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Miss Mary Lewis came up frpm , Winthrop college and spent the week-end at her home here. ' W. J. Steele has accepted a position in the general store of the ?. W. Kimbrell company. C IT DU.'ll.V. O u. u. ? iiiiupo, ui OMCi??xr, N. C., spent the week here in the home of his son, E. Frank Phillips. ty. A. Roach, assistant cashier of the First National bank, has returned from a vacation of ten days. At a meeting: of the board of trustees last week Mrs. Jas. D. Fulp was elected to take chargre of the seventh grade in the graded school and has entered upon her duties. The equipment of the local postoftice was completed during the past week by the installation of glass surmounting the delivery cases to the ceiling and adds much to the appearance of the fixtures. Mr. Fred Rodgers has returned to Fort Mill from Hill and has taken a position in the store of A. O. Jones. His family will probably take up their residence in their home here during the coming week. The local chapter of the Red Cross has secured the room on fliA sprnnH flnnv nf tVio Povnll w*?w wVww.*v* ??V"* VX Vll? XliCAOll store building in the rear of the office of Baiies & Link which will be "used for a work room. Mrs. William Perry, died in Rock Hill Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of several months, incident to old age. The burial was made in New Unity cemetery this city, Wednesday afternoon. The annual meeting of the Fort Mill Chamber of Commerce will be held Fridav evening at 8 o'clock. After the meeting a banquet will be served in the Meacham building, Main street. Mr. John M. Stroud died early Saturday morning at the home of his son, W. C. Stroud, on White street, where .he has been ill for only a few weeks. The remains were tnW??n nn SnnHav to Kershaw and buried in the familp plot. Invitations were issued several days ago to the marriage of Lieut. J. Marshall Boyce, U. S. R., to Miss Martha Grier Ross, of Morgan ton, N. C.t which is to take place on Saturday, next, October 6. Lieutenant Boyce is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce, of Pineville section. He has been assigned to duty at Camp Jackson, Columbia, with Company I, Three Hundred and Twenty-first infantry. The Fort Mill Manufacturing Co. gives the following revised figures on the total number of machines in operation after the addition, which is nearing completion and details of which have been printed from time to time, has been started up: 32,000 spindles, 807 looms for manufacturing ginghams dyed and finished at the plant and 400 broad looms for manufacturing sheeting. The Fort Mill chapter of the Red Cross held an interesting meeting Thursday afternoon in the Masonic lodge room at which were present Mrs. W. G. Hen derson, president of the Rock Hill chapter, and Mrs. J. H. Graham of Rock Hill, who has charge of the cutting department. Mrs. Henderson addressed the members along the lines of the work undertaken by the Rock Hill chapter and displayed specimens of the work which they ^ire turning out to aid in the prosecution of the war. The local chapter, which; is a branch of the Rock Hill chapter, has as its officers Mrs. T R rvivuji/lnnf U7?UA? i U* x#. iilllVVV TV aitvX Banks Meacham vice president, W. F. Lewis treasurer, Mrs. O. T. Gulp, secretary, and its roll of members contains the names of 45 people at this time, i A canvass will be made at once to increase the membership; to 100. Cotton was quoted on the local market this morning at 26 cents impound. Seed 105 cents per ft * ' 'U r ' , J- 4 Tke Rm af Flint nil. A large crowd attended service at Flint Hill on last Sunday. Qpe hundred and twenty-four answered to the roll call in the Sunday school. Thirty dollars was raised by the Sunday school and two of the misaion&rv socie ties for State missions: Quite a number of pupils will change classes next Sunday, that being "promotion day." Mr., Leslie T. Chambers, of York, and Miss Minnie E. Faris, of this community, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony Wednesday evening, Sept. 27th, at the Baptist parsonage by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, of Noro n i. 1-'-_ way, o. vy., is spuiiainK some time with her daqghter, Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Brevard Culp has been quite ill for several days, but we are glad to report that at this writing she is much better. We sincerely hope that she soon will be restored to health. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Goodwin of Fort Mill, and their daughterin-law, Mrs. James Goodwin, of Winnsboro, spent the day with Rev. J. R. Smith and family on the 26th ult. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. H. Dyches of Fort Mill, paid this section a visit one day last week. Mr. Lonnie Faris fell a few days ago from a wagon loaded with fodder, but aside from being bruised and considerably shaken up, he did not sustain any injury. Since the summer school has closed at Flint Hill several of the students have entered the Pine-1 ville high school. Bonus Amicus. Flint Hill, Oct. 1. Negroes Called to Service. The following Fort Mill negroes have been called by the local board to appear at the U. S. courthouse in Rock Hill this morning for entrainment to go to the mobilization camp at Columbia Friday morning: 17?Samuel Patton?509. 49?Wm. Warren White?437. 70?Thomas Spratt?487. 186?Lonnie Kager?549. 218?James Campbell ?392. 478?Jacob White, Jr.?435. 502?John Gaddy?567. Reward for Slackers. According to a despatch sent out from the office of Provost General Crowder, in Washington, a reward of $50 is offered by the government for the delivery at the nearest army camp or post of any selected man who fails to report for military service, regardless of whether his delinquency is willful. This reward is in full satisfaction of all expenses incurred in such delivery, it is stated. A person who fails to report to his local board for military service at the time specified in his order to report is a deserter as well as a person who fails to report for military service to the adjutant general of the State by the date specified in the order of the adjutant general to said person, the message from the provost general declares. LAS A new series op I .nan Aasnriahni subscribed. *Th( longer and you c and subscribe fo can carry. The able on every al paid in approxin you a check foi safer or more pr< to our members never saved any ful business man 1 hey are all mei Telephone or ca < '*** y**5(uS^VuHSSoSn'Lflal Yerk Ceaaty Newt Natters. ; I iorkville Enquirer.) Travelers between' Yorkville and Gastonia say that jytitte it is nothing to bra* on, that section of road between Yorkville and I yet - - " - ' - _ ?" - - * * i>iover is in mucn netter condition for automobiles than that between Clover and Gastonia. The Rock Hill and Fort Mill companies of the First regiment. South Carolina National Guard are now located at Camp Sevier, Greenville* The two companies are now a part of, the 118th United States infantry. Joe M. Laylor of Newport, agent of the Federal bureau of the census in gathering ginning statistics in York county, has entered upon his regular monthly rounds of the girts of the county. The first ginners' report is expected within a few days. The Piedmont Telephone company is striking the patrons of its Yorkville exchange for an advance of 50 cents a month or $6 a year on the amount it has been collectiiffer from them, and the outlook is that the advance is allowed without much protest. Sixteen ladies of Sharon effectd a temporary organization of a branch of the American Red Cross society at a meeting of ladies held in the Sharon school auditorium last Tuesday evening. An organization was effected with the election of Mrs. T D ? ?i -? u. u. iiuutci aa uuairiuan, anu Mrs. Geo. A. Plexico secretary and treasurer. Twenty-four persons will pay an income tax in York county this year according: to Auditor Broadus M. Love who has made report on the matter to the comptroller general. Under the law, every person whose income is $2,500 per annum or over is liable to income tax. The records in the ^auditor's office show that twenty-four citizens :ii a A * win pay a ioiai income tax of $1,019.79 on an excess income of $82,365. Censors over in Europe censor all right. Relatives of a York county man, who is now doing his bit in France, received a letter from him the other day. It was evidently intended to be a long and interesting letter, but after it left his hands it was opened by the censor and revamped and rehashed to such an extent that about all the information it brought when it reached the parties to whom it was addressed, was, "I am well." The first money received here from the Federal Land bank upon applications of farmers under the Federal Farm Loan act came in this week through the Fort Mill National Farm Loan association and aggregated about $7,500. Quite a number of farmers in this section are taking advantage of the liberality of the contract offered by the government. >T CHA1 >ened in the Perpetu n on Sept. .1 5th, with z books will be kept < ire urged to see the s r as many shares as payments are $.50 ^/uiui ua_y. lately $79.00 the assi r $100.00. What o afitable? Over $ 180 on this plan to dat money by this plan, in town what he thii mbers and boosters. 11 on the Secretary to J. L. SPRA .1- > ' ' - w * ?v v*" '*'v" ' BBBttBHa'Pi LI III i aa^EBgsf1'iiiiirti gg I .\ri- < '.*' -. ? A Res . f Yes, this Wear Store You can head to foot New Coat Suits, \ Coat Suits in all Coat Suits, a fev Long Coats and Black and PI Sport Coats in al (Children's Coats Mil The ladies s I ever shown he: are so low. M M Schloss Bros. Sui Our Special Success Suits foi Gome in, exj become our cust< Pattersi We Sell the Best of Eveiythlng in the Grocery- Line at the Lowest Prices Possible Honest Weights, . Prompt Service. 'Phone No. 15. Culp's Grocery. NCE ial Building and OAA 1 over juu snares Dpen a few days ecretary at once ; you think you per share, payWhen you have ociation will mail ould be simpler, ,000.00 paid OUt M :e. If you have ask any successnks of the plan. ] Don't put it off. J -day. i 11, Secretary. I I . t idy-to-Wear Store. s is the most complete Ready-toin any town the size of Fort Mill. ^ dress the vvhnlp fa mil v hprp ft*rkrr? - ? J ? ?? " I I Long Goats and Sport Coats, In this week. COAT SUITS. good styles, $15.00 to .$27.50 7 left-overs, at $5.00 to 12.00 Sport Coats in Navy, Green, Begundy, laids, $5, $7.50 and up to. 27.70 1 colors, $2.95 to ?. 7.50 , $1.35 to 8.50 -LINERY DEPARTMENT, ill say that our hats are the best styles re and they are surprised that the prices Illinery on Second Floor. EN'S and BOVS SUITS its for men and young men, $18 to. $27.50 4 44 44 $9 to 18.00 boys, 5 to 18, at $3, $5 and up to 8.50 amine our goods, compare prices, and you will imera. m's Dry Goods Storo. School I Supplies I We have on hand a full assort- I ment of everything (books excepted) that is needled for the school room, at right prices. Come in and look over our stock before buying. HUTCHINSON'S PHARMACY I Everything Good in Groceries i | 4 > 4 I 4 > "* . 4 1 * 4 > 4 I 4 > 4 > 4 1 If the market affords it you will find it here. We < \ take special delight in serving our friends. We are < ! | serving more satisfied customers than usual, and our j ; ? 311- - - --- aeiivery wagon is ready to servo you. It will be to j j I your interest to let us supply you with your Ta- J! . ; ble Groceries. Our stock is fresh and clean. j; Phone your grocery wants to Ho. 116. 1 > * * < > Parks Grocery Con Phone 116 ' j < * I ' ' ; 8MB