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RETAIN CONTROL OF SELF Without That it Is Unreasonable to; Think One Has the Ability to" Control Others. The other day n man who tnnkes his living by lighting wus struck by *un undersized man, and Insteud of returning the blow he walked away from his diminutive assailant. This man exhibited much more selfcontrol than the majority of people. Men who class themselves as being on a higher plane than this lighting man would have mixed immediately with the hot-headed Individual. What would you have done? The chances are that you would have rushed at the fellow with all your savage Instincts to rule you. This proves that you have not as much power as you should have over your impulses. You may boss other people, but you arc not boss of yourself. Maybe you wonder why others are \ forging ahead of you us leaders of men. It Is because they have a check rein , on themselves. They have schooled 1 themselves tli^t they may be able to ! guide others. Self-control Is the attribute of a leader.?Chicago Ameri- i can. WHY SUFFER SKIN TROUBLES When a Postcard Will Bring Free Samples of Cuticura? Which give quick relief for all itching. burning, disfiguring Bkin troubles, bathe with the Cuticura Soap and hot 1 water. I^ry and apply Cuticura Ointment to the afTected part. They stop Itching instantly and point to speedy healment ofton when all else fails. Froe Bamplo each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L?, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. The Artful Dodger. There wok uii air of proud dlstlnc- ' vlon about the tall, erect, raw-boned southern cracker as he stood before Judge IJroyles, felt hut In hand and generous quid tucked away In one corner of Ids capacious mouth. "This man, your honor," explained die oiiicer who made the arrest, "is u suspicious character. We found him hiding along Decatur street, first in one alley and then In another. Why, would you believe it, your honor, when I finally got him he was hiding under n stack of dirty clothes in 11 band laundry." "What have you to say for yourself, I'eter Cooper Haggs?" demanded the Judge. "What were you hiding from? the court must know!" Everybody in the big room leaned forward to catch the stern-faced crack er s answer. They were prepared for some sort of fiendish plot. "Mu wife wuz after me ter pay fer th' rent," was the prisoner's calm re- 1 spouse.?Case and Comment. What's in a Name? Itacon?1 see they are advertising ! new Zeppelin socks. KRliert?Isn't there dancer of their I coming down at the wrong time? Instead of harvesting his crop of wild oats a wise man reforms and ; they go to seed. WOMAN HAD NERVOUSTROURLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y.? "I have had nervous trouble all my life until I took '1 inm11111111111'TTTl L?vtiia E. Pinkham's WHUJIN Vegetable Com- | Pound f?r nerves JgXjand for female trou- | - ?2? bles and it straightWB S | cned me out in good Til' shane. I work nearlv Illf P^?L ] tin*0. 63 wo II ! live on a farm and I CyS3BrT| j, have four girls. I do Ilka. -''r^-v^vlill all niy sewing and BR?!**'' ' SI other work with ^^uthcir help, so it hows that I stand it real well. T took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good. I keep it in the house all the time and recommend it."?Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugii, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, backache, headaches, dragging sensations, all point to female derange- j menta which may bo overcome by I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 LITTLE DRUG STORE IN YOUR HOME FOR S1?s THE UNIVERSITY PURE DRUG chest contains ten separate and dis- 1 tinct remedies for Headaches, Biliousness, Coughs, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble, Dyspepsia, General Debility, Diarrhoea, Constipation. Sent prepaid to any section of the United States on receipt of $1.00. Every honu should have one of our chests. UNIVERSITY PURE DRUG CO. 722 10th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. ECZEMA!? "tlnnt'a Cam" I* pun ranf'Sl to atop and permanently Cure that x//*'* T\i tarribln lU-lilnR. It la com- U pounded for that purpoM and f /A#*?>N|| vur money will no prompt!w W -PY/ ?' -wtundod Without quMllon njj/ W 1 If Kniit'a Curo fst'a to curs ? JI# / / lich. Mcactna.Tetter. Illn* Worm I /\l / or any "ithor akin disease. 60c / Uio but XV / forsalo ny all drng stores or by oioll front the A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Tox W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 31-1916 ANNOUNCE DATES FOR MANY FAIRS ? DATES ARE BEING WORKED OUT FOR COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIRS OVER STATE. STATE FAIR OCTOBER 23-27 I Columbia Will Celebrate Harvest Jubilee Again.?Premium Lists to Soon Be Ready. Columbia.?Dates are being worked >ut for the agricultural fairs in the various counties of the State this fall. ! The state fair is to be held a few days ! earlier this year, the dates for this : having been fixed for October 23-27, ; inclusive, and plans nre gradually being formulated for an unusualy big week of events. The Harvest Jubilee, which was introduced as a novel fea- ; ture last year and brought many additional thousands of visitors to Columbia, is to be enlarged and developed this fall. $fi.000 having been re- J cently appropriated for the develop- J ment of this feature. Premium lists ! have all been completed and are now baing printed. These will be distrib- ) utcd generally within the next few davs. Dates for county fairs which have ' been fixed include: Spartanburg county fair, Spartanburg. October 31-November 3. inclusive; Paul V. Moore, Spartanburg, secretary. Williamsburg couny fair. Kings- . tree, November 3-11; George A. McElveen. Kingstree, secretary. Marion county fair. Marion. November 8-10; general superintendent. O. L. Schofield. Marlboro county fair, Hennettsville, October 31-November 3; secretary. J. P. Gibson. Hennettsville. ClvesterfleM county fair. Chesterfield. November 6-11; C. L. Hunlev. Chesterfield, secretary. York county fair. Rock Hill, October 7-20, inclusive; secretary, William H. Timmons, Rock Hill. Orangeburg county fair. Orangeburg. November 1?>-17. inclusive; secretary. J. H. Hughes. Orangeburg. Lexington county fair, Lexington. October 17-10; secretary. M. D. Harman. Lexington. Clarendon county fair. Manning, , Noviember 15-37; John G. Dinkinr. secretary. Three Drowned at Camden. Oamden.?Three men los>t their lives J n the Wateree river here when a ; lighter on which they were attempting I to cross the stream capsized. Their i names arc T. J. Fletcher, white, fore- j man. of Garnet*. S. C.; Alonzo Pan- , nosh and Joe Williams, colored, places of residence unknown. The men were ! working on the Seaboard trestle. All j three swam for some distance and gave out. One of the niers at that point causes the stream to form a | dangerous ami swift whirlpool and it ; was in this current the tragedy oc- 1 rurred. All of the men were strangers here, forming a port of a large crew working night and day to mvt the trestle in shape for traffic. The river is slowly rising again. Two Die When Tower Fall9. Greenville.?Larry I>ean Lark. aged I 21. and R. Royre Kay. aged 27. are j dead as a result of the collapse of a wooden tower that was being used in I the construction of concrete piers for ' the Southern Railway trestle over Sa- : lipla river, near Greenville. The first j died almost, while the latter | died several hofcirs later at a Green- 1 ville hospital. The tower fell while ' the men were mounting it to attach j guy wires. The tower. 75 feet high, is believed have given away be- I cause of a softening of the ground caused by recent rains. Two Lives Lost. MoCorntick.?While going frrrm one nouse to another across Cuffe Town creek, McCormick county. Corrie Gaskin. a nogress. slipped and fell from the foot log into the creek and was drowned. She carried a child about two years of age with her and it too was drowned. All Bridges Gone. Fort Mill.?The destruction of Tvv's bridge about nine miles below here which was the kis>t source of commun I cat fen In this section is reported. With the de traction the two county bridges interest Is already being taken in the location of the new county bridge which will have to be built n a short while. The location of the upper bridge made the distance to Rock llill about 13 miles while the distance 1 by the lower bridge wos about 16 miles. An effort will be made t ^ have the new bridge placed near OnrhaTtf. High Water at Florence. Florence.?The waters from the ' Piedmont section of the state swept down with force to the sea through eastern Carolina establishing records ( never before heard of. The Santec river at Ki nini was 35 inches higher ( than the great flood of l!h)S. and despite tills fact and that the water was five feet al?ove the rail on the trestle nit ltimini the trestle was held Intact because of It being weighted with a solid line of 40o box and > ?al cars. State Farm UrMr WafSumter.?The reports from Sumter county indicate that the ln.s to crop, was not as great as was at first fear ed, although the loss will he a heavy one, especially to farmers In the eastern section of the county, who lost practically all of their ohacco, none of which was grown. Cotton and corn both suffered heavy damages, however. The dam on the Wateree near F?agood broko under the pressure from the high water and the whole of the state farm was inundated, causing a big loss. e Sausage and f'lJjif Potted Me?t? open and serve. Excellent for sandwiches. Imlit an Libhv ' ?' ysur grocer Libby, Mc Neili & Libby, Chicago | THE N.iH QUALITY SEWIN8 MACH.M NE^SaME NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for free booklet "Points to be considered before purchasing a Sewing Machine." Learn the facts. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO.,0RAN6F,MASS mm AROLD IOVUI, ISO n? I?lb At? , Brooklyn. It. T. ^ KODAKS & SUPPLIES Lll(||iiB Wo also iloliiRlient Hash of flnlHhliiff. I BLa '^. Prlron at ml Cntalogue ujxin re-itiont. WeJ S. Galeiki Optical Co.. Richmond, Ya. Had Experience. A guardsman mustered Into the federal service cannot be held lor alimony, so a court rules, because Ills license is only enough for himself. This may Incite the Alimony club members to enlist. If they can get out long enough to do so. Nobody can deny that they have lighting expert- [ ence In the Home Guard. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, 'he Iron builds up the system. 50 cei is. Wee Bit Sane. While a certain Scotch minister was conducting religious services in an asylum for the insane one of the inmates cried out wildly: "I say, have we got to listen to this?" The minister, surprised and con- | fused, turned to the keeper and asked: j I .... -.1.1 oil .j...... . olt>l> .->|>e"Ulllg f The keeper replied: "No, no; gung alone, gang along; j that will not happen again. That man only has one lueld moment every seven years."?The Christian Ilerald. Ouchl They were seated In a secluded corner of the veranda. For a long time neither of them had spoken, i Suddenly he took her little hand In his. Ills voice was choked with etnotlon as he said: "Do you think you could ever learn to love n man?" "Yes," she interrupted in a soft whisper. "Itrlng on your man." The Other ^ide of It. The T.ady?Why do they call the clnss of men you belong to tramps? The Hobo?I guess it's 'cause we refuses ter do a 50-cent Job fer a 15cent handout, ma'am. Surprising. I'ntlence-?And you have had that girl four years, you say? I'a trice?Yes; and do you know our crockery is not all broken yet. ?? ?? GrapeNuts embodies the full, rich nutriment of whole wheat combined with malted barley. This combination gives it a distinctive, delicious flavor unknown to foods made from wheat alone. Only selected grain is used in making GrapeNuts and through skillful processing it comes from the package fresh, crisp, untouched by hand, and ready to eat Through long baking, the energy producing starches of the grain are made wonderfully easy of digestion. A daily ration of this splendid food yields a marvelous return of health and comfort. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. rl kitchen? fea CABINET G3 Today Is your day and mine; The only day we have; The day In which we play our part. What our part may signify In the great world we may not understand. But we are here to play It. and now Is our time. ?David Starr Jordan. SALAD COMBINATIONS. When combining \egetnbles In a mind It is u good plan to arrange each vegetable separately upon the serving dish, pour the ,t background, touia'oes cut in halves and sprinkled with chopped onion or chives. Lettuce, molded spinach and finely chopped beets. Lettuce and pepper grass. Lettuce, shredded onion and freshly roasted peanuts, crushed with a rolling p'.n until like coarse crumbs, serve'* with French dressing. Lettuce, sweet red pepper, sliced pecans or almonds. Lettuce with tomato stu fed with chopped cucumber and onka. Lettuce with tomatoes *111(10(1 with peas or string beans and finely chopped chives. Lettuce shredded tomatoes and shredded green pepp rs. Shredded lettuc , walnuts, and almonds or Coo' .* chestnuts sliood. Lettuce _ ream cheese In slices, wits .opped pimentos. l.ettuee with cottage cheese and boiled dressing, sprinkled with chopped elilves. Lettuce, with cauliflower, string beans, and shredded pimentos. Lettuce and cress, artichoke slices ind tarragon, finely chopped. Shredded cnhhago, nuts and green peppers. Shredded lettuce. Brussels sprouts ind chopped pepper. Watercress, peppergrass and French dressing. Cucumbers sliced with now onions. Watercress, dlood. boiled beets and allves. Cauliflower with string beans and beets in fancy shapes. Arrange each vegetable by itself, breaking the cauliflower Into flowerets, surround with lettuce. Radishes, sliced in paper-thin slices, rucumbers and onions served with French dressing on lettuce. When making French dressing have a small piece or two of Ice in the salad bowl as you mix tlie dressing, this insures a thick rich dressing. The addition of tomato sauce, tobasco or Worcestershire sauce, udd variety. Head lettuce sprinkled with roquefort and served with French dressing pakes a most tasty salad. The worlds in which wc live are two? The world I am and the world I do. The worlds in which we live at heart are one. The world I am. the fruit of I have done And underneath these worlds of flower and fruit. The world I love, the only llvlnp root. ?Henry Van Dyko. LOBSTER DISHES. First get your lobster. The canned variety will do very well hut the fresh ly cooked Is vastly betnter, which Is true of Hawaiian Lobster Curry?(.Irate a coconut and set It aside to soak an hour In a pint of milk. _____ Saute half an onion and "-T^ 11 clove of garlic. finely > minced, In one and a half tuhlespoonfuls of butter; ad<l one and a half tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, and the same amount of curry powder; when well mixed, ndd the milk strained from the coconut gradually, and when It bolls up once the meat from a twopound lobster. Salt and pepper to taste. Lobster a la Bechamel.?Cut the meat from two lobsters or dice as preferred. Make a sauce using butter flour seasonings and a cupful each of erenin and stock. Add the lobster and when well heated, add the yolks :>f four eggs, mixed with a little of the sauce. Use four tuhlespoonfuls each r>f butter and flour, a grating of nutmeg nnd salt and pepper to taste. Add tlie lobster nnd when hot servo at once. Lobster a la Poulette.?Make a ?nuce, a third of a cupful of butter, a third of a cupful of flour, a half teaspoonful of salt, a dash of paprika and n fourth of a tetoipoonful of white pepper, n cupful of cream and u cupful of well seasoned chicken stock. W'hon nil orn uinll Kl..n,1 1 ?.1.1 Juice of half a lemon, very slowly. Add h pint of lobster meat and two hard boiled i-ggs, cut the whites In rings and put the yoiks through n sieve, using them as a garnish. Serve the lobster on bits of buttered toast or thin crackers, with the circles of white anil the powdered yolks sprinkled over the dish. Plain Lobster.?I'our three tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice over the meat of a lobster, season with salt and pepper. Put three tablespoonfuls of nutter In a saucepan, when hot add the lobster. Serve when hot. 7>W Creamed Cheese and Eggs on Toast. Four hard-hoiled eggs, one and onehalf tablespoonfuls Hour, one and onehalf cupfuls milk, one-half teaspoonful salt, few grains pepper and cayenne, one-half cupful grated cheese, six slices toast. Add sutliclent milk to the dour to make a smooth paste. Add remaining milk and seasonings and cook until slightly thickened. Add whites i hopped finely and cheese. Cook until heese Is melted. Pour over toast and prtnkie with yolks which huve been forced through a slevu. ALL KINDS OF PROVISIONS !p Truthful Traveler Explains How Sail- (J ors Were Enabled to Alleviate the Pangs of Hunger. He was describing the privations of a voyage from which he had Just re- rj turned. -lien," he said, "I went down to the cnhln to lunch." "Lunch!" exclaimed one of his hearers. "Hut you told us there was notli- \ Ing to eat left on hoard. What did j to you have for luuch?" ! B0 "Oh!" was the reply, "it was a very ! ta modest afTalr?beef, wine and an egg." Bj( "Beef? Where did you get the beef from?" vmi : was ine reply, "tnat came q? ! from the bulwarks." ^y "Anil the wine?how about thnt?" yC "Oh, that came from the porthole!" jn "Oh oh!" laughed the listener. ! 'Good, very good! Hut tell me where tj( J lid you get the egg?** ev "Oh. that was the simplest of all!" ; *nme the reply. "The captain gave ordors for the ship to May to.' and, he j gave nio one."?IViirson'u WnnL-lr ..?..... I m WHOOPING COUGH | For whooping cough and its after effects E there is no better medicine than Lung- J, , Vita, llere is what Mr. (J. W. Head. '.Mas 23d Ave . Nashville, Tenn., eaya about it: "My bov had whooping cough and i typhoid fever, which left liiin with a se- | vero cough. This cough stayed with him t 1 for several years ami was frequently ? > i | bad that we had to prop him up so that ? I he could get his breath. We used T.ungi Vita ami he has not been bothered with / this cough since." C Lung-Vita is recommended for con?umption, asthma, colds, whooping cough, croup j and grippe. At your dealers or direct. Price $1.75. Roohlet noon request. Nash ville Medicine <" >.. Room 161. Steger I , Building, Nashville, Tenn. Adv. : au Wisdom of an Oracle. i A certain Kentucky politician says 1 that when lie was a boy in < hveti county, on the edge of the bltn? grass disi trlet, tln? local oracle made a habit of ; sitting in a certain chair against a mi certain store front on the main street "} j of the county seat town at certain tii ! hours of the da v. the weather being if t : answer questions, lo him one _ ! day came a young fanner who wanted i to know how to rid himself of sassu- s fras sprouts In his tlelds. P "Well, son." said the wiseacre, "off an' on I've given the subject of sassa- |jj fras sprouts eonsiderahle study durin' L ! the past 43 years. And here some time u i ago I come to the opinion that the only L i way to get shot of sassafras sprouts. T i when they start in to take a place, is H I to pack up and move oiTnnd Jest natch- * i elly leave 'em."?Sat unlay levelling ;l>ost DO YOU NEED A KIDNEY REMFDY? Dr. Kllmer'a Swamp-Root Is not reeom1 mended for everything. but If you have I kidney, liver or bladder trouble. It may be found Just the remedy you need 1 Swamp-Hoot makea friends quickly bocauae Its mild and Immediate effect Is | aoon realized in most cases. It la a gentle healing herbal compound?a physician's i prescription which has proved Its great ! curative value In thousands of the moat distressing cases according to reliable testimony. All druggists In GOc nnd $1 00 sizes. You may have a sample size bottle of ! this always reliable preparation by Pari eel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. | Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Itinghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper.?Adv. M Narrow Escape. <v A Columbus woman was going from SI her desk to her home for a noon Mm- th j eheon. She had a slight headache, the ar i sun was shining brightly and *he was I tired. All around bor motor ears were purring softly or snorting past without h? I giving her so much as a loot of the tv horn. lis "I wisli 1 was wealthy enough to own wi j u car," site said to herself. "I never st . would walk a step if I had a car of my ; own. Just listen to that car coming tii i now. I wish somebody was driving who et I knew me and would offer to take me to 1 home In It. It sounds like one of these w I long, easy-riding, rakish-looking louring cars?the kind Just built for coniI fort. Gee! I wish the driver would ! ask me to ride." j w< int'ii sin* iookimi tip us ilie car went | past her. It was an automobile henrso. | in ?Inillnnnpolis News. y, California's minim; properties last year numbered of which 277 are m pold mines. % :Net Contents IS fluid Dradai :j ^ 5 , j alcohol- a in:it cJvr. j / wMtS AVegetableFVeparatioiiforAs] ? o eamflating tta Food ainl Beduk : / | (' tin?11ir / Iv am Promotes Digestioixf hcrrful hgl and Ifcst.Contains ailta , Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Wr Not Narcotic. I 1 M^cfOUDcSAmLOiaKB. 1 aoaUriM* . '! AxSt/ma* I t sriix'v. 'i jjpctiiif-wHS' I Vg? f | i Aai?rS<*d ' fei" ' j JfF&ZZr/' *** I {2r,C ? H'.rrn .ifi pvgll? rkin.M^gff j >Dy.^ _rw* nnrcr ?|S- ; 1 ApwfrctBentcdyforC^ j tion.SourSloiMdijDwrtW'i-j ?&h ) Worms. FevenshnessJui ( |||k Loss OF-Stroi. <JfcIE CTNTAt" COULSHT. I. Exact Copy of Wrapper, ALOMEL IS MERCURY, STOP USING lon't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Constipated Take "Dodson's 1 You're bilious! Your liver is slug- sluj Bh! You feel lazy, dizzy uud all nas locked out. Your head is dull, your you ague is coated; breath bad; stomach jur aud bowels constipated. But don't me( ke salivating calomel. It makes you :k. you may lose a day's work. Jlnt Calomel is mercury or quicksilver tiich causes necrosis of the bones. i ilomel crashes into sour bile like rex namite, breaking it up. That's when U feel that awful nausea and crampam g. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen- L :>st liver and bowel clennsing you er experienced just tako a spoonful not harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your uggiet or dealer sells you a f>0-cent T.iv ittle of Dodson's Liver Tone under om y personal money-back guarantee tha at each spoonful will clean your sto rwkMpyfavvwnwMwpmMapaaBiMawwi y* *iji it i 'i* 'trmv* 1 11 fii i V%CaiTl' vr/NZilMJJteHfiD V- ' V\ n th?4il(AM> I'itUK Ilk* rAUAOtftCattlle Kipoi e *u ?ud American Li|>viiliuUi for Purity. Strength and >V, JO, ?V. ttf, f'O ami $1 ^ Mllri At I'falrti K\ar>wh?n?. arrest Selling Brand In thr I). S. C. WOWOMfU iy unlimited life schojarship now and save froi ml, Stenotypv, Typewriting and Keglish Com tl Success. Send for catalogue and full infor ING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIG $86 to $104 Pays for Board, Tuit >IEDM0NT HIGH literal water. no tnalnrin. M tuntuln scenery. t'c cost. "It i* the bent end the cheapest achool in the ! N.<\ "One of the is-st preparatory achooU In tt re is no High School iii tills part of the country il< Lirk." K. Y. Weldi, Member Congress, Vt)i I>lstr jr Illustrated catalogue and ls>ok of views a-.hhs tubero: The Green Labels l If your dealer won't supp BROWN & WILLI " x L_ He Threw Cal Wm. S. Prince of Birmingham. Ala., writea ?"1 and kidney trouble. I tried calomel and the doctors. Dr. Thacher's Liver; and the first bottle relieved me very much. I am sot anda of others suffering from liver, kidney, stomach lieved by this wonderful remedy which builds up the and $1 per bottle. Made by THACHER MEDIC Her Secret. A witness. n Jolly, plump oltl wont I J i. in n trial In the supremo court ?>!' n ilSSJH'UIIS<'I tS, WHS iiski'd Wtlllt 11II??' II hi rtuin train of ears pnss< il her lions D le replied tliilt >!h* began knitting ill K ree o'clock Mini knit twice KT 'outii! tin* leg of n stocking before ii ~ iuc along. n The next question, of course, was >w long it woubl take her to knit rice around. The judge here, in liis P ami quiet humor, suggested that tliat ^ iiuld depend upon the size of the oeking. s. To this the witness remarked that V e stocking was for herself and they . nilil exercise their own judgment as the size, and guess how long It H nuld take. I Plenty. * "I Md you go in tor oratory when you So ere at college?" "Not tiineli, but I've been let in for a t of it since I got married."?New _ ark World. Ni>. Maud, people who pay their ^ onoy at the jjnte are not uiven irate ffl eolpts. i Children ( What is OA Cnstoria is a harmless snhstitiif poric, Props and SoathlitK rt contains neither Opium, jlorpli futhstuueo. Its tiff? is its guaran t (1 allays Pevorislmcss, l\?r n lias born in constant tiso for tli lTatutcney, "Wind Colic, all T ])iarrhrca. It rcprnlatos t'to assimilates tho Pood, pivinj? lira Th? Children's Panacea?Tho i>1 GENUBNE CASTC y^Bears the Sig C&&04 In Use For Ove The Kind You Have < HICINTAUMCOMPANY a II SICKENS! i SALIVATING DRUG Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Liver Tone."?It's Finel ggish liver better than a dose of ty calomel and that it woa't make i sick. iodson's Liver Tone Is real liver diclne. You'll know It next mornbecause you will wake up feeling >. your liver will be working, your idache and dizziness gone, your mach win be sweet and your bowels ular. You will feel like working; I'll bo cheerful; full of vigor and bitlon. Jodson's Liver Tone is entirely :etable, thereforo harmless and cansalivate. Give it to your children! liens of people are using Dodson's 'er Tone instead of dangerous calel now. Your druggist will tell you .t the sale of calomel is almost pped entirely here.?Adv. lilioit. also ii OUt?r Highest Awards at !'r?*lou? Euro- ft Our Migjxlne. "TAHIK TREATS" FRfK on request. I . K. SAMEIt COMPANY, RICHMOIVP, VA. | ^-.Special Summer - ^ RATES ARE NOW ON m $ ro.oo to i 17 00. Bookkeeping, Shortses We train for Business Employment inatjon. Address H, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. ion, Rent, Fuel and Light at SCHOOL h IVL! illege trained nperinioisl teachers. Board State." K. M. Bounce, Member Legislature le State." t'levelnnd Star. "Iti my opinion ling better and more thorough educational let N ' TERM OPENS AUGUST 8th. ess WILLIAM BURNS. LAWNDALE. N. C n-r* *'Thc Snuff That Li SATISFIES" / are Good for Premiums, ly you, send us 5c for a lJa oz. AMSON TOBACCO CO.. WINSTON SALEM, N. C nmel Awrv I wibivi ill IHJ was suffering with Indigestion. fciliousncna I for about a month. Finally I tried and Blood Syrup ind and well, can eat anything." Thoua- fHk ' and bowel trouble hnva been quickly re- ^ > entire Bystcm. Sold at all druggiata. COe 1INE COMPANY. Chattanooga.Tenn. i ii i??? i??? Every M imuin Wants1 FORPERSON/?HYGIENE " | hssolved in water for douches stops civic catarrh, ulceration and inflamlation. Recommended by Lydia L inkham Med. Co. for ten years, k healing wonder for nasal catarrh, >re throat and sore eyes. Economical. m extraordinary deaming and germicidal power, ample Free. 50c. all druggist*. or poatneid by mail. ThePaxton I ?ilct Company. Boaton, SSL* UiUfEiSMITffs i'a ?DLLlONIC Id for ir years. For Miliaria, Otitis d Fever. Also a Fine General reii^llie 11111 ji Ionic. " r<- PARKER'S 1 HAIR BALSAM A tollot prc|ou-*iiun of murlt. H?lp? to r?<llckta rtarulruff. ! aWJ, jfi9 ForReitoHnf Color tnil y'vtyS! / BenutrloCr?f or Faded Hair. tinX&A Dry For * STORIA o for Castor OH, Partyji?s. It Is pleasant. It ino nor other Narcotio tee. It destroys Worms lore than thirty years it V i* relief of Constipation. 'oethinpr Troubles and Stomaeli and ltowels, lthy and natural bleep, other's I ricad. )RIA ALWAYS r 30 Years Always Bought , NIW VOUK OITT,