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asThwa Solent ttoMMU^wSuulU A OR. R. SCHIFFMANH'S W% I AsthmadoR ta iHhtr form (Cigarette, Pipe Mixture or Powder) poetUyely (irw nfPTANT SuUUIMP Id ever* com Sflu permanently onrod tDon.mad, wbo bod been eonridervd Incurable, after baying tried every other mean, of relief In vain. Sufferere are afforded on ' opportunity of availing themselves of this "MoneyBank guarantee offer oa through purchasing from tbelr own tegular Druggist, they are .are their money will be refunded by him if tbe remedy folia. Ton will be tbe sole Judge as to whether you are benoflted and will get your money bock If you are not. We do not know of any fairer proposition which we could make. It ScMffminn Co., Proprietor!, St. Paul, Minn. Easy to Remedy. Jones wus always complaining of his wife's memory. "She can never reuieinber anything." said he. "It's awful!" "My wife wus Just as bud," said Brown, "till I fouutl out a cupitul recipe." "What Is it?" asked Jones, eagerly. "WllV." Mil til Rr.itvfi "iiOiwiiovor i there's anything particular I want the missus to reitleinber I write it on n slip of paper and gum it on the looking glass.'* Jones is now u contented man. A Poor Counter. . "lie's an expert accountant." "I don't believe it. I played golf with him the other day and he score he handed in ecnvlnced me that lie never studied arithmetic." Deliberation Is a good tiling that has broken few records. A PHYSICAL WRECK! ! Laid Up In Bed, Barely Holding Onto Life. Doan's Effected Marvelous Recovery. "Without warning I was drugged to the brink of the grave by malignant kidney trouble," says Robert Wengntz, 114 Cypress Ave., Bronx, N. Y. "My kidneys aeemed to stop acting and ?the pains in my back | were terrible. Big, bloaty putTs came under my eyes und atta ks of I dizziness often blinded me. My limbs swelled twice normal size and 1 could press big dents into the flesh. "I was confined to _ bed and bad convulsions nr. Wtagatz. several times a day. Despite the best of treatment, I grew worse and was taken to the hospital. 1 didn't improve, however, und was brought homo agaiu, barely holding onto life. "Toward the last of 1913, a friend persuaded lue to try Doan'a Kidney Pills and 1 cannot put into words what they did for me. The first box helped more than all the other medicines and treatments I had taken. I 1 continued and from an emaciated wreck of n man I have taken on good. Bolid flesh until I now weigh 225 pounds and om in the best of health. Doan's alone deserve the credit." Sworn to before me. JAMES T. COIIGHLEN, Com. of Deeds Cst Doan's at Any Star*. 60c a Box DOAN'S "VTJLV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. I MALARIA I I Chills and Fever. Biliousness, ft Constipation and ailments 1 requiring a TONIC treatment*. OXIDIHE GUARANTEED 1 ^ac0, **|ox" j te^ij' >Net Contents 15 Fluid Dfachraj HI (fiEES ! IIP? Ufy V i ALCOIIOL-3 PER CENT, f '< AV^clnblcIYeparalionforAsl ftfe-p 0 similntin$UicFoodbyRegula- 1 BE^II ; tlnQUicSiom^snf>dBj^ofj E?^2 v ThcretyPronreiinSDteeshofl RXM Cheerfulness and RcSlContaifS Bof V.' i neither Opium,Morphine nor E3bu ' Mlnt*rAl NoT NARCOTlCi Bp!!' jj Ptr'ptafOidBtSiMLTHPtT&BL gLa; ij ^{TZZmLsn* / I* jf ;|l |i '{jj^'zZffZ.Tr J ?&?. i! Ahc^fuTRemcdyfor J. ?P&v I. Constipation awl DiArrJU?eay flSBm ;l and Fevcflshncss and j B&kk ji Loss OF pgg ." j resulting therefro^in j */ jtpllj || |S? ?'?;?[-} The CeMTAtm C0MT??nr. Kll^ri NEW^SSS^ Exact Copy of Wrapper. ?? LIFT YOUR CORKS * OFF WITH FINGERS How to loooon a lender corn | or nalluo eo It lift* out without pain. Lot folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. TTa flnvo that n fntv /lonno n# ? *1 ?~ ??jo ???* " Ul U Uil>? called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn. Instantly relieves ' soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get n small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house.?adv. COSTLY CHIMES FOR CADETS Big Set of Bells Is Being Made for Chapel at United States Military Acaaemy ax west foint. What is .said to bo the most costly chime of hells in America and one of the most musical sets in existence Is now beltik made nt the foundry of the Meneely Bell company of Troy, N. Y., for the mnssfive tower of Cadet chapel. Rev. II. P. Silver, chaplain at the United States military academy. West Point, ns the gift of Mrs. James M. Lnwton, in memory of her father, the late MaJ. Gen. Robert Anderson, who was graduated from the academy in 1 X2.r?, and whose brilliant command of Port Sumpter at the outbreak of the Civil war has thrilled millions o? readers of American history, says the Watchman-Examiner. There will he 12 hells in the chime, the largest weighing nearly two tons and measuring r>t) Inches at its mouth. The cadet chapel is of stone quarried from rock found on the mllltury L'rounds and cost to hulld ntwiiit Imlf a million dollars. Its commanding po- J sltion on the ldll hack from the Hudson river makes an ideal place for hells, and the patriotic airs from the chime will sound throughout the beautiful highlands, in the midst of which the militury academy is situated, and prove a source of inspiration to the future generals of the United States army that will always linger with them pleasantly. CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION While You Sleep With Cuticura Soap and Ointment?Trial FreeOn retiring, gently smear the face with Cuticura Olutnient. wash nft' in live minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water, nnd continue bathing n few minutes with the Soap. The Influence of this treatment on the pores extends through the night. Free sample each hy mail with Rook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. A Measly Haul. First Burglar ? Hello, pard! I haven't seen ye since you cracked dat crib on Jenkins street, tilt anyt'lng? Second Burglar?Yes, but I didn't know it until about a week afterward. I I got do measles. If your eyea am art or feel acalded. Roman Eye Balaam applied upon going to bed la juat the thing to relieve them. Adv. There is no place lfke home?when a man is broke. CASTORUV For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always I K Bears the /W & Signature/ otW ft ln (V'r n"88 \Jr For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA rw? wwwi out, ww ton crrr. -9 9 "* . > r" ' ' WWHS T8 MEET WAR CONDITIONS1 ' HOME DEMONSTRATION FORCES J VERY ACTIVE?MANY COUN. ] TY AGENTS. ' ??? { nicniTnurp rnnu nninumi uigmiunti) rnum uuLumom ; \ Doings and Haopenlngs That Mark the 1 Progress of South Carolina People, Gathered Around the State Capital. Columbia. ^ Miss Edith L. P&rrott, state agent 1 for home demonstration work, has pre- ] pared the following statement on the , work done by her department to meet i war conditions. "Tho home demonstration work un- ' Hop WlnJhrnn P/Olona onH fKo t T I f ?? IMVHIUj# VWIIUgU W 1I\I UIU WIlllVU States department of agriculture is now extended to 45 counties?every county in South Carolina. In 21 of the counties the main agent has an assistant agent. This gives us 06 county and assistant county home demonstration agents. Our office force will be Increased us soon as possible. "The towns and cities of the state will be given more help by the home demonstration organization than ever before. From time to time home economics specialists will assist the county agent in giving demonstrations to city, town and rural clubs. "The mill village extension work which has heretofore been carried on by Wlntlirop College and the United 1 States department of agriculture has been turned over to the home demonstration department. There is to be only one organization, all members of which will use the same literature, the same demonstration, etc. In other vtrAr/1 a It ia o ?%-! nit o i/irt />f 4 Vi n Itivvvvn demonstration work to include mill j villages, Just as we are constantly ex- J j tending our work to new communl-1 ties and counties." "The following lines of work are j l being stressed at the present time: i 1 FalK gardens, fall poultry, the pre- J serving and canning of fall fruits i i such as pears, grapes, etc.. wheat substitutes, meat substitutes, economy i r in the selection, combination and use , of foods, community, county and stute j fairs, and marketing of surplus can-1 * ned products. "To efficiently serve our people has i' always boen the purpose of the home I j uemonsiruuou worn, wuw ui uus itii* ^ leal period in tho history of our eountry, when patriotism, loyalty and a : desire for service should dominate the Ir life of every one. the homo demonstra- 1 tion organization stands as a unit for r service. Let no one feel a hesitancy * in asking for any assistance that we 1 may be able to render." < 1 1 Appeals Are Not Sent Direct. ^ Governor Manning was advised | Zl. H. Crowder .provost marshal gcu oral, that appeals from the action of j district bonrds should be filed directly ' with the district boards and not. sent v direct to the president, the provost ( marshal general, members of congress j a or to any other than the district board ; f itself. Appeals on the gounds of do- !, pendency will not be acted upon by i the president. The only claims fcr exemption to be acted upon by the chief executive in appeals from the district board will fall within the two classes of agriculturo and industrial workers. The telegram from General Crowder read: '1 Rv tho rotrnlntlonn of tho nroaf. dent governing appeals from the action of the district boards the claim of appeal must be filed with the district board and can not be roceived If sent direct to the president, the provost marshal general, members of congress or to any other than to the district I board. "2. Papers, evidence and affidavits J not considered by the district board can not be considered on appeal from the district board. "The only cases in which there is an appeal to the president are cases in which a claim for discharge on the ground of engagement in agriculture | or industry has been made In the district board. There is no appeal to *> president from the action of the local board in dependency or other ? oases whore determination is within the jurisdiction of the local board. , "4. All attempts to appeal eases . other than those, involving the dccis- f ion of the district board on agriculture or industrial exemptions from ( -.. Vt r> t oifAX a/Mic/.o . ?11 nuaivTci ovjuicc ha civuu , ail rill I Ust* vits, letters, .arguments, evidence, papers or other mutter not considered by the district board; all papeals made to the president direct or sent to any other official or person in Washington, will have to be returned to the sender." ? t New Enterprises Authorized. Tennlllo Brothers, incorporated, of Spartanburg, was commissioned, with a proposed capital of $8,000, the petitioners being P. C. Boyles and W. G. Tennille of Greensboro, N. C., and J. M. Tenr.ilje of Spartanburg. A wholesale and retail cigar and soda fountain business will be carried on. The Whitmire Bonded Warehouse of Withmire, Newberry County, was ! commissioned with n proposed capital of $4,000 the petitioners being M. P.! Abrams, John L. Miller, W. H. Rasor , and W. R. Watson. I limits Cause Oraln Loss. Thsre was a loss of five to tea per cent of oar small-train crops in this state last year due to smuts, accord* In* to a report from Clemson College. These smuts may be destroyed, very easily by seed treatment. Due to the fact that grains are of very great Importance at this time, and in most cases seed from last year's crop is to be used, it is urged that the seed be treated before planting. To prevent smuts ot wheat, oats and barley use only the very best seed obtainable, and before treating be sure to try to have the seed passed through & fanning mill to remove light imperfect kernels and any smut balls that may not have been removed at the time of threshing. ror cnomicai treatment or seen the following methods are most effective: (1) Take an old molasses or oil barrel, clean well, and fill about twothirds full of formolin solution?one pint of formaldehyde to forty gallon? of water. Place about a bushel of seed in a bag and tie near the top so the seed will have free movement within the bath. Allow each baw to Bonk in the solution for ten or fifteen minutes. After treating from fifteen to twenty bushels a new solution should be prepared. As fast as the sacks of seed are treated and allowed to drip, they should be emptied from the bags in a pile, and allowed to remain over night. The seed Bliould then be planted at once to dried to prevent dpmage. (2) Place the seed in a pile on a flooi1 or in one end of a wagon body, and as you gradually shovel from one pile to u new one the seed should he sprinkled with the formaldehyde solution. The shoveling and sprinkling of the' seed should be repeated until tho seed are thoroughly damp. Then place damp bugs over the piles of seed and allow to remain over night. The former treatment is peferable and gives better results as the seed are more likely to be thoroughis wet. The above methods may be varied by the use of bluest one (one pound of blucstone to four or tlve Bullous of water) instead of formaldehyde. The bluestone solution is iiseiy. nowever, 10 prove mure injurious to germination. especially oat Boed. Materials for making the solutions may be purchased at any drug store. Vic Master Quits State Office. F. H. McMaster. state insurance ommissloner, said he will not stand or re-election at the expiration of the tersent term. He did not indicate vhat position will engage his attcnon. Concerning his proposed retireucnt. he said: "Circumstances somewhat compel ne to announce to the people of South 'arolinu that I will not offer for redection to the oifice of insurance ommissloner at the expiration of my tresent term. My successor will be dented by the general assembly when t next meets. Within the past 4S tours I have decided to accept an oror to engage in an entirely different ine of work?not connected with inmrance?which gives much greater jromise of making old age comfortible than my present position. And vhile it Is u high privilege to serve he people in official station yet just is valuable service may be done in trlvate life. So I have decided to reIre." Urge County Officers' Assistance. Co-operation of all county superintendents of education with the state Council of Defetl^b in its program of education and preparedness was urgently stressed by Governor Manning in a letter Issued to these officers. The letter follows: "The State Council of Defense is engaged in a campaign of education and information as to the great issues of the war, and South Carolina's duty therein. The council is planning to hold patriotic meetings and rallies in every school district in the state, either at the school openings or very early in the term. "I urge you to lend all the aid within your power to the chairman of the council of defense in your county. Please keep him informed of the school openings in your district, and help him to secure strong, patriotic speakers for educational gatherings of all kinds." some somn oaroiina orops. If Is estimated that South Carolina will produce this year 56.400,000 munds of tobacco as against 20.280.10 pounds last year South Carolina i.-> expected to proluce front ton to fifteen million more tuabels of corn this year than she did n 1916. Irish potatoes have gained in popunrity this year in South Carolina. Way over a million bushels of this rop are expected. The state didn't produce anyways near a million buah>ls last year. The Adder Machine Company, a Pennsylvania corporation domesticated in this state, filed notice with the secretary of state that its capital stock had been increased from *750,000 to *1,000,000. A commission was Issued for the Commercial Barber Shop of Colum tda. The proposed capital stock is *3.000 and the petitioners propose to ,:oijduct a cigar and newi stand in onncction with the shop. The Buffalo Milling Company of Bethune, Kershaw county, waa also chartered. The capital stock is $6,000. ' ???????????? . ? As beneficial a able?in other beneficial: WRIGI Is BODiilar fho ?j Many a long w< j Job is made n j by this lona-lastir ~j ] After Every Meal Aids appetite A | , J.WRIC tw?PERI Between Us Girls. Miss Slinrpe?Soiiu> men cnu be led, I I>111 others must be driven. Young Sharper?Oh, yes ! Hut while ! you ohu drive a man to drink you j ain't always lead him to the altar. REMARKABI.E I.FTTKR FROM A WELI, KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST. Inrffmnceto F.llxlr Itulir k ihc gnat rammdy tor chilla and fmvar and all malarial dimaatmt. "Within the l?Ht live months I have mild 3.HC0 hottle?or Kllxlr Ha tick for Malaria,ChlllMuitd | , Fever. Our ruttuairrH npi'iik very well of It." ; Henry Evans, 0S2 KHt., N. W.,WaKhinRton, D. C. Kllxlr Uubt'k SO cents, all drnujflnlH. or tiy Parcel Pont, prepaid, from Kloczenskl ? Co., ' lViMb!uf[IOD, D. O. "Wife a Good Sport." \V. S. Desmond, a carpenter of Huntington Lake, Cul., Is above tlio selective draft age limit, but he wanted to Join the army. He told Ills wife. She objected. He offered to match pennies with her. | She agreed. Ho suggested heads, stay at homo, tails go to the front. They matched and tails won. I>es- | mond enlisted in the tleld artillery, j "My wife's a good sport," he told the recruiting officer. Love in a Cottage. He?Their engagement is broken off, I understand. She?Oh, yes. He-?What was the reason? ' Bhe?Why, both were sutlsliod that they could live on love In a cottage, but when they got to details they discovered that each of them contemplated supplying nothing but the love. Fifty-Fifty. Bernard was present at a dinner party. in which some of the guests brought their children. One little girl wanted ' to piny with Bernard's toys, but he J was selfish and wouldn't let her. "Now, Bernard," said mother, "you 1 must be a little gentleman." i "V..- * --....I I... . ? ouni 111 , lllll ."III: 1)1* II i Indy." | Would Give Him the Lie. IloHiHler?'fills gas Mil is only 20 Cents. Clerk?Well, sir? Rounder?Hotter nmRe it SI.20. My wife keeps the hills, lnit I've been writing Iter thnt during her uhsenee I've spent nil my evenings at liuine. When He Howled. "Hubby, tin* innitl litis gone ami she took my diamond tiara." "Well, I don't like notoriety. Let It go.*' "She also took a peek of potntoes." "Semi for the police!" Who wants bread and butter,when a feller can hate POST TOASTIES 9a?s ifc/wtA,, Z> s It Is enjoy- p words, doubly P BH that's why r LEYS E '< world overt P itch or a hard r lore cheerful c ia refreshment. L [ The Flavor Lasts r Soldiers and Officers. The lieutenant was testing the squutl in visional power. "Tell me. No. 1." he said, "how many men are in the treneli digging party over there?" "Thirty men und one ofllcer," wqs the reply. "Quite rigid. Ttut how do you know one was an otlieer at tliis distance?" "Cos he's the only one not working t" ?Scottish American. Plenty of It. "Brngley says iiis new house is heatyd with hot air." "Then it is well heated. I've heard Brngley lull;.' In profanity it is not so much what one says as the manner in which it ia Uttered. Indigestion produces disagreeable and omi'llmia alarming symptoms. Wright's Indian Vegetable 1*11 la stimulate the digestive processes to function nsturailjr. Adv. After a woman reaches a certain ago she never mentions it. "EAT ?7Z" Skinners MACARONI MJI| j N^^mnwwouw/y \MEgsswm89 TEACHERS WANTED SPECIAL ENROLLMENT y / iueu ivr umu ?nu country RCDOOIS, to $100; (3) Ladiescombining music. andoomraoo school; (3) Grade and high school. Can place all oualltied teachers. Unprecedented demand. Write today. Special enrollment. Southern Teachers* Agency, Columbia, S. C. KODAKS DEVELOPING rill [lily All roll films developed 10c. Prints 8 to l-W5*5otH. Prompt attention to mall onlera. K. C. 1IKKNAD, UiMiuboro, M. O. ILaj 'M . URKKR'8 hair balsam A toilet preparation of marts. Ufa J Bilpa to aradloatodiodraff. a -otr. M For RMtariif Color and RfSfi Beaoty toGrar or Faded Hair. MjaUB^^2^^*Ooran<l$LS0atl>ru?*l?t^^ f$U KODAKS & SUPPLIES rlUjlljr also do highest elaaa of finishing. I By ii,. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Gales id Optical Ca, Richsi.L V*