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? * ^ A . 4 * irTrn oiv ifr 1 ha nricn oia itnno OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Columbus,Ohio.?"I had almost given up. 1 bad been sick for six years with "'llmitllilliniinnnllil ^emal? troubles and j nervousness. I had | a pain in my right side and could not _ 1[1 eat anything with1 I out hurting my I lUtw' 11 8^?mac^* * could 111111 UU Ui 11 IJtV cuiu water j][ira^P3|1 all nor cat any 1 kind of raw fruit, * nor fresh meat nor \\ ? HI chicken. From 178 ? ? pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds bo you can see what it has done for fne already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life."? Mrs. J. S. Barlow, 1624 South 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body. That is why Mrs. Rarlow, a chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It payB for women suffering from any female ailments to^nsiBt upon having Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Expensive Treatment. "Did the doctor give you any cncourigement?" "Oh. yes. He said he would have tie feeling like a pri/.o fighter in a few weeks' "1 wouldr'i be at all surprised If he lid so." "No?" "Most of the prize fighters nowadays teem to be desperately hurd up." It sometimes happens that while a man is watching his enemies, his friends get the best of him. Answer the Alarm! A bad back makes a day's work twice as hard. Bnckaehe usually conies from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizziness or urinary disorders are added, don't wait? get help before dropsy, gravel or Ilright's disease set in. Doan's Kidney Pills linve brought new life nnd new strength to thousands of working men and women. Used nnd recommended the world over. A South Carolina Case "Rrtrv THeiurt L,. W. Garrison, TtlU a Story'' 1510 S. Main St.. An ? /T^jW.l.rson, S. C., says: ' 1 waa ln terr,hle iWtrt i /p/a >kJkt<l'l|P0 with kidney Md l//l^BljJcomplalnt. Often the f- 1**1 in leizeu mr in my back and down I ?would ko. having to tB| bo bolpcd up. The Tu T^j7 ' kidney secretions were scanty and ~ filled with sediment }JKZT~1 and I bad awful dlzCr-*-^ 2>* spells. Three boxes of Doan's Kldnpy Pills cured mo and I haven't suffered since." C?t Doan'g at Any Store. 50c Box DOAN'S 'V.TiV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS \ gentlybutfirmly com-^WB ? pel a lazy liver to jdR/Bfml( iim rnc do its duty. v^rx I Lrxv Cures Con- JB&zS&jBr i WT.T tipation, In-] | IVER ar"Headache, 1 and Diatreaa After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature SV\.Wet Contents 15 Flak! Drachma W f| JIBEED) Ab C!M ;v it.iV< :t.N I ^ A Ve i^e ta !>lc Pit pa m I ion for As- I i?iH siniilnfin?lheR>odaudRe<tuln- ! i Jf "i tinti 'he Stomachs and Ihnvcls of | y;VM H Promotes Digestion.Cliccrfiilit c ness i?nt! HYsU'oi ilnins neither Opium, Morphine nor Mine'.?L Nor Narcotic. ;?cw aww ofouDtiuaFLPtrcJicji iKtr faA,/ w/?, j I ( AruJM .S?i ' I ;?5 fe?-} iCJJ / /.t> ry / ( '?? A perfect Remedy forCnnsflpn;?;i? tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea l)?r Worms. Fevvrishness iind ? I 4\U1' 4VI?C| Dfll A ?j w^rprw \wMT ?? t?)CO Fut Simile Sigiuiliire of q?< ??: > The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. v ^ Exact Copy of Wrapper ML* . ... . - i. . % ' ' ' ' ' " ^ More Negotiable. "Experience Is -a good asset." "I'd much prefer the bankroll I exchanged for mine." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties oi QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver. Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Political Wisdom. "The people have a long memory." "Then take care how you tax It."? i Exchange. BAD COMPLEXION MADE GOOD When All Else Fails, by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. If you aro troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, itching and burning, which disfigure your complexion and skin, Cuticura Soap and Ointment will do much to help you. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. D, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Not Cool Million. "He talks a lot about being heir to a I million." "Hot air." TRY DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES _____ Shampoo your hair and scalp eacb ; morning for about a week with Q-Ban j Hair Color Restorer. If your hair is j gray, streaked with gray, prematurely gray or faded, brittle, thin or falling, ! All Vnilr hnlr will than Ka darkened and to such a natural, even dark shade no one would suspect that you had applied Q-Han. Q-Bau is no dye, perfectly harmless, but makes all your hair soft, llufTy, thick, with that lustrous dark shimmer which makes your hair so fascinating. Big bottle sent prepaid or sold by druggists for GOc. Address Q-Bau Laboratories, Memphis, Tenn.?Adv. The Retreat. "Any news from the front?" asked the war correspondent. "None whatever," said the general us he hurried by, "except that the front iH now In the rear." TO KEEP HER FROM FALLING Would Have to Catch Hold oi Things. Lost Strength and Flesh. Doctor Recommended Cardui. Results Gratifying. Brookhaven, Miss.?"I am in fine health now," writes Mrs. H. M. Russell, of R. F. D. 5. of this place, "and have been for some time. I owe this good health to Cardui, 1 am certain I think I would have been dead before this if I had not tukcn that medicine I was down in bed five months last summer. I had chronic inflammation .... so the doctor said... I suffered untold misery, mostly in my right side but both sides hurt me?aching con stantly. I got to the place where 1 couldn't even eat without severe pain 1 had much headache and would often bo quite blind from dizziness. I would have to catch hold of things to keei from falling. I lost all my strength and flesh. I became so poor that I was Just bones covered with skin. , "The doctor. . on his visit told me to get Cardui and go to taking it... I took eight bottles in 3 months In Just a few days after starting with it, I began to improve and kept or mini i ?ui lompiuiuiy wen. I ouay J am In really good health. I can dc anything In the world in the shape ot work. I am sure that I owe this all tc Cardul. I would like to tell all womet 80." Try Cardui for your troubles. Foi sale by all druggists. I Even a little miss may be a big hit when she grows up. CASTO! Tor Infants and Children. Mothers Know That A A uenuine uastoria Always / . Bears the /$ S^%W 1 J /V 0/> USd For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMIT CINTAUR OOOMKI1, NKW VOHH ClTf. , . ' "* "" * * 1\ - * i * jUNIVERSITY MAN : KILLED IN ACCIDENT i ASHLEY E. MERRIMON Ol- SUMTER MEETS SUDDEN DEATH IN ORANGE3URG. | AUTO CRASHES INTO TREE Julian S. Wolfe Seriously Injured and Several Others Bruised When Party is Hurled From Car. Orangeburg.?Ashley E. Merrimon jf Sumter, a senior law student at the ; University of South Carolina, was instantly killed. Julian Sawyer Wolfe of Orangeburg was seriously injured j 1 and seven other members of an automobile party were bruised and shocked when the machine in which they were riding crashed into a tree about seven miles from here. The young j people had been to Rowesville, a favor ite automobile drive from Orangeburg, I and were returning. The "members of i the party, besides Mr. Merrimon and i I Mr. Wolfe, were: Miss Celeste George I : of Lexington and Miss Georgia Man- j llinif of Clio, a Columbia ( nlloira ??u dent; Miss Annie Lee Cruru of Or j ; angeburg. Hammond Crum of Den I mark, K. H. Jennings, Jr., of Orangeburg. E. H. Blacknum of Orengeburg. and Sid Seignious of Orangeburg, who | was driving the car. Medical attention was rushed to the i injured, and nhysiclans were on the ; scene in about 20 minutes after the accident. Mr. Merrimon was killed instantly. Mr. Wolfe suffered a brok ! j en leg and bruises. He was taken to i Columbia for attention. Miss Crum 1 received a broken rib. Miss George was bruised and two of her teeth were knocked out. Miss Manning suffered 1 minor cuts. Mr. Crum. Mr. Jennings. Mr. Blackmail and Mr. SelgtilouB were bruised, but none is injured. Ashley MercJmon was 23 years of age and a young man of exceeding ; promise. He was an honor student In the university law school, having an average of about 96 for his junior j year and that portion of the senior j year which he had completed. He i was to have been graduated in June. Schools Prnor^ss In Allc?n Aiken.?It is doubtful whether any county in South Carolina lias made the progress that Aiken county has made along educational lines during i I the past few years, and particularly i ! in providing adequate school houses t and school facilities. It is shown that during the past seven years, since | January. 1909, more than $105,000 has been invested in new school houses | and in remodeling und improving : , school houses in Aiken county. While in Aiken and in North Augusta large j ! school buildings have been erected j the greater part of the money expend ed for new school buildings has been in the rural section. New Lights at Greenville. Greenville.?On the evening of May 4 a big celebration was held here, oc- I casloned by the turning on of the or- j namental lighting system, now install ed on Main street from the internee- | I tion of College to the American bank | in West End. Gov. Manning and members of his staff led the parade. Preparedness Urged at Charleston. Charleston.?With a banquet at which Henry C. Breckenridge, former f ; assistant secretary of war. was the chief speaker, the National Defense j conference, under the auspices of the ' National Security league, closed. The ! conference is declared to have been completely successful. Speakers declared that preparedness measures on a scope larger than any j of those now before the public were I i essential to the continued safety of i the I'nited States. Dr. Frederick L. lluidekoper assert- j ed that "the Hay bill is the most outrageous bit of deception ever offered to the people in the guise of legisla 1 tion." in discussing the lack of mill : I tary defense in this country. Dr. J. Bernard Walker, editor of ! The Scientific American, said that the United States navy is not prepared for immediate active service. Col. O. J. Bond, superintendent of the Citadel, urced fhnt civilian* ho ! encouraged to learn to shoulder arms I efficiently. The conference adopted resolutions : introduced by Mayor Tristram T. Hyde of Charleston, saying that "the National Defense conference appeals to the congress of the United States for the speedy enactment of legislation which will provide this country with absolute security against attack." | The resolution provide thut a copy j he forwarded to each senator and J each member of the house of representatives. Mrs. A. J. George of Brooklin do- ( clared that the boys and girls of the nation should he trained to perform their duties to the state and to appro j ciate their responsibilities. In bis address "Mr. Huldekoper de- ' i clared that the United States had , never fought a first class power and | I that historians and campaign orators caused harm by their method of play- ! j lng with history. The harbor de | fensos of the country, he asserted, are inadequate. Vessels of the Queen I Elizabeth type have ruiis that out- J ! range the American const defense guns by four miles, he said. Clemson Cadets Pass In Review. Anderson. -Marching in columns of platoons the corps of cadets of Clem j son college passed tn review before ! Mayor Oodfrew and LIant. col. p. K ! McCully, Jr., of the First regiment. S. O. N. G. The parade was down Greenville and Main streets, ctrculing tho plaza and passing in review of the offcers stationed on a stand near the court house. More than 5.000 people were on the streets to see the parade j which was pronounced one of the besf ! military exhibitions ev<w held In An ' terson. X - K I III BEOT MOT WATE1' | ' BMNMM? .IF .TOM HJOMT FEEL MGMT' \ ? 8ays glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. I If you wake up with a bad taste, bad breath and tongue is coated; if your head iB dull or aching; if what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stomach, or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling Just right, begin drinking phosDhated hot water. Drink beforu breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It. This will flush the poisons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowelo and cleanse, sweeten and purify the entire alimentary tract. Do your inside bathing immediately upon arising in the morning to w?sh out of the systom all the previous day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with bouy impurities, get from your druggist or storekeeper a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except for a sourish tinge which is not unpleasant. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder should begin this Inside bathing before breakfast. They are assured they will become real cranks on the subject shortly.?Adv. "Simpkins is always borrowing trouble." "That's true, but I'll say this much for him: He always pays it back with Interest." The cheeky individual may get there j but generally at the expense of some- j one's good opinion. . ASK FOR AND GET SKINNER'S THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI Save the trademark signature of Paul F. Skinner from all packages and exchange free for Onetda Community Silverware. Write today for free 36 page rcape book and full information. SKINNER MFG. CO., OMAHA. U.S.A. LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA fSf Tube gljg Rose SSSiSiy Satisfies ^ The Green Label* Are M ' Good For Premium* I If your dealer won't supply you, send us 5c for a li-oz. can, or | 160c lor twelve. BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO.. Dip*. ^ Winstoa-Salsa, N. C. ECZEMA!* "Hunt's Cur." Is ftnaranteed to stop and permanently eure that j/TlPtf" ~Nl Inrrlbb Itclimn It Is rum- /ta^ fl vl ponnded for that purpose and f fat?OJ; your money will be promptly JrV 1 refunded without quenuoii J / If Hunt's Cure fal's to cure C If / / fU'b.Brimnu.Tetter. KlniiWurm I. /\f / or any other skin disease. 6oc \# An / the box. L J For sale by all drug stores or by mall front the A D llAifielnA ft. PI..... T. ft* ui iiibiiuiuo mcuiuiuc bun OllClllldn, 161. I Bacfcacfio I rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and I chest pains disappear almost like I I magic when treated externally with H Yager's Liniment. I YAGERS LINIMENT It a salt and sure remedy "77.? Relief Was Instant" I I Mr.Jne.R.Uaum.'WIttyHawk.N.C. wrltest I S "I suffered with a in .*t severe pain M I In my side, Knt>t?ed well with I Yager's t.lnlment and relief .,, iTf wee ins'ant.Alsohada tumpnn jEr^yJo I my leg which caused a good I deal or pain and trouble. After .sulresj- * I rubbing a few times with iiiw SfLl I your liniment It entirely dieAt ill dealers. Ss ei|!>l ourci tr^r^SS bollls tor 2Sc. Prepared by ; I Gilbert Bros. & Co., Inc. ' Baltimore, Md. ' t?Ak*ER'S HAIR BAL8AM A toilet preparation ot merit. Help# to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color end Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. ^tOo^an^l^O^^ruKglete^^ ^ KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do lilgheM cla ? of finishing Prleea and Catalogue upon request S. Galetki Optical Co., RtrKmeoi, Va III A MTTnTi i,'"n t? learn barber trade j W** 51 Pj H I* II Kew weeks r c<i u i red *" "*' Hteady position for com petent graduates. Wonderful demand for bar tiers. Wages wblle learning: freecatalog; writ* RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond, Va GALLSTONES Arotd operations. Poaltlre remedy- < npr tNoOii) Iteealla in re. W rite for out fs B# |e Be ug H"?U of Truth and (facta To-1 ray * c.u+mm. ru?e T-M 2IVSJ)earbaraSt.TUcaa ' ' * I takes! dangi New Discovery! Dodsor Salivate or Make You Medicine for A Ugh! Calomel makes you sic Take a dose of the dangerous c tomorrow you may lose a day's Calomel is mercury or quicksil necrosis of the bones. Calomel, i to contact with sour bile crashes it up. This is when you feel tl and cramping. If you are si knocked out," if your liver is tc constipated, or you have headache tongue, if breath is bad or stomac spoonful of harmless Dodson's Li Here's my guarantee?Go to and get a 50 cent bottle of Dods Take a spoonful and if it doesn Some Difference. "No enterprising man wishes to keep his business on a dead level." "How about an undertaker?" NEVER HAD A CHILI. After Taking ELIXIR UAUEK "My little daughter, 10 yearn old, Buffered nearly a year with chills and fever, most of the time under the doctor's care. I was discouraged and a frleud advised tne to try Klixlr Ui lick. I gave It to her ami she has uever had a chill since. It completely cured her." Mrs. Cyrus Helms. 302 E St.. N. Kr Washington. L>. C. Bltxtr Hubek 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid froui KloCMwakl A Co., Washington, D. C. Community Spirit. "'Do (hp citizens of this town show a disposition to pull together?" asked the new arrival. "I should say so!" answered the old resident with conviction. "Only last week we lynched a horse thief, an' I'm blessed if every man in town except the thief himself didn't want to catch hold of th" rope!" Eczema? Use Tetterlne. "I huve been troubled with Eczema on the face for nearly two years, and a few applications of Tetterlne and the use of Tetterlne Soap has entirely cured me. 1 cannot say too much for Its praise." Myrtcks, Mass. Mrs. S. A. Masklns. Tetterlne cures Eczema. Dandruff. ItchIn* Piles. Ring Worm and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. At druggists. or by mall direct from The Shuptrlne Co.. Savannah, Gu. With every mall order for Tetterlne wo give a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. Called Quits. Little Maiulie would tell "whoppers." One day her aunt thought she ought to he cured of this liubit. so she spoke seriously to the little maid, who promised to mend her ways. To point the moral, auntie (old the tale of the shepherd buy who was always calling "Wolf!" until no one could believe him. Then one day the wolf really came and ate up the sheep. "All the sheep?" interrupted Maudie. "Yes, every one of them." replied auntie decidedly. "Every single one?" Auntie nodded. "Well." said Mnudie slowly. "1 don't I 11 1 * uciietB you, uiiu you inn i neupve me. So there!"?Philadelphia Inquirer. Weddad to the Game. Preston was the scene, and the event in progress was a wedding. The "speaking parts" In the ceremony had all been played, and now bride and bridegroom and their friends were in the vestry putting the matter into writing. But the clergyman was not youthful, nor yvas he swift. Time passed, and the bridegroom became more and more fidgety. "You seem in a great hurry," remarked the officiating cleric, at last. "Have you a train to catch?" The happy man stood stock still, and scratched his head in perplexity. "Well, sir," he replied, good-naturedly, "it ain't a train, sir, but I don't want to be late for t' football match." EXPERIMENTS Teach Things of Value. Where one has never mado the experiment of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum, it is still easy to learn something about it by reading the experiences of others. Drinking Postum is a pleasant way out of coffee troubles. A Penn. man says: "My wife was a victim of nervousness, weak stomach and loss of appetite for years; and although we recnvtr>f1 lA nnm^rAiio mnth/wla ? ? lief, one of which was a change from coffee to tea, it was all to no purpose. '"We knew coffee was causing the trouble but could not find anything to take its place until we tried Postum. Within two weeks after she quit coffee and began using Pout tun almost all of her troubles had disappeared as if by magic. It was truly wonderful. Her nervousness was gone, stomach trouble rellevod, appetite Improved and, above all, a night's rest was complete and refreshing. "This sounds like an exaggeration, as It all happened so quickly. Each day there was improvement, for the Postum was undoubtedly strengthening her. Every particle of this good work is due to drinking Postum in rtlopn r\t *1 V o m r? i/i Kir turn Co., Iiattle Creek. Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Po8tum Cereal?the original form? must be wall boiled, locand 25c pkgs. Instant Postum?a soluble powder? dissolves qulckiy In a enp of hot water, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage Instantly. 30c and 50c tins. Doth forms are equally delicious U)d cost about the same per cup. There's a Reason" for Postum. ?<old by Grocers fHEPLAI EROUS Ci l's Liver Tone Acts Like Ca Sick?Don't Lose a Day's V\ len, Women, Children?Re k. It's horrible! light up and tnt Irug tonight and want you to go work. money. Dodson ver which causes sale of calomel 1 ,vhen it comes in- entirely vegetabb into it, breaking make you sick, lat awful nausea I guarantee th; uggish and "all Tone will put y jrpid and bowels clean your bowel , dizziness, coated waste which is e h sour, just try a you feel miserab vcr Tone tonight. Dodson's Liver any drug store feeling fine for r ion's Liver Tone. It is harmless; dc 't straighten you ant taste.?Adv. Hint for Nurse. Mrs. Simpson hail taken tier little daughter out to tea a: a friend's house, and all went well till the close of the meal. Then she was horrified to see little Elsie tying to smuggl" a slice of thin bread and butter into her pocket. "Oh. Elsie, what are vou doing?" she asked In sad surprise. "That's all right, mother," her small daughter reassured her. "I Just thought I'd take a piece back to nurse as a pattern!" INTELLIGENT DRUGGISTS KNOW WHAT KIDNEY MEDICINE TO USE T have been selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root for six and one-half years and my customers are always satisfied Iwith the results obtained from the use , of the medicine and speak favorably regarding it. I have used it for "pain in the back" and a bottle or two put me in , good shape and made me feel fine ngain. ; 1 believe lb-. Kilmer's Swamn-ltoot will I cure any eases for which it is recommended if thev are not of too long standing. Very truly yours, FRANK JENKINS, Druggist, Pilgrim, Texas. November 11th, 1915. Prove What Swnmp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., HinghamtoM, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will I also receive u booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidueys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention ! this paper. Regular fifty-cent and onedollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores.?Adv. The Yellow Kind. Maud?I do admire a man ol' mettle. Marie?So do I. The more gold he has the better.?Hoston Evening Transcript. If an honest man is the noblest work of God, it might be well to keep t an eye on the self-made man. r r i 0* 1 n/1 j wurerui ur. jo. in Children's They Say Internal Doting Harms Delicate Little Stomachs?"Outside" Applications Better. Careful mothers everywhere realize that internal medicines are injurious to the delicate stomachs of the littlo folks. Still croup and cold troubles must have some form of treatment. The answer to this problem is the Southern "external" treatment Vap-ORub. This was introduced in St. Jo, Mo., for the first time last winter, and a number of ladies were presented with complimentary jars by their druggists on condition that they give Vap-O-Rub a thorough test. Hero are tho reports from several of these ladies? Mrs. Sam House, 120f? Prospect Ave., writes?"My littlo daughter had Diphi theria last fall, and now every little cold she takes settles in her throat. We have thought twice she was going to have Diphtheria again, but during one of her bad spells my druggist sent me a jar of Vap-O-Rub. I used it for four nights on her throat with such good results that now I don't like to bo without it. 1 have used it on myself and my husband for bad colds and havo found it Just Hue." Mrs. John Povntor, 2132 S. 17th St.. PIMPLES Are Dangerous I They arc a si^nof pohsonedbljod, inactive liver, biliousness, indi- R. Restion, constipation or even more [s serious conditions which if not re- H lieved in time ma!;e you a vniser- I able invalid for life. Dr. Thacher's Liver | and Blood Syrup jjj is a remedy that goes back of the the mere symptoms, and RE LI EVES THE CAUSE. It ia Q purely veget able, a gentle laxa- 0 tive and tcnic combined. It can W be taken by all, voung and old, M male and female. bOc and ?1 bot- E ties at your dealer's. THACHER MEDICINE CO., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. SWEET POTATO PLANTS N a Nit V hal.!, ai.j ??ORTO WOO tamm now l>:i 1y i iKifiUL jh ipiUI. 6.00M for 17.uO, cipr^AH not p*ul s*fr d?il???j |HirialM4. W. W EvrrU, I t tr?fPvHs. . i V Sir" ALOMEL lomel But Doesn't Gripe, /ork?Harmless Liver ad Guarantee! ike you feel fine and vigorous I nack to the store and pet your 's Liver Tone is destroying the because it is real liver medicine; ?. therefore it can not salivate or it one spoonful of Dodson's Liver our sluggish liver to work and s of that sour bile and constipated logging your system and making le. 1 guarantee that a bottle of rone will keep your entire family nonths. Give it to your children. >esn't gripe and they like its pleasAn Extremist. "Mrs. X. is a groat stickler for form and ceremony, 1 understand." "Mercy, yea! Why. that woman would insiat on dressing up to entertain an idea."?ltoston Kvening Transcript. FITS, EPILEPSY, FALLIMi SICKNESS Htoppcil Oetrklv. Kifty r.'iirs of miintcrniptod ncwu ?>f Or. Kline* Hplli<pRT Motllclnn Insuma la.Mlnii rwrnlw. l.AHDr TittAI.ISuttle Kiuck. I>K. K 1.1 N K COMPANY, Ktol Bank, N. J.-Adr. A woman does her duty because she wants to?a man because he has to. It's easier for trouble to find your address than it is for Rood luck. ?.?.? Mother Knows What .1 To Use Vjss* a HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A. IINIME NT For Cuts, Burns, ^ Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. A%ATit"' Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 m || n I OR WRITE All Dealers W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 19?1916. others Trent ? w MB VMkr 1 Colds Externally writes: "My druggist sent mo a trial Jar of Vap-O Hub. which 1 soon had occasion to try on my "croupy" baby. Before putting her to sleep for the night, I applied the salve over her chest and throat with my lingers. The results proved very satisfactory, and now 1 would not bo without it." I Mrs. M. A. Myers, 2913 Sylvanie I Ave., says?"When our throe year old | boy had a severe cold, about a month ago. I tried a Jar of Vap-O-Ilub. I rubbed it. on his chest and let him inhale it, and ho was relieved almost immediately, and got better in a few days. I think your remedy is the best thing for cohls wo have ever used." Vick's Vap-O-Rub comes in salve form, and when applied to the heat of the body the ingredients are vaporized by the body warmtfe. These vapors, inhaled all night long, carry the medication with each breath, through the air passages, to the lungs. Vick's will be found better than internal medicine for all forms of cold troubles?from head colds, catarrh and asthmatic troubles?down to deep chest colds, bronchitis, sore throat or incipient pneumonia. Three sizes?25c, GOoand $1.00. Thr Cfnulnf^^ P @MLIL (I<D*NIC SoM for 47 yenrs. For M?tlarhi,( InJIm 1 ?.v_ . - *'"11 1 vrr. Also a r|n<* uonorai Alren^llicnlnii Ionic. "" DAISY FLY KILLER ^ Al l (leo'lars >'r f.?eni HAROLD SOMERS. 153 D* Kaib ?? , Brooklyn, If. W. f FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE | Dissolved in water for douches stop* I pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflamI motion. Recommended by Lydia E. J Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. I A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, t aore throat and sore eyes. Economical. 1 Has exlraontinsry deeming snil frermickUl powrf. I SsbidU Frfo. 50r. ell