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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Cotton was bringing 11 3-4 on this market yesterday. Carl Jones, of Great Falls, wna a viaitnr to Fnrt Mill rlnrino1 the last week. Zenas C. Grier of Charlotte, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs R. F. Grier. the past week. Claude Howie, of Hunter?^ ville, N. C.. spent. Sunday with j relatives in Fort Mill. Fifty-one veers aero last Sundav General Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Va. Miss Vivian Neelv, of Ebenezer, was the truest during the 11 last week of Dr. and Mrs. A. Theo Neely. Hughes McLees of Atlanta, , Oa.. spent several davs of the |i Inni- *?ioifinrr UIo eiotnr I <1^1 vv ^*r- r\ v iiio oiotci , Mrs. C. S. Link. i Mrs. Oscar T. Culn returned Monday from a week's visit in the home of her parents at Jonesville, Union county. John Massov. of Charlotte, and Frank Phillips, of Lancas-1' tor, were amoner the visitors to Fort Mill Sunday. Mrs. R. E. St.arnes and little i daughter, of Danville. Va.t were < Ernests durintf the last week of | Mrs. C. W. McNealy in this i city. Mrs. Bulow Hutchinson and 1 children, ot unariotte. nave been guests for some days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. ( Massey. in this city. Col. and Mrs. Lerov Springs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Witherspoon and L. C. Laienby of Lancaster, were visitors in Fort Mill the past week. City council prives notice that the annual street tax of $3 00 is due and navahle up to and including May 15 at the office of City Treasurer W. A. Roach. The 1916 pension money has h?en received at the Savings Bank of Fort Mill and is now s being paid out by Cashier Meach- c am to the veterans of the town- I oV> ! n q o 11 a _ The Rev. R. K. Timmons and ?* family arrived on Thursday ' evening from Bethel and have ' taken up their residence in the s manse. They were we'comed s hy a large number of the mem- c bers of the Presbyterian church. J The Fort Mill fire company t was called out Saturday evening to extinguish a blaze in the home of J. J. Railes. caused by an oil stove. A hand extinguisher was used and the damage to the i home was slight. I The following Fort Mill men have been drawn as jurors to c serve the second week of the j April term of York cpurt which J begins on the 17th: W. J. Col- * tharp. W. P. Epps. J. M. Patter- c son. J. B. Mills. c A meeting of the local Parent- a Teacher club was held in the ( auditorium on Friday afternoon, t when an excellent programme ( was rendered and steps taken to f continue the splendid work the | club has been accomplishing for t the improvement of the school building and grounds. Geo. W. Williams, of York, is | f the latest entrant for political : honors, having: announced himself as a candidate fob clerk of the court. Mr. Williams has for years been the clerk of the York ' Democratic executive committee and is well known throughout \ the county. 8 Officers of the local military r organization have been notified j from the adjutant general's office in Columbia that the annual r ota+A inoivuifmn nf fVkO f'ftinnflnv OtatU UIOpVVVIUII V** VMV vv? >(F . . will be made on Friday, May 12. j t The inspection of the company c by an officer of the national j ( government was made several , weeks ago. j t Clerk of Court J. A. Tate has J > received a pay warrant for t $7,893 from the state comptroller general, this being the amount of the pension money to be dis-, tributed among York county Confederate veterans and their widows. The total number of | pensioners this year is 242 while t last year they numbered 2581 and the amount paid thein was t $8,481. J The presentation by local tal- , ent Monday night of a "A Mock x Marriage," in which the female j parts were assumed by 30 of the \ prominent business men of the ( t >wn. was a decided success, the ] ridiculous appearance of the j>er- j formers supplying the cause for ? almost continual peals of laugh- t tar and applause. Credit for the > success of the performance is ( due largely to the efforts of Miss i Mary Boyd. ' J York Comity News Natters. (Clipped from Our Exchanges.) V. Brown McFadden, who was recently appointed postmaster at | Rock Hill to succeed E. E. Poasr. assumed the duties of his office last Wednesday morning. The county commissioners have let a contract to a Columbia firm for the covering of the county home. The work is to he completed in May. The contract price was little more than $700. The Flint school in Fort Mill township closed a very successful session the last week. The, teachers in charge during the term just brought to a close were G. B. Bell and Miss Rosa Hutto. C. M. Turney. of the Bethany neighborhood, who had been injail for about a week, as the result of an affray in which he and Ardrev Lowry were engaged and ; in which Lowry was seriously cut, was released on a $200 bond last Wednesday. John Byers, of Asheville, lost, his case against the Southern Express company in the supreme court at Washington one day the last week. Byers sought dam ages for mental anguish, claim- j ing that the express company some time ago faiied to deliver a casket in time for the burial of his wife at Hickory Grove, in this countv. Jim Hayes and Charlie Garri- j rison. who, with RastusSwanger, escaped from the county chaingang stockade about two weeks ago, were at last reports still at large. Swanger was captured shortly after escaping. Rev. James C. Grier, of M\ LJlla, N. C., who recently accept-1 ?d a call to the pastorate of the i Beth-Shiloh, Allison Creek and rirzah Presbyterian churches, aas notified those congregations ,hat he will take up his new vork the second Sabbath in May. At a municipal election held n n Filbert Thursday J. J Mc^arter was elected mayor, de'eati ng B. W. White for the polition by a vote of 13 to 9. Allermen elected were: W. W. Liynn, J. B. Moore, T. J. Thomson and E. L. Wood. Announcement was made the ast week that Solicitor Henry lad abandoned his appeal to the supreme court in the case of the state vs. J. A. Tate, clerk of the :ourt, relative to the clerk's nal/inir on onnnol ototomont nf mi UUIIUUI OtUtVI I.VIlt u I he fees and salary of his office o the county supervisor. Favors New County. The Rock Hill Herald of last rVednesday printed this from Mr. S. P. Blankenship: "The people of theupperpart if Fort Mill township, known as iold Hill and Flint Hill, are leartily and enthusiastically in avor of the proposed new :ounty. I am informed that inly five voters refused to sign he petition recently circulated, ind I believe that our people are nore united on this proposition ! han they have been on any juestion in years. We are told hat the people of the town of Yirt Mill will vote solidly for | he new county, and I am confi lent that the people of this part if the township will vote 10 to 1 or 'Catawba countv.' " A Marriage of Local Interest. A marriage, the announcement of which came as a pleasant surprise to a large number of Deople in this section, was that; Saturday of Mr. H. Clyde Culp ind Miss Pinckney Houston, the marriage taking place in Charotte. Mr. Culp is a former Fort Mill man and a brother of W. Mc Culp ind Mrs. A. A. Bradford of this :ity. He is well known throusrh ut this entire section. Mrs. Dulp was up to about two years igo an operator in the Fort Mill elephone exchange and is also veil known and popular in this rity and vicinity. Parent-Teachers Elect Officers. The Parent-Teachers' club met n the school auditorium Monday j ifternoon to review the work lone the past year, as well as ' he first, of its existence. The reports were splendid and 1 he club has set a standard in j .he amount and character of vork done the past twelvenonth, which will keep all ihoulders to the wheel to maintain the ensuing year. The iftkers elected for the year were: President. Mrs. .1. B. Mills; vicepresident. Mrs R V. .liimoB secretary, Miss Susie White, and j treasurer. Miss Isabel Grier. TO-NIGHT?At School Auditorium, the Wofford College Glee Club will entertain you. Curtain at 8:30; prices, 26c and 16c. THIS FORI Governor Withheld Decision. Some three hundred men representative citizens of th< counties or' I-airfield, Cheste and \ork, went down to Colum bia Monday and at 12 o'clock noon, appeared before Governoi Manning to discuss, pro and con, the formation of a new count} from parts ot" the counties r.amec above. There were lawyers, iarmt rs, business men and labor ers in the crowd present. Onl) . bo it a dozen men lrom portion: of what wouid be left of York C lesier ; nd Fairfield countie: we e ? n hand to present argt. ments against the formation oi "Catawba" tounty. Fort Mil was lepiestnted in the nev county crowd by about 20 o the most representative men o the town and township. The Catawba county enthu siasts each wore a "Ca:awb; County" badge and all appearec confident that they would ge the county. Governor Mannii j reserved his decision in tin matter, but it is believed he wil appoint the commission as re quested. Mr. W. F. Stevenson, candi date for congress from this district, calls attention to the faci that the Democratic, the Republican and the Progressive parties all endorsed Rural Creditf in their platforms in 1912. Congress has passed a genera backing bill for mercantile purposes, and boasts that it is t it greatest in the world. Wh> did they forget the party pledge of all of the parties to take cart of the farmer? Is the law now proposed calculated, if passed, to relieve the need? He will have more to say later about this proposed law. (Advertisement.) f VILLA Cf l?Bil ; Not yet, but w< f lot of New Sprii i i ever snown nere. \ For I \ New Silks for \ ? Dress goods in weaves, just what t up for easter. New Millinery 4 ine Panama Hats i ir* ik M ror lvien New Serge anc stock, or our Roy ment orders taker for Easter. I New Shirts, I i< wear. Hats, Etc. Working IV! Headlight Ovei Pants, Big,man S ? / Patterson s Di TELEPHONE NO. {85. "*"*"**? <&> ?? -4 V^ . < 1 mi 1 : i I mere s. aoi ; In knowing that pendable, /and th but dependable m< ; you leave/your ore t may re.^t assured filled with every c? ; be delivered pron f quality of everythi the b^st. Phone / I (Parks Gn t J Phor < MILL TIMES, FORT MTT.T., SO WMWm v wmf/ JjLtill/lk 'MoJr/tiJfilffivM?^ f W^fnlw^wfStffii&yffi!FS& f g| a J r ?jRDOi i ' Wilh the BEST Cooler , Manufactured we will be in po'jsition to furnish the trade with I : as pood Meats as the market will afford this summer. Also Fresh , Butter and Epps. Brinp us your ' i Veal Calves. Beef Cattle. Fresh ?! Milch Cows and Hides, for top. market cash i rices. Pure bred R. I. Red eggs for hatching, $1.00 for 13. FORT MILL CASH MARKET Phone No. 140. 1 iPTURi?] I s have the prettiest ? rig goods we have , | ^ a. dies i M vaists or suits. iNew all the pretty new t : you want to make every day. Genu- | 98c to $3.50. I and Boys. 1 Worsted Suits in | al Tailoring depart- $ i now will be ready ; ss, Collars, Under ien's Clothes rails, Rough-Tough * hirts, U, S. Shirts. ? ry Goods Store \ "SELLS IT FOR LESS." <ms ^ 4 4 4 4.4*4*4.4.4.A.A.A.A. lid Comfort j your grocer is de- ;j at he sells nothing ; erchandise. When <' iters at this store, you * that they will be t are; that thev will i iptly and that the ; ng ordered will be * No. 116. 1 i ! ocery Co., j ie 116 <| i iUTH CAROLINA HH AN ORDINANCE j Providing an Annual Street Tax and for the Collection of Same. He it ordained by the Mayor aud Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill, S. t'. and by authority of the same: Section 1. All men resident in the town of Fort Mill between the ages of 21 and 55 years, and not exempt by statute, shall pay unto theTown Treasurer annually on or before the 15th day of May the sum of three dollars ($2.00) in payment of street tax. Sec. 2. Any person refusing after legal notice to pay this tax shall be | fined in the sum of not less than S>5 or be impr.soned not less than ten days. Sec. 2, That all ordinances or i arts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in council assembles this 1th day of April, ltilti. 11. E. PATTERSON, Attest: Mayor. W. A. ROACH. Clerk. NOTIPF t I have taken the t'nrt Mill ajrenvv i for the Robinson Folding "Steeline" Bath Tub and iuvite you to visit l'atursou's Dry Goods Store, where you may ee one of the tubs on exhibition. Ttie Robinson Folding1 "Steeline" ktuth Tub is perfectly sanitary and being easily handled can be tusen into the yard at any time, washed and air. d out. Nothing fragile, nothing flimsy, t's strong ami durable and will not leak. Guaranteed for It)years. Price, SIO. J. L. LYLES. CM'? 18 TH6 ONLY ;wxm S*ue KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. >8 IyI j| &!>< ;g Ladies, in c ? you need for ; ISce our New D ette, Crepe de C he at prices from 5c Our line of Dre: [g Also, a big line @ prices to suit all. g See our new Sli I New Hose, botf For o ur new !o! of g pc rs, 1 lose ancl Ui f (rwrr'-l *? *- V/l i t X W i v I- UlV.' s | Mills & 1V/V A ICCTir" Tiir? AT-rkr lYirruAJO A IV/ 1 niL/\ 1 KL9 Next Monday, 17th. "J EZWEIL." "Jewel" is a 5-part photoplay of infinite tenderness, charm and refinement. No coarse, slap-stick scenes or acting. It is dainty, sweet and humorous; it makes one cry one minute and laugh the next, although the laugh always borders close on tears. "Jewel" comes into a wealthy household, containing the "worst afraid" and "sorriest" woman in the world; a gruff, soured old codger, and a mercenary mother and daughter. The settings are of great wealth. Little "Jewel" transforms this household of scheming intrigue which lies "under the shadow of hatred" into a haven of warmth and love and tenderness. "Jewel" was shown in Rock Iiiil a short time ago to a capacity house, the manager of The Majestic Theatre being present. Remember, "Jewel" will be here Next Monday, April the 17th. Shows begin promptly at 3, 4:30. 6, 7:30 and 9 p. m. Admission, lOc and 15c. 1 A BANK FOR SERVICE J * i Last Fall when this bank advertised money + on cotton at six per cent, it proved that it is $ ? here to help its patrons and this community. + We want you to feel that this bank is con ducted for the benefit of the whole community as well as for its stockholders?that it is a T ? mutual bank. % Help US and WE'LL help you. $ | FIRST NATIONAL BANK, f Under Supervision of U. S. Government. < > <?> t ?mw (PM1B \ Print!no PJatRS in Line"and Half -Tone^ Prompt Service 90? @? ?? 00000?00000???00?00 eady for Easter | >ur store you will find just what ^ your new Easter outfit. g ress Goods in Lawns, Voiles, Marquis- g me, Silks and White Goods of all kinds ? to $ 1 .25 yard. g ss Goods has never been so complete. ? of new Neckwear and Millinery in x ppers in straps, pumps, lace and button, g i plain and fancy colors and figures. 8 Men and Boys. 1 Sh irts, Collars, 1 ies, Belts, Hats, Slip- 8 iderwear, will surely please you. 8 place? H Young Comp'y | 1 the New Store. | }?0000?000000000000000000?