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CAStARA^QUININE tw tabht Mfc^ww, BQ opjatM moIm bos with R?d tow tto %Mr. f # ilsi Hj> u* vv.: f?Z- 7 ?? >g* ' T" I I I I *^N |*S V Tfio I Bag Lar$e Bottle Mp For 35c When you buy Yager Lini"~J ment you get splendid value! "The large 35 cent bottle contains more than the usual #0 cent bottle of liniment. Try 11 ( or rheumatism, neuralgia, aciauca. epraina. cuts and bruisea. At all dealers ? oricg IS rent*. GILBERT BBOS.A CO. Balttmora. Md. k3e2nt paukcica HAIR BALSAM A toilet prvpaj-mtlon of merit. Help* to aradleata dandruff. 6rKS6x ffH ForRo?torln? Color a?d KjmMf?Boouty toGraror Fndod Hair. (Cl a KODAKS & SUPPLIES kflfynft We alao do highest claas of finishing. IHikSL Price* and Catalogue upon request. S. Galetki Optical Ca., Richmond, Va. Innocent. Her mime was Slater Billy and she had two hip sisters whose habit xvns , to have beaux on Sunday afternoons. Some of the beaux seemed to seek the ! approval of Sister Billy and would converse with her affably during their visits. No one's feelings were hurt. Billy was only four. One day her sisters watched her strolling in the garden with a young man. They seethed absorbed In each other, hut Billy was doing all the talking. They watched the pnlr for several minutes, and In nil that time the young man did not speak, nor did he for one second change his attitude of eager attention. 1 ( Both sisters were dying with curiosity. They wondered nervously what secret the little lamh could he disclosing. As ; soon as the door hud closed on Mr. I Brown Sister Billy was fixed with four | mem eyes. "What were you saying to Mr. Brown?" they asked. Sister Billy's eyes dropped and she faltered: "I wus saying the Lord's Prayer to him." WOMEN SUFFERERS MAY NEED SWAMP-ROOT / v , Thousand* upon thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be w nothing else but kidnev trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. j Kilmers' Swamp-Root, a physician's pre- I scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. ' Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a miuiiic ooine. v> nen writing M sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Greatest Sugar Exporter. Figures compiled by competent authority a few months ago. showed that since the beginning of the Kurhpean war the United States, already known as the greatest sugar consuming coun- 1 try, had also become the woHd's great- J est exporter of refined sugar. From 100,000,000 pounds In 101S. our sales of sugar to other countries Increased from 600.000,000 pounds during the \ first year of the war to 1 ,."?00.000,000 , during the year 101(1. Formerly flermany, Austria-Hungary, Itussla and France were large exporters of refined sugars. FIERY RED PIMPLES That Itch and Burn Arc Usually Ecsematous?Cutlcura Quickly Heals. It needs but n single hot bath with Cutlcurn Soap followed by a gentle application of Cutlcurn Ointment to the most distressing, disfiguring eczemas, Itchings and burnings to prove their wonderful properties. Tliey are also Ideal for every-day toilet use. j Free sample each by mall with Book, j Address postcard. Cutlcurn, Dept. L. 1 Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Outmatched. "I>o you rblnk the widow Is setting ( her cap for him?" . , "No; sue tells me lh> Is clever but !| "Mercy! If the widow find* lilm Itn- i possible. he must be clever." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what vou are taking, as ,the formula Is ' Minted on every label, showing It is , Quinine and Iron ia a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. . Jw . Some fellows eveh try to train themselves to expect the unexpected. Uftet) Your Eves Need Care H Try Murint Eve Remedy . p#pfpi 'V-' I / ; ' v Two Thanksgiving Proclamations of Revolutionary Day; THE lnstThnnksgtving proclnmn Hon of the revolution was re ported to congress October 18 1783. by Dunne. Samuel Ffunt Ington and Holten. It wan written t>: Mr. Dunne and given to the people 01 the second Thursday In December. I expresses thanks for the discharge o: troops In the following words: "Whereas, It hns pleased the Su preme Ruler of all human events t< dispose the hearts of the late belllg erent powers to put a period to th< effusion of human blood, by proclaim <ng a cessation of all hostilities b] sea and land, and these United Stntei are not only happily rescued from th< dangers and calamities to which the] have been so long exposed, but theii frtindltm ammrol rniv n rwl ln<Tot\nn %.m vvuviii, m/Tnri^lllJ HIIU UIUCJ/* II dence are ultimately acknowledged end, whereas. In the process of u con test on which the most essential rigid! of human nature depended the Inter position of divine providence In ou: favor hath been most abundantly am most graciously manifested, and tlx citizens of these United Stntes huvi every reason for praise and gratltudi to the 6od of their salvutlou; . . . tfx Uulted States In congress nssemblet do recommend It to the several stntei to set apart the second Thursday li December next as a ?hiy of publh thanksgiving." The first national Thanksgiving t< be promulgated after the adoption o: the Constitution of the United Stntei was written by Washington and Issuet on October 3, 1780. This was a gen eral recommendation of thanksglvlni for the establishment of the Constltu tlon. The whereabouts of the origins of this Instrument Is unknown. Tlx earliest Thanksgiving proclamation o Washington us president In the pos session of the department of state li one dated Junuury 1, 1795, and wai Issued In view of the suppression oi the rebellion In western Pennsylvania which for a time threatened the safet] of the union. This document was written by Alex ander Hamilton, secretary of the treas ury, and bears amendments by Ed inund Randolph, secretary of state The original copy Is yellow and tlx ink Is faded, but It Is yet legible. I, Is the engrossed copy which bears lh< great seal of the United States and tlx signatures of Washington und Ran dolph. The proclamation Is as fol lows: "When we review the culamltiei which afntct so many other nations the present condition of the Un!te< States affords much of consolation aiu satisfaction. Our exemption hitherti from foreign war. an InercnslngfciroH pect of the continuance of that exenip tlon, the great degree of Internal trun qulllty we have enjoyed, the recen confirmation of that tranquility by tlx suppression of un Insurrection whirl an wmiiuitiy inreuieneu u, ine liapp: course of our public uffalrs In general the unexampled prosperity of nil class en of our citizens, are clrcumstancei which peculiarly murk our sltuntioi with Indications of the divine bench .cence toward us. In such a state It li an especial manner our duty as a peo pie, with devout reverence and affec tlonate gratitude. to acknowledge oui many and great obligations to utmlghu God. and to implore him to conttnui and confirm the blessings we expe rlence. "Deeply penetrated with this sent! ment, I, George Washington, preslden of the United States, do reeomment to all religious societies and denom JUST THE THING s\ use < i Da.SuninS ANTI -, % FM'. r l*tv?RFM\.s' ahM : ' p- j ifc... kl? "H'na, I guesa I'll jet about u bar re of tb?l stuff." I Heavy Responsibility J ^^-1 ^ ' inutlons. and to all persons whomsoj ever within the United States, to set 9 npart and observe Thtwsday. the lfith f day of February next, as u Awy of public thnnksgiving and prayer. ?.k\J on 9 thut day to meet together nnd render their sincere thanks to the great ruler I of nations for the manifold nnd signal mercies which distinguish our lot as ' a nation, particularly for the possession of constitutions of government which unlfe and by their union establish liberty with order, for the preservation of vour pence, foreign and domestic; for the seasonable control which has been given to the spirit ol * disorder in the suppression of the lut? ? insurrection." # ? Aw BE THANKFUL AT ALL TIMES t Too Few of Us Think of Gratitude In 9 Connection With Our Every, i day Mercies. Genuine thankfulness Is one of the sweetest, richest nnd holiest of the Chrjstlnn graces; ntul yet we fear thnt it Is one of the rniest. We take a large portion of our dally exercises as ! a matter of course, and hardly think of thanking God especially for them. Other things we nttrihute to our own skill, or Industry, or good Judgment; I we take all the credit of them, and J leave God quite out of the calculation. For special deliverances we return thanks to God, and seem to forget utterly that he has been taking care of us at all other times, when our eyes | discovered no danger. How many of ! us awake in the morning after riding all night In a sleeping car. nnd especially render tlir.nks that the trnln ' did not shoot the track during the hours of darkness? Hut If the train had actually been pitched down an embankment, and we had escaped unI hurt, we should throw ourselves down j on our knees and pour out our thanks to God for a wonderful preservation. ! t'oinmon. everyday services thnt pass ; whoilly unnoticed, deserve ns fervent an expreaslon of gratitude as an escape from a burning house or shipwrecked vessel would deserve, I suspect that when Ood Mid "Whoso ofI fereth praise glorlfleth me." he had reference to the hahltunll.v thankful souls who recognize Ids loving k'.ndness every hour, nnd under every kind of providences. A graceless sinner might thank Cod after being dragged up from drowning Into a lifeboat; a devout and thorough Christian only would thank him "In whose hands our i breath Is," for every breath that he ' jlrnws.?Theodore Ojiyler. I I^ove doesn't Interest n woman so | much as the man concerned In It. easv t i Qaoonn Inn A II /* ubaouu iui rvn iu Magnify Blessings and Forget Crosses WE CELEBRATE that great ' holiday, Thahksglvlng, i?i j this season. In the gay round of pleasures the duy always brings, perhaps not one of ns will stop a moment and seriously look back over the past year, now rapidly drawing to a close. Many of us?In fact, all of us?should pause a moment and quietly review the past months. Perhaps these months brought us many trials, but they also brought us many blessings. It Is the blessings we should Itemize and magnify and forget the crosses, Wc* may sigh discontentedly and say, "Well, last year I had many more reasons to be thnnkful than I have this year." but If we are fair nnd honest with ourselves we will have to admit that, even If troubles came our way, the blessings that followed tfien? were far greater n number. Who has not rend the story of that Irst Thanksgiving Day? Fancy a vomnn In these times enduring the . hardships Hiid worries those strong hearted New England pilgrims en!ured; mid what u wonderful lesson , n unseltlshness they have handed own to us! Argue and elaborate as we will on ur burdens, we know fnte has been <>od to us. Life Is not all sunshine, f It were we would very soon grow ired of llf?. Disappointments, setsicks, disillusionment* eoinu to every one. and we" must expect they will come to us. Indeed, we have no voice In the matter. They will come to ua ns surely as day follows night; but do we accept them patiently? That Is another story. Many women look only on the dark side of life. "What's the use?" they svy dejectedly. "Everything I try to I do turns out a fnllure." There Is a tiny breath of selfishness here. "I" Is very prominent In these womeu's i lou^iiin. i-friinpM ii tney did something worth while for someone else their work would l?e crowned with success. Doing something for another has never yet turned out a failure. There Isn't a case on record showing where failure has followed a kind deed done for another. I'drhnps this other did not appreciate the efforts taken In her behalf, yet the fact remains that the woman who put herself out to make another woman happy experienced a wonderful happiness herself. ?New York Evening Telegram. VERY POPULAR I (Gwaw<^ ^ ! The I>uck?My. I'm getting popular. The whole family Juet watch me all ! the time. Be Thankful Every Day. The purely passive contemplation of | all good ought to be granted to com-' nu?n days on which no more has or- : curred than the dully round of little ' pleasures and Ihe absence of more than ordinary annoyance*. With the | evening offering of n silent thanksgiving to God we take conscious possession of simple happiness and enjoy It once again. Instead of slipping off past God's hert gifts hs men so often do. TliU8 thanksgiving Involve* th? recognition: All this good I* from God, and thla recognition reacts on our own mood, creating conscious Joy and humble trust In the God who will continue to bless In things both great nnd small. Good Thought for the Day. There can be no better thought *01 Thanksgiving day than that which expresses honest gratitude for what oat fathers won for us. and determlnatloc to confer Its blessings unlrn aired os <>ur offspring. COULD SCARCELY WALK AT ALL I/.PTnI fir 0m ni fee-Half Tears. Cerfnei to Bed Most #f This Tom. Seffered letense Paa. Sheffield, Ala.?"About four yeats ago," says lira. J. T. Stonecipher, of this town, ' "I got In very bad health . . . became Irregular, and I was pretty bod off for a year and a . half . . . had difficulty and pnln in , walking?could scarcely walk at all. , I got awfully thin and was confined to ] my bed most of the time for 1 Vfc years ? could scarcely ever do nny i T Dnfrn^/I ,1 .1 ^..11.. 1 ? ?uin, a ouiinvu uiruuiuilkv, mill 1 suffered intense pain in the right side. We had in attendance first Dr. v of . who pronounced my trouble . . . , and he wanted me to have an operation performed, but I could not bear the thought of submitting to such a thing. . . He gave uie medicine which did me no good. I then had Dr. , of . who gave me < medicine which gave me no perm a-' hent relief. My neighbors snld how bad off I was and advised me to tnke Cardul. . . My husband was so worried about me that he went and called in Dr. . of w . . On his second call I told hlra ... I had tnken nbout*n bottle of Cardnl. which had been Improving me a great deal . . . He said : 'Well, 1 leave off my medicine and tnke the rnrdlll Ifs n crnnH mnHlnlno* Aftnr the use of the second bottle I was cured and the cure was permanent." Cardui should help you, too. Try It. ?Ad r. Sermons for Sleeplessness. Lord Itosebery once mentioned to Doctor Cheltrhton that there were times when he could not sleep. The bishop remarked: "Well, my | lord. I never sdffer from sleeplessness, for whenever I feel weary. I be- | gin to reud a secmon; and I am off In a very few seconds." "Ah, my lord," replied Lord Itosebery, "of two evils I will choose the i least. Much rather would 1 co without sleep than read a sermon." State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County?ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la sen'or partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney * Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONR HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In mV oresence thli fifh dnv Tk., A* l5. 188ft. (Seal) he. W. Glenaon. Notnrv Public. HALI/S CATARRH MEDICINE la tnk n Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucoua Surfaces of the Syatem. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. To Study Industry. A laboratory to be created at Helstngfors, Finland, for the study of technical Industrial problems, will be supported In part by the governnu^it. but Inrgely by a number of private concerns. MOTHERI : Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY HALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Puoumonla, 'Asthma, and Head Cararrh? If you haven't get It at once. It will cure you.?Adv. m.. * ? ? -- in itMfii 10 people wno t*?lI you things for your own Rood is harmless? and It affords them u lot of pleasure. | Your I Worn Are Told He i Relief fro B Nashua, N.H. ? "I am i H every month for two years B would often faint and have B such pain I did not know v and tried so many remedi B9 I read ftlx>ut Lydia E. F B Compound in the newspapt 13 try it, and that is how I fo pain and feel so much better SB When I hear of any girl suf j? as I did I tell them how Ly ?1 Plnkham's Vegetable Com] || . helped me." ? Delina. Ma h 29 Bo were Street, Nashua, K Lydia E. Pinkham's Vei fi made from native roots and ffl narcotic or harmful drugs, i I THE PERFE I LYDLA | VEGETfl Opportunity for All. The r en son u lot of people don't succeed Is not hKiitlfF they don't ?et ? the chance, but bemuse they never i take h ehunce. 1 c To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Tney rejfulat* liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. I i Tt*? llanx.n ?? I- ' " *? " mull nil in II lllll K ill I.V iry- ( ing ttgure what became of the hole l?y which It entered the trap. 1 I Good health depends upon pood digestion 1 Wright's IndUn Vegetable i'llls s if. guurd 1 your digestion and your health. Tonic as w.ll aa purgative. Adv. The lean a inar carea the more love a i woman waatea vm. him. a The way to get down to l? to be ! ii|. nnd at It a BOSCHEFS GERMAN SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies, 1 when Boschet'8 German Syrup has been used so successfully for tifty-one years In all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles. I* Hl'Ul tlm ASS# n ifOAil I - B.'VW t ?.V I'UUVUl ? feVWll night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflamed ports, throw off the diseuse. In Iping the patient to regain his health. Sold in all civilised countries. IX) and IX) cent bottles.?Adv. Wants Schoolless Days. Hobby had often heard his parent* talking of \v heat less days. Having been to a party with thefn the other night, and having arrived home late, lie was pretty tired. In the morning when ids mother railed to him to get up and get ready for school, he said: "Aw, gee, tmi, when Is schoolless day?" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of vW STOMA, that famous old remedy for infauts and children, and see that It p Use for ' Children Crv for Fletcher's Castoria The Other End. "Tluit fellow Is like u tuck." "Sharp, eh?" "No; not a blunt head."?Answers. Petition, Not Command. "Did you order a ton of ooal?" "I did not. I put my request for one respectfully on tile." Think Twice. Before Hi' hiii-i> over In the a aajLi miii vV ivijfcL. 1 HOD (By L. \V. Bower. M. D.) Backache of any kind Is often caused by kidney disorder, which means that the kidneys are not working properly. Poisonous matter and uric acid accumulate within the body in great abundunco. overworking the sick kidneys: hence the congestion of blood causes backache in the same- manner as a similar congestion in the head causes headache. You become nervous, despondent, sick, feverish. Irritable, have spots appearing before the ryes, hags under the lids, and lack ambition to do things. The latest and most _ effective means; of overcoming this trouble, Is to eat sparingly of meat, drink plenty of water between menls and take a single An-u-rlc | tablet before each meal for a while. Simply ask your favorite druggist for Anurlr, double strength. If you have lumbago, rheumntlsm. gout. dropsy, begin Immediately with this newest discovery of I>r. Pierce, who Is Chief Medical Director of Invalids' Hoti'l and Surglcui Institute tn Buffalo. N. Y. Send 10 cents tor trial pkg. Barge package 60 cents. I aMyUiiB arffiiiVJaAgambfleSMn WhatConsti; It means a miserable condition of ill h ailments such as headach i, backache, d; various kinds, piles and numerous other against nature, and no human being cat constipated. DR. TUTT'S LIVER PII successfully all over this countrv for 12 to have your liver and bowels resum For sale at all druggiats and dealers c\ Dr. Tuft's W'^Bhu.15 en j >w to Find mm m Pain. line teen years old and I had suclv pains that I to leave school. I had /hat to do with myself es that were of no use inkham'8 Vegetable irs and decided to /Fyjgbiff / und relief from f than I used to. ^ .nTiN, potable Compound, , herbs, contains uo ^ ^ md is, therefore, CTLY SAFE REMEDY L E. PINKt lBLE COM] LYDIA E.PINKMAM There'* a Differencr. You may Im> able to convince ii mother that it is her son's duty to ?o to *nr. hut you'll never he nhle to conrlnce her that the Kirl he has picked jut to marry is good enough for him. 1 ?Exchange. tKMARK4BI.R I.KTTRR FROM A WKLL KNOWN WASHINGTON I)Rt GUIST. n reference to Kllxlr Itabek th* grmmt r*m*dy or chM**na<i t*umr and All w; "W.thln the lo?t tit.> month* I hare eold 3,000 mttlesor Fllxlr nabck for Ualarta.Chlllaand perer. Our cnatomrr* speak wry well of It." lenry Ifina. P3> K St., S. W.,WuHhln?ton. D. C. Kllxtr llahrk SO cent*, all drnjurlin, or hjr >ticfl Pont, prepaid, from Klociewwkl A Co., fMhlngtoD, D. C. * Some men's opinion* are as positive i* a stone hitting the side of the bnrn. md about us potential. Wisdom upper1 *,/but brute pasrton itopa It* enr,s wl 'i *loo<L j mm] FOR THE LANDS SAKE B B> yptAiRiTirmTOA??rTYiapB ?? 44slr far and Cot CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT The Original Cough and Cold Remedy CTADC "rue* U/rtDCT i'jiEi-ii- 1(1 ",w* " 4 J . (3 COLD IN 24 HOURS I *-:--r*--^| Brit for Colds, Coufhi, Croups I Soro Throat, Whuo|>ing Cough, 2t>c and 60c at ail Druggists W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 48-1917. VIRGINIA FOLKS Holston, Vh.?"I Imtl been suffering for several years with a dull pain In my left hip. ami ,:tjP ' In the summer of >:j if ^i'i., 1015 I was taken ll'llilf tfjncli'lih with quite a se,j| f fi. W\y\. vere 'Catch' la my ' / JSl ' I kqee; it would ' 1 ' i ',e several days |!;;i '.III t,1'A il that 1 e o u Id W Jit,! jroht^lin s c a r c e 1 y walk ipmE|Jv1and as 1 had used Dr. I'leree's other remedies In my family with splendid results, I decided to try Anurlc, and after using it for a very short time the trouble has about disappeared. My general health has also unproved."?WJl. UAHHI.K. Dr. Pierce's great hook. The Cotninon Sense Medical Adviser, clothhound, sent free to you on receipt of 50 cents or stamps) to pay expense of mailing only. Address l)r. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.?Adv. pation Means I >ealth that leads to all sorts of special yapepsia. dizziness, indigestion, pains of disorders?CONSTIPATION is a crime ri be well for any length of time while L.LS is the remedy and has been used years. Get a box and see how it feels e their health-giving natural functions, rerywhere. Liver Pills Sold for 47 years. For >1 i is ! Malaria, Chilis & Fever. *3^ Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. UP W 00c and $1.00 at all Drug Staraa. 'imv/M im^l 'OUND g MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. 0 At the Dance. She My Kreneh lii'ds hurl me this evening. Hi*?Yes, ihey liurt nu?, ton. You nover can know how superior to other preparations Dr. Perry's "Desil Phot" la until you have tried It once. A single does cleans out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv. It'* ii wnste of Unit' to repeat hairraising stories to ImM-heutletl men. Flirtation I* the privilege <?f youth antl the folly of age. CHILDREN'S COUUHJ rimy b? chocked, and more "er'ooe corn!Itiom fit (h? fhrnn * will ha A^an by promptly (Wing tb? child * dam of PISO'S