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^^^HSSBSSHHHRESIF *' ' .. "iDOirfSUFFERANY MORE" "Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. Jevt Castle, Ind.?"From the time I was eleven years old until 1 was sevenI 1H1111111111111111111 ^een * suffered each i ilMfweiilu month so I had to be ILsjPV-K. jjAJj 'n bed. I hod headfc ? ache, backache and Ji'}. -Jl such pains I would cramp double every know what it was to be easy a minute, j My health was all run do* *n and the doctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia E. Pinkh am's Vegetable Compound and I took it, and now I feel like a new person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month. "?Mrs. Ha/.F.I. Hamilton, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasons- . ble to believe that it is an article of great merit? 1 f you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and WAV OMAVV ^%/UIlUCUCU* But, Did He? Patience?Do you believe your doc- j tor? Patrice?Well, I don't know; I met him today, and he said he wished me well. Some men who run for ottlce ought to be made to run the gantlet. When Housework Drags Keeping house is hard enough when well. The woman who has 1,? A l? ?f- 1.1 a hum until, uiuu, nervous spells, I and dizzy headaches, has a hard lot, for the family tasks never let up. Probably it's the result of kidney trouble and not the much-reared "woman's weakness.'' Strengthen the kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. They are as harmless as they are effective and may be used for children with weak kidneys, too. A North Carolina Case Mrs. C. A. Dale. Ourden St., Murtun, 'ivlba' N. C.. says: "My ays- stt>ry" tern was full of uric acid and my feel and bands swelled terrl- / IX bly. The skin was If f7 tight and purple. I tUiJ'Ar^ was helpless for two months ana the pain In my back never let I I ' up. At times, there hv 1 ? was an almost com- fcV [M plete retention of the > kidney secretions. After the doctor fulled, Doun's Kidney I'llls cured nio and I have been In good health sines." Cat Doan'a at Aar Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S kp,idiniV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. For* Sh/iviti J I curb, splint, sweeny, wounds, swellings, galls, sprains, scratches, collar boils, etc. Yager's Liniment give* the most satisfactory results. It dispels the pain and stiffness and absorbs the swellings very quickly. [YAGER'S LINIMENT Recommended by Driver and Trainer Mr. B. L. Tuft, Salem, N. J., writes: "Yager's Liniment is the most wonderful horse linij ment I ever used. Have been handling and training horses for speed for 20 years and have had hundreds of different brands of so-called horse remedies. I wish your liniment th#? 1 nrno enU it ??% recommend it most highly." fm ?Driver and Trainer, /M W. Penn. Record 2:12 J. Put up in large bottles containing eight ounces. I At all dealers. ) i/?MCBw/ 25c a bottle. | Prepared b? f JuTr^rwr GILBERT BROS. & CO., A BALTIMORE, MD. TXT IT r\ T O Women as Well as y? V-P A cJ men ure made miserTT O nb,e fay kidney and * bladder trouble. ThouRI A A/f ?7 Bands recommend l?r " *-? ^ 1VA Kilmer's SwampRoot the great kidney remedy. At druggists in flfty-cent and dollar sizes. Uou may receive a sample size bottle by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Hinghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention uui paper. Kill All Flies! '"sr.!:::" PUMd .nrwhew.O.Lr Ply Klll.r attract. at.dHllaall feat. Neat. cImo, ornamental, rocr.-nienl. aod cheap. Il'm! HAROLD 80MER9, 160 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn,N. Y. U/ A WTFfl A TRACT 0f ff tA 11 I LIJ OAK TIMBtR Write, giving full description and price, to f. B. TRAHFRN, C1APKSVILLE. TENN. ragftja??*~- M*rV #>B3WT J *i jmh B w^UjHblMES ?SiKl'i'1C'Ifl.'IKltiilifc* a i'r?11 |-IM-Tiflii HiB3r , ISfcfc...,,., PACKING HOUSE FOR ORANGEBURG WILL BE ERECTED IN THE NEAR FUTURE AT A COST OF $150,000. BIG MASS MEETING HELD At Meeting Eighty Thousand Dollars Was Subscribed, Balance to Be Raised by Canvass. Orangeburg.?Orangeburg will erect a packing house in the near future to cost $150,000. The packing house meetine held recently at the court house was a big success. Men from all sections of Orangeburg county and other countieu were present." The meeting was a representative one and the purpose was accomplished. At this meeting $80,000 was subscribed and the balance of the $150,000 will be easily raised by canvass in Orangeburg and other counties. Among the goverment officials in Orangeburg to attend this meeting were: Dr. W. W. state demonstration agent; C. A. McFadden. district farm demonstration agent; L. L. Baker, superintendent of pig clubs; L. W. Summers, district demonstration agent; Dr. L. S. Wolfe, Orangeburg county farm demonstration agent. Dr. Long delivered a highly interesting and instructive address. Dr. Long showed that Orangeburg was the logical place for the packing plant, because as a result of his ce;isus of the hogs raised in South Carolina more hogs are raised in a radius of 75 miles of Orangeburg than any other jetty in the state. Dr. Long told of how - the United States government would assist in the work and in gen erai imparted potential mrormatlon to the Orangeburg business men and others interested. Or. Ixing stated that he was highly pleased with the meeting and the prospects for the plant. Or. Long was cognizant of the push of the Orangeburg business men, who now are possessed of the spirit to do things. Among others who addressed the meeting were Robert Lide, James M. Albergotti and M. O. Dantzler of the committee that visited the Moultrie plant. Robert Lide read the report and recommendation of the committee. Others delivered addresses, and of especial note was the address delivered by John W. Grier of Moultrie, Ga. lie told of the working of the plant at Moultrie and the great success attained. Mr. Grier was enthusiastically applauded. When the matter of subscriptions was entered into several pledged denominations of thousands between ? 1.000 and $5,000. With about .'100 .present at this meeting $80,000 was subscribed. The matter of rasiing file rest will be easy. The plun is to endeavor to scatter this stock over Orangeburg and other counties of the state. Other than the money subscribed, other business transacted was as follows: That a packing plant be established lit ClmnirBhlll-O nn.l - poration formed for such purpose known as the Orangeburg Tacking company; that the capital stock be fixed at $150,000, to be divided into 3,000 shares of the par value of $50 each. Editors Meet June 7-10. York.?Following a conference held here between Joe Sparks, secretary of the South Carolina Press Association and members of the committees in charge of the entertainment for the members of the Fourth Estate, tt was definitely decided that the association mrci una jeui tin june 4 una continue through June 10 instead of June 12-lf. as had originally been planned. In addition to this, the complete programme for the meeting was arranged. Gov. Manning L-adu Pageant Greenville.?Gov. Richard I. Manning led the street pageant here in celebration of Greenville's modern sys tern of street illumniation which was turned on. The governor was greet ed on all sides by cheers. Georgians Win State Debate. Columbia. -The University of Georgia won the annual Tennessee-South Carolina-Georgia triangular debate held simultaneous a few nights ago. Georgia defeated Tennessee at Columbia; Georgia defeated South Carolina at Knoxville. and South Carolina defeated Tennessee at Athens, Ga. Second place in the debate therefore goes to Carolina. The query was: "Resolved. That the United States should extend its policy of subsidizing its merchant marine engaged in foreign commerce." The debate in Columbia was held in the auditorium of Chieora College for Women. The president of the State University, William Spencer Currell. nmalH'.rl n.wl /M. ??* < 4111^n in VYCI* come. The debaters from Georgia were II. M I.eevv and J. H. Mallett, and from Tennessee were E. 11. Malone and J. A. Fowler. The judges were: George Armstrong Waurhope. John P. The mas. George McCuteheon. Joslah Mo-ae and Yates Snowden. The winning team favored the negative. At Knoxville the affirmative won and'at Athens the negative won. In no instance was the decision unanimous. At Knoxville, Carolina was represented by K. W. Wade and J. T>. Featherstone. At Athens the Carolina team was composed of H. O. lianna and J. I). Brandenburg. At the Columbia delvate Ft E. Browne of the university acted as chief marshal and F. R. Tompkins, R C. McGhee. M. R. Refo and II. C. James were the assistant marshals. Epworth Le-gu? Meets Soon. I^aurens. -The annual South Carolina State F.pworth league <*>nfer>nce will be held In I-aurens .June 8 " SUFFERING BABY I RELIEVED AT ONCE] Mr. H. J. Lamar, Macon, Ga., writes: "We used Hancock Sulphur Compound on our one-year-old baby who was suffering intensely from prickly heat and a half dozen applications, in the course of 2 days, entirely relieved her. When we first applied it, she was broken out almost over her entire I body, causing fretfulneas and loss of sleep, but she has not suffered Blnce. You should recommend the Sulphur Compound strongly to mothers as many children suffer so much from heat. We also used a tablespoonful in her bath 3 days and it proved very soothing." Hancock Sulphur Compound and Ointment are unld tw oil ?"' - - - Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.. Baltimore, Md. Write for Booklet.?Adv. J Not What He Wanted. Into a smart "gentleman's outfit- j ters" strolled a Scotchman. "I want a necktie," he informed the i suave assistant. The latter at once produced a box | of eye twisters, which he Introduced j with the remark: "Here are some ties that are very ' much worn, sir."' | "Och, awuy, mon!" retorted the son ' I of Scotia, offended. "I dlnna want ; yln that's veera much wor r rn! I j ' hae plenty o' them at liame!"?Lon- | i don Answers. TRY DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES Shampoo your hair and scalp each morning for about a week with Q-Bau Hhir Color Restorer. If your hair is gray, streaked with gray, prematurely j gray or faded, brittle, thin or falling, all your hair will then be beautifully darkened and to such a natural, even i dark shade no one would suspect that you had applied Q-Ban. Q-Bau is no dye, perfectly harmless, but makes all your hair soft, fluffy, thick, with that lustrous dark shimmer which makes your hair so fascinating. Big bottle Bent prepaid or sold by druggists for | 50c. Address Q Ban Laboratories, Memphis, Tenn.?Adv. Not to Be Expected. The fussy woman was picking over the undressed kid gloves while the weary clerk auswered queries. "Will these gloves wash?" asked the woman. "They will wash in a solution," replied the clerk. "Are they guaranteed not to shrink?" asked the woman "How can you guarantee undressed kids not to shrink from washing?" de'< manded the clerk.?Cincinnati Enquirer. CUTICURA COMFORTS BABY Suffering From Itching, Burning Rashes, Eczema, etc. Trial Free. Give baby a bath with hot water and | Cuticura Soap, using plenty of Soap. Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Ointment gently to all affected parts. Instant relief follows and baby falls into j a refreshing sleep, the first perhaps in weeks. Nothing more effectivo. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L* | Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Gentle Reader. John Itagland. the four-year old son of Flovd C. Itaelnnil fftiinfv onnofln. tendent of the schools of Vanderburg county. gave his mother a geranium as a birthday present. "Now, mamma, when you get angry and feel like spanking me." he said, "you will look at that flower and think how good I was. Then you won't feel like spanking me." ? Indianapolis i News. | EI.1XIK HAIIKK WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOI.D IN THE PHILIPPINES. "I contracted malaria lu lsofl, and after a year'a frultlea* treatment l>y a prominent Wiiahtngton physician, your Kllxlr llabrk entirely cured me. On arriving here I came down with tropical malaria?tiia ? ami sent home for Habek. Again It proved Its value ? It Is worth ila weight In gold here." Brsole O'Uagan, Troop E. 8th U. H. Cavalry, Bslayan, Philippines. ICIlxIr Uabek, 50 eents, nil drugglntn or by Pur. els Post, prepaid, from Hloctewskl A Co., Washington, D. C. . Willie's Misfortune. Willie has difficulty In his speech, and a little girl who came to see him was very much interested in It. "What makes him talk that way?" she asked another girl, who told her that he was "tonguetied." When she got home sho told her mother about It. "Mother," she said, '"that little boy I had his tongue lied with a hard knot, und could hardly talk at all." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System ' Take the Old Standard GROVE'S { TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know > what you are taking, as the formula is ; printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 50 cents. A Mistake. | "Dobson was Just telling me that he suffers terribly from Insomnia." "Nonsense! 1 work in'the same of flee with Dobson, antl if he's got Insomnia he never shows any evidence of It around there. The boss would bo better pleased if he did." Retort Courteous. He?All women are fools. She- That is why a man can always ; get one tc marry him. FITS,, FA I.I. I NO SICKNR8S r>l(i|>|wil UuU'klv. Fitly jrrar* of onintvrruptod success cifTir. Kline's (epilepsy Mi-dioln.- Insures lastlnu ri?snli*. L.AHOK Till AI. IlOTTI.K KRKK I?K. H 1.1 N K COMPANY, llod Hank. N. J.-AJr And some men never get over the jolt they receive when they fall In ; lovo. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. I Pierce's l'leesant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels ami stomach.?Adv. What this world needs Is fawer "reeds and more real charity. For bad burns Hanford's Balaam la used to give Quick relief. Adv. Some women's idea of foolishness if ! o dress sensibly. r - - ? . . . / ' , ' : f FRECKLES Mow 1* tht T^lrii^ toOft Bld ql TktM There's no longer -the slightest need <rf feeling ashamed of your freckles, as ths prescription othlne?double strength?Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne?double strength?from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to completely clear the sklh and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne. as this Is sold under guarantee of ; money back It It falls ts remove freckles ? I Adv. Safety Firet. Landlady?Who are you? New OtlORf 1 nni a norfoemar . ? _ "What do you do?" "I escape from tight places." "V" ithout anybody seeing you do It?" "Yes." "Well, if that s the case you'll have to pay in advance." HOW TO HEAL ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DISEASES A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but reliable and inexpensive, home treatment for people suffering with eczema, ringworm, rashes and similar itching, burning skin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar of Resinol Ointment and a cake of Resinol Soap. These are not at ail expensive. With the Resinol Soap and warm water bathe the affected parts thoroughly, until they are free from crusts and the skin is softened. Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of the Resinol Ointment, and cover with a light bandage?if necessary to protect the clothing. This should ba done twice a day. Usually the distressing itching and burning stop with the first treatment, and the skin soon becomes clear and healthy again.?Adv. Drastic Remedy. Georgle had indulged indiscreetly in chocolate pie for supper, and during the night was troubled with internal disturbances. Next morning he came down late, looking somewhat worn. "Well.'Georgie, how are you?" asked ins aunt. "Oh. I'm better now." Georgie said. "Mamma gave me an epidemic." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castbria Making Room. "Spring is about due." "What's the harbinger?" *1 see the style notes and beauty hints have had to get off the baseball page." It la Good for Man. To heal cuts, sores, burns, lameness and other external ailments quickly use Hanford's Balsam It in a vain. able household remedy and should always bo kept in every home. Adv. If They Told the Truth. "Mr. Chairman, I'm glad to say that 1 can't make an interesting speech, but even if I could 1 wouldn't waste it on so little intelligence as 1 see before me this evening?sitting, as you are. half dazed with food, alcohol and tobacco." "Well, good-by, Mrs. Diamondback. I've had a dull week-end. Hut I expected it, anyway. One of the things we have to endure, isn't It? Hope you'll get a better cook the next time 1 come." "You'd never know this was a secondhand car, would you? The engine hasn't been touched for five years, but a new coat of paint has given it a fine appearance, hasn't it? Worth $75. Sell it to you for $500."?Life. new risn axory. Mrs. X had forgotten to glvo her meat order in time for the first delivery. So she searched her memory for a meat that would cook quickly aud had Just gone to the phone to order it when her husband entered the room, saying: "The meatman brought our fish a moment ago, 1 paid him." "Hut, John, I didn't order any fish." She took down the receiver and got the meat market on the line. | "This is Mrs. X talking. Your man left a fish here which I did not order. I'lease send tor it. Have you any brains?" 9 GLASS OF WATER Upset Her. People who don't know about food should never be allowed to feed persons with weak stomachs. Sometime ago a young woman who lives in Me. had an attack of scarlet fever, and when convalescing was permitted to eat anything she wanted. Indiscriminate feeding soon put her back in bed with severe stomach and kidney trouble. "There I ?tnve#l " oho nana "?v, months, with my stomach in such condition that 1 could take only a few teaspoonfuls of milk or beef Juice at a time. Finally Grape-Nuts was brought to my attention and I asked my doctor if I might eat it. He said, 'yes,' and I commenced at once. "The food did me good from the start and I was soon out of bed and recovered from the stomach trouble. 1 have gained ten pounds and am able to do all household duties, some days sitting down only long enough to eat my meals. I can eat anything that one ought to eat. but I still continue to eat Grape-Nuts at breakfast and supper and like it better every day. "Considering that I could stand only a short time, and that a glass of water seemed 'so heavy," I am fully satisfied that Grape-Nuts has been everything to me and that my return to health Is due to It. "I have told several friends having nervous or stomach trouble what Grape Nuts did for me and la every case they speak highly of the food." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co.. Rattle Creek, Mich. Kv?t rend the nhove trtterf A nfw one appenrn from (late to time. They re Kmulnt, true, and full of hantaa interest. WATSON NAMED PRESIDENT Heads New National Association of Agricultural Commissioners.?48 States Repreesnted. Washington.?E. J. Watson of South Carolina was elected president and Dr. Clarence J. Owens of Washington executive secretary of the National Association of Commissioners of Agrlcul ture. inaugurated at a meeting here. Resolutions indorsing the bill for the proposed national chamber of agriculture were adopted. Dr. Owens, who is enthusiastic concerning what he hopes will be accomplished along this line said that this was the first time that commissioners I | of all the 48 states had been present I ?o discuss the needs of the farmer. "It is indeed worthy of note." he said, "when the commissioners of agriculture from all of the states come together in the interest of the farmers of their respective states and the nation. It means that there Is a quick- , ening of the mind as to the requirements of our biggest undertaking?agriculture." It is ^)od for South Carolina that Dotn or tlie olTloers elected tonight are Palmetto state men. Mr. Watson is well known throughout the country, i and l)r. Owens Is originally from Orangeburg. The latter's work along industrial and agricultural lines during the past few years has been most successful. ^ The sessions will continue another day. after which Mr. Watson will proceed to New York in his automblle. Name Officers In Great Work. Charleston.?The election of officers at the closing session of the Suyday I school convention resulted in John D. j Cappelmann of Charleston being elect| ed to succeed T. T. Hyde of Charlesi ton. Dr. B. II. DeMent. Greenwood, i was made tirst vice president; W. S. i ! Morrison, Clemson College, second ; vice president; S. T. Reid, Spartan burg, treasurer, and D. D. Jones. Cenj tenary, recording aecretay. The selection of the next place of meeting is left to tho central committee. The executive committee of the as i sociation is divided into three secI Hons and members are elected to | serve three years. Those elected to : 1111 the expired terms of members are: ! T. W. KeiLt. Newberry; J. B. Green, E. Hurts. Columbia; T. T. Greenwood; 1). D. Jones. Centenary; C. E. Burts, Columbia; T. T. Hyde,! j Charleston; S. C. Hodges, Greenwood; I E. N. Peeples, Hampton; the ltev : Hugh ,H. MurChison, Lancaster; C. M. Eflrd, Lexington; N. II. Smith. Mul11ns; W. S. Morrison. Clemson Col-; lege; J. N. DeLoach. Saluda; W. E Nesmitlj, Klngstree Horace L. Boniar. Spartanburg; R. E. Boggs, Spartan! burg; S. T. Lanham, Spartanburg; A J. Bethea, Coluftibia, the Rev. George K. Way, Hidgeland; C. W. Birchmore. | Camden; J. C. Price, North; the Rev. J. A. Ansley, Manning, and the Rev. J ! A. W. Blackwood. Cnlumhln T?n> n?v W. H. I\. Pendleton, Spartanburg, la j chairman of the committee. Profitable Asparagus Season. Edgefield.?The asparagus growers I of the Trenton section of Edgefield I county have closed most profitable ' season they have ever had. They ; have received this spring an average ,price of $3 per dozen bunches for tholr 1 asparagus. After the asparagus is out from the field it is carefully sorted into four grades, the price ranging from $2.75 per dozen for the lowest to , $t? per dozen for the best grade, which Is about double the price received sevI eral years ago. The higher price is I the result chiefly of their system of | co operative marketing. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. A mass meeting of the citizens of j Ilardeevllle and vicinity was held re; cently for the purpose of perfecting an organization with the viey of annex t lng that section of Beaufort county to i Jasper county. v Officials of the State Press Asso ' elation have been advised by Talcott Williams of New York of his accept; ance to make the principal address at I the meeting of the association in York, June 7-9 Citizens of Spartanburg are eontrib utlng largely to the support of the proposed Spartanburg-Clinton electric j railway. A. Q. Smith, agrieultrrist of the ' United States office of farm manage ment at Columbia has returned from j Washington, where he went on busi ess. Aiken Is represented at Fort Ogle- I : thorpe military camp at Fort Ogle 1 thorpe, Ga.. by four men, Louis I). Oil veros, Gary C. Turner, Wilbur D. ; Creightoii and J. M. Richardson, who were sent to the ramp by the Citizens' ! Club of Aiken, with all their expenses paid. The South Carolina Insurance Com j ! pany has offered each of its 80 ageni> j in the state free transportation to 1 I themselves and families for the purpose of attending the annual conven( tion of the South Carolina Under i writers' Assoc iation, which will meet in Columbia May 19. Work has begun on the new Method i j 1st church at KlIore?\ Henry Horlbeck. M. D.. of Colum bla died recently in Summervllle, thi^ state, after some months of ill health Unchanged condition of the Rev. Thomas H. Leitch's impaired health ( has induced his resignation as editor of The Way of Faith, a religious pub llcation, issued in Columbia. John L. Mt Laurie will run for lieu i tenant governor, in order that he may have the op|H?rtunity of addressing the ; people, during the county-to-eounty j campaign this summer, on the subject ! of the state warehouse system. J. B. Westbrook, of Chester, liar , been appointed by dov. Manning as ' I a member of the state board of par 1 ' dons to succeed H. C. Tillman of Greenwood, resigned Alex Oliphant has gone to Memphis , : to Join a flehl party of the United j States geological survey, with which i he will work for the summer, return ! ing to Columbia early in the fall. Assurancs having been given that | the hotel will be open, it was an- I nounred in Columbia that the annual meeting of the South Carolina Denta" Assoicatlon will be held at Chic! Springs July 12 to 14. UGH! CALOMEL MAKE CLEAN LIVER JE Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver pated Headachy?Don't Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel ba fine and cheerful; make your work a w pleasure; be vigorous and full of am- tb bltlon. But take no nasty, danger- It ous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work, ra Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, in which causes necrosis of the bones, in Calomel crashes Into sour bile like y< dynamite, breaking it up. That's \( when you feel that awful nausea and b( cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy v? the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cs cleansing you ever experienced just di take a spoonful o? harmless Dodson's D Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer g? sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's w Liver Tone under my personal money- is Shameless. "That soprano in the choir is a bold, I brazen thing." ' si "Why. 1 thought she appeared to be ti particularly modest and refined." "Oh, you men! You never notice j "1 anything! Didn't you sco that she j w was wearing her last year's hat Just to attract attention?" r si Some Success. pi "How are you getting on in your (f.* pursuit of that bandit?" Ji "Very well," replied the Mexican ^ general. "By skillful strategy we have prevented him from capturing any of us." t< If your horse is kicked, or cut by j barbed wire, apply Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Some men can have a hot time on a little cold cash. it If you Suffer from bago, Kidneys o TaLf* Mnt Watm - IV ? MkVI American tnen and women must guard ti constantly against kidney trouble, be- m cause we eat too much and all our food ? is rich. Our blood is filled with uric t! acid which the kidneys strive to filter fr out, they weaken from overwork, be- < come sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, i bladder weakness and a general decline in health. u When your kidneys feel like lumps of ,ir lead, when your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are " obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night, when you suffer with "J sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism ni when the weather is bad, get from your at druggist "ANl'RIC." Because of uric v< acid in overabundance in the * system, er backache, pains here aud there, rhcuma- pt Signs. Hokus?So you beliove in signs, eh? Well, when a man is always t making new friends what is that a *: sign of? I'okus?It's likely to be a sign that his old friends have found him out.? Life. c b And the more confidence we have In others the more we are disap pointed. ^ Ni For pores apply Hanford's Ilalsam vb lightly. Adv. wl cs Man is made of dust and is always | out for more. W tr XT n ? WW it I our Daby Has \ Joplin Mothen a ni They Recommend the "Outside" Appli- a cation of Vap-O-Rub Instead of Harmful Internal Dosing. w w Intelligent mothers everywhere real- el ize that little children should be dosed d sparingly, and yet some treatment for v cold troubles is necessary. Joplin, \lo., is mothers have solved this problem by the use of Vap-O-Rub. Thi9 is the R| "external" Southern treatment intro- q? duced here last winter. Applied at night over the throat and chest, the te heat of the body releases the ingredients in the form of vapors, and thus j( V* A ?* - " * * mo uicuitauuu i? liKiuicu wun each Vf breath through the air passages to Sf the lungs. Vap-O-Rub gives quicker y relief than internal medicines, and can ar be used freely with perfect safety on ,lt the smallest child. j w Mrs. Mabel Hawkins, 1407 Pearl St., th Joplin, writes?"My druggist sent me ' Ti vicx's^yme Do You Km Daughter?! ^ uttered sighs of pain, nor blind J I to her pallid countenance. Begin > I at once to aid nature by using * It strengthens and greatly stimulal I ful activity. This wonderful preparatii I and women. It is sold under a guaran S male disorders and strengthens the fra THACHER MEDICINE CO., < iMiMTERSMl ft (hbllIo Standard Packer Cans with Sol- Give E derllemmed Caps?"Wax Scaling Cans with Wax Strings? Special /Friction Top Synip Cans and ^ Pails. All sizes. We ehip any %/JwcrIr" quantity desired. Write todav ' for our New 1916 Price List. Box 7C5 S YOU SICK! LBDWELS MY WAY Tone" When Bilious, ConstiLose a Day's Work. ick guarantee that each spoonful ill clean your sluggish liver better lan a drse of nasty calomel and that won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver edicine. You'll know It next morng, because you will wake up feel- Z.* g fine, your liver will be working, :>ur headache and dizziness gone, >ur stomach will be sweet and your >wels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely >getable. therefore harmless and innot salivate. Give it to your chil*en. Millions of neonln nm linlnv odson's Liver Tone Instead of dan* jroua 'calomel now. Your druggist 111 tell you that the sale of calomel almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. They're Even. "See here, Mr. Jones," said his phyelan. "it is taking you an awful long me to pay that bill of mine." "I know it. Doc," answered Jones, but you ought to remember that you ere an awful long time curing me." tT8K ALI.EN'S FOOT-EASE he antiseptic powder to be shaken Into iocs and used In foot-huth. It relieves tlnful. swollen, smarting, aching, tired et and Instantly take* the sting out of >rns and bunions. The greatest comfort V Iscovery of the age. Sold everywhere. 2>c. m rial package FREE. Address Allen 3. ^ lmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Adv. Days of Affluence. Street Loafer in London So 1 says ) 'int. I bet you a thousand pound you on't.?Passing Show. Sure Thing. Patience Will your cat cat cheese? Patrice Oh, yes. if the mouse eats first. Backache, Lumr Rheumatism, r and uAIUIIDietl i cauu niivniv nil. gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica suit. It was Dr. Pierce who discovered new agent, called "Anuric," which will irow out and eradicate this uric acid ?m the system. Dr. l'ierce believe* Anuric" to he 37 times more potent tan lithia, and consequently you need no nger fear muscular or articular rheumastn or gout, or many other diseases which 'e dependent on nti accumulation of uric id within the body. Send Dr. l'ierea, ivalids' Hotel, iiufTulo, N. A*., 10c for ial package or ?1.00 for full treatment Anuric." Dr. Pierce's ,reputation is back of this edicine and you know thnt his "Pleasit Pellets" for the liver and his *'Fairite Prescription." for the ills of worni have had a splendid reputation for tha ist SO years. Adv. FOR OLD AND YOUNG ? 'utt's l.lvcr Pills act as kindly on the child, he delicate female or Infirm old age, as upon he vigorous man. Tuft's Pills 1ve tone and strength to the weak stomach, owcls, kidneys and bladder. iniTDC Varloose Veins 1II I I lit and Ulcers maea and Vomiting, Int?stlnal Inflammation, .rains. llrulao*. Swollen (Hands and Joints, Nail onnda ( Bros nib In touiploal, Rheumatism, xur.Hgla. Chrome Appendicitis: Astonishing relief ihanti Century Royal Idnlmont; pleasant. I??wal alral SOU K. IwikiU (? , UlrkaMd Ta, Kail l.OO f. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 20-1916. Croupy Cold i Can Advise You trial Jar of Vlck's Vap-O-Rub, and iy baby girl, oleven months old, had severe cold and was threatened with noumonia I nnniiori Von.nn?t ? .-f ? U|#A/'i\lill Ull Br throat and cheBt well, and covered 1th a warm flannel cloth, and it orked like magic. 1 havo four small lildren and now if they get croupy in 10 evening I rub them with Vick'a ap-O-Rub Salve?and that is all that necessary." Mrs. J. W. Drew, 822 Ohio Ave., Jopa. says?"I have used Vap-O-Rub frelently on the whole family with >lendid results. I think it much betr than internal medicines." Mrs. S. M. Black, 206 Moffett Ave., >plln, writes?"Last spring I had a ?ry deep cold with a bad cough and >re throat. The first night I used ap-O-Rub the soreness left my throat, id tho third day after I had begun its ?e my cough, cold and sore throat all ere gone. I think it better than anyilng I have evor used for colds." hreo sizes- 2?ic, f)0c and $1.00. m&SALVE wYourH an early ago your daughter de- I mis the grcate: t care. It is then | it she reaches the first vital period her life. lie not deaf to her half I Leila Vitae | tes the delicato organs to health- I on has assisted thousands of girls I itee to bring quick relief from fe- I lil ovstcm. At dealers tndnv_ tl CHATTANOOGA, TENN. " ' I mj mm ?m? fmyaJ* Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills & Fever. * * Also a Fine General iJIJ/r Strengthening Tonic. * 60c ond SI.OO at oil Drug Su.r?a. nia Cans' test Results YfVr, I i Jor h.arty UVA tia Can Co. \A\\ \\VH ^^^uchannan^Va^.^^^