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Drinking of Water (BY Y. M. PIERCE, M. D.) The general conclusions of the latest Medical Scientists proves that drluklug plenty of pure water both between meals and with one's meals is beneficial to health. It has uow been proven by means of the X-rays and actuul tests upon many healthy young men that the drinking of large amounts of water with meals Is often beneficial. Therefore If you want to keep healthy drink plenty of pure water (not Ice water), both with your meals and between meals. If you ever suffer from backache, lumbago, rheumatism, or any of the symptoms of kidney trouble? such as deep colored urine, sediment In urine getting out of bed at night frequently and other troublesome effects, take a little Antirle hi>fnrfl These Anuric Tablets enu be obtained at almost any drug store. W. L. D< "THE SHOE THAT I $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $ Save Money by Wearing W. shoes. For sale by over9000 1 The Best Known Shoes in W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is torn of all shoes at the factory. The va) the wearer protected against high prices for retail prices are the same everywhere. They 1 Francisco than they do in New York. They price paid for them. ' I "he quality of W. L. Douglas product is * than 40 years experience in making fine styles are the leaders in the Fashion C They ate made in a well-eouipped factory by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, undt supervision of experienced men, all workin determination to make the best shoes for thi can buy. Ask your shoo ilrnlrr for W. I,. Douglas *h< not supply you with the klnil you wmit, make. Write for Interesting booklet sxnl ret shoe*of the highest standard of quality by return mall, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L Douglas / name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. w High Brow. "Thinks well of himself, doesn't he?" "I don't consider him bumptious." "Oh, his conceit Isn't the nggresslve kind, but I notice he quotes IMato much more often thnn he does 'Mr. Dooley.' "?Birmingham A>;e-lleruld. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Tike the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Yon know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. Just a Quibble. "A mere quibble," suld u society lender in a discussion of the divorce problem ut Newport. "A quibble," he continued, "us worthless as the wife's. "A man said, looking up from his puper: " 'Here's another miser leaving half a million to charity. I wonder why all the misers you rend about are bachelors?' " 'Oh,' his wife answered, 'married misers are so common they're not worth mentioning.'" Time to Migrate. "Going' sout' fur de winter?" "Sure t'lng," answered Frisco Mike. "Ain't heard none o' dese swells olYerln' ter give away fur overcoats, have yer?" "No." "And none o' de welfare societies Is lnvitin' hoes ter rally roun' an' toast dler tootsies at a radiator till de vl'lets bloom again." "Dat's right." "Exactly. So It's me fur a rattler out o' town an' de lan' o' de sunny sout'."?Birmingham Age-llerald. Diet for the Lean. Dr. Louis Henry Levy, in Pictorial Review says: "Though the lenn Individual mny be the more agile and vigorous, leanness is also associated with those of a nervous temperament. It is not always a desirable condition, since it prematurely ages the face by the early appearance of wrinkles. It Is nlso the nccompanlinent of chronically diseased stomachs, resulting from a disturbed digestion and poor absorption of the digested foods. "The foods which are best adapted for the lean are those that have been denied to the obese person?the starches, sugars, and fats, but sulllclent care must be exercised to prevent disturbing an entirely good stomach. Let the lenn one eat well of the rich foods and sever relations with the sour and spicy ones. Above all, let her cultivate a sunny, restful disposition, with a nervous system under stendy control, for these are the trademarks of the robust and plump person." Think of It? People cut out tea or coffee beverages interfere with sle drink freely of them, strange at whatever time of day tb caffeine, in tea and coffee i More and more people are Instant the drug-free, nourishing, < "There's s lft t NORTH CAROLINA FOLKS Itueford, N. Cur.?"It Is with groat pleasure that I Indorse most unreservedly Dr. Pierce's Anurlc Tablets. I suffered with kidney trouble for pbout ten years. After tukiug the first box of Anuric I was so much improved that I would not want to be without them. I shall highly recommend them to my friends, for they are truly grand."? AlUS. A. D. LEACH. Lenoir; N. C.?*'Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a great medicine for me in building me up when I feel run-down in health. It gives me strength and flesh. I have been using it at different times for thirty years or more. I began its use for catarrh, with a liquid preparation that Dr. Pierce prepared for me, for ure in the nose, and it greatly relieved me. I can heartily recommend the 'Discovery' , as a blood medicine."?MRS. LUCY BEACH. No. 1. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., i 10c. for trial puckuge of tublets.?Adv. )UG LASlI HOLDS IT8 SHAPE" 4 4-.50 & $5.00 AND WOMEN , L Douglas ihoe dealers. the World. cost no more in San ?r the direction and g with an honest alnlnir how to BTWA R EOff/ J r for the |?rico, f wJTH H suBsnnrrrs \ 9 ,./ w '^ vfraf Boys' Shoes ly-tj! . .r-t/i i Bsst In th? World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 I ^l?I?ou?l?^Hh M^%K^trockton^^SB^^ FRESH-CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS AT All ID IN THE MAKING OF TMESS BISCUITS MAKl THEM THE STANDARD *f EXCELLENCE W1 ftalsr has Bin*, or if not he should. *AtK htm or writs us qivinq his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY Blind Wireless Operators. lilind soldiers are being trained in j France as wireless operators. When j the sense of sight is lost the senses of j hearing and touch become intensified, | and ncuteness of hearing and sensitive- | mroo U1 UlUUi UIC JllSl IIIU llllUllUt'S most needed in a wireless operator. His Dearest Wish. An Idaho man tells of an unusual response made by the accused to u question very usual In the circumstances. Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, "Is there anything you'd like to say before sentence Is passed upon you?" Whereupon the prisoner looked toward the door and remarked pleasantly: "If It Is agreeable to the company, I should like to say good evening." HEAL SKIN TROUBLES That Itch, Burn and Disfigure by Using Cuticura. Trial Free. Tho Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to sootho and heal. Rashes, ) eczemas, pimples, dandruff and sore i hands yield to treatment with Cuticura ' Soap and Ointment. Relief is immediate and healment, In most cases, complete, apeedy and permanent. Free sample each by mail with Hook. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L?, Huston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. It's the Sad Truth. "I need n lot of new things," began Mrs. Wife. "We have to get a new rug for the dining room and some curtalus for the living room. We need some new dishes, too. And, besides, I haven't a thing to wear. I've got to get u new evening dress und n street dress, and a couple of new hats, uud I haven't a pair of shoes to my name, | and?" Well, what's the joke about this? you ask. Jt Isn't any joke?that's all. Perverting the Truth. "Our chicken lays an egg every dny," said Kitty proudly. "Our chicken lays two eggs every day," said Ilessle, not to be outdone. "Our cat has kittens every month," said Willie. "Sure a he," exclaimed the cook; " 'tis yerselves Is the little lolyers." Its Likeness. "I suppose you couldn't tell me why a banana Is like a wedding guest?" "Oh, yes. I can. It Is always ready to throw the slipper when the paring comes oft." XT......... 1-.? 1 - miiHcn mi**? in-iii Kivun 10 i-i minor planets nnd new ones nre being discovered nil the time. And some men who nre short on hnlr Imagine thnt they nre exceptionally long on brains. before retiring when these iep. In the morning they ;ly overlooking the fact that e cup is drunk the drug, is irritating to the nerves. turning to Postum :omforting cereal drink, i Reason" | SWAMP-ROOT FOR | KIDNEY DISEASES t ? There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as & remedy for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. * Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousandvof even the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription for special diseases, makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. ^ Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug ! r stores in bottles of two Bizes?fifty cents I II and one dollar. ITowever, if you wish first to test this ; great preparation send ten cents to Dr. j Kilmer A Co., Binghnmton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Same Old World. Mother?You were a loan time In the conservatory with Mr. Willing last night, my child. What was going on? Daughter?Did you ever sit In the conservatory with father before you married him? ? Mother?1 suppose I did. 8( Daughter?Well, mother, It's the v same ohl world. j 1 IT ELIXIR RARER WORTH ITS WEIGHT H IN GOI.I) IN THE PHILIPPINES. J "I con traded malaria in and after a rear'H fruitless treatment by a prominent , Washington physician, your Kllxlr Unbelt D entirely cured tne. On arriving here I came (j| down with troplcfkl malaria?the worst form ^ ? en?' sent home for Hahek. Attain It proved Its value ? It Is worth lt? weight In p gold here." Rrnsle O'Haean. Troop K, 8th |-( U. 8. Cavalry, Uniayan, Philippines. p Kllxlr Babi'k, 50 cents, all druggists or by * Parcels Post, prepaid, from Klocrcwskl <& CoWauhlugtou. D. C. Similar. j g' "This reminds me of some of the | new-fangled poetry they're printing in | the magazines nowadays," observed ! the man who was viewing the parade j of the I'unkvllle Preparedness league, j "On account of the rhythm, I suppose," suggested his friend. "No. on account of the Irregular lines." Appropriate Remedy. "Is Jim feeding his cold?" "1 believe so?with hay fever."? j Baltimore American. I)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nre the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. | They regulate liver and bowels.?Adv. Wisdom is hotter than weapons of wur. j I?^ ? ? m i Bon?"What's th# matter. Father, you look aa though you vaul t snjoying your grubt" Father?"I'm enjojlng It well enough ooljr I'm thinking how 1 got to euffer with my dyapepata afterwards. i Oee whii, but I'd gt** farm If 1 could turn myself loose [ and eat every gol-darned thing I want, seme aa other folks do " { Poor old ekap didn't know stout the great remedy Green's August Flower A blessing to those with weak stomachs, constipation, nervous indigestion and similar disorders. When the stomach and bowels are In working order general good health prevails. When not Inworklngorder.useUrecn'sAugust Rower. 25c. and 75c. at all Druggists. Don't Persecute Your Bowels cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are brutal, harsh, unnecessary. 1 CARTER'S LITTLE ^BTK hi LIVER PILLS Afipk fc at Purely vegetable. Act J^HMpinrrn'r gently on the liver. V^AK I LKj eliminate bile, and ^ HRMITTLE soothe the delicate^BJW5B|^r mrn vi, membrane of theJR?^^r I V E R bowel. Curt^^P^BM I PII.LS. Constipation, lit ache and IndlCeatlon, as millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature a, RHEUMATISM is completely washed out of the system by ten pals, (three weeks) of the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water, costinp only two dollars. Tastes fine; positively puaranteed by money back, on return fit of the two loaned carboys, should you st report "no benefit." Mention your express office Address Shivar Spring, Box 42, Shelton.S.C. w mi ~ th [Every Woman Want?j FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE "i Diatolvad in water for douchaa stop* pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten year*. i A healing wonder for naaal catarrh, 1 ore throat and lore eye*. Economical. Hu nUintdiMiT daaating and germicidal pewrf. ( Saaaple Free. 50c. all druggiste, ar postpaid be ^^mal^TTw^aitee^^fle^eaBraay^eatee^Miiia^^r ECZENAH "Hunt's Cure" Is go a rant oed to top and permanently euro that xbffw1 ' \ terrible Itching. It Is com- i"1 ^ ff v* pounded tor that purpose and f /^?-All jour money will tie promptly a. 1/1/ ?' " refunded witliont <|tirst)oii 77J/ J j It Hunts Cum falls to cure ( 1/ / / Itch. Hescma.Tetter. King Worm I. #\ I / or any otner skin disease. bOc JO / the box. I | / For sale by all drnic ttorea ^sV / or by mall front t lie A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman,Tex. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. luVL JjH Helps to eradicate dandruff. 1 jWJ iH 1'or Restoring Color and IaIMi 1?Baauty to Cray or Faded Hair. and $1.00 at 1'ru ggtata A. KODAKS & SUPPLIES MUIll'9 W> alao <to ht(rhe??t claaa of flntahlnir. 1 LClMtM- I>rtrPH a,"J <'nt?lo(oie upon request. I I I-FitTjT S. CaletM Optical Co., Rickaoad, V*. L MM llVPn Men to learn barWr tr.-vle. V AN I tU T*w wffki reqiilred. " hirailj poxltton f?>r com* petent trrndnaton. Wiimli'rfiil demand for l?ar I Um. Wng?a >vhile leartiitiR; free catalog; writ# RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, V*. ft "ROUGH on RATS" I W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 47-1916. | A REMARKABLE STATEMENT 4rs. Sheldon Spent $1900 for Treatment Without Benefit. Finally Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Englewood, 111. ? "While going hrough the Change ol Life I suffered IjWith headaches, ner11 i vousness, flashes of heat, and I suffered nHk so much 1 did not V J know what I was | doing at times. I f^M spent $1900 on doc11 . **W fflHl tors no* one d'd mo any P??d- One I day a lady called at r my house and said \ she had been as sick I V\ Sl yf t J as I was at one time, 1 -1 J vV/w I / ' ar,d Lydia E. Pink- 1 ?' ?'ham's Vegetable kmi^ound made her I took it and uw i am just as well as 1 ever was. I annot understand why women don't ee how much pain and suffering they muld escape by taking your medicine, cannot praise it enough /or it saved j ly life and kept me from the Insane lospital."?Mrs. E. Sheldon, 5657 S. lalsted St., Englewood, 111. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, attled with this case steadily and could o no more, but often the most scientific reatment is surpassed by the medicinal roperties of tne good old fashioned >ots and herbs contained in Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it nys to write the Lydia E. Pinkam Medicine Co., Lylin, Mass., >r special free advice. b * 1 Si /fc -?a Backache Yager's Liniment is excellent for any kind of pain or congestion. It quickly relieves backache and rheumatic pains, and is a splendid remedy for Neuralgia, Sciatica, chest pains, sprains, strains, swellings and enlargements. Keep a bottle in your home for emergencies ? you never can tell when you will require something of the sort. The 25 cent bottle of Yager's Liniment Contains four times as much as the usual bottle of liniment sold for that price. AT ALL DEALERS YAGERS LINIMENT GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. II Urgent. Just as tli*' dinner was on the table, nl the family hud gathered about It, g Sister stepped into ibe hull to look her hair In the mirror there. Helen was hungry, and everything d look and smell so good, and yet le knew well that father would not y grace until Big Sister was also in >r seat. "Hurry up, ltuth," she called, "God's lilting."?New York Evening 1'ost. MOTHER'S JOY SALVE r Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and sthma ; GOOSE GIIEASE LINIMENT >r Neuralgia, Itheumutlsm and grains. For sale by all Druggista. nn?p nnrion nbin. . viinvaoci VjUJIL AiH, MICK'S., 1 reensboro, N. C.?Adv. Flowers will turn toward an artl- | lal light Just as they do toward the ,n. Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" not only esprls I nrmi or Taptworm but cleans out the iicus In which they breed and tones up e digestion. One dose sufficient. Adv. Methuselah completed nine centuries I id never rode in an automobile. Faint heart ne'er won fair lady when preferred a brunette. ______ Feel Achy All Over? To ache all over in damp weath- : er, or after tuklng a cold, isn't nat- j jral, and often indicates kidney weakness. Uric acid causes many tiueer aches, pains and disorders <>f the organs. Well kidneys keep uric add down. Tired, dizzy, nervous people would do well to try Doan's 1 Kidney Pills. They stimulate the I kidneys to nctivlty and so help | ciear me uiooa <>r irritating poisons. A North Carolina Case Mrs. r>. T. Moore. 311 Person St., Kaletgh, I 1 N. C., says: "I sulTered from dull, nagging atl backaches, was rest njC W ,ess nights and often [ A'lrvS^-?^ got nervous. My kidf neys ware weak and I V't'Jmjr caU8e<l mo no end of U | ytw annoyance. D o a n ' n H| Kidney IMUs stopped Mil 11 ! 'he trouble with the Ul II kidney secretions and I ll removed the backSi' ! EL aches and pains. I -4J I( I J rest much better now ilVyy . and I hare Improved \j In every way." Get Doan'a et Any Store. 80c a Bos DOAN'S V?"" FOSTER-MILS URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. TURNED TO OLD FRIEND CARDOI And Soon Was Perfectly Well and Strong, And Better Than She Had Ever Been, Says Kentucky Lady. Narrows, Ky.-~Mrs. C. F. Asklns, of This place, writes: "About 15 years ago I had got Into a run-down state, my back ached all the time, felt weak, my bones seemed to ache all over. I had weighed only 104 lbs. when I mnrrled, and never had been right robust since I reached womanhood . . . but after my marriage 1 seemed to get worse al' the time for two years . . . until at this time my brother's wife . . . advised me to take Cardul. Therefore, I began taking it, and in a short while I began to improve, my health and strength begun to be built up, and also my flesh. After my flrst child's birth, over two years had passed by. but the . . . didn't appear. My husband got me some medicine from our doctor, which did me no good, tho he intended it to bring the . . . about, for he said the blood was going to my head and causing it to ache, which also helped to make me so dizzy. . . So I turned to my old friend Canlui and began taking it and . . . soon I was perfectly well and strong, gradually gained losh until I weljjhpd about 19fi lbs., .ind was so stout and strong, better than I over had been." Cardul, used by thousands of women, and prescribed by physicians, must be a good medicine. Try it.?Adv. Polite Doubt. A fond parent was telling Oliver llerford of the really bright remark of her three-year-old daughter. llerford was much Impressed. "llow old did you say little Lena Is?" he asked. "Only three," answered the mother proudly. "Do you know," said the humorist, solemnly, "1 have a suspicion that sometimes these children lie about their age !"?McClure's Magazine. "The Autumn-Dripping Gloom." It Is very well that we have named the season fall. It Is the time when everything conies tumbling about outears. We have never learned to adJust the work of the year so that its divisions might fall as equal burdens upon our shoulders. Through tradition, mismanagement or necessity, the women of the world have the entire rearrangement of their segment of It In the autumn.?New York Times. core r.yei, uiooa-snpt Eyes. Watery Eyes. Sticky Eyes, all healed promptly with nlKhtly applications ot Roman Eye Balaam. Adv. A mouse can iniikc dress goods go up higher than a war tariff can. Chlnn has the longest national l.ymn. One mista in You know how hard it is satisfies you. You know \ coffee which has the san every morning! It can t when you buy coffee, you the mistakes so many wo periences below?you you one or both of them. Beware of Are you buvine coffee wh hasn't been protected by a sea Are you afraid that it isn' Are you often disappointed in It isn't the grocer's fault, sure that it is the same kind h the risk of getting different cof And even if the coffee its kept "loose" without losing its In packages You can do away with eve byordering the coffee which ove Ar Duckies' Cottee is such the sixties, when all other coff and unprotected, Arbuckle Bi packages. This sealed packag and guards it from moisture ar of all, it makes it easy for you the same good coffee every t The second mistc Old coffee wi Are you continually being < new names ? Under all sorts Did you ever stop to thii which come and go on the mai tried to turn women away froi Arbuckles' is the coffee wl under its own name, never disg on the wonderful value it gave a coffee must be to do this aga wujsi cunrca in /imenca I Used in a it Settle, for all time, your c family the only coffee which proved to have the real coffee t When you get Arbucklea' ferent coffee. No other coffee g ? in no other coffee can you g result of the care Arbuckle B roasting and in packaging it, g coffee from any other on the m Order it from your grocer Whole Bear, or the new Groui Car the most popular coffee in 71- Ch2 Water St., New York. CALOMEL MAKES YO IT'S MERC Straighten Up! Don't Lose a D Liver and Bowels With ' Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Tuke a dose of the vile, dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it. breaking it up. This is whea you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, If breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's I.lver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and If It doesn't p (ksllt Fine Overhead. A local nature student one rainy morning recently was picking his way through a thicket in u park when he attracted the attention of a passerby. "What are you doing?" asked the curious one. "Just looking for birds." With a signitleant glance downward at his dripping trousers and shoes the nature student replied: "i'retty good, but it's a bunt day for anything that can't keep its feet up out of the grass."?San Francisco I Chronicle. ~~ * I Important to Mottiors Examine carefully every bottle of , CASTOIUA. that fiimmw <>l?l i for infants and children, and see that it i B?r In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Not So Mean. "They asked old Goldman if they could put him down for u thousand dollars for the charity fund and he gave assent." "The men old skinflint." Acid Stomach, Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for trial box to 37.2 Pearl St., New York. Adv. Made Hastily. "She married in haste." "Her clothes show It. Look at the hang of that gown." A girl seldom kicks when an old man lays his fortune at her feet. ike many wor i buying coffe to get a coffee which really CZZ iow seldom you can find a /) ne fine taste and strength >e done. You can do it if, a/ i are careful not to make men make. Read the exirself have undoubtedly had _ i loose coffee . ? ich you get loose, coffee which Jed package ? t clear? Has it lost its aroma? its strength ? *~~With loose coffee he can't be I P.a ie pot before- Von r..n I fee every time you buy. jelf were the same, it can't be ^ i strength and flavor. ar ?protected! ^ ry one of these disappointments \ r one million other families drink. i good coffee that way back in ees on the market were loose os. protected theirs in sealed ;e keeps the coffee's strength, id store odors. Most important to be sure that you are getting ime you buy. ike women make (f th new names t offered the same old coffee under Jl of new blends ? mf nk of the hundreds of coffees rket? And that all of these have n Arbuckles' Coffee ? jk? lich has gone right out, always pWi .uised, and held its users simply | ^ . You know what good value [ ^ inst the competition of all the ullion homes mill offee problem, by (jiving your over a million families have y taste they want. ft Coffee you get an entirely dif- J ;oes through the same process et the same good flavor. The rothers take in selecting it, in ;ives you an entirely different | arket. today. He has it, in either the id. Try it. See why it is by jBft America. Arbuckle Brothers. MBG U SICK, UGH! 'M AND SALIVATES ay's Work! Clean Your Sluggish 'Dodson's Liver Tone." straighten you right up and make yoa feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the s .!e of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of ^ ' Dodson's Liver Tone will put your slug- * gish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver i one win Keep your entire family feelinp fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste.?Adv. <9 Sold for 47 years. Fir H Malaria, Chilis &Fe?cr. Also a Fine Genera! ffeMIf* Strengthening Tonic. Vr 60c and $1.00 at all Drul Stars*. Useful Playmates. "I hope you are selecting playmates whose companionship will he of value to you," said Jimmy's mother. "nh. sure." replied Jimmy; "Skinny Jones is teaching me how to black eyes, ami Tug lliggins says, If I'll give him my roller skates, he'll teach ine the punch that knocked out Bombardier Wells."?Pearson's Weekly. It isn't at all likely that a woman will ever discover that she's beautiful if she waits for another woman to tell her. _ A*k for and Get Skinners THE HIGHE5T QUALITY MACARONI 36 Fbgr Recipe Book Free SKIMMERMFG.C0.. OMAHA. U.5A W-'HI rLMAROKI FACTORY IN AMERICA Louisiana Consol'd MINING CO. OF NEVADA has been joined by The Tooopah Mining Co. of Nevada in the operation ol it* propertie*. This mark* new era for Louisiana Consolidated tlock now felling around 50c should fell in the dollars soon. Farther Information on rtquetl FRANK V. SULLIVAN Member ol N. V. Curb Association Tel, 4324 Broad 39 Broad St.. N. Y. * nen make ie . ^ Thm wrong way budlps'is ^KPirar [ ?. says fresh- L. VF *? dyx good vsy** V Thm right way WrFwr*} ^-'VH ew cotYfrfl I' ra* c?*r " - Th. wrong way X // nrort? \ (Wi- used to iry aihar T% uckles Man coffeet but we neveA <fher coffm\ found any Fatf so good at Arbuckjos 'j Tftm right way ~ ssa