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tee foet kill times I Democratic ?PubllahedThuradava. B. W. BRADFORD - Editor and Proprietor o axenr rrtoit.KATra: One Tear...................................11.25 1 SI* Month* ........... .66 J Che Time* invites contribution* on Hvesnbject" . bat does not agree to publish more than 200 words ' Hi tny subject. The right Is reserved to edit i /err communication submitted for publication. ' On application to the publisher, advertising ' rates are made known to those interested. . longdistance. No.112. I Entered at the postoffice at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mail matter of the second class. j THURSDAY. DEC. 7. 1916. ] Have You? Have you lifted anybody From the wayside dust today. ] As you went about your business j In the old familiar way? Have you brightened anybody With the brightness of your smile, j As you trod your path of duty . In the old familiar style? Have you talked to anybody Through your sunny hours of life Of the happiness of your labor < And the sweetness after strife; Have you tried to make them happy : > And to blossom and to sing As the days went by so gently ! With life's sweetness on the wing? Have you heartened anybody I With your own heart's joy today j As they struggled ull around you In the conflict and the fray? Have you made the world seem better As with gladness and with trust You have lifted someone's spirit From the shadows and the dust? ? Bentztown Bard. r Editorial Brevities. Wonder what Mr. Hughes said on Thanksgiving Day. One of the suggestions for a j town slogan read, "Fort Mill, aj - - ? i _ 1_ _ Humdinger," wnicn we laae is sort of half brother to a Docksol ager. Well, well! We live and learn. There is a town down in Darlington county called "Oates." And they even have a bank there with a paid up capital of $8,680.00. May the seasons prove propitious to the growth of Oates. The Times welcomes the members of Company G. (Fort Mill Light Infantry), back to fheir old "camping" ground. We are proud of the Fort Mill soldiers |1 and, were we able, would show 1' our aDoreciation of their service in a much more substantial manner than by mere words. Yes, The Times has been thanked and cussed for its suggestions last week to city coun- ( cil concerning different matters 11 pertaining to the public welfare. And we know that it will be, l interesting information to some | to know that we still have a whole hide and a full head of hair. ; It does seem that the officials , of York and Lancaster counties would get together and build a , bridge across Sugar creek at the i old Doby's bridge site, which I could not costv either county . J more than a few hundred dollars. 1 rather than see the government { discontinue a daily mail service 1 to scores of the best citizens of 1 the two counties. It looks like ( somebody is "laying on his job" in this matter. There are just 14 more shopping days before Christmas. Do not put aff any longer preparing for this event which the world so greatly enjoys. The stores are offering their holiday goods, and are urging their customers to buy early. Tbe rush during the days just before Christmas will be a great trial of endur ance upon the part oi the salespeople, and you would confer a favor upon them by buying early. j The Rock Hill Record of Monday is up in arms against the' management of the York county fair for . permitting a carnival troupe to exhibit on the fair grounds this week, and properly adds that "There are no good carnivals. Every last one of them are subversive of the public's morals." If the fair man^ in rvnf tmrr nn il^t'lIICIll 1 aiDici in mi this class of attractions for the people of York county, we would suggest that the wise thing for the stockholders to do would he to make a complete change in the management of the fair. 1 . \ - . n i ii ^^ _ Pay-Up Time. g It is not a pleasure to the pub- P isher of The Times to "bone" ^ lelinquent subscribers through tj he columns of this newspaper. C( ind we are going to ask our tl >etter paying patrons to excuse a is for this time, promising them ? lot to say more along this line a luring the present year, at ^ east. There are on The Times' nailing list a number of persons b who are due for the paper for a ! 0 ^ear or more and quite a large s number who have not paid for ^ the year 1916. It is impossible c to see all these subscribers in person, and to mail statements f to each would call for a con- p siderable expenditure of cash, e But a statement is really un- | necessary. The pink label on your paper carries the date to which your subscription was , f last paid and you owe us from j * that date to the present. There- ? fore, you cannot excuse yourself > . for not paying by saying that t you didn't know you were in I j arrears. We can see no good : c reason why a majority of those j cowing this paper cannot pay up. Wages are better than they have I been in years, the farmers are ] y getting almost double for their I products what they did a year \ ago and conditions generally are t [SO per cent better. In a num- t | iber of cases we have observed i jrecently that delinquents pay [ ( their store accounts, bank notes, i l etc., and have a sufficitit amount; s left to get a gallon of liquor, but ]J they will tell the newspaperman ' ^ that the> are too hard up to pay t for the paper. There is. how- f ever, a stopping place to all i r unholy practices. The publisher \ of The Times has his newspaper j expenses to pay and a family to ( provide for and he can't do it on ; t promises. We would rather ' have 500 paid subscribers than 800 that would put off payment, ? from year to year, and we pre -! ] pose to get rid of a goodly bunch i of delinquents if they neglect or " refuse further to pay for the paper. We will clean up the list | t on January 1, next, and if you 5 do not get the paper after that j j. date, just consult the label on c the last paper you received and . it will be unnecessary for you to ask us why we cut you off. We hope, however, that you will pay us what you are honestly due, whether or not you wish to i c continue to take the paper. "Not Guilty," the Verdict. j J "Not guilty" was the verdict; >i returned late last Wednesday , s afternoon by the jury in the case of the State against Ernest N Isenhower, Jesse Morrison and ? James T. Rawls, charged with ^ the murder of Sheriff Adam D. Hood on the steps of the Fairf 1 1 / 1 /lAiinftr oai i??f U/miaa * * r II*. IU WUIitJ LUUI 1/ IIUU "3C (it 3 Winnsboro on .June 14, 11)15. The ease went to the jury at ( 1 o'clock after which court adjourned for the noon recess, rhe verdict was returned upon ihe reconvening of court for the afternoon session. The verdict which marked the ringing down of the curtain on . the aftermath to the widely known Fairfield tragedy was heard in silence by the hundred t ar more persons present in the court room, there being no semblance of a demonstration of J any kind. During the three j2. days of the trial there had been j " few times when the auditorium ; ! was not filled with spectators Put when the finding of the jury 1 was read by the clerK there were c many empty seats due to the * fact that hundreds who had ? 1 olio wed the progress of the j ease* with unflagging interest hau not gathered in the court room, many thinkincr that the verdict would not be rendered until later. * The News of Gold Hill. (Written for laat week.) The papers say that President Wilson has a cold. It' that is all he has, why he is no better oil than we are and no one has told it on us. Mrs. G. C. Epps and little son, McNeal, have been quite sick at ; the home of S. L. Coltharp, but I Pill loter Hanson has them on 1 their feet again. ji nviv 10 <x new uuy etc xvi r. Bert Nivens. t VVe have had some nice hog-! J killing weather of late and now it is sausage, spare-libs, back- j bones, cracklin bread and chiter- , lings, and twenty-cent cotton. , Haven't we a lot to be thankful \ for? How can a fellow help but ( be in the swim? But "Josh" \ says that town folks go to the j < country to get something good, to eat and that country people 1 THE FORT Ml o to town for the same purose. and that they both act the x>l. And Josh says again that I >wn folks take their soup from ] le side of the spoon while us < 'Htntry tackies take ours from 1 le end. This shows that we , re badly in it or badly not in it. iTe don't tfnow which. We are way off, or we just forget < hat the word is now. The Catawba company has een working a large number 1 f hands both day and night for < ome time time and have sue- . eeded in forcing the main body t f the river back to its original 1 hannel. We learn of a good old- J1 ashioned corn husking to take ] dace at W. H. Windle's this i vening. Splinter. l "The Iron Claw." Accused of betraying his con- ] idence, Mrs. Golden and Jules ? jegar are sent away by Mr. ', iolden, who first mutilates Legar < y crushing his hand and sear- j, ng his face. Legar replaces i j he missing member with an! i ron claw which afterward , haracterizes him. He then , lidnaps Golden's daughter, Mar- |1 rery, who. in later years "The;* ^aughing Mask," mystic enemy! 1 ?f wrongdoers, saves from a inrrible fate. To stop the mysterious fires i vhich follow Golden's refusalj o give up his recovered daugh-; er, the girl voluntarily returns o Legar. Later Mrs. Golden urns up and is supplied by' iolden, through his secretary, j )avy Manly, with the money; ihe says will help her recover I dargery. "The Laughing^ llask" then resenes Marcrprv in in empty cognac cask, but is liscovered and a thrilling chase 'ollows, in which the pursuers' j luto runs off an open draw-1 )ridge into the river. Margery erking the "Laughing Mask's"' lat from his had is surprised at :he wealth of long curls that fall o his waist She thinks "The Laughing Mask" a woman. Do /ou ? Watch for the next chapter, 'The Name and the Game," at; rhe Majestic next Saturday. ? I \dv. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our appreciation <o our friends and neighbors and to the Superintendent and teachers of the traded School for the interest and lindncss shown in the sickness and teath of our daughter Clara. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Long. Slogan Wanted. At a meeting of the Directors; >f the Chamber of Commerce on December 4, no slogan was adop: ;d from the suggestions submited. but the time for suggestions vas extended until January 1st, vhen the prize of $2.50 for the ilogan adopted will be awarded. The Chamber of Commerce fa-; rors to some extent thd following luggestions from the number lubmitted and may serve as a fuide for other suggestions: Fort Mill, The Place to Build. Fort Mill. The Gate to the Palmetto itate. Fort Mill Suits Me. Fort Mill, Genuinely Good and Growing. Fort Mill. The Town to Tie To. Fort Mill Fill* the Bill. Fort Mill, The Palmetto Gate. Fort Mill, The Carolina Key. Send in your suggestions. C. S. LINK. Secretary. 25-Acre Farm. I We have for sale a tract of 25 teres about 7 miles north of Fort vlill, half in cultivation, and half n fink oak, pine and poplar tim>er. The soil is very produc- i ive. The tract adjoins the lands >f R. D. McKee and Robert Tor ence. G?>od terms of settlement ire offered. For full details ap>ly to Bailes & Link, Agents. Now is the Time ,o do your repairing. You will iced LUMBER :or your fences, road bridges, epairs on your house, barn and mtbuildings. We are in position ,o offer special inducements to >arly comers, giving you the best possible material, at prices that iefy competition. Port Hill Lumber Company. ILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOP' Notice to Tresspassers. All persons, without exception, are lereby warned against hunting or otherwise tresspassing on my land. Disregard of this notice makes one liable to prosecution to the full extent of the aw. J. H. COLTHARP. Nov. 27. 1916. 2t - . . _ UJ.J . . TAX NOTICE-1916. Df f ice of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C., Sept. 19. 1916. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for York county will be opened >n Monday, the 16th day of October, .916, and remain open until the 31st lay of December, 1916, for the collection of State, County, school and local ;axes for the fiscal year 1916, without penalty; after which day one per cent, jenalty will be added to all payments n the month of Jannary, 1917, and two >er cent, penalty for all payments in :he month of February, 1917, and seven per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st of March, 1917, to the 16th of March, 1917, and lfter this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the lays named: At York from Monday, November JOth, until Saturday, the 60th day of December, 1916, after which day the penalties will attach, as stated alove. Note?The Tax Books are made up oy Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the township >r townships in which their property or :>ropcrties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, County Treasurer. VOTING C Beginning Saturday mornning, give a vote with each 26c Cash j: These votes may be cast for ai in Fort Mill township, and all vot nv'onir\cr Flooom0_4*V* 11 1 v *VII?II5 V* L/VCCIIIWCl ^1111 mil I ceiving the largest number of vote Five Pounds of Hi Standing of contestants will be As a special inducement, until furt votes with each pound of Huyler's nation blank printed here and send ing, Dec. 11th, and we shall enter GOOD FOR 100 VOTES For P. O Jonei Drug Company. The FIRST NAT Resources Over OFFK W. B. ARDREY, OSMOND President J. L. SPI V-Pr< DIREC W. B. ARDREY, J. J. ] L. A. HABRIS, J. M. S. W. PARKS, J .L. I 2. W V P A TTT.P^flV mmm I FIRST NATIC ^ Under Supervision o N g ? I j? .. * * m C.Thia building is a thrifty Scots. T1 pass the million* contented people them at a time w are needed. C. Our banh is a thrifty people of t is the burglar p judicious deposit< tracted the valual C. We want those v bered among our positors to enlist \ banner and let t with us. Money tn the b feeling of prospi pleasure , ? C. Start a banK acco Savings Banl TH CAROLINA Majestic 1 I HENRY ^ Star of the "Birth ?|| BLANC gj^THE GOOE WhvPavMore?: f T * j i .-i I ? At the present prices of Gro- < ceries, Feed Stuffs, etc., it be- 4 hooves everyone to save every| cent possible on each purchase. i < We carry a full line of Grocer- i 4 ies, Feed Stuffs, Fresh Meats, j Fish and Oysters, the very best in every respect that can be i bought. Courtesy, quick sales and short profits is our motto. Phillips & Ferguson. 'Phone No. 29. CONTEST. I Dec. 9th, at 8 o'clock, we will >urcha*e made at our store. < iy girl, young lady or old woman es received until 10 o'clock the < je counted. The contestant re- < 3 will on Christmas day receive ? lyler's Best Candy. announced from time to time. < her notice, we will give ten (10) 4 sold for cash. Fill in the nomior bring to us by Monday mornyour candidate. ?i ! S Jones Drug Co., j Fort Mill, S. C. \ 4 A riONAL BANK, j $150,000.00 I: < ;ers | ; BARBER, T. B. SPRATT < LATT, Cashier. + < esidents. < TORS t t 3AILES, OS. BARBER, | ? HARRIS, J. B. MILLS, % . 5PRATT, T.B. SPRATT | , JACKSON HAMILTON. 1 T < Mi A I )NAL BANK, |! f U. S. Government. ^ 1 ^The Bank of Scotland, < A 11 . monument to the \rough. its portals 3 of savings of a , to be returned to hen these savings monument to the his community. It roof vault of our are who have con- i ole habit of saving. < /ho are not num- 1 small army of de- < under the savings heir money grow anh produces a rity. Enjoy that unt with us today. 4 a k of Fort Mill. | M ????Itfc?ggg?Ml heatre TO-DAY (THU B. WAL' i of a Nation/' and "The Raven,1 HE SWEET And an Ail-Star > WITHIN." fi!i. ___ PTT^ lo fei Holiday J A few suggestions Cuff and Collar i Work Bag, Hand Ties, Cap and Sea Silk Hose, and lots show you when yo Special Sale of Fa: Miss Wessels lea ; she has a few more regardless of cost. Xmas. Su Get the boy one fashionable and s< Xmas. New lot ju All of our Christ \ shown next week. * 9 f i KIMBR ft 9 * I 32 YEAI i SANTA > Commenced making our st ; has just arrived on his 33i presents for all your far ; early and see his new goor Calendar for the first 300 in December. L. J. M There's Sol In knowing that : pendable, and the but dependable me you leave your ord may rest assured f filled with every ca * * * - I be delivered prom t quality of everythir the best. Phone F i ? t Parks Grc \ Phon< ? 3 Good Ones, i Here are three big sellers n the Rexall line that, if you >nce try, you will use again, j f you follow the experience >f many others. Rexall Orderlies, RpYall KiHnpv Pillc I1VAUII AUU1IVJ m BI1U) Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup. Antrej's Drug Store. 11 1 1 1 RSDAY), pj THALL, 1 " Supported by ? Cast, in IwSrti A Jolly. Good Comedy. plexed | shoppers: | I from us: $ Sets, Boudoir Cap, kerchiefs, Towels, * irf Sets, Kimonos, of other things to u come in. * shionable Millinery. ! ves next week and ^ i hats that must go ? Get a new one for its. i of our dependable, ?rviceable suits for ; ist in. r. ? J :u l_ ? inao vainms Will DC Cell'S i <s I *?> ? . . I RS AGO I I CLAUS | I ore his headquarters, and ^ 1 d visit, with Christmas 1 nily and friends. Come !? 1 Is. We have a beautiful ^ ladies who visit our store + ASSEY I id Comfort I your grocer is de- ; it he sells nothing rchandise. When i ers at this store, you ? that they will be . re; that they will __u i .1 . i * ptiy ana tnat the ^ ig ordered will be * Mo. 116. | >cery Co., \ e 116 Phone 15. Groceries \Y/_ ? we carry nothing that wc cannot guarantee to be absolutely first-class, and we keep the prices down. Prompt deliveries. ? Culp's Grocery.