University of South Carolina Libraries
W" 't' '% ' SHRvjt , ? t'i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. ' i Wm. T. Parks has accepted a j position with the Parks Grocery cocnpany. 1 Mrs. M. P. Walker of Roanoke, ! Va., was a guest the past week i in the home of Mrs. R. J. Lewis. Dr. Stewart McMurray, of | Lockhart, visited his parents, , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray, t last Sunday. I Miss Isabel Grier returned this week from a visit of several days to relatives and friends in Charlotte. Miss Bess Spratt leaves this week to take a two weeks' course in the Sunday school teacher's I training school in Montreat, N. C. The Rev. W. S. Goodwin is conducting a series of revival services at India Hook church this county. I Misses Mary Gregory and Polly j Jeter of Santuc, were guests during the past week of Mr. and , Mrs. O. T. Culp. The Rev. R. K. Timmons left during the past week for Mon-! treat. N. C., where he will at tena ana contribute to the series i of Bible study lectures. Mr. and Mrs. William Banks | with their two children and Mr. \ Alex Banks with his son John Banks, all of Columbia, were week-end guests of Mrs. Hattie' Mack. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of | York, has declined to accept the call recently extended him by Knox Presbyterian church of Charlotte. The upper section of Fort Mill township was visited Monday! night by a severe rain and wind ' storm, reports from that section early Tuesday saying that chimneys had been blown down from several houses, many trees uprooted and the corn blown down , in the fields. Besides this, the ; crops were damaged to some j extent by the heavy, washing rain. The Times acknoledwges with thanks a small booklet entitled "Poems and Other Writings of Alpha L. Neely," which has been published by Mr. Alpha L. Neely, of Ogden, this county. The book is neatly bound and printed in clear type. It Contains nomprnns nnpms IipcwIoc writings on other subjects, and doubtless Mr. Neely will find ready sale for his hook at $1.50 each. Fort Mill people will be inter-' ested to learn of the marriage in ; Rock Hill Sunday afternoon of; Miss Gertrude Faulkenbury and Samuel Youngblood, the latter being a former resident of this city. The marriage was performed by Rev. F. T. Cox and the attendants were Louie Snipes j with Miss Bessie Armstrong and Floyd'Hinson with Miss Alma Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Young- i blood will reside in Rock Hill. The new steel bridge over Catawba river, three miles south of JFort Mill, which has been built to replace the bridge washed away in the July freshet: of last year, is practically com- j plete, nothing remaining to be done but the placing of creosoted a.:mi i " * uet>. me replacing 01 tms bridge has cost the Southern an j immense amount of money, one J of the items of the cost being I the employment of a large force ef hands continuously since the I day after the structure was \ washed awry. The new bridge sets five feet higher above the water than did the old structure. A. R. Kimbrell Dead. Friends of A. R. Kimbrell learned with regret of his death 1 Saturday morning at his residence on Hampton street at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Kimbrell had Kaon uv^ii Yci.y san ivi aumt' Lime, but his death was sudden, from heart failure. He was a native of the. Fort Mill section of this county but for the past twenty years or more had been with Friedheim's Department store of this city, and has many friends and customers throughout this seetion who will learn with regret of his death. He was most highly esteemed by his employers and the public at large. Mr. Kinabrell at the time of his death was 58 years of age. He is survived py his wife, two sons, Marvin Kimbrell of Charlotte and Brevard Kimbrell of this city, and one daughter. Miss I Roth KiabraU, also of this city*' and four brothers, D. G., E. W., and W. J. Kimbrell of Fort Mill and W. M. Kimbrell of Columbia. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at thfc late residence of the deceased ( by Rev. F. W. Gregg of the i First Presbyterian church and ( jKev. Alex. Martin of the Oak* [ land Avenue church, with inteiv \ ment in Laurelwood cemetery. ? The following acted as pall- ( bearers: J. S. H. Farls, John L. 1 Davis, R. S. Hanna, J. E. Parker Boyd Roach and A. C. Burgess. ?Rock Hill Record. Examinations Next Week. A Washington despatch of i Monday says that the first call < of drafted men for the physical " test will be made early next ? week. The men called in the . first draft will be notified by < mail, but the responsibility of knowing the order of the call I lies upon the individual men 1 drafted. 5 Officials advise each man to i see just where he stands on the list and to be prepared for the J call. . ( These Will Be Exempt. Should you not want to go to war, but are desirous of being a exempted, you will be if vou can That you are a married man with a wife or child absolutely dependent upon you for support; : or *j That you have a widowed t mother dependent upon your ? labor for support; or \ Th^t you have aged or infirm j parents dependent upon your 1 labor for support; or That you are the father of a , motherless child under 16 years of age. who is absolutely de- t pendent upon your labor for < support; or \ That you are the brother of an , orphan child or children under t 16. absolutely dependent upon you* for support; or That you are a State, munici- . pal or county officer; or That you are employed in the transmission of the United States mails. ] If you can't prove one of these claims for exemption, then your local board can do nothing but recommend you for service, provided you are physically fit. British Dominions. The imperial dominions of Great Britain, as listed in Whitaker's Almanac, are as follows: In Europe?The United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Channel * islands, Malta and Qozo, Gibraltar. In y Anln HPW ^ t IS WW- ? ? nma?me iuui?Q lumpirfl, ueyion, I Straits Settlements, Malay States, 1 Federated and others; Hongkong. Welhalwel, North Borneo, Brunei, , Sarawak, Cyprus. In Atrica?Cape Province, Natal, Transvaal, Orange * Free State, Basutolaud, Bechuanaland, 1 Rhodesia, Gambia, Gold Coast. Sierra < Leone, Northern Nigeria, Southern Nl- | geria, Somallland, British East Africa, . Uganda, Zanzibar, Nyassalanjd, Egypt, ' Sudan, Mauritius, Seychelles, Ascenslon, St. Helena. In America?Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward island, British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Newfoundland, Jamaica, Bahamas, , Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Brt tish Guiana, British Honduras. Ber muda, Falkland Islands, South Geor gla. In Australasia ? New South Wales. Victoria. South Australia, ' Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, New Zealand, FIJI, Papua, and { islands in the Pacific. I William J. Cherry, Attorney >t Lew, 2nd floor Ardrey Building, Fort Mill. S. C. Office hours, 9 to 11:30 a. m., Saturdays. All other times at Rock Hill office, Telephone 239. AN ORDINANCE Requiring Motor Vehicles to Stop at ^ Certain Points Within the Town of Fort Mill, Before Proceeding: Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill in council assembled and by authority of the same: Section 1. That from and after the Kassage of this ordinance all automo-! iles, motorcycles, or other motor j vehicles, are required to come to a full ston before Droceedinc *t innotinn : of Trade and Confederate streets, near j postofTice building, and at the junction of Trade and Booth street, near the Culp Grocery store.' Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not | exceeding ten dollars or be imprisoned ! not more than thirty days. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of i ordinances inconsistent with thi? nance are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in council assembled this 3rd day of July, 1917. B. EL PATTERSON, Attest.- Mayor W. A. ROACH. (M I "' $ ? City Treasurer's Report For Quarter Fading Juno 30, 1917. . RECEIPTS. ?aah on hand last report, $167.1 License Tax collection a ?k i Collections, Police fines. 169.1 Property tax collections 17.? Sanitary tax collections 213.: Cemetery lots, collections 38.1 street tax, collections 693J Collection, State Fireman's fund 30.! Sills Payable, advances by the First National Bank 2000J Total receipts _..$3680.' DISBURSEMENTS. Street work, labor, teams, dragging, supplies $448.! *Jew cement sidewalks 1600J Police salaries, uniforms and equipment *. 336.1 Salaries, Mayor $60; Clerk $31.25; Aldermen $8.00 89.! Salary cemetery keeper and supplies, 84.1 nterest on waterworks bonds __ 375.' Sanitary, driver's pay. disinfectant, mule feed, upkeep 261.1 eights, March, Apl., May, 151.( nterest paid to First National Bank lor advances 60.1 Stationery and supplies lu.I lealth Dep't?Hauling off trash Clean-up Day 44.1 Minting?Annual contract 25.1 Sundries, 66.' }ash on hand 284.' Total. $3680.? W. A. KUACH, Treasurer. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an ele .ion will be held at the usual pollir dace in the town of Fort Mill, c Tuesday, August 7th, 1917, at whi< .here will be submitted to the qualifit (lectors of the said town to vote fo )ne Alderman at Large, to fill tl vacancy of A. C. Lytle, resigned; Oi Vlderman from Ward Three to fill tl ,'acancy of R. A. Fulp, resigned. J. Y. Starncs. J. N. McAteer ar 1. M. Hutchinson are appointed mat tgers of the said election. The books of the registration for tl own of Fort Mill will be opened at tl >ffice of J. M. Hutchinson, supervise >f registration, at the Hurchinsr Pharmacy on Tuesday, July 10th, ar emain open for ten days for the regi ration of qualified electors. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. W. A. ROACH, Clerk. Woodrow Wilson flas made this statement: "If nan does not provide for h shildren, if he does not provid "or all those dependent upon hin ind if he has not that vision c things to come, and that care fc ;he days which have not yc lawned, which we sum up in th vhole idea of thrifty and saving :hen he has not opened his eye x> any adequate conception c luman life. We are in thi a'orld to provide not for oui jelves but for others, and that i :he basis of economy." A life insurance policy in th Union Central is the safest, be* ind cheapest mode of provisio for your dependents and of a< simulating savings for yoursel] ;hus in one means accomplishin ;wo ends. Let me prove it. C. S. Link, a",'."',1 FORT MILL. S. C. Old newspapers for sale at T1 Times office. ICING'S NEW LIFE PILL! The Pills That Do Cure. I HSL. Na 1 Would look If Let us put it bank account better busines community. 1 and the snru alike. It is n 1 but what you wealth. Let i ! today. ^ Savings Bai Illl! nil w. B. Mb AC MIL - * * *.V " ' & SI j?fc???? X) 50 w 90 50 - Summ 40 w Beginning i 3i Greatly Redm 25 consisting of ] X) Hats. Etc. 75 55 33 )1 50 All 25c and 35c All 15c, 18c and ^ 10c and 12 l-2c 70 15c and 20c Gin 79 10 O: - 1 lot Ladies' $4 I lot Ladies $3 1 Misses' and Chi 5 Las ?d Jj We have a ie , dies' Trimmed le first choice at id nie No jg ir All S in id 8Patters a is i _ ? ;i r, _ is S We Sell j is i Sugar at COST I e Every Saturday for Cash. J S Culp's Grocery. me t j I! well on our books. j ri : there today. A fel will give you a j! El ?s standing in the | 61 'he large depositor Ei all are welcomed j Bj j| ot what you earn ? Pa save that makes m is have von** namp Lul . ^ nk of Fort Mill, \ HAM. President >' jj 'M.?rasm?iLX?ji! u . _ _ ; , ? jfl I or Cnnrlo MII9T Pn I Ul uuuuo IVIUUI UU Saturday, July 14th, we will put on sale at 3ed Prices our entire stock of Summer Goods IMEen's and Boys' Suits, Pants, Underwear. Dress Goods Voiles, Lawns, Silks, Skirting, etc., at. 18 l-2c 20c Voiles and Lawns at 12 l-2c Lawns, Voiles, etc., 81-2c gham and Percale at . 13 l-2c rfords and Pumps I to $5 Pat. and Kid Pumps at $3.45 I to $3.75 Pat. and Kid Pumps at 2.75 I ildren's Mary Jane Pumps at ___ 207' off I t Call for Millinery | few of the season's very best styles in Lal Hats, also a few shapes, worth up to $6.50, $2.95; second lot at $1.90 on down to 35c. oods charged at above prices. iPOT CASH or nothing doing. on's Dry Goods Store. I cv? I ITIVVl^ 1 IWAUidl 1 CC Wc have made an arragement with the Majestic Theatre whereby we are enabled to give tickets to the afternoon shows absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. One tencent admission ticket will be given to any white customer who buys '25c worth for cash, or one 10c ticket will be given to any white customer paying $1.00 on account. These tickets are NOT good Saturdays. T Va/lo iin fk nc tliA m. uuv mill uo uiiu otc iiic I Movies without cost. I HUTCHINSON'S PHARMACY Let Us Know Your Needs in the way of FURNITURE and * House Furnishings. We can furnish your home complete from parlor t6 kitchen, and you will find that our nrices are alwavs reasonable. Make a selection, say how much you can pay down and we will allow you easy terms on the balance. Young & Wolfe. |