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I Publish | I TRICKS OF MIND READING I I Writing pf Questions and Reading Them by the Performer Through Prearrangement, Puzzling. In ancient times the sleight-of-hand performers were popularly regarded with awe, as beings who were gifted with supernatural powers; and the performers, to enhance their own Importance, took care not to contradict the general belief. Nowadays we kno-v quite well enough that all feats of legerdemain, however wonderful they may appear, are quite natural, If we only knew how they were done, observes a writer. One of the puzzling trieks performed by so-called public mind readers, or clairvoyants, is an extremely simple deception. The performer, standing on the stare, asks several nornnm in the audience to write each a' sentence en a slip of pnper and seal it in an envelope. Of course the stationery is furnished and afterward collected. One of the aodlente is n confederate, and writes n sentence agreed upon beforehand. Wbeu- the assistant goes through the house gathering up the envelopes, the confederate's contribution is curefully put wehre it will he the last one of the lot to be taken up. The performer picks out an envelope, nnd, after feeling It, with much ceremony, pronounces the sentence agreed upon, and the confederate in the audleuce acknowledges thut he wrote it To confirm this, the performer tears pen the envelope and repeats the sentence as though he found it on the Inclosed paper, which is in reality another man's sentence, which he reads, and then, pocking up nnother envelope nnd fumbling It over, fie culls out the sentence he has just read. The one who wrote It Bays it is right, the performer tears open the envelope, vends whut is In it, und proceeds In that way through the lot. The young condor stays about the nest until It Is a year old. Hard Colds nrrini AI UUUIKA ferf yUiiNlf?t TSs old family remedy?la tablet farm?We, aura, eaay to take. No eolstas?oo unpleasant alter effect*. Carta cold* In 34 hour*?Qrlp In S days. Money back if It fails. Get the genuine box with Red Top and Mr. JmUBVA Hill's picture on it yyiliilfliV KBqSiI 24 Tmbutu for 25?- MihIiI At Any Drue Star* A GREAT DISCOVERY (By J. H. Watson, M. D.) Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood is filled srtth poisonous waste matter, which setHas In the feet, ankles and wrists-r or under the eyes In bag-like formations. As a remedy for those easily recognised symptoms of Inflammation caused by urlo add as scalding urine, backache and frequent urination, as well as sediment In the urine, or If urlo acid In the blood has ceusod rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gout. It Is simply wonderful how quickly Ao-u-rlo acts; tho pains and stiffness rapidly disappear, for Anurlc, (double strength), is many times more potent than llthla and often eliminates uric acid mm hot water melts sugar. All druggists. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet* for tho Im and bowels have been favorably known for na&rly 50 years. Anurlo Is a recert scientific discovery fcy Dr. Pierce, Chief of Staff at the Invalids" Hotel and Surgical Inst., In Buffalo. N. T. Send 10c there for a trial gkf. of Anuria. Large package 60c. UilMtfflAdEUIjyMUn Habitual Consti] II you wake in the morning with a b perhaps headache, your liver is torpid, system, produces sick headache, dyspepi better remedy for these disorders tha them just once and be eternally convin Dr. Tutfs A Ask torn mnd Oct CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT 1 1 " Tke Original Cough and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST K-yg^B COLD IN 24 HOUIU PSh^B. BmI for CoMa, Cwflw, Crwp. y:- ' ; Jj| gon TIvmi, Wkoopfas Colli 26c and OOc at all Druggists i Uf[{jTEiSMITHs ji (hmxTonic II SaU for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills 't 4 Fever. Also a Floe General I itMarflkealnrf Tonic. Eu&trssskmi y] MM |ii Hutlka ?' "?tl MMMte Ondwt. ' /?_ ' '*.r; ' > ?Sr * mv 'rr VRk.- ^ <<SHm a lumna xor mtMB yean wlft rheumatic symptoms. PoSS/cursd me and I think it la tha bait all round modiolno tvtr made. 1 hop* you wffl publish this letter tor the benefit ot others who suffer.'* Those who object to liquid medW olnee can proeure Perunu Tablets. Anoient Cathedral la Saved. An ancient cathedral In Havana. Cuba, In which the ashes of Christopher Columbus once rested, has escaped threatened sale and destruction. The proposed sale of jthe historic Columbus Cathedral by the ecclesiastical authorities, and Its consequent destruction, aroused such oppositlbn that the edifice, which was built in 1704, and to whlch^ln the next year the ashes of Christopher Columbus were removed from Santo Domingo, will probably soon pass l?tto the ownership of the | Cuban government as * permanent na- J tloned monument. Though the ashes of Columbus..were removed by the Spanish officials at the evacuation In 1000, the crypt where they had reposed is still to be seen by visitors. WATCH YOUR SKIN IMPROVE When You Use Cutlcure?'The 8oap to Purify and Ointment to Heal. On rising nnd retiring gently smear the face with Cnticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Continue this treatment for ten days and note the change in your akin. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mail with Book. ! ; Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, , Boston. Sold everywhere,?Adv. j Girls as Bell Ringers. i 1 Bell ringing is being done by girls in the little village of Longstoek, Ireland, as the young tnen who used to perform this duty have Joined the army. The chiming Is excellently nnd regularly performed by three or four . girls, trained by n local lady, and week- 1 day and Sunday the bells send out | their cheery message over the countryside. This may not be essential war-work, observes a correspondent, but it is one of immense value to the morale of the neighborhood, und n work which would be left undone, like so tunny other "mid Jobs" of wartime, but for the good ofllces of the women at home. I Would Save the Cake. Johnny hud often seen the new food ni^uo |ji>nicii uj|i cveryvtiiere, telling people not to wnste food and use what Is left. One day be was invited to a birthday party. In a short while the ! birthday cake was cut up and each child had a piece, and there was a big piece left. The maid was going to take this piece away when Johnny called to her and sold, "I think 1 can use the piece that Is left." After reaching the top a man censes to talk about the room there. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are simply s good, old-fashioned medicine for regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. Get u box and try them. Adv. Better n budding genius than u blooming idiot. A North Carolina Woman Speaks Whitukers, N. C.?"I suffered from #backache, frequent, . scant urine, rheu- | xuatlc pains and a worn-out feeling, ' also had spells with my heart and swell- j ing of feet and un- i kles. I learned of ! Dr. Pierce's Anurlc nnd used a sample package and then ordered a full-size package. This relieved me nnd I gained considerably; it also relieved me tff headache from which I suffered very much. Anurlc is fine for the kidneys."?MRS. SARAH A. SHEARIN. If you wish to send a sample of your water to Dr. Pierce's Invnllds' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., and describe your symptoms, same will be examined without any expense to you, and Dr. Plercfe or his staff of Assisting Physicians will Inform you truthfully.?Adv. pation Relieved id taste in the mouth, coated tongue, A torpid liver derange* the whole I lia, costivenesa and piles. There ia no 1 n DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS. Try , ced. For sale hy all druggiata. , Liver Pills ji ? : Spared to Art. "Has our movie star claimed exemption from inilltury service?" "Oh. yes. He proved that lie had dependents und ids claim was allowed." "Good 1 Then we can proceed with our next war play. With a handful of men he will leud a desperate charge in one or the greatest military spectacles i ever shown on the screen." i _ I . Younpest British Soldier. 1 The youngest soldier at the front 1 and the youngest N. C. O. In the British army Is n lad of eleven, who Is ut- ' tnchcd to nn A. S. C. uult. He was 1 speclnlly enlisted fo act as Interpreter, as he speaks English and French tlu- 1 ently. He was made a sergeant and 1 Is now regarded as a mascot. Some Exceptions. "Docs like always produce like?" "Not always. Rich food often pr?? duces poor health." When Vour Eyes Need Care , Try Murine Eye Remedy Bo (Imartin* - J??i Ky? Comfort to oania Ok hronliM or Mil. Wttta for rro? Book. I Stnuita nauaaiDi ca.ciuoaao ^ : * ?T * . _ ?, "* Bp ft y Otter the roar of ift? ottiee. owr V Br the UU rffffit. ftf ? Witt a MiMve o/ >?e> (? tt? ft ? mHom, rtofi tt< beautiful ? IP Bettlekem (eUi, x IV MRfiup /oi to the tout* that W 6 are is the hovels fif 5C where poverty AweUe? K 7 There is Hfe?there to Ufe far W ? - the dying, in the beautiful W ft Bethlehem belle. ft For off in a lend that ie lovely, Sr if for the tender sweet story uf S# it tens, MM In the light of a glorious mom- & 5r ihg rang the beautiful 7 UK Bethlehem bells; w %M And still in the hearts of crea- ftf & tion an anthem exultingly ?? 2f swells 5r ? At that memory sweet of the w fijf ringing of the beautiful MM & Bethlehem bells. ?, y S' TAey rati o'er fAe AHIe and the %Ep W0 valleys, they summoned the |\M Sf glad world that day, ? y From regions of night to the Sr > radiant light of the cot W j ? where !.? Beautiful lay. j Ianu ivrcver ana ever ana ever Oj* i a wonderful melody dwell$ gt I In the tender sweet ringing IV and singing of the beautl- wf ful fcthlehem bells. For they sing of a love that is IV deathless?a love that still w triumphs in loss; & They sing of the love that Is gL leading the world to the IV Calvary cross; w Ring sweet o'er the sound of the cities?ring sweet o'er Sl the hills and the dells 2r And touch us with tenderest wfi , pities, oh, beautiful Bethlehem bells! ?Frank L. Stanton. 3C First Christmas Celebration. The birth of Christ vu not original- | ly observed nt this time of the year. | n whs noi unui neariy iw years arier Ills death that there was any attempt 1 (it a celebration of the event at all< : und then fpj 300 yours or more It was celebrated at vnrlous times In the year by the Christians In different pnrts of the world. Some chose the 1st and some the Oth of January, others the 29th of March, the time of the Jewish pnssover, while still others observed the day on the 20tli of September, the feast of the tabernacles. The luth o* j April nnd the 20th of May were also Uept us the hlrthdny of Chrl/.L by , the fifth century, however the 23th of 1 December was the day generally adopt- j ed.?Pittsburgh Dispatch. An Old Anglo-Norman Carol. Lordlings, listen to our lay? We have come from faraway To seek Christmas,* In this, manson we are told He his yearly feast doth hold: 'Tis todayt May joy come from Ood above To all those icJto Christmas loveI Lordlings, I now tell you true. Christmas bringeth unto you Only mirth; His house he fills with many a dish Of bread and meat and also fish To grace the day. May joy come from Ood above To all those who Christmas loveI Lordlings, through our army's band They say. Who spends with open hand Free and fast, And oft regales his many friends Ood gives hint double what he spends To grace the day. May joy come from Ood above To all those who Christmas love! Lordlings, wicked men eschew. In them never shall you view Aught that's good; Cowards are the rabble rout, Kick and beat the grumblers out To grace the day. May foy come from Ood above To all those who Christmas love! Lords, by Christmas and the host Of this matision hear niu tnast? Drink it well. Each must drain his cup of wine, And 1 the first will toss off mine; Thus J advise, Here, then, I bid you all wassail, Cursed be he who tcili not say Drinkhail. To Make a True Christmas. Don't forget tlio lonely, the suffering, the poor, on Christmas. Remember thnt the first and greatest Chrlstmus gift was sent not to the rich and powerful, but to the poor and needy. Give to those who are near ami dear to you, t>ut somewhere, somehow, in your ordinary life find some one who is nenr mid dear to 110 one else and make I'hrlstmas for him or her. Christmas- Gifts From Farm. \ The farm gives splendid facilities for making gifts which certainly are appreciated by our city friends, writes a farmer's wife. A dressed chicken or ?oose, a few dozen fresh eggs, n box of nuts or apples, a hag of jmpcorn. besides the stores of Jellies. Jnms and mince meat which may he drawn from, rertalnly make very acceptable gifts, ire merely suggestions of what may f>e furnished from the farm. i no uso or Christmas tags nnd labels ,vllI provide n liolldny garnish for your package. Orphanages, homes for the blind und ror the i?oor appreciate n Christmas r?ox, which could he Riven by the district school. Children respond freely to a contribution of this kind. An Eaay Mark. "Never again will 1 do my Christmas shopping early." said Joblots. "Why not?" "I bought everything a month ago. and 1 was forced to do the work of several other people In the office while they went out nnd did their Cbrlstmac shopp'.'ij late." . MUV HbM KODAKS & SUPPLIES nu <IV Iiiiian CIIM OI BUUlgt. LJydlfcAk Prlc* Md C?t?lo|M upon rtquMi s. cuwki oytkai Co., eitiBwi. v?. However, pride never brings one the humiliation of having a favor refused. Only Om "BROMO OUININE" set tbe genuine. call tor fafl nam* LaXATTVH BROMO qOlNlNB. Look for elgostnre of A. W. OBOV . VttM ? OoM In Om Dij. Ho. ' Before Wealth Came. No doubt there are a lot of rich men, too, who thought they'd be different than they aro \vh$n th^y got money in the days before they got it. Plenty of Material. "Here's an article says that they are using rags instead of rubber to make automobile wheels in Germany with." "Well, they ought not to run out of material with all tbe treaties and promises they make over there." The Smart Retort. "She wunted to borrow a cup of sugar." "Did you lend It to her?" "I sent back word that if I had a cup of sugar I wouldn't speak to the likes of hen." NOTHING SO KFKECTTVK AS KLTTim I1ABEK For Malaria, Chills A Fever. Chief of Police. J. W. Reynolds, Newport Ne we. Vs., says: "It Is a pleasure to recommend Habek for chiMeand fever. Have used It when necessary for SOy ears and have found no remedy aa effective." Kllxl r Habek 50cents, all drugglut*, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klociewskl A Co., W?Mhlnffton. D. C. A Good Move?Habek Urer Pills. 10 pills cents SCARED THE BRAVE RED MAN farmer** signal tor baying Grace at Supper Table Almost Brought Forth a War Whcop. The first Impressions that the white man's customs made upon the Indians were doubtless more startling than their stoical natures permitted them to reveal. In his book, "From the Deep Woods to Civilization," Dr. Churles A. Eastman discloses something of their feelings by relating his experiences when, as a Sioux, he started on a 150.inlle walk to the Indian mission school at Santee agency, Nebraska. "All day I traveled," says the author. "and late In the afternoon I came suddenly upon a solitary farmhouse of sod and met a white man who had much hair on his face. I was as hungry and thirsty as a moose In burned timber. I had some money that my father had given me; so I showed the man all of it and told him by signs that he might take what he pleased If only he would clve ine something to eat. "When the family Invited me to sit down with them at the table, I felt uncomfortable ; but hunger was stronger than my fears, and I took my seat on a i rickety stool betweeen the big, hairy man and one of his well-grown daugh- j ters. All at once, without warning, the inun struck the tuble with the butt of his knife with such force that I Jumped and nearly gave n wur wh?>op. In spite of their tnklng a tlrin hold on the home-made table to keep It steady, the dishes were quivering nnd the young women were no longer able to keep from laughing outright. But | glances from mother nnd father soon j brought us calm, nnd It appeared that ^e blow on the tnble was merely a signal for quiet before the fanner said grace. I pulled myself In much as a ; turtle would do, nnd possibly It should be credited to the stoicism of my race that I have never eaten a heartier j meal." I Six Minute j 9 8 Here*s a new one?a most delicious desert that can ba made in a hurry. To one and one-half cups of milk add one cup df Grape-Nuts and one level tablespoonful of sugar, boil six minutes, cool and serve with milk or cream. Add raisins if desired. Get a package of GrapeNuts from your grocer and try this pleasing recipe. fun In all pacta of tt? United Btatss for concha, bronchitis, colds j settled In the throat especially tan* troublea It s>t? the patient a good , night's rest tree from coughing, with , 087 expectoration in the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Sold in all civilised countries. BO and 90 sent bottles.?Adv. Overcoming a Difficulty. Reference at a social affair waa made to the Ingenuity of school children In getting around difficult questions when Representative Frank Lester Greene, of Vermont, recalled a flt. ting anecdpte. 1 Hnn nf?ns>\/w\?% - * *- _ wmv attv.uwu UIC IW.IICI VI a pUV j lie school was instructing a Juvenile ( class in geography, and after others ( had answered various questions, she , turned to a small boy named Jimmy. , | "James," said she, "describe to me the route you would take If you were i going to Bermuda." 1 "Yes, ma'am," returned Jimmy, a little doubtfully.. "I would go to New I York and then?and then?" "Yes, Jimmy," interposed the teacher. "What would you do then?" "Why, I would get on a steamer," answered Jimmy, with a happy inspiration. "and leave the rest to the captain." I State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County?ss. Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that aid Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured oy the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. 1 Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. 1888. i (Seal) A. W. Oleason. Notary Public. I HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Interna'?y and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 76c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Five Generations in Wars. I rive generations or one family have I ( served In the United States wars, the | ! chain helnK completed by the recent ! ! enlistment at Los Angeles of a young ' , man named Bennett. Not only did his ' i two grandfathers, Bennett and Brooki over, serve In the Civil war, but his ! great-grandfather, Daniel Bennett, was , also a veteran of thnt war. The young ! man's great-great-grandfather. Asa j Bennett, was In the war of 1812. and i his two great-great-great-grandfnthers, Bennett and Harris, were In the itev! olutlonary war. Although not In direct line of ancestry, young Bennett's uni cle, Hurry Brookover, represented the family In the Spunlsh-Atuerlcnn war. KIDNEY TRCuSil OFTEN i muses stmuui baukaohe When your bq,ck aches, and your bladder and kidneys seem to be disordered, Kto your nearest drug store and get a ttle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's prescription for ailments of the kidneys and bladder. It has stood the test of years and hns , a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This preparation so very effective, has I been placed on sale everywhere. Get a bottle, medium or large size, at your nearest druggist. | However, if yon wish first to test this preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and men uon tbia paper.?Adv. I , In Memory of the Titanic. I The Titanic disaster Is being commemorated In Belfast by the erection of a memorial which will In all re| spects be worthy of the city where the 111-fnted ship was built. It consists of a Titanic group in marble on a granite pedestal. The memorial will occupy a site on the carriage way op- i poslte the City Hall, facing the Uoynl I Academical Institution, and will beur ' the names of Ulster heroes who peri Ished with the great vessel. The Usual Way. "What became of that friend ot yours who was always looking for a fight? Did he enlist?" "No. and when the draft came he claimed exemption." A single application of Pomnn Eye rtnt in on going to bid will prove lis rm rlt for Innnmmatlona of the ttyi-s. external anil Internal. Adv. , If the man you are talking to looks ! at his wife It's time to shut up. OveriA I must leai I neglect flu I How Women are Restored to 1 Spartanburg, S.O.?"For nine yea Km fend from backache, weakness, and H laxities so I could hardly do my w tried many remedies but found no H nent relief. After taking Lydia E H ham's Vegetable Compound I felt | change for the better and am now a I strong so I have no trouble la doing rr I hope every user of Lydia E. I'ir Vegetable Compound will get as gre; as I did from iu use."?Mrs. S. J>. M 122 Dewey Ave., Spartanburg, S. CChicago, ID,?"For about two yea fared from a female trouble so I wai to walk or do any of my own work, about Lydia K. rink ham's Vegetab pound In the newspapers and detorn trv It. It brought almost Immediat My weakness has entirely disappear* never had better health. I weigh 16fi and am as strong as a man. I think Is well spent which purr bases Lydia ham's Vegetable Compound."?M O'BaTajr, 1735 Newport Ave., Chic YOU CAN RELY UPON LYDIiJ VEGETfl tiumlUaa ftolilm. ? Though mmpm ancient .weapons are Mag revived the sword has passed, perhaps, forever. Long the symbol of war, and the badge of the officer, it lias now'been banished from the American army. It has been abandoned Decause It Is worse than useless, says, Milestones, It Is no longer an effech * vmiuw attmk j ? - w < ?!>? uuin iin annul ur u?f tense, and It serves as a distinguishIng mark of the officer, thus making aim the prey of the enemy sharpshooter. With far too few trained officers, America cannot afford to waste them, and It Is wise to adopt the present practice of the armies of her allies. The modern line officer of Infantry. In an attack carries a watch In one hand and an automatic pistol ln the other. With a watch he times the progress of his troops, holding them to a slowvwalk so that they may not advance more rapidly than their artillery barrage lifts ahead of them. Modern attacks are run with a time table, so that the artillery may know just where their own men are at each moment, and not drop shells on them. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Tlip Quioine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. One Worse. Friend?I kuuuosp vnn'tl mthur iiol the kaiser thnn anybody else on earth? Recruit?There's Just one fellow I'd like to get iny hands on worse. Friend?Who's that? Recruit?The guy that hollered "Fire I" Just as I got my clothes on lor the physical examination.?Judge. Right the First Tlme.Teacher?Now. there, what nre you late for? Walter?School. An Englishman has In-vented a process for coloring wool khaki and or- _ nnge shades with diluted nitric acid. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nre the original little liver pills put up 40 years Rgo. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Sweden was the tlrst country to rec- ^ ognlze the vulue of canals. Oi Colds Ciuir Headache and Grip II ^AXATIVM BRUMO QL'ININII ramoret ibn caora. I'h?r? Is only on?? "Bromo yolntDe." H W.UliOVB'8 h ilgnatura U on box. HUc. a i Woman's Inconsistency Is the great- = est of her charms. V f Net Contents 15Fluid Draohn I BPj liB1 oj^ag -ALCOHOL-3 PER GENTj l< AVfe^ctableIVcparafio?fcrAs I j?tm similntin^lhcFoodbyRcgula- J I- Thereby Promoting DtecstWj S Cheerfulness and Rest Contains J I neither Opium,Morphine nor * Mineral. Not Narcotic I jM *H Jitepf of OUlDcSAMlJZffTSBR I "I'*C 'I Ptanpkat Std \ 1 fjfl.-'i j JbrJUUiSutt? I ] iS0i[4 M AnutS-d I < gas a tyzztL** } 1 fjfSS 11 rwwii?w } i jSJJ^ J hBtkrymn/lanr / | A helpful Remedy for jf . 1: Constipation and Diarrhoea.j i 11 and Feverishness and ; $ ;y Loss of Sleep J 1 ;y:-V. resulting therefrom in Infancy I 1 Cxi ?5i| If ' Facsimile Si<$natmr of jf GL^futEXu/. | Tub Centaur Compavt. U y'rll ^jrgkJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. worked V n not to M ar healthJ||; ra I raf- 1 relrof- I// Kjff ^ i unablo 7A 11/1 ^ | ^ lble comf S"S?ssc SsS ^8B ctuM. Help the kidney*. We ; Americans ge It too herd. We overdo, overeat and neglect *W : '4^H Bleep and exerdee and so we are / fact becoming a nation eC kidnap \ offerers. 72% more deaths than ' In 1890 Is the 1910 census story. Vt^l Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Thensands recommend them. :? A South CnroUnn Onto ;9 John 1L Wilson. R. V.^jH F. D. No. L Traveler's (VH ^ .* : j? -?j? Beat, 8. C.t e S y : \T7t)i . 4rtM "Hardships weakened ySS^Os. VW my kidneys and I had I V\ \ awful pains In my V. & 1 11 ' < % back. I steadily sot ul igl 11 f' ifl worse and was terrl- JH UsH bly annoyed by scald- fg vw V J ,V n Ins and too frequent irO-T J At > l&HU passases of the kid- mf >->?Eft twP ney secretions. Rheu> tCs^UL matlc pains In my hips wmHl faMy-) kept me awake and I my ankles and feet MmB|| swelled. I had awful dlmxy spells, too. \ Doan's Kidney "Pills restored me to VHk good health." Get Deea's e> Aay State, SOe ales 1 DOAN'S 1 PoarnaumBURN co.. butfaijOl k.t. iwJ |p| Neuralgia ji * - -i raijjia pains "when an application of Yager's Liniment will give quick relief? \ . EBB This liniment is good too, for rheu- / V' tnatiim, sciatica, headache, pain in / ' chestorside.sprains,cutsandbruises. \ 35c l*ER BOTTLE AT ALL DEALERS Barb bottle contains more than the usual Wo bottle of liniment. GILBERT BROS. A CO.. Baltimore. M?L_ tSave the Calves J <1 Stamp ABORTION Out at Yaw Herd and Keep It Oat I Apply treatment yourself. Small espouse. Write for free booklet on Abortion, "Questions and Answers". State number of 'Hit cattle In herd, t. Ds?? ,??trte 1st. Co . 100 trssd Areas*. Wisktska. WH IPPMAN'S COMPIEXinN Tim m: wnrlrhAi th* hlnoB ? ****** Invigorates ak IB oaltb. dries op the pimp',re and boll*. ecuM nd blotches. enables now skin to form ana become u loar, pinkish and as smooth aa velvet. 60o postpaid. - ^ W P. LJPPMAN. Chemist, 4IM & Broad war. H i. i V. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1917. I SASTORIA For Infants and Children. 1 /lotbi^^ow That ^ Genuine Castoria Hi Always / . II Bears the /jO* Use For Over Thirty Years EASTORIA tni ocfrrAua mmmnt, nkw tom cmr. M nit