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) CALOMEL SICKENS! DON'T STAY1 1 Buarantee "Dodson's Liver Toi and Bowel Cleansing You Ever I Calomel makes you sick; you lose a *or'? work. Calomel is quicksilver aad ft salivates; calomel injures your If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish sad all knocked out. if your bowels asw constipated and your head aches wr stomach is sour, just take a spoonSSi of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone featead of UBing sickening, salivating attemcl. Dodson's Liver Tone is real Ssar medicine. You'll know it next nomlnir hpcfllino voti will tooVo nr. ?kDq? fine, your liver will be worklac. your headache and dizziness gone. jamr stomach will be sweet and your kvwels regular. You will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of iSgor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer Bells you a 50-oent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone Old Wine in New Bottles. What happens when the accepted asw of a natlonnl anthem is changed rim with considerable care is revealed toy this from Tom Daly's column in Jhe Philadelphia Evening Ledger: "As opener of the exercises at the conwmtion of the National Association of Credit Men In Pittsburgh the words t 'America' were sung to the new anisic arranged for them. When the applause had dwindled away, the president arose and said: 'I feel that our WTention is never properly begun anless we sing the national anthem, ao let ns all arise now and sing: America.' "?(Prolonged applause.)" The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened .ami enabled to go through the depressing heat of summer by taking regularly Srtwe's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies iwi enriches the blood and builds up the vthole system. 50c. Scarcity. -Is help scarce nrouutl here?" "Yes," replied Farmer Corntossel. "J can secure for a consideration any vmouttt of advice and supervisory assistance. But plain ordinary help is Sett in' scarcer every year." Far any sore-^Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Printers may be fond of cake, but do not like pi. IV ; Stop That Ache! i Don't worry about a bad back. i Get rid of It. Probably your kld| ne*s are out of order. Resume sensible habits and help the kldueys. Then, kidney backache will go; ! also the dizzy spells, lnmeness, stiffness, tired feelings, nervousuess, rheumatic pains aud bladder trou! kin. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands recommend them. A South Carolina Case mBvrrv Mrs. Li. F. TayB&y1 l?r. Ford St., MulSfiL?, W*Jl Una, S. C., says: ' "My back ached v\ jf and pained right J across my kidneys. vV A The secretions j,, VjiRl.* A & trom my kidneys passed Irregularly \ X ulond contained sodl- | ff/ 7 Vment- I had at- j yp A tacks of kidney I - -V A atifforo.l I JTlfc awfully. Friends MB krw SrTl^rlir ecom me n d e d Roan's Kidney Pills nnd I used some. TBrtrr relieved all symptoms of kidney i trouble and I am glad to recommend them." Get Doan'a at Any Store. 80c a Bex doan's vsssr FD8TER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Delicate Woman is Truly Grateful For Stella Vitae P Mrs. Paralee Frarier, of Long- ^ I view, Tex., who had been in bad H health for two years, writes this I heartfelt letter in behalf of this w (great preparation for women. **r hsvo talccn a few bottles of STELLA I VlTAE and am now almost well from a ^ long siege of sickness. I csnnot say too ? I much for this wonderful medicine. 1 hsd I taken other femsle medicinesfnrtwoyenrs I with no good resultc. lam truly grateful S fcw the good Stella Vitite hnsdone for me." w a MUS. PAKALLE FltAZlEIL STELLA. VITAE is guaranteed, w ^ If you are not benefited with the ^ ? first bottle, your money back if P | u ytm want it. Do not delay. Begin t tak ing it now. At your dealers' ^ ] ^ in $1 bottles. I THACHER MEDICINE CO.. ' CHATTANOOGA, TENN. KinMFV a deceptive disease * ?thousands have It TttOTTRI F Rn<1 don't know It. It vv-/ u you want good results you r*n make no mistake by using Dr. KitaxVs Swamp-Root, the great kidney asaiM^ty. At druggists in fltty cent and MJki stars. Samplo size bottle by Par*1 f\w*. also pamphlet telling you about ft. AiVtrrw Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamkm. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also tfilkH) this paper. DR. SALTER'S EYE LOTION CURES SORE EYES earns sore, Inflamed eyes In H to in hours. Urine weak oyr*. eurlng w.thoot pain. Ask dnimriiit *r floater for SAl.TKK'N only fr*?m KKIOIl.M DIxrrNSAKY.tlK S. Itrnnd, ATLANTA.OA, ??? Brtvars o/ I mi tat ion J APPENDICITIS; ViwItTs bwn tfcr*at?n?l or 1i?t? OAl.I^TONBy, aaiMZHttTtON, OAS or paina In Ibe right CDCC *S??r1W?forv?lnal>le Hook of Information a nit .a a. mmui, uirr. ? *, at? a. psiaaou sr. cameo W.0L U- CHARLOTTE, NO. 30-1916.1 IT SALIVATES! LJOUS, CONSTIPATED ie" Will Give You the Best Liver [tad?Don't Lose a Day's Work! under my personal guarantee that it will clean your Blugglsh liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Tour druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you can have your money back. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. 1 am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vegetable, liver medicine takes the place of danger- j ous calomel. Buy one bottle on my I sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your j uruggis: or sioreKoepor about me. Adv. j WOOD PULP SCARCE IN SPAIN ; Supply of Galician Pine Has Been Cut Off by the War?May Use Native Wood. The shortage In the supply of wood pulp for paper manufacture in Spain, and the high prices now demanded for this product is causing some anxiety among paper manufacturers and publishers. Attention has been given to the advisability of the government's undertaking to stimulate the cultivation of the poplar tree, the wood of which is preferred for pulp in Spain. Spain imports almost nil the wood pulj) required for its paper industries and exports to England much of the i pine grown in Gaiicin, which is highly ; resinous and not so well suited for , paper manufacture as the less resinous I pine of Sweden and Norway. Experl- 1 ments, however, are to lie made to ascertain if, by extracting the resin, j native Spanish pine can bo used, at , least as a temporary substitute. Most j of the local paper mills, it is stated, i cannot employ rag and jute wastes, i their plants being adapted to wood and '< chemical pulps. Nearly all the waste | material, such as fiber waste, rags and bugging, are exported, the United i States having become, since the war, i the leading customer. TRIED FIFTY REMEDIES FOR RfiRFR IN NOSTRII Q Mr. Allen Gales Jennings, Washing- | ton, D. C? writes: "For some time I have suffered with scabs and sores in my nostrils. I have tried about fifty dilTerent salves, lotions and prescriptions, but to no avail until by chance I tried a bottlo of Hancock's Sulphur Compound Ointment and now take this means of thanking you for putting up such an excellent remedy. By using it about twice a month I am never troubled with any- i thing of the kind and shall always praise it as the best cure in the world for sores, etc." Hancock Sulphur Compound and Ointment are sold by all dealers. Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. Write for Booklet.?Adv. Jimmy Up to Date. Jimmy, au oflice boy in a downtown olliee, approached his boss one morning Inst week: "If you please, sir." "Well, Jimmy?" "My grandmother, sir." "Aha, your grandmother?go on, Jimmy." "My grandmother and my mother?" "What? And your mother, too? Both very in, eil f "No, sir. My grnnduiothor nnd iny J mother are goin* to the baseball game this afternoon ac<l they wanted me to stay home and mind my little kid brudder." Jimmy got that afternoon off.?Bos- ; ton Traveler. HAVE YOU A STUBBORN COUGH If So, Read This: "My wife had n terrible cough nnd vai ; 1 spitting ap considerable?seemed to be J bordering on tuberculosis," writes Mr. W. i T. Daniels, Hohenwald, Tenn. "I saw j your advertisement nnd decided at cnce ! to try Lung-Vita. I ordered a bottle and : she liegnn to get better after taking the ; first dose nnd is entirely well." Xfany letters on file telling what Lung- i I Vita has done in cases of consumption, ' I ...?i ?1 1 " .toiii.uti, n iiuu)>iiik vougn, coins, croup nnd ; grippe. If you cannot obtain Lung-Vita at your dealers, order direct. Price $1.75 ! Booklet upon request. Nashville Medicine Co., Room 0, Stegcr l>l<lg.f Nashville, Tenn. Adv. Gave Wife Half a Cent a Day. Mrs. Ada Garland testified before Sit perior Judge Graham at San Francisco that during her lf? months of married : life with Eugene Garland the total , sum of money given her by her hus- j ' band averaged but one-half a cent a i day. She worked in a candy store, j she declared, and not only supported the family, but also gave him two pairs of shoes and occasionally gave him shaving money. NEVER IIAD A CIIII.T. After Taking KI.IXIK UAI1EK "My little daughter, 10 years old, suffered | nearly a year wltn chills and fever, most of the ! time under the doctor's care. I was diseour- i aged and a friend advised me to try F.llxir It,i !> It. I gave it to her and she has never had a chill since. It con^detely cured her." Mrs. Cyrus Helms. 305 K SrT, N. E.. Washington, t>. C. tCllxir It?bek50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid froui Kloctewski A Co., Washington, I). C. Literal Way. "I hoard the spoony young couple I parted say they wanted to drink In i the stntty nlglit. How did they suppose they eoulH do It?" I "Well, there's the Dipper." Sure Sign. "Did you say that J aggers was bent on this scheme?" "Yes, sir." "Then 1 know It is something crooked." For poison ivy use Hanford's Pal sam. Adv. Even thin men have a lot of the ID that llesli is heir to. NORMAL SCHOOLS ARE DESIGNATED FIVE WILL BEGIN WORK IN . SOUTH CAROLINA IN EARLY AUTUMN. TO NAME TEACHERS LATER Walhalla, Lexington, Conway, Orangeburg, and Laurens High Schools Are to Give New Courses. Columbiaj?Five training schools for teachers will be opened in South Carolina this fall under an act passed at the last session of the general assembly. The state board of education, meeting in the office of j. E. Sweariiigen, state superintendent of education, selected the following high schools for the normal courses: Walhalla, Lexington, Conway, Orangeburg and Teachers for the new training schools will be elected at a meeting of the state board of education to be held in Augusta. The course of study will be mapped out by a committee consisting of Mr. Swearingen, W. H Hand, state high school Inspector, and Lueco Gunter, state supervisor of rural schools. Section 8 of the general high school law. amended at ttio last session of the legislature, is as follows: "That the state board of education is hereby authorized to establish and maintain not more than five teachertraining courses of one year in length in as many approved high schools, for the purpose of giving training to elementary teachers: Provided. That not more than one such course be established in any one county and not more than $1,000 be expended in any one school for such a course: Provided further, That no such trslning course shall be maintained with an enrollment of fewer than ten persons none of whom shall bo less than 17 years of age, and no tuition fees shall be charged of any teacher from any county." Claims of many communities wore presented to the board at a session which Continued throughout the day Other places making application for the schools were: Anderson. Barnwell. Sumter, Chester, Slmpsonvllle, Florence and McCormick. Members of the board attending the meeting were: J. E. Swearlngen, Co. lumbla, ex officio secretary; Arthur Young of Charleston, \V. J. McGarlty of Aiken, S. J. Derrick of Newberry. H. N. Snyder of Spartanburg, E. A. Montgomery of Blacksburg. W. L. j Brooker of Florence and S. H. Edmunds of Sumter. Terrible Blows In Pee Dee. Florence.?Florence, the county and the entire Pee De? section have been hard hit by the tropical storm that for 36 rours swept over eastern South Carolina. Never In the history of this eectlon has there fallen such a quantity of rain. The United States weather bureau at this place Rives the official figures for the 36 hours as bolng 14.25 Inches of rain. For the first 12 hours 1.28 Inches fell. The next 12 hours 11.03 and the last 12 hours 0.66, making a total of 14.26 inches, an unprecedented record. The result ts that every bridge on Joffroy creek, on High Hill creek, on Willow creek, on Black creek. Polk swamp and Beaver Dam. have been carried away. Two of the bridges on Jeffreys Creak at Coles and Sycamore were newly constructed reinforced concrete bridges and cost the county upwards of $10,000. At Jeffreys creek, one mile south of Florence, the water was five feet above the causeway njid not only carried away the new concrete bridge but I* sweeping away, bent by bent, the Atlantic Coast Line railway trestle and bridge. The water at that point rose five feet deep in the Coast Line's pumping station usod to supply the shops and locomotives at this place. It and the shops are put out of business. The Seaboard trestle at Jeffrey creek and Willow creek was swept away. Kingstree Feels Hurricane. Kingstree.?The most destructive storm that has visited this rommunlty In many years was the hurricane which swept Kingstree and vicinity frcmi 1 o'clock Friday morning until 21 n the afternoon, followed by tremendous downpour of rain. Some idea of the flood that has swept Klngatree may be drawn from the fact that over 13 inches of rain is recorded as falling here within the same number of hours. Black rlvor, on the west of town, was higher than over known to he before. Anderson to Get Dye. Anderson?The Brogon cotton mills manufacturer of print cloth goods is assured by the American representatives of the Gorman dyestuff manufacturers that the mill will receive a share of the cargo of 750 t<fbs of dyestuff that arrived on the Gorman submarine, the Deutschland, in Baltl more harbor a few days ago. President Gossett said that ho had made application for a part of the cargo and that the American representatives stated that It would hn distributed among their customers Dentists Elect Officers. Greenville.?The annual meeting of the South Carolina Dental association came to a close the most Important business being the election of officers, which resulted: President, J. T Montgomery of Srartanburg; vice presldert, W. B. Simmons, Piedmont; secretary, E. C. Dye. Greenville; treasurer, A. H. Corley, Edgefield, B. Brooker of Columbia was made a member of the hoard of examiners. Tha next session of tha convention will be held in Columbia in May. 1917. * I OWE MY HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* Washington Park, 111. ? "I am the mother of four children and have sufft1 red with female 1 trouble, backache, nervous spells and ! the blues. My chil- l si&K"* dren's loud talking gigp W-" and romping would make me so nervous * could just tear SPvYG^* ' everything to pieces Mr ? P anc* * would ache all ) . V^v over and feel so sick v'&J!" ^ that I would not! ' want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills restored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and ! worry but it does not alTect my youth- : ful looks. My friends say'Why do you look so young and well ? ' I owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." ?Mrs. Robt. Stopiel, Moore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness ' backache or the blues could see the letters written by women made well by Ly- i ( dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, ' Mass., for helpful advice given free of j charge. Wrong List Was Printed. A corps leader being Informed that certain decorations would be allotted ; I to his command started his staff to | compile a list of recommendations, which they dispatched, says a corre- j I spondent. When the Gazette appeared ; j It contained none of the names sent ; I In, hut a selection of unknown he- j | roes. Inquiry disclosed that a roll I of conscicutious objectors to inoeula- | ! lion had got into the wrong envelope. I ?London Globe. FOR BABY RASHES Cuticura Soap Is Best Because So Soothing and Cooling. Trial Free. If baby is troubled with rashes, ec- 1 | zemas, ltehings, dialings or hot, irrl- | i tated skin follow Cuticura Soap hath | with light application of Cuticura Olnt- i ! ment to the affected part. Nothing so | soothing, cooling and refreshing when 1 I he is fretful and sleepless. Free sample each by mail with Book. I AIIIITOQC nnutoueil / ....^ * ^ |/vowvutu, v mil ill .1, 1 n*|H. Li, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Hen Hatches Woodpecker. It Is unusual for a hen to hatch out ; n woodpecker, but an Instance is rej ported by Ira Cordrey, u farmer llv] lug near here. The hen had been missing for some ! time. When found she was mothering ! 11 baby chicks and one tiny woodj pecker, which appeared perfectly hapl py to let the hen scratch worms for I it, and the hen is paying just as much ' attention to the little woodpecker as i It Is to her brood of chicks. The woodpecker's appearance Is ex- i plained on the supposition that a woodpecker laid the egg in the hen's ni"?t white the hen was olT looking for food.?Federalshurg (Md.) Dispatch Philadelphia Inquirer. " Monoclonius Itself Again. A monoclonius, only u few million years old. but scrambled apart like Humpty-Dunipty, has been put together again by Barnum Brown and mounted In the American Museum of Natural History. Mr. Brown found ltls three-horned dinosaur, with its five-foot skull nnil rnlntli'olf o?... 11 ! brain entombed In the rocks of Alberta, Canada, where It once bad roamed | through tropical glades. Hardly a ; piece was missing of the 171 feet from ' tip of tail to nose, lint the pieces bad to be sorted. This cretaceous, herb- | j eating animal was rich In toes and i teeth. In the month, which was j guarded by a horny sheath, nestled 00 i teeth, 30 in each Jaw and double root- i ' od. Five toes graced each of the front ! : and hind feet. Many of these toes ] ! were adorned by hoofs. The specl; men Is considered a rare find. i I I , Adds a Healthful Zest to any Meal Most everyone likes a hot table drink, but it must have a snappy taste and at the same time be healthful. Probably no beverage answers every requirement so completely as does POSTUM This famous pure fooddrink, made of roasted wheat and a bit of wholesome molasses, affords a rich Javalike flavor, yet contains no harmful element. The original Postam Cereal must be boiled; Instant Postum i is made in the cup "quick as a wink," by adding hot water, and stirring. Both forms of Postum have a delightful aroma and flavor, are healthful, and good for children and grown-ups. "There's a Reason" Sold by Gsocers everywhere. hb PUBLISHERS IN ASHEVILLE 6outhern Newspaper Publishers Ask Congress to Locate Big Nitrate Plant in Alabama. Asheville.?The presentation and adoption of a resolution asking Congress to locate tho proposed twentymillion dollar nitrate plant at Mussel Shoals. Ala., featured the annual session of the Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association, held here at tho Grove Park Inn. Tho resolution was offered by J. H. Allison, of The Tennessean-American, and copies will be forwarded to President Wilson and Secretary of War Ilaker. The officers elected are: President, R. S. Jones, Asheville Citizen. First Vice-President. F. G. Bell, Savannah News. Second Vice-President, D. D. Moore, New Orleans Picayune. Secretary-Treasurer, Walter John son. Chattanooga News. Executive Committee?Victor II Hanson, Birmingham News; E. M. Foster. Nashville Banner; C. M. Johnson, Knoxville Sentinel; James H. Allison, Nashville Tenneesean-American; A. F. Sanford. Knoxville. Journal and Tribune; G. J. Palmer, Houston, Post; W. T. Anderson, Macon Telegraph; W. A. Elliot, Jacksonville Times Union; Robert Latham, Charleston News and Courier; Elmer Clark. Little Rock Democrat; W. E. Thomas, Roanoke Times; \V. B. Sullivan. Charlotte Observer. "Should a Newspaper Become a Salesagent for an Advertised Article?" was the subject discussed by H. C. Adler of The Chattanooga Times. Mr. Adler, who voiced a:i emphatic negative to the question, declared that a newspaper virtually loses its self-respect and the respect of the reading public when It Submits to what is called the "free publicity graft." The retiring president of the Association, W. T. Anderson of The Macon Telegraph, spoke on "Meeting the Increased Cost of Production." Mr. Anderson's address was followed by a lively discussion, wherein nearly all present took part . F. L. Seely, formerly publisher of The Atlanta Georgian. discussed "Why The Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association?" Gov. Locke Craig of North Carolina in discussing "The Greatness of the South" paid marked tribute to the growth of Southern Industries 111 the last five years. The convention of the publishers closed with a banquet, whereat W. T Gentry of Atlanta, president of the soutnern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. was the principal speaker. The guests at the banquet were put In telephonic communication between Ashevllle and San Francisco, Governor Craig of North Carolina addressing the Governor of California and receiving responses from the latter. N. C. Ktngsberry, first vice president of the American Bell Telephone Company, who was scheduled to speak, was unable to attend but delivered his address to the assembled guests over the telephone from his home at Greenwich, N. J. New Demonstration Agent. Columbia.?Miss Gladys Smith of Easley has been appointed special assistant In the home demonstration work of South Carolina and begun her new duties July 15. Her field will be the entire state, with headquarters at V/lr.throp College with M?ss Edith L. Parrott. state superintendent of the home club work. Great Meeting Despite Storm. Beaufort.?The meeting of til Southern Oartdlna Aawooiation was held here in spite of stormy weather conditions that prevailed throughout, the day. Owing to the storm warnings that had been sent out. however, varv few out of town visitors came for tlie meting. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Gaffney reported 10 inches of rain In twenty-five hours. South Carolinians will make concerted effort to have one or more of the nitrate plants for which congress has authorized an expenditure of $20.000.000 located within the boundaries of this state. flrtl Rnlw.rt M Mircnn r,f WIIHo??r. has been appointed assistant adjutant in chief of the 3. C. V. by F!. Q. Baldwin, commander-in-chief. James Wesley Whittle died at his home in Bates-burg a few days ago after an illness of several months. Congressman Finley lias introduced a bill in congress to secure rlfU'3 for the Uniform Bank Company at Ilnck Hill. A new idea in religious circles at Wi onshore was inaugurated by the appearanco of a half page advertisement in a Winnshoro paper inserted by the Rev. F. 1). Vaughn, pastor of the Lebanon and Salem churches, promoting two revivals. The revivals will begin July 30, extending to August 6. Fort Mill was near the center of the storm which traveled northwest from Charleston. Chester's four hanking Institutions have enjoyed an era of six months of unprecedented increase In business. The stockholders of these institutions were mailed checks for ?9,750. Jaines W. Alen, aged 34, was instantly killed near the Southern Pow er Company's plant at Greenville when he touched a live wire said to have ben blown down by the storm Mr. Allen was a weaver at Monaghan Mill. A wife and Ave children, all young, survive him. The Baldwin Cotton Mills company, formed to take over the property oi the Wylle Mills, was chartered by the secretary of state with a capital stock of ir.oo.opo. During the lightning storm, a small child of Mr. Williams, who lives about six miles from Neeses In Orangeburg county, was struck an Instantly killed. The Star Brand knitting mills was put In operation at Spartanburg last week* The plant, completed within the last few weeks, is in operation with sufficient labor for Its Immediate neada. Boys Become Scarce. For thy tlrst time lu more than 20 years the Children's Aid society of New York Is unable to furnish enough boys to families who want either to adopt them or care for them until the boys become of age. The reason for this Is the campaign for military preparedness and the great demand for workers in war munition factories. Almost every day letters come to the society headquarters asking for boys who have been trained at Its form school. Last mouth 41 of the society's hoys. ! sixteen to twenty-one years old, en! listed iu the army and navy service | ror boys. The munition factories tnke a large number of the older boys. Conversationalist. "Thnt man prides himself on heinit ! n conversationalist.** I "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "He's i never so happy ns when he makes a string of people miss their trains while he monopolizes the bureau of I information." I Philadelphia's clean-up week cost I taxpayers $l'J.dOO for disposing of cubic yards of refuse. One trial convinces?Hanford's nab nam. Adv. Only a fool depends on what may i possibly happen. Save thi INFANT MORTALITY is something of all the children bora in civili or nearly one-quarter, die befon percent., or more than one-third, bef they are fifteen 1 We do not heeitato to say that a t majority of these precious lives. N?-it of these infantile deaths are occasionei Drops, tiuctures and soothing syrups s more or less opium or morphine, deadly poisons. In any quantity, the to congestions, Bickness, death. Castt you must see that it bears the Biguat causes the blood to circulate properly, pores of the skin and allays fever, (jenuine Castoria always bears the si II HMWWMBBWreW W^h?i Bold for 47 years. For Mala Fine General Strengf-henin DRUGGIST TOOK A CHANCE Youngster Seeking Toothpaste Knew Only That He Was "Mamma's Boy," but It Was All Right." The other day a bareheaded little boy, apparently between three and four years old, went Into the drug siore ot James Whinrey la Muncie and said to the proprietor: "I want a quarter's worth of toothpaste." After Mr. Whinrey had wrapped up the package and given it to the lad. the latter said, "Charge this to uiainma." "Whose boy are you?" asked the baffled druggist, who fulled to recognize ! the youngster. "Why, I'm mamma's hoy," said he, and could not be induced to tell his name. "I thought I'd take a chance on the ; kid, anyway," said Whinrey, in relat' ing the story, "because I figured out i that no boy of that age would ask for i toothpaste unless he had been sent by j an elder person. If he had asked for I candy, it would have been different, i And sure enough, I had read human nul tare correctly, for two or three days i inter 11 well-dressed woman, whom 1 ' hnd never seen before, entered the i store, and, approaching ino, said. 'Did j my little hoy Ret some toothpaste In i here the other day?' " 'Yes'ni,' I said, as she handed me a quarter and walked out without saying i anything as to who he was. Hut I'll ' find out that family's name if it takes | all summer."?Indianapolis News. Some Solemn Thoughts. Hack there in the olden days David ' wanted Uriah's wife, so he sent Uriah to the most dangerous point in battle. I And Uriah got his, just as David hoped lie would. It is likely that a < good many men want other men's ' wives nowadays, hat we never heard ' of them sending the husband to the front in some such place as Verdun, j The world is growing better.?Liberty Press. General Utility. The business Man (to applicant for j a situation)?Yes; we're short hand-| ed, but what use do you think you'd : be in an ollice? The Applicant?Well, guv'ner; I'm wot yer might eall an orl-round J useful sort o' man?light a match for I i yer; 'old a door open; ring ther bell for ther lift; look an' see If It's left off raluin'; and tell people yer out i when yer ain't,?London Sketch. Mrs. Lydia Shrake. one hundred and six, of I'ralrie du C'hien. Wis., Is the j head of six living generations. i The average girl never turns up her nose sit a man who knows enough to ' turn down the gas. I Mado since 1846?Ilno/ord's balsam I Adv. It's easy to he a philosopher If you have a good Income. I l'?*ti ami Arairlt?u ts^ailiehi for Parity, Strength a HV, yv, 2*e. 91*. &Ac an<1 $1 AO At l>??Ura Ev?rywb? Largest Selling Brand In th? V. S. $86 to $104 Pays (or Board, Ti PIEDMONT HIGI Mineral w.uit, no malaria. Mountain seansry. at rest. "It is the best and tils cheapest school in t of M. C. "One of the b*?sl preparatory school* li '.licrr It no High School Id thU part of the coutitr; work."- K. V. Wrt.b, Mrmbrr Congrv**, fttta I>l fur Illustrated catalogue and book of views a< More Practical Than Men. The Woman's iloiue Companion "That women are more practical than men our correspondent proves by offering an undeniable fact. When a man tlnds Ids hair becoming scanty and wishing to increase It, what doea he do? "He huys hair 'grower,' never yet known to produce hair. "When a woman finds It desirable to augment her portion of hair what does she do? * "She buys hair." Best for Horses. Give your horses good care and yotl will be doubly repaid by the better work they will do. For sores, galls and other external troubles apply Ilanford's Balsam of Myrrh. Ranchmen. lumbermen and liverymen recommend It. Adv. His Selling Talk. Frainemaker?Is It true that the picture you just sold Is a genuine work of art? Dealer?No, my friend; but the story I told about it was.?Puck. Education is a "leading outour book sharks too often think of it us a process of pouring In. A woman's tooth usurp the functions of her tongue when they chatter. IITOnOMMBOaWMMI 3 Babies. frightful. We can hardly realize that zed countries, twenty-two per cent., 3 they reach one year ; thirty-seven ore they are five, and one-half before .imely uso of Castoria would aave a her do we hesitate to say that many i by the use of narcotic preparations, old for children's complaints contain They are, in considerable quantities, y stupefy, retard circulation and lead >ria operates exactly tho reverse, but ure of Chas. Q. Fletcher. Castoria opens the _ j gnnturo of tSMlTHs ^ .lTonic rla, Chills and Fever. Also | g Tonic. 60c tnd $1.00 At All Drox Stana On Eugenics. I'rof. Herbert L. Fowler Knhl in an | address on eugenics In Boston: I "Youth's point of View Is better than I age's when it couies to questions of eugenics. V "llere, for example, is u dialogue to prove my claim. "A beautiful girl said to her fash- ^ innable mother: i "'Yes, mother, dear, I li^ Mr. <; !>- H sa C.olde, but isn't he too old to be considered eligible?' "The fashionable mother compressed her rouged lips. "'On the contrary, niy love,' she said, 'be is too eligible to be considered old.' " The Later Way. "Jinks boasts that bis bride Is alwnys throwing soft glances at him." "That's the soft side of married life. Wait till the hard time comes when she throws tint irons at him." For galls use Hanford's Balsam. Adv. j ir a woman Is dressed to kill she Is a dan porous associate. Summer Luncheons III" inajiffy "III I Let Libby's splendid chefs relieve you I J of hot-wenthar cooking. Stock toe ^ * pantry ^ sbeU with cMbfuSmt,f M and the other good summer x meets ? including Libby's ?/ Vienna Sausage?you II find then -,v.? ... fresh and appetizing. plpTW Libby, McNeiIl & %'?r T,~ 1 Libby, Chicago ll^allliiaiiiii iBlfiP' I fRIINS ON ALCOHOL utivw horo. No electricity, w lr?? or hprlnys Convenient Mnclichnape r r.itp limn other fann. U in. f, .ulrv llollor l.i nrlnif H -llnhlo. ltrln?* itenatnn couifiirtand Millafnctlori. Meul for thn kli-k r.<.in. 'I'tilr.l >. canon. A proved Mieonna. Thn Wnndnr Kan. rrlcvMlH.AU rwitli irltli itrrler only, deilrory prepaid In ihn continental V. M. A. I.akn llrrrfr Motor orn-i i>..i riiiCKJO.ilA > Kill All Flies! f I ' ?r?,Onlay fly KI liar attraria a id kill.?.:! . fun. *** * [t*'1 ? u'l I 'iin^.?rt Ttiaau_ lt>\L&y_ O Sv"*^?ari'woTaet ee* 2 ' -i, witor nr-ASflKJMBp Ma o? 4? ??*. ? R ky ua^H. -ratal*. 11.00. ?*??5 Hth'jLD SOMERS, 160 LeXathAv*. Brooklyn,N. V. l|* lion Vlhar Hi*h.rl Award* at* Euro- I i ~vrr; >.fat "TtBll TK1 \TV rutlt on irqnit I J ?$ ! C. F. SACKR COMI'AKY. RICHMOND. VA. | uition, Rent, Fuel and Light at *ffl I SCHOOL K'.V" til College tralnnJ experienced teacher*. Hoard he Slate." K If. RooiM. Mrmbrr f-cprlnlatum I i llir Slate." -Cleveland Star. "In my opinion p Uoint; I teller anil inure thorough educational : N C. TERM OPENS AUGUST fttk. Idreai WILLIAM BURNS. LAWNDALE. N. C.