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I; " :=7 Was Laid Up In Bed 9tm\Umnww. Kmtmi Hn.VMti.IUA mi Stnaftk. Hu.'t SaffereTsiaca. "i bad on* of tba worst cum of kid* Boy complaint Imaginable." says Mr*. Win. Vogt. (Ill Audrey Ave.. Wellston, Ma, "and I was laid up In b?d for days at a time. "My bladdar was Inflamed and the kidney aecrettona caused f terrible pain. My back was In such bad shape that, when I moved tho pains were Ilka a knifethrust. I rot so dtasy X couldn't stoop and my head Just throbbed with psln. Beads of perspiration would stand on my temples, then X would become cold and numb. "My heart action was an* TOOT, affected and I felt as If I couldn't take another breath. I dot so nervous and run down. | I felt life wasn't worth living and often -? wished that I might.die so my suffering would he ended. Medicine failed to help me and I was discouraged. "Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me and I could tell I was belag helped after the first few doaea I kepi setting better " " CUwA Mr health Improved in ! vary way and beat of all, the cure haa 5TS2* 1 I**1 that ?oan a nrtr??ye 1 Sworn to befort me. HENRT B. 8URKAMI*. Notary Public. Got Doaa'a at Any Storo. 60c a Box DOAN'S VKSV FOSTER-VPLBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. T. MsCgjj?| Cheerfulness and RestContains! gmSSSPd neither Opium, Morphine norj DeraJ Not Narcotic! Km^lPS A helpful Remedy fbr I Kffim ft Constipation and Diarrhoea.! KilialAj and Feverlshness and 1 I mjj&ffiKL] Loss of Sleep I ' afc^f r .yfl'PBSultin^ (herefrom-in Infancy I facsimile Siiiutm at I u^nl Centaur Conpak i NEW YORK. I Exact Copy of Wrapper. HOW TO LIVEI If you want perfect health. It la necessary that you wash out and cleanse every organ of your body of the polaons and Impurities that have accumulated for yeara When the organs of digestion and elimination ars Impaired and fall to perform Their duties, whole regiments of Ilia and ailments march In and take possession of your body. The stomach Is the starting point of most diseases, as well as the starting point for their cure. If you suffer with chronlo complaints which unfit you for the enjoyments of life, and If you have taken drugs and medicines without relief until *rou are discouraged and disheartened, you should always remember that when human sNll falls. Nature comes to the . rescue. OREV ROCK NATURAL IAIN ERA I, WATER will restore your health permanently. Just as It has for thousands of othera We guarantee this unconditionally and wilt let you be the sole Judge. Read the guarantee, then order a three weeks' treatment. UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. We guarantee Grey Rock Natural Mineral Water to benefit any case of Dyspepsia, In* digestion. Gastritis. Diseases of the Stomach. Liver, Kidneys or Bladder. Brlght's Dlat asc, Diabetes. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gallstones, Uric Acid Poisoning and complications of these dlseasea Use ten gal- 1 lona, return the containers In thirty days. And If you report "no benefit" we will promptjy refund price of treatment without question. Guarantee limited to Arst order and report In thirty days. ORET ROCK SPRING. 8umnterland, ?>-100, Ilatesburr, S. C. Gentlemen: Enclosed And 11.00 for ten rations, (two I gallon demijohns) Grey Rock Water. I will use the water as you direct, return the bottles In SO days at your expense and report What beneAt 1 receive. I am suffering with . Name Address ... Express Office (Write PlnlnUr) twjtjteemth's l> @cu.tcnic Sold (or 47 years. For Malaria. Chills and Pnun. A I ?- ? v v vi* misu u ridc uf ntfAl i * Strengthening Tonic* w'gy?!?!J** j W/S52F*m PAbttC*'* HAIR BALSAM IroUKTrfJ A toilet propaxoUoa of Mrll, BlTlr R*lr>* to orodlivtlo dwtnC jS ForRwioriif Cokr u4 ftMx -^1 BmuIit loOnr or FwImI tUIr, W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 32-1917. Had Gcod Reason. Ill-ut. v.... 1 - w. -* ??? uutr vcriaiiuy shown great bravery In saving that man's life. Is he n relative of yours? Hero?Uclutlve? Oh. no! Rut he owes nie $200. Tlie elevator In n department store Is merely a shoplifter. ' When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Hmarline ? Jail Kr? Comfort. M renta tt liraraOta or mall. Write lor free Nie Booh. Ut RI NC KTBRBMK1IV <??.. CHICAliO I l ?a. il >* Hated to Play With Him. At the club Thompson and Taylor were discussing the peculiarities of certain of the card players wher Thompson said: "There are two men here?Parke? und Perkins?I surely hate to play with." "Oh," said Taylor, "I know Parkerli always a hard loser, but what's wrong with Perkins?" "He," said Thompson, "Is alway&an easy winner."?Puck. , CARE FOR YOUR SKIN And Keep It Clear by Dally Use of Cutlcura?Trial Free. { hot bath with Cutlcura Soap followed by a gentle anointing with Cutlcura Ointment clears the skin or scalp In most cases of eczemas, rashes and /tchlng of children and adults. Make Cutlcura your every-day toilet preparations and prevent such troubles. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Half the people you meet wear their cares on their faces. CASTORIA For Infant! >nd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ilw8J8 . Bears the i ft Jt*' I"* n/ Us8 For Over P I TL.' i.. \l i niny tears OftSTOBIA th? ? wvaus ??wwt, ?? tww srrv. mnmrnammmmm A Jungle Joke. First Monk?My brother went to j America and secured a position as , cashier. Second Monk?A cashier to what? , First Monk?To an orpan prlnder. ] NOTHING SO KFFKCTIVK AS KI.IXIK ! BABIK For Mttarte, ChllU M Fever. Chief of Police, J. W. Reynolds, Newport News, Vs., aero: "Ills a pleasure to recommend , Habelt for chills snd fever. Have used It when necessary for 90 veers snd have found no remedy sa effective." Bllxtr Babek SO cents, all <ru|gists, or by Parcel Poet, prepaid, from Kloosewskl A Co., Washington, f). C. A Good Move?Babek Uver Pills. 50 pills .... b oents 1 Business. In selecting men from among the j student officers at Ft. Harrison for ? the quartermaster's corps, preference < Is given those with some business experience. says the Indianapolis News. < This was explained to the companies by the Instructor officers. One young fellow put In a request for consideration for this department, and said that he had had seven years business expe- i rlence. He appeared rather young for so many years business training, and the Instructing officer proceeded to 1 question him. . a "How old are you?" "Twenty-one." "What sort of business dkperlenee have you had?" "I've followed the plow and the | binder every year since J was four- , teen, pitched hay, milked, fed the I stock, hauled grain to the elevator, ! and shocked corn every fall, and be- i lleve me, that means business." Almost Good. Itlpp?What kind of a screen artist Is he? Ilnpp?He can draw anything but a i salary, and make anything but a llv ing.?Film Fun. Embarrassing Query. "A fool and his money are soon ; parted, my son." "Who got yours away from you, dad?" SAYS^V | /" Try a dish of\ [Post Toast ies\ U|.withcream I for lunch / on hot days * V * # SINNERS THE BEST ^gSpMAtAROHl ?u KODAKS developing rflUH All roll films derelopedlOc. Prints I to HP% 6 ota. Prompt attention to moll orders, w*. O. BEHNAU, Oroonoboro, R. O. F~'m m m - puff mi ' mig MALARIA I V Chills and Favor. Biliousness, ft Constipation and ailments requiring a TONIC treatment! DXIDINE iwV J . GUARANTEED ftJKNNaAA* and mad* b*j 17 BehrensDrug Co Sold by all CWAHfP *? not recommended for ^ ?* /ViVli everything; but If you U OOT have kidney, liver or sVv/V/ J. bladder trouble It may be found Juat the medicine you need. At druggists in flfty-cent and dollar alaea You may receive a sample alzc bottle of thla reliable medicine by Parcel Post, alio pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer St Co.. Blngh&mton. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also motion thla paper. THE CROWELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and ALCOHOUC ADDICTIONS Methods safe and snoosssfnl. i blah class place Kmblnlnn the factllUee of a sanatorium with comrts and freedom of a private home. Individual treatment. Oar method renders the treatment of HOKFHINlSlfai painless as aa operation. W rite for reserved room. Terms naa 0 N. OaldwoU St. CHABLOTTft K. 0. ?L. KODAKS & SUPPLIES kfiiro We also do highest class of finishing. WMMB*V? UtJ U|WU I UMk S. Galsski Optical C... RirUi.J, V*. An Enterprise Abandoned. "I thought you were determined to turn the swords Into plowshares." "I reconsidered. A sword doesn't cut much of a figure in modern warfare, anyhow." You never can know how superior to other preparations in promptness and efficien:y is Dr. P eery'a "Dead Shot" until you tiave tried it once. A single dose cleans >ut Worms or Tapeworm. Adv. Took Him Literally. A clergyman In a remote part of the Scottish Highlands was speaking at length to his congregation of the many things round us that are shrouded In mystery nnd of which we know little. As he wanned to this theme, he became eloquent, and frequently repeated the oft-quoted saying of Goethe: "More light! Oh. for lightP* His surprise may he Imagined, says nit: ocouion American, wnen, after one of these utterances, the old beadle, who had been dozing since the commencement of the sermon, woke with a Btart, then got up, tiptoed softly Into the vestry, seized two additional candles and, uscendlng the pulpit stairs, placed them beside the two already there, and in a loud whisper, heard all over the church, exclaimed: "Ye maun do wi* these, for there's nae malrl"?Youth's Companion. Making 'Em Bite. A street car passenger stooped to pick up something from the floor. "Who has lost a dime?" he asked. At once half a dozen pussengers bejjan fumbling In their pockets, until jne of them held out his hand and jcuuicu nun ne nna dropped the coin. "Does it hear the date?18(30?" inquired the tinder. "Yes. cartalnly." "Is one side rather worn?" "Just so." "Here you are, then," said the tinder and handed him a trousers button. After the tieid is plowed come the inrrowlnR details. - - - - . . 1 - -liu i i A Perfect Day should end?as well as begin?with a perfect food, say? Grape-Nuts with cream. A crisp, delicious food, containing the entire nutriment of whole wheat and barley, including the vital mineral element* so richly provided by Nature in these grains. Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuta "There's a Reason'' ' * ' 0 1 - 1 Lemons Whiten the Skin Beautifully! Make Cheap Lotion .&&. JgixSiEf The Juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remnrkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of tho ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan, and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. j Just try It I Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it dnlly Into the face, neck, nrms and hands. It should nat urauy neip to whiten, soften, freshen, and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any skin. It Is wonderful for rough, red hands. Your druggist will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. Used to Them. Mrs. Jones?The paper says that the charges of company A were terrljflc. Mr. Jones?I'm not surprised ut that; Captain Zink Is a dentist.? : Judge. A Different Way. "Concerning the muddle in his hooks, did the cashier clear It up?" "No; he cleared out.' Granulated Byellde. Sties. Inflamed Eyea relieved over night by Roman Eye Balaam. One trial proves Its merit. Adv. It Is easier to be good than great? there Is less opposition. ii SA A BIG TO I Per 234 stock model 18 and set gram I To give a national d of the remarkable g omy of Saxon "Six1 dealers joined in a 3C July 18. A grand average of 15.9 Ion of gasoline was regi 70.200 miles of I Consider that this run to different parts of the coui different sets of condition ferent kinds of roads. Consider that these 234 < model Saxon " Sixes n special cars, not cars gasoline. Saxon 1 / CALOMEL SICKENS! DON'T STAY Bl I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver To and Bowel Cleansino You Ever Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel Is Quicksilver and It salivates; calomel Injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out. If your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 60-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tono mvoutu Bay delimited life scholarship before Aug. keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and Engli: ment and Success. Great demand for gradu; Address KING*S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ?????? ^ Try This on Chiggers. Collodion Is said to give relief froin the Irritation caused by the bites of chiggers. Collodion is a solution of gun cotton In nlcohol and ether. When It Ir applied to the skin, the nlcohol and ether evaporate, leaving a colorless fllm which adheres to the Rkin. An application of collodion In excellent treatment for hang nails. The bottle should he kept tightly corked. Trt OrivA Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 60 cents. No Police Record. "Have you ever been arrested?" "No, sir. I've never owned an automobile." XONS 7RING CAR FOR FIV. 55.9 Mile Gal. of I Saxon "Sixes" travel 7< 1 average of 25.9 miles lemonstration That proves thi asoline ccon- gallon of gasoli 234 Saxon Z?9ra*\ ?cr{ot JL .. . . Sixes taken ri X) mile dnve And it proves i prove, the gasoli miles per gal- 'Six" will give istered for the its class can me Furthermore, th ok place in 134 averaged 175 m ntry, under 234 * it, over 234 dif- And not a single trouble occurred 70,200 miles. uu*s were stock ot " tuned up" There is the pre with "doped " your kind of a a $935. Motor Car Corporation, 1 ** * IT SALIVATES! LIOUS, CONSTIPATED ne" Will Give You the Best Liver Had?Don't Lose a Day'e Work! under my personal guarantee that It will clean your sluggish Urer better than nasty calomel; it won't make yea sick and you can eat anything yoa want without being salivated. Tour druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your boweleand straighten you up by morning or you can have your money back. Chll? dren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone hprmiM I* la ?!? >? ? yivwn w UIOII U| my doesn't gripe or eramp or make them sick. r; I am selling millions of bottles of Dodeon's Liver Tone to people who hav* found that this pleasant, vegetable, liver medicine takes the place of dgngeit ous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist or storekeeper about me. Adv. FRESH* CRISP* WH01ES0ME-DEUCI0U3 tni sanitary methods awliid in tni making or thisb biscuits haki them tni STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE W DtaUt Has *wm. or if not ho ? Ho aid. ASk him or writ* us qivinq his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY Special Summer RATES ARE NOW ON 15th and save f 10 on any course. Bookih Courses. We train for Business Employees. Send for catalog and full information. RALEIGH,N.C.,nr CHARLOTTE,N.CExplosion Averted. "I heur you have been a very sick man," said the manager of the garage. "l'as sur," replied Mr. Erastus Finkley. "Dey mos' despaired of my recovery. But I never hnd no doubt about it myself. I les' had tn et>t w?ll " "Why?" "Well, suh, I knowed I wasn't good enough to go to heaven. An' workln' in (lis garage has got ine soaked so chock-full o' gasoline (lar wasn't a chnnce of delr wnntln' me aroun' d? other place." Hose-Anna and Such Tunes. She?Do you play on the piano? He?Occasionally. I am a fireman. ?Boston Kvenlng Transcript. Indication produces dlsacreeable tnS sometliuea alarming symptoms. Wrlaht's Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the digestive processes to (unction naturally. Adv. Unwritten poems and imprinted I songs make life endurable. 1 IX" 1 g PEOPLE 5 ( Gas ),200 miles July per gal. of gas at this 25.9 miles per ne is the ordinary, the mance of 234 Saxon Ight out of stock. as nothing else would ne economy your Saxon you. No other car in itch this record. ese 234 Saxon "Sixes" iles per quart of oil. ) instance of mechanical 1 throughout the entire of that Saxon " Six" is ir. Price f. o. b. Detroit. Detroit