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. "r. ~ . ?. ? ? ? ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Guy C. Bradford, of Maxton, N. C., was among the visitors to Fort Mill this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hartsell of Concord. N. C., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Jones in this city. % Miss Mary Boyd returned to her home in this city Friday, after a two weeks' visit to relatives j in Western North Carolina. Thns. W. Boyd, of Lesslie, is . announced in this issue of The 1 Times as a candidate for reelection to the office of supervisor of York county. The enrollment book of the Fort Mill Democratic club at the * hour of closing Tuesday evening contained the names of 409 of the township's voters, as compared with 412 on the book two years ago. The recent protracted period of bad weather has been une? T..I.. IT- . ijiwcuciucu iui .1 uiy. up lO Tuesday morning there had been, according to the Charlotte bureau. 16 inches of rain for the month and rain was still falling when the measurement was made. The normal for tne month in this section is 5.49 inches. The body of a negro man, said to have been Sloan Adams, was was taken from Catawba river early Friday morning at a point several hundred yards down the stream from the Southern railroad trestle. Adams was one of ( the fifteen workers who were , precipitated into the river when the Southern's main line bridge near Belmont, N. C., was swept I away by the recent high water. ( ueport reaches hort Mill from across Catawba river that the , county officials have for several | days had a force of men at work j building a ferrv boat which will ( be operated by the county at a , point a short distance down the | stream from the site of the des- ( troyed county bridge. A Char- . lotte concern had planned to open , a ferry at the bridge site but it is said the concern has aban- . doned the idea since learning that 1 York county is to open a free \ ferry at a nearby point. < r \ Hope is entertained here that | electric power will be restored j by the last of the week through 1 emergency transformers installed ) at Rock Hill with current from j the Great Falls plant. It is , understood that power from this point will be distributed to Rock Hill. Fort Mill and York. Fort Mill has been without light and power since Saturday night, | July 15, and both cotton mills j have been at a standstill. i Already there is a movement < on foot to have "a bridge span i the Catawba at the end of the < Cherry road, thus cutting off" several miles of the distance between here and Fort Mill. Now that a ' new bridge will have to be built, it is being urged that it be placed ! where it will be of the greatest 1 convenience and those favoring 1 the new location believe that ] this will be favored by a large ' majority of those affected. Not ' only will it materially shorten the distance between here and i 1 Fort Mill, but it will provide a much better highway. ? Rock Hill Evening Herald. 1 Major T. B. Spratt and Sergt. j J F. Murray Mack spent Monday j . and Tuesday at their homes in this city. The officers stated flinf oil C a. P?1. uiai (til U1C 111CI11 L/C! til Lilt! T UTL ] Mill Light Infantry were well j and apparently enjoying camp life at Styx. Major Spratt ex- , pressed the belief that the First , regiment would be sent to the ] border, but had no idea how soon ] this would be. The government , it seems has been unable to prop- ( erly care for some of the militia. | { along the border and it is not be- i "j lieved in military circles that other troops will be sent to the West until ample provision has, been made for their comfort up- \ on arrival there. ( ^ . ' The Southern Railway has a 1 force of between 300 and 400 J laborers at work rebuilding its > bridge at Carkartt station, three < miles south of Fort Mill, which 5 was >vrecked by Catawba river 1 on Sunday, July 16. It is said ? to be the intention of the railway < people to replace three of the i dislodged steel spans to be used. < together with the wood trestle now being erected, until a new : bridge can be built. No infor- ' rr.ation could be gained as to ' when the first trains will cross I the bridge, but judging from the i progress being made in rebuild- 1 ing the structure it probably will I be two weeks or longer before jj traffic is resumed j * Mrs. J. B. Lewis left Monday afternoon for Tazewell, Va., where will spend several weeks visiting relatives. Miss Cammie Smith has returned to her home here from a visit of several weeks to Mrs. Edwin Reid in Chatham, Va. John E. Jones, of Electric, N. C., spent the last week-end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of the township. Miss Barbara Brittain has returned to her home in Tazewell, Va., after a visit of several weeks to Miss Mary Lewis who accompanied her on her return home. William Cherry, colored, who lived on Culp Island, near Lands- ; ford, was drowned Mondav after noon of last week while trying 1 to land a bale of cotton that was ! being swept down Catawba. river. The Rev. John LafTerty of1 Davidson College filled the pulpit of the Presbvteriftn church here Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor who is holding a meeting at Hebron church in Chester county. . At a meeting Tuesday evening i of the local fire company Arthur C. Lytle was elected assistant to Chief VV. F. Lewis. Two other vacancies in the company were filled by the election of J. L. Blackwelder and Morris Moser. Luther Nims, of McAdenville, N. C.. a brother of F. Nims. of this township, spent Friday here making inquiry regarding a large quantity of cotton lost by a North Carolina mill in the recent Catawba flood. The company represented by Mr. Nims offered $10 per bale for the return of the i cotton. More and more damage to the i crops in this section are the reports that come in daily and it is believed that fully two-thirds )f the corn crop is a total loss while all other crops in the bottoms which were not flooded and >n the uplands are being damiged greatly by the continual 'ains. Norman's restaurant and bowing alley on Main street was ;okl during the last week to Sylvester Wallace, who on Monday morning took charge of the business. Jesse W. Norman, former owner of the place, has noved with his family to Charotte, where, it is understood, he ntends to again engage in the restaurant business. During the high water in Catawba river the last week Doby's bridge, a wood structure spanning Sugar creek at a point six miles south of Fort Mill, was ifted from its bearings and carried upstream for several hunired yards ancldemolished. Back Aater from the river was re;ponsible for this freakish prank. The old Ivey mill, one of the j ancient landmarks, went down; before the fury of the Catawba early Monday morning. It was in a cove of the bank, and those who saw it let loose say that it was simply lifted from its base' and floated up stream a little, distance before it was caught by the current. ? Waxhaw Enter-1 prise, 19th. Information was given The Times Wednesday that the State flag which is to be presented to the Fort Mill Light Infantry by the local chapters of the D. A. R. and U. I). C. has been ordered and is expected to arrive in about two weeks. There is, taowever, a shortage of about ive dollars yet to be raised to pay for the flag and persons wishing to make donations are requested to leave same at the First Nat'l Bank or with C. S. Link. It is likely that the flag will be displayed for several days in one of the Main street store windows before being sent to the company at Styx. RoDert H. Kimbrell Dead. Robert II. Kimbrell, a well tnown and popular young man of this city, died at his home on White street Wednesday afternoon about 6 o'clock, after an llness extending over a period )f about one year. The funeral service will be held at the home this afternoon by Rev. E. Z. : lames, pastor of the local Methodist church, after which interment will be made in the city 1 cemetery. Mr. Kimbrell was about 30 /ears of age and is survived by fiis mother, Mrs. Leroy Kimtorell, one brother, several sisters, and a number of other relatives in this community. He,,; was widely known and esteemed'; throughout this section and his ; many friends will be pained to < earn of his demise. < THE FORT ft Mr. Spratt Writes. t Dear Ones: Gospel means good F news. Surely the situation calls v for it. Oh, don't you need it? ^ Don't you need a Saviour? Don't you want help? Are you in de- tl light every moment; is every- 11 thing real with pleasure, both a things outside and inside; noth- V ing wrong out of place or imper- d feet in the least? Is everywhere tl the old earth blooming like a V rose: all crops just as you would b have them; the old rive rippling tl along in pure glee? Then inside, n is it any better? If you are sad- cj dened by the sight outside, dear \ ones, are you gladdened by the ti sight inside? Or are you, like K Paul, forced to cry out "Who a shall deliver me from this body CJ of death ?this rotting corpse?" U Oh, don't you want a Savior, not s' only a helper, not only a teacher, cl not only a comforter, not only a strengthener, not only an iiispirer, but more than all these combined? Oh, what a gift! Oh, what tongue can express, nor can memory find, a sweeter sound than Thy blest name, oh Saviour of Mankind! Father, b, mother are great words and con- G tain much, but they are as a s Where the Dollar Don't grumble about the high everything you can name in th cially in Heavy Groceries, sue Coffee, Meal, Sugar and Mplass line of Fancy Groceries. Come you can duplicate our prices on you the stuff. Now, Mr. Buye thing is so high that I almost h Try us once and we know you' The Biggest L SCHULTZ 6 To The^ After being closod for twi having no electric power, 1 again at 3 o'clock next Sat have arranged a Special ] your entertainment. Price Watch our windc big 5-Reel Special F 4X1 jnnwnam I 2)igl) Class Jtlol 4?4? . ( 1 Mid-Sun 1 Clearan* Of all Women i Pumps, Etc., at : 1-3 c These are al styles. It means to you, and yoc months to wear We also have s Hats worth up close out at 98c Men's Palm B $4.95. Imitatior Boys' Suits, $2. Choice of Stra Patterson's Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. t ~ ^ OLL TIMES, FOBT MILL, SOI himble to the ocean, when we >lace them beside the word Sa- ! iour. It takes them all in and i iii eise, earth and air and sky, ; leaven and earth can furnish in j tie way of comfort^ and helps. ! ts influence every fear disarms nd spreads sweet comfort round, /hat is it your widest, swiftest, 1 eepest thought can think of tiat is not in this glorious word? /hat in your vast field of need, 1 oth outward and inward, is J tiere that in this shop there is < ot a tool for? Oh. what mediine that this Physician has not? < /hat candy is not in this confer- < ionery, what eatable not in this rocery? What mental need in j II the wildest flight of your fan- c y, nay, even what mental de- * ght leaving the realm of necesities is not here given you a , heck for? What is it you can't c o; He is a Saviour from it. 1 James Spratt. Fort Mill, July 24. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?Burr Clover Seed, GO jshels thoroughly clean and sound, oing fast. Karl G. Fans, Fort Mill, , C., 'phone No. 111-a. Does its Duty. cost of living. We have e Grocery line, and espe- t ;h as Flour, Meat, Lard, r >es. A complete and full ; and see for yourself. If f any article, we will give r r. don't say, "Oh, every- o ave to chew the dollar." t 11 come again. Nuff sed. e ittle Store. Jj ^BILLUE. i Public: 11 < o weeks on account of The Majestic will open o urday afternoon and we | ^ Four-Reel program for ts. 5c and 10c. v >ws for Tuesday s > :eature. j OLtjeatre, I aing pictures. 11 timer { ce i 's Low Shoes 11 )ff. 11 I good, new I1 > a big saving | 1 have several 11 them yet. % | several Ladies I | to $5.00 to 11 each Suits at | | 1 Palm Beach 1 | 45. 11 w Hats, $ 1. 11 Goods Store 11 "SELLS IT FOR LESS." I | ft tJXH CAROLINA FOR SALE?One small Ice Box, inside measurement, 33 inches high. 24 inches deep, 18 inches wide. Price $5. One larger Ice box, inside measure- . ment, 24 inches long, 18 inches deep, 14 inches wide. Price $10. Can be seen at Capps' shop. O. Barber. j Schedule of Services Fort Mill Circuit of M. E. Church, South, t for the Year 1916. j Fort Mill Church?1st and 3rd Sun- ^ lays at 11 a. m., and 4th Sunday at tight. Sunday school every Sunday norning. Womans' Missionary society very 1st Sunday afternoon. Pleasant Hill Church ?1st and 3rd ^ Sundays at 3:30 p. m. Sunday school n very Sunday afternoon at 2:30o'clock. Philadelphia Church?2nd Sunday at ^ la.m.: 4th Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Sun- t lay school every Sunday morninc. (4th a >unday at 3:30 p. m.) India Hook Church?4th Sunday at 11 L m.; 2nd Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Sunlay school every Sunday afternoon, 4th Sunday 10:00 a. ni.) E. Z. JAMES. Pastor. h 0 Now is the Time o do your repairing. You will leed a LUMBER d or your fences, road bridges, ^ epairs on your house, barn and utbuildings. We are in position o offer special inducements to arly comers, giving you the best tossible material, at prices that lefy competition. Tort Mill Lumber Company ? Phone No. 72. # fl,000.00 | M- $500.00 i I "I can carry double the amount 4 f life insurance in the Union 4 Central Life for the same pre- 4 nium that 1 am now paying." is 4 /hat a man told us this week 4 /hen he asked for the premium ate. 4 Do you not think it would pay 4 rou to ask us for the rate at rour aj?e? 4 iafety - Saving - Service ; Tliat is the Union Central. 4 Bailes & Link, t \ niMini a I bf LUA 0 Palm Beach and | All Oxfords, late 1 the famous 'Star Bi 5 Also, great reduc * ings, such as Und ^ Collars, Sport Shirt* ^ We will be pleas I you. J \ Spec \ All Ready AO'Wee ) stock of Flowered L< ) to select from, \ ) We shall be please ) ) large and varied stoc > _ j Picto I Mad< j Mills & ) ? "Buy TO THE PUBLI The Southern Power Company wish* >ortunity to express its grateful ajJfcrec jatient manner in which it has borne th< >y the catastrophe during the past weel >ress our heartfelt thanks to each empk ion to duty and heroic effort in the rest While it is true that our losses have tnormous, in fact have not yet nor can veeks, we are nevertheless indeed grati ginning Monday, July 24th, we will be a >oints on our lines, with only four excep ions, every effort is being expended, an< xhausted to hurry the work, and we It hese points before the end of the week. What effort this has entailed car vhen one recalls that in addition to the tave had destroyed across Catawba Riv< ut of a total of nine, every bridge has 1 ransportation has been absolutely suspe ion by wire has either been seriously de troyed. Added to all this have been the s< i-hich have prevailed every day since th naking the work of restoration of servi ome instances destroying it almost as sc When we look back upon what we eel some degree of pride, not only in re; linimum of inconvenience which has be ster. Again let us express our gratitude t nd in the event of any slight interrupti ays, which may come on account of ter Tompt service, rest assured that all our heir best efforts to remedy them and I racts their attention only serves to delaj SOUTHERN j July 22. e816. BUSINESS < TO US EVER MM?? I We find it hard to accoun ; of the patronage that co from day to day. We son quire, and it develops th that friend or patron has our behalf. We certainly all these courtesies, and occasion to thank our f] their many kind words o and commendation. It i effort to continue to m< 17ID CT NT A TI/^VNT A I 1IX?^ 1 IVJ-Y 1 1 unf Under Supervision of U. S. ???o ?? ??@0??O?6 LS FOR Panama Suits, 1 -3 off st styles, in tans, black, I rand" kind at greatly redi tions in everything in Ge lerwear, Hosiery, Shirts, 3, Belts, Etc. ed to have you call and :ial to Ladies i . ? * ? ir goods at special prices, iwns and Dress Goods, te :d to have you call and lc :k, rial Review Patterns, ime Grace Corsets. Young Coi and Sell Everything." 806986006888680 G ?s to avail itself of this opiation to the public for the e inconvenience occasioned c. We also desire to ex>ye for his loyalty, devooration of service. been nothing less than they be determined for fied to announce that beble to restore service to all tions. As to these excepi every resource is being ope to resume service to i be slightly appreciated injury to our plants we er seven electric circuits /ten cwcpi away, ranroaa nded and all communicarangod or absolutely deevere weather conditions ie waters began to recede, ce more difficult and in >on as it was installed. have passed through we suming service, but in the en occasioned by our diso you for your patience, ons during the next few nporary work to resume forces are at work using that anything which disr the work of restoration. ?OWER CO. COMES 1 Y DAY | BHMUi ' | it for some 4 mes to us x letimes inat this or ; spoken in ? appriciate take this + riends for ? f approval will be our 4.1 rut mem. ^ <& ?? vL BANK, t ... Government. * I00Q000O0Q0 WEN J ^alm Beach, ? iced prices. ? nt s Furnish- g Lion Brand gj let us serve ? Also, a large g itest patterns, g >ok over our g mp'y I