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CALOMEL WHEN BRJ ACTS LIKE A ? " i uuaraniee "uoason's Liver Toni and Bowel Cleansing You Evei Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a (lay's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish. bilious or constipated. listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the boneB. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it. breaking It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out." if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a W. L. DC "the shoe that h $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $< Save Money by Wearing W. shoes. For sale by over9000 si The Best Known Shoes in W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is ! torn of all shoes at the factory. The vale the wearer protected against high prices for ii retail prices are the same everywhere. They c Francisco than they do in New York. They a price paid for them. ' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is f 1- than 40 years experience in making fine styles are the leaders in the Fashion Ce They are made in a well-equipped factory i oy tne nignest paid, skilled shoemakers, undei supervision of experienced men, all working determination to make die best shoes for die can buy. your shrw u?uir>r for TV. T,. Douglas inn not supply yon with the kln?l you want, 1 make. Write for Interesting booklet exnln ret shoesof the highest standard of quality by return mail, pontuge free. LOOK FOR W. L. Doug!** A name and the retail price ' 1 stamped on the bottom, u The Formula Failed. Willie had disobeyed again, and his mother had sent for a switch, deelar- I ing that she meant to "wear him 1 out." 1 "Now, Willie," she demanded very I solemnly, "do you know what I'm go- i Ing to do with tills switch?" i "Yes'm," lie answered promptly, 1 "you're going to shake it at me and i say, 'Willie Parsons, if you over do < that again I'll switch yon good!' " But she didn't.?Christian Herald. ] , Whenever You Need a General Tonic 1 Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless ' chili Touic is equally valuable as a Gen- \ 1 eral Tonic because it contains the well I known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents. One Advantage. lie?To men, all wotneu are angels. She?Well, it is lucky for you all 1 thnt they are not recording angels. ? Ask for and Get ' ^KINNtK-3 THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 Fkge Recipe Book Free SKINHER MFG. CO.. OMAHA.U.SA CARGtST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA lVOMiumi. DISCOVKltY| Inata siivar l'ollah; Heator< a sliver to Ita original brightness ntid finish. as It left the factory; no rulInK; worka Instantly; greataat rapeat article on the market; t. at It; you'll aec the reason. 25c size, special to agents. 10c; valuable premium certificate free Quality Supply House, 33 Seltvvn St., Itimllnilnlr, Mhm wma J Hammerless Model Extra Llgl Made ,n 12? 16 ar yMt There's no need of c Kun* Winchester M guns are made entirel and hence are the light guns on the market. % ?=V 9 one before buying. Soli I THE REPEATER PAR 1 l nDirrricTc iit/^ht \r i/i\uu\jioio nivini^ i dr. kilm Satisfied With Results I have hccn selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root for six and one-halt years and my customers are always satisfied with the results obtained from the use of the medicine and spcalc favorably regarding it. I have used it for "pain in the back" and a bottle or two put me in good shape and made me feel fine again. I believe Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root will cure any cases for which it is recommended if they are not of too long standing. , Very truly yours, FRANK JENKINS, Druggist. Tilgrim, Texas. November 11th, 1915. Prove What.Swamp-F Send ten cenU to Dr. Kilmer A. Co., Ri It will convince anyone. You will also r telling altont the kidneys and bladder. Whc Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottle A..' \ > sum DYNAMITE ON LIVER; b" win dive You the Best Liver r Had?Doesn't Make You Sickl spoonful and if it doesn't straighten i you right up and make you feel tine and vigorous I want you io go back to the storo and get your money. Dod- I son's Liver Tone 1b destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of 1 Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your , bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam- 1 ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doeBn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. ! ?Adv. > U G L A SI OLDS ITS SHAPE" L.50 & $5.00 AJo0KN L Douglas hoe dealers. ML. a ! le is guaranteed and ifcrior shoes. The ' ?.51 ost no more in San - jfeS^ re always worth the I guaranteed by more shoes. The smart ntres of America. / \2r v3?-jS>v it Brockton, Mas:., / Vi./ ' W r the direction and .' "" / ; with an honest I ^tial' price that money en. If he ranlake uo other /{ i^*y I ilnlrp hose to IV.,. .W BTWAtjr OT IJ J for the price, (W KuCflm SUBSriTVTZS m ^j|?? Boys* Shoes Best in the World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 I^^hMi^la^^hoiMnOul^rockton^JV^Me^^^ Black Snakes Beneficent. In Burlington county, New Jersey, the farmers who, in flic erroneous be- ; lief that they are u post, have boon killing black snakes, are being urged to conserve tlicm us enemies of the rattlers, which have been unpleasantly numerous this year. The damage done t>y the non-poisonous reptilian Is now recognized to be of slight account in comparison with the good they do. Not only will the black snake light and mi- rut hit, out iit" earns more than his keep by keeping down other Hosts. It has taken man a long time to identify his friends of the lower orilers, and even today many persecuted animals do not receive the credit that is due to them.?New York Sun. MOTHER. ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 25c Bottle of Bahy Ease from any drug store, mail coupon as di- i rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Bahy Ease ures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies.?Adv. Putting Him Wise. "What road leads to success?" asked the very young man. "Any road that is macadamized with grit and sail." replied the Shelbyville sage. Stlaa, Oranulatcd Eyelid*. Sore and Inflamod hralol promjitly by tue us,f of KO&1AN KYK BAUSAU A it y . Manchester, England, lias a glass bottle famine. Paraguay hns a new meat-packing establishment. tbstm f Shotguns }0t0^ fit Weight td 20 Gauges*^S arrying a heavy shoty of nickel steel, :est and strongest Be sure to see 1 by all dealers. ^KRShHIIII m RECOMMEND lER'S SWAMP-ROOT Customers Speak Favorably We have been handling Dr. Kilmer's ; Swamp Hoot for fourteen years and during all that time we never had a dis satisfied user of Dr. Kilmer's SwampHoot; all of our customers speak very j favorably regarding it. We know of cases of (Jail Stones, Gravel, Catarrh or j Inflammation of Bladder and Kheutna- 1 tism whore it produced the most beneficial results. We believe it is a good medicine for the diseases for which it is intended. Very truly yours, McCUNE DRUG CO., By N. K. McCune, Bridgeport, Texas. November 11th, 1915. Loot Will Do For You nghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle eoeive a booklet of valuable information, 'n writing, be sure and mention this paper * for sale at all drug storen. II III II III I III! A New Delight With real Bayou beans, or plain. Made alter the real and famous Mexican formula. The seasoning is most piquant?a zestful tasty dish anywhere ?any time. Libby, McNeill * Libby Chicago 4 I :1 Loof^ fo* thf 'Insist MangUmMm ?? 4 /AOL& Libby'9 * 11 ?t Ill'' ra'iuK Mfjj&j grocer's Do You Want To Soli Your Land? If so, write us today for our new Beautifully Illustrated Pictorial We sub-divide and sell at auction City, Suburban and Farm Property. Farm Sales Our Specialty Write for Booklet "A" To<l?y Atlantic Coast Realty Company GREENVILLE. N.C.. mmi rETMSEURC. V/IU?k National Rank of I'ataraburg. Ta, UrrruTllIa Banking .* Trut Co , - OroxnTllle, N. C. Wacborla Bank A Truat Co.. WlniUm-Salaui. N. U. Lar$e Boftle .1- " JtoL* 25* / VflMHKMT X//1 When you buy (f ybrrrH Yager's Liniraent you get splendid value! The large 25 cent bottle contains four times more than the usual bottle of liniment sold at that price. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers ? price 25 cents. YAGER'S LINIMENT GIL11ERT HKOS. tt CO. ItitUlmore. Md. APPENDICITIS If yon h?r been threatened or haye OAI.I.STON *< IN I ?lll HHTION. (IAS or pains In lb* rich1 rnrr tide write for y nluablc Book of Information I ntt L. ?. SOKKIIB. PUT w-s. SISS UKSKBOKK MT..CBI(lhO ru..,?>... *? i_*? ? vnoUilWUI IV s?UIII C. The I'oilu, a lively little newspaper produced in the French trenches, prints this .Joffre story: The generallissimo's chauffeur L , was chatting with some soldiers. "Well," they asked hiui, "what does the general say?" not much; he talks very little." "But yes?" "Well, the other day, for instance. In getting Into the car, he said: Things all right, L ?' 'Yes, general,' I replied." "And was that all he said?" "Another time he said to me: 'You have a very pleasing appearance, L .' 'Yes, general.' I renlied." "Hut does he never speak about the war?" "Oh, not often. But yet?the other day he did say to me: 'Ah, my hrave L??, when Is this war going to end?' " "U. C." "That man talked for four hours and a quarter." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "When it comes to using up time he's one ultimate consumer who doesn't have to pay." His Position. Peckem?My wife referred to me as the head of the house today. Moeks?llow did that happen? Peckem?She was talking to a man who called to collect a bill. q m iiJhfm i^J- a Adds to the Joy of Living? It isn't alone the deliciously sweet nut-like taste of Grape-Nuts that has made the food famous, though taste makes P.rst appeal, and goes a long way. But with the zestful flavor there is in Graoe-Nllts the entire mi. trimcnt of finest wheat and barley. And this includes the rich elements of the grain, necessary for vigorous health ? the greatest joy of life. Every table should have its daily ratiori"of GrapeNuts " There's a Reason" mm b ?i xy V W THE Pt Let us make you ac with the new, luscic It's all that the name suggests! . Wriglcy quality? made where chewing gum making is a science. Now three flavors: i I Don't forget [ WRIGLEYS after every meal Diplomatic Intercourse. Col. E. M. House said nt n dinner in Washington: "I sometimes think that diplomacy would he more successful if it were ' more truthful and frank. The way some diplomats treat one another, they don't get any nearer to real, helpful intercourse than the two celebrities : did. "Two celebrities, one a stutterer and the ctlier deaf, were introduced at a tea. After the tea the stuttering celeb ni.v was asKfii now no ami tno <lont ono had got 011. "'Oh, wo got on lino,' ho answorod. *1 couldn't talk and ho couldn't hour , i no.'" TENDER SKINNED BABIES With Rashes and Irritations Find Comfort in Cuticura. Trial Free. Baby's tender skin requires mild, ! soothing properties such as are found in the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, j Cuticura Soap is so sweet, pure and j cleansing and Cuticura Ointment so soothing and healing, especially when baby's skin is irritated and rashy. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Out Comes the Truth. "I suppose," said Singleton, "that you were deeply touched when your wife presented you with this easy chair on your hirtliday anniversary." "I sure was." replied VVetlderly, snd: ly. "I was touched for tlfty dollars J to pay for it." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of | CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it | Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Til baby seal, being snow white, is ; invisible on the ice, one of the protec- j five provisions of nature. ' ??miw utt??fa FO THE FOOS TYPE "J" < Hundreds of buyers who a high first cost are surprised to FOOS Engines. 8-home power FOOS T; equipped as shown.. .. F. O. B. 1 APPLETON CC The APPLETON Corn Hu Huskers placed on the marl success from the start. Why experiment with oth< catalog "W" and best prices. STOCK.DELL MYE Distributor# for States of Vi 127 N. Sycamore St. RFECTGUM quainted ^Wmcunf5^| Have a package of each always it: reach WRAPPCO IN Grapes for the King. It is reported that the kind's grape- ! vino at Windsor, in the pinion nejlr <'uniherlaiul Lodge, is dolug well litis* year anil is likely to yield more than olirt hunches. Planted in IT7.~?. it Is 210 feet In length and 20 foot in width. The most remarkable vine at Hainpton Court, from whleli this is a cutting. This was planted in 170s and still yields abundantly. in the near future wireless appnpratus will ho installed in all important police stations. tTriglit'* Indian Veg?tabl? Pills liarr ?to<.d lh? teat of time. Tent :hotu yourself Dow. Send for aaiuple to UT'd Pearl *lrrct, N. Y.?Adv Tungsten production is increasing in Japan. ??? t r^Tp?it? IT est the speedof The Black. Shells and of other shells. See for yourself which has the quickest strongest primer. nTest the velocity, penetration and pattern of The Black Shells, along with other shells. An interesting, fair, convincing test. mTest the waterproofing of The Black Shells, hy soatiig one for fifteen minutes, drying it and trying it in your gun. It will chamber, shoot and eject as if it had never been wet. For free shells for the above tests do as follows : Send us your name and address and your ammunition dealer's. We will send you an order on your dealer for shells from his stock and booklet of directions. UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO. 2656 Trinitv Builrlinu N*w Vnrl? f*i?? ' llfr~4 jr OS GASOLINE ENGINES 3sociatr the name FOOS with note the prices of these new ype J Gasoline F.ngine, $213.00 Factory. >RN BUSKERS % skef was one of the First Corn cet, and it has been a great ;r makes? Write us now for RS HDW. CO., Inc. rginia and North Carolina. Petersburg, Va. Q-BAN DARKENS GRAY HAIR Gray, streaked, prematurely pray or faded hair quickly restored to natural dark shade by shampooing hair and scalp with Q Han. No dye?perfectly harmless?acts on roots?revives color glands of tlio hair thus making all your gray hair healthy, thick, fluffy, evenly dark without a trace of gray showing. r>0 cents a big bottle by parcel post. (Also sold by most druggists.) Address Q-Ban, Memphis, Tenn.?Adv. Meudon in Wartime. Meudon, the gay Meudon of trysts and moonlight promenades, lias been transformed into a military camp. The station platform is crowded with uniformed soldiers of all branches; men j on furlough in their suits of faded blue like dirty water, showing with j pride holes torn in their coats by title balls, convalescents wearing the old j red pantaloons, used only by those hehind the lighting line, often with one leg folded up; Zouaves, whose baggy trousers, formerly blood-red, have now changed to an earthy color; Belgians in long brown coats, who never smile, and British Tommies spick and span as if they had just stepped from a bandbox. The women, in passing, glance at the war crosses and smile.?Mine. B?>rnardini-SJoestedt in Cartoons MagaI '/Inn MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE I.INIMGNT for Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. GOOSE CREASE COMPANY, MFK'S., Greensboro, N. C.?Adv. What Might Happen. "What would happen," said a summer boarder who is always trying to entertain the company. "If an irresist- , ible force were to meet with an immovable body?" "I reckon, maybe," replied Farmer Corntossel, "there won't he nigh so many of us left to ask fool questions." NOTHING SO FFI F.CTIVK AS KI.IAIK JIAB1K lor Malaria, I'hllls 1 tevrr. Chief of Police, J. W Keyuolda, Newport News.Vn ,anyn: "It 1* a pleasure to recommend Hnliek forchilla ami fever. Have used It wlieti necaaary forSOyearsnnd have found no remedy an effective." 1C11 x I r Itablk Ail rent a. all druggist*, or by Parcel Poat, prepaid, from Klocaew akl A Co., WitnbltiKton. !' C. A Hood More?llubrk t.lver Fllla. >0 pills 25 cents Had It Over Washington. First Thinker- There's one day 1 have it over Washington. Second Thinker?I'm your friend, so I'll listen to it. First Thinker lie could't tell a lie. I can. Autumn Melancholy. The caiupnitfi brings :i tuneful cheer Otioc more to every spot. The nutumn days which now appear Are nieluncUoly?not. Dr. Perry's "DEAD SHOT" Is ta effective medicine for Worms or Tapeworm in adults or children. On* dose is sufficient and no supplemental purge necessary Adv. Train service between Chile and Bolivia lias been increased and improved. Now in Good He; of Lydia E. Pir Compound. S? Necessity. Do Miracle. All women ought to kn taking Lydia E. Pinkham's V those who seem hopelessly ill. P| j my work eomjtel : married I took t 1 trouble and afte: r_e m.. aui a *ai uiy Albert T^eft, Minn.?'"For abou my back and hip? and was lianlly My head would ache and I was < talcing I.ydia K. Pinkham's Yeg da am feeling stronger than for years old and am doing my work all alon remedies in the house as there .1 Yost, Oil Water St., Albert I> a, X Three Doctors Gave IMttsburg, Penn.?"Your med me wonderfully. When I was a g was always sickly and delicate an irregularities. Three doctors gave 1 would go into consumption. ] Pinkham 8 Vegetable Compound ai bottle began to feel better. 1 soon and 1 got strong and Rhortlyaftc t 1 * - - i H.vvD two in.,e stout ihMitliy rtMo to work liavd every <1 iv."?> Duei:rixu,34 (iarriiuM* M..,Troy Hill All women are invited to write fclao Co., l^ynn, Maag., for apecia Sold for 47 years. For Mali a Fine Qeneral Strengthenir HgananHBBMHMl When Work Is Hard That kidney troubles nre so common In due to the strain put upon the kidneys In so many occupations, such as: Jarring and jolting oil railroads, etc. Cramp and strain as In barbering, moulding, heavy lifting, etc. Exposure to changes of temperature In Iron furnaces, refrigerators, etc. Hampness as In tanneries, quarries, mines, etc. Inhaling poisonous fumes In painting, printing and chemical shops. Lioan's Kidney Pills are fine for strengthening weak kidneys. A North Carolina Case William A. Apple, 730 S. Macon St., Greens- *?? boro, N. C., says: "When I was working lj as a railroad brakeboKan to suffer from sharp pains In " niv back. The kidney * secretions became un- 1 JJaMk^f natural and 1 felt all worn out. l'lnnlly I * ? wSHSffi Ms was obliged to give up xMf fl railroading altogether. At that critical time I *y VXV-/wr*H?r began tislng Doan's f ttkuitw;' Kidney I'ilia and they 1 fga completely cured me, Vr lftSL though everything else E~UJBSV"P~"" had fulled." Get Doin'i at Any Store, SOc a Box DOAN'S 'V.TLV FOSTER MILBURN CO.. BUFFA1X). N. Y. BREATH BflSk W A Furo sign F *'} ?EU 9 of ait inactive El liver,bilious- Kg te-MKcw ua negSf consti- E3 nation, and j similar disorders. Ttemove the W\\ cause in its cariy stages, do H not allow the organs to got in U ?M chronic state. A few doses of H | OR. THACHER'S 5 I id LIVER AND BLOOD H 1 2 SYRUP 9 * f'| will restore the afTeotcdorgans I' S* to a healthy condition. K. It is a pontic laxative, puroKtb ly vepctable, tonic in etrect. Wl IB Search far and near and you Bl pi will not And u preparation to ?ji I equal this tried and true old *|g I x home tonic. B d'4 Got a bottlo today?put up ?js In convenient sizes, EOc and $1. II RHEUMATISM is completely washed out of the system by ten pals, (three weeks) of the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water, costing only two dollars. Tastes fine; positively guaranteed by money back, oil return of the two loaned carboys, should you report "110 benefit." Mention your express office. Address Shivor Spring, Box 42. Shelfon.S.C. PERFECT IIEALIH.^**-?" Tutt'a I*1111 keep the ?y stem In perfect order. They restitute the bowel* nnd produce A MG0R01S BODY. Remedy for sick headache, constipation. Toffs Pills . UDnllCU nn R AT^M1,n1* ft loo, tin.*, nuuon On !1M 1 3 Ulooutdoora. lioanil;<5o w. N. u.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 42--1916. I /l dim alth Through Use tkham's Vegetable \y it is Household ctor Called it a o\v the wonderful effects of cgetable Compound even on Here are three actual cases: Penn.?" \Vhon I was single I suftl from female weakness l>. cause lied ii 10 to stand all day. I took in's Vegetable Compound for that stronger by its u>c*. After I was bo Compound again for a feir.alo r three months I passed what the Towth. lie said it was a miracle av as one gcn? rally goes under ! them removed. I never want to Con mound in the house." ? Mrs. I CI 2 lulton bt., I larrisburg, Penn. e to Move. t a year I had sharp pains across able to move around tbo house, li/./.y and had no appetite. After ible Compound and Liver Pills, I I have a little boy eight months ic. I would not be without vour iro none like them."?Mrs. F. K. I inn. ? Her I Trv I , il M 1 I ! I '.III! irino has helped! i l IS years old J d suffered from ., .V-' ?, 5 me up and said wK '* I took Lydia K. !l'|l^, .-?> 'id with tlio third 1 !j';i,i>'! ' liooame regular i[?t5? ' l! r I wsi.s married, children and am 'ft- J ?',% r J ill's. (/1-EMKSTiNA ,AVv / . 1'ittsbui g, Venn.l. ' ... .1 > totho r>ydia IMnkham MediI advice,?it will bo confidential. T*f srr ? % xlbwic irla, Chilli nnd Fever. Also ig Tonic. 50c ?*4 $1.00 it all Drug Suns.