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ITE.1S OF LOCAL INTEREST. ' Dr. A. Theo Neely is out again after a severe attack of gri p. Zenas Grier, of Albemarle, N. Q.. spent Sunday here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier. tyiss Mary Carothers. of Rock mil. was a truest tne past week of Misses Juanita and Nannie Erwin. William Erwin returned to! Clemson college last after a! visit of several weeks at his home here. > Misses Ella May Kirkpatrick and Willie Jones, of Fort Lawn, are quests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Patterson, on Booth street. The Rev. Arthur P. Toomer, of Charleston, a student at the Columbia Seminary, filled the pulpit ol' the Presbyterian church at the morning and evening services in the absence of the pustor, the Rev. R. K. Timmons, who is undertaking campaign . work throughout Bethel presbytery to raise its quota of the $100,000 war work fund. Two pieces of real estate belonging to the estate of the late W. T. Hoagland were sold under the direction of the clerk of court Satnrday at public aution, a house and lot on Booth street being bought by S. L. Meacham for $1800, and the livery stable property on Academy street to J. H. Sutton for $1000. The generosity of Col. Leroy Springs for the helpers in his several cotton mills was again demonstrated the past week when announcement was made that all the help would receive half pay for the time lost during the present and last weeks. This act of Col. Springs is greatly appreciated by his employees just at this time. People of this city and community who have been watching the weekly episodes of "The Fighting Trail," the serial story now heing shown at the Majestic Theatre, will be interested to know that a double episode (4 reels) of the story will be shown at regular prices on next Saturday, on account of last Saturday's episode having been lost in transit. County Demonstration Agent A. A. McKeown was in Fort Mill Friday in response to a call from a number of farmers in this commuuity who were seeking information as to the distribution of soda nitrates under the recent government provisions. While here Mr. McKeown stated to The Times that arrangements had been made with the tw< local banks to receive applications for the purchase of the soda and suggested that th< farmers file their applications ai the banks at once. The disposition of the business interests of Fort Mill to obey the order of Fuel Administratoi Garfield cheerfully and willingly is shown in the fact that the manufacturing enterprises have been closed since last Friday for the five-day period and all of the banks and business houses closed their doors on Monday, no one taking advantage of the hall day exemption allowed for retail stores selling provision. Even the drug stores opened, their doors only when it was necessary for filling prescriptions. The work room of the Rod Cross society has been the scene of much activity during the past week. The gift of 100 yards of material for bed shirts and purchases of material provided occupation for a number of the members who are working up the material into a number of needful articles which will be forwarded to the hospitals in a short while. A large quantity of preserves, jams and jellies have been collected for shipment to the sick and convalescent soldiers. * The Times is requested to state that Sam'l Johnson, a representative of the Internal Revenue department will visit n - . lx'll a. i t 1 f 11 rori mill next munuay lor tne purpose of imparting information in regard to the newly drafted income tax law. Mr. Johnson can be seen at the First ' National bank and he will be pleased to give any information to those liable to the tax. Parties who are doubtful as to - ? L * i__ >1 _ whether tney are suDject to income tax should not fail to see Mr. Johnson while he is here, as the penalty for failure to make a return is very severe. He will be hare only one day?Monday. jigr . Zn ... ? . ?< v ; * ;./ ??? ' Mr. Frank Hunter, of Lancaster, was a visitor in Fort Mill during the past week. Mrs. L. H. Tuttle of Charlotte, and Mrs. P. A. Stough of Cornelius, N. C., were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt. The eighth snow of the season in four weeks met the gaze of the people Sunday morning. It was an "evaporated" snow, very light and soft, and disappeared almost as fast as it felK Dr. A. L. Ott, who has located in this city for the practice of dentistry, is spending a few days in Ridgeway, arranging to move his family to Fort Mill. Dr. Ott will occupy the Mills brick dwelling on Main street. We again call the attention of York county automobile owners to the fact that they must secure their 1918 license plates before February 1st. Automobiles will not be permitted to run after that date unless they have the 1918 license tag. A fairly good sized crowd was present at the Majestic Theatre ir^of AW/ln/t If---- * - jfbotciuaj iu net; vivian iviarun in the Paramount picture, "A Kiss for Susie." A portion of the receipts were given the local chapter D. A. R., for war work and the ladies realized quite a little sum from the performance. The regular monthly meeting of the local Parent-Teacher association was held in the auditorium of the graded school Friday afternoon. The program was abridged as much as possible for the sake of the conservation of fuel. Plans were completed, however, and committees appointed for the entertainment of the Eastern Division of the York Teachers' association, at its meeting here next Saturday. The next annual meeting of the State Teachers' association will be held in Columbia March 14-18 inclusive. The general sessions will be held in the Columbia Theatre and the department meetings will be held in the high school building and other adjacent rooms. The dues for the association are $1.00 for men and 50 cents for ladies. A draft of a bill giving the President broad powers to fix prices of food and other products essential to the conduct of the war or for domestic consumption has been laid before members of the house agriculture committee, in Washington, by President Wilson with the request that it be pressed for passage. It is understood that ! cotton is to come under the list. I The two cotton n ills of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company closed down Friday morning in compliance with the order of Fuel Administrator Garfield for a period of five days. The power used by these mills is from the hydro-electric plant of the Southern Power Company, out the process of dyeing and finishing requires a certain amount of steam and the management seems willing to cooperate in the spirit of the order to conserve fuel. The heatless Mondays will be generally observed without complaint by merchants and office men, all ? - vfx miuiii occin wining 10 muKe sacrifices, if necessary to aid in the prosecution of the war. Teachers Meet Here Saturday. The regular meeting of the Eastern Division of the York Teachers' Association will be held in the school auditorium in this city Saturday afternoon. W. D. Maginnis is president of the organization. The Fort Mill teachers are preparing to entertain the visiting teachers and the ParentTeacher association will serve lunch for the visitors. Invocation by Rev. Dr. J. W. H. Dyches. General remarks by President W. D. Maginnis. Dr. Patterson Wardlaw, of the University of South Carolina, will be the speaker of the occasion, the address being first on the program. After the lunch hour, the departmental meeting will be held. ? The subject will be "Science in the Public Schools," and the following program will be observed: High school department?Miss MacDougall, head of the department of biology, Winthrop. Grammar grades ? Miss Blackiston, assistant biology department, Winthrop. Primary grade?Mrs. Hetty S. : Browne. f Business and adjournment.. :\.t' r)* " WfJ $ ' State of South Carolina, County of York. In Common Pleaa. The American Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. The Charlotte Bnck Company and S. S. McNinch, Defendants. The American Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. S. S. McNinch. Charlotte Brick Company, Mrs. Elisabeth Ormand and W. B. Meacham, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to a decree in the above cases I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on sales day in February 1918 before the court bouse door at York, S. C., nine (9) tracts of land located in Fort Mill township, York County, known as the property of S. S. McNinch and the Charlotte Brick Company, said tracts aggregating 693.24 acres, and includes alt machinery now on the land and used by the Charlotte Brick Company in the manufacture of brick. Further description of premises can be had at my onice. Terms of sale. One-third Cash, balance in one and two annual .installments at 7 per cent, interest from date ol sale, secured by bond and mortgage of purchaser. J NO. R. LOGAN. C. C. C. Pis. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. A special examination will be held at York on Saturday, January 19th, for the benefit of any who wish to teach before the regular examination in the spring. Notify me at once if you cjvpxrtw tu uvieriu. JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. Education. CITY TREASU1 For Year Ending 1 RECE Cash on hand Janury 1st, License Tax, Annual Privilege Tax and Collections from Police fines, Property Tax Collections, Sanitary Tax Collections, Cemetery lots sold, r Street Tax collections from annual levy Collections from sale of junk .. Collections from property owners for si( Dog Tax collections .. ... Fire Department?Receipts from State Bills payable for advances by First Ni Balance Total Receipts for year, D1SBURS Street Work ?Labor, teams, dragging, i Cement sidewalks built Police Department?Salaries, Uniforms Salaries?Mayor, $200.00; Clerk, $125.00 Salaries?Cemetery Keeper and supplii Interest on Waterworks and Street Boi Sanitary Department?Driver's pay, dis Lights for the year, excepting unpaid b Printing?Annual Adv. contract, $100.00 Sinking Fund ? Deposits at the First Na Interest paid to First Nat'l Bank for ad Health Department Salary for attorneys for 1916 and 1917-Stationery and Supplies Managers of elections during the year . Bills payable to First National Bank for Telegrams, Phone messages, $22.95; Rei Supplies for small pox cases, $25.50; me Wnrlf in Pnrlr 411 ^111 IT Q Dues to Firemans' fund $8.50; Vremiui Sundries Total ATTEST?J. B. Elliott. J. M. Hutehi Need a Ne - f Two oar loads of th and they were bong when wagons were 4(1 er than they are todai 7 & In order to reduce ( a few of these wagons wholesale price. Fort Mill Lum I Stan Tli s V A Jil%i W1 Hutchinson'! Cherry: 2n ets a bottle. Money bac! HUTCHINSON1 Agents for b ; w tjiwi v. jffiVxr &t |fO' .% : If ? II BB S v >vjL^MSflHB|H^^|flH|Bf> Horses and Mules. Can suit you in any kind of HORSE or MULE. Call on me at Harris's Stable, Fort Mill, S. C. W. W. W. HINES. Wanted. 2000 cords of 4-ft. Wood. Oak or Pine, at Camp Greene. Prompt delivery; will also contract for 60 day deivery. Write, wire or 'phone us. Brown-Knox Mercantile Co,, Davidson. N. C. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. *ER'S REPORT December 31, 1917. :ipts. $ 235 34 Special License, 870 00 lO^u 60 2,9J8 60 539 37 50 25 i 744 00 15 00 lewalks built 967 61 8 00 Firemen's Fund, 30 99 itional Bank, 5,078 00 - 21 09 $12,615 75 ements. supplies and culverts, $1,389 68 2,200 00 and equipment, 1,386 92 ; Aldermen, $33.50 868 50 s, 148 25 ids, 977 44 iinfectant, mule feed, upkeep,. 1,319 00 ill for mouth of December, 756 61 i; Job Printing, $20.05; 120 06 itional Bank, 375 00 vances during the year, 130 61 - 44 50. 90 75 25 09 12.00 money advanced, 3,075 00 it on council room, $12.00, 34 95 als for prisoners, $21.36 46 86 . Flags $13.00 24 40 n on Treasurer's bond, $5.00.. 13 50 - .86 64 ~~1 - -$12,615 75 W. A:ROACH, trprmiror nson, B. C. Ferguson. w Wagon? ese wagons on hand, ht over a year ago, ) to 50 per cent cheapf. Diir stock, we will sell ? for less than to-day Is ber Company. it Cough I TH i Compound ind Tar. k if not relieved. S PHARMACY lorris' Candy. !'*// '' .? M r ^ >vw/jr ? " w^v Pl^pF^j^ ' X" '^VL'>: Yvk I ! I I? .' w-l 1 t Patterso "Fort A Clea Our CLE Misses* and ( STA 6/\o /if U\/1A1 V \J JL here and we halt. Also a fe fore Xmas. the regular ] This is y looking Coat spot cash on] I Patterso I "Fort A ? ??c??aa??B2U?? win mi DR. A. L_. OTT , | DENTIST |j Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ^ (Dr. Spratt's office) '.y Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1918. N Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor qj for Listing Returns for Taxation. H Auditor's Office, Dec. 1, 1917. ^ Pursuant to the requirement of the L Statute on the subject, Notice is here- M by given that n>y books will be opened e in my office in York courthouse on Tues- p day, January 1st, 1918, for the purpose p of listing for taxation all Personal and fl Real Property held in York County on fl January 1. 1918. and will be kent oDen i H until the 20th day uf February, 1918, w and for the convenience of the Taxpay- | K era of the County 1 will be at the Eg places enumerated below on the dates H named. M At Tirzah, Monday, January 14, n 1918. K At Newport, Tuesday, January 15, ft I9J8. " At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday |1 and Friday, January 16, 17 and 18, H 1918. W At McConnellsville, Mondav, Janu- K ary, 21, 1918. g At Ogden, Tuesday, January 22, 1918. H At Coates' Tavern, (Roddey's) <f. Wednesday, January 23, 1918. At Itock Hill, from Thursday, Jan- ? uary 24, to Wednesday, January 30, 1918. ' At Ramah, Tuesday, February 5, 1918. At McGill Bros. Store Wednesday, February 6, 1918. j* At York, from Thursday, February 7, to February 20, 1918. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, are liable to a Ix)lI tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROAUUS M. I OVE, Auditor York County. TAX NOTICE? 1 91 7. | Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C.. Sept. 17, 1917. Notice is hereby given that the Tax . Books for York County will be opened on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1917, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1917, for the collection of State, County, School and Local Tnxrs, for the fiscal year 1917, without jet .My; after which day One Per f a f nnttolftt' will lw? flflrirH to nil nov made in the month of January, I 301S, and Two Per Cent penalty for a I X payments made in the month of Febru- Kj j r\, 1918, and Seven Per Cent penalty I j will be added to all payments made I from th 1 it day of March, 11)18, to the K lot:? bay of March, 11)18, and after this X date oil unpaid taxes will x<> into ex'e- g cutiona ana all unpaid Single Polls will ? be turned over to the several Magis : trates for prosecution in accordance > with law. 1 For the convenience of taxpayers I will attend the following places on the J I days named: g| And at York from Monday, November 19th, until Mondav, the 31st day * of December 1917, after which date the penalties will attach us stated above. Note The Tax Bocks are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their g property or properties are located. ' HARRY E. NEIL, ' I L? n's Dry Goods Store, | lilt's Fastest Growing Store." 4 % in Dp Sale AN-UP SALE of all Women's and | Children's COATS I RTS SATURDAY I the best styles of the season are | have reduced the price to about | w Coat Suits that came in just be- 0 Good styles and materials, 1-4 off | jrice. | our best opportunity to get a good | t or Suit at very small cost, for jSj n's Dry Goods Store. | lilt's Fastest Growing Store." Your Home! I Is it fiitted with everything in ^ FURNITURE | that your health and comfort fi demands? If not. mm#* to I' see us. We'll satisfy you. | Our prices and terms will ap- ^ peal to you, as well as the ^ quality of our goods. | Young & Wolfe. | 'I he Furniture Men. Snow Drift Lard. S 1A IK K..*.K?t ~ j IV IV. UUCIVUt - - 1^5 jy 5 lb. bucket 1.25 ti 4 lb. bucket,. 1.00 *jj PICKLES fi Heinz Pickles, sour and sweet, per bottle, .25 m " India Relish, per bottle, .30 ? " Pickled Onions, per bottle, 25 i Pure Apple Vinegar, per quart, 35 ' CANNED GOODS | CAMPBELL'S SOUPS. Rex Beef Tripe, per can 35 Rex Cooked Brains, per can, .25 , ? Rex Roast Beef, per can 30 Rex Mince Meat, per package 10 Our ofnnl/ ICS nAtif mnvn ? 1?* vv.. uvuvn 10 nun muic uum^icic limn ever ueiore and we appreciate and solicit your orders. FERGUSON & PHUyyPS Highest Prices Paid for Porlb.l'yKrEl IIW* AND hides IKMBaja I HIGBEST MAEKET JL W I III ^ fAIDAN?dRHma JH WarfCottmtartan. Writnfcr ^HESrcif ^ prtcnltat ntrstioalnf thta ad r % - - "IB