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h*rt?c^ nwflw? mUtnr^teom rtMWwTJSm*. each ache. pataaiMnorthM?,|M can obtela Anuria, OmbU strength, at any drug <w> tor II cents. and fat relief trbm the >- WlM MA Ma brought about by uric acid: er MM* Dr. Fierce Me tor trial pkg. Anuris rltldi mi will find many tunea mora putwt than Utbla and eliminate* uric acid ahnoat aa bat water aatalte sugar. a abort trial will cooytnoe you. Send a sample of your water to Dr. Pleroe and It will be Mated Owe of charge. Aaurtc la a regular inauranoo and lifesavsr for .all big meat eaters and those who deposit Ume-salts In their Joints. iftlrSHCTVl gflf' IS HUMANITY'! h M ahnii * terror to old people and kooui betas, young or old. It is th than almost any of NATURE'S DAI allotrod to go unheeded. At the ten TDTPfl uvmrais which for 72 : moat prevalent of all disorders. For aa Dr. Tuffs Pri by sMppan*) to FO \LmteBMrAQxl?X ghi thl Plana Sometimes Fail. She was twenty-six ttmi he was fifty-?w uilinn ftl.At. ?wl tf.. K...I n* mien mcj uri u uiiu a fit* imu been a farmer, but retired and lived la a little village near his big furiu. About fifteen years after they married be bought another farm and moved onto it. This farm Is across the road from his other farm. Twenty years after they were married, they decided to move to a town of about 1,500, In order that their children might have better school udvun-' cages. They looked at many houses; but none suited her, because the buth- j room was on the second fioor. Finally, she found a place with a bedroom and bath on the first floor, so they bought Her friends were curious to know why she had to have the bath on the ground floor. She explained that in a short time her husband would be helplees. on account of his acre. and 8he wanted everything convenient for caring for liltn. And then?Juat aa they were getting ready to move Into town?she died.? Cleveland Plain Dealer. Willing to Help. Being a young man, he was telling a young woman all his troubles. It took htm a long time, and the evening wore away. He explained how he had happened to lose his lost position, and how he couldn't seem to get n foothold In another. She sighed, and he took it for a algh of sympathy?moyho it wua. "T am confident that I could innke a success." he said, "If I could only get a start." She glanced at the clock. "I can ydO,* she declared. His eyes lighted with a new hope. "I can get your hat and coat," she continued. And so he got his start r* t^~u i# at wttuiuu i uc ou uuu it wim bare nothing to any would let It go ut that. ' On* bottle of Dr. Pe*rjr*i "Dead Shot" Will save you money, time, anxiety and health. One doe* audlcient, without Castor , OU In addition, adv. This Is a aour world (or thu man with a aour deposition. Jlgj Horses /ajpSffrl Horsemen agree that Yager's JfY ! Liniment la the II awiavcl brttand moet oco|{ mimical liniment II for seneral atabio ma II Per trained ligaments, spavin, H Itarnaea galls, aweeuy, wocndsorold aorea. oata and any enlargement*. it givee quick reUcf. * I A 3So bottla contain* more than H tha usual SOobottl* of liniment. I SlaPDt BOTTLE AT ALL DCALEKS S YAGER'S LINIMENT HI CULBm BB08.S CO. Ill Baltimore, Md. III A Amir torn mm1 Omi CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT Tht Original Cough .and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST 1^- ji COLD IN *4 HOURS M * ? 15o and 0Oo at all Druggists im^P^ SB Help* t?*r?dtaM*4aK4t?& A J, KrK.milMC?W ,?i ^ g|H/~SR B**u?7t?Gr?TorF?<Ud Hair KODAKS & SUPPLIES SDnttlM dMIfltwt cl*M o( tatehlaf. IHHMom ami O^uJotfue upoa wqiwi ML CaImU Optical Ca., titfcaiaJ. Va. , - .MP ii, wm?? mw cmviitv a ir acvtptlte.' -I ted CnmU troobks w? ^ all ran-dowa aad * Bk had no help from any source. I waa ao low from 1111 ^ troubles item that the cere waa JflHRPj more marked.*. 1 *4iM^pwjHEik ??ty made more /L3^' comfortable, but have been able to ' IT? do all the work " ?a 15, for my family J ^ and take la sewing besides."?MRS. GEO. W. IX)NOWBLL. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce. Buffalo, N. T-. 10 cents for trial package of Favorite | Prescription Tablets.?Adv. ^RE^ES^OE^^^I . menace el some time or another to eveiy 1 d forerunner aI imam *11? ??*J ? .fl?l-. ICIER SIGNALS tnd should never be r first indication of constipation get ML rears has been successfully used for this le by druggists and dealers everywhere. liver Pills Write now for our ice lists and Market Reports on FURS AND HIDES e are the Largest and Leading yers of All Kinds of Hides and rs In these sections. r nearly sixty vears we have en thousands of Fur and Hide ippers entire satisfaction. WE CHARGE NO COMMISSION i EEL TRADE IS DEMORALIZED Catchers of Elongated Slippery Fish in Thames River Among Others Affected by the War. Uood Queen Res*' foiuliiMw for the Dutch eel Is keeping one man in Britain In a state of forced idleness, observes the New York Sun. j In the early part of her reign a boa I laden with eels sail^nl up the Thames und part of the cargo was sent to the virgin queen as a gift. Her majesty i was so delighted with the, at that time, novel dish, that she granted Skipper Vlsjerzonen a charter which made the River Thames free to him and his descendants, absolved him of all river dues and guve his descendants the right to moor at a certain spot in the river forever. But one Condition Of the charter was to the effect that the mooring place always must bo occupied by some of their boats. If at any time the place was unused the privilege would cease. For 800 years the descendants of the fortunate skipper have plied their trade In the Thames, niways retaining their original mooring place. Rut the war broke out, the eel trade fell off considerably and the submarine activity completely killed It off about two years ago. Captain Vlllum, the last arrival In charge of an eel boat, has since thut period been to all Intents and purposes mnrooned. To maintain his rights It has been necessary to stay In tbe river, and until the war ends this condition will be fulfilled. He replies to questions as to the length of his exile that he expects to stay for two or three years yet. SWAMP-ROOTFOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. ' Swamp-Itoot, a physician's prescription for special diseases, makes friends quickly be- I cause its mild and immediate effect is ' soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable oompound. * Start treatment at once. Sold at all i drug stcres in bottles of two sices, medi- ! um and large. However, if you wish first to teat this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. . I Kilmer Sl Co., Bingh&mton, N. Y., for a ' sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Passed Along. nr. j. w. Minltti or tfie Sinilli Kariu , and Stock ranch wns a caller Monday, i He Informed ye pastor that old "Soaks- ; by.'.tifc "stew" character around Hot ; Kprfl^s for many years, was gone. "Yes, he's gone," sa'd the doctor, "but not forgotten. For tnore'n a yeur I've j given him a free drtuk every morning, and lust week he died and left a will, bequeathing his morning drink to his I brother."?Arkansas Thomas Cat. KLIXTR RARKK WORTH ITS W FT Gin IN OOI.D IN TUB FIIII.IPPINKS. "I eoairacud malaria In IM, and after rear's fruitiest treatment bv a prominent WKthinftOD phrslclan, your Kllxtr Babrk entirely cured m? On arriving here I oam< down with tropical malaria?the worwt form ? and sent home (or Bebek. Again ti proved Its ralne?U is worth Its weight la Kid here." Bi-nsle O'Hapan, Troop K, Btl S. Cavalry, Balayan, Philippines. Vtllxlr Habrk< 80 cents, all druggist* or bj Parrel Post, prepaid, from Klocsewskl 6 Co wniPtfWB, u. u A Difference. "They wj money talks." "Not always. I've heurd ma say in holds a dollnr till it liollers." Woman** Way. Hubby?I was in six different sulo*.rooms today looking at tratos. Wlfcy?Did you get samples? Not What Ho Meant. Host?Ilow did you sleep last night 1 Mr. Crnhbe?Lying down, air; lying down. : | When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy to *>mr.,r i ? )"U *T? OmbS M ewtt M finariM i>r a?IL Writ* for My* Book. itlUMa JtYM BIBKOV 0O~ CUICAOO ; *. \ vV' V ^ '.^- ^V "V *?>'/ r JjBBf MttV y^l^V | pwr yy^nBaik J * ? IllUllBH^^Iw^^v^lliHNI BBS ivui^ > y^BSSB I n QjU OH i m CABBAGE PLANTS Earl/ Jersey and Charleston Wakefield 8ucc*e?lun *id Flat Dutch. Satlefactlon Guaranteed. . B/ expreas; 000, 01.00; 1.0OG, 01.50: 5,000, at 11 JUL? 10,000 up at 91.00. r. O. B. HEBE. Delivered Parcel Poet 100, JSSc; 1,000,91.7E | P. F. JAMISQW, SUMMEKVILLE. S. C. ' Electric Device for Blind. I A raris scientist, M. Chan. Lam- , bert, has devised u method of writiug I which will be very useful for blind J persons, especially mutilated persona who have lost their baads or forearms, the r**rt f11 n tr nt t-l.a ot " ? 1 ? ireiiis uuuc by a specially designed electrical de! vice. In the first place the characters composing the text are printed In Morse alphabet on the same method its Is employed for producing letters In relief on letter paper, that Is by printing with a thick paste which then solidifies nnd leaves a raised letter. This method now replaces the old embossing process where cost is an Item, ' for it Is much cheaper. The only difference from the usual Morse alphabet Is to place the dashes vertically Instead of hoficontallly. Reading of these characters can then be done by persons deprived of their hands, by the use of a very simple electric device which la run over the characters in relief which are printed with a special metallic Ink. Accommodating. A real estate man was trying to sell u small farm by mall to a possible purchaser, a very precise and particular person. One day a friend asked him how he was making out on the deal. "Oh, I've quit," he said In n tone of marked displeasure. "You see, he wrote for so many details that I got tired at last and wrote telling him if he would pay the freight both ways I would ship the darn farm down to the city for him to look at, and he never answered my letter."?Fuck. Not Much Relation. Hetty had two brothers, Charles und | T>avld. "You know," she said, "dad and David were horn in England and ; Mother and Charles and I were born in America, so you see (here isn't such a close re'atlonshlp. Police Camouflage. "Whut an idiot Jlrosby is!" "Don't be so brutal. Why not call ! him <4 German diplomat?" Women are fnat replacing men In the D.Mtlah printing trade. The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 cost $1,K?I000,000. IF In most cases! I of Dyspepsia H I Coffee Does | Not Agree"? I says a well known | authority. jl Many who use cof- !i| I fee ? not knowing M that it aggravates H stomach troubles? II could still enjoy a H delicious hot table I beverage and es- H \ cape coffee's effects ji by a change to the 1 wholesome, pure 1 cereal drink? IB POSTUM 'There's a Reason** | <rf F?*. IU?i " .. . \ Tallapoosa, Ou.?Mr*. Baltic Kidson. Jt this place, writes: **I was in very poor health, all ran-down, nervous, had fainting spells, dizziness and heart fluttering. I had these symptoms usually at my . . times. J had a very hard time, working for seven years in a hotel after my father died. 1 had -to support our family of four. I read the Birthday Almanac and thought 1 would begin taking CnrduL 1 received good benefit from It. I am sure it will do all that It claims to dv. I 1 took three or four bottles before it.,, began to dhow effects. After that I improved rapidly and gained in health atiil al??onr?ih T ?-1 ? ~ k?? * jk iwk uiutf oumes id j All. This Is the only tiiue I have ' taken It. I was down to 108 pounds and 1 gulued to 122. 1 felt like a new j woman. I couldn't sleep before and ! had to be rubbed. I would get so nerv- j ous and numb. And all this was stopped by Cardul." The true value of a medicine can be determined -only by the results ob* , talued from Its actual use. The thousands of letters we have received every year for inuny years from grateful users of Cnrdul. are powerful tributes- to Its worth and effectiveness!. ( If you suffer from womanly ailments. try Cardul, the woman's tonic. . ?Adv. Davy's Philosophy. <Jid Thtvy Skinner, u ttsheruum on the Cape Cod coast, was noted for un- i failing self-poise and economy of , words. No one ever knew Old Davy ; to become In the leust excited, nor did he ever waste a word. One summer day he was rowing along In his boat when a dory containing Ave or aix young summer (>eople was crpslsod near hint. Nuturully there were screams and tvild confusion. in the midst of which Davy rowed over to the scene of the dlsas- : tor and said placidly to the young peo- j pie who were clinging to the oat, ; screaming for help: i "Hadn't you better get In?" Had Permission. Little Klnley had been told repeatedly not to take things to eat with-' out permission. His mother found him one day with two pieces of loaf sugar In Ids hands while he was Just swallowing another. "Oh, Klnley," ahe said. "I told you never to take 'kings without asking for them." liaising a happy face to her, he said: "And I didn't, mother; I asked myself and myself said yea." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S , i/\3ic.lco3 com 1UNIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is ; printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron j builds up the system. 60 cents. Recalled a Poem. Billy was sitting with his mother by the fireside one night. Suddenly he announced: "Mother, you remind me of a beautiful poem." "What If It, dear?" she asked, tnucb touched. " 'Shoot, If you want to, my old gray * head,'" said Billy with pride. mother!" Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Cata - tuirur u jruu oaven'c get It at once. > It will cure you.?Adv. He Sticks Around. Visitor?Is Mr. Henpeck home? Mahl?Yea; Mrs. Henpeck hits not gone away yet. Not Wanted. "Say, old boy, can I borrow?" " "Nothing from me, unless It's trouble." ALMOST HELPLESS I Mr. Reuter Went Through a Terrible Siege of Kidney Trouble. Doan's Brought Back His Health. "After an injury I was in terrible I shape from kidney trouble," says D. I Router, North St., West Chicago, 111. I "1 couldn't stoop because of the awful I pains in my back and the steady, dull I misery almost .Aore me - I Iran tic. 1 bad to be helped out of bed mornings, A jl the pains across my kid- ,1 * ?v neya were no bad and no- f' body knows the agony 1 V went through. I couldn't do anything and was almost helpless; it teemed A jfSpL. I would never get well. t|fl jSSr "The urine passed far W^fF''7 too often and burned like ^ ! scalding water. The paa- "" sages were scanty and 1 had no control | over them. At times everything in front of mc grew dark and I Couldn't nee for several minutes. I perspired profusely and I was thirsty all the time, tor two years I suffered, trying medicine after medicine without relief. I was just about discouraged and didn't think 1 would ever be able to work again. "Hearing about Doan's Kidney Pills I used them and four boxes cured me. My kidneys he^me normal, iny back got well and strong and all the other trouble* disappeared." Btrorn to before me, ,TAS. W. CARR, Notary Publft. Cat Doan'a at Amy Stars, SOe a Ba DOAN'S VSBST F09TER-M1LBUKN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS ?tak# t prompt and (fltctht re mad y ? that acts qoV-kly and contain* no opiate*. Too can *et auch a remedy by aikini Oar PISO'S Turned Into New Type of UntMO. ' ImIi Naval a on. . v 1 There lm* just been cant at th? BethK'hein steel works nmonster lugot for the first of the IG-ltich rifles that unto arm the great new battle cruisers of the United States navy, under construction at Camdeo. So far as known, I writes a Bethlehem (Pa.) corespond-l cat off the Philadelphia Record, the , foremost ship of this class now alloot ' la the British cruiser Lion, with engines of 110,000 horse power. Her speed Is a bit beitc* than 40 miles an 1 hoar and she carries 14-inch guns. The AmerictiQ battle cruisers will have en- < glues of 200.000 horse power and each < will he armed with four 10-inch rifles. which will shoot 20 miles. From pres- i ent Indications there will be six of ( them nud Bethlehem has the order for j all the guns, which will he the lurg- ; est on un.v ships of tills kind In nny ] navy. < The ingot required the conteuts of s three open-hearth furnaces, being 15 ] feet 7 inches long, 100 Inches in diameter and weighing 810,000 pounds. It will take severnl weeks to cool such ' nu enormous mass of metal. ufter ' which It will bo cut, bored and hollow 1 forged on the great armor plate press into a tube 80 feet long. It is projmsed to finish these lft-lnch guns In record time In the new gun shop, which Is wide enough to turn the tube uround, with rpotn to spare. Special lathes and other uinchlnetV had to be constructed to handle these guns, whose ports, such as-jackets, rings and yokes, jtre already being forged. HEAL BABY RASHES That Itch, Burn and Torture With CutL cura?Trial Free. i ( A hot Outicura Sonp bath Is soothing , j to Irrltncetl skins when followed by a gentle application of Outicura Olnt- . tnent. Use Outicura for every-day toilet preparations to prevent such troul?l'?s. After this treatment baby sleeps , mother rests and healment follows. Free sample each by mall with Hook. , Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. t t Nothing Left. < , "V^S. we used to sit out in tl?.? old Numa>cr house in the beautiful moon- ( light, Strange to say. Jack never be- j lleved he kissed me as often us I uc- j cu?e<] Iviin of doing." 1 "Alt, and how did you convince t him?" "Why, the nest night 1 told him to cut a notch in the summer house each time he trok n klsq." ? "How did the scheme work?" * "Very well for a while, hut?er? lby the end of the week there was no * summer house left." d c BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP \ ? h will quiet your cough, soothe the InHumiliation of u sore throat and lungs, stop IrrltaLon in the bronchial lubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration v In the morning. Mnde and sold jn c America for fifty-two years. A won- h derful prescription, assisting Nature la (1 building up your general health and " throwing off the disease. Especially 11 useful in lung trouble, usthina, croup, f bronchitis, etc. For sale In all civilI red countries.?Adv. ' A Costly Joke. When Mrs. Ellen Butler of Manchester. being about to embark at Douglas, o Isle of Man. for Liverpool, was asked v what nationality she was, she replied v three times In a loud voice: "German." s She afterwards said she did it for fun, h hut the magistrate fined her a guinea p ($f?) and costs.?London Observer. , Hla Money. "The Ix>rd knows how Hlnks made ~ his money!" 1 "No wonder he always looks worled." 8 I Men who nre bald always sneer ut ? the man who parts his hair In the middle. II Massachusetts unions wilt demand tr a woman's 48-hour week. If your tvti mart or fool acalrind, Ho- )< man Eye Balaam applied uiw.n Kolritf to l>*d la Juat the thine to relieve th?m. Adv. Unreal pleasures of life nre the moat r expensive. y [ Middle J I Womt 1 Are Here Told the I B for Their Trc 2 Freemont, O.?1"I was passing B period of life, being forty-six yea the symptoms incident to that cl nervousness, and was in a genera M so it was hard for me to do my w A ham's Vegetable Compound was r the beat remedy for my troubles,v H to be. I feel better and strong* 9 taking it, and the annoying s\ | geared."?Mrs. M. Godpkm, W4 N: h uua I North naTCBt Conn.?"Lydia 1 ble Compound restored my health had failed when passing through U nothing like it to overcome th ?Mrs. Florxncb 1 ssiJ.a,Box 1V7 I Iff] I TXVU I VEGET/ I lias the ^reatei tonight! Take Dod >*. jte? i^l D?uer i nan i Calomel sickens! If bilio achy read m Listen to me! Take no more sickening. salivating calomel when bllloun or constipated. Don't lose u day's work I Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Oaloiuel, when It comes into contact with sour blie. crashes Into It, break iujt it up. mi* is wncn you feel that nwful nausea and cramping. If you ire sluggish ami "ull knocked out." tf four liver is torpid und bowels const!!>nted or you have headache, dizziuess, coated tongue. If breath Is hud or itomuoh sour. Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's IJver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Oo to any Irug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone fqr a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If It doesn't iflfflH f! @11 Bold for 47 years. For M?Ji a Fine General Strengthenir His Wish Gratified. "Ah!" sighed the convalescent sol- i ller at a base hospital. "whut wouldn't I 1 give for one breath of my native tlr r "Where d* you eoine from?" asked an titihulnnce driver. "Frae Aberdeen." "Aberdeen, eh? I eame down from here before crossing. Walt hulf a HIT. and I'll see whiil I can <lo for ran." A little later there was a noise of hrobhing engines, ni(d a powerful moor car drew up before the veranda vhero the soldiers "were sitting. "Now, then." said the obliging driver. "Bend down to* thin wheel, while ' unscrew the valve of this back tire. ! pumiM'd It up In Aberdeen before I eft. I'ut your mouth right over It and ake a good sup when 1 let her go." $100 Reward. $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influinced by constitutional condition* It herefore requires constitutional treat- i lent. HAUL'S CATARRH MKD1C1NK ; taken Internally and ac-'a through the Hood on the Mucous Surfaces of the 8ysern. HAUL'S CATARRH MKDICINK estroyri the foundation of .he disease, Ives the patient strength by Improving he general health and aeolsta nature In olng Its work. flOO.OO for an/ case of ataerh that HALL'S CATARRH IGDlCINn falls to cure. Drupglsts ?&c. Testimonials fVeot. r. j. v^nen?jr ? Co.. roieao, UIU4 New Cause for Worry. "With beef so high," says the BIllllle ricucon, "we could compromise on hlcken meat, but chl?*kens ulr too detructlve to raise where farm garlenln' is goln' on. Now, turkeys ulr jore reusonuhle, an* we've had good nek with 'em, but who wants tf> live on urkey? Bf we tackle turkey week 11 an' week out, how kin wo enjoy Ihrlstmus?"?Atlanta Constitution. Wished Nearer Relation. Italph lives In the city, but Is fond f his grandfather, a farmer, and often Islts him. One day after one of his islts he sat for a long time in a deep tudy, and with a homesick look on ils face he finally said: "I wish grandn was nearer related to inc." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of 'ASTOltlA, that famous old remedy or infants und children, and see that It tgnature of a iise ror over 30 Years. Jhildren Cry for Fleteher'B Castoria Money doesn't make the man, but a ttle thing like that doesn't worry the tan who makes the money. Occasionally a man Is clever enough j know how Important he Isn't. R. C. Morton of Columbus, O., has etlred after serving one railroad -r>0 ears. \ Vged jm *IV ' Jest Remedy tubles. ' through the critical \ .rs of age and had all >y mnge? heat flashes, 1 run down condition. ?? orlc. Lydia E. eeommended to me aa \ rhich it surely proved ^ ^ i/ffiXk sr iu c ci f w oy BiUCfJ rmptoms have dlaap- vj far 4BSM tpoleon St., Fremont, BKjB B. PI ok ham's Vegeta* after everything el*e change of life. There e trying symptoms." W , North Haven, Conn. i Such. ?ns?$ L E. PINK! IBLE C0M1 at record for tke JYDIA C.PINKH/ mmmmmmmmmmammm son's Liver Tone! ] 1 Calomel For Liver us, constipated and heady guarantee. - . straighten yon right up and make yw feel fine and vigorous by mornl ng^Ji wane you to go geek to the storo mad get yohr money. Dodsoa's Liver Tom Is destroying the sale of calomel bocause it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It can not salivate or make yon sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of ^ Dmlson's Liver Tone will put yoar sluggish liver to work and clean yoar bowels of that sour bile and cousttputed waste which is clogging yoar system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that n bottle of Ikxlson'e Liver Tone will keep your entlro family feeling fine for months. Give It tn your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they UJw Its plcasaut tastn. I ?Adr. (smith's .l Tonic irl?, OH ilia and Fever. Al? kg Tonic. BOcul|LOOitinl.j%iu.? Ecclesiastical Confectionery. One Sunday a young man from the north of Scotland, while walking out with his sweetheart, noticed over k doorway the sign, "I>nlry and Clonfectloner." Wishing to give the young lady a treat, the youth entered the shop iiml asked for chocolate creams. "I diuiia sell chocolate creams on the Sabbath." said the old hidy behind the counter severely. "Hill VI! sell SWOetlos III llin iKmwn that has Just pint* out." snlil the young fellow, who Indeed hnd sism the transuction through the window. "Ay. some ecclesiastical confectionery. but tme chocolate creams," said the lady, and went on to explain: "KSccleslnstlcal confeceotlonery is peppermint drups, pan drnps and ginger loxengers, but nae chocolate cream*." " I Speaking of Etftta. ~"*r * - ? Little Genevieve lived with her ? grundmother out on the desert on a homestead where company was u rare thing. When some one did come sho was almost overcome with Joy. Sometimes an uutomohilc load would stop to rest 011 their way through the country. One ?lay n beautlful brown-eyed lady stopped for a while. Oenevievu and she were having an Interesting time together. Finally Genevieve suid "you havo v pretty eyes." y 1 "Have 1," said the lady 'Thank \ I yen." V | "Yes," suid Genevieve, "the yolks of 1 them are brown, just like mine." a' Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, 1 bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartlo. Ad. S. B. Hanks, dead In Winona, Minn., was a cousin of Abraham Lincoln. Atlanta, On., Is to have a rubber . fuctory. The Civil war cost the United States $n, - - - . . ? Get the Genuine ; CASCARAg QUININE No advance in price for thia 2(Vyearold remedy? 25c for 24 tableta Soma Figured on proportionate coat per I tablet, you iirt 9%c when you buy I Hill's?Cures Cold J ? ynf ? ^ -I At any Drug Store W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 46--1M7. lAM^l I POUND I gnotost good! <H MtDIClNC CO. LYNH-HAS*. J ^