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y' \U . ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. r J Col. William Mack, of New ? York City, was a visitor to Fort s Mill during the holidays. ^ a Mrs. Hattie Mack returned the t last week after a visit of several \ weeks to relatives in Decatur t and Atlanta. Ga. Brevard Culp and Miss Zettie Boyd, a popular young couple j of Upper Fort Mill, were happilv j c married on Tuesday of last week, i v the ceremony being performed f by the bride's pastor. Rev. S. P. j a Hair, of the Flint Hill Baptist j d church. 1 ... . . ! 1< .J. M. Gamble lias purchased * the home of Mrs. E. M. Ardrey, 0 on East Booth street through the j, real estate agency of Bailes & r Mrs. Ardrey and family, it is understood, will remove to a their old home in Pineville early Q in next month. jj There were, according to ? figures made public by the State f bureau of vital statistics, 579 P more births than deaths in York a county for the year ending f December 1st, the exact figures K being: Deaths, 544; births, 1,123. u v The Fort Mill graded school will open for the last half of the jt 191(5-17 term on Tuesday morn- p ing, January 2. Parents are re-! quested to have their children t| reach the school promptly on the n opening hour in order that the v class work may be taken up with- j out delay. j ^ Invitations have been issued n by Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpat- g rick, of this city, to the mar- r riage of their daughter, Miss N Kittie Haile Kirkpatrick, and Kr- " nest Gordon Gaither, of States- t ville, N. C. The ceremony is to c; take place at the home the bride- o to-be on Booth street the after- v noon of Tuesday, January 2. t k The contract for the erection of a bridge across Sugar creek rj to replace the bridge washed away last July will be let jointly by the counties of York and t| Lancaster today. This bridge it is understood is to be a wood structure and is to occupy the same site as the old bridge. h Among the young women re- f( turning for the Christmas holi- r, days who have been engaged in a _ teaching during the past term tl I are Miss Louise McMurray from n f the public schools of Estill, Miss ,j Isabel drier from the Normal i] and Industrial institute of Albe- b marie, N. C., Miss Helen Ardrey G from Conway and Miss Florence n Bennett from Edgefield. \\ <$ Postmaster B. Henry Massey. . of the local oflice, has received 11 instructions from the postoffice j s< department at Washington to ? occupy the new Stewart building to be erected on the corner of 1 Main and Confederate streets immediately upon the completion j of the building. No information i a has been given out as to the plans for the building, nor the time when the contract will be s let. etc. An event which proved a pleasant surprise to their friends in this section was the marriage | C1 Saturday evening of Mr. Joe W. ? Collins and Mrs. Addie Broom, j ir the ceremony being performed ; by the Rev. W. S. Goodwin of the Methodist church. The mar- \ P riage took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Eason, on ir Clebourn street, where a number of friends, including the bride C1 and groom, had been invited to P partake of a Christmas supper. P . ?- | Ik Contract for River Bridge. At the office of County Engi- tl geer W. W. Miller, at Rock Hill, a on Wednesday, .January 17, the contract for the erection of the n bridge across Catawba river be- fi tween Eort Mill and Rock Hill tl will be let to the lowest re-1 sponsible bidder. The new " structure is to occupy a site at the end of the Cherry road from j Rock Hill to the river, the site . being several miles down the 1 stream from the old bridge ^ washed away last July, and on a ^ ^ direct line between this city and j Rock Hill. On the east side of , the river a new road is to be opened, leaving Fort Mill at the ( end of Spratt street and passing through the plantations of W. B. Hoke, the Spratts, and Edgar !. Jones to the river. The distance ! between Fort Mill and Rock Hill ' by the new road, it is said, will w be a little less than seven miles, ^ with only one branch and the , river to be bridged, while the old road had not less than half ^ a dozen branches, two creeks .: and the river bridges. The new a road also will be practically free of hills. J' i Announcement is made by the Majestic Theatre that beginning anuary 1st the World program . >f all-feature pictures will be 11 hown exclusively at this show 8 louse, except Saturdays, when s i variety of pictures including h he serial picture now running c vill be offered for the enter- h ainment of the public. n s Suggests a Remedy. t< Mr. W. B. Meacham, president >f the Savings Bank of Fort Mill. } vh.j was among the number of c Eastern York gentlemen who ippeared before the legislative ^ lelegation at its meeting last liursday in Rock Hill to discuss s egislative matters for this secion of the county, had things f interest to say relative to the ti arge amount of whiskey being tl eceived at this place. c< Mr. Meacham. together with ^ large majority of the citizens a f Fort Mill, are anxiously await- b ng the convening of the next eneral assembly in the hope tl hat our law makers will take n roper action to relieve Fort Mill tl nd possibly other border towns P rom the deplorable and dis- a raceful condition that exists tl I 1.1 A. 11 iL A nutrr uie presern, gauon-a-monm " ,-hiskey law. Mr. Meacham n ointed out to the delegation how ti had been necessary to enlarge V/ he local express oflice in order d accommodate the whiskey ^ raflic and how numerous auto- 7i mobiles from North Carolina ^ ,'ere paying weekly visits to u "ort Mill and hauling away hun- P reds of gallons of whiskey, luch to the humiliation of the ood people of our town. As a emedy for this condition, Mr. f, leacham suggested that it jy light be of material worth for t, he legislature to enact a law rouiring each person, before ? rdering whiskey, to give bond , ith the clerk of the court in he sum of $100, that the whis- i* ey received by the applicant h rould be only for personal use. I he delegation gave Mr. Meach- t m its assurance that the merits e. f his suggestion would be t| horoughly investigated. jv a Big Present for Winthrop. C( Wintrop College at Rock Hill 11 as received an offer of $50,000 a or a new building for social and li eligious purposes, provided tl nother $50,000 will be raised by v he institution, was the state- hi lent made by President D. B. si ohnson, of the college, follow- ai ig the annual meeting of the v oard of trustees at the office of d lovernor Manning Friday after- tc oon. Students and alumnae of ? finthrop already had raised 6,600 which has been deposited i a bank, stated President Johnon. He did not give the name f the donors for publication. Out of 539 students applying or and having been granted ree tuition at Winthrop, 199 are ound to be ineligible for State id by the State board of chariies and corrections, according 0 a report from that body conidered at the trustees meeting. Big Auto Sales South. Better roads, better prices for <11 iu mure money nave pened the South as a big factor i the auto salesman's business. Recent figures from Dixie inicate the solid South is imorting half again as many cars 3 last year and sales are steadily lcreasing. Twenty cent cotton with a big rop, better prices for all other roducts and almost universal rosperity in the South are beeved to be the main reasons )r the increased business. Better roads have also had leir effect and the sale of more _ irs is producing a cycle which is believed will give the South .< lore good roads within the next I ve years than it has had since i ^ le Civil War. Fatal Auto Accident. Henry Nivensand Lee Hagler, ^ ell known young men of Wax- i aw, had a serious automobile :cident Monday afternoon, both j? eing now in the Presbyterian T ospital, at Charlotte. The young men left Waxhaw t bout midday for Pleasant Valley ) spend the afternoon. In iking a turn on the road too uickly the young man who was riving lost control of the wheel, 4 le car crashing into a telephone ^ ale by the roadside. Both men ? ere hurled to the ground. They ^ ere picked up and rushed to harlotte, it being found at the ospital that both had fractured iws, and oiher injuries, Mr. 7 fivens being seriously injured f bout the head. It was learned late yesterday lat Mr. Nivens had died of his 1 juries. | ? THE PORT M Lancastrians Disturbed. The Lancaster News is warn- a rig the people of that county to et busy, else York and Chester ucceed in securing the national th ighway. A meeting of the Lan- ^ aster Automobile association th as been called to consider the cc latter, while the people of Kerhaw county are likewise called * 0 get busy. th Under the caption, "Shall Rock 1 ill 'Shoestring' Us," The Lan- m aster Citizen says: "J "At a recent meeting of the ^ 'ork county board of rommisioners it was decided to locate P{ he new steel bridge over the 'atawba river between thecoun- ,u ies of York and Lancaster on he Cherry road and the York "> ounty engineer. W. W. Miller. t\'| as instructed to prepare plans nd specifications and call for ^ ids on the structure." _ It then quotes articles from lie Rock Hill Herald and comlents on the situation, urging Nl le people of Lancaster to act romptly. The excerpt quoted bove is the first intimation that si he steel bridge was to be placed 111 ver the Catawba so as to conect York and Lancaster coun- of ies. In this connection The Cit:en is badly mistaken, because u! tie bridge will be designed first ar jr the convenience of the citi- J,'i ens of York, and secondly for* nt lose using the national highay. after the change has been ublicly announced. The Herald Tl .lj Sees Doom of the Guard. At the recent Governor's conerence in Washington. Gov. 15 lanning had some interesting i V\ ,11. I i il XT_i! 1 n 1 I uk uuuui me i\auonai uuaru j. f the country, from which the allowing excerpt is taken: "I feel that the National Guard 15 ; doomed. The system will j,, ave to be chanced. The First tegiment of South Carolina roops have returned. It is ? v ident to all who have seen m hem that their experience has ^ pen of value to them as men nd as soldiers. Their physical !iI PI undition is fine and their miliiry bearing and training are in dmirable. When the men ensted, however, they thought lat it would be for active serice and they were eager for it. Jv lit to have been called away for x months from their vocations >' nd professions for inactive serice at a heavy sacrifice will iv eter many from being willing th > join the guard hereafter." John M. Hutchinson, Ph. G. A Happy Pi To Our Patrons: We extend many thar hope that the New Yc full share of happines your utmost desires. To the Public: A sincere desire for 1917. May each da prosperity and happine HUTCHINSON & LY "Just What Your D Everything Good If the market affords it yo take special delight in servin serving more satisfied custon delivery wagon is ready to si your interest to let us supply mas Groceries. Our stoc Phone your grocery wants to Parks Gro< Phone ILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. nnual Meeting to Be Held On January 4th, 1917. Pursuant to statute, notice is herei given to whom it mav concern, that ic ANNUAL MEETING of the Coun Board of Commissioners of York aunty, will be held in the Office of le County Supervisor at York, on HURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1917, mmencing at 10 a. m. Under Section 998 of the Civil Code, 1 claims against the county not preously presented, must be filed with le Cleric of the Board on or before inuary 1, 1917, and holders of claims ill take notice that if the same are >t presented and filed during the year which they are contracted, or the ?ar following, such claims will be former barred. All claims against York county must i itemized, and they must be accom\nied by affidavits of the claimants tting forth that the amounts claimed e just, true, due and owing, and that y part thereof has been paid by com omise or otherwise. All persons authorized by law to adinister oaths, are required to probate aims against the county free of large. Bv order of the Board. THUS. W. BOYD, Supervisor. nine C. Wallace, Clerk. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1917. otice of Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's Office, Nov. 29. 1916. Pursuant to the requirement of the j tatute on the subject, Notice is here- i ; given that my books will be opened my office in York court house on Monty. January 1st, 1917, for the purpose listing Tor taxation all Personal and eal Property held in York County on muary 1, 1917. and will be kept open itil the 20th day of February, 1917. id for the convenience of the Taxpay s of the County I will be at the aces enumerated below on the dates imed. At Clover, Tuesday and Wednesday. muary 2 and 2. 1917. At Bethel, (Barnett Bros.'s Store). hursday, January 4, 1917. At Point, (at Harper's), Friday, muary 5, 1917. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's tore). Saturday, January (?, 1917. At Smyrna, Monday, January S, '17. At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and 'ednesday, January 9 and 10, 1917. At Sharon, Thursday anil Friday. , muary 11 and 12, 1917. At Bullock's Creek, (Good's Store), iturday, January 13, 1917. At Tirzah, Monday, January lath, 17. At Newport. Tuesdav, January 10, 117. At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday id Friday, January 17, IS, 19, 1917. At MeConnellsville, Monday, January !. 1917. At Ogden, Tuesdav, January 23. 17. At Coates's Tavern (Roddey's). ?>n | 'ednusday. January -4. 1917. At Rock Hiil, from Thursday, Janu y 2f>, to Wednesday, January 21, '17. At Ratnah, Tuesday, February 6th, '17. At McGill Bros.'s Store, Wednesday, I'bruary 7, 1917. At York, from Saturday, February , to February 29, 1917. All males between the apes of twrn-one and sixty years, except Confedate soldiers over the ape of fifty ars, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, id all persons so liable are especially quested to pive the numbers of their spec live school districts in makinp eir returns. HROADUS M. LOVK, Auditor York County. ! flffiflHflEHHHHH HBflBBHBHHHMflBEEHD A. C. Lytle lew Year. I iks for past favors and ?ar will bring you your ;s and the fulfillment of their patronage during y and hour bring you 'SS. TLE DRUG CO., _ n i ?? in Groceries: = | u will find it here. We g our friends. We are 7 lcrs than usual, and our ^ erve you. It will be to r you with your Christ k is fresh and clean. + ( No. 116. fl " ( eery Co., I 110 I QTH CAROLINA gree: We desire to extern wishes for a Happy Ne | to all of our numf and friends who with their business year 1916 the the 1 tory of our establisl Patterson's Dry Go I "t" <o>?(SHo>(SK30?00???? @??0 @? | The Ne\ g The New Year is ? and with its adve ? thank each and eve ? customers for their | age during the year ? tend to them our go | Happy and Prosper | Another Special Sa 1 Watch for Ci I Mills & Your 1 "Buy and Sell &???0??????@?????? ?? ? MAJESTIC SATURDAY 0 ^ Send i The iron Claw j q g 6th Episode (2 Reels) 3pen 2:30 - - 5c and 10c. | * O ttl( \ W" <m \ # ltngt ? d our very best iw Y ear ^rous customers by favoring us have made the best in the hisirnent. ods Store.Fo? I u "Vpap i t jl unn g drawing near, S nt we wish to ? ;ry one of our g liberal patron- ? 1916, and eX~ g >od wishes for a g ous New Year. g le Sat. Dec. 30. | irculars. g lg Comp'y | irerything." g four Next Order For PRINTING i Fort Mill Times.