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^ ' I Guarantee "Dodspn's Liver Ton and Bowel Cleansing You Eve USSrl? ' ' ;'"w i ' - "~" Mat nii| oalomel! It make* you stick. Oott Iom a day's work. If you fsei ftuty, liiiflih, bilious or oonstlpatad*. Upturn to msl Calomel ia mefoety or qaieksilTV ?Utk causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact wttk sour bile, crashes into It, breaking a ap. This Is when you feel that awful aauftea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out," If your Uver Is torpid sad bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Bodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug Store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a A Question. "My cousin who lives In Kansas City never drinks, smokes or wildcats around at night," boasted old Ittley Rexxidew, who was Just back from u visit to the Big Burg. "lie never plays a game of chunce, never goes to . burlesque show, and?" "lie don't, hey?" interrupted Hurt Blurt. "Then what difference does it make to him Where he lives?"?Knn? City Star. Keep Yourself Fit You can't afford to be laid up with ore, aching kidncya in these days of high prices. Borne occupations bring kidney troubles; almost any work makes weak kidneys worse. If you feel tired all the time, and suffer with lame back, sharp pains, dizzy spells, headaches and disordered kidney action, use Doan's Kidney Pills. It may save an sttack of rheumatism, dropsy, or Rright's disease. l>osn's have helped thousands back to health. A North Carolina Case C. H. Wagers, k?St L.I11U- t>. . Mjr St., Ueldsvllle, N. ? C., says: "I had kidney trouble for years. My T*f~7\ kidneys acted too freely and tne secretions were ) discolored and painful III"/ n stannic. 1 naa awful backaches with pains through ray kid- I IHn nevs and I felt miser* 1/flBR able. Nothing did me any good until I took Dean's Kidney Pills, They restored me to*^'""^HB9K> (rood health and some-JX time later, I passed an^h."^ examination for Insurance." Get Pass's at Aay Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S "pTJLV POSTERriGLBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. r?in ^HCARTE^f VIvER For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable *?"I1 Pfll, Small Dose, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. uQIBB Ifi will redui c inflamed, swollen /CfK Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Bolls, Poll H ^ a mbTii,vuiiiur,rwiuiii aim infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to mi does not blister or irnoia tbe hair, and you can work ibe bora*. ?2.00 per bottle, drllrrrrd. Book 7 M free. ABSORBINE. JR..tbe antiacptic llnlmeat lor mankind. Sacao Painful. Swollen Veiaa. Wcn?. Stra..M. Brmacai Mafa pain sad InSaauaatloo. Price St.00 per bottle at daatara or dalle*red. Will tell you more 11 you writs. ' , Ubral Trial Botila lor 10c In atampa. tl. F. Y0UN0. P. D. F.. 3IUTcBBlaSt.SprlnQflsId, Mass. Every Woman Wants ] FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Distolrsd la water for douches stops pehrie catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, , tore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Has sskrsoaduMfT daaarina and germicidal power. ? r,^nW.n,.n?OT,l?,W.V W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 43 -1917. ?ii-j Missionaries Slain. Ton Malekula Christian teachers In the New Hebrides Islands, who recently went into the bush to preach Christ to the wild tribes, were attacked by he hushmen und six of them were killed. B Forgive your onomles?but If you I have no onomipa forclve n fow frlontls. I Sore Kytt, Blood-Shot Kytt. Watery Eyre. Sticky Kyra. all healed promptly with nlghtH t/ applloatlona of Roman Eye Balaam. Adv. B|iB|st. rnul in 40,878 I nn(> ^Q-210 (b'litlis. Granulated Eyelids, mi1^or* Kyaa, Eyae Inflamed by <?Hc, 5un, Duut and Wind quickly .? WdmMWl relieved by Murine. Try It In your Eyas and In Baby'aEyca. I 8 JIBI U iff It. Tm i attn it ITm a f* t i B Wi% ImI B^FnOuOiniBji JBI* Ljf vOBItTi B^4 Me. fw'Dlnl -rrMi! KHIS1N0! STOP! nifUlliirr ah a iIh-a JfflMMIt UN Ulth Will Give You the Best Liver I ir Had?Doesn't Make You Sick! j spoonful and If It doesn't straighten j yon right up and make you feel fine < and rigorous I want you to go back to , the" store and get your money. Dod- ! son's Llrer Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because It is real llrer medicine; entirely regetable, therefore it cannot sal irate or make you sick. ' | I guarantee that one spoonful of : Dodson's Llrer Tone will put your sluggish llrer to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Lirer Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Glre It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. ?Adr. Quick Pay Roll Scheme. For making up pay rolls a macUtfie has boon Invented that drops Into <&velopes coins for which keys of* pressed. How's This ? We offer 1100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot l>e cured by HADE'S CATARKH MEDICINE. HADE'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts thru *kIi the Bloot? on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold bv druggists for ovfc.- forty years Price 7tc. Testimonials freej F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Outfly the Birds. Marvelous was the flight of au Ital Ian aviator from Turlu to I*ondon, 0.V mlleu, without a stop. No bird knowt to the ornithologists lould have inadt , such a flight In seven hours anc ; twelve minutes. Italy is In the van 1 when it conies to airplanes.? Ilnvoklyn Eagle. ? Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteles? chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well I known tonic properties ot QUININE and IKON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Latest in Torpedoes. j A torpedo with a corkscrew course | bus been observed. If It inlsaec the j port side It turns and strikes the star- j board; sometimes on missing there It even turns aguin, striking the port side, j The ship's ofilcer unaccountably omitted to add that after the explosion the fragments reunite and return to the submarine as a complete missile reudy to be llred anew.?New York Sun. FOR SKIN TROUBLES That Itch, Burn, Torture and Dlsflg ure Use Cuticura?Trial Free. The Soup to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. They usually afford Immediate relief In Itching, burning eczemas, pimples, dandruff nnd most baby skin troubles. They also tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming great If used dally. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. An Aztec Grain. At the time of the Spanish conquest, an Ivory grain, liner than mustard seed, was made into paste for molding into religious idols and wus an important food in those ti nes of scarcity of maize. This grain, known to the Aztecs as "hunulitli," was among the tributes paid by the puel los to Montezuma. The botanical Identity of the seisl was Iodr unknown, but the collection of IJr. Edward 1'almer In the states of Sincola and I'allseo Included flsh-egglike seeds of an ainnranthua. The plant was found both wild and unI del* cultivation, a paste of the seed and sugar being sold under the name of i "suale." I>r. W. K. SalTord of the i department of agrjeulture has rehdgj nlzed In these specimens the snored I "huauhtll" of Montezuma's time, and suggests that this nmarantlius might he cultivated in favorable situations. Clearly allied plants are cultivated In India, Tlhe>, South America and Afj rlca as grain crops. Japan's Financial Aid to Russia. A domestic loan of $50,000,000 has been arranged hy Japan for Itussln, n large part of which will be used to pay for war supplies ulreudy ordered by Russia In Japan. At present, $.15,000,000 Russian treasury bills held In Jupan matured on Sentember 'Jfi I nnd were renewed. The hunkers of Jnpnn have so many demands for money mnde upon them at present to finance new enterprises that they are not disposed to underwrite Russian loans; therefore the government will Issue exchequer bonds which may he paid for with Russian treasury hills.? East nnd West News. Turks Work English Roads Turks are working on the roads at Tiverton, Devon. Diamonds are seldom marked down low enough to enable short people to teach tlietn. ' ?? I, i, H ,1 WMF ATI CCC aWSFM wwii a_r-i i bU I MEALS! DON'T BOTHER ME-"? tfio?6y. JUST TRY 'POST ^ TOASTIES BEST CORN FLAKES EVER! .. . "? A AUAHARTHD MMIDY POR ASTHMA] Tow Mm MM MMVkfiMrlmM j WUfcWrt M|M|MIUWi II iwMMtejg j TtoSStUoitfwii gKlftMiyfc?o11'1111 A DR.R.SCHIFFMAHH'S W% JA #% v a % ?* U i ft a i nmAuun MOtiHWWtly ?m<i>inimt? who M bean oonsldered Incurable, after heeled tried ereryothar aeons of relief la yila. hftmi are afforded an opportunity of eratUac itoutlTw of UUi -Muaey . Huk" (uaraatee offer u tkruub pueteilBi troa their ova rtfiltr Dnu|l>k they hre aara their oaey will ho re rooted by hi a If the raaady fella. Too will he the aole JMfe ae to whether yon are heneffted end will yet joor nosey back If you ore hot. We do not know of aay (hirer proposition which weeoold stake. B. ScMffmana Co^ Propriaters, St. Paul. Him. n Amk for mnd Got If CHENEY'S ! Jk EXPECTORANT* I ErorSl The Original Cough ! i I piy TwwntTM and Cold Remedy I STOPS THE WORST I COLD IN 24 HOURS I Beat for Colds. Coo she. Croon. D ~ Sore Throat. WKoopin*; Couch. nc_ I Rn_ _a ?it <ui> anu uvu at an viuggisis Cor Lameness Keep a bjttle of Yager's | Liniment in your stable for ( Bpavin, curb, splint or any < enlargement, for shoulder { slip or sweeny, wounds, galls, scratches, collar or shoe boils, sprains and any lameness. It absorbs swellings and enlargements, and dispels pain and stiffness very quickly. YAGER'S LINIMENT 35c Per Bottle At All Dealers Bach bottle con- j OfSrjSi tains more than the | usual 50c bottle of i liniment. ^ I j gilbert bros. & co. ' BALTIMORE. MO. jS^g| _ 9_ f&* KODAKS oevelopInq iCul-iV All toll film* developed 10c. Prlnt?3t? j-MTPjW 5 ctii. Prompt intention U? mall order*. ^ ?~y B. C. UKBNAU, Oroensbora, N. CT. JOFFRE'S VALET DID WELL J Amaesed Fortune of 25,000 Francs While on American Tour With the Noted Marshal. When Marshal Joffre went to the United States he took with him a body servant who was to act as his valet. The man fo.merly had served in the family and there was nothing I said about what pay he was to receive until the Journey was over, when the marshal asked him what he owed him. "I couldn't usk for any pay in view , of the petite fortune that I have brought buck with ine." "What little fortune?" asked the tnarshul. "You haven't been speculating?" "Mais non, monsieur de Marechal, but there were times when I could be or service. People who wanted auto- 1 graphs, and those who wanted to see the chambers occupied by monsieur le Ma rechal, and those who sent notes ; and messages?" "I understand," said the marshal. , but, if I may ask, how much did you bring buck?" "Kb, h'on, Monsieur le Marechal, about 2.\00U francs." It Is Mine. Joflfre who has let the story out. She has told it to some of her acquaintances in the American colony in 1'aris, who repeat her assur- i nnces that it Is perfectly true.?Brooklyn Eagle. There Is nothing flatter thun flattery that doesn't flatter. ! A FOOD Mb ^ I J ^ ^tCONOMY " * J AN OPERATION AVERTED Philadelphia, Pa.?"On* ym in J w? rery sick and I Buffered with paka niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir ^ bach j IIIIHIIllMMMliJIIIIII^ I nearly want different doctors and , female trouble and would not get any be operated on. I i had suffered forfour years before this time, but I kept getting worse the more medicine I took. Everv month since I was a young girl I had suffered with cramps in my sides at periods and was never regular. I saw your advertisement in the newspaper and the picture of a woman who had been saved from an operation and this picture was impressed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia I E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and J believe me, 1 soon noticed a change and when I had finished the third bottle 1 , was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women knov^ot my cure."?Mrs. Thos.McGon4GAL, 3432 Hartville Street, Phila., Pa. lattfc.fc.ri MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT / \t sunaitiu remedy for fifty VP ( ) jf yeura And result of many y ear* , riprrlrnc? In treatment of I ??r"'j,a>vl V.-e throat and lung dlneaaee by I IBffiigjttilU' i)r. J. U. Guild. jwRur^AtMiU Free Sample and Practical TreatIneon Asthma, it* cause, 1 treatment, etc., went upon re- ! aEajtiBBplW qurKl. 25c. & $1 to at druggUm. J. n. GUILD CO.. Kupert, Vt. | CABBAGE PLANTS Karljr Jersey and Charleeton Wakefield Bucceadon and Plat Dutch. Satisfaction Guarautced. ?y eiprrwi; 6U>, $1.00; 1,000, $1.50; 5.000, ut $1 ?: 10,000 up at (MO. r. O. 15 llkKK. Delivered Parcel Pout 100, 25c; 1,000, $1.75. t>. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C The Dry Voter. t "The modern babies were sitting around the nursery In uttitufles that suggested u elubrooin rather than a nursery. They were very modern babies. One ?>f them dragged himself up to the window and looked nut. "There goes Polly IMinjde in her I'lerce-Murrow peruniuhlator, lie observed, with a show of Interest. 'That's not a I'ieree-Marrow," contradicted another, languidly. 'It's a Mudson Super Slick." "I'll bet you the paregoric for the crowd you're wrong!" , "I don't drink hard stuff, and you know It," said the llrst, for he was ultra-modern. "Make It eustorlu nnd you're on." War Declared on Rats by U. S. Gov't. The government at Washington Is preparing a campaign that should be effective in killing the rats that ate so destructive both to lives und property. A conservative estimate places the loss of foodstuffs from rata at over two hundred million dollars nnnuully, and In the present scarcity of food, this loss must be pre- j vented. The most efficient way to "Kill I the Rat" Is by the use of Stearns' Paste, and thousands of dollars worth have been bought by the government. Every housekeeper troubled with ."ats, mice, roaches or waterbugs should buy a small box of this rellnhle exterminator for thirty-five cents, ntid stop further loss of food in her home. Adv. Putting It Up to Him. "I bought Liberty bonds a few months ago. Now you want me to buy again." "Great Scott, man, you bought beefsteak for your children a week ago, too! Are you going to make th?m live the rest of their lives on the memory of tlmt dinner?" Be Straight. To shoot straight we must aim straight ; to aim straight we must look straight ; to look straight we must think straight. Removable Rubber Heel. A rubber heel has been Invented that can he slipped over the high heel of a woman's shoe. If Worms or Tapeworm persist In your system. It Is because you have not yet tried the real Vermifuge, Dr. Peary's "Dead Sbot." One doss does tne work. Adv. Rlamarck, N. !>.. censors (Jerman language publications. | Thedf I Men an !|| need the help that The pi give them in cleansing t' 1*3 troubles that come fron HI Lazy Liver, etc. jg| In choosing a medic m as careful as you are aboi 9 want nothing but the b ?1 that will act promptly ai || icine carefully prepared, H up by a house of long e 3 that reputation standing Where can you fine ll these conditions so w< NEED SOUND MIND AND BODY Depleted Man or Woman la Always Depressing and Does Not See Bright 8lde pf Life. To keep fresh involves determination and will. It Is so easy to go on laboring, both at work and uleusure. until we are depleted in itiind and In body. Then we are sources of duuger, uot only to ourselves but to our whole surroundings, for a depleted man or woinuu is always depressing. They have not enough vitality to see things brightly, to look at events in u sound eouiinon-sense manner. Their opinion and views are biased by their own uientully and physically devitalized condition, and they take the darkcolored, pessimistic view of things and eveuts, in this way acting us poisoners of the happiness of their loved ones and others. It takes a sound mind in a sound body to see things always rose-colored, and to take the cheery, optimistic view of things which so helps those with whom we are associated. To keep a whole body means that we must never lower its vitality unless unavoidable, by incessant work, by soculled pleasures which really rob the body of much necessary power needed in other directions, but that* in culcu lilting our day's or week's work, wo Include sufficient rest to restore the energy we have expended. It is a duty we owe to ourselves and others ?o take this rest^ln whichever form each Individual tinds possible or pleasant. To some a week's end in the couutry will give tone and health, to others ( a quiet rest at home, hut everyone , should allow sufficient rest every day , in the silence away from other so- I clety, in which to relax and be perfectly quiet. This will help keep the < balance of body aud soul and its con- | tinned practice means a continual re- j freshment.?Mary Yeates. I . To Open Free Music School. , Any man or hoy in Atlunta who de- , sires a thorough training in the fumla- , mentals of inuslc will be given an opporunlty to receive free training un- ( der teachers of recognized ability, says , the Atlanta Constitution. I A new free music school will be in- , nugurnted and maintained by St. Phil- , ?p's cathedral, under the direction of M. Philip Schllch, organist and choir | unci, j iir rum mi nui oe i ree 10 nil | l?oys more than nine years old und |o < men. MOTHER! ; Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, und Head Caturrh? If you haven't get It at once. It will cure you.?Adv. The Doctor's Call. Cop?Is there n doctor in the crowd? Voice?What's der matter? Ain't de guy dend yet??Life. And when a man does meet a woman with genuine blond hair he always wonders whether It is genuine. ' i I ! The United I Ac "Baking 1 other coa DA1' l\\y , A1 Makes delicious i CORN MEAL Mil 94 cup corn meal 1V4 cups flour % teaspoon salt 4 level teaspoons Boyal Bal 8 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk 8 tablespoons shortening Jfflx thoroughly dry Ingredients: ad inortening and beat well. Bake tlni in hot oven about 20 mlnutei Our red, white and blue booklet free on request. Addiest Royi ord's B d Women dford's Black-Draught can he system and relieving the 1 Constipation, Indigestion, :ine for these conditions, be ut choosing your food. You est. You want a medicine r?d always the same; a medfrom the best material, put stablished reputation, with squarely behind it. I a medicine that meets all ill as Thedford's Blacknstipation, Catarrhal < Mr. W. S. Browu, R. F. D. No. 4. Box 82, Rogerarille, Tennessee, writes: "I feel It iny duty to recommend Pernnu to all sufferers of catarrh or oough. In the year 1000, I took a severe case of the la gfippe, 1 then took a bad cough. I had taken all kinds of cough remedies but got no relief. I then decided to try Psruna. a usru uve uuincs, aiht lUKing nve bottles my cough stopped and my catarrh was cured. My average weight was 1}5 and now I weigh 148%. * Any one Buffering with catarrh In any form I will urivlne them to take Perunn." HP? Sold for 47 years. For Mala a Fine General Strengthen in 1 Fooling the Motorist. The motorist had lost his way on a country road. Hulling tlio first pedestrian he overtook, ho asked the \vn> to Blanlcvllle. "I don't know ns I ran explain it very clearly," replied the pedestrian, "but If you'll take me In your oar I'll point It out to you as we go along." "Good." said the motorist. "Jump In." "First otT," directed the pedestrian, its he took his sent In the car. "you Jrive straight ahead the way you were going for about two tulles." When the two miles had been traveled, he continued: "Now, if you'll let me out here 1 can show you the rest of lite way without going along. Just turn around and go back three tulles und there you are." "Why didn't you tell me that in the lirst place instead of taking me two ml'es in the wrong direction?" demand L?tl the'motorist. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings right away by telling you you were going In the wrong direction," replied the other, "and, hosldes, I live here." Inconsistent Teachers. "Anil bow do von flnil m-tmnl I uni?" "linther difficult, sir. The teacher's Inconsistent. In Kngllsh composition we are told to l?o original. In arithmetic we are nil expected to get the same answer." The Real Thing. "Mom. what Is the cull of the wild?" "The Joyrider's honk, my son." Sympathy is the only chnrltnhle gift nf some people. States Govern Iministrator Saj Powder Breads of c rse flours are recorr / A I B/ 1 /^Li PC 3SOLUTELY PUR nuffins, cakes and coa FFINS Nl 8 enpi grahai 6 level teasp< I1/, teaspoons i , _ . 1', cupa milk i ring Powdw {f cu? ,usar , 1 cup choppe raisins, i Via together flour, t is .??. m i> i *nd w*ter, sugar c Id milk and molted raisins. Put Into g In greased muffin 30 minutes In warm i. 40 to 40 minutes. f, "Beat War Time Recipe*" containingat il Baking Powder Company, Dept. W, I lack-Dr Remember, too, that T1 is made from pure mcdicina in the right proportions, groi packed in compressed, practi Pills and tablets do not alwa; ach. Black-Draught is act gastric juices. It is a naturs in a natural *\vay on the syste Imitation potrders put Draught are not the same an< in place of Black-Draught, he as good as the genuine. 7 To he sure of getting tin "TIIEDFORD'S BLACK-D the label and refuse all subs Costs Only One Indigestic " I Peruna Those who object to liquid modi clnee can procure Peruna Tablets. ISMITH's .lTonic irla, Chills and Fever. Also ig Tonic. 60c 91.00 at all Drag Stan*. FRESII - CRISP WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS I Ithi MNmurr hit hods wnild M mi i waking op miss biscuits hake i tmih thi | STANDARD?fEXCELLENCE W 0**l?r hM hni. or / net kr sKomUL </tik him or write a* qivto) hi* nacao. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY How Japan Deals With Bribery. Violators of the election laws of Japan are promptly punished. Five citizens of prominence In Osaka wore urqrosted on various charges of influenelng voters at the last general election. The Osaka court of tlrst Instance tine<l the dehauchers of the franchise 100 yen each. From this sentenee they appealed and the high court quashed the judgment of the lower tribunal, hut sent each of the !iv? prisoners to Jail for two months.?Fast and West News. WOMEN SUFFERERS NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to ?"> nothing else hut kidney trouble, or tb? result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, tlicv inny cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer a great ileal with pain in tlie hack, headache, lux* of ambitiong nervousness and may he despondent ana irritable. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. I\diner's Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, obtained ut any drug store, re stores health to the kidneys and is just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test.this event preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A. Co., Itin^hamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. \\ hen writing b? sum and mention this paper. Adv. You can snvo yourself lots of trouble by not borrowing It. ment Food rsi :orn and lmended" (.KING 1WDER E rse flour breads JT BREAD m flour >oni Royal Baking Powder lalt and water Br corn syrup d nuta (not too fine) or 1 cup washed and floured taking powder and aalt; add milk ir corn syrup and nutmeats or reased loaf pan, allow to stand i place. Bake In moderate oven dditionalsimilar recipes, sent | J5 William Street, New York | aught | icdford's Black-Draught B1 1 licrbs, carefully mixed gg ind to a fine powder and El cally air-tiglit packages. H rs dissolve in your stom ed on instantly hy the il herb remedy, and acts 9 up to look like Black- I 1 should not be accepted H No imitation can ever Bj fou know that. Hj i genuine always ask for H * TvAUGIIT." Examine titutes. ffil ^Ccnt aJDose^ jl