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' ' "EAT 1 SKINNERS ^ ^ DRIVE MALARIA OUT OFTHESYSTEM | ^ACOOP TONIC A ISP APPBTOBB j Vice President Murshull declares 1 that the politest man lives in Newark, j Ohio. Mr. Murshull made a catupulgu j speech there last fall. When he wus about half through, a man made his j way quietly from the rent of the room up to the edge of the plutform, wult ed until Mr. Marshall paused to swal- j low. at the end of the paragraph, and then offered to shake hands with the vice president. "I'm sorry, hut I'll have to bid you good night," the inun said. "I've got to go home now."?F. C. Kelly, lu Collier's Weekly. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is * printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The 8|uinine drives out malaria, the Iron uilds up the system. 60 cents. Same Old Lectures. On u certain occasion Professor ?Brnnder Matthews of Columbia university, speaking jokingly of his age, said he trusted that he was not so old that the students could play on him the trlek he once saw tried on a senior professor in his own college days. "Professor Blank," he said, "was out most venerable Instructor, and be could be Just a little Irritable at times. Once, noticing that a member of his class who sat right under his eye never took any notes or paid the slightest attention to ids lectures, he stopped abruptly ami demanded: " 'See here, young man, what do you ueau by coming Into my' classroom day after day and never taking notes?' 1 "'I have my father's,' was the student's complacent reply.."?Youth's Companion. What Ailed Smith. A nl.itnlv ilrouoo,! ....... -?? ' .. , j v.* V.OOVU IUIIII, Willi I 111 I'llduoed himself as Mr. John Smith, walked Into a doctor's ofllce In n Texas town, and, having explained his symp- ' toins, askeil the doctor how long It ; would take to cure him. The doctor, ' who had treated the visitor with every possible courtesy, replied: "You will require careful treatment under iny personal supervision for about two months before you are able to resume your labors in the bank." \ "Doctor, you nre fooling yourself. I ant not Smith the banker, but Smith, the street car driver." "Is that so? Well, my good fel- ; low, I don't see what you came to see me for." A Sad Memory. Availing herself of her ecclesiastical privileges, the clergyman's wife asked questions which, coming from anybody i else, would have been thought Import!- 1 nent. "I presume you carry a memento of some kind In that locket you wear?" she said. "Yes, ma'am." said the parishioner, "It Is a lock of my husband's hulr." "Hut your husband Is still alive," the j lady exclaimed. j "Yes, ma'am, but his hair Is gone." i A Call to ^ Tour Grocer will bring a I package of Grape-Nuts A delicious, healthful food j * and a pleasing lesson in economy. j -"There's & Reason" J TV il prig# JtSti? ; SISliKSSi' V^'H^ 5&sJ1BP^*233I t*< "% < i-. "'"i S, - : =T? ?^ WHIG w I ^ YW ( "After I V every ] OM meal" / RECOGNIZE WOMAFAS~EQUAL ~ Heads of Industrial Plants Say She ' Can Do Any Work Consistent With Strength Better Than Man. ' Once limn pretended to place woman on a pedestal and worship her. ' Now, according to Donald Wllhelm, ' who reports "The Confessions of n Munition-Maker" In the Century, he j Is forced to recognize her as an equal, 1 and respect her. The quotation helow states the opinion of a hard-headed factory foreman, on the Importance t of women In the world of labor: "Welch, one can see, Isn't emotional. One can trust his Judgment of I women. I "That Ik why I whs glad he was present In the officers' room of the , company eating quarters when the re- ? port was made In detail of the strike scheduled to take place the follow- ! Ing Monday mornlg. He made a speech, saying: ! j " 'Gentlemen, we've all known worn- J en practically all our lives. Most of us get to thinking that a woman can't J do mechanical work because they're c always willing to let a man use the t hammer, that being something he a thinks he can do. Hut a woman can 5 do it. A woman can do anything that J a man can do. and most things bet- | ter, hut men can't do anything near what women can do. Now, maybe ! you can Imagine what women can do in mechanics, and I know what they cnn do. Leaving out big girls, I say women can do any klml of mechanical work that's consistent with their strength better than men.' "Another superintendent, a new man, said lie had thrown out a hunJtvd men in his plant 'hack In Ohio' aid put girls in their places, and he and found them better all around." The Listener. "Have you any suggestions to make about our new house, dear?" "Yes. I wish you'd have the keyholes made larger." A cornet may he Just as big n nuisance as a full-Hedged corn. POST TOASTIES thefemfl^' M M V : -.-v- - . -;<k- r i rvir ILL I J The goody that Is beneficial to teeth and stomach is best for children. Wrteley's is Helpful to all ages. It massages and strengthens & the gums* M keeps teeth ] clean and J breath sweet. I aids appetite I and digestion. I The Flavor Lasts FRESH - CRISP -WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN THB MAKING OP TUBS* BISCUITS MAKE THEM THB STANDARD EXCELLENCE W tWUr bM Mum. or if not tu shonht. I tA*k him or writ* us qivtnj his oam<. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY c*Ar?iXf How, Indeed. "How cim you export to mtirry my laughter when you liuvo no money?" "How could you expect ine to inarry :ter If I did have?"?Judge. Michigan Is the lending state In the uanufaetiire of sand lime brick, folowed by Minnesota and New York. If your eyra amort or feel acnldrd. Rosnan Eye lJalrnm applied upon tcolng to bed M Juat the thin* to relieve them. Adv. The limn who itches for a thing may ret It by lively scratching. A OIIADtllTcrn " Bbw ncmE.U T r UN DAY FEVER-ASTHMA Your IOIIT WILL BR irfttrdrd by your inaM ntboutaoy question If this remedy does not benefit rrery cane or Asthma. Bronchial Asthma and tbe IsthmaUo ?y Bopuimi accompany Ins Hay rvrer. Mo Bauer bow violent the attacks or obstinate the cam A DR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S W% AsthmadoR AND ASTHMADOR CIGARETTES msltlvely gives INSTANT HIURF In every case .nd ban permanently cured thousands who had been onsldered Incurable, after having tried every other aeana of relief Id vain. Asthmatics should avail bemselvea of this guarantee offer through their own irugglst. Buy a W-cent package and present this .nnouueement to jour druggist. You will be the ole judge as to whether yon are benefitted and the irugglst will give you back your money If yon are lot. We do not snow of any fairer proposition rhlch we could make. [6] I. Schilfmann Co., Proprietors, St. Paul, Minn. ImalariaI V Chills and Fever. Biliousness. 1 I Constipation and ailments I I requiring a TONIC treatment! I mmm GUARANTEED J BehrensDrug Co I BV.MS.VrOtS ) Woco. Tex. m g\ 1 j( Sold bij >^| J I iuil.l preparation ( Merit. I Kaaaarassss $u KODAKS DEVELOPING 'BIIm All roll Sims developed 10e. Print* 3 to JintcU. Prompt attention to anil order*. r?J B. O. HTKNAl , UrMMtoro, N. a HAXOTIHKH? Kllmlnates puncium blowtut*. rim cut*. Different from *ny divlce you ver **w. Our free Illustrated cataloKue fully 'iplaln* thl* wondi rful device and ihowi dearly how MAXOT1RE8 will make your Ire* trouble-proof by very email rn?t. CharMia* M?*ollre Co.. in Mki.fl. l 'harle??os.ft.C. KODAKS & SUPPUES Mm We also do highest claa* of finish log. UoL Price* and Catalogue upon request. S. Galeaki Opted Co., Ikfcw* Va. H. N. Us CHAKLOTTK, I NO. 34^ai7' i ; ir 1 T ' i Lemon Juice For Freckles i Girls! Make beauty lotion at ; home for a few cents. Try it! Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle - containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, und you have a quarter pint of the best freckle ' and tan lotion, and complexion beautiller, at very, very smull cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Mnssage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face. neck, arms and hands each dny and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be wuico. its i ii is narmtess. Adv. Now She's Angry. J He?I wonder what the meaning of that picture is? The youth and tin* maiden are in a tender attitude. She?Oh. don't you see? lie has Just nsked her to marry him, and she is accepting him. How sweet! What does the artist call the picture? He (looking uliout)?Oh, I see. It's written on a curd at the bottom? "Sold." One bottle of Dr. Peery*s "Dead Shot** will save you money, time, anxiety and health. One dose sufficient, without Castor OU la addition. Adv. Lots of men who have an aim in life lack ambition. get Contents 15 Fluid Drachnj |||\ jBjBgiJ I ALCOHOL 3I'Elt LHiNT. , fi ! AVc?e! able Preparation frrAs 2ic pKl similntimJtheFoodljyRe^ula-! i; Thlrcbj' Promoting Di^cbUoa 1*?tL r Cheerfulness andRcstCon^ins rSSjv i neither Opium. Morphine nor 5|Sg. ; Mtaeral. Not Narcotic j JhtyarOUDciuKH-1 2*11 |fcO"Sx ' PtmptixSmi V Hfii 3u *1 ^ Srwmt I ?et? J J rSMSmOw j <$$ >? l'*-? ntrmSmt I JS if j : *ft U 2 3 A helpful Remedy for ! ! Constipation and Diarrhoea. Ct-Sfi ii and Feverishness ana . ffjCV f! LoSSOKhLEEP j jtBi I t^altin^nxcrcfrom^nlrihnty 1 Euct Copy of Wrapper. GIRL OF 14 SOLDIER'S WIFE While Her Husband Fights in France Young Bride Will Go to School in This Country. I A fourteen-year-old sehoolgirl be1 came at soldier's wife in Brooklyn re| eontly, tluis following the example of ! her mother, who heenine the liriile of ! ore of Uncle Sam's men in khaki 14 1 months ago. Mat tie Lee Hmlsheth of DoukIhs, Ariz., was the latest bride, says the Brooklyn Ka^le. The soldier hoy who iiccuiiit] iiit iiiisiaiiiii is I'UVKI I'.Ugene Henry of Spring. Tex. The bridegroom is only twenty-two. and n iiiemher of the Twenty-second infnntry, now stationed ut Fort Ilnniiltoii. The girl's stepfather went abroad with General l'ersliing ami is now "somewhere in France." llis wife planned to Join iiiin ami came Fast. While waiting passoprts here In (laughter met llenry, with whom she heeame acquainted in Arizona two years ago. While the bride's mother is absent ! in France her daughter will remain here and will attend school. SKIN TORTURES That Itch, Burn and Scale Quickly Relieved by Cutlcura?Trial Free. It takes about ten minutes to prove that a hot hnth with Pntimipn Q??? ..v, ... .. OUUll j followed bj gentle applications of Cutlcura Ointment will afford relief and point to speedy healment of eczemas, itchings and Irritations. They are ideal for all toilet purposes. Free sample each by mad with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura. Dept. I* Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Its Aspect. "Yours must be n wiir garden." "What do you inetut?" "1 notice it is full of tings." Sometimes you can pick out fools by h-lr questions and wise ones by their unswers. And sometimes you can't. UGH! CALOMEL MAKE! GLEAN Lie ID Just Oncel Try "Dodson's Liver pated, Headachy?Don't I Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel ba fine and cheerful; make your work a wl pleasure; be vigorous and full of aui- thi bitton. But take no nasty, danger- It ous calomel, because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. ra< Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, inj which causes necrosis of the bones, ini Calomel crashes Into sour bile like vo dynamite, breaking it up. That's yo when you feel that awful nausea and bo cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy ve the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel ca cleansing you ever experienced just dr take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's IX Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer ge sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's wl Liver Tone under my personal money- Is Sold for 47 y?an. For Malarl a Fine General Strengthening Children < What is OA Castoria is a harmless substitute for and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Morphine nor other narcotic substanc For more than thirty years it has b< relief of Constipation, Flatulency, tdlaying Feverishness arising there! Stomach and Bowels, aids the as; healthy and natural 6leep. The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTC Bears the Sig In Use For Ovc The Kind You Have THR C1NTAUN COM PAN > One-Sided Recognition. They passed on the street without ! speaking, hut tlieir eyes laid mutual di recognition and challenge. She was ! ueeoinpanied l?y a female friend, ?in?* tli he had a male eompanton. When they ? had passed the girl said: p "That was poor Jack Jurgens. lie didn't speak, but you noticed his look, didn't you? l'oor boy, it hurts me to think how he has never got over my refusal to marry him. Of course he was all broken up at the time, hut I thought lie would soon get over it. lie's thinner, isn't he? I do hope that lie hasn't plunged into dissipation, lie ! couldn't trust himself to speak, could he? Oh, dear!" And the man was saying: "'I dd you see how that dame gave me the eye? I suppose I should have spoken to her, because I can't help thinking I've met her somewhere her face Is familiar, hut I can't place her." ?Cleveland Plain Dealer. His Theory. "Does your husband subscribe to the theory that kissing transmits germs?" "No; lie thinks that germs are most ly transmitted by money, and i< very careful not to hand me any." Acid Htoinach, Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable I'illa. Send for trial box to 372 l'carl St., New York. Adv. Not a Rare Case. "Do you love your mu-in-luw?" "You bet I do. My wife wou.'J break my neck If I didn't." One of the beat grades of Italian cheese Is ?y?ld only after It has been ! seasoned for at least four years. i j The cost of experience Is never fully reali7.ed until one goes to law. Better borrow from a pawnbroker * than a friend. to When Vour Eyes Need Care ? Try Murine Eye Remedy Ky? Comfort. M coats at n OramUU vr mall. Writs for rraa Book. i i MniMBRK UMBOI CO.. CUICAOO , y, ) YOU SICK! BOWELS IKY WHY Tone" When Bilious, ConstiLose a Day's Wnrk ck guarantee that each spoonful 11 clean your sluggish liver better in a dose of nasty calomel and that won't make you sick. Dodson's Idver Tone Is real liver ?dlcine. You'll know It next mornbecause you will wake up feel; fine, your liver will be working, ur headache and dizziness gone, ur stomach will be sweet and your wels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely getablo, therefore harmless and nnot salivate. Give it to your chilen. Millions of people are using idson's Liver Tone Instead of danrous calomel now. Your druggist 11 tell you that the sale of calomel almost Btopped entirely here.?Adr. SHITffs lTonic la. Chills and Fever. Also Tonic. 80c ar.4 91.00 at all Drug Star* Cry For lSTORIA Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops It contains neither Opium, :e. Its age is its guarantee, sen in constant use for the Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; Tom, and by regulating the similation of Food; giving Children's Panacea?The )RIA ALWAYS ir 30 Years Always Bought r. N It W V O H K CITV. Might Have a Bearing. "Is it iUmmI pMHt 'C drawn nil SunIV?" "I Opium. Tlmy <ln say tin* bettor m day the bettor the ili'cd " IN BED FOR WEEKS Nr. Smith Was in a Bad Way, But Doan's Restored Him to the Best of Health. In April, 1916, I^nuis Smith, 90 Now St., 1 lackeiisack, N. J., said: "Words fful to describe the misery I endured from kidney complaint. In my work I have to do a lot of heavy lifting und ?this weakened my kidneys. At first 1 only suffered from n slight backache, but nlinost before I knew it, 1 was all bent over like ^inan a hundred years "I began to grow worse as the days passed and finally I had to take to Mr. Smith, my bed where 1 remained for we eW My head pained tcr- I ribly and my back just tblobbed. I I was always dizzy and it seemed as if everything was whirling. Little black species came before my eyes and I also suffered from painful and scanty passages of the kidney secretions. Everything seemed dark and dreary. "Itoan's Kidney Pills completely cured me and 1 am enjoying the (jest of health now." "Sworn to before me." K. M. Johnson. Justice Peace. On March 19, 1917, Mr. Smith added: "I will never forget what Itoan's have done for me. \\ henever I catch cold on my kidneys, I can depend on Itoan's to tix me up all right." Ca( Dmi'i at Any Story, AOe i Box DOAN'S FOSTER-MILB URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. HE CROWELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and ALCOHOLIC ADDICTIONS etbode iif* and incoee?foi. A high else* piano mblnlng tbe faetlllioa of a Sanatoria a with mnrta and fratdon of a private borne. Individual natment. Our method renders tbn treatment of ORPHINIHll aa paln 1 eat as aa operation, rite for raeerred room. Tarml 1136.00. N. Caldwell St. C11AULOTTE. N. C.t.l> I'OI.VtOlfM Cobbli-ra. i.m i. id Ki-d llliea, Maine grown, for stiipmrnt inuary and February 191* I'ontrmi now. >r prlcea write BayFvultCo.,<'harlreion,8.0.