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Splendid Lax for E Has Been Prescribed by Well i Known Physician for Many Years. The infirmities of age are especially manifest In a tendency to constipation, and call for treatment that will afford relief in an easy, natural manner. The rapid action of cathartic remedies and purgatives that shock the system should be avoided, more especially as the relief they offer Is only temporary and is usually more than offset by dls mmance to tne vital organs caused by their violent action. Nearly thirty years ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Montlcello, 111., prescribed a compound of simple laxative herbs that has since become the standard housebold retnedy in thousands of homes. It aciB easily and gently, yet with positive effect, without griping or other pain or discomfort. Mrs. Rachel Allen. Galesburg, Kans.. is seventy-one years old, and after using a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, wrote that it had done her a world of good and that she intends to keep it in the house always. How to get rid of eczema with Resinol Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap,usually stops itcliiny instantly. It quickly and easily heals distressing cases of eczema, rash or other tormenting skin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimples, redness, roughness and dandruff, even when other treatments have been useless. Physicians have prescribed the Resinol treatment (or over 2<> years, lor most forms ol skintroubles, and (or irritations, wounds, haling*, etc. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment | ?ng jKcsmol ^<up. j j New Strength for Lame Backs and Worn-out Conditions Dear Mr. Editor: 1 suffered from lame back and a tired, worn-out feeling. Was unable to stand erect and scarcely able to get around. It would usually come on at first with crick in small of my back. 1 took Anuric Tablets and ray back commenced to get better. I did not have to walk doubled over as I did before using the "Anuric." It is the best remedy 1 have ever taken for what it is intended to relieve. A. G. DRAKE. nutk:?When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, sick-headacho, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. "Anuric" Is the most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, as hot water melts sugar. Ask the druggist for "Anuric," put up by Dr. Pierce, in 60-cent packages. Plain as Day. "So you think Josh is in love?" said Farmer Corntessel. "No doubt of It!" answered Josh s mother. "Every evening when It isn't cloudy he walks out on the baek porch an' says. 'Ah! Is not that a beautiful sunset?' It's as plain as day that some girl Is refining him.'' ? Washington Kvenlng Star. A Notice. "Atn I the first girl you ever kissed?" "Well, I'm not an expert, but 1 didn't think I mmlo um-i? n nnr? o-o. of it as that.' Kill the Files Now and Prevent disease. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do it. Kills thousands. Lasts all season. All dealers or alx sent express paid for $1. II. SOMKRS, 160 Do Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ailv. The true poet is able to distinguish , between the tire of genius in his bosom an>l the gnawing of hunger in his | stomach. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. At forty a man knows about half as much as he though) he knew at iwcn t JTo cool a burn apply Hanford's Dal mm. Adv. Nothing succeeds likt the efforts of a j woman to be disagreeable. Fulton Mothers A Children's They Find Vap-O-Rub Better Than Internal Medicines for Croup and Cold Troubles. Mrs. J. S. Pugh, 510 Market St., and Mrs. Mary Bolton, 105 Kavine St., both of Fulton, Mo., have found, in common with many other Missouri mothers, that it is no longer necessary to dose children with internal medicines for cold troubles. In the South Vlnb'. A !>..?. >- * ii.iv d iniru-uuu is me standard remedy for these troubles, but it was only last winter that it was introduced here. Vap-O-Rub was discovered by a North Carolina druggist. He found how to comblno Menthol and Camphor with tho volatilo oils of Thyme, Eucalyptus, Cubebs and Juniper, in salve form, so that when applied to tho body, the ingredients are vaporized by the body heat. These vapors are inhaled with each, breath, through the air passages, to the lungs, carrying tho medication direct to the affected parts, and, in ad- i ditlon, Vick's is absorbed through the 1 akin, taking out the tightness and i vrcK'S"m ative Elderly People MRS^RAC^J Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle. It is a splendid remedy and should be in ev *5* j uuuie. iriai Dome, rree or charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Monticello. 111. Hopeful Disposition. "What did you say about Chugson?'' "Ho must be an optimist." "Why so?" "Ixiok at the kind of car he goes touring in." "Well?" "And he makes engagements to meet people when he gets back, as if there were no possibility of his never returning." FRECKLES Now la the Time to <Jct Rlil of Those I'ltlr Hpota. There's no longer the slightest nrrj of feeling ashamed of your freckles. na the prca> rtptlon othlne?double strength?I* guaranteed to remove these homely spots Simply K>'t nn ounce of othlne?double atr< ngth?from your druggist. nnd apply a Itttla of It night and morning and you abould soon ace that even the worat freckles hove begun to dlaappeur. while the lighter ones have vanlahed entirely. It la Seldom that more than one ounce la needed to com plctely clear the akin und gain a beautiful clear complexion lie aure to usk for the double strength othlne. a? this la sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles.? Adv. Some people are willing to be good if paid for It, and others are good for nothing. Any girl in school knows that a kiss Is a conjunction. FROM GIRLHOOD TO OLD AGE WOMEN ARE HELPED ??????? At the first symptoms of any derangement of the feminine organism at any period of life the one safe, really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for every conceivable ailment and disease i)t a womanly nature. It is a woman's tpmniipunpn n,o.iinin? and Its ingredients are published on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their functions. For headache, backache, hot Hashes, catarrhal conditions, bearing down sensations, mental depression, di/.ziness. fainting spells. women should never fail to take this tried and true women's medicine. Britain's Oldest Colony. Bermuda now ranks ao the oldest of Britain's colonies, tho Knelixh lUu having been lioi?t???1 there in lGl'J by a party of colonists from tin* Virginia company who stopped at the island* on the way to the mainland, wont on to Virginia, found Jamestown in a state of starvation and returned. A previous explorer, Juan do Beruiude?.. gavt the group its name. HOW TO CURE ECZEMA, ITCH AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Don't suffer any longer with eczema or any other skin trouble. Just apply Hancock's Sulphur Compound to the parts affected and it will stop the itching at once and cure the trouble permanently. Many sufferers from skin troubles have written us that the Sulphur Compound cured them after everything else failed. Mrs. Evelyn Garst, of Salem. Va., writes: "Three years ago I had a rough place on my cheek. It would burn and itch. I was fearful it might be of cancerous nature. I used different preparations, but nothing helped it. One bottle of Hancock's Sulphur Compound cured mr? rnmnlotolv Tn Knontifti . ? \/ I/VUUI II/ IIIC V,UiUplexion, remove !)hickhead8 and pimples use Hancock's Sulphur Ointment. For sale by all dealers.?Adv. ICvei: when a woman i.. aware that she is less beautiful than other wotiu t she never forgives a mat for knowing It also. 'ow Treat Colds Externally soreness. This double action makes Vap-O-ltub really a remarkable remedy for many forms of intlammatlons Hither iniiammations of the air passages, such as head colds, catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, or deep chest colds, or intlammatlons of the skin tissues, such as burns, bruises, stings, piles, itchitigs and muscular soreness. It is particularly recommended for small children, us it can be used freely, with perfect safety, on the young est member of the family. r Hut let these Missouri mothers speak for themselves. Mrs. Holton writes?"1 have used Vap-O-Rub on baby for bad colds Results were ex ccllent. I find it better than any in ternal medicine I ever used." Mrs. Hugh's experience is?"I trier your Vap-O-Rub on three of my chil oreii ior oroncnuis. They woulil cougl so hard at night I could not. sloop, r would get up and rub their throat and chests with Vap-O-Rub and the seldom coughed any nioro that nigh and after 1 had kept It up for sever, nights they stopped coughing. I b lieve It Is better than taking so nnu medicine Internally." Threa size 25c, 50c or $1.00. At afl druggists. BANKERS TO AID ' PIG CLUB BOYS j MANY MEMBERS IN FORTY COUNTIES ENROLL FOR THE 1916 CAMPAIGN. I I PALMETTO CAPITOL NEWS * General Newe of South Carolina Collected and Condenaed From The State Capital That Will Prove of Intereat to All Our Readera. Colombia. Pig clubB will be organized in 40 South Carolina counties, according to L. L. Baker, of Bishopvllle, state agent for the boys' agricultural club work. "Pigs and Prosperity" will be the slogan of the new organization. Mr. Baker has the assurances of many bankers that liberal sunnort will ?>e frivon , ? ? to the pig clubs and money can bo sej cured at a very low rate of interest. Pig clubs were organized last year ; in several of the counties and the members made a fine success of their 1 work. There were 24B boys enrolled in these clubs. Eighty-eight of the members reported on their work at the end of the year to Mr. Raker. The boys raised and fattened 89 hogs. The value of the single hogs in the beginning of the contest was $322.11. The cost of raising the hogs was $420.46. The hogs at the end of the year were valued at $1,242.70. The 89 members \ of the clubs therefore made a total profit of $521.13. Five sows were used for breeding. The number of pigs raised was 28. The cost of growing the sows and pigs was $25.08. The value of the sows and pigs at the time ! of reportng was $190. The profit was $108 making the total profit for all members $629.55. "The banks of the state." said Mr. , Baker, "are co-operating with us In a most substantial manner. They are offering to lend money, and otherwise help boys in the respective communii ties in the purchasing or securing of pure bred pigs by taking their notes for the payment of same, allowing the ; t boys ample time to realize from their i pigs or their progeny." The pig and corn clubs. Mr. Baker said, are being organized to encourage and train boys "along the lines of ac- i tivitles of rural life and put into prac- I tice the scientific principles obtained \ from books and bulletins." une or the most important objects is to teach modern business principles | and how to apply them to agriculture, j Gain in Deposits During Last Year. Deposits in state banks exceed by | more than 20 per cent, the total at this season of last year, although the i number of state and branch banks , has decreased by 10. The gain in de- j posits is nearly eiglu millions of dol- . lars. Rediscounts and bills payable show | a decrease of nearly two millions of ! dollars. The loans and discounts and i i total resources show an increase of more than four and one-half millions. Other items exhibit no important changes These facta appear front a cons oil- j dated statement of the SOI state banks ; and trust companies, the two private ! banks and the 12 branch banks in South Carolina, which answered the call of the state bank examiner, Ivy M. Mauldln, of Pickens, for state- , nients as of March 7. The comparison is with the statement of March 7. j 1915. The consolidated statement just ' made by Examiner Mauldin shows? j Loans and discounts $54,685,180.70. The ; capital stock paid In was $11,601.- I 590.70, and as urplua fund of $4,685.- ; 713.51. All deposits amounted to I $45,252,753.91, and the total resources and liabilities were $71,933,002.96. Pinna fnr Two weeks ago when It was announced that a Lumber Manufacturers' Association had decided to sponsor a ! campaign for the building of a teacher's cottage for every rural school in the State of South Carolina. It was announced that the association was figuring on how It might make Its offer to assist in this work practical. A way has been found to give practical assistance for this social service campaign. In the decision of the asso- j elation to provide plans free for the | building of such a teacher's cottage ! wherever the school authorities decide to provide in this manner for the comfort of the rural teacher. In order to prevent unauthorized persons tak- | Ing advantage of this offer the associ- | atlon will insist that the request for ( lllmw ?.r> rnvmoll ?!"-? ?--- ?- - ? ... .... iiinu; iiit'll uy tilt* HfnoCl | superintendent of the county where , such a teacher's cottage is projected. Progress in Rural 9chools. I.ueco Gunter state supervisor of I elementary rural schools, has return- i j ed from an inspection tour of Marion ! ! county made in company with the | county superintendent of education. S. J. Wall. Messrs. Gunter and Wall consulted with several sets of trustees and teachers regarding projected improvements. The Nlcholls district is <-ousi<ieriug consolidating the two schools in its territory and complying with the law relating to the employment of an instructor in agriculture. Mutual Company Commissioned. The Florence County Farmers' Mu- j tual Fire Insurance Company has been , commissioned by the secretary of state to do aft eneral Are insurance business. The petitioners are: J. W. McCown. E. M. Matthews, L. A. McCall, Jr., F. I,. Howard. A. n. Hamer, R. E. Currlii. J. K. Pettlgrew, J. S. MoKen/ie. 1) E. Fraser. M. 11. Purvis. W. H. Keith. S. E. Jeffords and T. I. Burch. This Is the fourth mutual Are insurance company to be commissioned since the passage of the anti-compact I law by the legislature. / New Board To Avert 8tr!kea. John Adger Law of Spartanburg and ' John Lee Davis of Columbia have been appointed by Governor Manning as members of the state board of conciliation, provided for by an act passed by the general assembly at Its last sessions. Mr. Law holds office for six years, Mr. Davis for four. Mr. Law is appointed as "an employer of labor in behalf of an incorporated company." Mr. Davis as "a member of a recognized labor union." The third member to he ehosen Inlntlv >?v tkn I Messrs. Law and Davis, is to be ! "neither an employer of labor in beI half of an incorporated company nor an employe of any such company." Mr. Law Is president of the Saxon mills in Spartanburg county. He is one of the best known and most experienced textile operators in the Piedmont region and has also had wide experience in hanking. He is a aon of the Rev. Thomas Hart Law. for many years stated clerk of the Southern Presbyterian general assembly. He resides with his family in the Saxon mill community, takes constant personal interest in promoting the welfare of his employes and has been a strong supporter of the textile institute nearby, the purpose of which is to enable mill workers to qualify themselves for better pay aud more skilful and responsible employment. He is 47 years of age. Mr. Davis' name was on the list submitted to the governor by organizer labor. Born 30 years ago in Newberry, he has lived in Columbia durin? the ln?t ton <raa? o.wl to ? present a linotype operator in the office of The State. Mr. Davis has held several Important positions In the councils of union craftsmen. He has been president of the Columbia local of the International Typographical union and at present is an organizer , for the American Federation of Labor and the South Carolina federation. He was minute cleric of the South Carolina Federation of Labor at its last convention. During the recent strike of platform employes of the Columbia Hallway, Gas and Electric Company. ! he was a member of the board of me- , diation, through which an amicable adjustment was effected. Cotton in Warehouses Insured. John L. McLaurin state warehouse commissioner, said: "I am constantly In receipt of let- | ters from managers of the state ware- I houses and from banks which are holders of state warehouse receipts, in- 1 forming me that they are hearing ru- j mors that the insurance on state cot- 1 ton has been canceled and asking me ] for a statement in regard to the mat- j ter. "I desire to state that every ware house in the state system is fully and ! safely covered to the market value of j the cotton and Mtat ?he rumors which are Hying around to the contrary are j absolutely untrue. I feel absolutely j secure at this time with regard to this insurance. "If by any chance this Insurance should be endangered, I would imme- i diately make the fact known and the j holders of cotton and the banks lending money on the receipts may feel absolutely safe, unless they should hear directly from me to the contrary. As a matter of fact. I feel better at this time with regard to state warehouse insurance than at any time since ' the big insurance companies determined to punish South Carolina." Insurance A Puzzle to Leaders. "The insurance commissioner has frtil#?rl 11* - , v.,/1 v IUUIMI.1 IU IJllJVKie relief; the warehouse commissioner is about to fail in his efforts to secure , the insurance necessary on cotton stored in state warehouses," said Gov. Manning in a statement on the insur- i ance situation. The governor a fewdays ago received a letter from John L. McLaurln, state warehouse commissioner. advising him that the 'insurance on state cotton is intact, but I do not know how long it may re- > main so." Commissioner McLaurln urged the governor to call a special session of the legislature to provide relief in the present emergency. 'I shall without delay use every effort officially and personally to rem- 1 edy the situation," said Gov. Manning. i Board of Visitors Report. Members of the board of visitors of the state hospital for the insane have tiled a report with Gov. Man- I ning. The members of the board are i G. A. Xeuffer. chairman; J. I). Train. ; secretary, and T. L. Connor. The board recommends a "separate insti- | tution for the feeble-minded children mat tney might be (aught something 1 and thereby become able to support themselvps." New Enterprises Authorized. The secretary of state has issued a , charter to the Consumers Ice and Fuel ' Company of Blshopvflle with a capital of $10,000. A charter has been issued to the Imperial Garage, Inc., of Greenville, with n capital of $:?,000. A charter has been Issued to Yonce and Company of Graniteville with a j capital of $1,000. The Economy oil mill of Charleston has died notice with the secretary of j state of an increase in capital from $?,.000 to $5,000. The Dawson Engineering Company of Charleston has been chartered with a capital of $5,000. The Model Department store of Hampton has been commissioned with ! a capital of $5000. The Model Department store of Hampton has been chartered with a capital of $20,000. The Wagener Supply Company of Wagener has been commissioned w'.th a capital of $5,000 A commission has been issued to j the Johnston Times company of John- | ston, in Kdgefleld county with a capi- 1 tnl of $r?000. The petitioners are: J. R. McGhee, James G. Holmes and O. ' M. McGhee. The Carolina Tire Company of Col- j utuhia has been cotnmissloued with a capital of $1,000. The petitioners are: J. M. Chapman and Ashley C. Tobias, Jr. A charter has been Issued to the Florence Tailoring Company with a capital of $1.00. The officers are: T. M. Stevonson,, president, and M. R McCown, secretary and treasurer. CAMEL WHEN BIL ACTS LIKE I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Ton and Bowel Cleansing You Eve Stop using calomel!" It makes you sick. Don't loBe a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or constipated. listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It. breaking it up This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping If you feel "all knocked out." If your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache. dizziness. coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a Rubber and Its Uses. The lowly door mat. the superb automobile tire, the smallest rubber band, the mightiest transmission belt, go back to n single source. Through devious paths, but nevertheless, inevitably, they find their way from the creamy latex flowing from the rubber tree in the tropics. These, and thousands of other lhing3, ar_ merely phases of a deeper, subtler thing? rubber.?Goodrich's Magazine. TCMnr-r? r>i/1 n ~ ? itnutn dMixlMtU bAblhS With Rashes and Irritations Find Comfort in Cuticura. Trial Free. Baby's tender skin requires mild, soothing properties such as are found in the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Cuticura Soap is so sweet, pure and cleansing and Cuticura Ointment so soothing und healing, especially when baby's skin is irritated and rashy. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L?, Boston. Sold everywhere. -Adv. Fiance Short of Matches. There is a shortage of matches in France, due largely to the decrease in the output of home-manufactured goods. Owing to this, France has been forced to increase greatly Its imports of matt hwuod. etc.. especially from the UitHed States. Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Indo-China and Japan. Kidney Medicine That Stands the Highest Some twelve years ago 1 began handling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, uiul we have heard nothing but praise for it as it seems to give ertire satisfaction in every instance. From the manner in which customers speak of your remedy, we have learned to place sufficient confidence in it to recommend Swamp-Root nl?ove all other kidney reme i dies. From the demand I judge it to l>c : the most generally used kidney medicine in this country, and reports regarding it , are alwava favorable Very truly yours, C. II.* McCOY. JR., South 1 lei^lit n Pharmacy, 702 Porter St. San Antonio, Texas. Jan. 11th, 1910. Letter to Dr. Kilmer O Co. Btnghaniton, N. Y. Prove What Swainp-R&ot Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamtoo, N. Y., for a sample size bot tie. It wil' convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor- 1 mat ion, tellii g about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and onedollar size Aottles for sale at all drug stores.? Adv. Fitted for It. "1 hoar o ir shoemaker lias gone in for missionary work and preaches reform to all his customers." "Well, he oni'lit ?.> ! < cm..i ' after all the practice he's had In saving people's soles." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the O'd Standard GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as the formula i? printed on e^ery label, showing it i: Quinine and Itbu in a tasteless form. The Quinine dri*'ts out malaria, the Iror builds up thi? system. 50 acnts. T he Usual Way. Jack?IIov/ did you come tt? get in terested it that novel you are read ing? Marie?I "ited the Way it ended. 1 <ar>iktl can wear shoes One size sma ll-r after using Allen'* FnotKase, the unit I leptlc powder for the feet. Shaken Into 'sl?oes and used In foot-bath. Allen's Foot-Kase mnkes tight shoes feel ea-sy. and glv''er instant relief to eorns and bunions. Trjy it today. Sold everywhere, 26e. For FlcK'1 trial package. Address. Allen S. Olffist-^d, Le Itoy, n. Y. Adv. Every wfuiMi. enjoys doing eharit.> WOrk if senO man wtll ?...i money. I t m?Ti SNUFF If you want the swei the world, just give Ti j&4 Are Good\For Premiur send us 5c /<>r. a 1^-oz. 1 p BROWM & W!! IOUS? NO! STOP! ! DYNAMITE ON LIVER e" Will Give You the Best Liver r Had?Doesn't Make You Sick! spoonful and if It doesn't straighten jv.u iikul 111) una niauo you teei one and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because It is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of | Dodson's Liver Tone will put your tfuggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. 1 guarantee that a bottle of Dodson'e Liver Tone will keep your entire fam- , . ily feeling fine for months.' Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. NV\,Ket Contents 15 Fluid Drachmas \ 0??y |f iliU'liMJ* ^ I , - 1 ALCOHOl.- 3 PER OT.NT A Vcge la I?Ic ftv | vn m I ion fb r As ?vSL siniilntinglhe Food andRcOuln, r iing flic Stomachs ami Bavcls of : 6U. o 5 < go V m M ?i' * *' 1; 1 ^ I Promotes Digestion,Ctiecrfulit c ncss and Rest.(Villains neither |i9^- Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. iHn N<vr Naiicotic. t ? ]?J ao R^xpt sfQUHrSAIittL fYTV/fUt ' ? PumjtJun S**d :c-c .4xr .vmm \ I f Rex full* Sails ? 4 c A russ Sssd Psftpsmurtl V ' g ' fularianaU Soda ' I V) H0"". SW I ('Iart He J Suoar )?*J \\inlrryrssn Hator / I 4* ' I ( 'iTtt0 A perfect Remedy for Consfipa- I [|?ic tlon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, I Worms. rewrishness and 1 tjnh; Loss of Sleep. " !{? ' ? flOW Fuc-Similc Sj^iuOiuv of ?Qt< : <0 The Centaur Company; ?J?* NEW YORK. jiff! I I I II I 11 i X'SSSSSSH V i t Exact Co^y of ^Vrupper No Charge for Inhaling. "You don't seem much worried over the high price of gasoline." "Why should I be worried?" replied the hapless pedestrian. "I ran be suffocated on the fumes without its costing me a cent." Just a Way They Have. "Say, conductor," remarked the inquisitive passenger, "in speaking of Mine, which is proper, "a quarter to six or 'a quarter of six'?" "I'm sure I don't know," replied the railroad man. "I always say '5:15.'" Cause of It. "Mrs. Sotted will call her husband "my lamb,'" "No wonder he looks so sheepish." Ask anybody about It?Hanford'a Halsam Ailv An excuse nearly always goes lame j In the home stretch. Took StClli and Gained Mm. Mattie Spain, of Mario. Okla., ono of tbo vn Stella-Vitao. says in praising this wonderful rcmodj but 82 po inds, und could hardly ait up to bo wrjghw in nino years, and have gained 28 pounda," Stelia-\ gives strength and health to tho female organs. net brings the bloom of hiuilth to checks that arc faded I THACHER MEDICINE CO. Standard Packer Cans with Sol- Give I dcr Hemmed Cane?Wnv Seel ing Cans with Wax Strings? Special Friction Top Syrup Cans and Pails. All sizes. We 6hip any \7Sf*cyi quantity desired. Write today for our New 1916 Price Box 7S ube Rose! 1 you take really good tob nci then blend and. age it b methods, the snuff is jus That's the whole reason \\ 1 has earned a national re T*L _ c rr tj . o - t nv jnurr i naz oazi stest, smoothest, mellowest sr ibe Rose a trial. The Green i ns. If your dealer won't supp! :in, or 60c for twelve. Address .LIAMSON TOBACCO CO., WINSTON-SAL3 ft RECEIPT FOR DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR Do this?Apply like a shampoo Q-Han Hair Color Restorer to your hair and sculp. After a few applications you will be delighted to see all your gray, faded, prematurely or gray streaked hair turn to an even beautiful dark shade. Q Ban is harmless, no dye, but makes scalp and hair healthy so all your hair whether gray or not is made soft, lustrous, wavy, thick, even ly dark and handsome. Insist on having Q-ttan. It is ready to use and sold on a money back guarantoe. 50c for a big bottle sent prepaid or at drug stores. Address Q-Han, Front St., , Memphis, Tenn. Adv. hye came originally from Siberia. NOTIflNM NO EKFKCT1VK AN KI.IXIH IIAUK.K For Malaria. Chill* A Frvfr. Chief of Police. J W. Reynold*. Newj>ort News, Vi.,m,vh: It l? a pleasure to recommend Hahck forChlllHund Fever. Have used it when necessary for 2t> year* and have found uu remedy as effective." Rllxlr Itahek 50cents, all drug(fists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocxewwk I A Co., Washington, u. C. A Oixxl Move? ltnbek Liver Pills. V) pill* t." cents Nothing is impossible to industry. GASTORiA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / ? Bears tlie /%^ 3,feTW fy *n rMjy* Use For Over Thirty Years SASTORIA TM* OINTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. iRHEUMACIDEI BTheOld Reliable RemedyB for acute. chronic or muscular IRHFIJM ATiSMl Iittn-uinu t Ic Gout or LuiuIxiko IB RIIKI?IACII)K l?. not a pn>|>nnnlnn Mint H elves <>nl> temporary roll or. Inn It It tip- n signed in roinovo lltn cause mid drives tho H poison from tin* system. I At All PrtiKKlntu I Tuff's Pills stimulate the torpid liver strenrther the digestive organt rrKulatc the bowels A remedy for sick headache Lnequalcd as a* AMI BILIOUS MtDICiNt. ..Iciiantly sugar coated, btnull dose. Frice 23c. W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 16-1916. a-Vitae 28 Pounds at number of women who have been saved by "When I began using Stella-Vita--I weigh- d I. Now I run work ail day, f -el better thnn I have fitae is a godsend to suffering womanhood. It a as u tonic on the nerves, restores vigor and ind pale. It is guaranteed. All dealers SI a butt law , CHATTANOOGA, TENN. inia Cans W?^?m Best Results Discount! for Early UVA inia Can Co. \\\\\ \\\ffl >5 Buchaiman, Va. \ \ \Wj JlIUll | acco as your maproperly by the abound to be all