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UstJ * * 1?Mark Lawrence ltequa <?f San Francisco, who Is in charge <>i (lie coiiiui ministration, including wholesale grocers, vegetables, fruits, markets, etc. Bliss reviewing the Forty-second or Rainbow division at Canin Mills; the In< French soldiers building their winter shelters on n hillside in the Mnrue sec REMARKABLE PHOTOGRAPH OF FLIGHT 0 Tills extraordinary photograph, .last received from I'urope, shows the fii point In the eastern line when the cry whs raised: "The <hrmnn cavalry have WtfERE CHURCH WAR COMMISSION MET Tin1 unr it completed portion of the new St. Albnn's cathedral In Washington and plnn to raise tin I f n million dollars to nuiintnln :t bishop of the church in Europe, who will look lifter tho spiritual interests of the American soldiers there. The commission Is composed of six bishops, six clergymen and six laymen. DUTCH MISSION TO THE UNITED STATES All uiioflleliil mission of throe men from Holland who will iiUciupt to have the United States abolish or modify the embargo on foodstuffs to the Xeiherlunda lias arrived in Washington. They are. from left to right Joost Vnlleiihoven, A. U. A. Van Ealde, head of the mission, and .T. It. Van Dor y mitou Van Oort. I rj$ r'-S~_? > *>" _ yi.ivin'i-1 ^ugyeo** J. ^ - **... > .. -v.-. ,, > -* 'j?t, -'v:" ' >' * v .. ,- Aj, -' i"- ft % THE FORT MILL TIM MB icieia! lelations division *?f the food ad* ?Secretary of War Baker and tienernl liana Field artillery mnrchlnir hv. 3? tor. F THE RUSSIANS ill -^11! V v* 1^1:;C^% ; $... v ;* rst iun?l llight of Russian troops at one broken through." MAJ. GEM. F. S. STRONG k_4 >j^i^ Anions tlu- recently appointed major generals is Frederick S. Strong. who was born in Michigan in 1S.V>, graduated from ilu> Military academy in 1S"*?. ami became a brigadier general ' In i;?1."?. lie has boon in the artillery ; branch of tlio service. Replacing Gacoline as Fuel. Gasoline at t'?t> cents or more per gallon has stimulated ITrltlsh search for some other fuel for automobiles. Coal gas Is being tried in many el ties, and Consul Claiborne, at I had ford, Intii i.stes that, as its chief disadvantage is its bulk, complete success in its use awaits only facilities for compression r storage. As now used, the gar drawn from the main is carried in a ruhht r-lincd canvas p*- ,,f mattress hape. which is strapped to Ifc: too of the motor otnaibns or to tlie rear of iho nutonmhile. The gas in the i<::g is onnected to the induction pipe, amd the engine is worked by the suction process In the same manner as the ordinary gasoline vapor induction. In a trial of gas for four months, a system "f motor-driven omnibuses operated by the Grimsby municipality is ssdd to have reduced the fuel cost nor tuiin nearly two-thirds, the price per gallon of gasoline and that per 1,000 cubic feet of coal gas being eneh 01 cents. '] The only change In the motor has been the fitting of a butterfly valve In the air intake pipe for regulating the air supply; and as an advantage front the use of gas. It Is claimed that the engine n> cleaner nnd the valves do not reoulr* grinding so often. BS, FOET MILL, 8. C. ^ The KTTCAm If tber? Is any one point which In six thousand years of thinking about right or wrong, wise and good men have agreed upon, or successively by experience discovered. It is that God | . aisiiKes laie and cruel people more than ' any others.?Ruskln. PALATABLE COLD THINGS. Those nro always favorites at all times under most circumstances and ! , conditions. Oatmeal Bever# .. drink which Is espeel ally cooling, i/'rfaS and n great favor^ 'AwJ ite on the farm. a pound of oatmeal, one cupful of sugar and the strained juice of two lemons. Add a half ctipful of boiling water to the oatmeal, mix the other Ingredients and pour into a gallon of boiling water, stir well, put through a sieve and chili before serving. Apple Water.?Core,, pare end cut four apples in small pieces, then put them Into a pitcher, adding the lemon rind from a small lemon, a quarter of a cupful of sugar and four cupfuls of water, hollitig hot ; cover the pitcher and let It stand aside to cool. A tnblespoonful of ginger mixed with o,.../, ... - - 1 mux- <?i MiK-ii surreo into a pint or iced water makes u tine drink. Boston Cream.?Take throe quarts of hotline water, one and a half pounds of sugar, two tenspoonftils of lemon extract, two ounces of tartaric acid and the whites of two eggs, ltoil the water and allow It to get cold, then stir In the other ingredients, heating the whites until stiff. Mix well and pour Into bottles ami keep In the lee chest. When serving, put a pinch of soda in a glass and half till the tumbler with ice, pour in enough of the cream to till the glass and drink Immediately. Chocolate Sirup. ? Take three squares of chocolate, one ounce of cocoa, one and a half pounds of sugar and a pint of water, one and a half teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Boll the cocoa In n double holler ten minutes with a hnlfeupful of water; grate the chocolate and mix It with one-third of its mensure in sugar; add this to the boiling cocoa, stirring constantly, then add the remainder of the sugar and boil for ten minutes. Remove from the tire, strain, cool and add the vanilla. This will keep In the icechest until It is | used. A tnhlespoouful of the sirup added to cold milk or Icewatcr topped with a marshniallow or whipped cream makes a most Inviting drink. lie Is great who ? what lie Is from nature, nn?i wiin nc\cr reminds us of others.?nmorson. LOW COST DISHES. S While the corn season hists there are tnnny tnosf appetizing dishes which may he made from it or w in comhination with othPr'fd Corn.?Cook bn-"' kCj**t4V ' "n ^''r r'"' then Hjb Into the tint hacon fat turn in corn rut from t'__rr' half tt dozep ears, stir I ' m and mix well; then add a half-cupful of water. C^hsm-SI cover mid cook slowly until tender. Season j with pepper and more salt if needed. 1 Corn and Tomatoes.?Cut the corn from the cob and stew until nearly dry, add 21 third as much stewed tomatoes as corn, and season, using a teaspoonful of vinegar, a tea spoonful each of butter :ind sugar, and salt ami pepper to taste, to one pint of toina orm- iiiii, i is ;i income combination with soir? rooks to put 1 up in cans for winter, j Economical Cake.?Sift together one cupful of Hour, two-thirds of u cupful of sugar, one tenspw nful of hnking powder and a little salt. In a hnlf pint measuring cup put a tablespoonful of melted butter, drop In one egg. and All the cup with milk. Stir Into the dry ingredients and heat rapidly two or three minutes. Flavor as desired. lhike In a loaf. When linking cake, fruit juice may he used in place of milk, which will result In a moist, finely flavored cake. Corn for the table. If cooked over steam Is much better flavored than inni iniowcn m coin; in water. Ailil peanut butter when cook'tig fried potatoes. using a tablijspnnnful to tin' fat ill the pan. It adds variety, 11 n?l whore the flavor is liked makes an ii)>p?>ti7.inir ilisli. Puree of Summer Squash.?Slice throe onions :in<l rover with two quarts of cohl water; when boiling. n<hl n largo summer squash cut in thin slices. Lot simmer slowly for two hours, then nth through a sieve. Mix one inhlcspoonful of ground rice or corn starch with a cupful of milk ?r tahlespoonful of butter and season ing<*; cook until smooth and add to iho soup. Serve hot. yUXO-<. irt?& Greatest Joy in Life. Life would not ho worth tin* living | worth the pain and struggle, wore It not for Joy. the Joy of loving and being | loved.* K. I.. C'{.tiln. A wire frar. 10 to hold 0 cup securely on the edge of a plate has been Invented for use where refreshments are served Informally. Camphor Is now grown In Florida and Texas, the trees forming attrne?lv? hedges. \ x \ V * IIGHI P.AI flMPI MAKF UUIIt UnLUIIILL HinilL GLEAN LIVER J Just Onoe! Try "Dod$on's Livei pated, Headachy?Don't Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel t fine and cheerful; make your work a v pleasure; be vigorous and full of am- t bltlon. But take no nasty, danger- 1 ous calomel, because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work, r Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, i which causes necrosis of the bones, i Calomel crashes into sour b'le like > dynamite, breaking it up. That's > when you feel that awful nausea and I cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy \ the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel c cleansing you ever experienced just c take a spoonful of harmless Dodsor.'s T Liver Trine Ynnr r>r rlonlur ? bpIIs you a no cent bottle of Dodson's \ Liver Tone under my personal money- 1 | small Pili. rartor\ Dose, Small Iv" t '?{7"' jmrntwim tobch> w? g ittle ( ss"jsmds hiver * jyllWf g PILLS. This ol Hmuinfl henra alonatur* PALLID PEOPLE 1 Comparisons. "Do you roinonibei in your days of ' adventure the story you told uie about the trouble you had in one voyage to dodge n menacing shark?" "Yes, but that's nothing to the trouble I have to dodge my wife when she wants money for shopping." How's This ? Wo offer IW.OO for any case of catarrh that cannot tie cured by IIAI-Li'S CATARRH MKDIOINE. HAU.'S t'ATAHKII MEDICINE l.s taken internally and acts through tho Mood on ttie Mucoua Surfaces of tlie System. Sold by druggists tor over forty years. Price 75c. Testimonials free. y. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Somewhat Hunched. A marriage broker brought an assistant along to a conference about a hride. The assistant was to confirm his assertions. "Sim is well made, like a pine tree," said the agent. "I.Ike a pine tree," repeated tho assistant. "Site is cultured beyond words." "Wonderfully cultured," came the echo. "However, one thing is true," confessed the broker, "she has :i slight hunch on her hack." "And what a hunch!" confirmed the nssistunt. Want Good Marksmen. At the time of the Spanish-American war nit expert rifle shot was re- ! fused enlistment as a sharpshooter on the ground that good marksmanship is of no advantage on the field of battle. There are still some milltar> authorities who believe this to he the case. They point out that when the | distance is not accurately known, the good rifleman will he sure to miss, while a volley from poor marksmen Will cover a large area and score, some hits. Nevertheless, the policy is now to encourage marksmanship by every nosslhle means. When Man Is Caught. Many a man has been caught at Ins * f.w.lloK I.,. ? 1 . . - ...... .......... | ??-i ?| ?l?- ? 11(1 IOT < him think ho wns fooling them. v r Poor Old Rich Man. No one soon is to sympathi/.o with the poor, old rich man paying Income ^ tar. 1 . f t Bi People eat Grape-Nuts because they i like it and i; they know its j J J*- .1 gooaTorxnem Hi p 1 * 5 YOU SICK! 1JOWELS my WAY r Tone" When Bilious, ConstlLose a Day's Work. tack guarantee that each spoonful rill clean your sluggish lifer better ban a dose of nasty calomel and that t won't make you sick. T < m ? i/uunuu o uiYBr 1UDO IB TQBL1 UTOr nedicine. You'll know It next mornng. because you will wake up feeing fine, your liver will be working, 'our headache and dizzinoss gone, our stomach will be sweot and your iowcIs regular. Podson's LIvor Tone is entirely 'ogetntile, (horoforo harmless and annot salivate. Give It to your chllIren. Mllllona of people are using Godson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist vlll tell you that the sale of calomel s almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. FR E5H - CF.'.SP WHOLESOME- DE LICIOUS THE S.MIITARY HrTUO^S AFPIICD IN THE making or irneaa uiscuirs make THSM THE STANDARD *f EXCELLENCE P?dUr ha* then, or if not he should. tA*k hun or wruo us qivinq his r.atac. C MATT A n A E' P r?W CHATTANOOdAl n.wvvn U^T>&n I TIN*. * J ???????i I???J s Little Liver Pills rou feel the joy of living:. It is impossible appy or feel good when you are CONSTIPATED d remedy will set you right over night. Usually Need Iron in the Blood. Try CARTER'S IRON PILLS ^w-r~-+-ssmm B?ackcicfie Yager's Liniment is excellent for any kind of pain or congestion. It. quickly relieves backache and rheumatic pains, and is a splendid remedy for Neuralgia, Sciatica, chest pains, sprains, strains, swellings and enlargements. Keep a bottle in your home for emergencies you never run till when you will require something of the sort. I 35c Per Bottle ^tkks Each b"tt1e contain* n< rr than th? usual 50 cent battle r?f liniment. | GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. gjjrrEMHs f? @dllTonic iolcl for 47 years. For MuliiHn.Chills ind Fever. Also n Fine* (icneral strengthening Ionic. *" rEACHERS WANTED SPECIAL ENROLLMENT 1) Men for town nml country schools, $75 to lHO; (2) La?liescombining music an<l common cuooi; tai uraneumi in^n senooi. can place II qualm rd teachers Unprecedented denand. Write today. Special enrollment. iouthern Teachers' Agency, Colombia, S.C. Concrete Is Preferable. Stool is (Mine lip. and concrete, as a exult is coining into wider use. Itnllvay bridges. for example, which used ilwnys to Ik> of sit? !. nro now often of oncrete. A 1 < inulfnl concrete railvay bridge i- hoiny hwi t across the ramos river at Itielimond. Vn? and it s nnioh prettlor flian a slool bridge, 'or like reasons. < -wrote is replnrng wood In inlnin:' structural works, v horo it has the great advantage of icing waterproof. A Good Word for Adam. A Tommy, writing homo from the anion of la!, a. says: "I think it's n often ho!.-, and 1 don't blame Adam 'or (renin# thrown out." N<> mim i** ??? poor flint l??- mnnot iffnrd tn pny soniflioilv ;i riuiiidirm-iit io\v rintl then. fv?T "! Murine Is for Tired Eyes. 1 : WIOVlCS Rnl ?Sore Eytl ? e ? Qrannlatwl Kre'ida. Roll- : ; RffMb'i-noUprM Mnnnf 1* s Ismrit* 5 5 Treatment for 18 rem that foci dry ami nuf.rt : - Ulroyour Hjrn a* mni'h of yonr lntinj rare j ? M yonr Tea. h aixl with the aaiuo r?niluniy r g CARE FOR THEM TOO CARROT RUT HEW UK! = r Bold at Itrng and Optical Klorea or to Mall. 3 ?" Aall Burma Ira RiaiRy Ca? CJ?o*?. to# f:ti OMR i MBMUUMMilwiatiiiiaittillMiMttinwiiiitMiMiiiiiaonir