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.' W >?r| F*T f; * HOW THIS { NERVOUS WOMAN . GOTWELL Told by Herself. Her Sineerily Should Convince Others. camwuwr, 111.?"For four years 1 . offered from Irregularities, weakness. nervousness, and . I waa in a ran down I condition. Two of 1 our beat doctor* failed to do me any i good. I heard ao j much- about what ; Lydia E. Pi nkham 'a J Vegetable Com- | pound had done for i W) others, I tried it ' W I and was cured. I I am no longer ner. I vous, am regular, ?' and in excellent health. I believe the Compound will . cure any female trouble."?Mrs. Alicb Heller, Christopher, Hi. Nervousness is often a symptom of weakness or some functional derangement, which may be overcome by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as thousands of women have found by experience. t# -ii? ?-? ' - ? ? ? wvuiiiucauoni exist. write L#y<llo ?i. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass., for uggeations in regard to your ailment. The result of its long experience is t your service. j CLEVERLY ANGLED FOR TIP Gamekeeper Proficient in More Than One Way in "Bringing Down His Bird. A certain gamekeeper Is very clever in every branch of his business, uud iu the gentle art of extracting u substantial tip from a departing sportsman he bus few cquuls. The other duy lie wus suylng goodby to a gentleman who had been shoot- . ,, tug over the estate?u gentleman who, to do him Justice, has never claimed j to be a cruck shot. "Well, good-by, Johu," he said to the gamekeeper us they reuehed Hie station. "I've not mude u very big bag, but, of course, you are in no way to blume for that. However, I've thoroughly enjoyed myself." "Glad to hear It, sir," responded frvk.. ?? A ~ wuiui. am yuu suy, you ve not done anything very sturtllng, but then there's compensations !" j , "Indeed?" laughed the gentleman, "What ure they?" "Well," said John, slowly; "the birds may question*your aim, uu' the other gentlemen may question your J wisdom In wasting cartridges, but no- : body can question your liberality." ( John deserved the substuutlul tip ho received. AN ATTACK OF 6RIP USUALLY LEAVES KIDNEYS IN WEAKENED CONDITION Doctors in sll parts of the country* have been kept busy with the epidemic of grip which has visited so many homes. The Srmptoms of grip this year are often very istressing and leave the Bystem in a rundown condition, particularly the kidneys which teem to suffer most, as almost every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signal; of*en lend to dangerous kidney troubles. Druggies report & large sale on Dr. Kil.nei s ownmp-ivjoi wnien so many people sny soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. 8wamt>-Root, ' being an herbal compound, has a gentle i healing effect on the kidneys, which is al- 1 1 most immediately noticed in n.osi care- , by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., , Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on receipt ' cf ten cents, to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will mjivince anyone 1 wno rr.rv be in need of it. Regular medi- ( Ka end <arge size bottles, for sale at all druggiits. Be sure to mention this , paper.?Adv. Holding Him to His Word. , 1 "I thought you stiitl when we began ' this cuse In court," said the lawyer, 1 "that It wasn't the money you were ' after, but the principle of the thing." 1 "I did say that; but what of It?" I "Do you still feel that way about ! itr i "Of course I do." ? "Well, In that event, since we have Just won a splendid victory, I'll keep 1 the money the Jury awarded you. and c you may huve the verdict." i rtnrriiiA ? >#*. _ ? - - - ? ? unntlM AUUUbl hLUWhK Has been used for ull ailments that re caused by a disordered stomach i nd inactive liver, such ns sick head- i che. constipation, sour stomach, nervous indication, fermentation of ( food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulutes digestion both In stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and oilmen- I tmry canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and Impurities from the j , Mood. Sold In all civilized countries. 80 and 90 cent bottles.?Adv. Some Orator. "I understand he soared to dizzy ; 1 heights in his speech." "Dizzy is right?he swayed the audi- ' j, . ence." 1 Dr. P?rTu "DM4 8hoe* to not a "lo- ' MM**" or " jrrup," bat a rent old-faehtoned Son# of medicine which cImm out Wornie e Tapeworm with a elnple doaa. Adr. . < If we could see ourselves as other-- i j see us we would all be pessimists. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver bowels nnd stomach. One little Pellet , for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. Tear* of Joy and Madness come from ' IRRITATING COUGHS hMBHr treat coaarha. aoUa. hoaraaMM. SeonAltiasna ahnllar laGaaxsl aad Irritated MBdltfaaaefths throat with a tMta^ramedr? PISO'S I NEWS OF THE WEEK! FROM CAMP SEVIER : UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT MEMO- j RANOUM FOR OFFICERS GOING TO FRANCE. fnidiGAL STAFF IS BUSY1 i i Go After Boxing and Wrestling With a Vim?Health Condition of Camp I* Good. Camp Sevier. Greenville, S. C.?A memorandum entitled 'tuforuiation as 'o Uniform and Equipment for OfTl- i cers in France," issued from the head- I quarters of the Amerlcau expedition- ; ary forces, has recently been received at Camp Sevier and copies of it distributed. The memorandum, which is dated November 16, 1917, states that olive drab cotton and mosquito head nets should be omitted, and that only cavalry officers on duty with troops armed with saberB will need such weapons. Cap, riding gloves and some linen shirts, collars and cuiTs, should be added to the ll9t of garrison articles and watches and compasses with Illuminated dials are desirable. The beddln? ntmnlil li"-'!"'" blankets and one comfort, while In the way of special articles there should be a camp chair, an oil or gasoline burning lamp or lantern, a flash light with extra batteries, a fountain pen, paper and envelopes and a canvas or rubber tub for sponge baths. The stock of clothing carreid should include heavy and medium weight olive drab woolen u::*.rorms. light and heavy woolen underwear, a wool lined overcoat, a leather or flannel vest, a ; knitted toque (helmet), one pair ol rubber hip botf.s, A board to settle all claims for dam ages due to occupation of the original site of the camp, including damages to adjacent lands, has been appointed consisting of Maj. Alexander C. Doyle constructing quartermaster; Capt.. Fidward K. Hlanton and Second Lieut. H. V. Campbell, as recorder. Claims regarding the rifle and artillery ranges will not be considered by this board. It is possible that the driver in the motor trains of the Thirtieth Division will have the pleasure of driving the truck- which they are to have in France from their factories to the ports of embarkation, as this procedure is being generally reported to Company C, One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry, commanded by Capt. James W. Jenkins and the lieadquarters of the Sixtietli Infantry Brigade have just Joined the honor rool of organizations in which every man lias taken out war insurance in some amount. Construction of two of the three small wooden Y. M. C. A. buildings recently authorized here in addition to the five full sized units originally built, has been commenced, and ^lum ber is being hauled for the third, as tor the additional full sized building. Two of the small units will replace tents at the remount stations and at the held signal battalion, while the hird will be located at the One Hun Ired and Thirteenth Field Artillery. The new large unit will be placed at die One Hundred and Twentieth Infantry. A local branch of the Jewish Board for Welfare. Work in the United States irmy and navy has been organized bsre and committees to handle various 1,'visions of the \_-orU nminitifml ire leas than a hundred persons of . Jewish faith in the Thirtieth Division. Plans are being considered for enlarging the ("amp Sevier Trench and "amp from its present eight to 12 or 16 pages by the insertion of advertisements. The demand for this newsy sveekly of the soldiers' doings has been jonstantlv greater than tlie supply and It is hoped that the acceptance of advertising will provido funds for carrying more reading matter. The paper with similar papers at other camps. Is published under tlit? auspices of the National War Work Council of the Y M. C. A. and is distributed free to the soldiers. Only six of the 31 army camps in this country show better health conlitlons than this, according to the surgeon general's report on conditions for the week ending Saturday. December 29. On that day 24 camps had higher non effective rates than Sevier, and only six lower, and since then conditions here have steadily improved. The hospital admittance rate, the percentage of* men non-effective for itfly on account of sickness and tlie percentage affected with venereal disease only are all below the average. Six deaths occurred week before last, and only two last. The departure of the snow and slush which covered the ground for almost three weeks has permitted a return to the routine of drill which prevailed before bad weather set In. The long dally hikes which served to keep the men fit during the period ure giving way aguin to th intricacies of close order drill and other maneuvers and trench occupation is ugain going on. Practice on the target range will probably be begun again shortly. A building will in all probability be erected at the artillery range which s located at Cleveland Mills, 18 iniles ' north of Greenville. Chaplain P. B. Butler. One Hundred Fifteenth Field Artillery, has resigned, and his resignation has been accepted. unapiain wuner nas Deen wttn tne troops (or the la9t IS months, having lerved with them on the border. Chap- J lain Butler resigned to enter the arir.y Y. M. C. A. work. His home is in ! Fayetteville, Tenn. Cash prizes are being offered by Tren :h and Camp (or the best 500 worn letter giving reasons why the writer is proud to be an American solfll-.-r. The awards are to be made noon. The winning articles will be published. # STh Vz ?; Your H palf K ? ?? ?,?? CASCARA Ef QUININE ' gwrfer ?^~ifc^bJ*in?hii^' <kteJ . i ? ~ ? i SAYS FARM FENCES MUST GO Take Up Much Ground That Might Be Devoted to Agriculture, le Writer's Claim. On the old funu there is much wusted lutid. Fields, lanes, pastures and. in particular, fences, have been laid out thoughtlessly. Mo fur as the nature of the soil permits most farms can be replunned to give several ucres to cultivation and save much time and strength in cultivating the whole. This sort of reorganization carried out as rapidly as conditions permit, under ex- ; !?. i i. fsuiiKiuvc, nvmu ur ix pci iii-imm contribution. Fences must go. There are thousands of acres lost to cultivation by useless fences. Cornerstone markers should be all that is necessary for boundaries, except for permanent pastures. The long furrow principle should be adopted. Kven u few acres may be successfully worked to the last ed>ce and corner If the field Is long. If there Is a lane at each en<l on which to turn, not one square foot need be lost to cultivation, and at the same ?xpense of time and energy.? Dr. Roy S. MncKhvee, In "Bread Bullets," of the "Columbia War Papers" | Series. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications us they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, ana that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through th? Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may he destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLI*AR8 for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. Alt Tifiic,.!?> . rr~ ? F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Enforcing Peace. There Is siiuivtliilii; IwltM' than lliis league to enforce peace; something that will preserve the natural tendencies to Intellectual growth In I lie race, without n quiring military aggressiveness as a national prerogative, writes Courtenny De Kalh, in the Atlantic. That is to introduce the principle of natural trade liy taking steps to eliminate the fostering devices on which national aggrandizement depends. It might not be possible to reach every scheme for artificial tradedevelopment which will lift Its head, hut the tariff can be stripped off, and the grunting of ship-subsidies and bounties, and all the cruder forms of ^ndustrlnl parentallsm. This would at least go far toward the organization of the sisterhood of nations on the true competitive basis of relative inherent skill, knowledge, and ability. In that direction lies the open road to peace ami progress. The world tnay not delude Itself; it must take that highway, or accept the principle of the trade war which goes hand In hand with Mars. Navy May Win Victory. From the first battle off the coast of Scotland, when John Paul Jones captured the Serapts and Scarborough, until the day when Admiral Dewey. I with the American fleet in Manila bay. destroyed Spain's Asiatic squadron, the Americans have a long and notable u>i 111 mivui vieiortes upon tile pages of their history, uiul there are tunny who helleve that tin* ileclslve vlrtory of the present war will he won hy tlietn rather than hy the armies at the front. When a woman forgives a man she > never allows him to forget that she forgave him. i pThere's"'"1161^ "Body" : To ! ' | Instant Postum i I and "snap" to its taste. Try a cup and notice the charming flavor and substanI tial character of this table beverage. Postum is a true "man's" drink, and women and children delight in it ' % I 4 4 There'* a Reason * !l for POSTUM Sold by Grocers Everywhere! HUllIM ? Back Lame and Achy? There's little peace when your kidneys are weak and while at hrvt there mar be nothing more serious than .dull backache, sharp, stabbing pains, headaches, dixxjr spells and kidney irregularities, you must act quickly to avoid the more serious trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart disease, Bright's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that is so warmly recommended everywhere ! by grateful users. A North Carolina Case j ?8rN. m '8.S^VUm- ' jngton^ 8^., Ra- ! had backaches and pains through proved at once. The aches and pains soon left and the action of my kidneys was regulated." Get Dsaa's at Aar State, Me a Ben DOAN'S VtViV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. SHOW CASES Fur Dry Goods and Notions, ask for catalog K. D. " Groceries, K. Q. For Jewelry, K. J. " Millinery, K. M. " Drug?, K. P. We make Drug and Bank Fixtures High Polpl Shew Case Works, High Point, II. C. 6 A. M,?10 Below Zero. lie gets tip! He put.s on-?'"Curse It, where Is thnt sleeve?"?the buthrohe and slippers that have been all night rooting for him. ami starts on his lonely Journey through the tomblike alienee. Now, if ever. Is the time to hum, but there Is not a hum in him; down, down, down In- goes to the cotInr and peeks with dull hope through the familiar little door, "(iood morning, Fire." lie shakes, he shovels, he opens drafts and manipulates damp- | ers. Ami the furnace, impassive, like a Buddha holding up the house with as many arms as an octopus, seems to he watching him with a grave yet idle Interest. Which is all the more horrible because it has no face.?From the Atlantic. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Burbo Compound, and V4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will graduullv darken vli-Af.L-.wl t? > ? ? -* w.. v?nvu, tnuvu ** *> nail , UUU II1I1 Kt' 11 HOIl and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv. Clearly a Good Idea. "Charley," suid young Mrs. Stilt. "I hear that some of tke politicians want to efface party lines." "1 believe they do, my deur, but why do you mention It?" "Well, I hope they do. Having your telephone ring every time a neighbor puts in a call Is a perfect nuisance."? Puck. Comfort Baby's Skin When red. rough and itching with hot baths of Cuticuru Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. This means sleep for baby and rest for mother. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Unnerved. Hess ?- Was the groom self-possessed ? .lime?Not a bit; be showed up and went through the ceremony. Underscoring It. Mr. Bodger?Was I skeered? Why, when thein bombs began to drop, I worry nigh went Into italics! To Cur? * Cold In One Diy Tak? LAX ATI V H HUOMo OnlnlnnTitblciv Itntopa the Oongh and ilcad&i be and works off the IXh?. U W. GHOV US aignmure each box. 3oc. ?_____ j Onee in ii while a mail heeds his wife's advice. And Quantify Try Yager's Liniment, the great external remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, chest pains, backache, cuts and bruises. This liniment has wonderful curative powers, penetrates instantly, and gives prompt relief from pain. It is the most economical liniment to buy, for the large { 35 cent bottle contains mdre than the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. 35cPeHBottl^^^ GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE. MD. PECAN TREES Tow wuk torn and want the boot. ICilr prleon Information u to (rowing, etc . writ* ?#. B. WlOIIT t'nlro. Gtorglt PfllMTC flllT PI CMCnk WCPI1QI IUIIVIU UUI ULLIIIUJI1 IVLLUU Rigga Makes Annual Report?Seniors <n Service Will Receive Degrees? Training Corps Full. Columbia.?In his annual report, which W. M. Kiggs. president of Clemson College, has presented to the - Jtate legislature, the needs of the colege are specifically emphasized, as relating to the work of the legislators. An appropriation of $30,000 is needed to continue the work of tick eradication. The entire State, with the exception of ten counties, has been released from the federal quarantine. It is hoped that the workers will' be able to complete the task within the next 12 months. Another matter urgently brought to the attention of the general assembly is the necessary appropriation under the Lever act for federal aid in home economics and demonstration and ex- ! tension work in South Carolina. By providing $54,919.03. It is pointed out By the Clemson head that $208,426.45 would be available from other source*. An appropriation of $5,000 is being , asked for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis and the establishment of an office in Columbia from which to distribute hog cholera serum and to render vetet inary service. This "is a matter of the health of the people as well as the health of animals." Mr. Riggs emphasizes. A resolution look | ing to this movement was passed at the meeting of the South Carolina Livestock Association one year ago. The election of three trutsees ?wlll come before the legislature this week. Those whose terms expire are: B. H. ltawl of Lexington, head of the dairy division; I. M. Mauldin of Columbia, chairman of the finance committee of the board and member of the executive committee, and J. J. Evans. State senator from Marlboro, the only member of the bar on the board. The re-eleclinn nnnk .. f Ik... I- 1 *--- *? ??UH W? v nv 11 \M l licnt' m (II^CU W V m I . Riggs. In the present student body, 72 are within the selective draft age. Of these. 28 are seniors, 21 juniors, lc sophomores, six freshmen and twc postgraduates. Any member of the senior clas in satisfactory standing, who enters an officers' training amp or any other branch of national service is to receive his degree at end of session. The Reserve Officers' Training Corps has been fully organized. The membership is composed of 22 seniors, 102 juniors. 137 sophomores and 248 fresh men. Only 27 membeers of the two lower classes were found to be physically unfit for the training. Synod In Session Columbia.?Upon invitation of J. R Splllman. chairman of the committee from the synod of South Carolinu in its drive for the securing of its quota of $225,000 for the beneficences of the church for the years 1318-1319, the following ministers and laymen met in Columbia: Ministers A. 1). P. Gilntour. 1). D., E. E. Gillespie. D. D.. J. O. Rcavis, D. D., J. B. Green, D I)., A. \V. Black wood, W. S. Harden, Daniel Iversors. J. C. Bailey. 11. W. Pratt. Alex Martin. J. L. M cLees, 11 C. Hammond, L. D. Degters. C. W. Byrd. D. D.. D. M. Douglass. I). D.. T. F. Haney. Daymen?M. M. Freeman, T. H. Dick. J. B. Splllman, John A. Daw. T W. Daw. C. H. Baldwin. B. W. Dabhs. C. G. Rowland. D. W. Dick. Printed instructions to managers of synods, presbyteries, groups and congregations in the great drive planned for January. February and March worj read and approved unanimously. After prayer for guidance and secret ballot by the whole body, the synod's committee retired and, upon examination of the ballot, reported the nomination of the ltev. E. E. Gillespie. D. D., of York as campaign manager for South Carolina. By rising vote Dr. fli pIppIpH in nnaltlnn The $3,000,000 asked for Is an Increase of about 50 per cent over former contributions, is entirely a laymen's movement and includes foreign missions, home missions, Sunday school work. Bible cause. Christian education and ministerial relief. Practically all of the lfi synods of the church have accepted their share of the fund and campaigns are being planned all over the South. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. The body of Mrs. Pauline Duffle, aged about 75 years, was found about 10 o'clock in two feet of water near the Eteheredge bridge which spans the Dittle Saluda River a short distance from Saluda. The body was lying in the water along the road, being discovered by J. M. Jones a negro, who reported it in Saluda. Jones stated hs saw a bundle on the side of the rond and investigated He could not ?ee the body until almost upon it. The western part of Chester county was visited by a terrific wind and electric storm. A negress. Callie Williams, was killed when the house in which she was living collapsed. Her b tsband and four children were severely hurt. At Lowryvllle the wind ' tore the roof ofT George Steele's store and the Presbyterian church there waj oadly damaged. The roof of the edi fire was ripped off and part of on; end of the structure and a negro ch ireli was demolished. Scores of houses and barns were unroofed by the wind and great damage was done j Hoyt Gregory, son of A. J. Gregory, of Saluda, while out hunting recently, i sustained a serious accident by the bursting of bis shotgun. Snow had Kouen mio ino Darre* in some man tier and when the young man tired the ban el burst. Gregory's left thumb and index finger were so badly lacerated that amputation was necessary. Klngstree has enrolled more than 700 members of the Red Gross. The Fifth District. Medical Society nf South Carolina, composed of Cnester, Cherokee. Fairfield. Kershaw. Lancaster aitd York counties, met In Lancaster on Wednesday, January 16. Trust Me! Try Dock Calomel Harms Head my guarantee! Live and get straightened up ing calomel. Doiit 4 There's no reason why a person i should take sickening, salivating calo- t uiel when a few cents buys a large \ bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a per- i feet substitute for calomel. 1 It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid 1 which will start your liver just as i surely as calomel, but It doesn't make < you sick and can not salivate. ?: Children and grown folks can take i Dodson's Liver Tone, because it Is a perfectly harmless. r Culomel is a dangerous drug. It Is f HARDLY POSSIBLETOR HIM Reasons Why One Man Was Unabla 1 to Wear a "Smile That Won't 1 Come Off." Fifty-seven grown-ups and three 1 Invotilluu i i.. ??j...i } Tvriil l ^illlirivu III I l??U' more's village hull to hear what a lee- 1 turer had to say on the subject of op- r tiinism. The visitor was full of wis- ' doni and sage advice. "Don't look on the black side," he de- * claimed. "Cultivate the happy heart 1 ami the smiling face. Smile at mlsfor- 1 tune and ditllcultles; smile whilst you ' play, and always go smiling about your ( business." 1 A mournful-looking gentleman, wearlag sldcwhlskcrs, shook his head n * disagreement. "Do you doubt me, friend?" asked the lecturer. The sad one noddtvl. "Give the smiling face a trial for a r week." Another shake of the head nutf ^ from the gloomy man. "Dussn't rls.< It. mister." he answered In hollow tones. "I he undertaker in these nnrta nn' there's a hepldenilc on. Knney in,* ! with a fare Ilk** a rhess.v rat's walkln' ; afore funerals!" - London Tit-Hits. f Whenever You Need a General Tonic ' Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless 5 chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen era! Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties ol QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Ought to Be. ^ "Is Srnator Graft's family a cultivated one." "Looks like it the way It's been raked over." "They tell me Jones Is dead." "Ah ! That's probably why we see htm so seldom." Granulated, Sties, Inflamed Eyes relieved over night by Koman Eye .Balsam. One trial proves Its merit. Adv. Even thirsty men are not tinxlous to : line up In front of a lair of Justice. > ALL MEN AT HOME SHOULD PREPARE FOR WAR The first test a man Is put thru for ' either war or life Insurance Is an examl- I nation of his water. This Is most essen- 1 tlal because the kidneys play a moat 1m- f portant part In causing premature old src f una ueam. ine more injurious trio poisons passing thru tho kidneys the sooner conies decay?so says Dr. Pierce of Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N.Y., who further advises all people who are past thirty to preserve the vitality of the kidneys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric acid?drink plenty of watersweat some dally and take Anurlc, double strength, before meals. This An-u-rlc Is a late discovery of Dr. Pierce and is put up In tablet form, and can be obtained for 60c at almost any drug store. For that backache, lumbago, rheumatism, "rusty" Joints, swollen feet or hands, due to uric acid In the blood. Anurlc quickly dissolves the uric acid as hot water does sugar. Take a little Anurlc before meals and live to be a hundred. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for trial package of Anurlc. I As Age Advances t Small Pill. Small ' Dose, Small Price But |^jmcarte? l1t Qr bear* Ignatuf Colorless or Pale Faces a condition which will be greatly he The Easiest Way. Tin* unsuccessful classic sculptor gazed sadly at the masterpiece he had )ust modelled ill clay. Then he set upon It with lists and stick, and made J ?f It a shapeless mass. Quoth he: "One can, by taking thought, add a . eubl-d to his statue!" Important to Nlotners Kxauiiue carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy for infunts and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorfr Worldly Advice. "I wouldn't stoop to do a wrong act." *,rPhiif'v rli/ht Il4??<'h f<?r u/??*?n?l%l??.? - ." oi/iati iihiik high."?Louisville Courier-Journal. */171[JRINE Granulated Eyelids, it"J0kJLpL. 1Sore Eye\ Eve* Inflamed by ^ ^a WJ2S S'", ^"?'*nd Winrf quickly relieved by Murine. Try It. in Vfki I C your Eye*and in Baby"* Eye*. TUUR LILJN?Saartii|,J*itEjiCoBfii Marine Eye Remedy < tr? Salv*. In Tuh** 2Se. P<>r rfoo* o/<* A'v? ? fraa. I lUkMnrlne Ey? EUntedr Co.. Cklcacoa ? n son's Liver Tone! j Liver and Bowels 1 jn your liver and bowels without taking sicken* lose a day's work! nercury and attacks your bones. Take M t dose of nasty calomel today and you vill feel weak, sick and nauseated tonorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodsou's Liver Tone Instead add you will wake up eellng grout. No more biliousness, onstlpatlon, sluggishness, headache, oated tongue or sour stomach. Your Irugglst says If y??u don't find Dodion'.s Liver Tone acts better than hor Ible calomel your money Is waiting or you.?Adv. Dog's Funeral Costly. So drastic has the curb been placed ipon useless automobile driving in England that a taxlcab driver In Lonlon was recently fined $-">0 for drivng from the city to Moleswortli with he coffin of a dog In his car. Sir daurlce and Lady Anderson hired hlra 0 give their dog what they considered 1 fitting burial and saw to It that the bsequles were elaborate. The driver vas tined under the motor spirits reitriction act, which makes It punishible for any person to use petrol for inneeessary purposes. The petrol s needed badly for use In motor vehicles at the front, and Knglnnd as evilenced In the hugeness of the driver, lolin MaeCarty's. tine, means to enorce It. He Was Willing. "And will you marry me?" asked the nan. "And leave papa?" asked the sweet roung tiling. "Why, certainly." "Hut what will papa do?" "Oh, never mind. I'll do papa."? fonkers Statesman. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Ungulate refund money tf I'AZl) OINTMBNT falls o cure Itchlnu. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles, rirsl application gives relief. He. Who Is the woman who wears a muz;le on her gossip department. a Watch Your Calve9 At the tlmt Indication of scours or cholera give them ' I>r. l)s?l(l Roberts' Calf Cholera Remedy iY'So Kor aootira In cattle, horaea snd bona. l??ed nnd recommended by thouaandaof dairymen and aiock owners. Read Ihe Prsclicsl Hoar Veterinarian brag fbr IW. bwkUl aa Abort!on la Can* If no denier In your town, write If. Dtrl4 Robarti' lal. Co.. 100 BunS sr...A?.k. aru Cuticura Soap Ideal For Baby's Skin N. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 3-1918. SOUTH CAROUNA NEWS ? Abbeville, S. C.?"One of my sons lad an attack of rheunintism accompanied by severe pains In the buck and n the region of the kidneys. He suffered so that he was unable to go ibout. After tuklng part of u box of Vnurlc Tablets he was completely releved, and seenis to be entirely cured is It has been some time since and he uis had no return of the nttnck. I iclleve that Anurlc will do all that Is lalmed for It."?A. T. MTLLWAIN, lloute 2. Pleasant Pellets for stemnch. liver inti Dowels, are made up o? the Maytpple, aloe leaves and Jalap. This .vell-known pellet was made up nearly lfty years ago, by I)r. Pierce, and can )e obtained from almost any apothe?ary?simply ask for Dr. Pierce's i'leasant Pellets.?Adv. he Liver Requires >ccas!onal slight stimulation. CARTER'S TLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION I ? e ually indicate the absence of Iron in Tpo'd'by Carter's Iron Pills FRESH CRISP - WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN THE MAKING OF TMESm BISCUITS MAKE THEM TH E STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE ?jo*r Dnlir bM Dun. or if not h# ? Would. t/lsR htm or writs as qivin^ his name. ru flTTi yAOr A DAI/C BV C??TT?W???*! .n.iywv^ HMI. J RHEUMATISM I | T?kKHKlI>IACIDKt?r?iiHiTettrrtaM I I ana drlTB tM poison f ruai tbe system. a I 'illKi BK mr o* Til* hum j i pits muiiiuTui on the outside' i j At All DracKUti i I Jaj. Bail7 A Son, Wholesale Diatiibutors I L Baltimore, Md. I fOU CANT CUT OUT THOROb'gHP?! >ut you can clean them off promptly with I and you work the horse came time. Does not blister or remove ths hair. $2. SO per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 R free. ABSORBINE, JR.. the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Moaelo or IJ ran,rots. Enlartsd Glands. Wrna. Cysts Alltfi pain rnkkly. Pries SI. 2S s botcla t 4rut(l?a or debarred. Made In I be U. a A. by f .F.YOUNO.P. D. S..S10T?sisistt Snrlnsflald. Mas*.