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' why NOT^ POPHAM'sl ASTHMA MEDICINE: OlTti Prom pi kDil Positive Belief la Every < i. Case. Sold by Druggists. Price C1.0U. (1 I I { Trial Package oy Mall 10c. (1 ; WILLIAMS MFC. CO., Propt. Clareland, 0.: flTCin M*~n to Ivarn barber trade, ff Alfl I H || Few weeks required. " * Steady position for competent graduates. Wonderful demand for barbers. Wages while learning; free catalog; write RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. C XXJ A *|p la not recommended " "* t* 11 for everything; but If U HOT y?u have kidney, liver ^ * or bladder trouble It may be found Just the remedy you need. At druggists In fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may receive a sample size bottle of ! this reliable medlclno by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Blnghamton. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 32-1916. T ruth. "What is your Idea in trying to sell your car?" "That's the only way I can raise enough money to buy gasoline." "But the gasoline won't be of any use to you ufter you've sold your car." "Oh, yes. it will. My frleuds will always be willing to let me ride in their cars if 1 furnish the gas." . | ITCHING, BURNING SCALPS Cru6ted With Dandruff Yield Readily to Cuticura. Trial Free. Cuticura Soap to cleanse the scalp of? dandruff crustings aud seallngs, and Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal ltchlngs and irritation?. Nothing better, surer or more economical than S these super-creamy emollients for hair and scalp troubles of young or old. Free sample each by mail with Book, j Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. I* Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Worth Preserving. .i hiw.vli viiii.-m-u u iinh|mrm'i niuiblocks ycstcr<liiy and caught liim." "My! The pickpocket must have taken something valuable from the citizen." "Yes. Ills wallet told only two onedollar hills in currency, hut It also contained some snapshots of tlsb the citizen caught this summer." KI.IXIR RA1IFK WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN C.OI.D IN Til KT 1'lIlI.ll'lTNKS. "I eontrnctcd malaria In lMtO, r\ti?1 after a rcur's fruitless trcntmcnt by n prominent Washington physician, your iKllxIr Itabck entirely cttrcu mo. On arriving hero I came down with tropical malaria?the worst form ?am) sent home for llabck. Again It proved Its value ? It Is worth its weight in gold here." Brnslo O'Hugnn, Troop E, 8th U. S. Cavalry, Balayati, Philippines. Rlixtr Uabrk, 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post, prepaid, from Hiociewskl <fc Co. Washington, D. C. Called Down. They were enjoying a plunge in the I surf, lie and she. lie of New York and ; she of Boston. She of Boston accidentally got he- i yotul her depth and It looked like a cinch hot that she would never view I the "Huh" again through her spectacles. But he of New York was on the Job In the role of an animated life pre- , server. She of Boston was about to make her third and farewell disappearance when he reached her side. "Hold on tight," Rasped he of New York, as he felt a pair of arms about his neck. "Pardon me," gurgled she of Boston 1 as she expectorated a quart of tho ocean from her Interior department, | "but you should say 'hold on tightly.'" 1 And the sad sen waves rolled on. Reason. "Abroad girls have chaperons?they ! never are left alone with a young man ; ?and It Is very difficult to get married j over there." The speaker was Harrison Fisher. ; He continued: "An old maid said to a pretty girl j at the seashore: " 'What I saw on tho beach In the I moonlight last evening shocked me, I horribly. I. for my part, think It's most Improper for a girl to kiss a man unless they're married.' "'Ah,' said Nellie, 'do you? Suppose thnt accounts for your never Peine eneaeed.' " Insinuation. "Don't you know," snld Omar, "I once marched In a procession that took J seven hours to pass a given point." "Of course." rejoined Helny, "the given point was a saloon." Tea and Coffee For Children? These beverages contain drug elements that hinder development of both body and mind, especially in children. Nowadays, for their children, wise parents choose POSTUM > This delicious table beverage, made of cereals, has a wonderfully satisfying flavor?a flavor much like the higher grades of coffee (but without any of coffee's harm.) Postum is a true, pure food-drink that has helped thousands to forget the coffee habit. "There's a Reason" Grocers everywhere sell POSTUM I. , DRINKS FOR SUMMER DAYS delicious Cooling Beverages That Are at the Command of Practically Every Housewife. Grape Juice Is an excellent foundnion for a variety of delicious drinks, ind has the advantage of being healthful. It Is much more economical :o pui up your own grape Juice each tear, but If you have not done this u :ase of small bottles does not come llgh. Grape Juice and lluies make one of die most dellclously cooling of slimmer Irlnks. I'our Into a tall glass three or lour fingers of grape Juice, add the lulce of two limes uud a slice of the peel; fill the gluss with water to taste ?a sparkling water Is preferable?aud ?erve Ice cold. Grape Juice and lemonade make a food combination. A ginger ale and cold ten punch Is a lovel drink that Is very good. Sweeten la If a pitcher of cold tea, add the Juice >f a lemon aud several sprigs of mint. Seep on Ice and at the lust minute pour U a bottle of lriiiL'or iiIp Ttils <I1<111I<I i??t stand before serving, as the ginger ill. will lose Its sparkle. A rather strong and not too sweet ginger ale dinuld be used for tills punch. Iced cafe nu lnlt Is the best drink to jerve if the luncheon is very light, and i little extra nourishment Is wanted. To make It properly?and It seldom Is nade properly?It should be carefully Mended, mixing the coffee and milk .veil together and sweetening to taste. It is better, it' possible, to use u sugar J sirup to sweeten it. Stand ou the ice until ready to serve and then add a little thick cream to each glass and Miough cracked ice to till the glass. For ; the sweeter varieties of soft drluks, .11 iIk shakes and fruit sirups may be used. To make u milk shake till a glass two-thirds full of milk ; sweeten it to turfte with uny fruit sirup or with a little of some strained preserve, if you have not the sirup. Fill the gluss with tracked ice and shake together until .veil mixed. Fruit sirups can bo made from strawberries, raspberries, cherries or currants. Cook a quart of fruit with a pint of water until well softened, then strain and press out the Juice through i heavy cloth. When cold, sweeten and I dilute to taste, and serve in tall glasses filled with cracked Ice. TEMPTING DISHES Chop boiled spinach fine and mix thoroughly with a raw egg. Mold and put in the oven a minute to reheat. A spoonful of boiled and grated ' fresh corn or one of the canned corn, If heated and put in the bottom of the i soup plate just before the tomato soup is poured in, makes a dish decidedly new and appetizing. The top of the round is often cut ! up in Inch cubes, browned slightly ?.ind then stewed In enough water to ?ver It. This is put in the middle of ' the platter and then surrounded with Dolled noodles to make a tasty dish. For anyone who likes cooked bananas a very good Idea is to cut the fruit very, very line and then add to 1 the hot cake batter and cook the same ; as the ordinary hot cakes. Grated corn is also very good if used in the same manner. Brown Stew. Two pounds find n half of nock and shoulder of fresh beef cut In small pieces. If too fat, remove some of It. I wash meat and put on stove In about i two quarts or more of hot water In a ! good-sized kettle. Add two onion* I sliced thin, two good-sized carrots cut j in dice, three medium potatoes cut up. ; Stew should cook about three und a j half hours. Don't boll too hard. ! Should be quite thick and very dark ; rich brown in color and not fut. Put in onions, carrots, salt and pepper when you put on the meat; put in potatoes about one-half hour before stew is done. Calves' Liver and Bacon. Cook rare eight slices of bncon In the blaze; lift the bacon out, leaving the fat in the pan; put In eight slices ; of liver cut thin and lightly dusted with tlour. and cook for tlve minutes, turning continually; now put the ha- i con hack to finish, adding a tablespoon- j ful of butter and suit und pepper to taste. Then serve. Tomatoes and Cheese. Prepare slices of hot toast. Tote one cupful of tomato Juice. (Irate one pound cheese, add to the tomato with salt, a little cayenne pepper and one cupful bread crfimbs. Melt table spoottful butter In omelet pan. add above mixture nml stir until cooked and creamy. Pour over toast and serve. To Clean Window Shades. Wet a sponge with lukewarm wnter, squeeze out the surplus, and go over the shade carefully. It may be neces?ary to do this twice, then wipe gently ] with n dry clotli, taking care not to rub too much, as the paint may come off. Waldrof Salad. One cupful celery diced, one cupful sliced apples cut up and down, one | tnblespoonful lemon Juice, dash of salt I and pepper, one-half cupful mayonnaise or boiled dressing If you prefer. Mix all lightly so as not to mash front. Place dressing on top and serve in bed of lettuce leaves. A few maingn ' grapes and whole nut meats on top add to appearance. Potatoes With Cheese. Cut six cold potatoes in cubes. Make a white sauce, one cupful milk, twe tnblospoonfuls flour, season with sail and pepper and add four large tablespoonfuls grated cheese. In dish put layer of potatoes, cover with sniiee ' * ' 1| etc., until full. Cover with crumbs. doi with bit* ??f butter and brown i" oven * Mend Before Washing. It Is of the utmost In portnnce to mend anything that needs starch be* fore It I* laundered. If the torn ot worn place Is starched and Ironed II i Is torn anil worn Just so tuuch thi , more; and a stiff, woru place Is very i difficult to mead. BATTLE CHANGES OF Z^P YEAR jTi OF WAR. NORTH ($\ \ -i L d ?BE' G E R M A N i THo < f ROMW) ' n H --?LiflE AUG.I.I3/5. PfifJff/ri/t CHIEFEVENTSOF WAR'S SECOND YEAR Auk. 1?Teutons take Lublin. Auk. 3?Teutons take Cholm; announce 170.000 Russians captured In July. Auk. 6?Germans capture Warsaw. Auk. 7?Teutons take Ivangorod. Aug. 0? Germans take Serock. Auk. 10? Great Britain starts register of all men. auk. ii ?1 ermans irko l/Oinza. Auk. 13?AUK'S Ian J 50,000 more men on Galiipoll. Auk. 14?Germans Hike Sledlco and Sokolow. Auk. 1"?Teutons start Belgrade bombardment. Auk. 19?Russians lose Kovno. Zeppelins kill ten In London suburbs. Auk. 30?U-boat sinks liner Arable, two Americans killed. Auk. 21?German seize NovoReorglevsk. Auk. 24?Germans capture Ossowlec. Auk. 25? Germans take Kovel. Auk. 27? Brest-Lite ,'sk falls. Auk. 2S?Germans take Ollta. Auk. 29? Teutons cross Zlota Up*. Sept. 2?Germany announces 1,100,000 Russians captured since May 1. Lutsk is taken. New York sterling exchange drops to $4.50. Sept. 3?Russians lose Brody. Sept. 4?Russians give up Grodno. British slaughtered In uttempt to ntorm Hill 70. Sept. 6?Hesperian torpedoed, 2 Americans killed. RusslAnH check Teutons on the Dvlna and Sercth rivers. Sept. S?Czar Nicholas takes command of all the Russian armies In the lleld. Sept. 7-8?Two Zeppelin raids on London: 30 kill?d. Sept. 10?As Teutons take Pubno, czar wins victory near Tarnopol and Trembowla. 9<*pt. 12?Russians drive Teutons back 14 miles In Oallcla. Sept. 17?Von Maekensen seizes Plnsk. Sept. 20?Germans take Vllna. Sept. 2fi?Russians recapture Lutsk. Sept. 27?French In two day battle advance on wide front In Champagne, while British attack south of La Bassue Canal. Oct. 2?Germans announce 95.000 Russians were captured In September. Oct. 5?Germans estimate allied loss In futile West front offensive at 190,000 men. Oct. 7?Bulgaria sends ultimatum to Serbia. Ortt. 8?Teutons begin great Invasion of Serbia. Oct. 10?Teutons occupy Belgrade. Oct. 13?Bulgaria Invades Serbia at three points. Flfty-tlve killed by Zeppelin raid on London. Oct. 20? Russian recapture Czartorysk. Serbians lose Vranja. Oct. 22?Brand Whltlock, TT. S. minister to Belgium reports hurried execution of Edith Cavell. English nurse. Oct. 25?Bulgarians capture Uskub. Oct. 25? Germans storm llluxt. Oct. 2H?Bulgarians and Teutons effect Junction In Serbia. Nov. 2? Austro-Qermans take KraguJevac. Nov. 4?First of German "no meat" days. Nov. 7?Bulgarians take Nlsh, Serbian war capital. Nov. 10? Italian liner Ancona sunk with largo loss of life. Nov. 22?Serbians begin retreat Into Montenegro. Nov. 25?British defeated 13 miles from Bagdad. Nov. 27?Italians land at Avlona, Albania. Nov. 20?Germans nnnounce operations against Serbia have ended In complete success. Doc. 7?New war council with all allies represented meets at Paris. T'ec. 10?German chancellor makes peace bid In relchstag speech. i?cc. ao?Turks begin siege of Kut-elAmura. Pee. 16?Sir Douglns Hftlg assrjmes commaml of British In France. Pee. 80?Ford peace band reaches Chrlstinnta with delegates quarreling. Dec. 21?Lloyd -George declares Britain faces defeat unless greater efforts ure made. Dec. 28?Lloyd-George threatens to resign unless conscription Is adopted. Pec. SI?Italians occupy Durazzo, Albania. Jan. 2, 1916?Word received liner Persia sunk In Mediterranean; two Americans lost. Jan. 4 ? Germans abandon Cameroon colony. West Africa. Russians take Czernowlfz. Jan. 6?Conscription bill passes first reading In house of commons. Jan. 7?British complete evacuation of Galllpoll. Jan 8?Rnsnlnns take Czartorysk. Jan. 20?Zeppelins kill 23 In I'arls. Germans take two miles of trenches at Peronne. Feb. 1?Zeppelins raid Liverpool and other British cities; kill 59. Feb. 2?Germans bring British prize steamer Appant Into Ithmpton Roads. Feb. 17?Russians capture Erzerum. Feb. 21?German drive at Verdun begins. Feb. 23?tr'zar visits Duma for first time 1n history. Feb. 24?Germans announco two mile advance at Verdun. Feb 27?Germans capture Fort DouauSleuth Made Mistake. Detectives are human -occasionally. Those hotel chaps that anyone can spot have a hard t'-ne. Tho hotel lobhies are being made a sort of rendezvous for all sorts of people and now and then a disreputable walks in and takes a sent. Yesterday 1 saw a detective make a mistake. He told a lady that those seats wero for "guests only." It so happened that she was tho wife of u prominent man who happened in at exactly that mln te. Tho detoctlve just escaped a row. \o 1 J ^BTROSOAO )/) C /\V^?*ea?MSK Jr-ct f,Br^ ttrpyov ^oK0VN0 I -**r I ofiROONO / -^"RUSSIA RUN / r r , o WARSAW o ?1NSK Y \ I or>i>0M VM . \ I ?*?3fr- VPWM0MIVIENNA ^ \l_ ? C rZEWNOWTT* BUDAPEST \^J X ? KIMPOLIMtf*Cl X. ISTRIA-HUNGARY V* ) /^'ROUMANIA / BCT3 ad^L r*?^-?^SETRVIAO^ ?r ~^BULGARIA y nOKTTv 3 V ^\HHQRO)L ( > < Y? FARTHEJT T?U TO ft ADMftC? mont, Verdun. Austrlans capturo Durazzo. Russians take Kermanshah. Mar. 4-Husslans take llltlls by storm. Mar. 6?The Moewc, Oerraun raider, reaches home port. Zeppelins kill 13 In England. Mar. 7?Germans take Forges, near Verdun. Mar. 10?Germany declares war on Portugal. Mar. 11?Relieving force repulsed seven miles from Kut-el-Amarn. Mar. 2.">?Channel steamer Sussex destroyed by submarine; 235 killed; several Americans Injured. April 1 Germans capture Malancourt. near Verdun. April 2 Zeppelin destroyed on British coast after killing 23. Germans tuko Vaux. April C?Germans mako fifth Zeppelin raid In six days on British const. April 7 Germans capture llaueourt. April 10?Russians capture Treblzond, on Black sea. April 21?First Russian contingent ?Usembarks In France. April 25?Sir ltogot Casement. Irish plotter. raptured attempting to land In Ireland from submarine. April 2<1?Irish revolutionaries seize Dublin. April 29?British battleship Russell sunk by inino In Mediterranean. April 30?British In Kut-el-Amara cnplt- | ulate. May 1?British nnnounop Irish revolt Is quelled. | May 6?Germany In note agrees to modi- ! fy submarine warfare. Allied warships bring down two Zeppelins. May 20? Austrlans drive Into Italy near I-ako Garda. May 21?Austrlans announce capture of IS.000 Italians. May 22?CossaekR from Russian army In Asia Minor Join British In Mesopotamia May 26?Compulsion bill signed by King George. May 26?Austrlans advance In Italy, taking 24.000 prisoner* Juno 1?Itusslnns begin great offensive against Austrlans. Juno 3?Greatest naval battle In history off Skaggerrak. Both sides claim victory. June G? Russians announce capture of 13.000 Austrlans. June 7?Kitchener and staff drown when cruiser Hampshlro strikes mine north of Scotland. June S?Germans capture Vaux Fort at Verdun. Russlnns announce capture of 43,000 Austrlans In throe days. June 9? Russians take l.utsk. Greece disbands army at command of entente powers. June 10?Russians have forced back Aus I trlan 26 mtlos. I June 11?Russians take Buczacz, Gallcta. June 12?Russians take Rubno. June 13?Italians rally and check Austrian drive. June 19?Austrians evacuate Czernowlt*. Bukowlna capital. June 21?Allies In Parts conference agree on boycott of Germany after tho war. German re-enforcements halt Russian drive In Volliynla. June 24?All Bukowlna swept clear of Austrlans by Russians. June 2D?Russians seize Kuty 15 miles from Kolomea. June 26? Russians capture Klmpolung, Bukowlna. Juno 28?Italians recapture Corslero and Posina. June 30?Russians In battle near Kolomea tako 10.000 prisoners. July 1?Anglo-French "big push" on Somme begins. July 2?British and French continue advance on Somme. July 5?Russian patrols crowd Carpathians Into Hungary. July 6?French take German second lino south of the Somme. Turks drive Russians from Kermanshah, Persia. July 9? British and French gain In West. Russians advance toward Kovol. German submarine merchantman Deutschland enters Chesapeake Bay. July 10?Russians advance 15 miles In Volhynla. July 11?French storm hill one mile from I i-froniip. itussians rfacn tstoknod river. | July 12?British cnpturo German trench' . on clvht-mlle front. I July 13?Russians capture Marnakhntum. ft) miles wost of Erzerum. July 15? British announce advance of a mllo on four mile front. July 16?Widespread peace agitation In Germany. Russians toko Balburt, Armenia. July 17? Russians capture 15.000 men. Force foe over I.lpa river In Volhynla. July 18?Great Britain publishes blacklist of pro-German American firms. July 10?Russians drive Austrlana back Into Himgary. July y>? Allies make big advnnoe on west front. Russians resume offensive before Kovel. July 21?British roach German third Una In Fouroaux wood. Russian left wing drives Von Llnslngen back 15 miles. July 22?British cavalry defeated near Suez July 23? British patrol squadron routs s!\ German destroyers off Holland coast. British renew great drive In Somme region. entering Ror.leres. July 24?Aftsaca and Germans fight fiercely In I'ozleres. Russians pierce Gorman front south of Riga und drtvo Austrlnns Into mountains on Hungary frontier. July 25?Turkey sends troops to aid Teutons ug..lntt Russia. Terrttlc lighting continues on Somme front. British suites blacklist was not directed ugalust neutrals. Why not have a sort of littlo card printed which the bellboys might hand to the ladies that take these seats? If tho card were nicely worded tho ono who has no right thero would leave quickly enough when she is spotted. And tho lady will not take offense ? New York Times. Would Have to Wait. When Robert returned from his vacation ho found that his dog did not recognize him. He sighed and said: "I guess he don't acknowledge me yet." STOP C/ DODSOI 0 New Discovery! Takes PI Work Without Ma Salivat I discovered a vegetable comp the work of dangerous, sickening nam. t\cij icauci ui uus pajJcr and if it doesn't straighten you quicker than salivating calomel j the store and get your money. I guarantee that one spoonfi Liver Tone will put your sluggisl and clean your thirty feet of bo\> bile and constipation poison \vh your system and making you feel I guarantee that one spoonful c liquid liver medicine will relieve tl iousness, coated tongue, ague, tnal ach or any other distress caused b as quickly as a dose of vile, nau: besides it will not make you sick oi Just the Thing. "Do ymi consider journalism proper work for 11 lady?" "Why not? All women have u fond- 1 ness for press work." SUFFERING BABY RELIEVED AT ONCE Mr. H. J. Lamar, Macon, Ga., writes: "Wo used Ilancock Sulphur Compound 1 on our one-year-old baby who was Buffering Intensely from prickly heat and a half dozen applications, in the course of 2 days, entirely relieved her. When we first applied it, she was broken out almost over her entire body, causing fretfulncss and loss of sleep, but she has not suffered since. You should recommend the Sulphur Compound strongly to mothers as many children suffer so much from beat. We also used a tablespoonful In her bath for 3 days and it proved ! very soothing." Hancock Sulphur Compound and ! Ointment are sold by all dealers. Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.. Baltimore, Md. Write for Booklet.?Adr. What's on His Mind? A man on an Kvunsvllle car carried a cage containing u pigeon and canary bird. "Huh, well mated," remarked one of the passengers. "About as well as some married people 1 know," rejoined the owner.?Indianapolis News. COULD NOT SPEAK TO HER CHILDREN | "I have been a great sufferer from asthma since I was thirteen years old," | says Mrs. M. A. Mooney, 79 Carroll St., | Nashville, Tenn. "Have been so bad many j times that 1 could not speak to my children nor make my wants known to them. T have taken three small bottles of Lun^- , ; Vita, which has entirely cured my j asthma." Mrs. Ruble Cinrk, 315 Oriole [ Pt., Nashville, Tenn., writes: "After hav! ing three doctors to tell tne I had tuberculosis. I can gladlv sav that r.un?--Vit? euro.! me." ] These testimonials ore taken from the many we have on hand telling what Lung- , | Vita has dune in cases of consumption, asthma, colds, croup, whooping cougn ana 1 grippe. If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct. Price SI.75. Booklet upon i request. Nashville Medicine Co., Room 8 ( Stcger Building, Nashville. Tenn. Adv. Just Like a Man. This overheard conversation could be re-related In two lines, but we are stringing It out a little longer. "I wish you'd get your life Insured," said a lady. "Why shottld 17" growled the man. "If you should die, you'd want to know that 1 was provided for, wouldn't you ?" "Yes?but I'm hound to outlive you." "There, that's Just like you?always looking on the dark side!" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of I CASTORIA, a aafo and sure remedy fcr Infants and children, and see that it In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Private Quarrels. Both chef and wnlt?>r worn fn?i? ?ir?a i ?xclt?ble. The waiter rushed hack Into the kitchen, red with rage. "You've dune It. now!" he said. "There Is a customer kicking about the potatoes. lb1 says they're no good. , They've all got black eyes." "Itlnck eyes?" said the cook. "Sure an' If they have it's no fault of mine. The hastes must have been llghtln' af| ter I put 'era in the i>ot !" To Fortify the System Against Summer Heat Many users of Grove's Tasteless Chill | Tonic make it a practice to take this old , standard remedy regularly to fortify the system against the depressing effect of 1 summer heat, as those who are strong 1 withstand the heat of summer better than those who are weak. Price 50c. Compulsory. , Hear Admiral lVary, at a Washington ton, talked about his recent Long Poach living trip, when he fell I,'-!<*> feet Into the water without knowing It. "I wasn't frightened." ho said. "I thought that our wift descent was a piece of fancy living. 1 am, in fact, as ignorant of aviation as the little hoy was ignorant of history. "'Describe the Order of the Hutu.' his teacher asked this little hoy. " 'It's very ancient,' he answered. J 'It goes hack to the time when they ; didn't tako 110 baths except by order.'" 1 VLOMEL! n LIVE ace of Dangerous Calomel king You Sick?Eat Anythi e?Don't Lose a Day's \ ound that docs a day's work. I calomel and I derful liver medic to try a bottle Calomel is pois up better and bones, often causi ust go back to gerous. It sickt Tone is safe, pit il of Dodson's thing afterwards, li liver to work it to the children 1 rels of the sour ach or shock the ich is clogging and wake up fe< miserable. day's work. )f this harmless Get a bottle! te headache, bil- what I say, tell > aria, sour stom- hack. Every dru? y a torpid liver me and knows o seating calomel, vegetable medicin< r keep you from ous calomel?Adv Stelli and Gained Mrs. Mattie Spain, of Mario. Okla.. one of the vai Stolla-Vitao. say-i in praising; thin wonderful remedy but 82 po inds, and could hardly sit up to l>o weighed in nine years, and havo trained 28 pounds." Stolla-V glvrj strength and health to tho frraalo organs. act: brings the bloom of health to cheeks thnt arc faded a THACHER MEDICINE CO., Shrewd Purchasing. Little seven-year-old Fred, who lives in one of Zanesvl lie's suburbs, bail l been ailing ami his mother evented t that he needeil a dose of eastor oil. .? Fred was told that if he were to > lake the castor oil without complaint i he would set live cents to spend for < candy. Then his mother sent 1dm to the cor- t tier drug store with l."> cents?10 cents for the oil and five cents for cvmly. 1 Arriving at the drug store, Fred de- I cided to buy the sweetmeats first, and t told the clerk that he wanted a nickel's I worth of candy. 1 "What kind of candy do you want?" nsked the clerk. 1 "Gimme the kind you get the most < for a nickel." answered Fred. The clerk complied, and then Fred ' ? said, rather reluctantly: i "Now gimtne some castor oil. I : want the kind you get the least for n i dime." I Not Without Avail. "Peter Cooper, stand up." The raw-boned "poor-white trash," holdlnff hts rili?ire?l tmt In ?-.n?? I nnd the tnil of his shabby coat In th?> s other, walked slowly up to the stand. "Yes. Judge." ' "You are accused of profanity In a ' public place." I "I guess I did It, judge. Nigger was ? tryin' to steal nia hoss." "But you should know better than to take the name of the Lord in vain, Mr. Cooper." "It warn't In vain, judge. You Jes' i ought ter have seen that nigger run !" ?Case nnd Comment. No wonder so many men are Interested In this talk about dreadnoughts. They married some. * M. Veal Loaf, to ferve cold: Cooked < end appetizing. Chicken Loaf, Ham L delicately seasoned. Vienna Sausage, Ham and ^Vafer Slirerl Dri^d 1 dainty luncheons. Imtit on Libky't al your groct ^8^ M^eiU ^Ubb; $86 to $ 104 Pays for Board, Ti PIEDMONT H1GI Mini nil *\ itor, no malaria Mountain wfnery. at the best ind the cheapest sc hool in t of N <*. "One of tlit1 best prejmr i'? r> . hoots it thi'i Isno II?i?h seliOf*! >ii thin pari ? ' f'ne rotmlH i Webb, Member t, 9th I Ifor Illustrated catalogue and bo. ? views a rvr. y W-*T Of* r o wp>w s t\o?? IS.? <.I.AM> I'Kl/iS M tl I'ausiua I l*ati 4iid Vmerlcan for Parity, Strength a I0?, ?*.r. $V, &0e and f I HoUIm At l*+*i?is K%?r>v?h? Lirgeit Selling Brand In tha U. 9. ^ i . TAKE R TONE ?It Puts Your Liver To ng?It Can Not York! want to see a bottle of this won:ine in every home here, on?it's mercury?it attacks the ng rheumatism. Calomel is danms?while my Dodson's Liver jasant and harmless. Eat anybecause it can not salivate. Give because it doesn't upset the stomlivcr. Take a spoonful tonight ding fine and ready for a full Try it! If it doesn't do exactly -our dealer to hand your money Igist and store keej>er here knows f my wonderful discovery of a e that takes the place of dangei> a-Vitae 28 Pounds *t number of women who hnvo been saved by : "When I begun using Stella-Vitae I weight I. Now 1 can work all day. feel better thnn 1 have ritue ia n gixiacnd to Buffering womanhood. It s aa a tonic on the nerves, restores vigor and ind pale. It ia guaranteed. All dealers }1 a bottle , CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Sold for 47 years. For K ^1] $5? Malaria, Chilis & Fever. ' ^ h ^ Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. tjr E 60c and 01.00 at all Drug Stores. One Man's Wisdom. Grow el Is?Tills morning I onlennl ho ioomnn to discontinue his visits, <?ui thii buteher to send us n supply of -:?11 pork, loft word with the baker to iond as broad at least three days old, rtstructod the mall mult to deliver mr mail hut twice u week. Mrs. Growells?Why, John, what la he name of all? ^ drowolls?And tomorrow morning I .vant you to remove all the fly screens 'rom the doors and windows, remove lie springs from the bed, put some old lrh khats in the mattress and have the Aater cut oiY from the bathroom. Mrs. < 1 rowel Is?What Is the matter with you, John G rowel Is, are you .Tu/.y? Growells?Perish the thought, Mrs. irowells, perish the thought! I have lever been saner hi my life. I am simply fixing things so we can enjoy ill the comforts of a month's sojourn a the country without leaving town. See? Unexpected Explanation. I tanks?I had a new experience yesterday, one you might call unaccountible. I ate u hearty dinner, finishing up with a Welsh rabbit, a mince pie and some lobster a la N'ewburg. Then I went to a place of amusement. 1 hud hardly entered the building before everything swam before me. Honks?The Welsh rabbit did It. Hunks?No, It was the lobster. Itonks?I think it was the mince pie. Hanks?No, I have a simpler explanation than that. I never felt better in my life. 1 was at the aquarium. In Case of Rain. Having lunch on the kitchen floor makes a fair substitute for a picnic.? Louisville Courier-Journal. ISOj-jlJeather eats Sat 70 r-4Tw Corned Beef, select oaf and Veal Loaf, 50 Genuine Deviled 40 \ j | or sandwichea and 30 i 20m r't 10 j-J-| 10114 AT"1.! - " lg m 1 ? 1 mmm f, Chicago ooi-Li I jiition, Rent, Fuel and Light at I SCHOOLh.VLI < trnitirri ? *|>?Ti^nc<?'! traohCTR. Hoard ho Sinte." I". M. RiKiticr, Mrmbrr I-rgNlatum , i?.? - " Cl? v?'l;?n.l Star. "Id m.v opinion i i iter ami i . iff II -'otiph ?'l n?- 11 ional \ < Tl KM OPENS AUGUST 8tb. V. .1.1.1 AM BURNS. l.AVVNDALR. N. G. tnd Finn Flavor ire. Our "TARIK TRKATS" TRVK rtqmfk. I C. F. SAUEK COMPAWY. RICHMOND. VA? f