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i < r r ; p:' . """ CALOMEL MAKES YOI IT'S MERC Straighten Up! Don't Lose a D< # Liver and Bowels With 11 Ugh? Calomel makeB you sick. Take a dose of the vile, dangerous drug toaight and tomorrow you may lose u work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with bout bile crashes into it. breaklag it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constl faiea or you nave headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or atoinach sour, Just try a spoonful or karmleRs Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any " 4rug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's I.iver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't ARE YOURHI Thousands of Men and Trouble and N Nature warns ypu when the track of health is not clear. Kidney and bladder troubles cause many annoying symptoms and great inconvenience both day and light. Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumbago, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, pain *r dull ache in the hack, joints or muscles, at times have headache or indigestion, as time passes you may have a salkrm complexion, t rffy or dark circles nnder the eyes, sometimes feel as though yoo had heart trouble, may have plentv af ambition but no strength, get weak and lose flesh. If such conditions arc permitted to continue, serious results may be expected; Kidney Trouble in its very worst farm may steal upon you. Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm8PECIAL NOYE -Y ou may obtain a sam Sen cents to l>r. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamtoi to prove the remarkable merit of this med valuable information, containing many of 1 from men and women who sav thev found ! an kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The well known that our readers are advised to i Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When wi To Look at Only. "I think this clock Is perfectly lovely," snhl the fair customer, "but will It keep time?" "Madame," replied the salesman coldly, "it would he as much as my reputation Is worth to sell you a clock 3tuit would keep time. This Is an an ti<|ue shop, and nothing modern Is tolmi ted here."?St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Obstinate attacks of Piles are relieved tad the difficult stools which accompany tbem are softened through the use of Wright's Indiint Vegetable Pills. Send for j trial boi to 37*2 Pearl St., New York. Adv. Circumstantial Evidence. "Weil, they can't say the new empress of Austria Is crazy like others ia the imperial family." "Perhaps not, but to look at her pompadour in her pictures must make many suspect she lias rats." A Quick Decider. Clerk?The ilremen turned the hose on our basement, sir, and drenched two piles of that silk dress goods. Merchant?Advertise a big sale of watered silk right away. ore Eyin, Blood-Shot Eyes. Watery Eyes, Sticky Eyes, all healed promptly with nlghttv applications of Human Eye HaUara. Adv. To Be Expected. "1 know a fellow who is cheerful and contented, and yet lie Iras met with aothing but reverses since lie started 5a business." "What is lie?a philosopher?" UV? . L .. I- - -? , in- is it circus acronut." By Those Who Got Left. Tins your rich uncle's will been probnted?" "Yes, nml also reprobated."?Boston Transcript. Cause and Effect. "Bliflins Is a true son of the soil." Ts that why bo always looks so seedy?" Indigestion Is very often caused by woman's Inhumanity to man. For the traveler the best guidebook Is a checkbook. There via * little lawyer man. who gently (Bailed aa he began her dear dead huaband'a will to acaa And think f of hia e>oiein( fee. ha arid ta her quite tenderly "Toe Kara a niee ' fat legate " Neit morning na he lay m bed with pladere ea hia bnkta head, he wondered what the deeee he'd Mid Tbe onl> lecxy Vrfi la toik ptofk It poor tiaoach a lib a Itnjrn.) ta aervoat laditMffae. ar dytprptla - - - ik.t -w? -i? -. - 1 1 ? vi inc iiMrorr unci CMittfation For mart lh?n hill century g ready remedy m (oanilrvt thousand* o( households in every dim* Green's August Flower has been successfully used for the relief of stomach and liver troubles all over the civilized world. All druggists or dealers everywhere have it in 25c. and 75c. sizes. Try it and see for yourself. KT^Sj PARKER'S I HAIR BALSAM A toilet prepnrntlo.* of merit. JLa )l?lpo to radical* dandruff. B For Rvolorin* Color and Baautjr loCrir or Faded Hair. ^andgtOOatOrutfirtata^^ I j?L? KODAKS & SUPPLIES rflQlTl? We alao do higbeut elaan of flniahlng. I Bnv tla Prloea and Catalogue upou requent. "iC+J S. Galeiki Optical Ca., Rirkmood, Va. tt. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 53-1910. J SICK, UGH! I URY AND SALIVATES iy's Work! Clean Your Sluggish 'Dodson's Liver Tone." straiguiei? you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning 1 want you to go back to the store and get your money. DodBon's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entire- ! ly vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of ' TV>dsnn's Liver Tone will put your slug- i gish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that, a bottle c* Dcddor.'s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste.?Adv. I )NEYS WEAK? Women Have Kidney >ver Suspect It. ing increase and remarkable prevalence of kidney disease. While kidney disorders are among the most common diseases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patients, who usually content themselves with doctoring the effects, while the original disease may constantly undermine the system. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run down condition. try taking Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, the famous kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys improve, they will help the other organs to health. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fiftv-cent and onedollar size bottles at all drug stores. IVin't make any mistake but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ; ami the address, Ibnghamton, N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. iple size bottle of Swamp-Root by enclosing n. N. Y. This gives you the opportunity icine. They will also-send you a book of :he thousands of grateful letters received Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed value and success of Swamp-Root are so send for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. riting be sure and mention this paper. Diplomatic. "My wife tisked me what I was most anxious for as a Christmas present." "1)1(1 you tell her: "Certainly. I told her 1 was positively erazv for n imir -it' curtains." The ffi$| Kind. "Where can IWU some good current literature?" ^ "Try those manuals of electricity." HEAL YOUR SKIN TROUBLES With Cuticura, the Quick, Sure and Easy Way. Trial Free Rathe with Cuticura Soap, dry and apply tho Ointment. They atop Itching instantly, clear away pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, remove dandruff and scalp irritation, heal red, rough and sore hands as well as most baby skin troubles. sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. A Mistake. "I like that young fellow, Mr. Smarty, who Is coming to see you, Matilda, lie is a man aft ?r my own heart." "Indeed lie Isn't, then, pa. He's after mine." Its Kind. "I had the unique experience of seeing a drawn battle the other day." "A pugilistic encounter?" "No; a tea tight." MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, I'neumonla and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT for WonmlfHo - 41 -? Jtlll-llllllllisiu 1111(1 Sprains. For sale l?y all DruRRists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFIt'S., Greensboro, N. C.?Adv. Horrors of War. First Tramp?I Ms war is a curse, Hill! Second Tramp?It's orful, Jake I Every fiViRlit car loaded full o' ammunition! Not a Rood, comfortable "empty" anywhere to be found! Suitable Title. "I call my yacht the Milkmaid." "I suppose that Is because she skims the waves." Liquor has caused many a stronR man's downfall. Tt is easy for bis wife to knock him out when he is loaded. r?r Prery* "Denil Snot" not only cipeli Worms or Tap.worm but clrana out tha mucus In which they breed and tones up the digestion. One dose sufficient. Adv Neutral Command. "What (li<l llif surgeon do when lie Start oil in vaccinate tin* regiment?" "I suppose lie ordered tliein to present nrnis." An Instance. "Itlrds of a leather ttoek together.** "Exactly; swallows generally are found associated with larks." Too many girls regard marriage as a lark instead of a frantic leap In the dark. Wireless waves have heen utilized \ to light antl extinguish gas lamps In Germany. Thor?? Is a possibility that skirts will he longer. gYii Jf Sold for 47 years. For U ^ Malaria,Chilis & Ferer. "IlJ Also a Fine General Strengthening Toik. #RIV 00c and ft 00 at all Drug Storta 1 mi. yk | vc|?! ?Wife?r SJTj FLOWER unblowr 'M A Path untrod; a I A Landscape whose A wondrous Fountain yet u This is the Year that for y The Old Year. By JOSH WINK. We bid thee, Old Year, Hut not with sail recrct; v For long 1 li?> soars of tliy sore woutals Will bo upon us yet. A record thine of blood and woo, Of nations in IIitci' strife. Tlu? greater one for world control. The weaker ones, for life. Thou bast kept arms in men's gripped builds. The tears in women's eyes. The dread in little children's hearts, l'eatll rattles ill tlieii* erles I .a in Is hast thou swept of hotncs anil crops. Where toil contented reigned, rhou hast brought Hume to scorch ami kill. Willi hlooil the soil hast staineil, > Across the ser.s thy direful work Hast planted seeds of hate In fearful deeds and wrath to come To live and germinate. O fateful year, O fatal year! Puss from our shuddering sight. <3od grant the year which waits Its hirth May hless where thou didst blight! At the Year's Close. ] By CHARLOTTE FISKE BATES. If fault of mine, or pride or fear, lias cost one soul, or far or near, One hitter pang, one burning tear. May the hurt die with thee. Old Year. If sorrow ever deafened nie : So that, in vain, on Doubt's dark sea. One called on me despairingly. . > 1?1 Your! O, hide that cry willi Tlice ! If graeelessness in anything lias weighted some poor struggling < Willtf. Or heedlessness has left a sting, 0 speeding year, my pardon bring! If I have failed where need was sore, Appreciation's wine to pour, Selfishly keeping it In store? Now, Heaven absolve me, I implore! ' May every wrong and hurt of mine, Or felt or given, leave no sign. Touched with the blessed anodyne? flood will! Cod's peace! the ltirth IMvlne! A Poem for the New Year. By S. E. KISER. 1 will start anew this morning with a higher, fairer creed; I will cease to stand complaining of 1 my ruthless neighbor's greed ; I will cease to sit repining while my duty's call Is clear. I will waste no moment whining and my nritri sunn Know no four. ! will look soinetimes about me for the things that merit praise; I will search for hidden beauties that elude the grumbler's gaze; I will try to timl contentment in the paths that I must trend. i I will cease to have resentment when another moves ahead. I will not be swayed by envy when my rival's strength Is shown; I will not deny his merit, but I'll strive to prove my own; I will try to see the beauty spread before me, rain or shine? 1 will cease to preach your duty and be more concerned with mine. One of tne Tests. Ilyker .Muggins is a good friend of yours, is he not? I'yker I guess so. lie's always felling tne my faults. Deduction. "Henry, you've been arguing about politics again." "My dear, I?" "Don't try to deceive me. I smell liquor on your breath and you never take a drink that you don't follow it with an argument about politics." All Alike. "You say there are several society girls in this chorus?" "Yes. Can't you pick them out?" I "No. All sixteen seem to have the same degree of hauteur*'' it j* sera F ? i, a Book unread, a Tree vv "douse whose rooms lack yet I ? t - i wide border lies in silent si insealed, a Casket with its gi rou waits, beyond tomorrow's Goodby. Old Year. By THEODORE H. BOICE. = 1'lie time lias c(?iih' t<> say^oodby. Old Year, for wo tnttst part ; And 'tis reluctantly wo speak The word that wrings the heart. For you have been a faithful friend Through all your twelve-month stay. A friend who clung to us by night . And walked with us by day. We well remember when yoUvCame, A bright and smiling youth. Witli all the promises of hope And all the cheer of truth. We hailed you then with merry shouts. And fondly clasped your hand ; With you we started on the road To newer conquests planned. Neath sunny skies we journeyed on Along life's thoroughfare. And you were ever at our side. In all our joys to share. Through days of toll and days of rest We always found you near. A lo\*.tl friend, companion true. With purpose ever clear. When skies were dark, and rough the way, And grief and trouble came, Von through misfortune to us clung, Your friendship e'er the $ninc. Through summer's beat and winter's cold. Through gladness, doubt and fear. Vou with us steadfastly 1 einained A loyal friend, old Year. Hut now you're sadly aged. old friend, Your liair is white as snow; Vour steps, mice firia, ate faltering. And you desire to Ro, We cannot keep you 'gainst your will. And so 'tis with a sigh We clasp your trembling hand and say "(toodhy. Old Year, goodby !" New Year. By RAY I. HOPPMAN. [laze forth on the hriRlit, shining sun of tomorrow. Think not of the faults and mistakes of the past, Nor drink from the gall flavored goblet of sorrow? Take one backward look'nnd let that he your last. The old year has gone and the new is before us. The road to tie future Is open to .YOU. So mingle your voice with I ho joy swelling ohorus Ami hoed to the ?*ai11 of the yonr that is now; Away witli the thoughts and the words pessimistic. The wrongs of the past and the tilings that annoy; Hut substitute action and deeds optimistic And anchor yourself in the ltarhor of Joy. The future depends upon striving and trying And doing your host with your own little part, The slogan of all should ho "Doing or Dying"? .lust swing Into line with a good running start. Forget all things past that are bordered with sadness. Retain only that which is wholesome and sweet ; (Hi! may the new year he o'erflowing with gladness? A gladness uiisi intcil, miiiiit< !y eomplete. So keep straight ahead on fln? now opened highway. The sunshine Is Wright and the sky is clear hi ue; Retrace not the past's narrow, roughened old hyway. Hut travel the road of the year ttint Is new, <3o- J M ' ?- ' ?? tl Quite Comfortable. tireen l'idti'f you lind it nmomrorttlbh wtirtti nt tin* theater last night? Itrown (>li, no; the play was a frost. Conservative. "What sort of speeeli did the randldate make?" "It was full of glittering genernllt ies." "lildn'l lie eouinilt himself at all?" "Well. In* said he thought fSeoi'?c Washington was a grout man." Preparing. ('holly I ?id you tell your sister that I was here and had something very important to say to her? .lohnn\ She'll he down soon. She's looking ; on up iu Rrudstreot's now. fj j j> ? v" ith fruit unharvcsted; the heart s divine perfumes; lade, neath silent skies; ft concealed; mystic gates. * The New Year's Coming. By FREEMAN E. MILLER. | Hotter hurry. Mister New Year! We've been waiting, waiting long | For the romping of your rapture and the laughter of your snug, j And the gate is standing open where the living dreams are sweet i While the happy hands of welcome scatter roses for your feet. Hurry. Mister New Year, There's a welcome warm for you. Where the hearts of hope are waiting And the dreams are coming true! Hurry, Mister New Year! We are weary of the king That has ruled so long with sorrow he's forgotten ho\v to sing? We are weary of his scepter ami the burdens that he knew, And we're waiting in the highways with a welcoming for you! Hurry, Mister New Year! l.o, the morning purple gleams. And the heart of hope is waiting For the crowning of its dreams! Little New Year. By KATHERINE FAITH. |. = Th(> old. old Year goes out at the door. Hut tlu* little Now Your comes in; And t<> take the place of the squandered days There's a Year just uhnut to begin ! lie's a dear little eliap. Is the small New Year, And deep in his eyes of blue Is the promise of all the Joy that life Is holding in store for you. Health's shining there?if you'll cross your heart To live with a wise discretion? And then follows Sleep, and then follows IMay, And Love Joins the dim procession. I And trailing behind are the ghosts of the years That Wait oil the llrmvn I'n Slinrn Ami haunt nil the paths of After-a- | J While ; ' That load to the Future's door. Tln> New Venr stands on his tippy-toes i And puts in your two hrowu hands I I The reins of his steeds, I CAN and ' I Wll.I. To drive through the deep life sands. And hard he stares with his wistful | eyes, , Woud'ring if you'll pet through? i And hoping that all of the dreams he's , dreamed | , Will have the good taste to eoine true. I | i New Year Greetings. By R. T. HART. From out of the dark and silence And separation Ion# In grateful, glad remembrance I send this little song: The year has seemed a long one Without your voice, your smile. Vet blessed, holy memories 1 , Have cheered each weary inlle. In absence still I cherish These memories of you And send these lines on New Year's , morn To pledge my faith anew. Hod grant that ere it closes All blessings it may bring To you who've brightened many years, ; . And to whom now I will sing. ! t May it ho bright and happy. And may it's smiles and tears Weave o'er your life a rainbow i of hope for all your years. l ? Friendly Suggestion. Hazel Cold comfort comes in small 1 chunks. 1 1 Aiinee Well, why don't you pa- ' tronize some other Ice man? i ' No Harm Done. i 1 "Well! Well! Think of old Mr. j Mulligan having a valet. Why, I used 1 to know him when he carried a hod." "Perhaps you did, hut his valet didn't know him then, so that functionary's feelings are spared." Avoided Them. "Are you going to the theater tonight -the performance is said to he very artistic." "Nix. When they say a thing Is 'lrighly artistic* It is usually unpleas, aut und tiresome." ? / ???k a???? ^Wfiat -would for the coffi Like a million other women, you can serve coffee that he would give most anything to have?coffee which starts the day "right" for all. Everyone loves the rich flavor of Arbuckles' Coffee. Of all the coffees in America today, it is by far the most popular 1 Today there are whole t< is practically the only col alone, in a year, four poui was used for every man, State?four times as man} population of the State! Ar HIGH PRICES A WAR BURDEN ?. Increased Living Cost One of War's i Horrors Neutral Nations Cannot Escape. Neutral nations cannot escape some of the bunions of world war. The increased cost of living is a part of the load every neutral country is now carrying. A compilation by the foreign j trade department of the National City hank of New York shows that prices >11 the world's markets have advanced In general from 50 to ltx> per cent, liven the most backward peoples are taking advantage of the war situation to exact enormous profits. For -exiiniple, the natives of Haiti and Jainaica, Charlton Mates Strayer writes i in Leslie's, are demanding and getting three times as much for their j logwood as tiefore the war. while the ' ndigo growers and merchants of In- \ lia, Java and San Salvador are even more grasping and are getting ten limes the former price of indigo. It s In foodstuffs, however, that the shoe pinches the tightest. In the Unit d States the high cost of food is the most pressing problem of the hour. mo i\ew York Association for Improving tin* Conditions of the Poor hns round that the price of 'Jo staple foods shows an advance of ;?(> per cent, from November, P.tlo, to November, 1!>1(5. riiero had been, of course, a consideriblc advance prior to 1015. The National Association of Master linkers >f America announces that of the 110,MNl bakeries in tiiis country 'JO per ?cnt have been compelled to go out ' f business since the outbreak of the 1 war on account of high prices of grains. Flour at S'Jt 1 a barrel is prellcted before the winter is over. important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOltIA, that famous old remedy for Infants und children, and see that 't Roftra iKft In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Nothing to It. "I'ln going to smash that (hide," detrlnred the had man of tin* camp. "WhafTor?" demanded the sheriff. "He's looking for trouble." "(J'wan ! Quit trying ?o pick a tight. \ feller never looks for trouble with a monocle." Expenditures. "You Americans are terribly extrnv- i igant." remarked the critical man from ihroad. "I'erhap.s," replied Miss Cayenne. ] 'Some countries waste money on lux irlous food and raiment and some l ajuander it on protracted warfare." i The Quinine Th?( Does Not Affect The Head Becaiise >>f tin tonic and laxative effect Laxative BfODa Oulnlne enn be taken hjr anyone without t atisInK ncrvoninttsa or rinxlntt In the head There la onlf one *'Hromo (Quinine " U. W UltOVUS al(nat ure Is on each box. lite. Sea of Pumice. A steamship which recently made lie port of San Francisco reports Imvng sailed in a sea of pumice, near j 1 Sydney, N. S. \V. Apparently the material laid been east up by :i salami rinc volcanic outlireak, ami ehiniKs ranging in size from that of a marble to a plug hat were thrown on deck h\ the waves. The vessel was several | tours in passing through the affected region. Doubts Heredity. "Do you believe in heredity?" "No." "Why not?" "Look at the cheap skates that had great ancestors." Contrariwise. "Funny dlseovry, wasn't it, the food speculators made?" "What was that?" "That their live turkeys were a dead loss." lie give ?e you sei*ve? One woman says: "My husband used to swallow his rnfTpP nrtrl Vui rrv rvfT M/m?? have Arbuckles' and you'd think it was Sunaay the way helingers over his breakfast." Until you try Arbuckles' you will never know what a difference good coffee can make in your home. 3wns where Arbuckles' ffee used. In one State, ads of Arbuckles' Coffee woman and child in the r pounds of coffee as the buckle Bros.,New York. FRESH-CRISP WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS the sanitary methods applied in the making op these biscuits make them the STANDARD EXCELLENCE P*aUr tuts thrna. or if not he shostit. *hsk him or irrita as qiviaa his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY Luminous Insects. l.uiiiinnsity is noruuil in the wellkmiuh i ii... i ..... i. i i.... i 1. .t iK i ur.i, mi iiuillli; nit* various lire Mies ami glow worms, ami rr.Milts naturally from the oxUlation of some organic secretion. Oilier insrcts aiv luminous in rare Instances. Kcv. I. Ilolroydr. vicar of I'atclium, Knglaiul, lately noted lumiiious moth larvae, similar to those observed onee or twlee previously; ami the ehironoiiioijs a kind of gnat?and the "lantern beetles" of South America are among the creatures sometimes lighted up. The occasional luminosity has been attributed to disease, or decomposition from bacterial infer- M I To Drive Out Malaria ^ And Huild lip The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. His Probable Vocation. Friend?What is your luiby going to l?? when h?> (jnuvs up? Financier ? A blackmailer, I'm afraid. Friend? Impossible ! What makes you think so? Financier We have to give him something every little while to keep him quiet. Advantages. "Do you think there is ren'ly any good in tin- proposed two-eent-and-ulialf piece?" "Certainly. Then, when you have a nickel in church, you can give to the foreign missions iifty tifty." Did you ever see a girl start any- * where without waving good-by to someone? . A*k for and Get Skinners THE HIGHEST QUAUTY SPAGHETTI 36 Page Recipe Book Free SKINHER MFG.CO.. OMAHA.U.S.A. LAAGCSr MACAAONI FACTORY IN AMiftICA T. " OIL INVESTMENTS |lo uo I* u y n a tut in our l>?Telopmont rnt?rprl?w. Cayim-nta M oil down balance monthly l/iiimnrn |rl ilrrd lo land, will control management of Company arid Kliarr cijiiMlly In all profltaof product No ioiiiiiivo ||" nroriM n?i' There l( e>llma led i<> hi< t hi n t I In in mi nil producing oil and gux null* In K.istern Kims.ix wImreour lands are located t- 00 per bhl In predicted for crude oil. This may hetha teppng stone to a substantial Income Write today < o-t Iperat Ive (111 Si (lat lievelupment Co. Barnes IILiIk. W lililta, Kan. Attention Cotton Ginners !! Hlilp tut your gin motes at South Hlchtnond and wa will pay you one cent per pound at your Motion for thein If they are dry und In good condition. Thin It a big Having over throwing them on the land Klrlimoiitl \\ ante Co., Soutti Itlcliii.ond, Ve. Pecan Trees M Now is the time to set them. Begin bearing in thiee to four years. Add both beauty and utility to the home. Prices and valuable information free. J. B. WIGHT, CAIRO. OA. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey ami Charleston Wakefield, Suee( -xioii ami Flat Dutch, by egprens, 800, 11.00 1,000, si.50, 10,000, at 11.35. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postpaid 35c per 100. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERV1LLE, S. C. Hunt's Cure In eapecially compounded for the treatment of Itch, Eczema, King worm, and Tetter, and Is Hold by the druggist on the strict guarantee that the purchase price, tlfty cent*, will lie promptly refunded to any dtssaitailed customer. Try limit'* Cure at our risk. At any drug store, or sent direct from A. B RICHARDS MEDICINE CO. Inc. Dept. 2. Sneowgn, T?iat