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HOW MRS. BERN : MET THE CRISIS Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydia El. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Nashville,Tenn.?"When I was going through the Change of Life I had a tuIIIIHIlllHlillllHHIIfill"?u" !"*' ^ doctor said it was ir?e years coming id gave me medias called away }m e time. Of >urse I could not 5 to him then, so y sister in-law told e that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would cure it. It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not need Vie doctor. I took the Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. I tell every one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it." ?Mrs. E. H. Bean, 526 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fashioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it If there is any symptom in your case which puulos you, write to the Lydia ?. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Moss. EXPERIMENT NOT A SUCCESS "Pa's" Brilliant Idea Merely Resulted in a Remarkable Rise In Rolled Oats. A smnll boy appeared nt the back door of u neighbor's house in Hunting Park avenue u day or so ago and said to the matron who opened the door: "Good morning." "Good morning," the housewife returned, somewhat curiously. "I came over to tell you something." Well, what was It?" "Last evenlny ujy papa was angry because the water boiled out of the steamer under the rolled oats." "Is that so?" 'Yes. And then he mnde up his mind to tlx the steamer so that It couldn't happen again." "What did he do?" "He put some water In the steamer and then soldered It all up." "Is that what you cume over to tell me?" "Yes, and to borrow your stepladder." "What do you want with the stepladder?" "I want It so father can scrape nil the rolled oats oft the celling this morning."?I'hlladelphln Ledger. To Fortify the System Against Summer Heat Many users of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic'mako it a practice to take this old standard remedy regularly to fortify the system against the depressing effect of summer heat, as those who are strong withstand the heat of summer better than those who are weak. Price 50c. Confused. A flustered woman was seen running wildly about In the corridors of u large railway station. "What are you looking for, madam?" questioned an officer. "I?I am looking for the entrance to the outside!" responded the woman nervously. Correct Answer. "Why Isn't h nautical mile the same as an ordinary mile?" ^ "Because It Is knot." Wright'* Indian Vegetable Pills have stood the tent of time. Tent t tie in yourtn-lf now. bend for aample U? 372 Pearl htreet, N. Y.?Adv. Cheerfulness will make vnnr imr. dens lighter and your comfort greater. A man's understanding Is limited by the size of his feet. That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lume back, nchlng day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kidneys Bore? Is their action Irregular? I>o you have headaches, backaches, rheumatic pains,?feel tired, nervous, all worn-out? Use Doun's Kidney I'llls?the medicine recommended by so ninny people In this locality. Read the experience that follows: A South Carolina Case J. M. Oshlolds, 8 >***? "Fymv 8 Enterprise 3t? rkl3fl Union, 8. C., Iflht buys: "i had In Ham- ti niation of the bindder and my kidneys were in awful shape. jKl11 \ The pains In my If If V . V back were terrific. If "I V\f \ The doctor said I A had gravel and dur- W Ing one attack. tourSAff ^ /\gl physicians snt lip I with me all night; \'fi they thought I was jr- f W/ going to die. I fin- I . HI ally used Doan's I /Air KJdney Pills and ? was soon relieved. I continued and the cure has lasted eight years." Get Doen's et Any Store, BOc e Boat DOAN'S V.WV at irn r-r?-ni ti7irii m M v Tutt's Pills ntbl* the dyspeptic to eat whatever he Wlahes. They cauae the food to assimilate and nourish the body, give appetite, and DEVELOP ELESH. Dr. Tutt Manufacturing Co. New York. fwHYNOTTRY POPHAM'S ' ASTHMA MEDICINE: i Qtvea Prompt and Positive Relief In Bvcry < I Caa*. Sold by Prugglsta. Price ?!.<Ju i Trial Package by Mail 10c. ( \ WILLIAMS MF8. CO., Props. ClareUfld, >., j W. N^ U , CHARLOTTE. NO. 36-181*. ^ m,,y t ' mm SOLDIERS LEARN TRICKS OF TRADE COAST ARTILLERY IS LEARNING 1 RAPIDLY IN PRACTICE AT CHARLESTON. MANY BUSY DAYS FOR BOYS j Volunteers Who Knew Little of the Big Guns or War Game Soon Become Experts. Charleston.?A notable feature or the first nnnual encampmeut of the 1 South Carolina volunteer coast artillery corps, iu progress within the boundaries of the government reservation on Sullivan's Island. Is the smoothness and lack of confusion with which the program of training is progressing. The percentage of the vol| unteer artillerymen who had even as i much as seen a big gun before this ; encampment was undoubtedly small. u? uxi 01 mem come rrom a country I where puns larger than squirrel rifles are as scarce us hen's teeth. And yet to see them, after only two days of ! training, swing one of Uncle Sam's 0-inch rifles into position and load it. i the layman would bo inclined to think j they were regulars. Only they and the regulars Instructing them know that 1 j the things they still have to learn are : almost too numerous yet to enumerate But this does not detract from the | ! credit due them for the progress they are making with their lessons in coast ! defense, the progress being the result ! I of their unflagging willingness and commendable eagerness to master the art so many of thorn have given up their vacations to learn. The fact that they soon become efficient enough to "pull the lanyards" of the big guns and set off a full ser vice charge sending a giant projectile | whirring toward a target, with regu i lars looking on only for the purpose | of seeing that the gun is pointed sea ward and not toward the island real uences of the city and that nothing goes wrong, is evidence of the prog ress being made. The fuct that the target will be a stationary one instead of the moving target fired at by the i reenlnrs will itotm/'t lit tin t??n | pleasure the privates will take in put- i ting a hole through it or the pleasure that their officers will take In direct- ! ing the fire and watching for the lilt with field glnsses. "Chumshlps" between the regulars and volunteers Is one result of the ! encampment so far. They enjoy leave j together, go bathing together and drill ! and work side by side. The regu lars have that admirable tact of over j looking greenhorn stunts, some of which are laugh provoking, while they ' are at all times showing a friendly ; feeling for the volunteers. The officers of the fort and the Na tlonal Guard officers have found ea6h othors' company pleasant and there | have been cnlls and return calls and ! informal affairs that make the hours i off duty rounds of solid pleasures. Col : M. K. Btyroll, commandant of the I i post, has had all the visiting officers for his guests on more than one occa- j slon, taking them for a harbor excur ' sion. sightseeing trip and later enter taining them at his homo. Congress Passes Court Term Bill. Washington.?The senate passed the bill pending here to amend the law fixing the times for holding terms of federal court in South Carolina. The following is the new provision: j "That the terms of the district court for the eastern district shall ho liefld at Charleston on the first Tuesday In June and December, at Columbia on | the third Tuesday in January and first Tuesday in November, at Florence on tho first Tuesday In March, and at j 1 Aiken on the first Tuesday in April and October. "Terms of the district court of the j western district shall bo held at ! Greenville on the first Tuesday in j April and the first Tuesday in Octo ; her, at Rock Hill the second Tuesday in March and September, at Green- 1 wood the first Tuesday in February l j and November, at Anderson tho | fourth Tuesday in May and Novem- j ber." Wins Trophy for Mnrkmanshlp. Columbia. -W. W. Moore, the adjutant general will receive in a few days a marksmanship trophy, presented by ! citizens of llion. NT. Y.. to the National Guard of South Carolina, to he award ed annually to the company making I the best record for the year in rifle practice. The trophy is a replica in bronze of the statue of Albln Ihdasek. 1 4 the Bohemian sculptor, which is to i j he unveiled soon at llion, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the making of the first Remington rifle at the Mohawk Valley town. New Building for Greenville. I Greenvillo.?Within the next few pnndnt/-f{/oi :n v ' I ~..~w ... ..w. niim win uegin on | ft now building on South Main street,' between the Markley property and the t river. This building, which is to cost from $8,000 to $10,000, wWl be erected i by J. Q. Jones and ii. II. Hates. It will j be of brick, will have two store I rooms, several office rooms, a base; ment and a storage room. Two floors will bo al>ove the level of Main streot while a basement and storage room will be below tho level of the steret. Bennett Retains Commission. Columoia?George M. Dennett of Olympift was appointed first lieutenant Company G, Second South Carolina Infantry, National Guard of the United 1 Stntes. and now awaits orders to pro coed to 121 Paso, Texas. Lieut. Ilen nett has been In the National Guard for a number of years and was first lieutenant of the Columbia Light In fantry. which Is Company G. when th? troops were ordered to mobilize a' Styx. Ilut Lieut. Bonnett was turned down on the physical examination, t Something In Names. **Cnll for Mr. Baker! Call for Mr. Baker!" piped out the cullboy In a Muncle hotel, and was followed by another who drawled out: "Call for Mr. Carpenter! Cull for Mr. Carpenter!" Not to be outdone, a third chimed In with: "Call for Mr. Muson! Call for Mr. Mason!" Tr. l?l.l It U HIV iuuuj L"U IIUVCIIIIK omf.v I men, strangers, were sitting In chairs near together. "Locks like there must be. n tnules convention on here," ventured one. "They ought to have called tne. too?my name's Brewer." "The blank - It Ik!" exclaimed the other. "My name's Icecream. Let's see what we can do for It." So they did.?Indianapolis News. In His Father's Footsteps. "What are you going to do when you get to be a man?" a Wheeling resident asked Joseph Cannon Watson, the young son of James E. Watson of Itushvlllo, Republican nominee for United States senator, during a visit he made there recently. "Oh, I don't know," the lad hastily replied. "But I suppose that I'll run for things."?Indianapolis Star. Most men are willing to confess the sins they can't lie out of. ~~iaaHBan9B9BBeaBBRBHEHi What is CASTORIA is a harmless substii aud Soothing Syrups. It is P Morphine nor other Narcotic si destroys "Worms and allays Feverish Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, < assimilates the Food, regulates the Stc natural sleep. The children's Panacea The Kind You Have Always Bouj 30 years, has born the signature of Chan his personal supervision since its infanc All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Ju trifle with and endanger the health of Children?Experience against Ex per in: h<excise Castoria always bears the s Hardships Come First. "Lucky" Baldwin was one of the well-known characters on the I'uclttc const up to a few years ago, when he died. His case Is contradictory in a way, as his "luck" came only after such struggles and hardships as few men go through. As. a prospector he was near death many times and lived In desperate poverty for the greater part of his life. Then he made a strike In prospecting which left ldui fatuously wealthy. His sobriquet of 'Lucky" Is n decided misnomer here, especially as family troubles and litigation embittered his lust years. In glancing over the lists of those who control the largest fortunes In tills country. It Is often Impossible to realize how it comes that men of such varying qualities attain success. Where docs tills success come from, anyway? Is It foreslghtedness. Is It strength of character, force of personality? Or Is It 11 quality called luck? CLEANSE THE PORES Of Your Skin and Make It Fresh and Clear by Using Coticura. Trial Free. When suffering from pimples, blackheads, redness or roughness, sr ear the skin with Cuticura Ointment. Then wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot water. These super-creamy emollients do much for tho skin because thoy prevent pore clogging. Free samplo each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv The New Porter. Jim was a new porter in a hotel, anil lie was putting in his iirst night at his new and responsible position. It was live in the morning and so fur Jim hud done all he was told, and was getting on splendidly. 'Celt seventeen and four," commanded the night clerk, us he looked over his call sheet. Jim obeyed. After he had been gone for a considerable time the clerk went up to see if he had called the rooms designated. "Well," sighed the new porter, whom he found on the third tloor, "I've got seventeen of 'etn up, hut 1 haven't started on the other four yet." A Wee Bit Sane. While a .certain Scotch minister was conducting religious services in an asylum for the Insane one of the inmates cried out wildly: "I say, have we got to listen to this?" The minister, surprised and confused. turned to the keeper and said: "Shall 1 stop speaking?" The keeper replied : "No, no; gang along, gang along; that will not happen again. That man only has one lucid moment everv seven years."?Christian Herald. NOTHING SO rt l Kf'TIVK AS EI.IXIK HMJKK For Mitlui-ia. < Mil* * f rrrr; Chief of Police, J W Reynolds, Newport Nbwh.Vr , 9ii) m : "It Is a pleaxiira to recommend ISahek for chills ami fever. Hure u?r<l It wl en necessary forfc'j ear-naml have found no remedy as effective." Fllxlr Hn l>l It V> < ent?, nil drusrItlHta.or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocxc w ki A Co., Washington. I>. C. A Good Move?Uabrk I.Ivor fills. SO pills 2o cents Disobliging. "I'm In tough luck, George. Old doughhngs refused to let me marry liis daughter until I could show him itoo that I had earned by iny own efforts." "Too had, old chap." "Hut that Isn't the worst of It. lie wouldn't even give me a tip on the market so I could earn the money. A poor man has no chance at all these lays." I)r. Peery's "DEAD SHOT" Is an effective medicine for Worms or Tapeworm In adults or children. One dose Is sufficient and no supplemental purge necessary A<lr. Some Name. "Have you named the baby yet?" "No, not y? t -Yettn." Boston livening Transcript. The .sweet nes.-i of some women reainds u- of sugar-coated bitter pills. Young n\an, marry a parlor ornament If you can afford to hire a cook ! I k. MR. WEGE RECOMMENDS ji LUNG-VITA Mr. T^eo D. Wege, mrnaycr of the Ideal laundry of Nash, iiie, wn>t?: "I cannot j I ( peak too highly of Lung-Vita. and of its results I never used it myself, but I | bought four bottles of you to give to different parties, and the results are remark- j able. One case of asthma was entirely ! cured. If they will take the medicine as ; ' directed and stick to it. thev will never ' regret it." Take Lung-Vita for oonsump | tion, ?asthma, whooning cough, colas. , coughs, and bronchial troubles, o If your deaier cannot supply you, send $1.75 for a ' thirty-day treatment today. Nashville Med , icine Co., Dept. B. Nashville. Tenu. Adv. No Hospitality Wanted. j Some things must be taken tiie way , they nre ineunt, or there In apt to be ( trouble. A Baltimore party motoring ( on Sunday were astonished when passing a prominent Institution for the ' Insane to see over the main entrance j the hospitable, though somewhat sug- I , gestive, inscription: "Elk. Welcome." , However, u quick-witted native ex- ( plained to a disgruntled Elk that It ( merely was meant to convey: "We ! ] are Just crazy about you." If you would avoid trouble, always , look for the funny side of a question. | , h The loafer Is a drone In the Indus- ! . trial hive. I , i I 1 - 1 Castoria :ute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops leasant. It contains neither Opium, ibstance. Its age is its guarantee. It 1 ness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind :ures Constipation and Flatulency. It raiach and Bowels, giving healthy and ?The Mother's Friend. ;ht, and which has been in use for over . II. Fletcher, and has been mado under y. Allow no one to deceive you in this. .*t-as-good** are but Experiments that Infanta and /f | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnm RACE COLORING DUE TO FOOD Diet of Various Peoples Said to Be , Real Cause of the Difference in ( Hue of Skin. ! Certain authorities hold that the pig- , mentation of the races is due to feeding. It Is pointed out thut in the unl- | : nial world color is often determined j ] by food, and It is contended that by chemical process the sumo results nre shown in the different human ruees. According to this theory, the original , man was black, since his chief diet ] must have been vegetation. Fruit and vegetables contain mungunates that i i ally themselves with Iron, constituting | i u "dark brown combination." 1 Negroes who add meat and milk to their vegetable fare are never as dark as those negroes who cut only vegetables. ( Indians nre red, it appears, because , they have absorbed for generations , , haemoglobin, the red substance in the ] , blood of animals killed for food. , Mongols are yellow by reason of the , fact that they are descended from 1 ( dark fruit-eating races who penetrated \ Into the plains of Asia, became shop- j herds, and lived to a gceut extent on j milk, which contains chlorine and has ' a blenching effect. The Caucasians were another branch < who became still whiter by adding salt j 1 to their dietary. Common salt is a strong chloride and a powerful agent j 1 in bleaching the skin. The effect can ' be seen. It is declared. In the case of | 1 negro children who have been reared | i on a "white" dietary. They are never \ as black as their kindred who have ! i not abandoned vegetarianism. A Guess. < "Why does a politician wear a string tie?" I ] "To string his constituents."?LoulsI vllle Courier-Journal. The perfume Industry of Ituly annually makes use of 1.8G0 tons of orange blossoms ami 1,000 tons of roses. If n man's sins find him out they usually camp on his front porch and i calmly await his return. j i Free Shells For Waterproofing Tests , Submerge The Black Shells in water. Let them dry, and then put them in your gun. Each chambers and ejects i perfectly. Other tests prove nine 1 other important points of superiority t for i ?'".BLACK SHELLS , Satoktlti/ d Black Powdaiv t Write your name and address and that of your ammunition dealer on the margin of this advertisement, tear it out and mail it to us. We will send j * back to you an order on your dealer j * for the three shells, free, from his 1 stock, and for a booklet that will tell you how to make these knowledgegetting tests. 1 United States Cartridge Company 26S3 Trinity BoiMinf, New York City, - ANDERSON MAKES REPORT Public School Progress is Shown In Superintendent's Prompt Report to The State Department. Columbia.?The state department o. education Is reclving dally the anuual reports of the several county superintendents of education. Many of these I reports have been filed to date and the remainder will probably come In within the next three weeks. Upon receipt each report Is careful- | ly checked over In the state superln- 1 bendent's office. Analysis of the fig- | ares from Anderson county gives a j clear Insight Into public school eondl- \ tions In the Piedmont. Superintendent ! J. B. Felton is always prompt In com- j piling and forwarding his annual re- ' port. His coopers*'. ?? thus aiding the state department of education to ) take up promptly the arduous task of checking over the mass of figures from each of the 44 counties is always highly appreciated. In the 15 towns of Anderson, 6.287 pupils were enrolled, a gain of 807 over the preceding year. The average ' attendance I11 town schools was 4.346, a gain of 177 over 1914-15. Only 09 i per cent of the town children were regularly In school throughout the average session of 173 days. It Is significant to note, however, that every city, town and village school of the j county ran practically nine months. In the country, the reported enrollment shows 6.044 pupils In 75 schools, a gain of 694 over last year. The rural attendance during the average session of 152 days was 3.668, a gain of 238 over last year. The report shows only R1 per cent of country l>oys and girls regularly in school. Adulterated Oat Seed. Columbia.?E. J. Watson, oommis- j sioner of agriculture, is of the opinion that thousands of dollars have been lost by farmers of South Carolina in the last two years by unconsciously planting adulterated seed oats. Only recently inspectors attached to Mr. Watson's office have stopped the sale i of five or six cars of alleged rust proof oats for seed purposes, shipped into the upper Piedmont section of the state, for the reason that they are loaded with Johnson grass seed and other adulterations. "We have notified most shippers," said Mr. Watson, "that future shipments of this clans of seed will be subjected to seizure under the law. It has been a common practice for Western firms to sell any kind of alleged seed oats In tho markets of Southern Dtatos. I am aware of many cases where tho germinating power of the seed received through Western channels has been less than 1 per cent. \ That, of course, means a complete loss ' o the farmer. wi*'i no redress under | the present law." Chief Inspector S. M. Sloan of the i commissioner's office Is now In the I upper part of the state, whore most of , tho adulterated seed has been consign | ed. malting nil Investigation of ship j ments into that territory with a view : af remedying this loss to the farmers as far as iM)sslble. Greenville Improves Hospital. Greenville?A new X-ray machine, asfine as any to be had in the United States is now being installed at the city hospital. The board of governors purchased this apparatus some time, paying about $2,500 for it. The ma- J chine will be ready for use within a few days. Tills addition to the city hospital will mean that this institution 1 Is second to nono In sandpent of X ray facilities. Modern surgery and medical practice relies more and more upon X-Rav examinations. This being true, the hospital board felt that the Greenville hospital should be equipped with the best apparatus that could be had. The board of governors also purchased a $000 modern sterilizer that will be sufficient In its capacity for the contemplated enlarged hospital. Hold Community Fair. Orangeburg. -The people of Bow man. Cow Caatle and Middle town ships of Orangeburg county will hold a community fair at Bowman on Thursday, October Each of these townships of Orangeburg county will hold a fair. The ladies of the town- . ship are very much interested In the : community fair which will have a great leal to do with Its success. The household department will be featured and will contain interesting exhibits. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. A case of Infantile paralysis has boon reported from St. Matthews. Approximately 2.000 people gathered it Tirzali. a station -i\ miles east ot York, to attend the annual picnic hole > if that place. The Southorn railway freight depot it Sumter was complop lv <les-troye<l me night r> -contly hy (ire, together with almost till freight stored there. Sine fr iglit cars, loaded with general fuerchatidi.' e. which stood on the track nearby were also com pi- i !y destroyed. Mayor Griffith of Columbia has ap[>ointed Thornwi 11 McMaster of Columbia as r. delegate to the Atlantic | Deeper Waterways A ssoc i t ion meeting 1 it September at Philadelphia. The Charleston Van Moving & Storage Company chartered with a apital stock of 510,000, the officers being G. K. Musladin, president, and j h'. J. Iteddick. secretary and treasurer. About October 10 to 15. Columbia ' will hold its lirst semi-annual flower iiul vegetable show. This contest will be open to any white citizen, adult and ichool children alike in Columbia without entrance charges. W. T. Patrick of the liowman secLion of Orangeburg county, has been selected as farm- demonstration ugaivt 'or Marlon county. John Caldwell Cofleld, a well known 'armor living in tho Goshen Hill secion of Union county, died at the home if his par- its, Mr. and Mrs. J. K- Coleld. He was 15 years >ld. Tho t gurc on tho illiteracy anion, rotors in Greenwood t-. inty as com iil?* I for the *tato superintendent o! ducatibn show tliat a total of 33fr voters out of 3,238 had to or did makt lieir marks. TUq percentage in thou n try is 10.2. ' CALOMEL SICKENS! DON'T STAY Bi I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver To and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel is quicksilver and It salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out. if your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of using sickening, sallvatiug calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working. your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your ' bowels regular. You will feel like j working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tono YOUR BOY MUST BE SEEN TO His Improvement Means the Betterment of Both the Family and Nation. This is u good tim?* to think ?>f your boy. If you do not look after him in tin* right way. .someone will d<> it in the wrong way. John A. Sleieher writes in Leslie's Weekly. Itegin now ! Teaeh your boy to follow In th?* footsteps of his father, to respeet the law, to obey his parents, to regard the rights of all men, to honor virtue, 10 respect womanhood and to depend upon no one hut himself for his advancement. Teach him that the golden rule of life will he found in the ten commandments. They are short. They have survived the ages. They stand today j unchanged and unchallenged. They comprise the llrst great written law given by God to man. Before these few commandments all man- I made laws fade Into Insignificance. Teach them to your hoy. There is ! danger ahead if you do not. The universal drift of mankind is toward decadence. Heredity pays Its premium and also exacts its discount. Thft KGTl t\f n l'GGi! .? ? ? * fectlonate mother, brought up In nn atmosphere of parental regard, never will (IIspruce the family. The hoys of today are to he the men of tomorrow: The destinies of the American people are to he In the hands of their sons. If the hoys are taupht respect for the law (both human and divine), obedience and authority, manly Independence and the fear of Clod, this great nation will he a noble monument to man's capacity for self-government and self-control at a time when all the world Is a seething cal- \ dron of unrest, unreason, and disbelief, i Teach your hoy to rule, hut first to rule himself. New Accessory. Chauffeur?Mrs. Non Speederly, the car won't run. It must have a hoodoo on It! Mrs. Non Speederly?Hear me! 1 j thought I had every possible attach- ' maul !?., I'll I T...1 ? ......I. ..1,1 *1-1 ..lit-;?IIIIIIKI'. RtteH, Oranulntetl Fyellilft, Sore unit Infln^iM Kvea lirali-tl promptly by the ut.e of HUMAN i KYK 11AIXAM. Atlr. The mnn who sits down and waltH for something to turn up will succeed In time. Ills toes will turn up. Buy materi | Certai Fully guaranteed ( -be,t IcOOi responsibility VU? J General Roofing Mar World's large*t nuinufactursrt < York City Cklceje rki) tdetpkla Bt. Loalt Boston B BowOrlsiii Loa Angelas Btaarapoll* !? ?>? City Seattle Real Cause for Complaint. It had heen a very tiring case for everybody concerned. The plaintiff and the defendant were both countrymen and had had To have everything explained to thetu at least twice. "Do 1 understand, niy man." said the magistrate at one point, "that the defendant hurled Invectives at you?" The plaintiff scratched his head wildly. Then slowly a look of understanding dawned in his eyes as lie replied: "No, sir. To tell the truth, It was wily bricks as lie threw at mo, but wot 1 complain about was the terrible v ay he swore at me when they missed!" False Statement "Dave tells me his wife is all dark." "IIow can it he when he's Just got a Job on a lightship?" It Is easier to keep a good-for-noth lug dog in the house than It Is to keci the wolf from the door. Do You Km Daughter? r uttered sigho of pain, nor blind I to her pallid countenance. Begin 2:'** 9 at onco to aid nature by using It strengthens and greatly stimi I ful activity. This wonderful prepar: I and women. It is sold under a guai I male disorders and strengthens tho | THACHER MEDICINE CO 'HiTTE^ Sold for 47 years. For Malt A Fine General StrengtHenir $ y " #5 \ - . jS?vi \ * ' * ^111 i IT SALIVATES! LIOUS, CONSTIPATED ne" Will Give You the Best Liver Had?Don't Lose a Day's Workl under my personal guarantee that It will clean your sluggish liver better ; than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful j will start your liver, clean your bowela and straighten you up by morning <*r | you can have your money back. Children gladly take Lodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting and ^ ' doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that thiR pleasant, vegetable, liver medicine takes tho placo of dangerous calomel. Huy one bottle on my ontin/1 re 11 n LI r\ rm mm ? * ?. ?. a Iouuuu, ? ? i mum ASK your druggist or storekeeper about ine. Adv. V THMF V I" a deceptive disease lvllj,n c 1 ?thousands have it XI? OT 1 RI I? an<l don't know it. If * you want Rood results | you can make no mistake by using Dr. j Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the groat kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample size bottle by Parcel l'ost. also pamphlet telling you about it. Address Dr. Kilmer ?c Co., Btnghamton. N. Y., and enclose ton cents, also mention this paper. R ft IICU An ZlflTC"Knd>. KnU, Mice, IIuks. nUUQnvlinAlw Dlo outdoors. liesndZoo. Couldn't Follow Instructions. Not long ago I gave sin Irishman a box of pills ant! cautioned tilm carefully with regard to adhering to the Instructions on the box cover. Those instructions rend, "Take one pill three times si day." Next day the man came In and ! placed the pills on my desk and when j I asked hlin what wus the matter he said: "I couldn't curry out the Instructions." "What's the reason?" I asked. "I took the first pill nil right," was his reply, "hut I couldn't set to tuko It the other two times." ? Chicago Dally News. Slow Progress. "Ain't It too had ahout that poor Hawkins hoy next door?" said the | washerwoman. "Why. what's the trouble with him?" [asked Mrs. Miller. "He's such an awful dummy, ma'nin. Mrs. Hawkins was tellln* yesterday, when I was over there washln', that they've been seudln' hint to college for three years to learn how to he an engineer, and he ain't through yet. Why. my cousin Tim never went to % 4 college a day In his life, and he's one of the best engineers on the X. V 4 z" X It's a poor love letter that enu't create u sensation if road In court. Those who look for trouble ure apt to find fault. Ask for and Get Skinners THF. HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 fbge Recipe Book Free SKINNER MFG.CO. OMAHA,U.5A UKttST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA. als that last n-teed I was II I IIMIHII Ill III! | For mIs by dealers i 9 ?? everywhere at reasonable prices lufachirmg Company >f I too An j and lluildiu{j I'ajtcrt riitabaryh Ih'trolt Han Fruiftif* ClbHnaatl fl iiiUaipolli A Utu(? klrhacod HouSoa London bjdnr? I THE HlflM QUALITY SEWINt MACHINE NE'V^Kqme NOT SOlD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for free Ntoklet "Point* to be considered before purchasing a hewing Machine." Learn the tacts. THE NEW HOME ?EWIN0 MACHINE' 0v?RAN6E,MAn8. U' J ?.T 0^ M'u lo learn o?rl>'rtrml?. h H 1 ;'d o ?il fc,,w ***** r e ?i u I r e J. st"urt.T pusltlnn For corni'l?. I .i.ltiate , VS : mlrrful <len.;cn I for I>< r? \V .t ? v. hi r lr,*nilii|f : frer < < titlojr; ?rlt? tlCHMOMO BARBER COLLEGE Hichmotid Va. TS ACHFKS'WANTED . i* Mi* r i. (W Ln<Ue* combining mmlfl unci 4*. ohm i r h .. 11 npr? ,-? ?dnnnn<l Urade j ' ii :h m i?'w.i. i?ia?%?? all qn*liti< i t*iirhi*rc ' ?r an> of tho above. Wrlto t*?<iny Hons t??*ri? 't hUC'llorn'A c'<f,IMllUr?lloi HtaL ?C4f Cdo?..a it 0wYour n At an early bto your daughter de- I ri m n the greatest care. It ia then I iLat she reaches thefirst vital period I of her life. Lie not deaf to her half ftella Vitae I dates tho dn'.H-nte organs to health- I ation has assisted thousands of girls I rantee to bring quick relief fron fe- I frail system. At dealers today, $1. I CHATTANOOGA, TEK'N. "? " 1 Rs , : MC irln, Chills nnd Fever. AIm ktf Tonic. GOcud 91.00 ?t all DraxStatm