ventired hopefully: "The soap."?C'ounry Gentleman. "Cold In the Head" i an acute attack of Naaal Catarrh. Perons who are subject to frequent "colds , 1 the head" will find that the use of I rAL.I/8 CATARRH MEDICINE will ( ulld up the System, cleanse the Blood nd render them less liable to colds. ( Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may sad to Chronic Catarrn. ; HAIX'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak- | n Internally and acts through the Blood i n the Mucous Surfaces of the System. 1 All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. ? $100.00 for any?case of catarrh that IA 1*1/8 CATAftRH MEDICINE will not j ure. F. J. Cheney A Co . Toledo. Ohio. I Ladies Night. First Minstrel Girl?Miss Interlocu?r, cun you tell me. is there any inference between hush and a woman's llnd? Miss Interlocutor?No, Tumbo, I an't. What is the dl(Terence? First Minstrel Girl?No difference at II; you have to take a 'chance with Itlier of them." On the Suwanee. "uouitl you swim u mile ou n bet. | 'nt?" "I could?If the bet wus a fence | all."?Chicago Dally News. The occaelonal use of Homan Eye nalanm t nlfc-ht will prevent anil relievo tired yea. watery eyra. and eye atrnln. Adv. a real friend Is one who knows all bout us, and likes us Just the same. Greenland has no infectious diseases. 'rominent Resident of North Carolina Indorses It Milton, N. C.?"I suffered very much vlth my buc'l and limbs. I had some lerangement of the kidneys, but after islng Anurlc I obtained relief and lave had no trouble since. I cheerfully ecommend the Anurlc Tablets to ull vho suffer from too much uric acid a the system."?CAPT. W. Q. } RAVES, Milton. N. C. You will escape many Ills and clear ip the coated tongue, the sallow comiexlon. the dull headuche, the lazy iver, If you will take a pleasant laxalve made up of the May-apple Juice >f the leaves of aloes, root of jalap, nd called "Pleasant Pellets." You an obtalu at almost any drug store in his country these vegetable pellets In luls?simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Mensant Pellets. Sold for tlfty years. -Adv. His Limit. "Does your son do you proud. Mr. .'buries Cash it?" "No; he does me." Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, >o\vels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. There is something within men that esponds to the truth. ;ni urip gainst Winter Cold inter Cold Better than the a a healthy condition and 3ur system will not be able Old people who are feeble weak, will be strengthened le cold weather by taking asteless I b j ic properties of QUININE iches the blood and builds tifying the system against f m General Tnnla rovo'& Skin hers J' IX1Q U Large Boftiefl For 35c I i When pro^bu^r |l ment y">a get splendid value! The large 35 cent bottle contains more than the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Try itf or rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers ? price 35 cants. QILBKRT BROS.* CO. Baltimore Md. PAPERSHELL Pecan Trees Cheap rhrifty. vigorous, healthy stock Well rooted, dug tnd packed right by experts of national reputation. Srery tree guaranteed true and to please you. Big booklet on Pecan Culture free. Write for it. Bus Papershell Pecan Co XumlertoihHisa. ha^r^balsam If&tSZTZM ASolUt praparattoo of maris. IWSa Halpa to arad'oata dandruff. KKvJk. gH For paatorinc Color and aywll r-~l Baautv So Gray or Fad ad Hair MBit SS'A Mc. and glee at Druretats ?L? KODAKS & SUPPLIES rUHlSP We also do highest class of finishing. IjUt Prices and Catalogue upon request. 'iS? S. Galeski Optical Ca., Rickmeed. V*. ^^MOPSY fBWWPff. ONso quick r? i i?f. _J IrHwl w i fouo fnoTH iiralllnr and thort ! In? th. llTtr h*ard of It* equal Tor drt>p*j. i JKTrr II Trial trratmrnt cent rllL by mail. KJ Wriuto DR. THOMAS K. CREEN LA# Baak 1Mb. BM SO. CNUT1WMTH, Up Pare Georgia Cane Syrup 85c Per Gallon n barrels. Cure Sugar HotmeMolao*** 66c. I'uito 41 co iSo. w. h. oitih, iolisbu. n (.*u NATURE'S BOOK OF SEASONS Four Times a Year Does Good Old Mother Earth Bring Forth Her Fruit. Mother Knrih four times a year brings fortli fruit of Joy. Summer, uu- j tumn, winter, spring, etirh awlille her toy. Spring the buoyant spirit brings, tvi lit one look beguiles snowbound fields ami frozen sens into melting smiles, on the green dandelions welcome lovely spring, crown him with their Jeweled crowns, hail him lis their king. Yields to summer he his-throne without miioh ...I.. u>h ...wi. c -it -- uviu, n kuiii wiiai KIIUI III! receive, pretty maidens woo. For lie serves their vanity, doing all he can to enhance their beauty with Just u touch of tan. Love him lilies, tulips, rose, peach and cherries red, plucks the rose, elopes, and soon summer too, has lied. In his trail a harvest rich golden autumn finds, which with care und thoughtfulnoss Into sheaves he binds. Till the day of "giving thanks" spreads hi out his gold, gathers up his hoard, departs at the blast of cold. Hinging of the merry hells cleaves the frosty air, 'tis the gladsome herald of coming Infant year. . On and off the seasons four speal the years around, 'twlxt their covers, leaf by leaf, nature's book is bound.?John I>. Nussbuum in the New York Telegraph. Some Mixup. At a munitions canteen a workman had called for a cup of coffee. Half a minute after receiving II he was hack at the counter." "There's something funny about this coffee, ndss." he said ; "It tastes Just little cocoa." The waitress sipped It and apologized. "I'm so sorry." she said ; "I've given you tea." Personal Touch. Malsle?Wasn't Kthel amused when she saw your mustache? Reggie?M'.ves ; It rather tickles her sometimes !?London Opinion. - i /fee mamjk ?? Unlike other cereals Grape-Nuts requires only about half the ordinary qua ntity of milk or cream Likewise because of its natural sweetness it requires no su&ar. Grape-Nuts the ready cooked food, is an all-round saver \ ~ Theresa ReasonM J PWPffWWpgppppiW CARDUI A SPLENDID TONIC i For Women, Says Hixson Lady, | Who Took This Medicine On Her Doctor's Advice. Hixson, ^Tenn.?Mrs. J. B. Gndd, of this place, makes the following state* < meat regarding her experience with ; Cardul: MI was ... I suffered with a pain In my left side; could not sleep at night for this pain?always In the left side. My feet and legs were terribly swollen. I was almost In bed. My doctor told ine to use Cardul. I took one bottle, which helped me. nnd nfter my bnby cnme I wns stronger nnd better, but the pnln wns still there. I nt first let It go. but I begnn to get weak nnd In n run-dbwn condition, so I decided to try some more Cnrdul. which I did. The Inst Cardul I took made me much better, nnd, In fuct, cured me. It hns been a number of yenrs, still I have no return of this trouble. I feel It wns Cnrdul that cured me. nnd I recommend It as n splendid female tonic." If you feel weak, tired, worn-out. or suffer from nny of the nllments peculiar to women, try Cnrdul. the woman's tonic. It must be n good medicine for women, for many thousands hnve voluntarily told. Just ns Mrs. Gndd did, of the good It hns done them. Ask some lndy friend who hns tried Cnrdul. She will toll you how It helped her. Then ret n bottle from your nearest druggi.vt?Adv. Germans Eat Sea Weeds. Oerninny Is. despite Its contrary claims, getting desperate for food. A recent Issue of the International lt?>vlew of Science and Practice of Agriculture announces that the Prussians are cntlng seaweed as one of the fo?si substitutes. They bolt the ill-smelling water growth ami disguise It In cakes, hoping to derive the'unquestioned nourishment which it possesses without being too conscious of It. Rhubarb leaves are also used now. Wheat and oats straw is ground, sugar beet seeds are made into meal. Nuts from the forest .are collected and made inru ttour. ?iiup?* s?>rus iiiv siivwl and ground also. Cuuntlcss wowlg from the fluids nre out, dried and bulled in soup. OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS Have you ever stopped to reason why It in that ho many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The j reason ia plain?the article did not fulfil | the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, us like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have l>een benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says, "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitnte to recommend, for in almost every case it shown excellent results, as many of my customers testify, i No other kiilney remedy that I know of has so In rise a sale." 1 According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have 1 used the preparation, the success of Dr. ( Kilmers' Swamp-Root is due to the fact that, so nuinv people claim, it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects urinary troubles ami neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address Dr. Kilmer A t'o., ninghamton, N. Y., and | enclose t<n cents; also mention this paper. Large ami medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores.?Adv. Encouraging Contrast. "What are you rending there?" "Something 1 hope will make me feel more resigned to the weather we i tore having." answered the gloomy man. "Is It one of those 'cheer-up' facts?" "No. It's a newspaper clipping, stntI*... *1- '?- - - * iii* nun me i uermouieter in ui?' Y UKon i territory Is (10 degrees below xcro."? Illi mi ogham Age-Herald. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the Ini flnniinatton of a sore throat ami lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration In the morning. Made and sold in America for flfty-two years. A wonderful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your gcnerhl health and throwing olt the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthtua, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sule In ull civilized countries.?Adv. Eight Sons in War. Pilot Hock, ore., is proud of the Melts family. There are eight boys. Three of them are in France with Pershing. three are in the navy helping I'ucle Sain hunt submarines and two are in the aviation corps. Mrs. Henry Itelts Is tin' mother. Important to Wlothora Examine carefully every bottle of riUTlllll J tor infanta and children, and see that it I In Use for Over ' '*> : Children Crv for Fletcher's Castoria The ehann*teristics ??f youth will endure as long as old men engage in childish quarrels. Wisdom Is a good Investment regardless of the price you have to pay for It. Pile* Curcsl in 4 to 14 Day* Drnntata refund money If PAZO OINTMBNT f*ll* Li mr* Itrhlnu Hllnil Ml*?*aeSln? n? . n.i.. irirtl Application gtTM rollef.~"ei)c. "ww"'"? ? Better one enemy thnt you nre sure of thnn n dozen doubtful friend*. ? - When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Mo lotrtlni-Jnit Kn Comfort. 60 c?ntl tl Dm?lM or moll. Writ* for fro* Mr* Book. HUK1MIKYK BIMIOT CO., CUICAOO & W7 DOCTOR DRGEO AN OPERATIOI instead I took Lydia E. PSnl ham's Vegetable Compoom and Was Cured. Ealtimore, MA?" Nearly four yeai I suffered from organic troubles, pei ?. vousnees and beat t|KV^ acbes and ever V^jFajTr _ month would hare 1 Hlra^V mtmv In KmI him* time. Tree JvtC#V menta wooid relies ufr* T vSroll me 'or * time bi A /Jill my doctor vu a Nljlt|l ways urging me 1 ^\PoisA5***?h%va an operatioi / U^Sj'y dster asked n h am'a Vegetabl \ \y# y Compound bef or X w/ ' y consenting to a " J v f/ /operation. I too jfll, l (/ / five bottles of it ar < vil *** /it has complete! * * cared me and nn work iaapleaaure. I tell all my frienc who have any trouble of this kind whi Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Con nniinr) Vi q ?a rlnna fn* ma ' KJvrv v ro I Fritting ham, 603 Calverton Rd., Bolt more. Md. , It is only natural for any woman < dread the thought of an operation. $ many women have been restored 1 health by this famous remedy, Lvdia I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aft an operation has been advised that will pay any woman who suffers fro ouch ailments to consider trying it b ford submitting to such a trying ordea Maps in Many Colors. The United States geological survt department of the interior, printed In year over 4,000,000 copies of geolog l pogruphte and other maps and folh tnuny of them in several colors. Sor of the geologic maps required us mui as 25 printings. The total uuinher Impressions required was 14,000.000. Watch Your 8kin Improve. On rising and retiring gently sme the fnce with Cutlcura Ointment. Wa off Ointment in five minutes with C tlcura Soap and hot woter. For fr sample address "Cutlcura. Dept. Boston." At druggists and by ma Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Sir Joshua, Perhaps. Mrs. Newrlch?Me and John hu had our portraits painted by fo American artists, and not one of tin is satisfactory. After the war we I tend to g<? abroad and see what t old masters can do.?Itoston Event Transcript. Just a Few Slips.! A little hoy carrying some eggs hot from the shop dropped them. "Did you break any?" asked 1 mother when he told her of it. "No," suld the little fellow, "but t shells catne off some of 'em !" If you do not want your feelln hurt cultivate due consideration f the feelings of others. - - - - . ALMOST FRANTIC Hid Kidney Trouble From Childhood am Was Discouraged, Doan's, However, Brought Health and Strength. Mrs. C. Anderson, 4104 W. 22m St., Chicago, 111., says: "I had kid ney trouble from childhood am three years ago u severe spell de veloped. If I stooped, a terrible pall took me In the small of my back and for several mlnu t e s I c o u 1 d n't straighten. Often at night the pain In |k<y8l my hack was so biul m*J u I hud to prop myself up with a pll- T low. It seemed ns If my back would break. Watery sacs . formed under my Afl0rr,on eyes nnd my feet were so swol len I had to wear slippers. Sud den dizzy spells came on and pain In my head drove me ulmost fran tie. "1 felt tired and weak and hat hardly enough ambition to move Nothing seemed to help me and was discouraged until I eoimnencet taking Doan's Kidney Pills. The; cured me completely and my heultl has been of the best ever since lJoan's surely deserves my endorse ment." Stcorn to before me, FttANK H. POCH, Notary Public Gat Dota'i at Any Stora, GOc a Bex DOAN'S VSSE FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y wT\ IF YOU QWNAUMLt HLLL! % IA FORTHE LAUDS SAKE 1 |1J DRAIN IT WEllTOMAKEirmDl lTm37iLm7\ Mnue> yon RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? 'r?k*RIIKUMACIDKtor?iBOT? t) a cans* no,i drtm the puUus from the system i murail ll>k os tin imim rt re auataatisa oi tu octsibsAt AU DrnfitUU Jm. Bail? A Sea, Wholesale Distributer* Mitchell's New Faultier Bred Klntf Cotton Docbla efficient in characters guaranteed satisl lory. Brtra early proline big (it# lock bolls lbs. postpaid 93 00. Will plant sere. Re-impro King, 100 ib bag 97.SO (. o. b here S?fir Loaf Cotton Farm, Youngsvilie, N FOB COUGHS AND COLD J ?take prompt and affbctHo remedy?oo that acts quickly and contains no oplatei You can gat such a remedy by asking fc PISO'S * : . ? . Nervous H "j Four Bottles of t\ Made Me Mr* Effl* Hill, Blanchester, Ohio, | write* as follow*: ? "I cannot tell how much I euf* r fared in the past twelve years. I have been treated by physician* and J no relief only for a short time. I X i was in such a condition from nor? j vous headache*, such Heavy fooling , mm If mv k>?U 1 J _ ? * ? ? wwmm f> t and ao n*rV?ui I could not got my i root aft night. Would have sinking " opolls and then so woak that I could . not do my work. I began to take Peruna. Have taken four bottles of , Peruna and have gained in strength I* and flesh, and can say I am a well c j HAT CQKSTt la It means a miserable condition of ill he at ailments such as headache, backache, dyi 1- various kinds, piles and numerous other d I. against nature, and no human being can i- constipated. DEL TUTTS LIVER POJ successfully all over this country for 72 y< to to have your liver and bowels resume So ' For sale at all druggists and dealers eve j Dr. TuH's I e LassBaeaaaMBBnaaasBBSBBHi iL LI The Relative Cost. A physician was culled in one of the suhurbnn towns to n hoy who was suf- i ferlng from tonsilltls. The hoy's moth- i j, er Was relating the affair to a neigh* I I ' hor of more mature years, commending ] the doctor for his treatment. The re- 1 , HP I sponse of the elderly woman was: s '?y "Well, In old times when a hoy had a ; , ? sore throat we used to take a strip of 1 J salt pork and sprinkle It plentifully , with pepper and hind It around the j , boy's throat, hut at the present price j ar -of salt pork It may he cheaper to have j sh a doctor." fa RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. jk To half pint *of water add 1 oz. Bay Ruin, a small box of liarbo Compound, ; I and % ?z- of glycerine. Any druggist can i put this up or you can mix it at home at , very little cost. Full directions for makve ing and use come in each box of Barbo ur Compound. It will gradually darken ID streaked, failed gray hair, and make it soft l? and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not , tricky or greasy, and does not ru^ off. Adv. III? ~ ^ They used to tell us fruit cake was fatul?hut h?i?k at the millions who survived. ne The goodness of /some natures oozes as Impressively as the gum on a peach llH tree. tin Cold* Cause Headache and Grip LaIATIVH HUOMO V1.1N1NK Tablet* remove the caune. There I* unlj una "llrvtuo gumlue." H. W UUOVI'd tl^nal ira on box. 80c. B? or "Anger and reason cannot live together." - LUCKY CIGAR l "\^r OU'LI jl ouney full of flavc as a pipe. IT'S 1 s The Burl toasted; n 1 delicious. J toasting ini] j fyC \ of bread. same with O n Q11 ;}r<>nteed by ? M < is n l WE ARE 2 Kecord .C m Minks ? |\ I Oposst ! Prices! ? . LEWIS BAER & CO., INC. lAROEST AND OLDEST FU eadachesl Peruna ITTHffl WellJTl I Cannot Thank . Enough I nSPSPi a Fop My * Recovery -Sa; raman. I cannot thank you enough or my recovery." Those who object to liquid medio ines can secure Peruna tablets* OTMIIUFAIK ni mil rifcHiiu alth that leads to all aorta of special ipepsia. dizziness, indigestion, pains of isorders?CONSTIPATION is a crime be well for any length of time while LS is the remedy and has been used ears. Get a box and see how it feels their health-giving natural functions, srywhere. Liver Pills Privilege Restricted. Hobby whs playing he was driving t laundry wagon. Ho would route to .ho door and bis mamma would give tint the pa oka go of laundry and soon Ito would deliver It again to hor. The mother, as she received the bundle. <ald liisa burst of afTeetlon, "t'ould you give me a kiss. Hobble?" Hobble Irew himself tip with pride and dlsilain, "No; laundrvmen don't kiss mv mamma." What a country this would ho for cannibals, t'ould have their fat men cither fried or stewed. Meddle only with those people who meddle with you, and not always with thetn. t GARGET or CAKED UDDER la COWS ran ho(tTt?rtMnu?bjr fuedlngron loolf to purify the bltHKl and applying I>r. IImtIcI Kotwrta* BADGER BALM *2? A MHithlnic unit healing olnlmxnL KiiKllrnt for mire toala anil In* llutnod uddoni. Kend the 1'rwrllral Homo Veterinarian. Send for tree booklet iui Ahoiitiiin In Cnwa If no dealer In your town, write Or. Oarlt Ko&trli Vrt. Co.. 100 6n?4 kit out, WaokMhi. Win Cuticura Soap is Easy Shaving lor Sensitive Skins Tbc Nrw llp-to-diile Cwtlcurw Molhod W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6?1910. 1 STRIKE IETTE enjoy this real r cigarette. It's >r?just as good rOASTED ey tobacco is lakes the taste You know how proves the flavor And it's the tobacco exactly. Sir * i NOW PAYING FOR FURS: Muskrats up to SI.25 Muskrats 11 " .80 >r?s " " 3.50 " " 7.00 jms " " 1.30 : Skins 4c. per piece f no commission and pay cxprcssage :: BALTIMORE, U. S. A, r House in th