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l=w J fe- VTLjmrM Teat Shells Now <i J Shells Free < "**' If yoot shells fail, your hunt la spoiled. Test your shells beforehand j and know that they are the best you can get. Particularly, test /mi\t".BLACK shells W* wfll Hfflil vnn mn nrA?r />" ?~i? ammunition dealer for three free Clack Sheila and also a complete booklet of test directions. All you do is to write your nameand address and that of your ammunition dealer on the margin of this advertisement, tear it out ana send 1 it to us. UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO. 2660Trinity Bide.. New York City I Neuralgia Jjis Pains J// I Why suffer from ((( ' I ?excruciating ncu111 ralgia pains when I an application of Yager's Liniment I will give auick relief? This liniment is stood too, for rheumatism. sciatica, headache, pain in chest or side, sprains, cuts and bruises. The large 25 rent bottle of Yager's Ijlnltnent contains fonr times as much as the usual bottloof liniment sold at that price. At all dealers. YAGER'S LINIMENT G1LUEKT IIKOS.A CO. Baltimore, Md. Easily Changed. "Is your portable garage satlsfao- i tory?" j "Oh, yes," replied the suburban ! dweller, "It suits me very well and I'm glad for my wife's sake that I bought the portable kind." "Why so?" "She's lind It moved half n dozen tirnos because she didn't think It looked well froin the street."?BlrmIngham Age-Herald. GOOD FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN Children love Skinner's Macaroni mid Spaghetti because of its delicious tuste. It is good for them und you cau give them ull they want. It Js a groat builder of bone and muscle, and does not muke them nervous and Irritable like meat. The most economical und nutritious food known. Made front the hnest Durum wheat. Write Skiuner Mfg. Co., Ouiuliu, Nebr., for beautiful cook hook. It Is sent free to mothers.?Adv. / Bad Commissariat. Secretary of War Itaker was praising the commissariat department of the army. "It stood the strninof the Mexican viima n ni, in.? emu. "Tjverynoay was foil bountifully?everybody would hnve continued to be fed bountifully to the end. There was nothing here to suggest old Noskns. "Old Noskn, n regulnr, bonrded n street cnr one dny. A innn looked nt him and said: " 'In the regulnr nnny, I see.' " 'Yep,' said Noskn. " 'Well, friend,' said the man, 'take a look at me. I'm the guy that supplies the regular army with Its butter." "Old Noskn gritted his teeth, and, without a" word, kicked the butter dealer through the window. " 'Now bring on,' he said, 'the guy that supplies the eggs!*" Cornered. "Henry, what time was It when you got home last night?" asked Mrs. Duffersby. "The clock had stopped." "Oh, about eleven o'clock, I think," answered Mr. Duflfershy. "That's strange. The Jlbways next door always retire punctually at mid- i night and their house had been dark n long time before you came." "Maybe they had n headache or something." "I hadn't thought of that. I'll ask Mrs. .Tlbway this morning." "Woman!" exclaimed Mr. Duffersby, in desperation, "cease pestering me! It | wns 2 a. m. when I got home." At the Horse Show. Knieker?That is a horse. Booker?I forgot whether yon say gldhonk or honkup to make It go. A woman Is as vain of her small feet ns a man of his large hat. The cheerful feeling you possess after a drink of something hot and flavory should be only the beginning of your satisfaction. For this very reason more and more people are turning from coffee to Instant Postum A lessened tendency to such annoyances as nervousness and sleeplessness repays them A ten-day trial of this delightful, flavory hot drink has assisted so many to health and comfort that your friend, the Postum drinker, will tell you its well worth while. "There's a Reason" i iflftK*! * i I NEED STATE SCHOOL TAX Supt. Swearlngen Analyzes Reports From Counties and Points Out Defects in Present System. Columbia.?The annual report of the 44 county superintendent* of education for the scholastic year 1915-16 have been carefully checked in the office of the state superintendent. One of the most interesting tables compiled for the information of the legislature shows the per capita expenditure per pupil on the basis of enrollment in the 44 counties. "A careful study of the figures." Suruirlnfnn/lont Qntrno rl r* oron nol/1 days ago. "reveals one of the pressing public school needs of the state, namely, a state school tax to guarantee minimum school facilities In every district. The constitution of 1895 makes the county the unit of school taxation. The state department of education has insistently urged the necessity of basing "the public school system on state support rather than on county support. A white pupil in Horry is allowed $7.65 a year, while the same child In Sumter is allowed $48.50. Of, course, these extremes vary from year to year. But in llorry the white population is large and the wealth small, whereas in Sumter the white population is small and the wealth considerable. "The three-mill constitutional tax | is collected on every dollar of property in the state. This makes people believe that the three-mill tax is a state tnx. In fact, the three-mill constitutional tax is only a county tax. since every cent collected in the counj ty is retained and expended in the same county. "The figures for the year show that. I in Sumter and Richland the per capita outlay was more than $40 per child, i The result is largely due to extensive building improvements during the year. In Jasper and Darlington the per capita expenditure was between 430 flnri 410 1 Qrirotv rlno T T av, .... Dv>.T uur ivy Clio oauiu cause. In Darlington, however, consolidation. transportation, a seven months' term, and the teaching of agriculture must be counted In this cost. The per capita of $34.63 in this county is largely supplied by the strong school spirit impelling the people of every district to vote an adequate local tax. Darlington is a rich, prosperous and homogeneous county; but these figures show that its public schools are costing between $4 and $5 a month for every child enrolled. Under such conditions the taxpayers have a right to demand efficient schools. "In ten counties. Ileaufort, Calhoun. Charleston. Lee, Barnwell, Florence, Fairfield. Dillon, Orangeburg and Bamberg, the cost per pupil was between $20 and ^30. "It Is interesting to note that the leading cotton county of Marlboro stands 15th with an expenditure of $19.78 per white pupil. In the group expending between $10 and $20 stand 27 counties. Lancaster ranking 41st with an outlay of $10.52 per white child. "Three counties. Colleton. Oconee and Horry, spend less than $10 a child. Students of educational conditions in the state can not fail to observe the low nrnonilHiiM <" 1 - ?.. v v. iu vuuimoo with a majority white population in contrast with th high expenditure In counties with a majority negro population. "The average for the state was $17.02 against $16.22 a year ago. The counties of the state are divided Into two equal groups with respect to this state average?22 counties stand above and 22 below this median line. The first group begins with Sumter and ends with Berkeley. The second group begins with Edgefield and ends with Horry. But in the second group 60 per cent of the white pupils are enrolled." 80UTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Citizens of Pamlico voted recently to incorporate the town Governor Manning appointed several hundred delegates to attend the Southern Commercial Congress at Norfolk. Pets seen to be a part of the sol diers life. They brought with thera from the border every kind of a pet from a guinea pig and a lizzard to a donkey. A stock company with a capital stock of $1,500,000 Is being organized at Hock Hill for the manufacture of automobiles. Another flour mill with a daily capacity of 75 barrels is soon to bo erected at Sumter. More than 1.700 Shriners gathered at Groenville for their annual meeting last week. One hundred and twentynine candidates were admitted to the order. The first session of the federal court ever held in Anderson was convened there last week with Judge Johnston presiding. About 25 bills of indictment were handed the grand j Jury, the cases being mostly for violation of the liquor laws, white slave act and postoffice laws. A loss of approximately $200,000 was sufTerod by the Columbia Compress Company when their plant at Columbia was destroyed by Are. Plans for a systematic and co-ordi! nated campaign in the interest of the Manly athlotic field of Furman university. are rapidly maturing. Construction of a $20,000 fertilizer plant at Rock Ilill Ik now under way. "We were gratified to know that the death rate had decreased about 45 per cent since these improvements were made." says the report of the board of the State Hospital for the Insane, filed with Gov. ManningThe Lexington County Teachers' association was formed at Lexington last week. D. D. Johnson of Winthrop college, president of the Southorn Chautauqua association, which proposes to erect Chautauqua buildings at some central point in the South, states that many cities are putting in bids to secure the location of this enterprise. No disturbance has followed withdrawal of the troops ordered to Anderson recently for strike duty. The Kqulnox mills has a full complement and turned away operatives for lack of work at which to set them. housekeeper by keep- B J? f|^ay *^e danger and lndigestlon'due B I V?F I t0 catarrhal condl 1^ ?u. i. - in.. __ HI H ^ | HUUt. At IY7" V lieves and overcome* H 9 Its tonic properties build op 9 the strength of the physically B 9 weak and run down, and its use B B ln convalescence. especially after grip, B 9 U remwkably beneficial. B I KEEP IT ON HAND | Si The wtae housekeeper has Parana I 9 on hand (or Instant use even If catarrhal A trouble* do not call for In regular ad- & w ministration. A dose or two ln time k ' often prevents a long Illness. r ' Liquid or tablet form. Ml .% Manalln Tablets are a splendid ft (W laxative for home use. ^ Ask the druggist Z THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio mmanaaHmiaai^mamBBBaaBiMaBBnaaBHammHHBBBBBm^BB ' New Kind of Gift. "Did your sister get many presents?" asked n friend of the family. "Yes, Rhe got a lot and she got a plckle-eater," snlu little Jessie. "A plckle-eater?" asked the friend In astonishment. "Now, what Is that?" i "It's a pot with n sieve on top that i J cofTee bubbles through," explained i . Jessie, "hut I don't know why they call I It a plckle-eater," which was her way | of saying "percolator." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless l chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well ; known tonic properties cf QUININE and IKON. It act3 on the Liver, DrivA out Malaria Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 centa Hard to Tell. "Did the election go to suit Jugsby?" "That's Impossible for me to say." "Why?" "Jngsby Is the sort of man who drinks to drown his sorrow and to commemorate his happiness." Important to Mothers Examino carefully every bottle of CASTOIt I A, thut famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Pessimistic Outlook. "Dou you suppose Austria has sent the Count de Tarnow-Tarnovskl over here permanently?" "All I know Is the correspondents are gloomily aware he Is here for a spell." If your cyvi kmart or feel ecalded. Roman Eye Balsam applied upon going to bad la Just the thing to relieve them. Adv. New York Is spending $30o,000,000 on subway construction. Oil of cednr Is one of t'ne anttmosquito drugs. - I That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lnuie back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is their action Irregular? Do you have headaches, backaches, rheumatic puins,?feel tired, nervous, all worn-out? Use Donn's Kidney Pills?the medicine recommended by so ranny people In this locality. Itead the experience that follows: A South Carolina Case J. M. Oahlelds, "fvrrr S. Knterprlse St., Union, 8. C.. fcfTftv ^K. says: "I had inllam- U AW matlon of the blad- Xvr f V der and my kidneys were In awful shape. jKJj 1 V The pains in my [fff V A \ back were tcrrlfle. \1 'i U\| \ The doctor said I Ing one attack, fourffA/f ^ physicians sat up\ I Af&lm with mo nil night; they thought I was r~ ? \1"I going to die, I fln- f . / | ally used Doan'e I I /[] Kidney Pills and ' 0 ? was Boon relieved, I continued and the cure has lasted eight years." Get Doan'a at Any Store, SOc a Box D O AN * S KSSSST FOSTERMILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. ptrvy?"TKii uwrrnnf 1 iwokt with a dreadful oold.' lUffi*?" That's too bad . bow do you aoeouot for ill" | Perry?" Wail, you m thoro'a a *prio| u? the bed aaJ I oppose I got my foot wot." Ilogfto?"Lot mo ' pnof' two oa jrota too Booihoo o ? Owrmaa Syryp for a cold or hroocKjUa'* I Boschee's ; German Syrup Is a remedy of surpassing excellence for the numerous disorders caused by getting wet feet, or occasioned by exposure to the weather. It has been a standard everywhere for the relief of colds of ull kinds for 51 years. 25c. and 75c. sizes at all Druggists and Dealers. IF YOli I!\V F | "H"1" no appetite, Indigestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all run down" or losing flesh, you | will find iTuft's Pills! lust what you need. They tone up the weak stomach and build up the flagging energies. WKST FLORIDA?Great Grain and Lire Stock ectlon; any soil, stiff Mmr to light sandy; Information free. Cli AMBUK COMMHltCH. H?.ul fay, Kla. Kslra I-urge Frostproof Cabbage Plants.? loading varletl. s. 1.100, |1; too, too prepaid. 70c for 1.000 Waller Tarks. Clah. N. C. Avoid operations. Positive Idver A Stomach remedy (No (HI)?Reanlta sore: home remedy. Write today, Calls!oes Remedy Cs.,D?y? W-1,219VDvsrkora St..Chic*ft W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50 -1916 I The Gift That | Came Back By C. R. SWAIN _^|gg?~P T WAS early morning V and the tey department fMjMM Rk of the big store was comparatively quiet, although Chrlstmus was .30EBE. only u week away. In his den. surrounded by all that was brightest und beat in Toyland, sat Santu Claus, benign, red-coated, white-furred, carresslng thoughtfully his half-yard of snowy beard. As yet no confiding Infants had been pushed up to his chair by ayuipa. tlietlc parents, there to make artless pleas for "a dolly as big as a real i baby" or "a train o* cars with a wlnd, up Inglne," so the good saint had leisure to Indulge In certain holiday recollections and longings of his own. In other words, Santa Claus was homesick?not for the North Pole, but for snowy mountains uud a little town nestled In their midst from which he had been an exile for many months. Suddenly Suntu pulled himself together with a start, as he realized that a small girl with u wistful look was standing before him. "Well, my dear?" Santa Claus held out his hand, and his kindly voice and confidential smile seemed to reassure the little girl, for she came nearer and nearer and smiled back timidly. "You've come to tell me what you want? Where's your mamma, honey?" : "I?I haven't any," she replied id , a tone of gentle resignation, putting ; her little hand into his big one. "I rump \ v mvcnlf 4 ?~ ~j ?vti, ucvitu.^i: 11 9 U11L Bertha's present I wnnted to ask you about, and she mustn't hear. I asked her to wuit a minute for me uround the corner of that big pile of dolls." "I see." Suntu'M rosy cheeks grew Just a little redder, for Bertha was j the name thut hud been In his thoughts u moment before, and involuntarily, for that name's sake, his manner held a special friendly interest for the plululy dressed, thin-faced little girl. "Well, do you know what your . auntie wants me to bring her?" Santa smiled behind his beard at the incongruous situation, but the child's look was gravely concerned. "That's just the trouble, Mr. Kris! But I know there's something she wants very much. She was crying yesterday, and when I asked her how she could feel bad so near Christmas, I she said that was just it, und when I nsked her some more questions, she 'splained that she had a lovely Christtuus present last year, and she lost it, and it was her own fault, and now she'd never have it ugnlu. But she wouldn't tell me what It was." "Don't you remember what presents she hud last yeur?" "Oh. she didn't live with us then. Ol. - out; ? my papa 8 sister, you know, and he wrote and asked her to come and take care of me when?when mamma died?" The brown eyes blinked bruvely. "Aunt Bertha lived 'way up In the mountains, with grandma and grundpa, so of course I don't know about her Christmas presents. I thought, maybe, as you're u?a sort of a fairy, you would know how to flnd out." "And where does she live?" he asked, with his heart thumping under the scurlet coat In a manner 111 befitting his age and dignity. The little girl gave an address which he recognized as a small street In a section of the city near his own modest lodgihg. "Now, don't you worry any more about It," he charged her as he wrote It down. "T our., ft."* " "'"i ?i ? ... - -vv. oui V iiittk nc IU fel'lllK 11* i tlnd out what that Christmas present is j and see tlint she pets it, too. And we , hope it will make her ail happy again, ' don't we? Run along, dearie?I must talk to these other little folks now. It's j our secret and I won't forget." He nodded to her once more as she disappeared in the crowd, and his eyes 1 followed her progress to the distant doll corner. Just one glimpse he caught of the tull girl who stepped from behind th% showcase and smiled down into the happy little upturned face, but it wus enough to make the glittering scene look misty for a moment. Bertha here in the same store with ' litm! The city to which he had drifted almost at random during the wretched year following their foolish quarrel was now her home?and he was going to see her again! nrOir nln. ' UIIIV V V.IUI-IV IUU 11UU1 n lit least before he could see her. Santa Claus sighed In a manner inconsistent with the Jolly red nose and rosy I cheeks. But ulinost immediately he smiled again, as he softly putted the j left side of his broad chest. Hidden under the gay coat, in an Inner pocket, lived the little ring, thus honored be- ! cause It had been worn on Bertha's linger for a week. ?One thing was certain; this niece-elect should have the merriest Christmas In his power to be- I stow. Roasted Hamburg Steak. To one and one-lialf pounds of ham- ! nurg steak add two slices of fat salt pork, linely chopped, one-half cupful stale bread crumbs, one egg and threefourths tenspooiiful salt. Shape tn loaf, dredge with tlour and over top put seven strips of fat salt pork. Roast minutes, htisiing every seven minutes, tirst with one-half cupful water and then with fat la pan. To liquid in pan add water to make one cupful. Brown ne and one-half tablespoonfuls butter old two tablespoonfuls dour and the CUp liquid. I I STOPCi DODSO New Discovery! Takes f Work Without M Saliva I discovered a vegetable com the work of dangerous, sickenin want every reader of this papei and if it doesn't straighten yo quicker than salivating calomel the store and get your money. I guarantee* that one spoon Liver Tone will put your sluggi and clean your thirty feet of bo bile and constipation poison w your system and making you fe I guarantee that one spoonful liquid liver medicine will relieve iousness, coated tongue, ague, mi ach or any other distress caused as quickly as a dose of vile, nai besides it will ->ot make you sick < Battle of the Herrings. There Is iu French-English history an occurrence known as the Battle of the Herrings. On the outskirts of the great Forest of Orleans, and not fur from the city of the same name. Is a town known as Uouvcy, and It was here that the Battle of the Herrings was fought In 1429. The English were besieging the city of Orleans, before the famous heroine, Joan of Arc, arrived. In the preparation for Lent the English were bringing in a supply of fish to their camp, 'when the French nttncked, hut were beaten off, and the contest hence wns called the "Battle of the Herrings." flnn'i Mnrrlnnt IfiHnntio UUII I I10&I0UI IMUIICJO Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Prescription; Overcomes Kidney Trouble It is now conceded by physicians that the kidneys should have more attention as they control the other organs to a remarkable degree and do a tremendous amount of work in removing the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. The kidneys should receive some assistance when needed. We take less exercise, drink less water and often eat more rich, heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lame back, annoying bladder troubles, smarting or burning, brickdust or sediment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, maybe weak or irregular heart action, warns you that your kidneys require help immediately to avoid more serious trouble. An ideal herbal compound that has had most remarkable success as a kidney and bladder rem-sdy is l)r. Kilmer's SwampRoot. There is nothing else like it. It is Dr. Kilmer's prescription used in private practice and it is sure to benefit you. Get a bottle from your druggist. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to 'Dr. Kilmer Ar Pn XT V* t? - sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Didn't Look Like a Madame. Mudame Bernhardt ? tlie Divine Surah?tells u story of u Canadian tour. One night, while she and hor company were playing "L'Aiglon" in Montreal a very angry man left the audience and clamored at the box olllce for the return of his money. The manager naturally wanted to know why. "I pnid to see Madame Bernhardt act," the man stormed, "and she's not acting." "Madame Bernhardt Is acting." replied the astonished manager. "No, she is not." retorted the man. "She does not take the part of the empress, and the only other charades are a man and the slip of a boy who plays the young duke." It took ever so long to convince him that the "slip of a boy" was Bernhardt nerseir:?am Around Magazine. MOTHER, ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 25c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, mall coupon us directed and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Easo cures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies.?Adv. Phopheeies Unfulfilled. "What has become of the man who said we would win In a walk?" "He's telling his troubles to the man who said It was going to be a landslide." Proof of High Standing. Our idea of an Influential citizen Is a man who can get a check cashed at a bank after banking hours. The Hippomobile. The Centaur kicked. "fd rather be merged with a six cylinder car," It cried. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are not a "coal-tar product" nor a "confection," but a good, old-fashioned dose of medicine for regulating the stomach, the liver and the bowels, (Jet a box and try them. Adv. Preparedness. Stella?Do you look before you lenp? Bella?Yes. I always look In the glass.?New York Sun. T>. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative?three for a cathartic.?Adv. It Is recognized that a matrimonial knot is the most serious tangle of all. \ no N'S LIVE 5lace of Dangerous Calome aking You Sick?Eat Anytt ite?Don't Lose a Day's pound that does a day's work. I g calomel and I dcrful liver mcd r to try a bottle Calomel is po u up better and bones, often cam just go back to gerous. It sic! Tone is safe, p fill of Dodson's thing afterwards sh liver to work it to the children iwels of the sour ach or shock tin hicli is clogging and wake up f< el miserable. day's work, of this harmless Get a bottle! the headache, bil- what I say, tell ilaria, sour stom- back. Every dm by a torpid liver me and knows < useating calomel, vegetable mcdicii dt keep you from ous calomel?Ac Valuable Now. "See here," said the irascible man. 'you don't amount to a hill of beans." "I won't deny that," replied the unassuming person, "because I am modest. The high cost of living has given a hill of beans considerable value."? Birmingham Age-Herald. MOTHER'S JOY SALVE I for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and I Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT I lur neuralgia, Klieutnntism and j Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFlt'S., Greensboro, N. C.?Adv. Literal One. "That's a good sign, my man," said the passing pedestrian, as he watched a driver of a coal wagon tlx his chute i in the hole on tlie pavement. "What's it a good sign of?" asked ! the man, pausing in Ids work. "Why, It is an Infallible sign that j coal is going down." Mistaken Identity. "I say. Itlngs, here's one of your golf balls that was missing under the table." "Sh! don't say It so loud. That's one of my wife's biscuits." The average woman is vain enough to believe that she Isn't. lint the ignorance of a lawyer Isn't bliss for his client. Uric Acid Poisoning ? The most eminent physlclnns recognize that uric acid stored lip in the system is the cause of rheumatism, that this uric acid poison is present in the Joints, muscles, or nerves. By experimenting and analysis at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute In Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. IMerce discovered a combination of native remedies that he called Anurlc?which drives out the uric acid from the system, and in this way the pain, swelling and Inflammation subside. If you are a sufferer from rheumatism, backache, pains here or there, you can obtain Anurie nt any drug store and get relief from the pains and ills brought about by uric acid; or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. Anurlc which you will find many times more potent than ilthla eliminates uric add as hot water melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. tillHTERSM f! (AiuTi Killing Efforts. "I see the railroads are engaging in , n unanimous constriirttvo m-hpIt " "What is that?" "They arc trying to put 'damn' Into the Adnrnson law." Of No Practical Service. "The electoral college has completely lost Its original importance." "Yes. Its announcement don't j amount to enough now to help n loser stave off payment of an election bet." The woman who can use her eyes with effect Is far more dangerous than her garrulous sister. rWhen>foL^^II | TheTrail^ # < TAKE R TONE \ il?It Puts Your Liver To ling?It Can Not Work! want to see a bottle of this wonicine in every home here, ison?it's mercury?it attacks the ;ing rheumatism. Calomel is dantens?while my Dodson's Liver leasant and harmless. Eat any, because it can not salivate. Give because it doesn't upset the stomi liver. Take a spoonful tonight :eling fine and ready for a full Try it! If it doesn't do exactly your dealer to hand your money iggist and store keeper here knows of my wonderful discovery of a ae that takes the place of danger* lv. So They Parted. A.s she pensively dug her spoon into her ice. the girl said: "I>ld you know that Ethel and Jack have broken off their engagement?" "fioodness!" exclaimed the girl with the green suede boots, swallowing and almost choking over n mouthful of freezing cold cream as she did so. "I thought they were so devoted, too!" (uv%t ?rir, nuiii MU* "L I III* |H'UT* ine. "Hut thel Is fur-sigh tod unci can't soe the pictures from the front of the clncina, where Jack has to sit because he Is so near-sighted. They were awfully cut up, hut decided that they would never he happy If they hud to be parted half the time." YOU MAY LOOK YOUNG By Keeping Your Complexion Young With Cuticura. Trial Free. Tho Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to sootho and heal. These super-creamy emollients do much to keep the skin clear, fresh and youthful, as well as to koop tho hair in a live, healthy condition and tho hands soft und white. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L?, Boston. Scld everywhere.?Adv. If you want to see a man set silly, hunt tip one who Is really Jealous. Beware of people whose politeness Is excessive. VIRGINIA FOLKS Ilolston, Va.?"I had been suffering for several years with a dull pain In my left hip, and r j!\ In the summer of 3aKi'? 1915 I was taken I I "25^ !!l> wlt,> Quite u seV A ,k|i | vere 'euteh'in my '" L 1 knee; It would l li'l il .'I lln be several days II ill j -_A_ i\l111 that I could '.MLscnrcely walk alu*ns * us?d er remedies In iny fumily with splendid results, I decided to try Anurlc, and ufter using It for a very short time the trouble has about disappeared. My general health has ulso Improved."?WM. (IABI1LE. Dr. Pierce's great book. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, clothbound, sent free to you on receipt of four dimes (or stamps) to pay expense of mailing only. Address: Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y?A?iv Sold for 47 years. For j|c& Malaria, Chills & Fever. Also a Fine General llMIf Strengthening Tonic. wP 6 ^ 80c and II.OO at ail Drat Star**. ; On a Strike. "Did you learn your Sunday school lesson?" asked father, who had stayed at home and read the papers. "No, I did not," said Til lie. "I uln't going to ho the only one in this family to work on Sunday." Dr. Pecry'a "Dead Shot" la powerful and prompt but enfe. One doae only la enouirK tr> expel Wnrrai or Tapeworm No caator oil necoaanry. Adv. Many a man who pretends to bo looking for work looks the wrong way. Multiplying her words seldom adds * "J. lOW^