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I Sick ^ To do your duty I timet your health I consideration. Tl I tell how they foui I Hellam, Pa.?"I took Ljd etable Compound for fema placement. I felt all ran do v j had been treated by a phyi H \?o decided to give LydiaE. P % trial, and felt better righ one* last April and doing-*) T ana? tnaaKla fA <ln antr tim4 ^rnmmmmm^mmmmmmmm J&tf daaTTwp* the kidiwy*^ ver* and bled* blMb^thi work lUtUSe intended they hMB^Root hu stood the test of yeers. m mm?m mj mil aunan lta merit end ft aMi Mp y ou. JSo-t>th?r kidney mediae? ken eo many friends. Wm a?e to gat Whmp-Root and start first to {Seat this oreparatiota send ten cents to Dr. Kkaer ft Co^Mabamton, N. Y.t for a ?pia badgjj^ggi^i writing be aure and' dl Ike People*'^ j IhMniefkiUe Scott Feat-Is of Oklaftgemr is a m^tknf tfeftifeopte. 'A reMperlenuT he Wd proves It. uey ?dint to EUaha Hansob in Cartoon Pmfs was down In tbe Osage country leaking attar some cattle land when aflgfet overtook him and he stepped at fee kooe of n tenter for nlWter and ft?ft. When breakfast wus served, all off tfte members /Of the household poored their coffee Into their suucers te let It cool, and Ferris did likewise, ft few moments Inter, according to a ftrteaft who accompanied Ferris, two of Mm women folk were overheard dls ing the congressman. He itemK plalp, don't he?" one snld. ?Tab, ^e does," the other replied. -Be saucers hi# coffee just like anyMjr that wasn't stuck up would." CBnU Deafhess Cannot Be Cured Kkml applications as they cannot reach dtemaad portion or the ear. There le wsty aws way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, aad that Is by a constitutional remedy. ! ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts ! Mnsfta the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces eC the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is Massed by an Inflamed condition of the wwpms lining of the Eustachian Tube. Win this tube la Inflamed you have a Mwblni; sound or Imperfect hearing, and whaa It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the asHsN. Unless the Inflammation can be redMoed and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed iMsrsr. Many cases of Deafness are aaswad by Catarrh, which la an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. i ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS for any mas off Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be eared by HALL'S CATARRH HDfCINR. AJI Druggists 75c. Circulars free. W,L JL Cheney tc Co., Toledo, Ohio. ? Cups From Tin Cans. The resourcefulness of women as war workers was given exempli flcaIKao recently by tlie Red Cross canteen swltni in France. Seven of the woman were operating a rest station at one a* the aviation camps. Having an InjsBdtnl number of cups for the use mt Ike canteen the lieud worker dlseovusid that there were several plumbers ?nai; the Oerman prisoners working absot the camps. She gathered a quan tjr or empty tin cnns and set the tamher prisoners to work making taking cups. The canteen was quicker nnpplled with plenty of well-made taps with neat handles made from the J Incompatible. Hew that you are a soldier, reaaaasher that your father guined his mm* by hard work. He began at the tom.'* Bat how can I do that If I'm go- , Bag the top?" j The New Shuffle. *^NThat fa to he the new dance In few York this season? " "The 11 y lun fling!"?Life. ^ i Pittsburgh Is to open a coal mine mm land municipally owned and to ob lata from fiOO to 700 tons of fuel a day. to* km. Blood-Shot Eyei, Watery Er?a 4MMcr Ejm, all healed promptly with nlsht% jonnatlom of Roman Eye Balaam. Adv. any an artist thinks he is in hard ^ vfcak if he isn't al>le to draw a cork. s The best policy Is a paid-up one. t F?1 ; r Bi1 ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT | aMaori A\fe$efablcIYeparafionfbrAs 1 NHfj?ju similnlingtheFood by ReguU-1 IgEgMB Thereby Promoting Digestion J Js ?^| Cheerfulness and Rest Contains P|H neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic IjapljM . Jk&*ouDchMSuinM* Slfli A?lii Smd v gffBfcfeO Mxtommm \ B&Sg*L| I ^ I fiHB?5|9 SifiLgr ! HgEfcgw an I j. n.~r / BHill A helpful Remedy for . BBffl Constipation and Diarrhoea A jHQff and Feverishncss and f figjft Loss or Sleep I MM .Aa nilrtrww-inInfancy V HBBmniunx?Kiu.u Jbc-Sfntik: Si<natore of I HKKj jj SBH fin Gnrtum Cohpakz: I M NEW "YORK. J I taMeVGtarowuxriis certaLalxl I tbi?WtW'"?Mra.~B. R. Cri I Lewell.^Pch.?,CI suffen down pains, W?Jirregular i displacement.. I^fregan to t I table Compouna wSteh ^aTe my health. I should like ton M remedies to all suffering woi lar way."?Mrs. Elise IIeei I Why I LYDL | VEGETj Saves 90 Slices in 90 Days. Sergeant < Sellout helm was sitting behind the desk at the Philadelphia p?>liee station recently when he beheld a negro struggling with a suitcase. The sergeant usked his business. The negro replied: "Boss, I want you to answer nie a question. The food administration wants us to save a slice of breud a day, and I been doing it for the last three months. 1 got 'em all here in the suitcase, and now I wants to know what nm I going to do with 'em?" He opyned the suitcase and revealed about ninety slices of stale bread. Oelleittheitn recovered, and gave the negro a little lesson on real conservation." Will They Wear? "This is a special tlour for making flannel cakes." The young housewife was trying to appear wise. "Does it make good cakes?" she asked. "Excellent flannel cakes, mum." "Ah, um. Will they shrink?" Relative Values. "Times Is changln'." "Yessuh. I speck to live to see de day when a common, low-down, no'eount chicken thief will be dignlflcd to de extent of belu' Indicted foil grand larceny." The Bad DebtBob?You owe me ten dollurs. Let ine have five of it? Jim?What security? Colds Cause Headache and Grip L1XATIVH BKOMO QU1MNK removes the cause, rherela only one"Brouio quinine." l,. W. UUOVSH ilgriature Is on bos. Hoc. . There isn't much satisfaction in arguing with a man who doesn't care. Chile is erecting from 00 to 70 new school buildings each year. t COLIC IN HORSES demands I'UOMl'T attention. Keep one or Isu bottles of l)r. Ilnvld Koberta' Colic Drench In yottr medicine chest all the tliuo. It relieves In the shortest possible time, lteud the 1'rnrtlral If.into Veterinarian. Send for free Donklet on AHOltTlON IN COWS. If no dealer In your toe n. * rile lr. Dttid Roberts' Vat. Co., 100 Grand A??nu?, Raukeths, Wit. At. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, No. 1?1978. USTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / ? tears the i rrw | & Jf* ,n $Jf< Use Jr For Over Thirty Years BftSTOBIft mi ?wromi ?ww. ?w Town mrrr. FRESH - CRISP WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS 1M IMWtMV MKT HDDS WHIID IM TMI MAKING OS TNN1 BISCUITS HAKE TMIM THE STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE Sear PMUr km fcm. ot/m! hi iIimU. *4sk hin irvrtto as qivioq his nuu. CHATTANOOGA BAK1RY S NT ION! Women ^ t during these trying > should be your first yf, hiese two women / u id health. / la E. Pinkham** Vsg- f ztfsj le troubles and a dia. I rn and was rerrtweak. /^Jlir iclan withoy faults. lnkham> W^JEable Compound lip t away. I am keeping house jUl 1 my housework, where before L Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegethe best medicine a woman can [ give you permission to publish ctmliiso, R. Wo. 1, Hellam, Pa. sd from cramps and dragging t^Hj rod had female weakness and ake Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- jU me relief at once and restored Av rcOThroend Lydia E. Pinkham'a I nen who are trooped in a si mi- J l,ILNo.fl, Box88,ell,Aiich. Not TVy \ E. PINKI \BLE COM LYDIA E.PINKHAP Ominous Silence. "The newspapers seem to plujr uj marriages," remarked Mrs. Wombat. "Yes," assented Mr. Wombat, "trouble always gets a line." And then silence reigned. Cuticura Is So Soothing To Itching, burning skins. It not only soothes but heals. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot wnter, dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. X. Bostmi." At druggists and by malL, Soup 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Just a Private. James N. Culp, a former newspaper man. now the postmaster at North Vernon, tells this one, relates u writer in the Indianapolis News. A Jennings county man made in| quiry the other day for his son's mull. i ii*- posuuasier, not knowing whetlier the hoy received his mnll by city currler, general delivery or rural, route, ventured the query. "General delivery?" "No, slree!" remarked the man, "he Is not a general yet. Just u private at Camp Taylor." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Hus been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such as sick headache, constipation, sour stoinuch, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases In the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and Impurities from the fclood. Sold In all civilized countries, j 80 and 90 cent bottles.?Adv. Sacred Harmony. "There may be sni#ed harmony In the reichstng," said Senator Vurdaman, "but when a minority socialist talks, to a pan-German or when n ruth. olle centrist talks to a conservative the dialogue reminds me of Mrs. Spink. "Mrs. Spink was ushered into u | friend's house for an afternoon call by Jane and, as she stood in the hall, a voice called softly down from somewhere above: "Jane, if that'* Mrs. Spink, I'm not at home." "The caller lifted her head sharply. "'It is Mrs. Spink 1' she shouted, 'and site's mighty glad to hear it.'" Cured Balking. Redd?Saw a veterinary surgeon going into your place this morning. Anything sick? Greene?Yes, the ear. Something's the matter with its insides. "But what does a veterinary surgeon know about a ear?" "I don't know. Only, I do know that once he cured a horse I owned of balking. and 1 thought in wouldn't do nny harm to let him try his hand on tlte car." Rubbing It In. "I don't know," muses the man with the wispy hair, gazing at his birthday present. "I don't know. Maybe Henrietta didn't ihean anything by it, and maybe she did hut it seems kind o' funny that after ail these years she should make me a present of this hook on 'Hilling by Will I'ower, or IIow to Mii.'tor Your Surroundings.' It's the tirst gift she ever gave me that wnsn't useful." Judge. Light Economy. Bill?-Do you know that turning down the gas saves matches? Co-ed?No. 1 thought that turning down the gns frequently made matches. Moral?Turning off an electric light often causes sparking. Turning off a gas light causes an Increase of pros?IIP? v.. I - * - ..... IM iirrwiure routes a lessening of tlir waste. Silly Dullmus. Simplicity?Is tln? light out In the hull? I>ullmus?Yes. Shall I bring It in? Pineapples. Several thousand acres are given over to the cultivation of pineapples in Hawaii. In the Movie*. "So y xi've been In the movies, eh?" "Yes, once I was supe in a dinner scene." It's easier to make a fool out of a dull wun than a sharp one. ^ 1 1 POUND I ! 'CLASSIC LEARNING MADE PAY J P Professor1* Acquaintance With tha (, Language Enabled Him to Squelch e Shine Shop Comment. f * The professor's (Jreek is the (.reek j( of Homer and I'lndar, as far as the f, professor's studies have enabled him t. to get it ; but he cun speak it well r enough, and enough like the modern ? idiom, to make himself understood in bootblack shops. He lias even traveled through (Jreeoe with it and got along fairly well. i The professor's salary Is no larger than other professor's salaries; or per- u ; Imps he is a war economist. At any . rate, the si/.ahle feet at the ends of | his muscular young legs are encased p ; in very ancient luilf-soled shoes. The otlier morning he stopped on 0 ; Sixth avenue, muses a New York cor- (j j respondent, to have these shoes shined , up. The Greek boys were full of gin- n : ger; they were swupping Jokes on their H patrons in their native tongue. ^ | "A tightwad," or its equivalent, said ,. the professor's servitor to the others. "A miser, l'rohably a wife-heater too" ?niul went on to discuss the profen- ! sor's outward aspect in detail. "Look a at these shabby shoes." was ills pero* tl ration. ,1 And then the professor spoke Greek. u "If I lifted my foot to your face." lie M said suavely, "perhaps you could see them still better." f( "I had to pay the cashier," says the professor telling the story. "The hoy j wus oui or i hp snop and about three p blocks up the avenue, still running. The shop was strangely silent. Some day I must go in there ngnin'untl tin J u out if that boy came back." d w Boring for Oklahoma Oil. e Explorations for oil in the Oklahoma fi ! fields have repeatedly shown that strue* 1 tural domes are the most promising si ' places to bore for. oil, ordinary antl- J< I cllnes being next best. By far the s greater port of the oil produced in the tl ' state comes from domes or anticlines; tl hence they are coveted objects of the b geologists' search. Ri Far From His Love. f An enlisted man writes, says the s Pittsburgh (Jazette-Tlmes, that bo " I doesn't mind the krenches, but be bates ti 1 to be .'1,000 miles away from a IMtts- ? ! burgh stogie. tl o Pearls and niamnns. Willie?I'mv, do peart; moan tears? r Paw?Yes, my son. If a woman bus t! set her heart on diamonds. Ii o Henry Flagler's New York-Florida o estate Is found worth STo.iMtO.aoo. a o Postmaster General Burleson carries h nit umbrella Instead of a cane. Ii j e When Coffee !, Disagrees j' ! h quick results for the better follow j n a change to i , ' Instant Jfostum 1 A delicious, drug- , free drink, tasting much like high- , grade coffee, com- r forting and satisfying to the former coffee user. i t, i Ideal for children. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Sold by Grocers. i ..i IWTO EVADE THE INCOME TftX VERY QOOD AMERICAN EARNING FAIR LIVING WILL HELP TO j PAY EXPENSES OF WAR. tETURNS DUE BEFORE MARCH j 8l< ; fe feavy Penalties Provided for Failure pU to File Them?Government Officials I Will Be in Every County to Assist wl the Taxpayers. . Ct ? : wi v*p?hln?rton.?"Must I pay an In- : In; oine tar?" i av iltut is the question that thousands ar ?f Americana are asking. The answer, to n a generul way, lies In this state- | ha uent: gu Every unmarried person luivlug a Ju let Income of $1,000 or more, and ev- bo ry married person or head of a futnly having an Income of $2,000 or more <jr nust file a return. These returns must u >e in the hands of the collector of In- ! gp ernal revenue In the district In which ? he taxpayer lives or has his principal gp ilaee of business between January 1 , ml March 1, 1918. ,' The man who thinks to evade this ax Is making u serious error. Itevenue i fticials will be In every county to ! heck returns. Failure to make a cor- ' ect return within the time specified ' avolves heavy penalties. "Net Income" means gross income ; f?ss certain deductions provided for by he act. The law defines Income ,?s s|" rotit, gain, wages, salary, couimls- j ' ' Ions, money or Its equivalent from u rofessions, vocations, cotutnerce, rade, rents, sales aud dealings In prop- 1,1 rty. real and nersonal. nml int^rwst I on roin Investments except Interest from 'u>) overnment bonds, or state, municipal r<'1 ownship or county bonds. Incomes roni service us guurdlnn, trustee or xecutor; from dividends, pensions, ^' oynltles, or patents, or oil and gus rells, coal Innd, etc., are taxable. i Normal Rate Is 2 Per Cent. J." The normal rate of tax Is 2 iter cent . n net Incomes above tbe amount of xemptlons, which Is $2,(MX? in the case ^ f a married person or head of a fainy and $1,000 In the case of a single ta| erson. A married person or head of family Is allowed an additional ex- i inptlon of $200 for each dependant |V hlld If under eighteen years of age r Incapable of self-support because 1 efectlve. The taxpayer Is considered o be tbe bead of a family If he Is 111 otually supporting one or more per- J u " ons closely connected with him by ?n lood relationship or relationship by " ' fringe, or If bis duty to support ,v uch person Is bused on some moral stl r legal obligation. ^ Itebts ascertained to be worthless ml ml charged off within the year and ixes paid except Income taxi's and SK lose assessed against local benefits ,1LI art If (ICflUCI lOIP. I IICSC 1111(1 Oilier poillis f tlu? Income tux section of the war pvenue net will he fully explained by K* pvenue otlieers who will visit every e< nunty In the I'nlted States between jor nnunry 2 and March 1 to assist tax- >e ayers In muking out their returns. Officers to Visit Every Locality. un< Notice of their arrival in each locnl- <UI y will he given in advance through lie press, hanks and post offices. They III he supplied with income tax forms ^hi opies of which may he obtained also rom collectors of Internal revenue. The bureau of Internal revenue Is ' eeklng to Impress upon persons suit- , r t>ct to the tax the fact that failure to pe this official in no way relieves hem of th?? duty Imposed by law to le their returns within the time sped- sa? ed. The government Is not required to *vo' eek the taxpayer. The taxpayer Is pqulred to seek the government. Per- SNV ons In doubt as to whether they are uhject to the tax or not or as to how a make out their returns, will readily nderstnnd, therefore, that a visit to "in tils official may mean the avoidance nbi f later difficulties. I lit* ] una 11 \ mm MiuM rt* ill iiiiikc 111 ? urn on time Is u line of not less mu hnn $'20 nor more than $1,000. mul xv'' 1 addition ">0 per cent of the amount s'>< f the tax due. For making a false r fraudulent return, the penalty is tine not to exceed $l!,0tk) or not oxeedlng one year's imprisonment, or wi otli. In the discretion of the court, and [t addition 100 per cent of the tax "M vaded. . "? As to the Farmers. The number of farmers who will pay : [iconic taxes has not heen estimated , y tlie government otllcials, hut It Is ^ ertaln they will form a large pereeii- ()j. age of the <1.000,000 persons assessed i ho never before have paid an income (jNV ax. The average ^farmer does not j,j( ;eep hooks hut if tie avails himself of he services of government experts vho will he sent to aid him. It will not ie difficult for liiin to ascertain the mount of his net income. The farmer Is making out Ills return nay deduct depreciation in tin- value if property and machinery used in the i onduet of Ids farm, and loss by Are, , torm or other casualty, or by theft if . ... ah km nunm ii.Y !ii?uriiu<'t*. rixpcnsps , ictunll.v Incurred In farm operation ^ uny ! deducted, but not family or IIv- , ng expense. Produce raised on the k arm and traded for groceries, wearing ?t<> ippnrel, etc.. Is counted as living ex- ^ lendltures and cannot he deducted. Salaries paid by the state or a pollt- i cnl subdivision of the state nre ex- S(, nipt. A farmer holding the Job of to ounty supervisor, for Instance, does lot have to Include his salary In his Inome tax return. Little Willie Bolo. The (Jerman campalgn'of corruption j -Rololsm. as It has been called?led j lot tepresentntlve Dupre to say. In Baton i tonge: "This Rololsm, this getting at us In | Ho llrectly. Is a fiendish thing. It reminds ? ue of little Willie. | j "My sister's feller kicked m.v dop esterday,' said Willie, 'but I'll gel | | ven with him all right.' "'How'll you get even?' said Wll i ie's friend. " Tm goln' to ml* quinine,' snl< | IVIIIIe. 'with my sister's lip rouge.'" i 1 1 1 Just Once! Try Dot Take No Calom If bilious, constipated, hea relief without takinj which sickens Stop using calomel! It makes you :k. Don't lose a day's work. If you el lasy. sluggish, bilious or consulted, listen to me I Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, tiich causes necrosis of the bones, domel, when it comes into contact th sour bile, crashes into it, breakg it up. This is when you feel that t-ful nausea and crumping. If you e "ull knocked out," if your liver is rpld and bowels constipated or you ,ve headache, dizziness, coated tonic, if breath is bad or stomach sour, st try a spoonful of harmless Dodn's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any ug store and get a bottle of Dodson's ver Tone for a few cents. Take a oonful tonight, and if It doesn't 'ECIAL WAR MEDAL ISSUED ver and Bronze Piece Commemo iuiv.o unndncc ot inc unnca States Into the War. \ medal to commemorate tilt' en-1 ince of th*1 United States Into the ir and Its European alliances for the pservntion of democracy-has been is- j pd by the American Numismatic soty. It was designed by Rll Harvey, | 5 sculptQr, and depicts the white- j tided eagle of North America, popu-1 iy called the bald eagle, perched a crag with wings outstretched and | tid down hack. In the attitude of j idlncss for instant attack upon its | Tlie only inscription is the date, j prll ti. 11)17," the day tliat President lson proclaimed the existence of a ite of war. The issue was limited to : ) copies, 50 in silver and the others bronze. All have been subscribed i and it was stipulated that a memp could take only one medal. In selecting the design, the commit> says, it was thought that the bald ;le shown naturally was more ex- | >sslve of the spirit of the country in the heraldic eagle usually dotted on the United States coinage. I tigress on June "0. 17N2, adopted the j Id eagle as the emblem for the arms j ! great seal of the nation. The seal I s always shown the eagle treated in i seiniherahlie manner with the shield the breast. In the coinage designs ' re lias been a greater variety. The :t coinage showed an eagle with outetched wings, very simply executed, few years later a conventional eagle tapered by a shield was substituted. ;iN ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE 1 unsightly and mar the appearance many a woman whose face would otherwise attractive. There Is uo ?d for this. Just Ret a box of Tet- i ine and use it regularly and you will surprised how quickly pimples, tches, itchy patches, etc., disappear 1 how soft and clear the skin belies. Nothing better for eczema and ler skin troubles than Tetterine. Id by druggists or mailed for fiOc. by uptrine Co. Savannah, Ga.?Adv. ; Too Big to Work With Pencil. liruee Barton, author of "More Powto You," spent six months in a Monui construction eamp. lie left to 1 ;e up newspaper work In Chicago. 'Ain't you ashamed of yourself?" d the foreman of the camp, when he t. "A big feller like you makin' ur livin* with a little thing like a il pencil! You're hig enough to ing a pick." Outclassed. 'Well, old Crimson Gulch seems very let and orderly," said the traveling in. 'Yes," replied Broncho Boh. "When many of the hoys is away handlin' ichlne guns, it doesn't seem worth ; lile foolin' with a little toy like a siy>oter." Easily Arranged. !>?? you ever quarrel with your re 7" "Never," replied Mr. Meekton. /hen a difference of opinion arises arietta lectures and I am the auMice." Time for Them Later. Pubs and razors were t lit* first night of the Sammies on coming out the trenches. How disappointing the sweethearts who had hoped to ell lirst la ilieir thoughts.?St. Paul >neer-Press. Friendly. Sentry (to hosom pal) Halt! Who es there? P.osoin Pal (contemptuously)- -Idiot! SeM'.y Pass, idiot ! Appropriate Affliction. "Did that scholar know anything ! out the silent letters in spelling?" "Of course, he didn't; he's too mh." 'onatlpatlon generally Indicate! disordered maih. Ilvi r and bowel!. Wright' Indian ratable I'llla reatoro regularity without plug. Adv. A Japanese is inventor of a street 1 rinkler that "llstrihutes water so as form advert isements. Only One "nROMO OUININE" get tho genuine, call forfait nnm? l.AXATIVH i?MU Ul im>m. l?o<>k ror HiKn.tturo of M. W. l)Vi. Cures a Cold In One Day. 90c. Sound judgment is responsible for n of silence. A misfit truth Is the worst of all s. "J Murine Is for Tired Eyes. 1 mOVISS Red Eye*?Sore Eyee ? a orenuleted Hrelidt. Ketta ? i Refrcebct ? tWiorna. Marine It t Favorite 5 Treatment for Hjet tbet feel dry end amen. = Qlveyaur Hjet n* mnch of yonr lor In* cere 5 et your Teeth end with theteme regularity. CMC fO* THEM TIM CUMT BO* HEN ETUI | Sold et Dr>i| t.nd Optical Htoree or by Mall, s ftek Mure# Eye Boat* Co, CMtatt, for free Boot 3 nillllluHUUMUIUUIIUIIIIUIIMUIIIUOIIIIItUIIIUMIIUln .mi t # / % ' -J? dson's Liver Tone! lei! Listen To Me! dachy or sick, I guarantee 5 dangerous calomel and salivates. I 15 straighten you right np and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because It Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system nnd making you feel miserable. I guarantee that u bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep the entire family feeling line for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. ?Adv. His Merits. "On the fact' of things, a shoemaker is a man to be trusted.' "Why more than others?" "Because he is a whole-soled man and is generally well heeled." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties ol QUININE and IKON. It acts on the Liver. Drives out Malaria. Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Attention of Mr. Garfield. It was on the Northwestern car line. The windows were covered with frost, and the sole contents of the stove consisted of a broken broom handle and several burnt matches, muses the Indianapolis News. Suddenly a coal wagon loomed up squarely on the track ahead. The brakes hold and the gong clanged, but the eon I wagon did not leave the track. More clanging was to no avail, and then the ear beiran to gather headway. A gentle bump attracted the attention of all tlio passengers, who looked forward just In time to sou the motoruinn reach out of his window and rapidly transfer several big lumps of perfectly good Ken lucky coal to his bin. Warned by the bump, I he driver got the wagon of! the track, and the car proceeded under half speed while the motormnn tired up his stove. Ily the time Washington street was reached the car was fairly comfortable. * Paper Bullets Effective. Incredible as it may seem, says Popular Science Monthly, bullets made of paper will do much damage. A recent experiment has shown that a paper bullet, after having passed through six pieces of tin one foot apart, buckled them. A similar experiment made with metal bullets showed that they passed through the same thicknesses of tin but they made only a small clean-cut hole. Changed. "Madam." remarked ihe weary wayfarer with the bandaged eye, "I wus not always as you see me now." "I know it," replied the stern-visnged woman at the back door. "The last time you were here you had on a deafnnd-dnmh sign." ? News by Airplanes. I.omlon evening papers are delivered a lew hours after publication by aviators to men <>n the French front. Most things will come your way If you go after them. Even a crook can handout a straight tip if he wants to. * Kill That bave Health CASCARAK? QUININE M^V The old family remrdy? in tablet form ?aafe, sure, easy to take. No opiates ?no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds i n 24 hours?Grip in 3 (lays. Money back i f itfaila. Get the . genuine bo* with Ke<l Top and Mr. f?rtlrl!V\ Hill's picture on it AlaVnlilOf^ \U l PI fill 24 Tablets for 25c. !1|B X^^Mr At Any Drug Store yf THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, / ffW^WPSB Roar, I >ve Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be "*1 reduced with B t | also other Hunches or Swellings. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Economical only a few drops required at an application. $2 SO per bottle delivered. Boek3Mlrw. tt inrnnniur m Koounoinc, jn , me antiseptic liniment for man- ^ kind, reduce* Cy?t*, Wen*, Painful, Swollen Vcinii and Ulcer*. >1.25 and $2.5C a bottle at dealer* or delivered. Book "Evidence** free. W.F.YOUNG, P. 0. F.. JIOTtmpI*St.,Springfield. Mas*. ^ ^ ^ -A-./' Cuticura Heals Skin Troubles Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. SHOW CASES For Dry Good* and Notion*, ask for catalog K. D. " Groceries, K. 0. For Jewelry, K. J. " Millinery, K. M. " Drugs, K. P. VS o make Drug and Bank Fixtures High Point Show Case Works, High Point, ft.C. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Succession and Flat Dutch. By eipreas, 500, $1.25; 1,000, F2.00; 5,000 at 11.75; 10,000 Up at ft JSO. F. O. B. HEItE. Delivered parcel poat 10O, 35c; 1/XJll. |X50. Ball afar lion guaranteed. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERY ILJJE. S. C