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i ITEMS OF LOCAL IKTEftEST. Born on Thanksgiving: Day tc * Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Phillips, a daughter. " Miss Bess Spratt had as her guest during the past wgek. Miss Ann Johnson of Chester. Mrs. A. Y. Williams of Charlotte, was su guest during the past week of Mr. arid Mrs. J. B. Mills. Mrs. R. A. Miller of Rock Hill was a guest during the past week of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. . _i J coy a. Capt. S. W. Parks, of Camp Sevier, Greenville, spent Sunday and Monday at his home in this city. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Stewart and Miss Julia Boyd, of Conover, N. C., spent Thanksgiving day here visiting Mr and Mrs. J. A. Boyd. The Rev. W. S. Goodwin attended the sessions of Upper South Carolina conference which convened at Clinton during the past week. nn....?i : t ? 11? r nit; cinuucti msiaiiiiiiuii ui officers of Catawba Lodge No. 5fi, A. F. M., Will talle place tomorrow evening: in the lodge room, after which an oyster supper will be served to the members in the adjoining town hall. A jury for the fourth week of the present term of York court was drawn the last week, among the jurors being F. M. Mack and J. L. Faris of Fort Mill. The store building owned by . W. B. Meacham at No. 32 Trade street is being refitted and will be occupied as soon as ready by B. M. Lee who will conduct a / dry goods and notion business. Miss Margaret Spratt who is teaching in Waxhaw, N. C./and M iss Mary Spratt, a student at Winthrop college, spent Thanksgiving Day at their home in Fort Mill. . ^ Joseph Park's, a resident of Beaumont, Texas, spent several days of the last week with relatives in Fort Mill and vicinity. Mr. Parks was enroute home from a two months' business trip to Central America. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lee, of Chester, are quests in the home of the former's parents in this city. Mr. Lee's friends will be KI ad to knSw thai he is steadily regaining his health after a hi. vcre attack off licumoniu. ' m Pi of. R. L. C<>t* who has had chaige ol the local high sch'ool has resigned as has been accepted for a position in the atiation corps of the U. S. army. His place will be filled temporarily by Mrs. F. E. Ardrey until the hoard o/#rustees elects his successor. On the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day one of the tall telephone poles belonging to the I> 11 T*?l 1 ouunifiii DC11 lcicpnone company just in front of the Patterson Dry Goods company's store fell without warnihg to the street carrying down several lines of wires. The pole was rotten through and through and fortunately the street was quite empty at the time. It was necessary to cut off the electric current for a short time but the damage caused was soon repaired. A news despatch says that the city of Charlotte has denied the liberty of its streets to 'five hun dred negro soldiers sent to Camp Green from Massachusetts some weeks ago, unless the soldiers are on official business. This order followed the overrunning of the Y. M. C. A. huts and the " halls of the Knights of Columbus upon the arrival of the negroes in Charlotte, and the arrest later of two of the soldiers on the streets with bayonets concealed under their coats. A whirlwind campaign was entered into the lasf week by fKa Knnio anrl form VMV IIV/IIJV UIIU lUl ( VUUIWI Kll I cltors and others of this county with the object of trying to induce the farmers to sow a larger wheat crop the coming season. Demonstrators McKeown and Blair have visited every section of the county in the interest of the movement and have secured pledges of an increased acreage of wheat from hundreds of the farmers. A supply of the pledge cards has been left with each of the banks of this city and those farmers who have not signed the pledge are urged get a card at the bank, fill it out and inaiLit at once to either of the county demonstrators. ? ???wmmmmmm . Mr. H. G. Lee. who has had charge of the cloth room at plant No. 1 of the Fort Mill , Mfg. company for several months, has resigned the position and will move with his family to Rock Hill this week. ( - The attraction at the Majestic Theatre today is a comedy-drama in five parts, entitled "Sally in a IHurrv." The picture is played | by Miss Lillian Walker, who has , been properly termed "the pret|tys:irlwith the dimpled face." * The picture doubtless will please i the patrons of The Majestic. It was announced officially at headquarters of the Thirtieth | division at Camp Sevier Monday that the quarantine, which was ! put into effect Satuiflay, NovemI ber 17, would be lifted Friday ; provided no unforeseen developj ments took place. Because of the crowded conHiHr>nc nf iwimo of I* v>svavaaw Vl t WIIIO at TT IIIVIIIUp, It is necessary for the next legislature to appropriate for the erection of a new dormitory to cost $100,000, said John E. Swearingen, State superintendent of education, in a statement issued Monday. Mr. Swearingen stated that $85,000 had already been raised by President Johnson and the alumnae for a $100,000 Y. W. C. A. building for Winthrop and that the board of trustees would request the next general assembly to appropriate $15,000 to make up the balance. Beginning with December 1. all legal papers are required to be stamped. Promissory notes must have a two-cent stamp for every $100 or fraction thereof and titles to land must be stamped with fifty cents' woVth | on every*$ouu* or any traction ot i this agiount. All deeds must specify the exact purchase price and have the stamps placed thereon when the paper is executed. Those who are interested may obtain the revenue stamps from D. C. Hey ward at Columbia. It may be that the government will make some arrangement about handling the stamps somewhere in this county, either at the postoffice or elsewhere, but so far no announcement has been made to this effect. Conference Appointments.' . The appointments of the ?:-:~^ -f il. n_.i. iuctuuuioi iiiiiudLtrrs ui tut; i\uck Hill District as announced in the annual conference held at Clinton the last week are as follows: Presiding Elder?J. R. T. Major. St. John's ?L. P. McGee. West*Main C. M. Morris. North Rock Hill Circuit?.J. R. Copelaud. Rock Hill Circuit- R. P. Kilgo. Pprk and Manchester ? E. Myers. York?J. E. Mahaffey. Hickory Grove?H. Z. Mouzon. Clover?A. K. Whitten. Fort Mill ? W. S. Goodwin. Lancaster Station ?D. W. Kel; ler. East Lancaster Circuit?J. H. j Manley. Lancaster Circuit?T. F. Gibj son. Great Falls?J. P. Kilgore. Blackstock?S. E. White. Chester?C. C. Herbert. Chester Circuit ?R. E. Sharpe. Blacksburg?J. B. Traywick. Fort Lawn?VV. A. Duckworth. Richburg?H. B. Hardy. Van Wyck?J. W. Bailey. Presiding Elder E. S. Jones is transferred to the Spartanburg district. Dr. Major, the new Presiding Elder, comes from Bethel church, Spartanburg. Will Open New Store. Announcement is made that Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lee, of the township will within the next , few days open the "Carolina ; Bargain House" in this city. I The new business is to be located in the Meacham building, Main street, and the carpenters and painters already have put the building in shape for the opening. It was the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Lee to have the business open bp December 1st, but delayed shipments of goods on account of congestion on thn railroads prevented this. The cq icern will put in a new stock ot dry Roods, notions and shoe?, and will have one department in which 5, 10 and 25 cent articles will be handled. Mr. Lee will devote a portion of his time to the business, bnt Mrs. Lee will be the active head of -the concern. FOR SALE?One bay brood mare, young, gentle and in good condition. Fast driving horse, splendid farm animal. Selling at sacrifice. See this horse. It is worth your time. , Mrs. F. M. Mack. ? N ' ' . ' ' V- , ? The following members of . Company G, Camp Sevier, are at. i tbeir homes here on furloughs: Sergt Vel-gel p. hitley, Corp. Clarence H. Black well. Cook John S. Bayne and Corp. Theven O. Howey. ???fpMj?wmmmm H MAJESTIC-TO-DAY. H I lillian Walker, |i , S The Pretty, Dimple-Faced Girl in ftftj | "Sally in a Hurry," | The 5-rtrt Story of a Lass Whose fl H Dreams Came Troe. H Open 4 p. . Rffilir Prices. v r ; I T I pf I k 1 o Rantr I?Iolr ^ - -- m. a no i^uim a av?t j^. | Carry Out Your P1j Plans for a home, plans ; for ANYTHING are only i means of carrying them. 01 the ONE necessary factor ; PENDABLE bank. YOU have plans. Let tl make them practical. Our 4 facilities and personal, IN ? us to give you just such he And there are many oth< ; YOU. Resources Over a Q I First Natic I of Fort IV N Y our Pres If- molriao r?rt /Ji tf. n maiv^o 1 iu uilli doctor may be, br script ions. We guarantee t filled witk pure, fr licensed pharmacis care as if they wei of our own family. HUTCHINSON'* "Just What Your A Few Su * ==jp= Before opening want to suggest a fe1 Xmas gifts. For L Sweaters, Waists Hose, Handkeichiet Table Covers and Bui For Fancy Socks, Tie* JLinen and Cotton Ha Scarfs and FlannelJSl For CI I fancy llandkercl Gloves, Bootees, Bla mono Cloth. Millii Miss Wesse Is lea\ she will sell llals Don't forget, only on E. W. Kimbi I # t An! CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank the good people of Fort Mill for their kindness toward onr sister. Misses j^tt and Focie Kimbrell. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the usual polling J lace in the town of Fort Mill, Tuesday anuarv 8, 1918, for the purpose of electing / the following to serve two years: Mayor, Two Alderman at Large, Alderman Ward No. 1, Alderman Ward No. 2, Alderman Ward No. 3, Alderman Ward No. 4. Qualified electors of the said town must have new registration certificate. J. V. Starnes, J. N. McAteer and J. C. Saville are appointed managers of the said election. The books of registration for the Town of Fort Mill will be opened at the office of J. M. Hutchinson. Supervisor of Registration at Hutchinson.s Pharmacy on Saturday, December 1st, 1917, ami remain open until December 28, 1917, for the registration of qualified electors. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. W. A. ROACH, City Clerk. <9 > You | I ans. | for developing business, plans T irac'tical when you have the t at. And in many instances is a connection with a DE- 4 ' t lis strong bank help you to t splendid resources, complete [TERESTED service enables ? ip as you may neeu. er ways in which we can help * uarter of a Million. 4 >nal Bank j lill, S. G, I " V < . f. j rrvmrinnc S >V1 IJ/UVllO I I erence who your ing us your preSi tSSSsji ww hat they will be esh drugs, by a >t, with the same "e for a member j 5 PHARMACY Doctcr Orders." ? ? ggestions. I our Xmas Toys, we | vv things we have for | adies. I ?, Tics, Gloves, Silk I s, (dollars, Towels, | reau Scarfs. 3 Men. >, Gloves, Suspenders ndkerchiefs, Knitted hirts. lildren. liels, Sweaters, Gaps, nkets. Ties and Ki- 1 f nery. | cs us next week and ;i regardless of c<*st. J e more week. ] 'ell Company | . . . AT i Ladies' < $ I % Tuesday's e Coats, bought the very new ors. No two collars, some tailored, in Burgandy, at Girls' and C a1 r a ? ... .1 P I.JW <t 1111 up. We have i Hats, that* a greatly reduc busy making now. We save yo IUMV. Pattersoi "Fort M Please Pay Up'r All persons indebted ? to us will please call | and settle their accounts at once, as it is our intention to put thejbusiness on a cash basis after January 1st, 1918. Phone us when you want the best to be had in the Grocery Line Culp's Grocery. TAX NOTICE- 1 91 7. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. A7 ~ -1- C r* O a. ^ i Dii\, j. v... it, i:mi. Notice is hereby given that the Tax B Books for Vork County will be opened I on Monday, the 15th day of October, B 1917. and remain open until the 31st I day of December, 1917, for the collec tion of State, County, School and Local M Taxes, for the fiscal year 1917, witlmut penalty; after which day One Per Cent penalty will be added" to all payments made in the month of January, 1918, and Two Per Cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1918, and Seven Per Cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1918, to the 15th day of March, 1918, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers I will attend the following places on the davs named: And at York from Monday, November 19th, until Monday, the 31st day of December 1917, alter which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HAURY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. A nationw i d e campaign to complete the en- si' I roiiment oi \drv|j|iHHE|[}r'J.) 'j | our forces in conserv ation of our food supply, is a duty of necessity, humanity and honor. As a free people we have elected to discharge this duty, not under autocratic decree, but without other restraint than the guidance of individual conscience. | ?HERBERT HOOVER. KiSg-'s NEW LIFE PILLS \ The Pills That Do Cure. . 1 * I inusual sale ^ERY LOW PRICES OF ind Misses' and Children's Goats. xpress brought a lot of 63 Sample at n hia T^I. ? , M? ? Mip, uiovuuiii. iiicnc are an est in material, make-up and colalike. Some have the large plush are fur trimmed, and some plain Black, Navy, Brown, Green and $7.50 to $27.50 hildren's Coats,all good new styles Aillinery Bargains. some unusually pretty trimmed re being closed out very fast at ed prices. Miss Chapman is very new ones. You should get yours u money on Rugs. Select yours n's Dry Goods Store. I ill's Fastest Growing Store." g ? I Young & Wolfe, Dealers in Medium and High Grade Furniture and House Furnishings. Tell Us Your Wants. Young & Wolfe. "Choice Bits." I Rex Brand Tripe, per can .35 # Rex Brand Cooked Brains, per can 30 Rex Brand Roast Beef, per can 30 Rex Brand Corned Beef, per can 30 Breakfast Roe, per can .35 Breakfast Cocoa, per can . ... .25 Asparagus .30 Beaf, Pork and Veal Loaf, per can .30 Buckwheat Flour, per package 30 Golden Crisp Potato Chips, per package .15 Our line of Jellies, Preserves, Apple Butter, Honey Olives, Pickles, etc., is complete. Be sure and try our F. & P. special brand Coffee. I FERGUSON & PHILLIPS J Highest Prices Paid for Pork. ^ i/jgrh ri moand hides m+m ib mmi biobest nabxet peicb mte&53ns 111 paid fob bay puis jkbksshf i fl ikj1 and bides. h wool commission. write tefc^syevhvj|, ? w price-list mentioning1 this a4 ^^ishbpjoun white aoom ??mushspwy