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Oil'nw Takwi by National Commlttoa for Mental Hygiene. Insanity in the United States is deon the increase. This fact is revealed by reason of a census taken IjE of the Insane, feeble-minded, epileptics, inebriates and. drug addicts by the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Analysis of this census is found ' J?E in the Mental Hygiene. It was complied by Horatio M. Pollack, statistic! an of the New York State Hospital commission, and Edith M. Furbush, statistician of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. The federal census bureau estimates that the Increases of population from April 15, 1010, to January 1, 1017, was 11.80 per cent. The same government ?gency found In 1010 thut the number -of Insane In institutions was 187,701. 1 The census taken In the present year revealed 234,055 Insane persons In ln-stltotlons. Thus the Increase In tlm Insane in Institutions during the corre" - ponding period was 24.04 per cent, a growth more than double that of the general population. Moreover, the rate of Increase of the Insane In, Institutions was relatively greater than that of the general population In every state except Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Nevada and South -Oarolinu. Illinois Is one of the states In which the dlspurlty between growth of population and Increuse In Insanity "has been greatest. In this state the. population Increuse wns 9.84 per cent, as compared with a percentage or increase or insane in institutions of 27.88. The neighboring state of Indiana dhows un even greater disparity, with percentages of 4.04 and 27.44 respectively. YES! MAGICALLY!"1 CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS < i ' * ?? " , , You say to the drug store man, ' "Give me a small bottle of freezone." 'This mill ? nut msi verjr nil it* DUl Will pedtlvely remove every hard or soft com or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- [ pound applied directly upon a tender, i aching corn relieves the soreness Instantly. and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted ofT with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati ! man, who says that freefone dries In . a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without Irritating the unrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from -his Wholesale, drug house for yon.?adv. Why She Blushed. -Flossie, the waitress, was very keen oh a certain handsome young man who always sut at one of her tables. She fluttered round him and ogled and giggled and explained the young maQ K incK 01 response Dy tne met that he atannnered. "Is there anything you want?" she asked one day, and there were several shades of meaning in her tone. The young man glanced at her and aald: "Will you let me have a k-k-k?" The maiden blushed violently at this significant round and threw a glance of triiynph at the other waitresses. "?a k-k-cup?" finished the young man. The girl blushgd deeper than ever at this and the young man went on: "I kn-know why you're blushing. ? Ton thought I was g-golng to ask for a k-k-k-clenn cup!" Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's Tba Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is oqually valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININB and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ont Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Bttilds p the Whole System. 60 cents. Good Policy. "I never interfere with other peo pie's affairs." -NoT* **No, I stopped that yeurs ago, when I cheeked up and found that all the money I had ever made came from minding tny own business." A Helpful Hint ?Do you think It really necessary to /go to the trouble of having the suspectel couitplnster analyzed by a bacteriologist?" asked J. Fuller Gloom. "Uuven't you a bcother-ln-lev that you -?en try It on?"?Kansas City Star. After a man's friends really know >Mni they often cense to know him. A Message YOU know the real human doc to the doctor* made of flesh and souls and hsarts: those men s deed of niffht as readilv as In 1 to toll you the good that Fletchei will do, from their experience and th Fletcher's Caatoria is nothing try an experiment. We just want ef b :ying Fletcher's. Your physician will tell yoa her ^of^imitations on^the market, OmsIm CxtonU always bears the "" I ' I lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! , Make Cheap Lotion The Juice of twofreah lemons strain ed into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemish da as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautlfler. Just try It! Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage It dally into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any akin. It is wonderful for rough, red hands. Tour druggist will pell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. The Potato Blessing. ltldlug outside the city, one"will not full to see the wide expanse of potato plants growing luxuriously, and forthwith he indulges In anticipations of the golden plenty that Is soon to be the good fortune of our people. But clouding these anticipations is a dark fear that the speculator will invade these premises and get nearly all these potatoes Into his own hands and by some sort of restriction or limitations so work the prospects that he will be able to keep up the price and gather in the profits, says the Ohio State .lourmil Tt UTAIllil Kn I* to tiie public welfare If It could be so decreed that uo producer should sell to ii mere speculator. There Is no oppression In that. Of course. It might stave off u little Inconvenience, but It will pay In the end. Let us hope that the beautiful potato prospect will turn out a public blessing. DRUGGISTS PLEASED WITH 600D KIDNEY MEDICINE I have sold your remedy for the past fifteen years ana have sufficient confidence in it to give it my personal recommendation. I believe it is one of the best medicines of its class on the market today and I find pleasure in selling it at all times. Very truly yours, KAMINER'S DRUG STORE. F. V. JCaminer, Prop.,_ Nov. -i, 1V1U. Spartanburg, S. C? Letter to Dr. Kilmer Ce. Blnghimtee. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root WB Do For Yoo Send ten cent* to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Buishamtoi^ N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It .wiB convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about tbe kidneys and bladder. When writing, be Munr and mention this paper. Large and medium aiae bottles for sale at all drug stoma,?Adv. Crops*o? Wheels. Kumper crops lu New Jersey are being put on wheels and roiled right into the city markets, fresher and faster this year than ever before, and for the first time since the growing of perishable products became an extensive industry In the state the farmers feel themselves to some degree independent of -railroad schdufes and freight rates. Motor trucks have solved the problem of fast delivery for Jersey farm* era. Hundreds of big cars, some of them with a carrying capacity of several tons, have been put on the roads between the farms and markets this, season. Many of these- auto trucks are owned by the farmers themselves, having been purchased to replace horses and market wagonsAlert for the Future. "You've got a l<?t ot weeds In your j garden.* "Pretty fine weeds, too, don't you think?" rejoined Mr. Crosslot.s. "Surely you are not nursing them along?" "Yes, sir. I've been finding out that so many new things are edible that I'm holding out to see whether science won't discover shme way of frying the jlmpson or stewing the burdock." Rare Fvea Tlltv^.Rhht UStm Watsru fttlcky Eyea. all hraUd promptly with' nltthH ly application# of Roman Bye Balaam. Adv. Fishy. Au observer from no altitude eun .r e fur Into the water below. The. -.Irplnne will be known as (he ilshlmwk of the war.?Washington Star. A new hat for women has a wide brim which can be removed, leaving only a narrow one. to Mothers rs right around in your neighborhood: bk>oa just like you: the doctors with rho are responding to your call in the the broad daylight; they are ready r'a Castoria has done, is doing and icir love, for children. f new. We are not asking yon to to impress upon you the importance this, as he knows there are a numand he is particu^rly interested in drnttnre of LABOR AGENTS VISIT HULLS ? : i y.:\. v. . n . Government Preparing to Enforce Keating-Owen Law In 8outh Caro Una Textile Plants. Spartanburg. ? Several representatives of the government acting under federal instruction are in Spartanburg investigating conditions prior to the going into effect of the KeatingOwens child labor law. Francis H. { Bird is in charge of the entire work ; in the Spartanburg-Greenville district j and on his staff are eight assistants. ! They have been at work in ^Spartan- j burg several days going to all the i mills and acquainting the employers I and employees with the work that is 1 to be done in complying with the law. j One of their efforts is to get the pa- j rents of the children to list their correct names with the officials so that no embarrassment will be had in keeping the children over 16 years ot age from their work. A big proposi- j tlon is before these people, they say. > and they think thut the work will not be finished before September 1. which I will necessitate their work continu- : Ing after the bill has become a law. Many Will Attend State Fair. Columbia.?With the near approach of fnll South Carolinians and especially Columbians turn their attention to the one big event in the combined commercial, social, industrial and festive life of the state, the annual gathering of the masses, for the state fair. The 49th meeting begins Monday. 'October 22. and closes the following Friday evening. In view of the general prosperous conditions prevailing over the state, the magnificent crops and the high price obtaining for farm products, the 1917 fair promises to be one of the most ! successful ever held. a reaiure wnicn win no aoum ai- ; tract hundreds of additional Carolinians, who otherwise would not come j to Columbia during fair week, will be Camp Jackson. By the time of the j fair the husbands, brothers, and sons 1 of many pilgrims to the capital will be in military service. Many rela- ; tives and friends of the soldiers from Florida and North Carolina who will be in training here will doubtless also come from these states, taking advantage of the opportunity of cheap rates and of seeing their soldier J friends or kin and at the same time enjoy South Carolina's festal week. For these reasons the crowds thaf will be present in Columbia this year will i break all records. The problem of entertaining such enormoas crowds is yet to be solved. [ The city is now filled almost to overflowing with soldiers, officers and their wives and the men who are building Camp Jackson. With the I advent of fixe state fair there will be numbers of Camp Jackson workmen in the city, for the camp will be u?/i'ar nnnut rnpf len fnr .M?vnrn1 mnnth? yet. IIow to Qnd accommodation for state fair crowds is a question that has found lodgement in many minds, i The fair itseit will no doubt be one of the best in the history of the state. Prizes ranging from 50 cents to $125 and covering every phase of the agricultural, industrial and home life of the people of Sou*h Carolina have been ofTered. This usual good races with the running and harness eventH j and purses will, be a prominent feature. Camp Wadsworth Nearly Ready. Spartanburg. ? Camp Wadsworth. where the New York troops are to mobilize for intensive* training, is S5 per cent finished, with the exception of th'e $400,000 hospital building and a remount station, which have just been started. Water for the camp, which was obtained from the city's supply system, has been turned on. following the Installation of the first of two 200.000 ; gallon tanks. The other tank will be j installed in a few days and tl^ese two will bo sufficient to care for the needs of the soldiers. Where four weeks ago only fields of cotton and corn could be seen, with | woods of pine and oak, today are long lines of bouses, entirely finished, with streets well laid out and graded. The building of many miles of these streets is progressing rapidly and after the grading and tile placing of crushed stone and the coating they will be about the best In the state. 60UTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. A is found at the barracks of Company F. First South Carolina Infantry. It is an alligator about three feet long and was caught at Denmark by some members of the company while they were guarding bridges. F. H. McMaster, state insurance commissioner, left for St. Paul. Minn., to attend the annual convention of insurance commissioners. Mr. MrMaster will be out of the city a weeL or ten days. The Rev. Ben Co*, pastor of fhe yCentral Baptist church of Memphis, noted for his original methods In religious work. Vlll become ramp religious work director at Camp Sevier. Greenville, for the Y. M. C. A. during an extended leave of absence from his church, it baa been announced. Tie will reach Greenville this week. "I will not be a candidate for any iffloe next year so far as 1 knov \ow." declared coie l.. uiease in an Interview at Greenville. Please spoke vt a formers' meeting at Pickens and t Greer at a district meeting of Im .roved Order of Red Men. ?: , m . . ..... Ulftjlill Uftllf III "* WOMAN HOW IN "r PERFEGTJEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham AdverftUemexrt. Peterson, N. J. ?"I thank joo for tho Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they mhavt made me well and healthy. Sometime ago I felt so rundown,had pains in my back and aide, waa very Irregular, tired, nervous, had soda bad dreams, n a s s i ? IIIIIIIILU^^H^MLiJ||<ua notieei luceeatDiHKi^ and had short HlK breatlL I read your ^pMBjadvertisement in IHrff*W^-TC^^FI the newspapers and decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so I took a second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am just as well as any other woman. I advise every woman, single or married, who is troubled with any of the aforesaid ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me."? I Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sande, 86 No. York St., Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine i Co., (confidential) Lyhn, Mass, if you need special a Ivice. GREEN MOUNTAIN" ASTHMA TREATMENT Jr Ak Standard remrdj for fifty IR I } J/ yeareandreaultof many yean experience In treatment ol Li\ \ Af throat and lung dlsei>?? * I*- J- H. OnUd. TfUimqX Free Simil* and Practical -1 Trfatlnon Aithmx, lm r?us?, ^VinIvK treatftirnt, etc., ?rnc upon r?^VflkKMKW qpr?t. tV. A tl t)0 mt dniKgfUts. J. H. QUII O CO., Rupert, Vt. j rltsksmrft (mmxTonic Sold for4>7 years. For Malaria, Chills ( and Fever. Also a Fine General I Strengthening Tonic* ""K.*!!!"" . A New Place for Orderlies. There Is evldency that life iu the . army has Its humorous side even in . war time. In a story that recently went the rounds of the English press. ; a newly appointed olllcer who was making his ilrst visit to the mess, with the usual inquiry of "uuy complaints?" arrived at one mess somewhat earlier than he was expected, and the orderly of the dny, being taken by surprise, and in his shirt sleeves, dived under the table to save a reprimand. "Any complaints?" asked the ofli- j cer. The corporal, grasping the situation ; ut once, answered for the abseut or- | derly. "None, sir." "Who Is this?" asked the otfh'er, sud- J donly catching sight of the orderly un- j dor the table. The corporal again rose to the sliun- ; Men. "Orderly of the day, sir," he an- ! swered. "Oh!" suld the officer, and passed on. The next mess were quite prepared, with the orderly, spick and span, standing at attention at the head of the- table. "Any complaints?" "None, air," austvered the orderly. Ttw. nfflhoi. I..I hi... ?-.11 "And who are yon?" he asked. "Orderly of the day, sir." "Then why the dickens aren't yoa under the table?" was the unexpected retdtt. Idleness Makes a Fortune. "If you sit Idly >*ou will lose money | every minute," Ls a llberuL paraphrase of a well-known Japanese proverb and serves as a protest against idleness, hnt the Tokyo Hocld cites the case of the great Ituddha at Nara. which, despite inaction, is reaping n fortune. | During the year ending June 2T? the ; Buddha received 351,000 visitors, who paid admission fees aggregating j The exaction of a fee to visit the big Buddha bepm in 1011, since which | time $127,r?00 gate money has been received. Horse Chestnuts as Food, j An effort Is being made to adapt the horse chestnuts to the human dietary. ' The nuts are more than half starch and sugar, with some protein and fat. , umi itre nuiniHMi.t. i neir vimie mien/ j depends on tlie elimination of the Wt; tor elements nml the trrltntlnj; snponl- i j like prluoosldes. South African railways In 1919 will I expend $50,815,000, It Is estimated. | ! l'ortumil this year produces 577 qunrts of jrrape wine. "No bowl is too bid when it holds Post Toasties K*r CALOMEL MAKES 1 ITS MERC Strainhtiin llnl FlnnH I ne* ? IV ?!> ?rwn % lavuy 14 Liver and Bowels With 4 Ufh! Calomel makes you sick. Take a dose of the vile, dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile crashes Into It, breaking it up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my fuarantee?Go to any drug store or denier and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't LIMBS MADE OF CARDBOARD Artificial Leg, Invented by Danish Doctor, Enables Wearer to Walk Soon After Amputation. A Danish doctor at a hofpltul In Purls lias Invented a cardboard leg which ennbles the wearer t > go about without crutches two dars after his limb has been amputated. The materials used ? re two sheets of cnrdhonrd about tt ce-slxtecnth of an Inch thick, and br adages soaked In a starch solution, ifter careful measurements huve \een taken the cardhoard Is c* .iito what looks like two petr-*"- , which after being soaked in me hntli fold round each other and are secured with bandages. The principle Is that of an egg in a cup. and the patient can wear the leg long before the wound Is completely healed. He can thus get nlr and exercise, which It Is usually impossible to obtain at this phnse of his convalescence ; nlso he has to suffer none of the Inconveniences of crutches, a stick sufficing for his needs. The leg. properly treated, lasts from six months to a year, by which time a permanent artificial limb Is ready to be fitted. CUT1CURA IS SO SOOTHING To itching, Burning Sktna?It Not Only Sootheu, but Heals?Trial Free. Treatment: Bathe the affected sui* face with Cutieura Soap and hot water, dry gently and apply Cutieura Ointment. Repeat morning and night. This method affords Immediate relief, and points to speedy henlment. They rre ideal for every-day toilet uses. Free sample each by mall with Book. Auurvss postearu, uuucuru, M Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Such Is Fame. Many years ugo Wilbur D. Nesbit, the author of "Your Kins nnd My Fluff," was known to the little village of CednrvlIIe, O., his native home, as only one of the neighborhood. Recently he returned to Cedarvllle after a long absence. Of course, his coming was heralded by the local newspupcr, so he was expected. When he was walking qyxietly throuffh the town (he tells the tale hltnself>, he overheard this conversation between two old villagers : "I understand by the paper that Will Neshlt Is back In town today." "So they say. I wonder what be looks like now?" "Oh, he didn't ever amount to much. He went off to college and that Is about the last good he ever did." "And to think what he is do in* now. Of nil the easy things, writin' poetry!" KT.IXIK BABES A GOOD TOXIC And Drives Malaria Oat of the Hjitrm. "Yetir 'Bsbtk* acta like mafic; I have fives It to numerous people In my pariah who were nffrrlaf with chills, malaria and fever. I recommend It to those who ar? sufferers and In need-ofn good tonle."?Rev. S. Sayasanowskl. St. Stephen's Church, Perth Amlov, N. J. NiAir iHiv?t w L'rnm, an urunpilH or Df Pnr.-ci P*m?, prepaid, from Klocsewakl A Col, Vkablngiioo, b. C. Something for Jones. Drill Sergeant (sarcastically to little Jones* who Is continually out of step) ? Company, all except Private Jones, change stop! I really 'aven't the 'enrt to trouble tni attain!?Passing Show. Plausible. Tllle dinger says that the reason she thinks her new l>osa' wife Is keeping cool through the hot weather Is ?* enuse her telephone voice sounds as If It were right off the Ice.?Galveston News, Nature Is So Natural. "Oh. don'i you love nature?*" "Yes. Indeed; It adds so much"? Christian ltoglster. The time to make a reputation for | l.onesty is the first chance you get to 1 steal or cheat. Constipation (enormity Indicates disordered ! stomach, liver and bowala Wrlshfs Indian vegetable I'llla restore regularity without griping. Adv. Kvery woman hns some aim In li/e, Mit what sh?> hits Is different. ? Eg 1-. JL . . ? i. *071 UPJN& Granulated Eyelids, MM f3?or?^ye#> Eyes Inflamed by / <dW?W X^iow. Duatand Wifid Quickly 'OP **7 X relieved by Murine. Try It In Vrkl iiOtvt C your Eyes atul ln Baby's Eyes. lUUR tLTLONoStnartini, Jmt Eye Contort Marine Eye Re?e?y ^nJrp^&,.'V?^ C?e Salve, la Tobea tSe. For Book of lAo fw ~ From. Ask Marian Kro Bsawdy Co., CMeege * '"'If! J SICK, UGH! 1 URY AND SALIVATES ay's Work! Clean Your Sluggish 'Godson's Uver Tone." straighten you right up and make yo? feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tons Is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entire It vegetable, therefore It cannot Mil* rate or make yon sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months, a Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste.?Adw The Great Need. The Prince of Udiue, head of the Italian commission, said at a luncheon In New York: "The Germans need, above all thlniTK. a snirltiml hntli or ploiinsln?. When 1 contemplate them I feel like the restuuruteur. "A restaurateur In the GttUerlu in Milan was waited on by a tramp who wanted work. The restaurateur, bolug short-handed, agreed to take the tramp on. But, heavens, he was dirty. " 'I'll put you at the dish washing/ said the restaurateur, and then lie took out a two-lira note. 'But, here, take this first, and go and get a bath.' "As ihc^Xruinp, bowing and scraping, started off, the restaurateur called him hack and said: " "There may he some change. Ia that event, take another bath.'" A Wise Provision. The wity Journalist was conversing villi n friend about raising carp 'n ponds for food. The friend remnrk?sl that such u food supply would not be much in demand here, but that the Germans liked carp. "Germans will eat anything," remarked the witty journalist, hut Immediately qualified ids remark. "That is, when they cuu get anything to cat." Don't keep your hand in your pocket when sympathizing with a mun in hard luck. If a man attends solely to his own * i misuieRS no rins it good stoutly Jon. m A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER-ASTHMA Tour hob*t win. tie umou by roar drugglM wltboat any qoKMInn If this remedy doee not benefit very cose of AMhuis. Bronchial Asthma and the Asthmatic symptoms accompanying J lay Fever. Nt^ matter bow violent the attacks or obstinate the cuF m DR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S f\ AsthmadoR AND A8THMADOR CIGARETTES positively gives LNS'CANl' It HI.I KK" In rmrr (MS and has permanently cured thousands who bud been considered incurub.e, after having tried every other means of rollrf In vain. Asthuiatlcn should avail themselves of this guarantee ?<Trr through thelrowv druggist. liny a to-rent unrkngn and present thin announcement to your druggist. You will be the | sole Judge as to whether yen urn benefitted and tba druggist will glTO yon brick ynnt money If yoa srs not. We do not know of any fairer proposition w hlch we eon Id make. [fj R. Schitfmann Co., Proprietor*, SL Paul, Mimu. DXIilH I Kills (Iflftl ' Chills^y^f i I Good for Malaria, constipation i biliousness ? o flno tonic. B " Guaranteed or money back 1 A*h 4our italtr a | B?hrens Drug Co..Waci?.1rx. H Immwmmiimmmmiiiam THICK, SWOLLEN QLANDS that make ahorse Wheeze, SHn?i Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be j reduced with M j | eubcai also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister, , no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Economical?only a few drops required at an application. #2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M tre#. i ABSORBiNE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for | mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "F.vidence" free W.F.YOUNG, P. D. F., 310 Testis It.. Springfield. Mats. 1 THE CROWELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and ALCOHOLIC ADDICTIONS Method* safe and tuceooafaL A blah olaaa place Smblnlnc thn faclllllot ot a sanatorium wish mmrta and freedom of a private home. Individual treatment. Our method rendora the treatment of MOKPHINISRIas pain 1m* as an operation. Write for reserved room. Term* II26.UU. N. Cnldwell 8L. C11ABi.OTTB. N. O????mm????i I f "C ~%AT SNAT FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dinehrtd la water for douches stop* pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extraordinary rjeeaoo* and yauiicaUl power. l523SCRjfcj I C.wr.Kr, 1. R. at. o. J J*? ' - --- - W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 35?1?17, * fL'/.*