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3Kv S *'r fVmS v ' '>- ?, /' .?> Suffered For Years '8Mk and Kidneys Were in Bad Shape, But Dotn's lemorrd aINhe Trouble. Hy Udaqri war* ao weak that the hot aald I caught would affect them and atari my back aching until I aadi tanflr endure the misery," uya Man. Dl CTKoss, 973 Fulton St., Brook bn H. Y. "In the morning when I mr bade waa a* lame, I could hardly bend over and amove aent dart* of w^^? through my kid- 11 ta V nagBL It was hard for I 5n? JT ma to walk up ataira or IT* jm dan and to move wine lying down aent IMS darto of pain througb "Ik* kidnrv aecre- MRS. ROSS tieaa vers scanty and distressing and tbe water remained in ray system, making my feet and hands swell. Therewww dark circles under my eyes and I became ao dizzy I could hardly see. I had rheumatic pains in my knees and 1 was all I could do to set around. Ihr years I was in that shape and I wwew plasters and used all kinds of sdii iar to no avail until I tried D>is'? Kidney Pills. Ther rid me af the trouble and strengthened ray back and kidneys. When 1 have taken Daca'l since, they have always benefited w?e." Mworn to before me. It. N. VAUGHAN, Notary Public. Gal Dean's at Any Stare, 60e a Baas DOAN'S VOm?MlLBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. ft (muillTonk Jaii iar 47 years. For Malaria.Chill sad Fever. Also a Fine Generi Hreajlhealnj Tonic. *?*i5?.???S? CABBAGE PLANT! Ws(f Jernrjr and Charleston Wakrtleld Bucce MmmhI Flat Dutch. Satisfaction ()uiruul?r Mipraw; 600, Al.uO; l.uuti, li.iu; ft.Ouu, at 11.2 p at 91 .DO. F. O. 11. 11KUE. Deliver, rami Poet ino, ISSc; l.iaiu. ?1.7i a F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. < W A > T101> EXPEKIENC1EI KODAK FILM FINISH El Waktdvlni axe, experience and salary wanli V. - AMMAN. Box ?29. Charlotte. N. t ^ KODAKS & SUPPL1E We alio do highest class of flutablu Prices ami Catalogue upon re.juri S. Caletki Optical Co.. Kickwoad, V ? ani uurdranl ( sliiin|r?Oruweri lln.l o ?Uau very satisfactory. VV< ulao make ay *> Merchant *a Package. Write tor clrculu prices Murray Ifaat Farm. Srltlia. Al H-GRADE TESTED WATCH ONLY $1C apw' at TU; with art at strap. M 00 llllAYTi BBUAABAUtTm Frank 11 a St.. PHUVIDHNCM. k BT. *. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 44 -191 Contents 15 Fluid Draohn BP ffliBl - a rtUM;i:s r" MBbSBI AVo^clAbJcRrcporationfiwAs j^gCTCRi1 si milntingttieFood by Regula BBBKfa ting the Stomachs and Bowels cf IF Thereby Promoting Digestion J Cheerfulness and Rest Contains B neither Opium, Morphine nor, I Mineral. Not Narcotic Jh^tfoi^sAMiafrTaKk I f HSnfrrymt/iiivr J | A helpful Remedy for j Constipation and Diarrhoea, and Feverishness and j Loss of Sleep ; resultin^Chercfrora-inlnfancy ^ Copy of Wrapper. Misplaced. When 11 young brother of Junior Deery, Judge of the city court, wrc tack homo from un army trulnl camp that ho hud u "tplspluced oj hrow," the Judge's father became i worked up, says the Indianapolls Nov He figured his son must have met \vl aw accident und the father conferr wtth the young man's mother ubout They together could only Hurmlse tli we of his eyebrows had probably be atat awiiy. Judge Deery was more familiar wl the alang of today and lie eased I tether's mind by telling lilm that MHStache In Hlnng Is npokcn of us " (split ml eywbpow." The Householder. "Ktrer have plp?? dreams?" "Yea, and they are generally sto' pipe nightmares." wm Ank for mod Goi || CHENEY'S ml FYPFP.TnRtW EnUffl The Original Coug ftgggg and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WO RSI COLD IN 24 HOURi Baa* for C*I4, Couitu, Cn Sara Tkaat, Wkoapiai Co* 26? and BOc at all Druggla I AFTER 14 YEARS OF SUFFERING lib Lair Tried CrrM. Ut H? Tad Taib Fallow** StatoMil tki Retaks I % At At - . Me Ubtaiae*. Wl?e, V?.?Mrs. J. M. Elam. of thh place, in writing of her female j troubles, says: "This trouble went on for 14 years, often I was unable to work and suffered badly at . . . times, when I could not be on my feet at all. Really in bad health all the time during those 14 years, uud was never without pniu, with awful backaehlntf. hud no appetite, wus nervous, but at that time my husband's sister . . . recommended that I try Cardui, which I begun to take . . . and which has caused me to he in better hculth ever since. In a few duys I felt that Improvement had begun. My buck got strongei mid less f uinful. I got loss nervous uud luy appetite began to improve. In 11 few weeks my improvement was noticeable, and I got into better hculth than I had had for 14 j years. . . . My walking before had been very painful, and could not stund on J my feet to do any good. After using w these medicines, however, I could wulk ^ , without pain and was able to do the work and housekeeping for an ordlnary family. My back and appetite " were better and also my nerve.V If you suffer us Mrs. Klam did, take J I'ardul. It may be Just what you need. ?Adv. ?1. ed In Little Matters. ^ The great example of unselfishness which the war has provided Is one I) that we may well follow. In little things we call show ourselves to bo >d great.?Exchange. Indication product dlanc'-nto.- and Srontvtlnira alnrmlnic eymptoma Wrltchl'a Indian Vryrtablr Pllla stimulate tho dlca live proci'ini to function naturally Adv it. a. It takes a pretty active man to . ,tnake good his matrimonial eumpalgn promises. ra ?????? IMiiludclpliln's m?w Carson fN?llw )0. fi>r (Sirls Ik now upon. )M Now York's new Lincoln school harx 7. study In classics. ISTM For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always J _.? Bears the /J|| jW" A iv* ,n n?r "s0 VJr For Over Tl ? . If miriy rears CUSTOM* TMl ?IKT*WR MMMNf, NKW TO** ITT. Caloric Luncheon. E. I The Huston Transcript tells of a "carte lorlc luncheon" served at the Women's nt? <Tity club of Boston recently, the wellre balanced meal providing 7.r>() calories, nil The mhnu was worked out by a food vs. expert. Mrs. Harriet I>. It. Hurling. On th the place cards the caloric value of ed each Item of the menu was given, even It. to a lump of sugar. The luncheon ait served consisted of cream of celery l'n siSup. chicken en casserole, tomato salad, graham niutllns. Ice cream, cuke Nil ahd coffee. lis ? Knows Tetterine Cures Eczema. n Mocksvllle, N. C. J I have a friend In the country here who has Buffered for years with Eczema, and 1 I told him If he used Tetterine he would I soon be relieved, for It Is the only thins that I ever used that would kill It. P. S. Early. vt.. Tetterine cures Eczema. Tetter. Hlnv Worm, Itchlna Piles nnd every form of Renlp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c ? Tetterine Soap Sic. At drugrtclats. or by mall from the manufacturer. The Shtip1 trine Co.. Savannah. Oa. . With every mall order for Tetterine we k elve a box of 8huptrlno's 10c l.lver Plll.s free. Adv. I It's heller to he horn beautiful thai [.J brainy, unless you've bruins enough t< contrive tlu? henuty too. ' - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years [ ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. } Philadelphia is to ha ve u new libntr.t building to cost $.'1.0f>0,000. ah. : its Cleveland night schools charge a tuition' fee of $.* a pupil. , IWfien Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting ? J act By* Comfort. 10 omk at Dnurilua or mall. Wiito for Brao Bra Rook MCBIMC EYK BKHCUY CO..CU1CAUO 'I i, 111 j| l|j|LWi as thethi okitchenjh hcabinetb Ltt us ks?p the mind clasr and bright, fill It with wholesome thoughts of life, and be kindly In our feelings towards others.?C. B. Patterson. *SEASONABLE 0I8HE3. For a nice occasion when dainty sulad Ik desired make a cherry salad us follows: Cherry Salad.? are preferable. fill ''"t"'1 with a filbert W and urrtiuge elfclit fs ^ or leu ou u neau lettuce lenf for each person. Four over u little dressing mode from the cherry Juice, olive oil and seasoning. Maple Parfalt.?Iteut three eggs, yolks and whites separately, until light. Sculd a cupful of inuple sirup and pour It boiling liot over the yolks of the eggs, fold iu the whites and set uslde to cool. Add a pinch of salt, two cupfuls of whipped creuin. a teaspoonfu) of lemon Juice and freeze. Serve after ripening for several hours. Sprinkle each, serving with chopped walnuts or pceahs. Potato Croquettes.?I'ut two cupfuls of mashed potato through a rleer, add a tahlespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, a tenspoonful of onion juice, and a well-beaten egg. salt, pepper and celery salt to season. Form into ero '|uum-.- ill ill ir.v 111 llll, III HT 1111 " ( inc them in eg*: and crumbs. Royal Sandwiches.?Cut frcsli brown bread a quarter of an Inch thick and cover it with the following mixture: Put three hard-cooked eggs Into n i dish, add four tahlespoonfuls of butter. a dash of red pepper, two tablespoonfuls of cooked bum. chopped, tnlx and rub through a sieve, then add two tahlespoonfuls of whipped cream, spread this on the bread and sprinkle over it finely chopped celery, that has been chilled In Ice water, add a ten: spoonful of olive oil. a little vlnegnr and salt, place another slice of bread on top of this and butter the top, sprinkled with hard-cooked yolk of egg put through a sieve, and lightly with chopped parsley. Cut the bread In strips and serve, i Pl.\cc^ple Salad with Honey Dressing.?Arrange slices of fresh pineapple on lettuce and jsmr over the following. Heat together three tahlespoonfuls of olive oil, two tahlespoonfuls of honey, a tahlespoonful of lemon Juice anil a dash of suit. Use at once. When whipping cream, add u tablespoonful of condensed milk to a howl 1 of whipped cream, and heat It well | just before serving. It will add much to Its dellclousness and increase the <iuantlty of the cream. A half-cupful of good-flavored cheese grated, then added to a dish of creamed toast, makes u highly nutritious dish. It Is u line thing to have a great thought, hut It Is u much liner thing to pass a grout thought on to others. Go<l has given us tongues that we may say something pleasant to our fellow-man. HONEY DISHES. A most delicious plum butter was that made by our grandmothers using honey instead of sugar; just try It with your plums and see If it isn't Ml Rice Pudding.?Take a CIW11' ?' "l04*' ,wo bUflHRtfjJ pinch of salt ami honey to sweeten, hake for three hours, stirring often the tlrst half ??f the cooking. Italslns may he added and a little butter If the milk 1 is not rich. Honey Spice Cake.?Stir together until creamy one and a half eupfuls of honey, one scant cupful of short en, ing. add gradually two well-heaten ; eggs, one-half cupful of milk and three eupfuls of flour in which two tahlespoonftils of baking powder have j been sifted, a tablespoonful of allspice and a cupful of each of raisins and | currants. When well-mixed turn Into a deep greused pan and buke In a modcrtite oven until brown. Baked Applet.?Core and peel Ave ! even-sized apples. Mix one cupful ot fine bread crumbs, three tablespooni fuls of honey, one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon and lemon extract. Fill the centers of the apples with the mixture and hake In a buttered dish. Cast Indian Pudding.?Soak three eupfuls of bread crumbs in two eupfuls of cold water for five minutes, then press out the water, mix well with a tablespoonful of melted butter, add a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon, oneluilf cupful of raisins, five yolks of eggs, flavored with one-half a teaspoon Tul or grnteo icinon peei. Make in an earthen dish twenty-five minutes. Honey Ginger Snap*.?Into a double holler put three-quarters of a cupful of shortening, one cupful of honey and two tenspoonfuls of ginger, cook three ; minutes after reaching the boiling point, then set aside to Cool. When cold stir In enough flour to make a stiff mixture, mil out thin ami cut. latke In a quick oven. Iloney added to lemon Juice makes a most delicious fru!l sirup to serve on a fruit cocktail. "HtjLoit Desperate Resolution. The diner thrust the tip of his knife Into the yellow disk which the waiter had brought him. lie held It up to the light and examined It, while the waller stood by anxiously. Then the diner resolutely returned it to his plate and scraped some .of it upon his hrcnd. "I take thee." he .?id. "for butter or worse." Make Good Jelly. Many of the wild fruits, such as the hlRhhush cranberry, plncherry, and choke cherry, make Rood Jelly. ^JN|R| We will semi mi request. 1?School Officer's Special November l'rlce List. 2?Teacher's Supply & Premium List. Murray Sell. Sup. Co..Birmingham.Ala. A Confused Impression. "How do the Herman soldiers get Iron crosses?" asked Broncho Bolt. "They have to win 'em." "Win 'em! I knew they were rigid plentiful. But I laid no idea the hoys were nsin' 'em for poker ehlps." NF.VF.R HAD A CHILI. After Taking KI.IX.IR BABF.K "My tittle daughter, 10 yearn old, nuffered nearly a year with chills and ferer, moat of the lime under the doctor's rare. I waa dlaoouraged and it friend advlaed me to try Kllxlr Hab'k. Ik are It to her ami *he baa never had a ohlll nlnoe. It completely cured her." Mm. Cyrun Helm*. SOJ E St.. N. K.t Washington, D. C. I Kllxlr Habek SO centn, all drugglatn or by Parrel Poat prepaid from Kloczewalcl A Co., Washington, D. C. All O. K. Mistress (engaging new tiiaiti) ? Yon say the last faintly yon worked .'or were Hermans? Maid (apologetically)?Yes'tn ; but they was sterilized when war broke oul. Snap Shuts. OLD PRESCRIPTION rnn u/ni/ i/inupuo run yycak Muncio A preparation like Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, that ha* real curative value almost sella itself. Like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended hv those who have l?een benefited to those who are in need of it. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a physician's prescription. It has l>een tested for years and has brought results to countless numl>ers who have suffered. The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ! is due to the fact that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases, cornets urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. Do not suffer. Get a bottle of SwampRoot from any druggist now. Start treatment today. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Ringhnmton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Exempted. A milti with .. . .-epiihle burden of ! cure run afoul of u Full ltiver policeI num. "Here you," said the officer, "Let I tne look you over." "It's all right, officer," replied the iiiau with the Jug, "I just been druft; ed." "You've what?" j "I>rafted. You know, .lust been examined. I'm going Into the army." j "You had belter come to the police station first," said the patrolman, and he started to lock the man up. "Just then a doctor runic along, a | member of one of the Full ltiver exemption boards. "What lire you doing?" he asked the ofllcer. "Don't lock him iifi. Let him go." "Hut lie's drunk," sultl the polleeI man. "Never mind that. We Just passed ! ttutt fellow for the army, and if he's arrested we may lose him, and God knows It's hard enough to get men who are 111 and willing to he drafted without tnkilie anv ehnnees Please. Mr Policeman, let him go." So the policeman exempted him from the lockup.?New Bedford Standard. For the Soldiers. i Mae?Are you knitting for the soldiers? ! Fae?Oli, yes! the loveliest light blue sweater, which none of them can fall to admire when they see me with It on. Nothing on Our Parents. "Wordsworth said 'Heavert lies about us in our infancy.'" "So did our parents."?Judge. Indeed. ' kiss you Just once? She?No. Hi"?How many times? There's Superior Flavor !j To [ POSTUM as a table beverage. A package from I the crrocer is well worth a trial, in place of coffee?especially When Coffee Disagrees! i i \ V ^ 5p*fg*? Her Qual Mentions. x I The housekeeper of the Hotel Sei verln, In n quest for housemaids, re reives many applicant* aud not a few I requests for u trial at the Job through, the taali. says the Indlanupoli* News. One young woman wrote from a small town In au adjoining state that she wohld like to have it try at hotel housekeeping and offered this Inducement: "I am twenty-two years of age, have brown hair and eyes, and weigh 1S3 pounds. I have never been sick two days in my life. Folks say I am nice Innlfintr anil hnvu > lf(n<l illutukultlitn *' "It sounded good," suld the hotel housekeeper, "but I wrote the young woman that we were keeping u hotel and not running a matriaioniat agency." ' BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the inflammation of a sore thrum and lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes. , Inspiring a good night's rest, free from ' coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold In | America for fifty-two years. A won- j derful prescription, assisting Nature iu building up your general health and throwing ofT the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale In all civil- t i/.?sl countries. Adv. The Etiquette of the Ca?e. George l'felfifer, a Muncic druggist, has a daughter of seven years who Is having her first experience in school, i At the supper table the other evening the child said ot her father: "Papa, a little boy In my room asked whether he could take me home from school ihis afternoon." "Well, what did you say?" asked the I ill Pi?Mt "Why, I didn't say nothing" "he tv- ! plied, "but I ?lt?t what any little girl that hadn't been introd need would do ?I slapped him in tin* fare ami then bit hint on tlie linger." THE BEST BEAUTY DOCTOR Is Cuticura for Purifying and Beautifying the Skin?Trial Free. For cleuuslng, purifying and beautifying the complexion, hands and hair, j Cuticura Soap with touches of Cutl- j curu Ointment now and then afford the most effective preparations at the mini- j mum of cost. No inassuglng, steaming creaming, or waste of time. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. The Bound Feet. The governor of Shantung luis forbidden parents to bind the feet of their daughters in the future. Any girls between the ages of 14 and 18, whose feet are already hound will be compelled to unbind them again, and par j ents will he severely punished II <*ulight binding their daughter's feel in future. It Is nlsu interesting In notlre, says a enrrespondent, that Chinese ladies accompanying tlieir husbands on the hills walk side hy side and not in (lie rear, as the old China Is advancing. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. I therefoie requires constitutional treat mcnt. HALL'S CATARRH MEDIClNl la taken internally and acts through tin Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys: tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEIUCINI destroys the foundation of the disease gives the patient strength by lmprovtn ttie general health and assists nature I. doing Ita work. $100.00 for any case ol Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE falls to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. K. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. A Thought. "I was Just thinking." "What?" "What n pitiful showing we should make in tills war if our young men were as afraid to die as some of our older men are of giving up their dollars." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chili TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every lahel, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. His Pet Horror. "80 you chose the navy? Aren't 1 you afraid of submarines?' "Yes, mum, hut they're not nearly so numerous as trench ruts, and I'm scared to death of them." I Over\ I must lea I neglect ft I How Women are Restored tc Spartanburg, 8.0.?"For nine ye fered from backache, weakness, an H lariiios so I could hardly do my U tried many remedies bat found t H neut relief. After taking Lydla H ham's Vegetable Compound I fel H change for the bettor and am now H strong so I buvo 110 trouble in doing B I hope every user of Lydia K. 1 Vegetable Compound will getks gt as 1 did from its uso."?Mrs. H. 1>. 12i I>ewey Ave., bpartauburg, S. t Chicago, 111.?"For about two yi H ferol from a female trouble so I V to walk or do any of iny own worl B about I.yd la K. 1'inkham's Veget; H pound in the newspapers and deto B try it. It brought almost iinmedii I Mv ornnlfnAaa has antlcalw ,1 H never bud better health. IweiglTli H and am iu strong u a man. 1 thii is well spent winch purchase* I.ytli H ham's Vegetable (Tompound."?] O'ltKTAM, 1766 Newport Ave., Ch I YOU CAN RELY UPOl LYDIi VEGEK 1 t - JMM L|BI JP^I >V S raPTEf \ *"* * ' * . * Calomel Users! Li I Guarantee Pi Your druggist gives back liven vniir livor on/1 V you up without n Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you muy lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Culomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crushes Into It, breaking It up. This Is when you feel that awful nuusea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out." If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, routed tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour. Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee?Co to uny drug store and get a bottle ol' Dodson's Llvrr Tone f??r u few cents. Take a I /^ake\ Prit hy shipping to M FOI % Lewis 5aer 0 Qjo>^rf -giv shii MrHUmilMdrl-JII MMaHwHA^UMBaUnUn Habitual Consti If you wake in the morning with a t perhaps headache, your liver is torpid system, produces sick headache, dysprp better remedy for these disorders thi them just once and be eternally convii Dr. Tutfs I Promotion. Teacher of Scripture Class?Yes. children, then Nero ordered his centurion to give the slave twenty stripes Mahel (whose father is In camp) ? Ijord, mum. that must a' made 'im a blooming colonel! MOTHER! Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and I'neumonla, Asthma, and Head Caturrh? If you huven't get It ut once. It wll| cure you.?Adv. Disqualified. Kliicker?Is Jones physically disqualified to lie a soldier? Rocker?He can't see red. white and blue; lie can't hear the call of duty and his legs run backward. Cranulated Kyelld*. Stir*. Inflamed Kyrs relieved over nlKht by Hoinun Kyo liatsum. On* trial proves Its merit. Adv. East St. Louis antlncgro riot cost the municipality $1,000,000. Danhury, <'ann., hat factories are flitW "itVtOII <lwitl " ALL MEN AT HOME SHOULD PREPARE FOR WAR The first test a man is put thru for either war or life insurance is an examination of his water. This Is most essential because the kidneys play a most important part in causing premature old ago and death. The moro injurious the poisons passing thru the kidneys the sooner comes decay?so says l>r. I'ierce of Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., who further advises all people who are past thirty to [ preserve the vitality of the kidneys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric acid?drink plenty of watersweat some daily and take Anurlc, double strength, before meals. Che a package. This An-u-rlc is a late discovery of Dr. Pierce and Is put up in tablet form, and an be obtained nt almost any drug store. I'"or tbat backache, lumbago, rheumatism, "rusty" joints, swollen feet or hands, due o uric acid In the blood, Anurlc quickly llssolves the uric acid as hot water does <ugar. Take a little Anurlc before meals md prolong life. Send 10 cents to Dr. t-Merce Tor trlul package of Anurlc. > mmmmmrnmmmmmmmm worked 1 rnnotto ,4 eir health JS m.ra i ?nf- tN$r d Irroguwork. I IpSFj^X Mf mpcrma- II ! t a great ^ Li . i?> Well and | c. l reau [/ ///W I >5; ?blo Com- / I l/i W V rmincd to II If \\ i?to relief. ' Ik l>5 poumla / / ik money * i eotRki VBIE CON isten To Me! j Ddson's Liver Tone :S your money if it doesnt towels and straighten laking you sick. spoonful und if It dwRn't strntghteu > you right up and make you feel fiu* aiul vigorous 1 want you to go back t* the store and get your money. Dodsou's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is leal liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefor* it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that oue spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated wuste which is closing your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Ibalson'n I.lver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months, (live it to your Children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Write now for our ze Lists and Market Reports on FURS AND HIDES : are the Largest and Leading yers of All Kinds of Hides and rs in these Sections. r nearly sixty years we have en thousands of Fur and Hide ppers entire satisfaction. WE CHARGE NO COMMISSION pation Relieved tad taate in the mouth, coatrd tongue. A torpid liver deranges the whole sia. costiveness and pitea. There ia no i an DR. TUTTS LIVER PILLS. Try need. For ante by all druggists. liver Pills The Reason. "The doctors made it statu tight to gat the tiiilliottnlri' patient." "Suppose thoy wanted a fat foe." The wife of a fault -Hading tiiati never worries altotit tlto promised torments of tlit* hereafter. Slops~ ! I^Neunal^ia J\^. Pains Ay ' Why 6u(Ter from '(f excruciating neu?? *> ralgia pains when an application of Yager's Liniment will give quick relief? Thisliniment iscood too, for rheumatism. sciatica, headache, pain in locator uac.apraina.cuu and bruisrs. Ill I 15c TER BOTTLE AT ALL DEALERS I I III Burh bottlecontain* mora than Um l!l III tMoaltUc bolilouf liniment. J; J OILHERT 15 It OS. A CO.. Haltliiiore, Md. NEWS OF RICHMOND Richmond, Va.?"I have taken Or. IMeree's (Solden Medical IMseoverj with effect. I / fever; the coti^h .-(gft/A'-r- w a s exceedingly 1-''wS 1Bb6ciC^v^mSjS?>'/ harsh and so vloli'nt as to give toe an Irritating sore JEw/R * JJQWthroat with ^ hoarseness and a ' ing i? my lungs. The rough reduced my strength and I had to stop work. At the same time I was sulTeriiig from indigestion anil hud to live on stale bread and milk. My liver also was In a very inactive condition, as well us my bowels. These symptoms readily yielded to the 'Discovery' to my great pleasure and comfort."?JOHN II. DANES, 434 3. Laurel St.?Adv. Ajbmenj llmpl j