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mmm: J. A. Wltnenl, of WmDinigton, D. C., spent the holidays here visiting his mother,, Mrs. L. B. Withers. tMiss Matinie Culp, of Greensboro, N. C., is spending: several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M Culp. -If Mr. and Mrs. Manly S. Young, of Concord, "N. C., are guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Alice Harris. Parks Boyd, who is serving in the electrical engineering corps iff now RtAf.ionpd ?t Fortress Mon roe, Va., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyd. Effi The two cotton mills of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company closed down Satuiday at noon to allow their employees holiday until this morning. Miss Louise McMurray, who is teaching in the public schools at Greensboro, N. C., is visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Patterson and little daughter, of Mt. Hoily. N. C.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson on Booth street. Claude N. Sapp, of Lancaster, assistant attorney general, has formally announced his c*?- kidney for the ^ attorney general. He will begin an active campaign. All c\ngle persons receiving salaries of $20 a week or more come within the new war tax and all married persons drawing weekly wages of $38 or more are also included. Lieut. Colonel Thos. B. Spratt has obtained leave of absence for a week which will be spent with his family here after which he will go to the Mexican border sor several months special training. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williamson left Saturday afternoon for' Fay :n~ xt n : .1 u circvint;, it. v^.t uiuluruig iuiuuku the country, where the Christmas holidays were spent with tto? latter'* parents, the Hon. and Mrs. N. H. Sinclair. Among the young ladies at home from the colleges for the Christmas holidays are Miss Esther Meacham from Chicora college and Misses Mary Lewis, Mary Sp.ratt and Kathleen Armstrong from Winthrop college. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Potts entertained during the Christmas holidays Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coy, the latter's parents, of Sanford, N. C., also Mr. J. A. Coy. of Peterboro, Vt., her grandfather. Mr. Luther Wright and Miss M a rvi ri Ck Ql-ownoo nf' f Lie uwai uco, uuwii yJL 1*1110 city, were married Tuesday morning: at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. Lester Wright on Clebourn street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. S. Goodwin, of the Methodist church. Uncle Sam has* written more insurance in a few months than any insurance company in the United Statbs has on its books. The total now is nearly $2,000,000. The total allowed on any soldier's life is $10,000, but the average written so far is $9,552, which shows that a large majority take the limit. Today (Thursday) is the last day upon which the voters of Fort Mill can register for the approaching municipal election. * Ttwr registration books are open at Hutchinson's Pharmacy and those' who care to take part in AlmiftAn OUAIIM n Af fclft? WUilll^ C1CUHUII OUUUIU UUl fail to register today. A number of the young men of Fort Mill who are attending the colleges are spending the Christmas vacation at their homes here among whom are William Ardrey and Luther Belk from the Citadel, Heath Belk vidson college, Alfred Jones from the Presbyterian college of South Carolina, and firheet Goodwin from Clemson college. Wo are in receipt of a communication from the Savannah recruiting station stating that the government is in immediate ^ need of 15,000 white men in the V United State# Guards for the protection of public utilities in the United States. The enlist Serf** Fla* Presetted. At the conclusion of the morning service in the TV>rt Mill Presbyterian church Sunday, a service flag was presented to! the congregation by the ladies composing the Sunday school class of Mrs. E. M. Belk. The flag was presented bv the Rev. Edwdrd Mack, D. D. of Union Theological seminary,.Richmond, Va.. who ishere for the holidays visiting his mother Mrs. Hattie Mack, and was accepted in behalf of the congregation by the pastor, the Rev. R. K. Timmons. The flag is a handsome silk one and contains 20 stars reprefipnHnor thnfr. nnmhpr nf frJ-m young men of the Sunday school and congregation who have enlisted in the service of their country. Among the number are one lieutenant-colonel, two company commanders, four first lieutenants, three second lieutenants, and a number of ^noncommissioned officers. There was a special Christmas service in the church Christmas Day when gifts were made to the children of the Sunday school a,id a special free will offerinr was taken for the relief of th' Armenian war sufferers. The Christian Endeavor society or che church has invested $100 in a Liberty Bond. Harried in Rock Hill Saturday.Of interest to many friends in this city and upper Carolina was the marriage Saturday afternoon of Miss Annie Louise Patton, of Roddey's, and C. H. Blankenship, of Fort Mill. The ceremonv was performed at the A. R. P. manse by the Rev. A. S. Rogers. the vonntr couple being accompanied by several relatives and friends. The bride was becomingly attired in a coat of taupe with hnt ard accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Blankenship left on the evening train for a visit with relatives. Mr. Blankenship is connected with the Stewart Contracting company. He is the son of S. H. Blankenship, of Fort Mill, and a relative of V. B. Blankenship, of this city. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Patton, of Roddevs. She is an attractive young girl and her many friends will be interested in her happiness.? Rock Hill Herald. Registrants Having Trouble. The matter of filling out the questionnaires being mailed to the various registrants throughout the county is a matter of no small consequence to those concerned and it is also a considerable job to fill out these forms, especially when so many of the registrants are not familiar with fViom anH rlrv nnfr knnw Viniv tn fill them out. In addition to filling out the various questions a registrant must secure affidavits from parties and many of them, especially those living in the rural sections, are having to go to considerable trouble to get parties before a notary public to 9ign the affidavits. In order for some of the registrants to fill out the questionnaires it is necessary that they travel several miles and any party who can be of assistance to them should certainly be patriotic enouvrh to do so. Pfovie Brings Health Lessons. The wonderful educational possibilities of motion pictures find fresh illustration in an itinerant outfit which the board of health ! of North Carolina sends throughout that State, exhibiting films that teach disease prevention. The equipment, which is described and illustrated in the January Popular Mechanics Magazine, includes an automobile truck costing $750, and an extra gasoline engine that drives a direct-current generator for a motion picture projector. The projector is set up in a hall or school and is supplied with current through a stage cable, stretched through a door, or' ! window, from the car. The cost j of this very effective educational: i ?i_ ; _ -1 ^ A/\/\ % - i worn is sdouc *yu per weeK. A camping outfit is carried in the automobile. i NOTICE. Beginning with next week we will send the laundry off on Wednesday morning instead of Thursday. R. F. Grier. 10th? 1018* eonuncn^^kt^: 10 o'ehe^ a. au ' "* Under Section 90S Of the Civil Code, all claims agsirwjt thn oounty not previously a.ust be filed with the Clerk of the Board on or before January 1, 1918. and holders of claims will take notice that if the same are not presented and filed during the year in which they are contracted or the f ear following, such claims will be orevCr barred. v All claims against Yo.k County must be itemized, and they must be accompanied by affidavits of thq claimants setting forth that the amounts claimed are just, true, due and owing, and that no part thereof has been paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorised by law to administer oaths, are required to probate claims against the county free of charge. By order of the Board. THOMAS W. BOYD, supervisor. Annie L. Wallace, Clerk. ? I I You Always ^ Z Here is an E^ > t way to get it ! Christmas I ! NOW FC | Everybody is V <? KBEV ? First Natic ; of Fort R i ' / ? Xmas P We have just received class Xmas Presents suila IVORY SETS, TOILET SETS, MANICURE SETS, VANITY CASES, INFANT SETS, I HUTCHINSON' Agents for N Xmas See our window vinced that we have TO for every child. Do you fromfgiving the at Christmas. Our t ferent from any 1 liiiij A large and hen do; ranging in price froi For the grown-u China, Comb and Br rors, Military^Bruslr too'mci We have at last oKinm/^n t /* OIII^IIIVIII UI * IfllW? (plain, fancy, plain i Glass Bowls. E. W. Kimb jAktarmaa [man wjumI ite. : Banes, whoae twwrjSto* expire. J. Y Starves,BicAteor and J. C. Saville are appointed manager's of Ihesaid election. The books of registration for the Town of Fort Mill will be opened at the office of J. Iff. Hutchinson. Supervisor of Registration at Hutchinson, s Pharmacy on Snttfrday, December 1st, 1917, and remain open until December 28, 1917, for tne registration of qualified E. PATTERSON, Attest: May6r. W. A. ROACH. City Clerk. FOR SALE?To satisfy storage claim, one "Regal" Automobile. Massachusetts license No. 0841A. Can be seen at Youngs' ahop. Need Money!j 4 iSY and SURE ; - JOIN OUR iavings Club j )RMING. ; Welcome to join. EEES v )nal Bank tfill, S. G, j resents. msmm a nice assortment of hi?h ble for gifts for everyone. FOUNTAIN PENS, ^ FLASH LIGHTS, SAFETY RAZORS, BILL BOOKS, CO. "G" RECORDS ^ S PHARMACY I [orris* Candy. p Goods, i displays and be con- jv 111 itv ire war Ktcp ['children a good time oys are new and difg we have ever had. utiful assortment of LLS in 1 cent to $2.50. ps we have Cut Glass, ush Sets, Ivory Mires/and other things, ition. been able to seeure a i, Cups and Saucers 8 with gold band), and p. rell Company | I ll w A il m m 145k? , ? /'iaK;';' r ' For Ladi< Childi I Lodk Coats, Coat Suits, Scarfs, Sweaters, Gloves, Rain Coats, Shirt Waists. Cap and Scai Handkerchu Ties, Hosiery, Shoes. s 3 ' All ladies' lpeu rkf 4 I? VOv? V/ A I and save 25c Patterso "Fort H ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1918. Notice of Opening of Book* of Auditor | for Listing Returns for Taxation. 0 Auditor's Office, Dec. 1, 1917. ^ Pursuant to the requirement of the 0 Statute on the subject. Notice to here- 0 by given that my books will be opened |? in my office in York courthouse on Tues- I day, January 1st, 1918, for the purpose K of listing for taxation all Personal and r Real Property held in York County on 0 January 1, 1918, and will be kept open 0 until the 20th day of February, 1918, B and for the convenience of the Taxpay- 0 m of the County 1 will be at the 0 places enumerated below on the dates 0 named. S At Clover, Tuesday and Wednesday, 0 January 1 and 2, 1918. 0 At Kethl, tBarnett Bros. Store) N Thursday, January 3. 1918. y At Point, (at Harper's) Friday, Is January 4, 1918. jj| At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's 0 Store) Saturday, January 5, 1918. At s>myrna, Monday, January 7, 191a gj At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and w Wednesday, January 8 and 9, 1918. B At Sharon, Thursday and Friday, I January 10 and 11, 1918. w At Hullock'3 Creek. (Good's Store) I Saturday, January 12, 1918. M At Tirzah, Monday, January 14, I 1918. g At Newport, Tuesday, January IB, K I9I8. " B At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday n and Friday, January IG, 17 and 18, n 1918. | At McConnellsville, Monday, Janu- tj ary, 21, 1918. 9 At Ogden, Tuesday, January 22, I 1918. 9 At Coates' Tavern, (Koddey's) Wednesday, January 23, 1918. ^ At^Kock Hill, from Thursday, Jan- ? uury 24, to Wednesday, January 30, 1918. At Ramah, Tuesday, February 6, 1918. At McGill Bros. Store Wednesday, February 6, 1918. i At York,, from Thursday, F'ebruary 7, to February 20, 1918. All males betwoen the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school 1 cjuiric,a in maxing rneir returns. BROADUS M. I.OVE, Auditor York County. | -? =" TAX NOTICE-191 7. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C.. Sept. 17, 1917. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books tor York County will he opened on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1917, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1917, for the collection of State, County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1917, without penalty; nftej which day One Per C' ' * will be added to ail paynr- ! :s nv de in the month of January, q 11 lb. and ri wo Per Cent penalty for all j>j yjniuta made in the month of February, !9ld, and Seven Per Cent penalty will he added to all payments made from tl?t day of March, 1918, to the 1 fith Jay <?f March, 1918, and after this dtf< aii unpaid taxes will go into exe- i I cut it i . j.i u i?ii unpaid Mngie reps will . n be firmed over to the several Magis- P trates for prosecution in accordance with law. v Bj For the convenience of taxpayers I E will attend the following placets on the H days named: , H Ard at York from Monday, Novtm- ? ber 19th, until Monday, the 81st day m of December 1917, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. No> The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their . property or properties are located. 1 HARRY E. NEIL, -If 1 11 uu?a ?"U V^a^S, I I RaiiTCoats, I r I Sweaters, - I . I Shirts, I 1 vv''^ Ties, I J Collars, ifcir" its. Handkerchiefs, i Silk, Lisle*and Wool I S Shoes. p iecond Floor Specials. I and children's Hats going regard- | . ^ o us. Buy your Xmas Rugs now : on the dollarr. n's Dry Goods Store. < i:n>.. i? a.?A ? -?? mi s rasicsi urowing store." , 1 Give Something Useful J In making your gift selections don't for- j\ get that nothing is nicer or more appreciated than an Odd Piece of Furniture or | other article for the home. The season hnds us with a most com- | plete stock of Home Furnishings, many I ' articles of which will make servicable I gifts tor wife, husband, brother, sister, | sweetheart or friend. J Come in and look this big stock over j?. and make your gift this year "A Gift for Service." Young & Wolfe. j =?==eai - " ~ : | "Choice Bits." I Rex Brand Tripe, per can 35 Rex Brand Cooked Brains, per can 30 & Kex b rand Roast beef, per can .30 , Rex Brand Corned Beef, per can 30 Breakfast Roe, per can .35 || Breakfast Cocoa, per can 25 I J Asparagus 30 Beaf, Pork and Veal Loaf, per can 30 . Buckwheat Flour, per package 30 \\ Golden Crisp Potato Chips, per package 15 Our line of Jellies, Pre- \ serves, Apple Butter, Honey Olives, Pickles, etc., is complete. Be sure and try our F. & P. nw? ' - 11 1 3 ? - < ?ptxiai uruiiu \^onee. FERGUSON & PHILLIPS Highest Prices Paid for Pork. JdBt^^WFM mOAND HIDES |j r il.lM'Ffcl I mWL HIGHEST MARKET PRICE BiBB-lW m I Vm paid rot saw puis BSHHK B I IKJ1 AND BIDES. H H Wor>> Commit Inn. Write te BPS prico-liutmenlionlntfLhk*4 I^SEP^hML BSTSSLtSHSO Y837 ^^SMMagjQHM WHITE A QQ.. Lom?nu*K? /, mas Specials. ss and For Men and 1 | |