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I *111 I ? Calomel Loses You Take Dodsnn's pgj^: -R'% " ~ Bead my guarantee I Ifbi acby you need not take n ous calomel to get ' Every drogglat in town?your druggist end everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. Thpy all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking Its place. "Calomel Is dangerous and people know It, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells It. A large bottle doesn't cost very much, but If It falls to give easy relief lu every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only Puts a .. /o/flNai ^*?P *? fafi !j5l C1 u\t dJgmm #/wi And prevents othi wV exposed. BO ceati V^VVviay/ bottle*. All good Spohn Medical Co Knife and Fork. The Tiger-Hawk tells the story of n patrician soldier's mistake. Perclvol Bontpercy of the city Introduced himself to a scur-fuced messniute something after this manner: "I nnt charmed to form your acquaintance and trust It will ripen Into a friendship that will endure. I observe you have combated the dread disease, smallpox." The "Old Sixtler" looked him over, smothered the lily white hand In a hi*; brown one, und replied: "1 am one of the Dlkeses. A badger from Bitter Creek. A ridge runner and a go-gitter, and got wch feet. Have a chaw? But I ain't hail no smallpox? I learned how to eat with a fork."? Kansas City Times. Cider in Ireland. Cider was at one time luumifaetured on a large seule in the south of Ireland, but the .Industry became extinct. In 1904 the department of agriculture revived It to such an extent that whole villages were engaged In the employ- I ment. Since the outbreak of the pros- j ent war most of the large tlrms interested In the project have suspended operations for one reason or another. ; It your eyes smart or fool scalded, Roman Kye Rataain applied upuu (sing lu bed la Just lbs tblua to relieve tlicur. adv. Judge n nmn's true worth by what he has In his heart rather than by whnt ho has In his pocket. Tie; road to sell Is paved with good Inventions. /^nK 37% More Get the Genuine K; k CASCARAK QUININE No (dfinc* in price for thia 20-yearold remedy?25c for 24 tablets ?Some cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets? Figured on proportionate coat per tablet, you save 9 He when you buy . Hill's?Cures Cold _ , ^ in 3 dajrs^- Money W B8|| 24 Tablets for 2Sc. v^ilEHEy At any Drug Stora | Hnve you RHEUMATISM ! Lumbago or Gout? Take RIIRUMACIDR to remove aud drive the poison from the system. "uniuaM nit tiii iitatoB > rVTH KllktUsIlnjl 09 TUB OITBIDB" At All Uraigli'f I Jm. Bally A Soe, Wholesale Distribmtors PAPERSHELL Pecan Trees Cheap Thrifty, vigorous, healthy stock. Well rooted, dug and packed right by experts ot national reputation. Every tree guaranteed true and to please you. Big booklet on Pecan Culture free. Write (or it. Ban Papershdl Pecan Co ,Lumberton,Mif8. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 4-1918. OUR BOYS IN FRANCE AND HOME PROTECTION The men on the firing line represent the pick of our American youth. One In four of our boye at home was sick, re Jected because of physical deficiency. Many timed the kidneys were to blame. If we wleh to prevent old nge coming on too soon, or If we want to Increase our chancea for a long life, I)r. Pierce of the 8urgtcal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.. saya that you should drink plenty of water dally between meAls. Than procure at your neareat dru* store Anurlc (double etrenyth). This Am-u-rlc drives the uric eld out and cures backache and rhcu-naB8?fihF?t tlam. If we wish to keep our kidneys In the best condition a diet of milk and vegetable#. with only little meat once a day, la the most suitable. Drink plenty of pure water, take Anurlc three times a day for a month. It sells for 60c. Step Into the drug store and ask for Aaurlc, or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial ; pkff. Anurlc, many times more potent j than tlthta. eliminates uric acid as hot ! water melts su*ar. A short trial will ooavtnoe you. | ' to old people and a i I DAM _ .... ? aatui riu<a which tor /z ye g ' mot prenlent of *11 disorder*. For ?le a Day's Work! Liver Tone Instead j i lious, constipated or headaaty, sickening, dangerstraightened np. I ? , to ask for your money back. Dcdson's Liver Tone la a pleasant- ' tasting, purely vegetable , remedy. ' harmless to both children and adults. ! Take a spoonful at night und Wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head- ] ache, ncld stomach or constipated ' bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in- ' convenience all the next duy like vlo- ! lent calomel. Take n dose of calomel . toduy and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a duy's work! Take Dodson's Liver TdllO IncfiMifl ?rwl #??11 ? -?.... ,X MMU twa uuv, JkUU VI vijtor and ambition.?Adv. Distemper URES THE SICK sra having the disease no matter how i and 91 a bottle, 95 and 910 a dosea druggists and turf goods houses. Manufacturers, Goshen, Ind.,U.S.A. Sicilian Nut Crop Small. The crop of almonds this year bus been very small in Siell.v. being only about ].">,UO0 bags of 2*JO pounds. There are. however. -lO.IMW) bags remaining from last year. In consequence of t lit' short erop prices in we remained high, and buyers are paying 38o lire per bag. At normal exchange the lire is worth 10.H cents. United States currency. The filbert crop lias been abundant tills season and is estimated at IfiU.tMlO bans of 220 pounds. Tbere Is none of the old crop left. The price is 142 lire n bait. Tlie new pistachio crop is good and there Is a considerable quantity of the old crop still remaining in the shell. The price is about 2s. rtd, (CO cents) a pound.?Commerce Reports. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your couxti, soothe tne inllutuniutlon of u sore throat utul lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Mude and sold in America for fifty-two years. A wonderful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale in ull civilized countries.?Adv. Sleepless Nights? In our conversation last evening at the supper table we discussed wheatless and meatless days and light less nights. When supper was finished we thought the matter forgotten, hut during the night half a dozen cats selected as a meeting pluee a spot beneath our hay window. And at breakfast tsible mo ionowing morning Bobby snl?l. "I guess we're going to have sleepless nights, too."?Clilcugo Tribune. "Cold In the Head" la an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Trrsor.a who are subject to frequent "colds In the head" will tlnd that the use of 1 HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build tip the System, cleanse the Blood and render them leas Uuble to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lend to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acta thr nigh the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. f100.00 for anv case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Bold Husband. Wife?That odious .Mrs. Nt'Xdore hits bi't'ii saying that I havo an unruly tongue. Hub?Unruly? Nonsense. Why. your tongue responds to your every impulse with explleit obedienee. Indirection producer dtincrecnhi- nnd onu-tlinrn nlarmlnc. rvmptnmr Wrlcht'a Indlnn Vrnrtflhtr I'M!* rtlmulntc the illgcittv<* prorrMrii to function naturally. A4v. OovotousiiPK^ is the tint' sin nmuy a tufti\ Is guilty of without knowing it. Pilca Cured In 6 to 14 !">?> DniffRlfiU refund ra< n.-r If I'AZO OlNTMUNT tr.lU to euro Itchlntr, ll'lnil KIopiIIdi; or i'rulruuiui 1'i.ei. Kirti application rfirtM toller. 60c. The old virtues :iki> not, ueillier do they wither nor grow stale. The man who Is plekletl is not well presorted. ADVICE TO WOMEN Brownsville, Tenn.?"It Is luy pi on snre to let others know how much good j Dr. Pierce's medicines hove done me. I suffered with woman's trouble. Finally I was advised to use I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took , about six bottles In ull and was perfectly well. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the only medicine I ever need. Any woman who wants to get well and stay well should try 'Favorite Pro* ' scrlptlon.' "?MltS. CLARISSA KMX. For over forty years this herbal toiile for women has been sold by all dealers In medicine throughout this country. Through Its use thousands of wnnifn all over this land have been relieved of mnnv diseases of ? wnm.m. ly nature. It is nov- xmt up in tablet form also. Tablets flOo. Write confidentially about your case or send 10 peats for trial package of 'Favorite Prescription ? Tablets' to Dr. Pierce, President Inlands' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.?Adv.* PAPON GREATEST FOE nenace at aome time or another to every forerunner of more ilia and suffering El SIGNALS and should never be first indication of constipation get DR. ars has been successfully used for this i by druggists and dealers everywhere. liver Pills ???i " iiiiliiM "'**'' Stoplhat ^ I Gatanfisffm It weakens &S$L Jx I you and dis- yWjH/Jlj gusts your v? *! | friends. It 1 offers a prepared ground for dangerous diseases. It will not get well by itself, but many thousands of just such cases have yielded to PERUNA which for forty-five years has been the household's standby in catarrh and debility during convalescence from grip. Experience has taught a great number that Peruna is a reliable tonic that aids the membranes in recovering from inflammatory conditions, regu Cis the appetite and clears away waste. At your druggists. K THE PERUNA COMPANY g Columbus, Ohio I WK W1MII?? ' Is! Horses / Horsemen agree Jy that Yager's uy i Liniment is the gr1?~ best and most eco- | J tinmicol 1 iaimeat far general (table use. For (trained ligaments, spaein, harness galls, sweeny, wounds or old ores, cuts and arjr. enlargements. ?t gives quick relief. A 35c bottle contains more than the usual 5Uc>bottlo ot liniment. 85c TER BOTTLE AT ALL DEALERS YAGER'S LINIMENT LOILBKBT BROS.* CO. Baltiinoro. Md. ^ 4 nOfipCV TEEtTMENT. Oleee qnte* roiin. br_ J a?nw? III Huun nmoTM ivrlllnr ud lliart jw _U breath. Sfror h-?rd of Its e<in,l for dropsy. V. ttfm,Try It. Trial trratmoot wot FR((. by mail. Writ# to DR. THOMAS E. GREEN ? , ~ cv, IIWRIN, QA. ANOTHER KINO OF MACHINE Wife Had No Intention of Letting Hubby Forget He Had Not Married Needle Worker. Speaking at a dinner parly. Senator James \Y. Wads worth of New York referred to tlie poor memory possessed by some people, and fittingly contributed this anecdote: One evening a business man, who had married his prelt.v stenographer, went to his room to dress for a session of his favorite lodge. A few minutes later he was Heard calling at the head of the stairway. "Jessie, dear," said hubby in a kind and gentle voice, "can't you come here Just for a minute?" "I suppose I can." indifferently answered Jessie, arising from her easy natr anil starting for the stairway. "What do you want?" "There is a little ripped plaee in the shirt that I want to wear to the lodge tonight," returned huhby. "Can't you sew it up for me?" "Of course not," was the prompt rejoinder of wlfey. "I will get .lane to do it. You seem to forget that you married a typewriter, not a sewing tauchlue." Cuticura Stops Itching. The Soap to cleanse and Ointment to roothe and heal most forms of itching, burning skin and scalp nffectlous. Ideal for toilet use. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. X. Boston." Sold by druggists and by mall. Soap 25. Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. A Different Answer. "Am I the first girl you have loved?" "oh. no. You tire about the tenth, and my taste has improved right along." Two people may be- able ty live as cnenply ns nnt\ hut it depends on whether they tire married or engaged. Body Terribly Swollen Hr. Madara's Condition Was Critical Until Doan's Were Used. Health Was Restored. "For ei* month* I couldn't walk, I y>hh ho swollen as tlic re>uit of kidney trouble," Hay* (ioo. T. Mud.ira, 15 Mt. Vernon Ave., Pitman Cirove, Camden. N. J.: "Backache drove tue nearly wild ami big lump* formed over each kidney. I bloated until I weighed g TX 407 pound*, and 1 was a R' ^ 9 sight to behold. The #* > Ij water in niv system ^V. 0 preyed around my heart \ . and I sometimes felt as if I was being strangled. JfBt The kidney secretions ^V^Kfo were scanty and con- ^CTQI mined a thick sedi- & "No one can imagine how I suffered. I flnallv unnf >!.? I J._? i I - ..v... > > tuc uu>|>iuii, ?uv v hen an operation was suggested I would not consent and came home. J "I heard how Doan's Kidney Till* had hel[?ed other*, so 1 discarded all the other medicines and started taking theni. The second day 1 began to improve and as I continued, mv back stopped paining and the swelling vent down. The other kidney troubles left, too, and I was soon aa well as ever." Sworn to lwfore me, Philip Schmitz, Notary Public. I Cat Doan's at A?r $tarf.M?aBai doan'S";?".1 FOSTEK-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N **. STOP YOUR COUGHING No need to let that cough persist. Stop the Irritation, and tnort tickling and hoarseices. by relieving the Inflamed throat with PISO'S ' ' ' 'V> : . Jf> t>v 0 \ . T > TSusuno i SAVES WIFE! i From Suffering by Getting! Her Lydia E. PSnkhaxn's | Vegetable Compound. Pittsburgh, Pi!-" For many months j I was ndt able to do my work owing to !1 IIH Mill friend colled my i I attention to one of , your newspaper advertisement* and immediately my husband bought three bottles of ' Lydia E. Pinkham's ! Vegetable Com- | r pound for me. ; After taking two ????????J bottles 1 felt fine and my troubles caused by that weak ness are a thing of the past. All women who suffer as I did should try Lydia E. j Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."? Mrs. Jab. Rohrberg, 620 Knapp St., N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. Women who suffer from any form of weakness, as indicated by displacements, , inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues," should accept Mrs. Rohrberg's suggestion and give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years it has been I correcting such ailments. If you have mysterious complications write for ' aavice to Lvdia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. Mitchell's New Faultless j Bred Hintf Cotton Double efficient In characters guaranteed satitfac- j tory. Extra early prolific big flea lock bolls. 10 ' lbs postpaid $5 00. Will plant acre. Re-improvad King. TOO lb tag $7.50 (. o. b. here.. Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm, Youngsville,N.C. SHOULD BE LABOR OF LOVE Only Those Who Really Enjoy Their Work Can Hope to Attain Any High Degree of Success. l The richest rewards commonly when one en n literally fail I in love with one*.' ( work. If you nre keenly interes* . In your dully eflforts, your wo?-' being done more snM?'""* ;t is u labor of love, kvery day is an enjoyable experlenee. I.ove your work. Retain your youthful enthusiasm. All this means that you must take every possible care of , your health. That you must maintain your physical energies at hlghwiiter murk. Remember always that you def*end upon your bodily nutehine for the attulnnumt of your object in life. Take care of that machine. i Is It not worth more than an automobile. than an airplane, a line horse or doc? Is it not in reality beyond | financial valuation? Recognize its value to the full. Remember that each j j day you are what your food makes vou. Your muscles, the strength and contour of your Ixxly, ure Influenced by tliv exercise you tuke. Tin* blood tluil makes up the tissues, that nourishes and gives onerg}? and enthusiasm to your brain. { i depends upon your dirt and exercise j and tho Rcnrral cart* you give your j body.?IMtyhlcal Culture. She'd Used Them, I Cliler was ut one time manufactured on n large scale in the south of Ireland, j but the Industry became extinct. In 1904 the department of agriculture re vlved it to such an extent that whole 1 villages were engaged in this employment. Since the outbreak of thl> present war most of the large firms inter( este<1 in the project have suspended operations for ?>!ie reason <<r another. 1 Baby's Underwear. j Small Hobby was telling his mother about a parade be laid Just seen, lie picked up a shoe box. and, heating it . with a stick, marched round the room, j explaining that he was a band. Ills younger brother, who htul never , seen a parade, also beat on a box and. as he followed Hobby, remarked: "Mother, I'm a shirt.** I Quite a Zoo of 'Em. i .innue?<?ee, your grandma is a spry | old lndy. Jennie- -Well, hadu"t alio ought to ( , he? I lor fathor lived to he a centaur ami her mother was almost a centipede.?St. Louis Republic. ( It Is easy to make both ends meet when the flnancial end isn't short. ( When Justice Is meted out who watches the meter? There is no purer i or more healthful 1 food fir children than j Grape-Nuts Its natural sweet- ' ness appeases the childs appetite for i added sugar, and the quanity of milk ' or cream needed ; is about half that required for the i ordinary cereal. 1 GRAPE-NUTS IS AN ! ECONOMICAL FOOD | L JL J : TEACHERS TO MEET IN MARCH Strong Programs Being Arranged?Accommodations for Them Now Being Made. Columbia.?The next meeting of the State Teachers' Association will be held March 1416. inclu- 1 sive. The general sessions will be j held in the Columbia theater and the ( department meetings will be held" in | the high school building and other adjacent rooms. v Strong programs are benig arranged by President J. P. Kinard and each of the department superintendentsSpecial emphasis)will be given the subject of the schools' meeting the needs of the changed conditions in every phase of life. There will be three general meetings or the association. Thursday evening a prominent speaker will address the meeting and on Friday evening the Dramatic Club of Columbia will present a play. This will be under the direction of Dr. Wnuchope of the University of South Carolina. Saturday morning will be giVen over to a business meeting. Doth the Chamber of Commerce and the Y. M. C. A- are now arranging a list of hotels, boarding houses, private homes for the entertainment of lh? tani-hDn -1 . uu.v in riutrn;t) UI lonil arrangements in Columbia assure all who eome of a comfortable place to stay. Columbia has a number of new restaurants and it is certain that com- , fortuble accommodations can be had. A list of hotels and rooms will be sent out about the middle of February. Following are the officers: Jas. P Kinard, president. Rock Hill; It. C. Rurts. secretary. Rock Hill; W. E. Rlack. treasurer. Lexington; D. T. Kinard. Dillon, and Mrs. E. E. Watkins, Columbia, vice-president. Department presidents are as follows: College and secondary schools. H. N. Snyder, Fpartanburg; superintendence. Patterson Wardlaw. Columbia; primary .eachers. Miss Mildred Tillinghnst. Eastover; grammar grade teachers. Alias Annie S. Workman. Laurens; sc' ool improvement association. Miss Vadeline Spigener, Columbia; teachers jf English, W. Thomson Brown, Rock Hill; home economics. Miss Mary Me i??vt?ii, hock iini; industrial teachers and public school principals. W. S Wertz. Columbia; county superintendents. H. S. Rogers, Dillon; language teachers. Mi?s Susie Brunson, Darlington; kindergarten. Miss Adele Mlnahan. Charleston; teachers of pedagogy. Patterson Wardlaw, Columbia; School Peace League. D. B. Johnson. Rock Hill; rural teachers. Miss Charlotte Wiengea. The dues of the association are $1 for men and 50 cents for women. This should he sent to \V. K. Black. Lexington. May Locate Big Plant at Charleston. Columbia.?Information received is that Henry Ford will leave Detroit within the next few days for an inspection of Southern ports for a suitubie site for the large shipbuilding i plant, to be erected somewhere in the i South- This Information was sent to Andrew J. Bethea from Charleston, i who has suggested the Slate's big seaport as a most desirable location for the contemplated enterprise. Responding to this telegram Mr. Bethea has telegraphed O. S. Anderson. secretary to Mr- Ford, urging that Charleston be included In the itlner- , ary and also to advise Just when to 1 expect the most, widely known untomnKllo ' ? iiiauuw.lUICI. llltf V I1UI1''Bton Chamber of Commerce anil many ] prominent cit'zens are working industriously for the selection of Charles ton. Mr. Ford has shown a genuine , interest in Mr. Bethea's suggestion and has written Mr. Bethea for much Information relative to railroad facili- | ties, acess to coal field and steel j mills, depth of harbor, available sup- i plies of lumber, weather conditions and ] much other related data. May Use Coal to Protect Pipes. Anderson.?The State fuel administrator issued the following order: "Pursuant to autnority vested in me by the I'uited States fuel administrator. it is hereby ordered that all plants in tn:s State may maintain sufficient Ktehm to protect their pipes, including ( sprinkler systems, from freezing and , to meet all requirements of insurance companies for protection against tire " J lilut at least one meatless meal a j day. i Fat more fish, cheese. egg3, poultry. ' and save beef, pork, and mutton for j our fighters. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. 1 It has been held that inasmuch as ! Savannah can not accommodate deep draft vessels which are bringing ni- i trate of soda front Chile to the United States, the first ship, which will arrive shortly, will dot k at Charleston. Original plans contemplated docking I at Wilmington, Charleston. Savannah 1 and Jacksonville, but as neither of the two latter cities have deep enough wa- i tor, supplies for Florida, South Caro- i Una and Georgia farmers will be un- I loaded at Charleston. The Rev- L. G. Miller, member of ' the faculty of the Lutheran Theolog- I leal Seminary at Eau Claire, died at i the Baptist Hospital from an apoplec- I tic stroke. Funeral services were held | at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Interment was at Winchester. Va Mem- j bers of the student body acted as pall- ? bearers. ? John J. Earle. a leading lawyer of Columbia, has volunteered his servici s i ( to the Red Cross and will leave New I York soon for France Neils Chrliitcnsen, Senator from Beaufort, is confined In a Columbia | lospital. Brig. Gen. FU K. Cole. Marine Corps, las been assigned to command nt Paris Island. General Cole was re- < gently stationed at Haiti. ; 1 Governor Manning has offered a ovlng cup to the school winning the i ligh school debate this year. ! Two members of the waffney Live- , itock Company left her for Atlanta, 3a., and points in Tennessee, where i hey will purchase one car of mules I ' md one of hogs for the use of farmers in Cherokee county. Nearly all of | he hogs have already been sold. They will be used for breeding purposes , tht cchtaur coxpwnf- 1 ^<01 J y^VVORK^^j Exact Copy of Wrapper. TEST OF OLFACTORY SENSE Matter That Would at First Appear Easy, but Really Is Exceedingly Difficult. How keen is your "smellet Here Is u guiue that will help you find out artd that will make a lot of fun besides: Make up a collection of common articles such as you can pick up around the house?eolTee, tea. vanilla, orange peeling, potato peeling, carrots, molasses, vinegar, chocolate, nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, tiusde sugar, cheese (llmhurger, If you can get It), apples, lainnuus, celery, grapes, etc. You can easily provide a list of MO or 40 samples. Then number each spe.linen nuit make out a card with tlfe numbers on it for each member of the troop. Then, without giving anybody a chance to look at the samples beforehand, blindfold each scoot and have him try to Identify th" samples by smelling of them. Wri'e in the answers on the card as he calls them off. This sounds easy, ln'f you will he surprised at the number of mistakes lliat will he made in i/cutifying simple articles such 11s tlrvse that most hoys smell every day o" their lives.? Hoys' I.ife. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS tt _ - - * " * .. 1 x jiere is oniy one mecieine that really j stands out pre eminent as a medicine for j curable ailments of the kidneys, liver tnd bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to l>e just the remedy needed 111 thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription for ; special diseases, makes friends quickly be j cause its mild and immediate etfect is Mion realized in most eases. It is a gentle. healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all Irug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this treat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., liinghumton, N. Y., for a mmple bottle. When writing be sure and nention this paper.?Adv. Falsifir ation. (Jeorgc Cnliim was advising an older playwright who Imtl not yet achieved fntne. "You must give the puldir happy endings," Mr. Cohan said. "A happy endtig must he given, even if you have to falsify the truth. "We all falsify the trulli at times, rims, on the staj.e, when the lovers <iss. their trouble.*- are over, whereas n real life, of course, it's when they i <iss that their troubles begin." Th? Quiain* That Uw Ncl Attrcl Had <?c*a>.o of tie Umlo ?nd aoillvo aitaci. l,a?*t|T* iruilio Oolnlns can L.? Lik.-n hr aaMntf ncrTuDsnt*MO or rhijilnti in Iho h?*?1. I lu*r? * oniy oho "Bromo Qu!biu?." M- W. UBOVMB Igoaiare is ?n box. 3Uo. Plans are helnit nuule to clear vast > tracts of land in the Straits Sottlenents fnrjhe production of hutuinnx. j As a general thing the other follow as no iiso for your opinion unless it | oliioiiios with his own. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the >rlginul little liver pill ) put up 40 years igo. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. It Is impossible to toll liow much a nan Is amused by the volume of laugher he lets escape. i Tjou can't skin a cat with a safety ssnr. When Your Eyes Need Care ! Try Murine Eye Remedy So Rm>rtlr(-Jnit By* Comfort. 00 snti It Orvggtfta or roalL Wrlt? for VrM By* Book. U)EU(B IVK WUUDV CO.. CIUOAUO ] RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. T? half pint of water add 1 ox. Bu Ram, a wall box of Barbo Compound, tad % os. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it. at home at yery little coet. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Knew His Book. Teacher?Johnny, con you tell me where Lake Ontario is? Pupil?Yessum; page 18.?Philadelphia Telegraph. Contents 15 Fluid Di??fni m^r^OUOL^PE* CENT f Sgjac W AVc^elablcIYeparatiofifcrAs 3 S^m S j similatingtheFood by Rcguta-1 3|jpi? ^ rftin^Utc Stomachs and Bowcbrf | 3|]fSj i J Thereby Promoting Digestion J ' Cheerfulness and Rest Contains I neither Opium, Morphine nor J gjgSjw 1 Mineral. Not Narcotic! g^tsjc j JhepeoTOUDchuVIirrrsaR 1 r ; ^ Sfei i I AmU&SjOt I I I f i-' -= " A helpful Remedy for I ' Constipation and Diarrhoea J v ? a?d Fevcrishncss and 9 p' ; . Loss of Sleep ij ^3;^ ^ resulting therefrom-in liifanty I f- : : - ; ThcSimile Si<nat sof I castorIa For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the ft JfC In n?r ?sfl \j For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMf OINTSUR OOHMNY, Nt? TO MM OTTT. How He Took Them. Put Miilono oaine homo from (In* i front with a slight wound. Not wry long ago ho was iiivltod to u "oonvorsariono" * id thoro ho who urgod to ro| Into of his oxporionoos at the | front. "CIno 01 the oxnorlonoos I luiil," mi ht I'ut to the company. "was this: Myself titi?l liO.tHH) men were grouped together, and what do you think happened?a wily Herman otlleer appronehed us and took us nil." "Ilow in the devil did ye allow that feller to take ye," said llridget O'Uufferty. who was listening with the greutest attention, "and how did he mintage I to take that nutuher of prisoners, may I ask?" "Oh. you see," said Pat wittily, "that bloke took us with n camera." Bridget has the Joke spread all over the country since. Misplaced Prayers. Little Margaret lives on an army post, across the road from the company mess. The mess cook is prone to swearing when the bread is overdone. One morning, as she rushed into the room, the expression on the little girl's face was one of puzzlement. "Mother." she said, "that cook is ar awful queer man. lie snys Ids prayers in the daytime." Tnlc C.arr of Yoqr IIomnI Nullum; elte will lift lis nuicb to keep tlieiu In tine eoiKlltlun an Dr. David ItolK-rt*' PHYSIC BALL and tHORSF. TONIC **%,? >ner every three ne.riths? umki-s sleek coat, pr?vent.-? weruiHp-le. Read the I'rntiiral Ifnmr Veimnariaa >r?<t for fror hoohlol o. Ahnrli.-a In low. Ir no denier in your U>wn. write Or Daiii nnoe t?' Vet. Co., 100 Goad Aianue WauDilia, Nik wrnwiwk B\ IF YOU OtfNALITTLE FltLU^B \ FOR THE 1ANDS SAKE )DRAIN IT WELITO HAKE IT YlflD^ I r" . | Early Maturing Cotton Seed Hyatt's Early Prolific fliowden). Cook, Cleveland, Perry, Simpkins' Ideal, King and Simpkina' Prolific. Writ* or tf/it/jf Rook 1*1 an J prkts. W. A. MYATT, Jr. & CO. R^laiftk North Carolina j Ctntrn?nt25and53c Frost Proof Cabbage Plants FarJr Jersey and Charleston Wukefleld, 8urreHnlon and Flat Dutch By eipreaii. VX), 11.2ft; I.01i), |2 <X); 5,000 at $1.75; 10,000 up ?t #1.50. V. O. H IitCKK. Drltfrrrd parcel pout 1(X), J6c, 1,000. Hatlsfaetlon guaranteed. D F. JAMISON. SUMMERVILLE, S. C. E*m? |&J HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Help* to eradicate danUmit. 'M For R Mtoriai Color unl Baauty toCrur or Faded Hair. ^ KODAKS & SUPPLIES We alao do highest class of flnlahlug. Price* and Catalogue upon request. S. C.Utki Optical Ca.. Ricksta*. Vat