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(Had To Give Up |V?Al?MtFrurtkWftktfePaim I Ml Sclferiif tf KUiey CmI vhiit Dtaa's Hade Her WdL I Mn. Lydia 8hvUr, 1838 Margaret I ft, Frankford, Pa., aaya: "A cold atari* l?i w kidntnr trouble. My back began Ifee asks and cot core and lame.. 4My ^Joints and ankles became swollen and TiVd ?? jtetiL id dizzy spells when evearthing before me torn- _ m black; one time I *** couldn't see for twenty minute*. Awfal peine in my heed set me almost 1 frantic and I was so nervous, I couldn't j tend the least noise. How I suffered! Often I didn't care whether I lived or died. "I couldn't sleep on account of the terrible pains in my back and head. Nothing seemed to do me a bit of good on til i began taking Doan't Kidney j JMIIa. I could soon see they were help- j ing me; the backache stopped, mr kid- i Beys were regulated and I no longer had any dizzy spells or rheumatic pains, i 1 still take Doan't occasionally and they keep my kidneys in good health." "Sworn to before me. W. W. CASSIDY, JR., Notary Public. Oet Peaa*s at Aw Store. tOc a Boa DOAN'S Vffiiy KOT1R-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. The Soldier. Was hnvn honrd from mm of mir oai*.. ! respondents abroad?somewhere In darkest England, says an exchange. And be relates that an American soldier accompanied hint to a shop in JLondon, where he wished to purchase a book. And while the soldier was wmltlug, he. too, saw a book he thought he'd like, and he asked the young worn- ] aa its price. "Three and hIx, sir," answered the j bop assistant. "Which Is the three nnd which Is the rfx?" nswed the soldier. "There aren't two sorts, sir?this ' book Is three and six." "Well, that makes nine." said the oldier. "Can't you add? I'll take It. j Wine what?pennies or pounds?" GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of M|*~ ?A - l * ' * uwu, |iai|iuuiiuu ui me neon ciuiscu oy pad in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to se- : <rete the bile and Impurities from the blood. Sold In ull civilized countries. JO and 00 cent bottles.?Adv. Exciting Sport. "Smiley says all sport Is too tame." "Why don't you suggest airplane polo to him?"?Lamb. A Russian Proverb. With God go over the sea; without Mm, not over the threshold. nra I For Lameness Keep a bottle of Yager's Liniment in your stable for spavin, curb, splint or any enlargement, for shoulder slip or sweeny, wounds, galls, scratches, collar or shoe boils, sprains and any lameness. It absorbs swellings and enlargemcnt% and dispels pain and 6tiffness very quickly. (yager's] i liniment jj 3Se Per Bottle At All Dealer* Each bottle con- i tains more than the | usual 50c bottle of ' liniment. I j tILBERT BROS. & CO. ' Spf^ BALTIMORE. MO. BSS?75l ' JJ) j IFOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Disselrsd In wmter for douches stops pel sic ctUrrb, ulceration and inflam Bas. Recommended by Lydia E. Pbihhsm Mad. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for jtasal catarrh, sere throat and sore eyes. EconomicaL He WniihiiT (Immm and garraicvUI pnwrsr. Frost Proof Cabbage Plant*; parti Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, SueeeentoTi ntrtF'at Dutch. By espreaa, 600,; Mm. IJ ; *.<**> at $l 76; lo.ono up at fl.50. F. O. I J fi. HXKK. Dclleerrd parcel poet 100, He; 1,000. iRje. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C WARTED AOKltTH, sell wtthlnr tablets. Waabm clothes wllhost rubbing. Kample and parSnltntrM. * lilnu, ailiVniwrU I.t W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 49--19i7. PERSISTENT COUGHS edaageteae. Relief la prompt from Pfso* oMdr (or Coughs and Colds. Rlfectlre and as* for yoang tad eld. No opiates la PISO'S V. ** ! > 1 ? Based On >?S It Saves 9 V2C. ' CASCARA M. QUININE *0 *Mm fei price foe this It-Mar M remedy?15c for 24 Ubltta-Smf cold tablets now 30e for 21 tsblcta ripjred oo proportionate cost par When you buy wmmmm Hil'lHIW I'll ^flf'if *m fli?H | I Rcducea Bursal Enlargements,* II Thickened, Swollen Tissues, ftj Curbs, Filled Tendons, SoreV ness from Bruises or Strains; Jf y stops Spavin Lameness, allay* pain. at ^ Does not blister, remove the hair ot lay Up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind?an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or gland*. It heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at druggists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by W. F.YOUNG. P. D. F.. 110TosdIsSt..Sprlnoflsld. Mass. DROPSY TREATMENT. atw?quickrvlUf. J *'"** *** Boon remove* awelltnjr and abort IP N breath. Never beard of Ita equal for dropejr. \ vSB.Try It. Trial treatment eent rats, bjr mall. Writ* to DM. THOMAS C. ORCCN M SMe. Su n, OHAraWOMTH, ss. DICE-TR A NSPARENT Write tor prices. L. N. I1AN1>, Biwt Spencer. N. C. A Touch of Nature. The scone Is n crowded l\us. A soldier, back from the trenches, sitting In n corner near the entrance, puts his hand Into his pocket for his faro, and pulls out n shilling and some coppers. The bus Jolts violently and. to the sol dler's dismay, the shilling slips from his fingers Just as lights go out, as they always do in London, on these days, when a bridge is being crossed. The passengers with one accord begin to grope for the soldier's shilling. " 'Kraid it rolled olT, mate," says the conductor. Then lights go tip again, and discover three passengers ejjeh holding out the shilling.?Christian Science Monitor. KIDNEY TROUBLE NOT EASILY RECOGNIZED Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected An examining physician for one of the prominent life insurance companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why bo many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing inttuence of l>r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. - We find that Swamp-Root is strictly an herbal compound and we would advise our readers who feel in noed of such a remedy to give it a trial. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and lnrgc. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to l>r. Kilmer &. Co., Ringhamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention'this paper.?Adv. No Reason for Complaint. SorgenniB are seldom at it loss for an apt remark. A raw recruit, the sleeves of whose tunic were six Inches too long, and whose trousers sagged more than Charlie Chaplin's, presented himself before his noncommissioned officer and complained of the fit. "Nonsense!" retorted tn?> Mi>rtrnnn? "Why, It fits absolutely lovely. You look 11s If you'd been melted and poured In!" A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and It Is the laudable ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive. Many of our southern women have found that Tetterlne Is Invaluable for clearing up blotches. Itchy patches, etc., and making the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema and other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or sent by mall for 50c. by Shuptrlne Co., Savannah, On.?Adv. Natural Affinity. Manager?I)o you want this role? Actor-p-Is there any "dough" In it? ?Baltimore American. Onf__r>iy _ ?? usaiiikb ou> '*t'j vi 'inn* iiDiou. Drneflata refund money If It fills to cure. H. W. UKUVII'8 altrnatnre It on stch b?i 30c. New York poor arc lessening use of inllk bemuse of price. uLSS Murine Is for Tired Eyes. | : IflOYieS Red Eyes ? Sore Eyes?a Granulated My elide. Keen ? 3 Reireehee ? Restores. Marine 1* s Favorite 3 Treatment for Myaa that feel dry and smart, a Giro your Hyee aa mneb of your lovlnjc | as your Teeth and with tbeeame regularity. 3 CiM rw TNIM. TW CUNT MIT new mil 5 Bold at lmi| and Optical Stores or by Mall. Mi Meriae (y* Meaty Co, Cblctyo, far Fraa 'Ml I UIIIMUMINIIIIUMMIIIUtUIIMUUUlU IIUIIIIIUIIIUUIIIIlS OLD SOLDIER WASJONSTIPATE! Says BUck-Dranfbt Cored Him His Troubles of 12 Yesp Standing. Scottvllle, N. C.?Mr. James Dick son, an old resident of this place, em Civil War Veteran, recently mede th following statement: *1 am 07 year old, and am an old soldier of the wa of *61. I had constipation for 1! years. The doctors said I wonli never be any better, but now I cai ' tell them better. I had taken dollar and dollars' worth of blood tablets, bu they got so they didn't do me mac] good. 9 ? . Then I got to taking your Black Draught, and I had not taken one ful pncKnge until I round that It relieve the constipation. I took two or thre packages, and It has cured me, and praise it to all of my friends." Thousands of people in the past 7 years hnve found help for constlpa | tlon In the use of Thedford's Black i Draught. Many families keep Black ; Draught In the house all the time, an use It at the least sign of constlpatlot { Indigestion, biliousness, or other live j troubles. Black-Draught is purely vegetabl reliable and without bad after-effect! Good for young and old. Get a pack age from your druggist today, an take a dose tonight. You will feel bei ter tomorrow. Price 25c a packagt Costs only one cent n dose.?Adv. Tragedy of the Cuisine. "Did you tell the cook she nius economize?" "Yes." replied young Mrs. Torktns "She asked me what It meant ar,d said to avoid waste. She Raid she Jin no more waist than I hnve and It ?.va nobody's business anyhow; and she' going to leave tomorrow." Whenever You Need a General Ton! Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tastel^ chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Get eral Tonic because it contains the we known tonic properties of QUININE an IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ot Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Build up the Whole System. 60 cents. T orpedo-Lieutenant. A modern torpedo-lieutenant and hi men have a thrilling and most Impel tant place to till, writes a London 001 respondent. The officer has to he a electrical engineer ,a scientist, verse In chemistry, a telegraphist, a sulunt rlne mining engineer, a mechanic, nn various other things. During actio the torpedo-lieutenant must stand h and wait, because the opening range of a modern naval engagefent are s L?r??nt tlmt nuitnnt ha >tcm " "? " IUit when the torpedo bugles sound fc action the crews lmtnodlntely repnl below decks, load the torpedo tube: ! ntnl again wait for orders to fire. For hours the otllcer stands thu j watching the combat. Then suddenl his chance comes. The ships close h There Is a good chance to put a torpi do Into an enemy vessel. "Snick!" dull hissing tells that the torpedo hn left the tube and Is speeding toward its mark. Then the tubes are aga! 1 loaded, and so It goes on. It Has All Been Said. "Are you getting ready to make a hi speech In congress?" "NA." answered Senator Sorghum "not unless a new topic develops, think I have offered or listened t every possible observation on ever conceivable subject available up t this time." Lots Yet to Be Done. There may come a time when you' be ashamed to admit that all you di in the great war was to buy a few ert ly 1 tonds.?Kxclia nge. Some Reason. Probably I>olllab's hair was frottin thin ami she became enraged at Sail son because lie refused to name tli brand of lnilr tonic be used. A political victory only lasts aboi forty-eight hours. Then the strugg begins to prevent n future defent. Instant Postum i f i fits the spirit of the times perfectly. It is Purely American Economical /without 1om\ 5 \o& pltuurc/ Convenient (ready for \ instant un/ I and is a pleasing, wholesome, drugfree drink erood for both young and old. "There's a Reason" I Santa Claus f By ELINOR MARSH DWINA'S mother was busy putting mince pies into the oven, so she : ! did not notice J * the little girl B .JPBHL , when she passed , through the room. j Edwina wore her r | warm winter coat 2 and tam-o'-shanI I JlL ter, and her fat jgVj Augers were snuga Klcd up In red * "I've got Chrlstu nias errands to * ? do, mother," said Edwina when she reached the door. :* , "Tomorrow's Christmas, and I'm goI lng to buy u present for Snnta Claus." j "Well. I declare " Mrs.' Ray sank e Into a chair and began to laugh. "A j present for Santa Claus himself?" ; "A real present. I've got 12 cents. I earned this money my own self, and? ? | and I want to buy something for Santa i* ; with my own money." : ! "Very well, dear. I am sure Santa j Claus will be plcnsed enough to be (j remembered. You had better go to j 04111118 store." ' "All right," called Edwlna as she went out. It was snowing a little?Just little, ? light, floating flakes like tiny feathers. i. Inside the kitchen It had been warm c- and cory, with a delicious smell of ,1 mince meat, fresh cookies and apples. Outside It was cold, and the stinging snowflakes made her cheeks tingle. ** "What can I do for you, Edwlna Y" asked Mr. Smith. "I want a pair of slippers?for a man," said Edwlna. primly, it "What size?" asked the storekeeper, "Very big ones," suld Edwlna In a j. grownup's manner. 1 "Hum!" smiled Mr. Smith In.a raysd terlous way. "Well, you enn change s them after Christinas If they don't s fit." Edwlna wondered If Santa Clans could come all the wuy back from the ; \ii s S3 2 ff !. "Santa Has Taken the Book and Can j dyl" She Criec^. ? north polo just to change u pair 01 y ! slippers, hut she said nothing untl o Mr. Smith showed lierfa very largt i pair of flowered slippers. How good old Santa would enjoj those eoinfortahle slippers! 11 "Will 12 cents bd emfugli?" asket <1 | Edwina, anxiously. lv "Ho, ho, ho!" laughed Mr. Smith i "Twelve cents? No, Edwina. Tlx jjrlce of these slippers is $2." "I?guess I won't lake them," fal ig tered Edwina as she left the store, a- Edwina hurried away from Smith') le store and went to a little 10 cent store Here were all sorts of things slnfcoulc buy with her money, hut it was hart it to choose something Santa Claus mighl le like. There were books?such nle? | stories, too. One in particular, cutlet! ? "Patty and Her Pitcher." was so do lightful that Edwina was sure Santr Claus would like it. So she paid 1( i cents for that, and with the remaining 2 cents she bought two sticks of ret and white striped candy. When she showed these thinirs tr her fnther end mother they did noi 1 even smile, hut they said they wen sure 811 ota Clous would be pleased. "1 shall hang a stocking for Santt and put these things In It." said Ed , wlnn. and on the stocking she planet n note saying: "From u little girl who loves you.' She went happily to bed, and thi next thing Edwinu knew It was Christ mns morning. She hopped out of bet and ran Into the warm living room t? J see if Santa had been there. Whnt u wonderful array of toysdolls and doll house and furniture ' books and games and toy dishes, a lit j tie fur muff uhd n rocking chair anc so many other things! Edwinu clapped her hands ant | Jumped for Joy. "Santa has taken th< | hook uml candy!" she cried, and thei she found n little note signed "Santi ! Claus." "Thank you. dear little Ed i wina, and u Merry Christinas to you,' ; It read. I The Youthful Year. A youthful yoar Is with us once again His coming marks the onward pac< of time; Vet ere he goes his way thd kings o sport MHay flnil themselves displaced be neath the llnie. New faces may adorn the Hall of Fame From sturdy brows the laurel may b swept. And when December comes he will no find A single resolution wholly kept. What good la o resolutlot that can't b broken? |USED HERCULEAN STRENGTH lr William MacGragor Years Ago Gained Distinction by Saving Many* Lives Frofn Wrack. With Cuticura Soap and Ointment? they Heal When Others Fail. Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweeter for skin troubles of young and old that Itch, burn, crust, scale, torture or disfigure. Once used always used becnuse these super-creamy emollients tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming serious. If used daily. Free sample each by mail with Book. 1 Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Bold everywhere.?Adv. Lived In Land of the Ukulele. "I see by the newspapers that the former queen of Hawaii is dead," said , Scrogglns. ' "Her name was Ukulele, wasn't it?" i asked Jirnson. "No, it was Llliuokalani, and she ; was a famous person for an Island i queen." [ ( "Well, it doesn't matter about the name. She lived In the land of the ukuleles."?Indianapolis News. i State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.ucas j Co_pty?s*. Ftjnk J. Cheney makes oath that he la , aenlovf partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ! & Co.. dolngr business In the City of To- I ledo, (Vunty and State aforesaid, and that aid fltm will pay the sum of ONE HUN; DRED IX'JLLARS for any case of Catarrh 1 that cati.vV. be cured by the use of HALL'S C'iTARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn te. fcyfore me and subscribed In my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. "W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous .Surfaces of tne System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. The Draft. j Said a "rooky" to his companion, I both bound for military service at : Camp Sherman at Chllllcothe, ().: "Say, what put the chill in Chllllcothe?" ! "I don't know. Wlint did?" "The draft."?Indianapolis News. Implant to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for lnfunts and children, und see that It Bears the I Signature In Use for Over *10 Years. ^Chil^ren Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Good Preliminary. "Goode tells nie his daughter Is goi lug to tuarry a title." "Has he had It exumineill" The Quiaire That Doea Not Effect Head Because ut lu lonlo and laxauro effect. l.uiatlva ' brouio Quinine can be taken by anyone without I causing nervousness or ringing In the bead. There la only one "Urouio Quinine." U. W. UUOVH'd ? signature Is on box. Sue. r The difference between 11 skin-deep beauty and the other kind is 111:11 you j get the other kind at the drug store. A tingle dnse of Dr Peery'a "Dead Phot" will expel Wornia or Tapeworm. No second > doao or after purgative necesaary. Tonca up the atomach and Bowela. Adv. St. John, N. It.', to Canada's second city in volume of customs receipts. 1 * Dr. Pierce's Pellets a^ bast foy liver, I bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxatire. three for a cathartic. Ad. Henrietta. Okln., women are worklnK In n coal mine. Backai \ I How tHis Womai 1 and Was Rel I Fort Fairfield, Maine. 11 I months I suffered from 1 9 by female troubles so I was R my house work. I took tre H but received no help wha j 9 some of my friends asked a j try Lydia E. Pinkham's Ye 9 pound. I did so and my I I disappeared and I felt lil woman, and pow have a ' , baby girl and do all my h will always praise Lydia , 9 Vegetable ComDOund to wc ' fer as I did."?Mrs. Ajlt< i Fort Fairfield, Maine. The Best Remedy lydi; VEGETi Tbousaiuls < "Whi | SI i William MacGregor, O. C. M. O., Is a wan of Herculean strength?Indeed, until he took part some years ago in the rescue of some Indian coolies from a shipwrecked vessel, he . stated that he had not previously realized the value of his great strength, jays a correspondent. I A broken mast was the only connection with the stranded vessel, and over this, again and again, Sir William clambered with a man or woman on . his back, and more often than not a child also between his teeth, held by the clothes, i On a reef below was a woman, who had fallen overboard, having got at 1 the Bhlp's spirits nnd Tiecome mad drunk. Two men who went after her ' were In the act of being swept out to sea, when Sir William slid down a rope, seized the woniun's lmir between his teeth, grasped the two men. nnd ; brought all three to a place^of safety. I . For this he received thy Albert Oold i Medal from Queen Victoria, and the Clarke Oold Medal from Australia. HEAL ITCHING SKINS Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup aud Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Catarrh? If you haven't get It at ouce. It will cure you,?Adv. General Tendency. "It costs Algernon three cents to send you a letter now." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "as with most articles the price goes up, but the quality does not Improve." Extremes. "What is to be done with all these bills on hand?" "Why. foot 'etn." Anoint the eyelids with Roman Eye Balaam at night, and In the morning observe the refreshed and strengthened sensation ?n your eyes. Adv. New York reports S(H auto thefts In lx months. , SELF DEFENSE Defeat Backache and Kidney Trouble With An uric Many people In this section have sufforfrom rhiuimntlvm nn.l kldnev trouble and have found that Anurlc was the most successful remedy to overcome these painful and danKerous ailments. The lucky people are those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warning signal In time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called "An-u-rlc" (double strength). You should promptly heed these warnings, some of which arc dizzy spells, backache. Irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as stone In the bladder. If you want quick relief buy Anurlc now (60c a package!?or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. This will prove that "Anurlc" eliminates uric ucid as hot water melts sugar. Sold fop 47 years. For Mali a Fine General Strengthenir I Small Pill. Small fntifnii 1 Dose. Small Ivi ICrnulne bear* ainnalure PALLID PEOPLE die of W 1 Suffered /jf/mlll lieved- 11 iMjiJ ? ' For many \?/ backache caused j i unable to do / atments for it /' itever. Then ^ tfhy I did not \ TljJT' igetable Com- V V /1 wickaeho soon Oy 'W \J, co a different v healthy little ^ v ouse work. I E. Pinkham's /men who suf- u/r5^ )n D. Oakes, 11 ris I 1E. PINKf kBLE CON] uff WM?m have .* i f cMft trf HMngHHtT*'"!' Mf? " *' ,'v Always Have P Mrs. X* A. Patterson, 1S99 Kentucky St, Memphis, Tennessee, writes: 1 hare been a friend of Peruna for many years. I have used It off and on for catarrhal complaints and fntmrt It U.PU VP.II.nt mmimmmwt*. I have a small family of children. Times are hard with us, but 1 can scarcely afford to do without Peru* na, especially during the season of the year when coughs and colds are prevalent. We always recommend Peruna to our neighbors, for the benefit It has been to us.M Old Stuff. "What started this row?" Inquired the Judge. . "Fighting tulk. He culled me a minion." "What hnd^-ou colled him?" "A vnrlet." ? "You're both nbout eight hundred years behind the times. That might have been flghtlug talk during the middle ages. It Isn't now." MOTHER!" QOJNAJS For fMiI Coughs w|^gl and Colds L^9 in the 55^HR Home. Recommend It to Omr Neighbors. TheM who objoot to liquid m?dK oinos oan pwuw p**..*-Laundered Soldier's Watch. Being laundered didn't hurt a wuteh ?i ouii /vuK'Mio, ira, i no wutcn wm thoughtlessly left by the owner In tho pocket of his army shirt. In the pocket It was carried to the laundry and went through the big washing machine. One of the laundry employees felt it In the pocket Just In time to inve It from going through the wringer. Thi? watch was still marking time. Not So Bad. 'Tc title unit <ti' tlntiro oiloloonot*# ... vtnu ?J",, ,?V?i o uuvirnvriu | "Oh, no, sir; he's Just a litle queer In the hen<l." Natural Place. "So Hill dressed up his story?" "Yes, and then took It to a swallow tale party." . jj Q A?k for and Oot if CHENEY'S A EXPECTORANT IprcriauiT The Original Cough H mnuniw and Cold Remedy I STOPS THE WORST COLD IN 24 HOURS I rvr':r~ Best for Colds, Coughs. Croup, Soro Throat, Whooping Cough. 25c and 60c at all Druggists WOMEN OF VIRGINIA unsic * ny, > a.?"i was in naa shape with womanly trouble and win all run-down and confined to bed. The doctor was attending me three times a day but I was getting worse. I heard of 'Favorite Prescription' through a friend who had been benefited by It. I could hardly raise my hand and could not sit up in bed. I began taking the 'Prescription' and the first bottle gave me strength. I kept it up until six bottles were used. I was then able to do all my work. I doubt not that the use of It saved my life. When I begin to run down now I take a little and it al\vays helps me and builds me up at once."?MltS. J. PADGETT, Commerce St. This herbal tonic for women Is made up In liquid or tablet form, and can be obtained In any drug store. Contains no alcohol or narcotic, and its Ingredients are printed on wrapper. Send Dr. V. M. IMerce, ItnfTalo, N. Y., 10 cents >ui nun iiniii'is.?auy. ISMITHs .lTonic iria, Chill* and Fever. Ala* ig Tonic. 60cand $1.00 at alJ Drat Storaw 's Little Liver Pills you feci the joy of living. It is impossible happy or feel goo^when you are CONSTIPATED old remedy will set you right over night. Usually Need Iron in the Blood. Try CARTER'S I PON Pll I Q r RESH - CRISP - WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN THB MAKING OF THE** BISCUITS MAKI THEM THE STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE {tow Vtaitr has ihrm. or if not ho shontit. cAuk htm or wnU u* qtvitiq his namt. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY M^ns j . POUND I this | it f I