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Catarrh oi Mrs. Mary Feuuell, It. F. D? Pomona. Missouri, writes: "I wish to say a few words In the praise of Peruna. I have used It with good results for cramps in the stomach. Also found it the very thing for catarrh of the head. My sister was cured of catarrh of stomach by the use of Peruna." Mrs. 10. T. (Jhoiner, CO Rust 42nd St.. Chlcugo, III., says: "Manalln best laxative on the market for liver ? and bowels, very g??od for indigestion and heart hum." Those who object to liquid medl-1 clnes can secure Peruna Tablets. Died of Inward Guilt. Wu Ting Fung Is at the head of the Chinese foreign office, and you can't I?ut much over on u inun with as good a sense of humor as Doctor Wu. A newspaper mini recalls his famous wheeze nhout the Chinaman who committed suicide hv eating gold leaf. "lint T don't see how that killed him ?how did It?" Inquired a society woman. "1 suppose," said Wu seriously, "that It was the consciousness of Inward gilt."?Exchange. MOTHER! Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOT SALVE for Colds. Coughs. Croup nnd rneumouln, Asthma, and Head Catarrh? If you liuvon't pet It at once. It will cure you.?Adv. What He Cared For. Willie?I'n, I'll he sorry when you pet well. I'n?Why, my son? Willie?lleouuse I won't get any j more empty incdirtno bottles to sell. The A riretit lm? government will Install tin eloctrle voting machine In Its chamber of ilepnlles. Th? occasional tiao of Human Kyr Huliam at i.laht uuon rellrlnp ?ln - Ilevv Ur?-?1 watery eyi?. uud eye strain Adv. The quest of the usual rl is the} golden mini. j == Back Lame and Achy? There's little peace when jour kidneys nre weak and while ut hrst there may he nothing more serious than dull bnckncho, sharp, stabbing pains, headaches, diitzy spells and kidney irregularities, you must act quickly to avoid the more serious trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart disease, Itright's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pill9, the remedy that i is so warmly recommended everywhere by grateful users. A North Carolina Case Sr.. 4_i S. \N llmlngton St., Italelgh, N. C., says: "1 sutTered for years from kidney trouble. I had backaches and pains through my loins and the kidney secretions were unnatural and (tiled with sediment. After using I loan's Kidney Pills, I passed several gravel stones and Improved at once. The aches and pains soon left ami the action of my kidneys was regulated." Get Doan'a at Aay Store, 60c a Bog DOAN'S "VTJiV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. mm | Rills i I Chills^y^f j | Good for Malaria, constipation a | biliousness ? a fine tonic.? I Guaranteed or money back a | Behrens Dru^ Co..Waco.Tex ffl toilimi lit iinih 1'MjRTe a"*"**. Tb^s* DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Hock or Bursitis will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blister or remove the hai:, and horse can be worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBING, JR., fur mankind, (be antlaepck fur Bulla. Rrulaei. Surra. Sweilinga. Vartcoac Vein*. A liar a Pain and Inflammation. Prirr SI and tZ a bottlr at Arusclata or dellrerrd. Will tell rou more If ?uu wilte. W.F.YOUNG. P. D.F.,S10Tt?|l?St .Springfield. Mass. GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT Tbls tmatmnnt la tho reault of mnnr fnan of ntint7 unilt'xpurli'ncuiii thcspetclal IroatA a) moot of rtlspttsoa of Ihn In nan and // 1/ throat l>j I li<> lata* I?r J. ll.Tjiitld, /.? JfAr vradnn'ooi Nrw York MitllcalColletm ami Nrw York i Ik-mi . a I LaI. oratorr. ujpriu-tlllonrrln Hellnvna ?., nnu !> ? tort t liarllT ? "'Pllala. MtHtu "fti#W5 un<l nn eminent jiliyMrlan. so and *'nt rtruxirlMt. Saerlr and ^WKn^iL pniclical i'i* on Ahthuiu, 1U SMm&JhXuMk2 ransom, tr< itniant oU*. S?-nt on roqucKt. J. II. liulid Co.. Kupert,Vt. Dissolved In water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkhnm Med. Co, for ten years. A hoalinff wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore ayes. Economical. v!a? jmormo rteaud&a and earmicidal pnww. 1 ! I f>?. 5?te. alt TlrrrfsitU, of poUraid by fn?J v.* r f<W-t F Stomach I Made Well J55S By Perumu My Sitter Abo Cured | By B&9ssl PE-RU-NA In the Language Ke Understood. Clnrcnce S. Keever, division superintendent of the Indlnna Union Traction company, with headquarters at Muncle. rends everything dealing with electricity and electrical subjects that comes his way; so much so that he sometimes falls to keep up with public nfTalrs as presented In the newspapers. He mentioned this to a friend me other night when the latter chlded lilra for not knowing about an important war development. "A man In your particular kind of business I should think would always be Interested In current events," snld the friend, "that Is if you expect to be a live wire."?Indianapolis News. j; ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! " No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers? * It's like magic! j ' ?'< tl I lt'l>"i"?w?-?ws^?s?ss#sstlltlltlltllt i 8 illillj Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of u corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the lingers If you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a siuull bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment II is applied una ones not even irritate the surrounding skin while applying It or afterwards. This t announcement will Interest i many of our readers. If your druggist ; hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house.?adv. Needed His Muscles. The wounded Tommy writhed and squirmed as the masseuse, with iron fingertips, massaged Ids injured leg. At last he burst out: "'Arf a mo. What d'yer think yer u-doing of? Ow!" "It's all right," -said the masseuse. "I'm kneading your muscles." The Tommy gently hut llrmly pulled ids leg away from the none loo gentle grasp of Ids tormentor, and breathed: "So'ra I." Help to Save Nation's Food Supply In tills time of high cost of lfylng, ev ?/ ??> ? diiuviiu use nil pOBHinie MlOilllB to prevent wuste and to help save food. No one means can be more effective than a vigorous campaign to exterminate rata which destroy over two hundred million dollars worth of foodstuffs annually. Keep garbage In rnt-proof cans, stop up their holes, nnd above nil exterminate them with Stearns' Paste, which can be bought for a few cents at any store. A two ounce box will usunlly rid a house or barn of every rat. It destroys mice, cockroaches and waterbugs an well. Adv. Faith Was Weak. During an extended drought in the land that inspires the rag-time song writers the "Itev'end" lloorge Washington called n gathering of Ids colored brethren to supplicate the Lord for rain. Before he opened his sermon the "Rev'end" surveyed his congregation critically, and with Increasing satisfaction. At last he lamented: "Pe lack oh faith of yo* niggers is scundalous nnd sinful, and makes my heart sore and weary, and a feared for your souls! Ileah we linh gathered to hog de Lord to stop do drought dnt is burning up our fields, nml to bless us with rain in abundance. And not one?no, sah !?not one oh yo' disgraceful sinners hiul fnltli enough tc l,rln<> .... .....I- *- ? iiiMiiirmi in K*' Home Willi:" Fair Showing. i "How is your boy getting along in the nriny?" "First rate." r?'i?ll**?l Mr. Poppies, considt'ring his limitations." "Yes?" "Henry bates to get up in the mornI ing, dislikes all forms of physical exercise. and never was known to obey an order while lie stayed around home, yet I understand he hasn't been in the guardhouse hut twice since he enlisted." The biggest success nowadays Is the outcome of stealing-other inenN original Ideas, What every wonir.o knows?how to fool man. Give the Wheat to the soldiers, but give [Qg posttoasties iy\ 9 '*1. ; v i & . yi,r-v SECY BAKER ISSUES WEEKLY WAR REVIEW . Washington.?Decisive ascendency , (or the allies in the supreme test of ! ? ?i ? - - i uw.u? Bvr?i.gia now taking place on i the bloody Qelds of Flanders is claimi ed by Secretary Baker in the weekly , review of war operations issued by the i war department. While it may be premature to assert that 'the British war machine has forced a devlsion over the Germans, Mr. Baker says, the victories of the past fortnight, threatening the German submarine bases on the Bolgian coast, are conclusive indications of alj lied superiority. With favorable ! weather he thinks these victories will j be repeated and extended. I The review for the week, makes no | reference to the American forces in | France or to the great Dreoaratior.s for war going forward at home. Titanic Struggle in Flanders. "The attention of the world." it Bays, "is focused on the titanic struggle now going on in Flanders. The battle raging there is proving an engagement of wholly unprecedented Bcope and potentialities. "At the beginning of the week, owing to bad weather, the Germans were able to launch counter-attacks against j the positions recently gained by the I British. Notwithstanding tho fact | that the Germans made use of smoke screens, liquid ilre and brought into action nn imposing array of artillery in their attack against the advanced British lines between the Tower Hamlets and Polygon wood as well as along the Menin road, their efforts proved futile. * Jt is significant on the other hand, that while the British were sustaining tho shock of German assaults succesnsfully they were able to bring up suilicient fresh troops in order to launcli another offensive action on an even larger scale than the p-eceding one in the face of the enemy's onslaught. Drive Sweeping Onward. "Slowly, but therefore tho most ir resistlbly, the allied drivo at the heari of the German line In the west is -wcep'^g onward. "The wisdom of the British in maintaining n great density of front would appear justified by ths results achieved during the past week. it milut Ho hnrna ?V uv UV( IIV iu IIIIIIU lll.u It uur to the depth of the British line as much as to any other cue factor, that, while the enemy is still reeling under one blow, the allies are ready to deliver another and still a third. "it has bet?n characteristic of the campaign in Flanders hitherto that neither belligerent bus attained what we may call a decisive success. "The Germans have massed their greatest war strength along this battle front." Sound Strategy. "To attack them at their strongest point of resistance is sound strategy. "The defeats inflicted upon thorn during tho past fortnight are conclusive Indications of nllied superiority. In the light of past experiences, it may be premature to assert that the British have succeeded in forcing a decision, but it may be stntcd with emphasis that In no engagement hitherto has such vigor, energy and conceried speed of action been displayed "The full success of these opera tions means that the Belgian coast, with its numerous submarine bases, will beconio untenable to the enemy. Zeebrugge. Ostend and the system of canals leading out of Bruges are threatened. "The supreme test of the battle Mtronoth nf tho 0011101111100- holltoar. ents la taking place. Allied ascendency would appear decisive. Contributing Factors. "The two immediate contributing factors of this success are: Air control and shell supply. "The former made it possible for the allies to locate enemy concentrations. the latter to break them up before they could develop into serious offensive actions, at the same time permitting 'their own concentration of men and guns to he carried out with clockwork regularity, unhampered by enemy interference. "The British nre thus able to report that since July 31 1st they have not lost a single gun. while they have captured 332 field and heavy guns and taken 51.435 prisoners. During the fighting of the past two days they have added 4.44f? prisoners, including 114 officers, to this imposing total. Enemy Realizes Danj^r. "The enemy realizes the danger he is fnelng. "We may expect him to counter-attack in force. He may even regain certain secondary objectives tempo rarily. but the British war machine is moving forward, n-d if time permits and the combat season remains open, with the weather continuing favorable wr rcrnnnai.s unci' ann ?htiu! aircraft observat'ons the allied victories of the pn<t two weeks mill In a'l prohabllit" he repented and extended "The enemy procure a1o>\e the eastern front ha'' Ivan r?' ved by the !;t"nnT alM-**' offTsive la Flanders. No en*rn??PTne"ts of more than 'oral importance are reported In the east. "The German advance in the northeast has apparently we.tVer.Ad, and he Russians hatje heen able to re >ri?anlze their position in the Rlgro sector." -s " . ij f . tfr.T> - V..-:?*. ? v3 * : >' S^ jw 7%'. I : | Girls! Use Lemons! i Make a Bleaching, j Beautifying Cream 1 The Juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautlfier at about the cost one must pay for a sinnll Jnr of the ordlI nary cold creams. Care should lie taken to strain the lemon juice through a tine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every womau knows thut lemj on Juice Is used to blench and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smootliener and beautlfier. Just try It! Get three ounces of ! orchard white at any pharmacy and I two lemons from the grocer and make I up n quarter pint of this sweetly fra! grant lemon lotion and massage it daily i into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, fresh : eu, uifncn mm oring out tue roses nn<l . benuty of any skin. It is simply marvelous to sinoothen rough, red hands. Adv. .y Opinions. "Every man is entitled to ids opln1 Ion." "Yes," replied Miss Cuyeune. 'Hut some opinions are like malaria; ex! euttihle, perhaps, under the eireumj stances, hut nothing to he proud of." . GREAT PRAISE FOR GOOD MEOIGINE I ^ Eight years ago we commenced selling Dr. Kilmer's Swunvp-Root, and during this time it has found many friends among our customers who speak in the highest terms regarding the benefits obtained from the use of Rw.nnp-Root. We have never heard n single criticism. Yerv trulv vours, toKKiS f)Rlfo STORK. June 15, 191C. Centervillc, Ala. I Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co. . | | Hintnimton.H.i. I Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ton cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., i Binghninton, N. Y.. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive u I took let of valuable information. telling nl>out the kidneys and bladder. When writing, lie sure and mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at ull drug rtores.?Adv. A Possible Reason. "Den (thorough always looks on tin* bright side of things." "Why?" "NYU, the other day I went with him to buy a pair of shoes. He didn't try them on at the store, and when he got home he found that a nail was sticking right up through the heel on one." "Did he take llieut back?" "Not much, lie said that he sup posed the nail was put there inten1 tionidly to keep the foot from sibling fnrwnrd In the shoe." CLEARS AWAY PIMPLES Doffi r.lifirnra ninirwanF t-.. W I %* ? Ii naai sicvi UJ Cuticura Soap?Trial Free. On rising and retiring sinear tln? affected surfaces gently with Cuticura Ointment. Wush off in five minutes with Cuticura Snap and hot water. When the skin is clear keep it so by using Cuticura for every-day toilet and nursery purposes. Free sample each by mall with Book. ! Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. The Reason. Noll?That man over there Is staring straight at my nose. Bell?Perhaps lie's a reporter. Nell?Ami why should a reporter j stare at my nose? Bell?They are supposed to keep their eyes on everything that turns up. Domestic troubles occur when both parties are not thoroughly domesticated. i Fron The "The use of baking powi patent wheat flour is Administration. The w time healthful food for < Viding for these uses wo The following re and make attracti ! CORN BREi l*i cups corn meal cup flsur 4 level teaspoons Royal Bi 1 *ablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 Vs rup* mtlk 8 tablespoons shortening Kix thoro-?Mjr dry Ingredients: * .uV>tenuis. ornx veil; pour let' and bake In hot oven about 26 r Our red, white and blue bot k tent tree on request. Addrez J UimaiBBiflMneMMMMaMHaayj Hello Profanity. | The rule Is strict aguinst using pro| fnne language when talking over tin I telephone. A telephone experiment : has proved u fnilure in L>mir, Mass. The. manager noticed that: "wrong I number" colls were frequent, ami he or' dered the "hello" girls to call each digit ' j separately nnd to insert the word i "dash" after each one. The method | was slow, hut the climax was reached | when a Lynn tnun was In a hurry to i get. it 1KI9IOH newspaper olllee. He I called for "Boston .".OtXi" anil heard a | sweet voice at "central" say: "Beach I three, dash. oh. ilnsh, oh. dash, oh. 1 dash," That nettled the I.ynn man and he ! called out: i "Well, what are you cussing about?" The order was abolished, and no i more dashes are being said by the telephone girls at Lynn. Buffalo Coini merclnl. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless * chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen- I eral Tonic because it contains the well ' known tonic properties of QUININE and \ IKON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out ( Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds , up the Whole System 60 cents ( I Needed a Silencer. The 1 Itiherdusher Let tito show you this. It's tiic^latcst cry in waistcoats, j The Customer?Docs a plain silk muffler go with It? We're all headed for the same place. . land It doesn't matter what road we i I lake, we can't gel lost. I Constipation generally Indlcot- disordered stomach. Ilv? r and bowels Wright's Indian Vegetable rir.s restores regularity without griping. Adv. A great mind doesn't necessarily require a large hut. V Ayi-^ Net Contents 15Fluid Drachm || I1 igpBtTra: j i &sm' C;"! ^ I" ALCOHOL-3 TEll CENT, fji; << $ AYegelablc Preparation forAs Mollis similntimJUicFood by Regular gux'cj|j J Thereby Promoting Digestion J \**Z 1 Cheerfulness and RoM.Contains Jo ?*: neither Opium,Morphine nor JI j Mineral. Not Nahgotic d^W ji JktiptiSOidlteSAMlLLrfrMR 'va a Pumpti* s*d \ - jUx Sramt I eat^ AxMUtMfi I . A*UrS*dM I *,K t'~ P/fpummt . ? l<? IC ft'enn t*/ 1 *rrZ ^2 Oan/miSuftr itU ^ llUfryrrr.i/fcr'r I 'Sag ' A helpful Remedy for l:i*7 Constipation and Diarrhoea. / M? fto ami Fcverlshness and I ,Bn'C? Loss of'SleeJ> 1 Jt* Jb resulting therefrom -m Infant) ltc q? I Facsimile SignMurvof rj a jd'cl j THECEVTAVnCoMPANr. fell ! nf^vvork^' t-a^S BMrTfTTTH TTiJ J Viffl A c ? P JMVTl fcxiicl Copy of Wrapper. The woman who believes in half li^lii- doesn't holievt* in linlf-inensures. K I.I XI It B1BKK A noon TOVIC And Drives Malaria Out of the Solrni. "Your 'Kabrk* acta like magicI I have given It to numcroum people In my parish who were auffcriiig with chilla, malaria and fever. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and In need of n good tonic."?Her. B. Hzym.mowaki, St. Stephen's Church, Perth Aiiihov, N. J. Mil tlr llnto-k. SO centH, nil driigglata or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewakt A Co., Washington, I). C. A timid man srels Ids rl^ht here tin ' earth. A ?A|.4-r,ia n ljCiio a Washin: < Food Administrator Writes dcr breads made of corn and other recommended by the Conservation 'heat needed for export is thus con: jur own oeople is provided. The ci Id be of assistance in carrying out ( cipes for Corn Bread and Rye Rolls < ve and wholesome food for every day i y a t ba I AL po RY 2 cup* rye floi 11 teaspoon gall iktnr Powder 3 level teaspoc cup milk Vi tablespoon s 81 ft <!ry in*redlents hoi'ealng. XneaJ or uu mill! tna msiisa rut ttttu greasea pan > well greased pan place 20 to 25 minut .inutes. to 30 minutes. let " Beat War Time Fecipci" containing Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept.W, IJ ? ' . * *S> \ > ":J ? mm mm IH HEALTH Woman Tells How $5 Worth of Pinkh&m's Compound Made Her Well. Lima. Ohio.?" I was all broken down In health from a displacement. One of my Hlady friends came to see me and she advised me to commence taking Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and to use Lydia EL Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I began taking your remedies and took$5.00worth irMngnpjH nnu in vwu monuu was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was a midwife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every woman to take before birth and afterwards, Aid they all got along so nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them." ?Mrs. Jennie Moyer, 842 ELNorth St., Lima, Ohio. Women who suffer from displacements, weakness, irregularities, nervousness, backache, or bearing-down pains, need the tonic properties of tho roots and herbs contained in Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. H,?KODAKS developIno ^flL 1 rHi All roll film* developed 10c. Prints :< to BB'jy 5 ets. Prompt ntteutiou to mailorders. 4?'' II. C. lll'.KNAU, (iriicn.slKiru, N. O. V. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 41-1917. MCTDRIA vnu i uiiin For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcria Always / . Bears the / rnfiF ft. Jr ,n ^ X Use U> For Over Thirty Years THE OINTAUA COMPANY. NIC TOP* CfTY. A Prescription. Mrs. Itrndit- Tin* allies cxpoet to take SiU'k'nvii. Aunt I.ucy?I look something like that for my rheumatism once, hut it <Ii<111*l do much good. I'...... !?.. I > -a . ? a It I.n II, * nun I It I II HIlllO.Hi Ciepopulated l?y lul?or iinliiccinonlH of i 'ii i intit >i i >i ii it. Where petticoat* are, there will the iiumi Ik* withered toKcther. gton Us : coarse flours instead of Division of the Food served, and at the same rculation of recipes proDur plans." >ave wheat flour .vhen made with KING WDER E ROLLS ir I >na Royal Baking Powder hortenlng together.^ add milk and malted i floured board; chape Into rolla. i? and allow to atand In warm aa. Bake In moderate oven 2d ? additional similar reripss I 5 William Street. New York. I m