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4 '* >1 - * I mm OF LACAI. IMTEIKr I I t E: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williamson spent the past week-end visiting relatives in Favetteville, N. C. Mrs. W. H. Jones, of the township, will leave during the week for a visit to relatives in Arkansas. Guy C. Bradford, of Bladen-1 boro, N. C., was a visitor here during the last week. * Lieut. L. M. Massey arrived Tuesday evening from Camp Sevier | Greenville, for a short visit to his family in the town- i ship. * ? I Mrs. N. L. Carothers and little ' daughter Harriet, are visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Means, of Rock Hill. Miss Florence Lawrence, came over from Winthrop Friday evening to spend the week-end with her sister, Mrs. F. E. Ardrey, Thos. F. Lytle, for a number of years with L. A. Harris & Co., has accepted a clerkship with the J. B. Mills company. ' D. O. Potts left on Thursday of last week for Memphis, Tenn., and will visit relatives in the southwest for some time before ! returning to Fort Mill. The Rev. R. K. Timmons left Tuesday morning for Seneca, where he will attend the sessions of the Presbyterian synod of South Carolina. Mrs. F. Murray Mack spent several days of the past week at Camp Sevier, where her husband, Lieut. F. M. Mack, is1 stationed. Austin E. Kimbrell, of this, city, and Miss Vivian Hamilton, of Rock Hill, were married; Friday evening at the home of a relative of the bride in Ebenezer. The couple are residing in Rock Hill. Fate James, colored, was ar-, rested here Saturday as a blind tiger suspect and was required to put up a $25 cash bond. James fflilpH tn nnnpar MnnHnv mnrnina and the bond was declared for- j feited. Mr. Myron H. Sandifer, of Rock Hill, came over Monday night to preside at a special meeting of J. B. Mack chapter of Royal Arch Masons when three candidates were given the degree. The Rev. Baxter F. Mcl .endon, well known evangelist, Sunday night began a revival meeting at Oliver Gospel Tabernacle, Columbia. Mr. McLendon stated in his opening sermon that there were several hundred men now at Camp Jackson who had been converted under his preaching in different parts of the State. The attraction at the Majestic ! Theatre to-day is a five-reel play, pntitlpd " Shops'" ThisI picture should be seen by all the little folks as it will highly please the children, as well as the grown-ups. Henry B. Walthall and Mary Charleson, two of America's foremost screen artists, play the leading roles and the story is different to any in which Mr. Walthall has appeared at The Majestic. The past week-end witnessed a shortage of sugar among the merchants which was almost a famine. The stocks of practically all the merchants was entirely sold out and those who had small stocks limited each customer to a few pounds. The situation has been somewhat relieved though the stocks are still very small. The Patriotic society of Fort Mill has been pushing the canvass for signatures to the home food administration cards during the past week. Committees were stationed in the several stores on Saturday afternoon to solicit members and were fairly successful. Combined with the work previously done and the final drive which will be completed this week, it is believed that between 80 and 90 per cent, of the families of the township l will have signed the cards. Those travelers passing through Water Oak farm, the ronntrv home of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond i Barber, during the last week were attracted by a huge pile of corn, a part of this year's crop from this farm. The pile was 66 feet long, 22 feet wide, and about 5 feet high. Some of the travelers estimated the pile as containing as much as 5000 bushels but Mr. Ben F. Patter) son says there will be about 1800 bushels from this particular lot jj|?? . ?*?????mmmmm????? Mies Mftttie Belle Mendenhall of Winthrop college, spent the pest week-end with relatives in this city. (Leapt. S.-W. Parks, of Camp Sevier, and Lieut. R. H. Ardrey, of Camp Jackson, spent Sunday ] at their homes in this city. Mrs. J. C. Hunter and children, of Liberty, are guests in 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Masses, in tms city. i Southern passenger train No. 32, northbound, was delayed about three hours Friday night on account of an accident at Chester. Samuel Johnson, of Rock Hill, spent Monday and Tuesday in Fort Mill, looking after the new war tax on tobacco, etc. The many friends in this section of Mr. Frank Lee, will regret to know that he is seriously ill of pneumonia dt his home in Chester.' A message yesterday from Mrs. Lee stated that his condition had not improved. Jno. S. Potts, C. P. Blankenship, J. B. Mills and D. A. Lee are the Fort Mill men drawn to serve as jurors during the first week of the November term of York court, which convenes on Monday, the 19th. Judge DeVore will preside. The postage rate is now three cents for first class letters and two cents for post cards, excepting drop letters, that is letters for delivery from the office at which mailed, go for two cents and post cards for one cent. A drop letter mailed in Fort Mill includes delivery from the office and on the routes leading out from the city. The case of The State vs. W. S. Wilkinson charged with running a bawdy house near the ' city pumping station, mention ( of which was recently made in these columns, resulted in a mistrial, the jury standing seven for conviction and five for r i-i-_ 1 J A 1 acquittal, so we understand. The bopd was fixed at $250.? Chester News. William Giles, a well known farmer of the Gold Hill section of this township, died Monday morning, after an illness extending over several months. He is survived by his wife, and daughter, Mrs. Rhodes of Rock Hill, two sons; also his mother, Mrs. Lucretia Giles, and three brothers, Joe, Frank and James Giles, all of Rock Hill. Beginning December 1 all parcel post packages requiring postage of twenty-five cents or more must bear internal stamps, as provided in the war tax bill. | The postoffice department announces that special interest revenue stamps will be required. The rate will be one cent for each twenty-five cents postage or part thereof above twentyfive cents. R. L. Harris, of the United States Navy was in Fort Mill Friday for the purpose of securing recruits for the navy. Mr. Harris states that many people are under the impression that the navy is not in need of any additional men, but this is a mistake. The navy is still in need of recruits and will doubtless continue in need until the termination of the war. Mr. Harris has been in the navy for the past four years and is from Union. A series of articles on the care and training of small boys and girls at home is being issued weekly by the United States Bureau of Education. They deal with such topics as understanding children, outdoor and inrlonr era mpa nrir) rw>/>imaHnno playmates, plays and toys, books, stories, pictures, music and pets. To receive the articles as issued, send name and address with request to be put on the mailing list for Mothers' Articles, to the Kindergarten Division of the United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Tax Hits "Movies" Hard. Mr. J. Q. Wray, manager of the Star Theatre, at Yorkville, had this to say to The Enquirer about the war tax on his thektre; "The war tax puts us to where we have had to raise the price of ordinary admission to 10 and 15 cents. It is either that or quit and there is no other way for it. The tax hits us first on. the chairs. That has been from the beginning. In our nlace it amounts to $12.50 a year. Next we have to pay 4 cents each way or 8 cents on each 75 cents the express company charges us for I transportation. Then, there is / , ?; a film tasc of 15 cents ft reel* or 75 cents for each fire reels. Then, there Is a tax of 1 cent on each admlFS on of 10 cents or under, a tax ot 2 cmts on from 15 tn 90 p<?nto nnH a tor nf 9 nanfo on each admission of from 25 to 90 cents. There is no other way to get at it except by charging an admission of 10 and 15 cents for ordinary occasions?the increase to take care of other taxes along with the admission taxes." The Majestic Theatre in this city is. of course, called upon to pay the same tax that the Yorkville theatre and theatres in all What Food Sa Sign the pledge and enroll States Food Administration. i h i n ??s Eat plenty, but v-'s?ly, and without ' f'V A i-fs-m L>uy less; cook no V I \ 1 4 " or; than necessary; v? snaf ?r porV. henever p ^ssibU its2 p * ~A of beef. mutton a"d Use potatoes and o'her v Save wheal by substitu'ir o'V -r creal Hours for wh**' Save butter and 'ard. Use t i'ute vegetable o?ls for coo Save sugar. Use less candy 8ar in tea and coffee. "This is a ilaty ot nece: As a tree people we have e'c t ?! under autocratic decree. n n 1 guidance ol iridivid rz r~ I our rrej It makes no cliff doctor may be, bi scriptions. We guarantee filled with pure, fi licensed pharmaci: care as if they we of our own family. HUTCHINSON' I "Just What Your Ladies' Just received, a waists for all occai Voile and Lawi Voile, High or lc Crepe de Chen< Gee rgette Crep blue, $5 and $6. MILLU We have redua hats in our shop, we want you to s we have. Choice The Re< Don't forget we for Red Cross Pat knitting needles. E. W. Kimbi ii .II.I the small towns, and also finds it ^necessary to advance admission prices to the theatre from 5 and 10 cents to 10 and 15 cents. The new rate is effecti\ e next Saturday. It is going to be a hard matter for any so-called carnival to get by thb city council of Rock Hill. That body, at its meeting Monday night, very promptly refused, to license one that wanted to j siow in Rock Hill. We hope cou* c 1 will continue this course. There are ho good carnivals.? The Record. iving involves) | as a member of the United and you will be asked to do Preach and prac- i :ce' the "gospel of! ^ \ f*e clean % *\ 1 i Use 1' " ' s^n-, sonab:.- s*? .. v ! ' ? t* t . :nc r.".u ... 9 a ? r? - > v * * ^ \' 5 ff V . i j' u* 1,1 i V*. /. I * V.^1 *(liiu ' "ov?. butler cn the table, tut suband sweet drinks and less sussily, liumunity and honor. 'ct?id to discharge ?his duty, 1ml without other restraint irl conscience " ?Herbert Hoover.* )VII|iUUI15 erence who your ring us your prethat they will be esh drugs, by a st, with the same re for a member j S PHARMACY Doctor Orders." Waists nice assortment of sions: i Waists, $1. )w neck, $2. flesh or white $4 a L jc, ucrsii ui navy NERY. ed prices on all the and especially do ;ee the assortment , $1.00. d Cross. : are headquarters terns and have the rell Company | f iWWSKA-i . . 1 ; : . \ Smasl ===== Wc have br< sales have doi people are lei to find them, and behind th manufacturer tion of this st< The Clothes for men and 3 "Progress" and little gen Dannenberi misses. "Bell" bran reasonable pi Bates Shoes Stetson Hat "Our Speck Werner Caj "Wright's"; Ladies and sops. Warm Woo children. Pattersoi "Fort M ~ W^SeU the Best of Everything in the Grocery Line at the Lowest Prices Possible! Hnnpst Wpiohfc >WUW? II VIJJIIIV, Prompt Service. 'Phone No. 15. Culp's Grocery. J. Harry Foster, Attorney at Law. Rock Hill. S. C. Foil Mill. S. C. At Fort Mill Wednesdays. ? and Saturdays. Office rear 'Phone Exchange. TAX NOTICE-191 7. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C.. Sept. 17, 1917. [ Notice is hereby given that the Tax E Books for York County will be opened on Monday, the 15th day of October, H 1917, and remain open until the 31st IB day of December, 1917, for the collec- H tion of State, County, School and Local H Thyps for the fiscal vear 1917. without IB penalty; after which day One Per Cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1918, and Two Per Cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1918, and Seven Per Cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1918, to the 15th day of March, 1918, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For th?. convenience of taxpayers 1 will attend the following places on the days namedAt Clover, Thursday and Friday. November 1 and 2. At York from Saturday. November 3, to Tuesday, November G. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m. YVednesdav. November 7. to 5 o'clock p. m. At York, Thursday, November 8. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 9 and 10. At Rock Hill from Monday. November 12th, to Saturday, November 17th. And at York from Monday, November 12th, until Monday, the Glstjday i of December 1917, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note The Tax Rooks are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Town- ? ship or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. KINC*8 NEW LIFE PILLS L The Pills That Do Cure. ^ / * " 2* ~ .vf^B * m' . - * T* hing Records. I oken all records this season. Our I ubled any previous season. The 1 irning VALUES and know where 1 We sell goods that bears a name I is name is the reputation of the I ns well as the nriHo nnH rpnuto ore. I i Beautiful by Scliloss Bros & Co., oung men. I and "Success" Clothes, for boys ' ts. I Suits and Coats for ladies and d Shoes for the whole family at 'ices. ? for men, $6 to $8. s for men, $4 and $5. il" Hat for men, $1.50 to $3. >s for men and boys, 50c to SI.00. and Hane's Underwear. Misses Hats, made in our own I Sweaters for ladies, misses and i's Dry Goods Store. ill's Fastest Growing Store." 11 Ynnnd 0. W?lf? I M. VUllg W TV VliC) Dealers In Medium and High Grade Furniture and House Furnishings. Ten Us Your Wants. Young & Wolfe. ANNUUNUbMbNI! Having moved into our new building, we are now better prepared than ever to serve our pa* trons. With a clean, fresh line of Fancy as well as Staple Groceries, we solicit your orders. A complete line of? Jellies, Preserves, Cereals, Coffees, Pickles and Canned Goods. / Also, we have one of the ipost modern and best equipped MEAT MABKETS in the town. Fresh Fish and Oysters every week-end. Just installed a modern Gasoline filtering station. Phone or call and give us your orders. FERGUSON & PHILLIPS Highest Prices Paid for Pork. 0 W1W ANP hides 4HB3H0 M*m I maidt rtici BXs&f I I lly^ "BSE? ^S&SHHPdOUNWIilTeAOOw "*Lo?2!2Zfl!L V 0 ?