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'rv . y* M. -y - - - , pm j ITMS OF LOCAL IHTBEST. Hugh L McLees, of Wash ington, D. C., was the week-en ( guest of his sister, Mrs. C. S Link. Miss Leita Mayhew, of Moores 11. \T n i-i? 1. i ? vine, n. kj., was tne guest ias a week of Miss Jessie Baker. Mr. J. R. Haile has accepter a position with the J. B. Mills company, beginning his duties this week. Mr. Ben F. Patterson has taken charge of the Fort Mill garage located on Confederate street. Miss Esther Meacham returned i. n.A u:? Tn..J??c. iu vjUiuiuuiii i ueautiy aiicruuuii where she wiN resume her studies at Chicora college. Miss Eula Crane has accepted a position with A. 0. Jones succeeding Miss Jessie Baker, who has taken a position with the Fort Mill Manufacturing company. Mr. W. Frank Lewis left Monday afternoon for Charleston where he will take the examination preparatory to service in the aviation service. Mrs. J. P. Timmerman and little son have returned to their home in Pleasant Lane after a three weeks visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bennett. Mr. Timmerman came up to accompany them home. Dr. J. Lee Spratt has disposed of his dental surgery business which he has conducted here for the past 15 years to Dr. A. L. Ott, of Ridgeway, who arrived here this week to begin the practice of his profession. Dr. Ott's-family will follow soon. Registered men who are to answer questionaires, who have dependents would do well tc bring their wife or parents with them when coming to town tc have the paper filled out. It will save them a second trip as the papers must be signed by thi dependents. ? According to an opinion just rendered by the law department of the United States Food Ad mii.isirauon, a lanaiora in oraei to buy cotton seed from his tenants and sell it is required tc have a license. In such cases only lessees of land who actually raise cotton are not required tc have license. At a meeting of city council Monday evening, the three new members, Messrs. T, F. Lytle, , J. M. Hutchinson and J. N. McAteer, were inducted intc office. Among the important matters before the meeting was the election of police officers foi the year and this resulted in the re-election of Officers Lynn anc Broom. There were no othei applications lor the positions. W. A. Roach was reelected tc the office of city treasurer. For the information of ali owners of motor vehicles the State Highway Commission an nounces that in accordance witr the law, 1917 license plates wil be recognized by the authorities until February 1, 1918, as all owners have one month margir in which to obtain their numbers. The opening of the spring term of the graded school which was to have been last Mondaj morning was postponed unti this week, the delay being caused by failure of the heating apparatus parts of which bursl during the recent cold snap. A new boiler has been secured anc installed. The Fort Mill Farm Loan association held its annual meeting last week and elected the follow ing hoard of directors for th? coming year: S. E. Bailes, J. J, Baiies, D. 0. Potts, B. J. Alexander, V\. H. Jones, W. H, Crook and Fred Nim3. Officerj . for the new year are: S. E, * Bailes, president; W. H. Crook, vice president; C. S. Link, secretary-treasurer. The membership now numbers 22 and applications for loans aggregating about $30,000 are in process ol adinstmpnt. A meeting of the board ol trustees of the Fort Mill schoo district was held last Wednes day morning when the newlj elected members. J. B. Mills Osmond Barber and R. P. Harris were duly installed. J. B. Mills was elected chairman of tin board and Dr. J. Lee Sprat secretary-treasurer. The boarc elected Miss Callie Squires, o1 Providence, N. C., to take charg< of the high school department t< succeed Prof. R. L. Coe who re signed some weeks ago to accep service in the army. ppi m? p . IHis friends here were pleased to learn that Mr. V. B. L'anken?bip, a former Fort Mill resident. had been honored Monday night 1 in Rock Hill, by election as . mryor of the city. Mr. Blanken-hip has been a resident of Rock Hill but a few years and his ' selection to such an important oosition is a shining testimonial of the esteem in which he is held >y Rock Hillians. | B. M. Lee, proprietor of the Carolina Bargain House, on Saturday bought the stock of the > Cash Grocery from his brother, I Sam'l A T,PP nnrt will within a few days consolidate the two 1 stocks, using: the store room now [ occupied by the Cash Grocery < , and the adjoining: vacant store- 1 . room recently occupied by Nor- | man's Cafe. An opening will I be made at the rear of the parl tition wall and an office located , so as to be accessible to both ' rooms. The acquisition of the 1 Cash Grocery will give the Bargain House a new and complete | line of general merchandise rank- i ing in size with any jn the town. ( B. M. Lee will have charge of vvsi.ll UC^UIJllllClllO U1 LUC UUSI" ness. I Chapters in Monthly Meeting. 1 The monthly meeting of the local chapter of the Red Cross | was held Monday evening of last week in the work room and, | despite unfavorable weather conditions, was well attended. Much interest was taken in a I report containing a general suri vey of the progress and work of the Red Cross society prepared by ex-President Taft and read by Mayor B. E. Patterson. ! It served to stimulate the memI k/i ??o r\ C n%?f UnM ucio iv/ iui iiici cuui i it1111 ami i- i fice. There have been added to the roll of members 31 names, which makes the total member' ship now above 100. The members are pursuing regular lines of work assigned to them by the president and the results are ' very gratifying. The monthly meeting of Kanawha Chapter, D. A. R., was held last Tuesday afternoon iu the Red Cross work room and was attended by a considerable . number of the members. The . program was interesting, es( pecially the discussion of the nlari nf rpstnrnt i<?n nf f T<Vnr>r>Vv J town of Tillohoy and the mem( bers are prepared to pledge their quota of the fund required for this purpose. The matter of 1 the subscription to the next r Liberty Loan was taken up and a favorable vote was taken. The chapter expects to show in ) the local moving picture theater ' in a short while scenes of Tillo5 hoy befoie and since its destruction. I Several members of Florence . Thornwell chapter, U. D. C., met last Thursday afternoon at , the home of Mrs. R. F. Grier, hilt- ac > nnnrnnn ?" " """" wu v uu u V? uv/I Ulll VVUS UUL JJI C3" ent, routine business was not 1 transacted. The chapter is 5 interested in the plan of the State society to endow a bed in 1 a base hospital in France and | will contribute to the movement. ' A Saturday Marriage. A pretty home wedding occurred in Fort Mill Saturday morning when Miss Maude Good> win became the bride of S. A. 1 Alford, the ceremony taking ' place at the parsonage, the home ' of the bride's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Goodwin, and > was performed in the presence ' of only the family and a few l friends by the Rev. J. R. T. I Major, presiding elder of the Rock Hill district. Miss Goodwin is a most atI r tractive and accomplished young '. woman and is deservedly popular ? throughout the community. For the past several months she has . been engaged as a teacher in the local graded school, j The bridegroom is a recruiting officer in the United States army with his headquarters now in Spartanburg. The couple will m qI/O t Kdi r ir* UVvw#- M?ll a VIIV1I Iiviuc 111 i'V/i L ATI III iur . the present. An Opportunity to Help. The management of the Maf jestic Theatre has agreed to doj nate one-half of the show's re- j ceipts next Tuesday to war work. T; The fund will be turned over to i the D. A. R. chapter which, in 1 5. conjunction with the Red Cross 31 chapter, is working to supply our s soldier bovs with those things [ which go to make camp life more j comfortable and pleasant. A I number of young ladies have be5 gun a canvas for the sale of ^ tickets and it is stated that few . people have refused to buy the I -tickets to assist the ladies in such a noble cause. }r V ^ ' - State of Sooth Carolina, County of A VI&. t In Common Pleas. The American Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. The Charlotte Bnck Company and S. S. McNinch, Defendants, i The American Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs.. S. S. McNinch. Charlotte Brick Company, Mrs. Elizabeth Ormand and W. B. Meacham, Defendants. NOTICE OP SALE. Pursuant to a Decree in the above cases 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on sales day in February 1918 before the court house door at York, S. C., nine (9) tracts of land located in Fort Mill townxhin. York County, known as the property of S. S. McNinch and the Charlotte Brick Company, said tracts aggregating 693.24 acres, and includes all machinery now on the land and used by the Charlotte ( Brick Company in the manufacture of brick. Further description of premises can be had at my office. Terms of sale, One-third Cash, balance in one and two annual installments at 7 per cent, interest from date of sale, secured by bond and mortgage of purchaser. J NO. R. LOGAN, C. C. C. Pis. ~~Teachers' examination. A special examination will be held at York on Saturday, January 19th,.for the benefit of any who wish to teach before the regular examination in the spring. Notify me at once if you expect to attend. , JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. Education. No. 9941 REPORT OF THE < THE FIRST NATIONAL In the State of South Carolina, at the * RESOU1 Loans and discounts (except those show Deduct: Notes and bills rediscounted (other ceptances sold) (see Item 55a) Overdrafts, secured $ unsecured S U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulat Liberty Loan Bonds, unpledged, 3J per c Stock of Federal Reserve bank (50 per < Furniture and Fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve B? Cash in vault and net amounts due from Net amount due from banks and bankei er than included in Items 13, 14 and Total of Items 15, 16, 17 and 18 Checks on hanks located outside of city < and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer a urer Total LIABILi Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National Baoks Net amounts due to banks, bankers and than included in Items 30 or 31) .. Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less thar money borrowed) Cashier's checks outstanding Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other tha Items 33, 34, 35, 30, 37. 38, 39 and 40 _ Total STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA? Couni I, W. B. Ardrey, President ot the abo1 the above statement is true to the best o Subscribed and sworn to before me this Correct?Attest: J. L. Spratt, J. J. 1 Need a Ne^ j Two ear loads of th< and they were bougl when wagons were 40 er than they are today In order to reduce ( a few of these wagons wholesale price. Fort Mill LW Stop Tha WI1 UntnVft nnnn'n uuibuiuauu a Cherry a 25 cts a bottle. iWoney bacfc * IHUTCHINSON'J Agents for N< \ rj'V ?' ' :*'V ^'xp^PII^P' ' s . fc ; . ' * :. \ v l 'I' Horses and Mules. Can suit you in any kind of HORSE or MULE. Call on me at Harris's Stable, Fort Mill, S. C. W. W. W. HINES. Wanted. 2000 cords of 4-ft. Wood, Oak or nne, at ump ureene. rrompt delivery; will also contract for 60 day deivery. Write, wire or 'phone us. Brown-Knox Mercantile Co,, ^ Davidson. N. C. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. CONDITION OF BANK, AT FORT MILL, :lose of business, December 31, 1917. ttCES. n on b and c) $154,493 79 than bank ac $164,493 79 5211.07 211 07 ion (par value)... 25,000 00 :ent and 4 per cent I6,9o0 00 :ent of subscription) 900 00 3,075 00 ink 14,390 03 national banks 23,621 15 s and trust companies oth15, 247 98 $23,869.13 ar town of reporting bank 800 71 ind due from U. S. Treas 1,250 00 XVJn KKO 73 [TIES. $25,000 00 6,000 00 2,008 46 25,000 00 14,046 20 trust companies (other .$14,046.20 * 160,782 46 l 30 days (other than for 7,900 52 162 09 - - 1,000 00 n bank deposits) subject to i $169,835 07 $240,889 73 ty of York, 8s: ve-named Lank, do solemnly swear that f my knowledge and belief. W. B. AKDKEY, 1 resident. 10th day of January, 1918. C. S. LINK, Notary Public, iiailes, Osmond Barber. Directors. iv Wagon? ?se wagons on hand, nt over a year, ago, to 50 per cent cheap mr stock, we will sell for less than to-day's ber Company. 1 it Cough ni i Compound nd Tar. I l if not relic^ftl. g ?v. B S PHARMACY I arris' Candy. fi 1:1'-' " - v ; Pattersi . "Fort 1 Clei Our CLI Misses' and ST Some of here and wi half. I Also a f< fore Xmas. the regular This is } looking Coa spot cash or Patters! | "Fort . [ DR. A. L. OTT , D - NTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Buildinp, Fort Mill, S. C. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1918. Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's Office, Dec. 1, 1917. Pursuant to the requirement of the Statute on the subject, Notice is hereby given that my books will be opened in my office in York courthouse on Tuesday, January 1st, 1918, for the purpose of listing for taxation all Personal and Real Property held in York County on January 1, 1918, and will be kept open until the 20th day of February, iyi8, and for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County 1 will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named. At Tirzah, Monday, January 14, 1918. At Newport, Tuesday, January 15, 1918. At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 16, 17 and 18, 1918. At McConnellsville, Monday, January. 21, 1918. At Ogden, Tuesday, January 22, 1918. At Coates' Tavern, (Roddey's) Wednesday, January 23, 1918. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, January 24, to Wednesday, January 30, 1918. At Ramah, Tuesday, February 5, 1918. At McGill Bros. Store Wednesday, February 6, 1918. At York, from Thursday, February 7, to February 20, 1918. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. I OVE, Auditor York County. TAX NOTICE-191 7. >i /" -r vy m A icc vi mc VUUIIIJ A rccivurcr of York County. York, S. C.. Sept. 17. 1917. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for Vork County will be opened on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1917, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1917, for the collection of State, County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1917, without pi nr?'f; nttnr which day One Per C 'ii pen 'Sty will be added 1o all payr*er t-i made in the month of January, 1918, and Two Per Cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 19IX, and Seven Per Cent penalty will be added to all payments made j Tior:i the 1st day of March, 1918, to the ! 15th day o'f March, 1918, and after this ( elate all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers 1 will attend the following places on the days named* And at York from Monday, November 19th, until Monday, the 31st day of Decemher 1917, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note- The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, * r 1* i X , , *?r*pfc'?F9B t jn's Dry Goods Store, Will's Fastest Growing Store." in Up Sale iAN-UP SALE of all Women's and Children's COATS lRTS SATURDAY the best styles of the season are e have reduced the price to about ? jvv Coat Suits that came in just be- y Good styles and materials, 1-4 off | price. | Four best opportunity to get a good 1 it or Suit at very small cost, for I "ly. I m's Dry Goods Store. Mill's Fastest Growing Store." % I Your Home! | Is it fiitted with everything in p FURNITURE that your health and comfort | demands? If not, come to | ^ see us. We'll satisfy vou. 1 I Our prices and terms will ap- | peal to you, as well as the | quality of our goods. | Young & Wolfe. j The Furniture Men. | I Snow Drift Lard, j 10 lb. bucket $2.35 5 lb. bucket 1.25 4 lb. bucket - 1.00 PICKLES Heinz Pickles, sour and sweet, per bottle, .25 " India Relish, per bottle, 30 " Pickled Onions, per bottle, .25 " Pure Apple Vinegar, per quart, 35 CANNED GOODS CAMPBELL'S SOUPS. Rex Beef Tripe, per can, .35 Rex Cooked Brains, per can, .25 IRex Roast Beef, per can .30 Rex Mince Meat, per package, 10 Our stock is now more complete than ever before and we appreciate and solicit your orders. | FERGUSON & PHILLIPS I Highest Prices Paid for Pork. I n YVIk?>AND HIDES iib^ b1otest makkzt p1k? ffltMSW ||V% rii?rotkavruts ^ ^ prlw Mil ? niwiS^miaaS ? "ISSSES^ fe#