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ttf*? AOMd?r ^ MBni i Vmi!kitvtt9hard U l>rm?. LydU B. ehoold not dfag^ong from day to day teKhout giving tiiiavjamona root-and,. g herb eeme^^todwR^inkbam'e^^ik * advioeln regard to such ailments write W toLydlaF.. Ptekham Medicine Co.,Lynn, ? Mass. The result of its forty years ?H5Ss Admonition Wacttd. "Say. old man. I tod inc ten dollars." j "This eagerness for tuoney la Very bad; don't you know thnt money; after ' all, is nothing but trouble?" .' "Well, It's my dlspostttoq. -ttf be bor- J rowing trouble*** aoSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies, * when RnxrhM'ti flormn n Svmn hn'i been used Bis successfully for fifty-one years In all ports of the^Unlted k'?- States for coughs, bronchitis,' colds ) { settled In the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the . morning, / gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflamed ports, throw oft the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Sold In all civilized countries. 80 and dO cent bottles.?Adv. V* Three Qualities of Boots. . Standard boots, which will he of three qualities, and will be sold at a , fixed sdale of minimum prices, are to he Introduced In OoMTinnii Tho nnoll ties will be known as rough, medium and better-claaa^ medium grade will be made kit puper fiber, with t leather upper* and wooden soles, while the other aorta will be of sail-cloth, linen, or old felt., with leather uppers and ordlnnry wyoden spies. Boots for both men and women will be standard- ' l*ed, and no other kinds will be ob- , talnable. - ; ~ * .* t * . " ' * No Typhoid In French Army. . '* I " V y Prof, H. Vlneont of the French army modlcul -corp$ Infonus the Jt,cndemje <Je^ M<-<!iclne thut as a result of vaccinatlon against typhoid and pnra-typbold the number of, cases had ,fallen this year to an average of 0.054 per thou* i sand. The mortality is now only about' three In a million. Compared with con, . ditlona. before 4he war. when the vn&c\: jkl* ^ nation was-by no ineuns universal, the / cases are seven times lejis. jluineroufl ; i and the deaths S.5 'tlnfes'leps' uumer-( F ous now,, ' 'uui... ei_ will t* ?!# ! *?HI ?** MCV?C??. M 8ln wiU never '?h?^ legislated* away, I It will never be rubbed or scoured from the texture of society; lint Jts black and hideous stains will be woaderfufty dlmlnlBhod when the church, of Christ shall understand its own potency in social salvation.?J. M. Dean. t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' f J' ?.\ *} w&--$m?*wnP&''l>' ' " -i .-"ti, &lAj |- pHIOWBwBBKjBBBK. -J, * 'p rjkI?>.v3Mi * ? .ifcyi ? ?rV?>* ^^SSfSEHS^B^BB^SAi * ? : >iV ^'*i' L; Carlton W. ^wy?r, ?iHpVoUer-.j:eiveiTLl, Indicate that the legiala^fe wtll be,*rtked to : This la id tncr^5^T|639,80$.ll over the toja! amount ,ot last ywyr- A !?*y of Bind and three-fourth* mills will be necessary, should appropriations ^ asked he provided. Five department estimates are reduced from last-year's j figures. These and the atnouot below laat year's appropriations are: ^Atto,*;hey aeneral'8 otflce. $l,6f6; >.railroad cotnmWelon, $1,066; . Slate electrician find eigtneer. $rS9',3B; Jtfdlriai-jlepartmont $7,913.50. and the historical commission, $250. llisccllunoous la reduced by $61,733,41. Departments In whi.a?.increases are naked are: Comptroller general, Catawba Indians, de! partment of agriculture. Sta^d board" ! of medical examiners, tax department. charitable arvj pdpal purposes, leglsla| live expenses, pensions and Confedj.erate Infirmary, State warehouse e6m misBfoner-uAd Jolhl committee on printing. Some of the largest Increases 'asked.-'kxe-! Public schools. $.117,000; St at a health department. $27.080; Uni^ersUy of South Carolina* $62,199,65; Wiuthf-op College. $85,371.99;' Elections, $44,075. The letter of transmittal nf 'Mr Sawyer 10 the ways and means committee of the bouse, of representatives and-~of the financecommittee of-.the senaHt keftdC. State's Resources. . "To the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Represents! vea and ! " rwkJLifiL* a?* | 1-liC V IIIAULX VUUIIUIllCC Uft IU1 ouu* W: "Gentlemen: The total taxable property. of the State on daauary 1, ! 1917, according lo the abstract Of th-J | duplicates filed with me by the county aliaito/s, amounts t6 $319,657,087 KstimaUng'-itfae yevpriue of the State for ldlij .on a basis oj the same Iqvy ofX 1-2 mlllB a,s In 1917,. we would Uave $2,716,922.76. TO thib we prill add the estimated income. from sources other than taxes, as follows: Insurance license fees....; $ld2^9fi Fees, secretary of state.. 19t00?) Corporation license fees 159.000 Income tax ,V.?.7/; \ ... i...; 35,000 Support of railroad commission 17.0Q0 Department of agriculture 20,00?) Fens, -medical, examiners.-. t,00o Fees, law examiners - 50 Board ot fisheries 7^00 1 "The total estimated rfevenufc fhr the ' Ordinary expanses of lOll^Vill then amount to $2,067,972.76. ! "The appropriations aeked for by ! the .various^Institutions and depart-, i ments amount , to' $3v4.42;078.7l,\ and It . will be noted that they *'{11 expend the .- stimated revenue of the State under I an eight and- one-hajf mill levy by j $374,100 95. | "In *1917 your hoporablo , b^dy a I psoprinted $2,D85,$46.77, \ whereas j.he, | te*eigi? fot> 1017 will amount to $; ,-' 0C8.285.95 of-a surplus of . $82,126. If , all the .appropriations are made as naked for! it will require a levy of nine and three-fourths mills on the dollar to fals^. tberp- Section 2, Article 10. of Abe constitution .requirest*a .levy wufficlent to pay the ordinary cxpenadw-of the State. \ "Before the taxes ot 1918 pre available,'It Will b(a.,n?e<s?rfa*iy that thoState borrow about $.i;" to meet , tlyfj current expenses of the govern' ; ment. [ VReJfpectifully -submitted. ^Tarltoh \*r. Sawyer. t /v; i 7 ;'-*W - yComptruUer General." -f, . " ' y r' r'.-.o 1."' * r I Constable^Capture* Much Booze. T. J. Smyrl of Columbia, chief Stale conslable,' lffte ^j^rferited' his ' an null report to oivernpr M?bnln?. The'yal-r ( ue of the whlphey a'.'d seized un! de.r Mr. Smyrl would, under prices now j Obtaining afiionh bliHd'tigers, approximate--^40.1^ Fines collected during J the yearam.ttonted to $10,424. IJhd I" AMa/\it?(4 nf MtUiti\rO\r jal#4 ^A,i 1 on - ' tftJIVVUH F ^ octwu niu.- ; gallons. Forty-one stria were de- j *rtt royf d 'wlt^r . JA.OOQ gallons of IttlU beer -aM the farmentora ('detaining tl?e same, qdftvdptjbns vers r'e. celled In . l3? . c^Rf* SemerldeC Jo ( UnlngangM and -Jsila amounted Ju thy ..n^gregat'o months Fifty-two oases ifcmatn;- to be tiled in lb ft clrouit and federal courts. " * . O ' ^ >! W ' ' , ."V-' * " ' Swfr?rln(}en fcake Half Mim*n. * j/l?T ^earlng*n;-8y>t?^p^ri\|iend ' ant of education, u few days aifco' submitted to Comptroller CtoneraJ C. W., ^mvyr.f. fciB-'etftltnate of public school f*jfofop*tgU6n# from" the le^fal^turq in, lreiS. Shtce Sbut.H CaMllnd has no ^trtte- ta* HdhboH. tttfe MrljRlatui^. haw tO/tfaKf tUMlfe 4o({tiener Jjy ?V* S^sknaltSclosal* with sftnltar ago** Vv.v".v *r ^ \-y*4-":"v ' r -V1; -T*" . TBK a 1 B; Ha^P** |wwi| Bjp ^ i iHk closed, which appeals espelcally ! (jFgf^gnfth tnd^ which fulfills *h? ! termers who could store ohly one or two hales have been benefited by the plan. During the season 767 received were i;iacd to tanners who * could store two bales and 1,924 receipts to tenners who stored only one bale each. Money was borrowed on many of the receipts, with the value ot the cot- 1 ton enhanced approximately 84 per cent. An urgent appeal to stoto their -cotton was written to termers September 6 by Mr. Smith. Since that time 3&,392 bales were stored. At that time j cotton was selling at 19 1-2 cents, but . the warehouse commissioner argued that the worldwide shortage and im- | mediate demand guaranteed an advance to 20 cents. The Increased valus of the cotton stored is more thaa f 1.-' ontvnnn " ' " Mr. Smith emphasizes that although i the appropriation last year was out 1 by the legislature from $15,000 to $10.- j 000, the receipts for the year are ap- ' proximately $3,000 in excess of the i amount provided for operating expenses. The system has now $8,147.34 on deposit at the Uniyn National Bank. Storage due December 31 wt>.i $!,? 382.74 and accrued storage $2,755.74. J* Value of Liquor Seizures Decrease. S. M. Duncan, chief of the StUa constabulary, has presented his annual renort ttf Governor Manuinc. Tha value of whiskeys and beers seized tills year has been greatly reduced from the amount captured in 19 IB. The jtotab-value of seizuros for the year Jft&t dosed was $43,429.25 against $25.865 for the preceding year. There was a proportionate decrease in operating |expenses by the constabulary. In 1916 the coBt was $16,813.21 against $10.905.09 for 1917. The quart a month law Is regarded an a contributing fa; tor fn the amount of liquor shipped Illegally into Jhe State. The summarized report follows: ki.ln Charleston county and vicinity for January. February. March. April, May and June; Seized 754 \ gallons 6l wilts key and'485 bottles of beer. All poured out except 122 gallons of whlskev left $s-evidence in ten cases pending^in court. "When transferred to Beaufort all State property turned over to Sheriff kMtWfp^ k "Cost of constabulary for siv months, Charleston $7,452.68. "Ctopt pf ^conatahulary for sii months far Beaufort $3,452.41. ' Totwi for 1917. $10,905.09. "T^tal Mr 1916. .Charleston, $16.- j 813.21. , "Value o$ whiskey seized in Beaufort. $ 1-528. '"total value of 1916, $25,865. "Total value for 1917, $13,4*9 25. j 'Total amount seized in 1917, 7i4 gallons of wbiskey1 150 gallons of cider and 485 bottle# of beer. I VTotil amoupt in 1916 in Charleston a iB. vicinity 1.1S6 1-4 gallons of whis jk<W, 15.757 bottles of beer. Having turned over to Sheriff M&it.thi mf hook of "records* I am unable ttp say how ma-ffy '^convictions. Two 4 t. M .? . J i a .1 i.j i.. uuiuiuuiHjea |r?rw tiuu suiu in l^brkelcy- rofinty and six negroes sent |o the pand ?nd three white man pleaded guilty and paid their fines. Have made 11? separate seizures hero hnd.had o,ne conviction."" Manning Names New Officers. Governor Manning announced the appoir.tthHiit of four captains, six tin t lieutenants and ftv secod lieutenants for til*" pompnqiptr of State militia being formpd in South Carolina. The appointees are: I Captaifis ? Walter W. Benson. , .CfreqriwootJV Normal C. Poole. New- ' 'berry; J'uolus H. Purrott, GufTney; William L llnrt. Union First lieutenants?0. J>. Duckott, Greenwood;' B. H. Sadler. Greenville; H. W. MrCrolght. Columbia; R. H Wright, v^Jewberry; FVank W. Sassa mon, Gafftiey; Elliott R. Rushford, Untpn ; - ^ Second^ Lieutenants?Calhoun A. Hnys, Greenwood; J. N. Frierson, CoInrtabia; Byron V. Chapman, New borryberryi W. C. Camp. Gaflfnev; Robert Li Jenkins. Union. New ?nt?ffirUe* Authorized. ty. Banks Dove, secretary of state, commission ad the Bennett svllle Brick Company of peunettsviUe. the pro p^sed capital stock bblns *25,000. Petitioner* arc Lincoln S. Morrison ol Florence t and J, B. Morrison of Marlboro. ' ' ) 'k ' ' " * : '* V ' < ' Turns Back Large Fund. ' A. U.^ujnmera,' commissioner of as riculture.- commerce and Industrie ; fUrf^ed- over to 3. T. Carter. Sl.i;treasurer $21,020, collected from th> various sources by the department1 during thjs*yeerv This was more than edible the volume for the year of 1916 Of the figured $8600 came from com merct^l febd stuff analysis; $10,500 jfrom tbV Oil fund; $300 from seed In- j sjl?CtlW, uriHxfl,720 on condltlments 1 The proc >eds last year were $4.0 >0 rroj*mean ana >?,w? rrom oih Highway Department heport*. The Bute highway department has ] msembied Its 3?ures for the year Just ekujed. I>6rtne *be 12 months :',s .' J2 licenses.wetii Issued for autoraoh'hv: and ajotor truoks. Licenses were alsc \s&$ to moo motorcycles., The to- I 4A1 amount, coUeptftf for the license? I under the 8tate law was $112 71. of whleli aftiotmt $88.626 98 was ro tomed* to the various counties of thi. thp number this yeeur will en-ily rui ?A\ SO,01 to. A awpmcnt of 46.000 M cense plates Las been received. ATTORNEY TRIES CASE BY PHONE . I Din** 4a WPaabamiaW Do ' Cbmpounded ofvcgetablc drills in a perfectly appointed laboratory by skilled chemists, after the prescription of a successful physician of wide ex* perienoe. and approved by the experience of tene of thousands in the last forty-five . yearn, Peruna's. Success rssta strictly ah It* o. o _ truly scientific treatment for all diseases of catarrhal symptoms. It has came to be the recognized standby of the < American home because it has deserved to be, and it stands today as firm as the eternal hills in the confidence of an enormous number. What Helped Thaaa May Help Yoa Get our tree booklet, "Health and How to Have It," of your druggist. or writ? direct to ua. The Peruna Company Colombo*, Ohio t Distemper Can Be Controlled by nstnk Du. David Koukhts' FEVER PASTE ?;!& and WHITE LINIMENT p0rJ~ K?*a<1 tlio Practical Horn* for froq booklet on Abortion J^l WB" ** no de-Rler In your town. Or. Oaritf Roterti' v*f. Co., 100 Oratf inm, Wttkttkt, Wit. ^^^IFWUOWIIAIITTIE FIELDW Hill FOR THE LAMD'S SAKE B ypmrnTWEUTOHAKEITYiaP^ UPOFSY TREATMENT. Olrt? qnlok r?ll.f. Wr? J " 3??'ii r.-iu.nM *wrl)ln<r and (hurl p* 1 bmUb. Nmr h??r4 of lu equal ror dro|?|r> N JB.Try It. Trial trralinrnt true FMtC. by mall. Wrltato DR. THOMAS E. CRCEN Sank BidsH Oo? 20, OMATOWONTM. aA. Scarcity of OH. Large numbers of Danish lighthouses will shortly be extinguished, or else will show n greatly diminished light, owing to the shortage of oil. Tills, It is declared, will mean additional dltllculty In the way of Danish navigation und Danish exportation towards the west. In addition the allowance or oil for domestic lighting has been greatly curtailed. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water ado 1 oz. Bar Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and Vi oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full rliiwt?in? fnr mnK ing and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Tea Leaves in War. Instructions have been sent to all English urniy and navy canteens to save all used tea leaves, which are to be carefully kept In muslin hags and forwarded to central depots. The old leaves are not to be used again la making beverage, but are needed In connection with munition milking. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showiDg it is Quinine uud Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 60 cents. No Fun for Him The after-dinner orator never enJoys the menu as well as the fellow who starts the applause. ? ??????????? _ To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's l'leasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. Short friends often make long accounts. . HEALTH WAS WRECKED Nothing Broafht Relief Uiitll Doin'f Wm lined. Wonderful Improvement Wu Effected. **I had such uwful cutting palus In the small of my hack and hips. 1 often had to cry out," says Mrs. Krnest Wiethoelter, f?r>0 Madison St., St. Charles, Mo. "The pain was knife-like and I couldn't turn in bed, in fact I was almost helpless. My feet and ankles swelled badly, ?!f "7ft my hands were puffed ^ ? up and there were iHkVv W swellings under my A "I often got so I dizzy I had to sit down to keep from Hit- Vmbmitm fulling and my health won completely broken down. The kidney secretions pained terribly in passage and in spite of ail the medicine 1 took, 1 kept gutting worse until I was u wreck.' "Ity chance I rend about Doan's Kidney Villa and bought some. After I ligd used half a box there was a change and I continued to Improve; the puins, aches and swellings left and my health returned." Sworn to before me, WM. F., Notary Public. ALMOST TWO YEARS LATER. May 25, 1917, Mrs. Wlethoelter said : "I think as highly of /loan's as ever. Whenever I have used them, they huvc benefited me." C*t Omu'i at Any Star*. 60c a Box DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. W. V. A BAD COUGH la itty t?i|Mgtoet Tmkm Ik la twod. and afcaau* yoor With by praaptly Ukinc PISO'S I mim r ion iu wuiioci vc r\c" , ! suits in First Court Trial By Wire. Brighton, Colo.?With food, fuel and. other commodities subjected to in? tensive saving campaigns, "conscrva; tlon" Is the popular watchword In the j I Rocky Mountain region. The latest plan to "conserve" has resulted in the ' : first "court trial by wire" on record. ! "Conservation of time, money, en' ergy and fees" Is what District Attorney Samuel W. Johnson terms the new ; wrinkle. Johnson's jurisdiction extends over several counties adjucent to : Denver, and he experiences consideri able difficulty in being present in the ! iii (jiifi III Iffll 11II ^ IP Presented Evidence Over the Wire. various towns of tho counties when several cases are set fur the same day In different courts. So the busy prosecutor decided to use the telephone. Sitting In his main headquarters In Denver, with a telephone receiver to his ear, Johnson listened to counsel for defense- plead before a judge in the local court here for the discharge of his client, a woman charged with "bootlegging." When Attorney Michael Wuldron had finished his case for the defendant, Johnson picked up the transmitter and presented evidence over the wire of sutllclent weight to convict the defendant, who was lined $100 npd costs. Johnson declares his new method of hnndllng cases will also result in the saving of much gasoline, as he can avoid traveling from town to town in the "buzz wagon." ^LEAVES "WAR BABY" Y X AND NOTE AT DOOR * X Tncoina, Wash.?Whatever the X V fortune that left a war waif on v Q the doorstep of Mrs. fJeorge W. 0 A Wagner, in tills city, it was not A x ino mntnor s ihck or love for her X Y Infant. v Q A Utile advertIsemcnt whleh <9 Q she left to he Inserted In a Sun- /) a day paper reads: a Y "To the kind people who Y 0 ndopted my war hahy: He was 0 A) horn October 2. 11)17. For any r) I A particulars concerning liiin ad- A \ dress &)-"(>, this paper." Y Q The child will have love anil (J Q devotion, as Mrs. Wapner fedls /) A It is her patriotic duty to care a Y for It. Y FINDS HE WASN'T LOVED Buijt Takes Policeman, Police Judge and $50 Fine to Convince Him. Kansas City. Mo ?Tt took a policeinnn ti Tuitlcfi liultrii ntnl n CUl Hf??? fix convince Guy WycofT of Ktirisns City, Kan., that Mrs. Dessle Brown, a pretty young stenographer, did not love him. They are employed hy the same firm and were engaged for some time. Finally Mrs. Brown decided she did ' not want to marry WycolT. She told him so, hut he still kept paying attention to her. Then she called u policeman and had him arrested. In court WycofY stated, "I thought she really loved me, hut didn't know it." In order to Impress on his mind that he had lost out the judge assessed Wycoff $r>0. KISSES WIFE BY MISTAKE Error Costs Husband $200 When Mate Learns Caress Was Intended for Another. Chicago. ? When Vernon Hooker gave his wife a warm embrace in a darkened room the recipient of his affections was well pleased. When, however, he asked "Where's Charlotte?" Mrs. Charlotte Hooker realized thut her husband thought she was someI one else. She had the erring husband arrested and he was fined $200. A red kimono caused Hooker's ! downfall. Miss Catherine Hell owned ! the kimono and Mrs. Hooker was wear* ! log It. Thus Hooker mistook his wife for Miss Hell nnd gave her what she aid was "a big hue and the nicest kiss I've had In some time." Claims Maine Canning Record. Newfleld, Me.?While caring for a family of nine children, the youngest only a year old, Mrs. James F. Bridges of Newfleld, Me., canned fl.r>0 Jars of fruit and vegetables. She i claims the Maine canning record. I Knocked Pipe Down Farmer's Throat. Amoldsvllle, On.?While D. A. Fnlr was looking over some of his line stock, a young cow suddenly tossed her head, knocking Fair's shortHtem.ned pipe through his mouth and Into his neck. %L * v ' JigTajj A. 1 I T. ? - A? caiomei todays oi I Guarantee D( Don't take nasty, dangero constipated, headacl Calomel makes you sick; yon lose n 1 day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver i and It salivates; calomel Injures your ] Uver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, slug- ) glsh and all knocked out. If your bow- , els are constlputed and your head , aches or stomach Is sour. Just take a , spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver , Tone Instead of using sickening, sail- | vatlng calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone j Is real liver medicine. You'll know It J next morning because you will wake ] up feeling fine, your liver will be working. your headache and dizziness gone. your stomach will be sweet and how els regular. You will feel like work- ' lug. You'll he cheerful; full of vigor < and utuhltion. 1 Your druggist or dealer sells you a i bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a ; Object to Sunday Work. Abolishing Sundays resulted in rioting la Augsherg, Bavaria, and as a re- I' suit a compromise Is now being tried. ; Sunday work henceforth. Including rest j hours, will only cover six hours. Youthful workers of both sexes will he per- j ndtted to go to church. The Bavarian munition manufacturers also agree to , limit work to rvt Vj hours a week for j which frfiV* hours pay will he given. It ! is promised that Sunday work shall cease by March, BUS. PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The symptoms of kidney and bladder i troubles are often very distressing and leave the system in a run-down condition. J The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al- ' most every victim complains of lame hack ! and urinary troubles which should not be | "n? .1- I. ?f. --r> - niKnmn until lend to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so many people say, soon heals and strengthens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney, liver and bladder medicine, and, being I an herbal compound, lias a gentle heal- i ing effect on the kidneys, which is al- j most immediately noticed in most cases by those who use it. A trial will convince anyone who may ' be in need of it. Iletter get a bottle from your nearest drug store, nnd start treat- ! ment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. 1 Kilmer &. Do., Kinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and j mention this paper.?Adv. Mahogany Embargo Removed. Donsul General Skinner reports from London tlint the controller of timber supplies announces the withdrawal, tin- J til further notice, of the restriction on sales of mahogany of nil kinds. No- , tlce was given recently that the board of trade had taken possession of all i stocks of mahogany exceeding fi.tKH) foot. Soothe Itching Scalps. On riiHrtni' m?nflv roll Knots of (Inn tlruff and Itching with Cutlcuru Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Outlcurn Soup and hot water. For free samples address, "C'utlcurn, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by maii Soap 23, Ointment 23 and 3d.?Adv. No Pstriotirm There. There is no patriotism in the man ] who cannot b<> cheerful when clipping | Liberty bond coupons. A forr-M Mvor Kivrirto proper fond niiimttnllon Ton.- up your liver with Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Th< y not gently. Adv. Some people's gootl points seem to | have broken o(T. A FIGHT FOR LIFE It has been fight or die for many of us tn the past and lue lucky people are those vt tjo have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warning signal In time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called "An-u-ric." You should promptly heed these warnings, some of which nre dizzy spells, backache. Irregularity of the urine or the; painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. To delay may make possible, the I dangerous forms of kidney disease, "such as stone in the bladder. To overcome these distressing conditions take plenty of exercise in the open air. avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meat take -Or. Pierce's Anurlc Tablets (double strength). You will. In a short time. Ilnd that you are one of the firm Indorsers of Anurlc, as are thousands of neighbors. Step Into the drug store and ask for a COc bottle of Anurlc, or send Dr V. M Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y . tOe for trial pl<g. Anurlc, many times more potent than IItliin. eliminates uric ucld as hot water melts sugar. Unconscious Insult. "Miss Italics is very sensitive iiIumiI her large feet." "Tlmt accounts for it." "Accounts fur what?" "Why. -In- got so angry when I asked jcr If Santa 'Mans hail put an auto mobile in h??r stocking." Important to Mothers Kxntnine carefully every bottle of CASTOllIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it -s=-~<2C*raar In Use for Over ill) Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Scots Are Tallest. Amonthe natives of (!r?nt Itritnlu iho Sertoli average the tallest, ilie !rlsl> arc next, then come the Eri|fllnh nnd Welsh. Keeping the Ouility I P LAXaTIVH HHOMOCl IMI.NK lt<? World rtmont Cur" tor Colds nnd (inp l< now ,vi j*r box. On iccuniitul Hie ndrin.e ,n the pure of the ox different Medicinal.Concentrnwl Mxirat-ls and Clientlctt r contained In LAXA'I IV K Mil. MuOClNINM, It was necessary U> Increase the prim to The druggist. It has stood the test for a Quarter of a Century. It 1 s uiVil by every CItlilted Nation. Consistency Is often but another name for contrariness. h When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Vo Hmellng-Jiitl Rye Comfnrt, M cents at Lrrogglst* or mall. Write for Rree fire Book. HGB1MB IIK UEXJtDT CO.. CUlCAfiO 1 . If. i III i ck Tomorrow! Ddson's Liver Tone >U9 calomel when bilious, ly. Listen to me! Pew cents under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; It won't make you sick and you can eat Anything you want without being sail* rated. Your druggist guarantees that ?ach spoonful will stur? your liver, ;lean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money Imck. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting nnd doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Hudson's Liver Time to people who have found that tlds pleasant, vegetable liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel, lluy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me.?Adv. Anti-Leak Device for Brushes. The following is a good method for preventing the color or wash from running down over the handle of a mi in u-mi ? ui'ii tivcriiciui niirs is Iwini; done. Take a good. larRi* sponKC, oblong in shape. if possible. ami cut a slil in it tu allow it to slip over tho brush handle. 1'ush it up as far as it will no and ti?' a cord on tin- handle to prevent it from slipping hack. The sponge, we are assured, will take care of all the leaking color, and it can he wrung out at any time while on the brush. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Re Cured by local applications an they cannot reach the disease ) portion of the car. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is bv a constitutional remedy. HAI.T/S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through tli? Wood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of ths mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube ts Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can bo reduced and tills tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may he destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an tiillaiuod condition of flip Mucous Surfaces ONE HUNDRED DOl.RARS for nny cnse of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot he cured hy HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All DruirirlatB 7fc. Circulars free. S\ J. Cheney A. Co., Toledo, Ohio. The Sort. "Talking of the ntllllhle public. I know a business which is u regular plant." "Wlint Is lluit?" "The llorlsl's." % Dr. Fttry'i "Dead Shot" not only e*pel? TVoiina or Tapeworm hut cl< una out tha uucut In ahleh they breed unit ton. ? up the digestion. One dose autltcleut. Adv. Some men lire kept so busy main* mining I heir tli^iti t y thai they haven't time lo earn n tleeent living. All the money you intended to suvo doesn't draw Interest. Pneumonia CASCARA K? 0U1N1NE The old family remedy ? In tablet form?eafe, cure, ra?y to take. No rpiitti -no unpleasant after effect*. Cure* rolda in 24 hours Gnp in 3 day*. Money back if it faili. Get tho genuine bo* With Kerl Top and Mr. ?^1 MlVfV Hill'a picture on it ! 'f\f\ hPI ri 24 T"bUt*<or 25c- fVt flpLaB At Any Drug Stora A West Virginia Woman Speaks Volgu, W. Yu.?"Golden Medical Dlib covery proved so Arajjbeneficial in my past state of ill /SA??r,,gjg.? heiiltli that I was ^ jg.Ti glad t<> try An* 7? W Lt?5V tirie, tlie new dis? JlTL Mm :overy of Dr. ~*'J\tl... Pierce. I was in '*r"f^ a delicate condl'.ion and sulTeretl from many discomforts. I ached all over, was constlputed, had indiges*. tion, was extremely nervous; another discomfort wds shifting rheumatism, something I had had for years. At that time it was In my hips and lower limits. I took the Anuric Tablets according to directions, and can say, and speak in the hounds of truth, that I have not had rheumatism since. Tho relief could not he more sntlsfnc tory."?JIUS. JOSEPH INK COKDHU RYMEU.?Adv. Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TilmHIir.l! MACII):'. to rirnifitd ttprmi? anu drivo ttio potkun t rnui Ibo njkloui . "UULI lll lUP Ot THK IkfllfllK riIN MIIm atinia ox TIIB OITMIDB" At All l>ruKKln:a VJil. Btily ic. Sob, Wholesale Distributor* (WbdRflTrT^Tri Ynnnnl ? A i^vtivc V/V iv/uil\j ?Rub Dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment Shampoo with Cuticura Soap Sold??ynp?h?TT S^p2MQii>lrTvnt:5iVX essls hjurrbalsam 1'^; . A tollvt preparation of merit, IflVK Htlpa to ?rkdlut? (lAmlrui S, gB For Rulnrini Color aiui BmiiIit toGr? or Fm?1 Hair. C^njLAj /y^A Wo- ainl tl.ttat Prog.-iAtn KODAKS & SUPPLIES r 4uliQ/ *'?? Oo Inchrtt <>Im< of flnluhtug. I Mo** ?nil Cattlnfut upon rcquMb S. C*l??ki Optic*! Co., Ricbwod, V*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 2-1916.'