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T\Belters and daughter, Miss Mary, of Monroe, N. %' ,C. spent the last week with relatives in this city. - Misses Sarah Kennedy and % Ferrie. Wilson of Ridgeway, were guests during the past week .end of Mrs. James D. Fulp. Mr. J. J. Bailes who has been / v confined to the hospital in Char lotte for some weeks is convalescent and is again at his home in this city. Mr. W. Frank Lewis has volunteered for enlistment in the signal corps and expects to 'be summoned to Fort Omaha, Neb., within a week. Mr. A. L. Parks left Monday forD Charleston where he attended the sessions of the V Masonic grand lodge Tuesday ) and Wednesday as the representative of the local lodge. L>A. arris & Co. received Saturday a car load of hogs and cows from Tennessee which he tibf purchased on a recent trip. They W will kill and paqk a number of gn the porkers at once and will dispense o/ the rest to their trade. | At the last meeting of the Parent-Teacher club, Friday, S| December 14, was appointed "as Prtrvimnnitu un/1 ! VVUIIIIUII1VJ VIU^ UIIU VV/lllllllbVVV0 were appointed to carry out a programme of improvement work L on the school grounds and in the |\ building and a picnic dinner will ||l. be served. A large number of the people of the community were cheered during the past week by the HR receipt from the two local banks of checks in settlement of their Club savings. The |?|nfliate amount paid out was $10,000. M Hi reply to a letter of inquiry ^HHVas H. Peoples, attorney iBHal, caHs attention to the ^^EXfrahat an ^ct ofjyi^g^islaprovides f^^n^tegSatraR dnd re-enrollment of all MjL in the State next year. ^^^Rf^frovision is made in the act the soldier vote. This will ^^^Rrypabl.v be done at the next ^H^Ekssion of the legislature. WmW, R. M. Kimbrell, of this MpRaP, ai.d Miss Maggie Sims, of ^ flS|rhaw. N. C., were happily i|?Bried in Rock Hii) ThanksgivDay. Mr. Kimbrell is an *^^bmploye of the E. W. Kimbrell Company, and he and his bride fire residing in the home of the Room's brother, Mr. Bratton timbrell, on Booth street. ...Mrs' By* a change of schedule effeeti e last Sundayf Southern train lo. 32, northbound, 'now passes brt Mill at (>.40 p. m. This is a through train and does not b;>p hejre except for passengers vbose destination is beyond Ciarloite,N. C. Train No. 28, % te local, is now due at Fort fill at 7:40 p. m., instead of i'lA v\*/, u juiiuciij. t *?S'; TI High winds prevailed here for ;;; U- greater part of the day Satuday and one result was the bwing down of a telephone p a on Trade street. * The pole ws' held suspended by other vues or it must have caused ~;|p| w.jjry to some of the pedestrians on lie street. This is the second polt o fall op this street in the past en days and steps are being take to prevent further disAtti special meeting of Catawba IHgelNo. 56, Ancient Free Maath* of South Carolina, held Frid^ nifrht in the Masonic hall the oilowing officers were instalJd to serve during the comitf year: A. L. Parks, worahipil rtraster; Dr. J. B. Elliott, swwr warder; Rev. J. W. H. Jlyohs, junior warden; W. A. IcoacH, treasurer; C. S. Link, wcritary.; B. E. Patterson, senior d?se<n;<f. D. Withers, junior deficit; Hen F. Patterson and J. M Hutchinson, stewards; I f J. W Collins, tiler. Tne installs? officer was W. L. Aber-1 Inetjr*] past master of Fort jLiawclodRe No. 291. At the jfc?l?c Irion of the ceremonies an supper was served in the Tfeatfinm building: by the ladies of t>r Home Missionary society of th Presbyterian church. The lodg is in a flourishing: condition and ias just concluded a very bus: year. There are now 99 nan 8 an its roll of members. in'the Red Croes work room. There, will be. a. large assortment of fancy workon sale and every body is Invited to attend. Absolute quarantine of Camp Jockson, to prevent possible pread of the epidemic of cereboipinai meningitis has been ordered. The order became effective Monday morning and policemen have been mobilized to shut up all avenues leading into the camD. No one will be allowed to leave or to enter the camp until the crisis is passed. A letter has been received by j the Chamber of Commerce from the officials of the Southern RaiTway company in which they decline to make Fort Mill a flag stop for trains 81 and 32 for what they consider good and sufficient reasons, it is probable that a petition will be sent to the railroad commission asking that ohey investigate the situation and require that the stops be made. Beginning next Saturday, December 15th. the board of ex emption for York county will begin mailing the questionnaires to the various registrants throughout the county. Five per cent will be mailed each day. Each man who receives one of the questionnaires has a certain number of days in which to return it to the board, in the event he fails to comply he will be slaced in class one, which wili be the first to be called. York County News Natters. (Xorkville Enquirer.) William Anderson Huey and John Dozier of Rock Hill, both located at Camp Sevier, have been appointed to lieutenancies. Bethel township people are agitating the question of building a bridge over the Catawba river at Wright's Ferry. They have a promise of very liberal support from the Mecklenburg side of the river. Governor Manning has recommended to Gen. Crowder the appointment of the following York county lawyers to assist registrants lh the filling out of questionnaries: Board No. 1 ? W. M. Dunlap, W. B. Wilson and J. Harry Foster; and York county Tioard No. 2, Thomas F. 'McDow, John R. Hart and C. E. Spencer. The county board of commissioners, consisting of Supervisor Boyd and Commissioners J. C. Kirkpatrick and Ladd J. Lumpkin, were in regular monthly session last Wednesday. The session was devoted mainly to the auditing of bills and included nothing of general interest out of the usual routine. < The fuel administrator at Washington has let it be known that the Southern railway has no authority to confiscate coal en route, without permission from the fuel administrator, and that coal consigned to people on its lines must be delivered unless the railroad has orders 'to the contrary. It was also stated that the Southern had an ample supply of coal and that the confiscatory practice would not be again followed. The steel bridge over the Catawba river between Rock Hill and Fort Mill is about 75 per cent complete, and it will hardly be ready for use before January 1. The contractors have been hampered by the difficulty of getting labor. Supervisor Boyd has been using the chaingang on the road to Fort Mill, with the view to having the road in shape by the time the bridge is ready. ^he Cherry road between Rock Hill and the river, about four miles, is in very good shape except that it is badly in need of surfacing. Working at full speed and staying on the job until midnight Wednesday, the South Carolina Baptist State convention, con- i eluded its work and adjourned what was conceded to have been one of the best conventions ever held in the State. Officers were I elected as follows: T. T. Hyde, i Charleston, president; J. J. Law-1 ton, Hurtsviile, and C. B. Bobo, I Laurens, vice presidents; W. C. I A lion Mnrth Anmiafo on/1 A lanvi'i Vii anu n. u. Kennedy, Columbia, secretaries; J. Furman Moore, Wagener, statistical secretary; C. H. Roper LaurenB, treasurer. The next convention will begin on December 9, 1918, the place to be decided by the executive committee at some later date. JtAovy^l Oil 918. givsmOcrSfcom it may ooncernfthSlS* annual niMttng of the CountyBoard of Commie*toners of York Cougjty will be held id the office of the County Supervisor at York, on Thursday, January 10th, 1918, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. ' Under Section 993 of the Civil Code, all claims against the couiity not previously pres. mod, i^ust be filed with the Clerk of the Hoard on or before January 1, 1918. and holder^ of claims will 'take notice that if the same are not presented and filed during the year in which they are contracted or the year following, such claims will be forever barred. All claims against Yo.k County must be itemized, .and they must be aceomnanled hv ntfiiiavitrt nf t.ho rlximnnfu Betting forth that the amounts claimed are just, true, due and owing, and that no part thereof has been paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorized by law to administer oaths, are required to probate claims against the county free of charge. By order of the Board. THOMAS W. BOYD, supervisor. Annie L. Wallace, Clerft. a* i I You Always t Here is an EA 4 * way to get it Al A I unrisimas s I NOW FO * Everybody is W t First Natic . of Fort ft Xmas P i? We have just received i I class Xmas Presents suital 1VQRY SETS, TOILET SETS, | MANICURE SETS, VANITY CASES, INFANT SETS, HUTCHINSON': Agents for N< Xmas * I See our window i vinced that we have TO for every child. Don you from giving the at Christmas. Our t< ferent from anything A large and heat DOI j! ranging in price fron 1 For the grown-up I China. Comb and Hrt rors, Military Urnshe too numerous to men We have at last 1 shipment of Plates, (plain, fancy, plain m Glass Bowls. L W. Kimbi roan Yi*rd No. 4. Abo, at the same time tad place, a Commissioner of Waterworks trill be elected for two years to succeed J. J. Bailee, whose term is about to expire. Qualified electors of the said town must have new registration certificate. J. Y Starnes. J. N. McAteer and J. C.. Saville are appointed managers of thesaid election] The books of registration for the Town of Fort Mill will be opened at the office of J..M. Hutchinson. Supervisor of Registration at Hutchinson, s Pharmacy tm Saturday, December 1st, 1917, and remain open until December 28, 1917, for the registration of qualified- electors. B. E. PATTERSON, Attest: Mayor. W. A. ROACH. Citv Clerk. FOR SALE?To satisfy storage claim, one "Regal" Automobile, Massachusetts license No. 0844A. Can be seen at Youngs' shop. Need Money! \ SY and SURE - JOIN OUR avings Club! RMING. ; elcome to join. >nal Bank j lill, S. C., j resents. f i nice assortment of high >Ie for gifts for everyone. FOUNTAIN PENS, FLASH LIGHTS, SAFETY RAZORS, BILL BOOKS, CO. "G" RECORDS 5 PHARMACY I jrris' Candy. I 3HHOHDHMDHHB9BDBk Gopds. lisplays and be con? Y? i't let the war keep children a good time :>ys are new and dif! we have ever had. it if ul assortment of ?LS i 1 cent to $2.50. >s we have Cut Glass, ish Sets, Ivory Mirs, and other things, tion } >een able to secure a t Cups and Saucers ? itIi gold" band), and i 'ell Company | : x For Ladii Childi Long Coats, # Coat Suits, Scarfs, Qwp afprc W f f Vi kJf Gloves, Rain Coats, Shirt Waists, Cap and Scai Handkerchh Ties, Hosiery, Shoes. ? All ladies* less of cost t and save 25i Patterso "Fort I! Please Pay Up All persons indebted to us will please call and settle their accounts at onnfi. as it. is our intention to put the|busineBs on a cash basis after January 1st, 1918. Phone us when you want the best to be had in the Grocery Line. Culp's Grocery. TAX NOTICE?1 ?I"7. Office off the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C., Sept. 17, 1917. Notice ia hereby given that the Tax Booka for fork County will be opened on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1917, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1917, for the collect tion of State. County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1917, without nenaltv: after which dav One Per *" Cent penalty will be added to all pay- I menls made in the month of January, ^918, and Two Per Cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1918, and Seven Per Cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1918, to the 15th day of March, 1918, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers I will attend the following places on the days named: And at York from Monday, November 19th, until Monday, the 31st day of December 1917, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. * Note- The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. ') nation wide campaigntocom plete the en- ' rollment of our forces in i oonserv ation of our food supply, is a duty of necessity, humanity and honor. As a free people we have elected to discharge this duty, not under autocratic decree, but without other restraint than the guidance of individual conscience. ?HERBERT HOOVER, kiSK NEW LIFE PILLS The faille That Do Cure. t ? m H mas Specials. | es and For Men and I ren Boys. I j Overcoats, Suits, Hats and Caps, % x Rain'Coats, Sweaters, Shirts, Ties, rf Sets, Collars, ifs, Handkerchiefs, Silk, Lislejand Wool Sox. Shoes. >econd Floor Specials. and children's Hats going regardo us. Buy your Xmas Rugs now : on the dollar. I # in's Dry Goods Store. Kill's Fastest Growing Store." % Give Something Useful In making your gift selections don't forget that nothing is nicer or more appreciated than an Odd Piece of Furniture or other article for the home. The season finds us with a most complete stock of Home Furnishings, many articles of which will make servicable a. * - * " km is ior wire, nusoana, brother, sister, sweetheart or friend. Come in and look this big stock over and make your gift this year "A Gift for Service." Young & Wolfe. "Choice Bits." Rex Brand Tripe, per can. 36 Rex Brand Cooked Brains, per can 30 Rex Brand Roast Beef, per can 30 Rex Brand Corned Beef, per can 30 breakfast Roe, per can .35 8 Breakfast Cocoa, per can 25 g Asparagus .30 1 Beaf, Pork and Veal Loaf, per can .30 B Buckwheat Flour, per package .30 B Golden Crisp Potato Chips, per package .15 B Our line of Jellies, Pre- I serves, Apple Butter, Honey 1 Olivou Piolrlau 10 v it n .a. i\'nivnf v(/v?^ 1(7 Villi!" plete. Be sure and try our F. & P. special brand Coffee. FERGUSON & PHILLIPS Highest Prices Paid for Pork. . r*| IIVAAND HIDE3 ?gsgnfl s?l 11 sa bmiist huxct nica Hgg II IQ| ""Xk frsaj #2, viw K2S?S5j25a ^^ssihvjohn white a ocx.