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TH FORT MILL TIMES Demeerstie ? Published Thursday*. B W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor j DMOumoN Kates: One Year ......... iU.25 Six Month* .65 The Time* invite* contributions on live subjects bat does not agree to publish more than 200 words or? any subject. The right is reserved to edit /ery communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rataa are made known to those interested. Teleohon*. local and longdistance. No. 112. Entered at the postcfflce at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1916. GRIT. "Supposin' fish don't bite at first. What are you jjoin' to do? Throw down your job, chuck out your bait And say your fisiiin's tttrouj?h? You bet you ain't; you're proin to fish An' fish, an' fish, an' wait Until you've ketched a bucketful Or used up all your bait. Supposin' success oon i come ai nrsi. What are you goin' to do? Throw up the sponge and kick yourself An' growl, an' fret, an' stew? You bet you aint; your'e goin' to fish, An' bait, an' bait again, Until success has bit your hook, For grit is sure to win." ? Author Unknown. He'* Here. Yes, we still have with us that type of citizen who exchanges papers with his neighbor and, of course, saves the subscription price of one of the A nrl +U *o io Knlninrr papci o. nnu vino 10 u\;ipiii^ tut publisher in a rush ?we don't think. Some Gain, Anyway. It is hard to find anything redeeming about the European '* , war; it seems to the ordinary individual a big uncalled for and brutal business. There are, however. just a few things that are really encouraging, and one of the most notable of these is the death blow to alcohol. Europe has always been the strong advocate of the sale of all forms of alcoholic drinks and prohibition has never appealed to any of the great nations of Europe, but since the outbreak of the war, one nation after another has forbidden the sale of intoxicants una *1 n i__ .1 in now r.?urope is nearly as ory as the state of Arkansas. Mexico. It looks now, more than ever, that the United States is going to lie compelled to send enough troops to Mexico to put down all the various revolutionists, and would-be leaders of revolutions, if that war-torn and distressed country is ever to have any more peace. We are inclined to the belief that the capture of Villa will effect little good. Nor do j we believe that there is a man in Mexico today strong enough to 1 unite the factions and set up a | stable government without out-1 side assistance. Thus, it would seem, it is squarely up to the United States to put its troops in Mexico at the command of ! some strontr lpader and furnish : the necessary money to bring: order out of the chaos existing: there now. Writers of note, men who have carefully studied the Mexican situation, have concluded that intervention is the only hope for peace, and this belief is shared by many people throughout this country. - -Favor* War, But James B. Duke, president of the American Tobacco Company, the Southern Power Company, and perhaps other companies, in an interview griven the Charlotte Observer a few days ago expressed nimseii strongly in sympathy with the Allies in the European war and said among other things that the United States should at once go to war! with Germany. We do not of I course object to Mr. Duke's1 sympathy for the side on which the principal part of civilization is. but vce have been wondering since we read what he had to say on the subject whether he would be so enthusiastic for America entering the contest if he thought he would have to volunteer for service. Like many rich men, who doubtless would become richer by war, he is feady and eager for the poor man to make of his body a bar-1 rier for German bullets, but be sure he would save his own precious bacon. Cohen's Troubles Cease. The troubles of Nathan Cohen, "the man without a country," UMi&tW Lkv r !! ? ?I are over, the unfortunate man having died a few days ago in a sanitarium near New York. Several years ago Cohen came to this country from Brazil and engaged in business m Baltimore. According to the alien law an immigrant who becomes a public charge within three years of the date of landing, must be taken to the country from whence he came. Cohen was deported, but ; the Brazilian authorities would [ not accept him, so he was sent to Argentina, where he was refused landing. Then followed a j process of deportation, keeping the man unor. thp hich spur Rail ing back and forth between this country and South America. The steamship company tried to wish the man onto Russia, which was his native land, but the Russian authorities refused to take him back. Finally, the Knights of Pythias discovered that he was a member of that order and, thru their intercession, the immigration authorities were prevailed upon to permit Cohen to land and he was taken to a sanitarium, with the provision that lie was to be deported after the i war. Governor Appoints Commissioners. Governor Manning Thursday appointed the following commissioners to examine into and report as to whether the pro| posed new county of Catawba j is complying with requirements. For the old counties: J. Steele Brice, York; J. Lyles Glenn, j Chester; J. E. McDonald, Winnshoro. For thenewcountv: W. B. j Wilson, Jr.. of Rock Hill; R. S. Me bane of Great Falls, R. B. Reeves of Longtown. It will be the duty of these commissioners to employ two disinterested surveyors, who1 shall have the power to call in a third disinterested surveyor to settle such disputes as might arise. These surveyors will ascertain the area in the pro-1 posed new county, and also the j area to be left in the old counties, and establish the lines in such manner as to make it clear who shall be entitled to vote in case of the ordering of the election. The surveyors are to be paid by warrant of the commission on the old counties, each being liable for its pro rata part. After the survey, it will bethe ! duty of the commission to make thorough investigation as to whether all the requirements of the constitution have been complied with and to make report to the governor accordingly. Within turontlT .Ini.rt ~ iviiiii navo ill n:I ic' ceiving the report of the comlrission, provided the report so warrants, the governor must order an election to be held within sixty days thereafter. Managers are to be appointed by the commissioners of election of each of the old counties, three | for each precinct in the new county territory, and if twothirds of the electors voting in' the election declare for the new county, and all constitutional re-, (luirements have been complied with, then the new county shall. be erected. Blease Says He Will Win. Ex-governor Blease recently gave to the press the following statement: "It is being clandestinely and maliciously reported by enemies of mine and the cause that I rep resent that I am not and will not be a candidate for governor in the election this year. This report is absolutely and unqualifiedly false, and is circulated by those who would rather lie than tell the truth. "I am a candidate for governor and will win. I am in no combination nor interested in anyone's race for governor but my own. and the rumors to the contrary are the concoctions of those ; who wish to mislead the voters. Our cause is an honest and just one and will not be downed but, based upon the great principle of 'Equal rights to all and special privileges to none,' is bound to succeed." To Make Bordeaux Mixture. Dissolve four pounds of water. After it has dissolved dilute to twenty-five gallons. Slack six pounds of lump lime in a small pail of water, and dilute to twenty-five gallons. Do not pour one solution into the other, but pour the two solutions into a third barrel at the same time, stirring vigorously to insure thorough mixing. It is very essential that the two solutions be mixed this way so as to orevent crystals from forming and thus reducing the strength of the mixture. Mrs. J. B. Elliott and little son, .lames Boyce, Jr., are visiting relatives in Chatham. Va. THE FORT Ml SPECIAL NOTICES. ( REMEMBER?If you are going to eat fish, now is the time. Ihey | are running fine. We expect Red Fin ' Crokers, Mullets and Gutted Trout Satu^sy Telephone your order early. R. F. Grier. Phone 11. v wvw.wy.vyvYve?v^w Nancy Hall and Porto Rico potato plants, guarrnte ?d genuine stock, ready lor immediate shipment, $1.25 per 1,000. 5,000 and over $1.15. 10,000 1 and over $1.00 per 1,000, f. o. b. Florida. F. H. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. ~CO IT ON S E ED ?Clevela ndfi ve- loclT 1 Big-Boll Graded Seed for planting, $1 per bushel. Pesvine hay, baled, first uualitv, $1 per hundred. O. W, Potts. K. F.'P. No. 3. Fort Mill, S. C. 1 NOTICE. I'hone or write us for estimate on > repainting your Auto or rebuilding top. ' Expert workmen and a first class job guaranteed. J. C. Hardin & Co., Kock Hill, S C. | FOR SALE Cook.s Improved Cotton Seed. Made 12B0 pounds seeil cotton per acre; ginned out 41 to 42 pounds per 100 lbs. seed cotton. Thev are pure. J. P. STROUP. K. 1, Fort Mill. S. C. < AN NOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of York County subject to the rules of the Democratic party. F. E. QUINN. For Clerk of Court. To the Voter# of Yotk County ? 1 hereby place myself in your hands as a candinatc for Clerk of Court, subject to your approval at the approaching Democratic primary election. S. A. EPPS. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate . for the office of Clerk of Court for ' York county, subject to the approval of the Democratic voters n the ap- ; proaching primary election. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. T. E. MeMACKIN as a candidate for Clerk of the Cou t for York county. subject to the action of the Democratic voters iti the approaching primary election. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court for York county, subject to the will of the voters in the approaching Democratic i primary election. John K. Logan. ^ Election of School Trustees. The Cherry hill passed at the 1915 v session of the General Assembly provides that any school district may elect trustees for the term beginning July 1915. The county board of education will order an election in an/ district upon petition of one-third of1 the resident voters if the petition is i received before June t Should no election be held the selection of trustees is left entirely in , the hands of the county hoard. JOHN E. CARROLL. Supt. C ifyjHSSfBy : j/ **J W 4,I can use this Conklin rest of my career. _ It's a I : ~ jno more broken pencil \ points for me?no more ? worn out or rusty steel 1 pens." ! i Writes smoothly and neatly. < Fills itself in 4.seconds. $2.50up. J Every graduate will appreciate ( ( W Fountain Pen NON'LEAKABLE PARKS DRUG CO. ~STU N G; Mr. P. L. Wagner, assistant! superintendent of the Millfort Mill, says: "For nearly 15 years I carried $1,000 life insurance in nm? of the fraternal orders at a cost of $10.56 per year. A short while ago 1 r? ceived notice that hereafter my premium woud be $28.32 per year. I declined to pay it and have taken a policy in the Union Central Life in which I find that my net premium at the end of the first year will be $27.25 for $1,000 not including premium for disability benefits. I find that if I had taken a policy in the Union Central at the! time I took the fraternal policy, my last premium would have been $14.80 and the policy would now have a cash value of $158 00 if 1 decided to drop i?. In the ease of the fraternal j>olicy, I have nothing to show for all the years of payment while my advanced age makes niv premium in the old line company cost me $12.20 per $1,000 more than it would have cost me 15 years ago. I hsl VP lv?r?n Citnnrr oil " ??i iiftiu. Travel "Old Line." It is the safest and cheapest. Begin when you are young and accumulate from year to year against the day of disaster. Let us show you the Policy, the Company, and the Cost at your age. Bailes & Link, , i \ V v LL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOUT Special While It Lasts. Reztlar Special Price Price 00 lbs. Imperial Piour $3.50 $3.35 50 lbs " ? 1.75 1.70 25 lbs 44 44 .90 .85 lOO lbs Ice Cream Flour 3.25 3.00 50 lbs 44 44 1.65 1.50 25 lbs 4 4 4 4 "7R -re itinghan Reliable Hams, lb.. .28 Highest prices paid for beef and pork. We want to Ice your Refrigerator. 'Phone No. 29. Moore & Ferguson, Phone 15. Groceries We carry nothing that we cannot guarantee to i be absolutely first-class, and we keep the prices down. | Prompt deliveries. Culp's Grocery. ' ? i : Arter you 4 your* <g prescription. brm^> it to us We use iy| Purest and IresK< Dru^s. To be sure that your p ^ right, bring them to us. $ ful about the right ouanti right quality of the eomp those dear to your heart es. Do your drug busim Hutchinson's i C.Th? great banKi; tured here was tfv what is today the of all banKs ?the tors' money safe e C.The ability of a b function Keeping safe and accessi value to the peopl .l~ i u 11 ii serves. Money deposited " yet it is at all t;rr where you can se it may be neede are assured of its ! until you want it i ?. A savings accoui vation of the babi , ^ Start a banK acci Savings Bank i H CAROLINA KIM Shoes For Men Canvas, Palm beac prnrl Raw Walt- av*o I a?w-w Him I o at such tremendous SOCKS?Chili Men s Socks, all CO M W have just the ever had for the m You and your I drinking iced tea fr Why burn up o money you can get lTIMRPn A^Al 1 JLI1\LJJ T< _ rescriptions are filled ? J Not only are we care- ? itV- also about the 5 ounds we use. When $ , m ^ are ill, take no chanc- * < ess with us. ^ <? il Pharmacy, | \ > ~ AMSTERDAM 1 III ^ ^ * "? ng institution pic- f e first to undertaKe i principal function Keeping of deposi- f ind accessible. I* i anK to perform thus i depositors' money ble ? represents its e of tne community ^ with us is safe, and lqs accessible. It is >cure it at any time d, and where you u being in saie hands ! ' eturned to you. : (! ' y? it means the culti:t of thritt. c 5 sunt with us today. B a >< : of Fort Mill. ? B RE -" A 1 1 Shoes , Women and ( h, Kid, Tan, Patent And don't forget tl 5 ba rgain prices. Jren's Socks, all sizej lors, at I Oc, 1 5c, 25c en's Straw Hat : latest styles and t oney, $ I, $ 1.50 and friends keep cool c om our glasses, 75c ver a wood stove \ rvr??k /-A (- /-.i... * ' ^ - f . wiiv. U1 UUI V^UICN I LL'S, jlephone No. 7 New Sum Figured Lawns, Embroidered V Striped Voile and Suitin just arrr Few P at n .1 ^ Dee ttie [New (iooi l. j. r there's snl In knowing that pendable, and tha but dependable me you leave your ord may rest assured filled with every ea be delivered prom quality of everythin the best. Phone P Parks Grc Phon< IAL0MEL DYNAMIT MAKES YOU SICI Mill's Urn TmM Starts Mr Liver j Better TIiii Citiail and You DoMt Leu i Day's Work Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel ne and cheerful; male your work a leaaure; be vigorous aiul full of amhion. But take no nasty, dangerous ilomcl lnvaiiitr it make* you nick and au may lose a day's work. Calomel in mercury or quicksilver hick causes necrosis of the bone*, alomel crashes into sour bile like imamite, breaking it up. That's when >u feci that awful nausea ami cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy ie nicest, gentlest liver and bowel earning you ever experienced just take spoonful of harmless Uodson'g Liver I f '"V ' LL'S * Shoes, Children. j Leather, Sandals 1 ne rack of Shoes I M 5, at 1 Oc and 1 5c. wBfl he best we have MU md refreshed by I W for six. I ^ vhen for so little I v n i?? VIeal Oil Stoves. Quality Reigns" ' VSOHHUUBUBDftfiJflHi BBBHhhhhbHBBBII mer Goods oiles, s, rrc ved. retty Hats left Close Out Prices. is. Vlassey. id Comfort : ~ your grocer is de- ? \t he sells nothing rchandise. When ers at this store, you ? that they wi II be t re; that they will ptly and that the ^ tg ordered will be ? Slo. I 16. ! >cery Co., ; - 116 j* ES YOUR LIVER! ~ ( INI) SlIiUSTFS < ? ?* Vilhll n I kV Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealersells you a flO cent bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone under my personal mnnevback guarant<?o that each sp<x>nful wilt cl?an your sluggish liver better Uian a done of nasty calomel and tbat it won't make you sick. Hudson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. Yon 11 know it ne.xt morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; headache and di//.incaa gone; stomach will be bweot anil bowcla regular. IVidson's Liver Tone is entirely vpgr? table, therefore harmless and e*n not salivate. Give it to yoiir?chihlren. Millions of pi-ople are using Hudson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of Calomel is aim oat stopped entirely hero.