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P : , IP?; .. Indigestion ]\ Due to Neglect of Important Function May Seriously Impair the Health. There are many people who believe they suffer from indigestion when their discomfort reallv is due to a rnnniinnt. ed condition. Bloat, with Its attendant mental depression, sick-headache, the belching of sour stomach gases, etc., are frequently due to inaction of the bowels. Relieve the congestion and the trouble usually disappears. The use of cathartics and purgatives should be avoided, however; these shock the system unnecessarily and. at best, their effect is but temporary. A mild laxative is far preferable. The compound of Himple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold in drug stores for fifty cents a bottle, is highly recommended. Mr. BenJ. Bassin, 360 Madison St., Gary. Ind., thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin a wonderful medicine; for four years he had a severe case of indigestion and constipation before trying Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which he is glad to recommend to all who suffer Lacks Initiative. "Is your boy doing well In business?" "I'm afraid not," answered Mr. Cobbles. "I understand you gave him a good utart." "So I did. but he expects me to stay behind him all the time and keep pushing." STOP SCRATCHING! RESINOL RELIEVES ITCHING INSTANTLY That itching, ^burning skin-trouble which keeps you scratching and digging, Is a source of disgust to others, as well as of torment to you. Why aon i you get rid of It by using Resinol Ointment? Physicians have prescribed it for over 20 years In most cases, it stops itching instantly and heals eruptions promptly. It is very easy and economical to use. Sold by all druggists.?Adr. The Change. "Was the fugitive bank officer the cashier?" "He was, but now he'B a runner." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties ot QUININE and IRON. It acta on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System SO cents In School. y> um are me principal rruitH ol history?" "I know, teacher; they're dates." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature ot In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A doctor's pills may cure some ills? but not ill hutuor. Sold Under & a Binding . w\ Guarantee W Money Beck A f J \ W^lf It Fell* ^*==3M~ ' For Man or B*a*t HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh ALINI MINT For Cub, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25ct SOc and $1.00 ... n . OR WRITE All Dealers Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief - Permanent Cure CARTER S LITTLE LIVER TILLS never tail. Purely vegeta o?e ? act surely inTrn'e out gentlv on JBSPanM the liver jg%E& TTLE Stop after Jffleu&Sr HIVER dinner disimprove the complexion, brighten theeyea ?MALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Sudden Death Caused by Disease of the Kicnejs The close connection between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. When kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning occurs and the person djes. and the cause is often given as heart disease, or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric"?the latest discovery of Dr. Pierce. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, get "Anuric" at the druggist. K'a 47 times more potent than lithta. dissolves uric acid as hot water does uCiar. lay Be Constipation! \J X ' | BENJ. BASSIN. with stomach and bowel trouble. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should be in every home for use when occasion arises. A trial bottle, free of charge, can he obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash I lngton St., Monticello, I1L It is a hopeless case when a girl be- i gins to eat onions three times a day. I I>r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ugo. They regulate liver and bowels.?Adv. Quite Apparent. "Did he marry his wife for her money?" "Well, you don't suppose he took her at her face value, do you?" RKMARKARI.a: l.KTTFR FROM A WKI.L KNOWN WASH I NOT ON OKI (JOIST. Inreferenceto Fllrlr lluttek t h?fr<a(r?Wi for chillm and fevmr and till malarial df mam. \ "Within the last tlve months I have sold 3.0m. bottlesof Kllxtr Km bek.for Malaria.Chlllsuiid Fever. Our customers speak very well of It, Henry Evans, 022 F St.. N W . Washington. D C.'5 Kllxlr llubek 50 cents all druggists, or hj Parcels Post, prepaid, from Kloczewskl A Co { Washington, D. C. No Need of Outside Aid. "Come with the boys tonight aud we'll give you a howling time." "Thanks, old chap, but our new baby attends to that." RHEUMACIDE FOR RHEUMATISM. A few people still Imagine that Rheumatism can be cured by outward appucationB, but the best medical science today recognizes the necessity of internal treatment to eliminate excess uric acid and Rheumacida does this. Your druggist keeps it.?Adv. Certainty. "Belle says she's twenty-five. Do you believe that?" "Of course 1 do. She was at least 1 that much ten years ago." SAGE TEA DARKENS 1 HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't stay Gray! Here's an Old-time Recipe that Anybody Can Apply. The u9o of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's | time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at homo Is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist Bays it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Corapound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance, it is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease.?Adv. Limited Education. I.anigaii ( an ye/ wroite? Flanigan Yis, hut Oi haven't | learned to read my wroiting yit. Eczema Seven Years?Cured by Tet terine. "I had Eczema on my chest for seven years and the torture was almost unbearable. One of your salesmen offered in pay for the Tetterlne if it did not cure nie. 1 used less than three boxes and am I entirely well." Clem Kinard. Rufftn. S. C. Tetterlne cures Kczema. Itching Piles, Dandruff. Ulna Worm and every form of Sculp ar.d Skin Disease. Tetterlne 30c. ! Tetterlne Soup ?>c. Your druggist. or by | mail from the manufacturer. The Shuptrine Co., Savannah. Oa. With every mull order for Tetterlne we Klve a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. Adv. Sure Thing. "Money doesn't bring happiness." "Maybe not. Hut it will help you greatly in going after It." After Grip Then? Spring Fever? This Ib the time of year to look out for trouble! We feel weak?out blood seems hot?no appetite.?It's time to clean honao! T?>i? i- ? ? ? . to n lieu I the blood is clogged and we suffot I from what Is commonly called a cold Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov cry purifies tho blood and entirely eradicates the poisons that breed and feed disease. Pure blood is essential to good health. The weak, run-down, I debilitated condition which so many people experience is commonly the effect of impure blood. "Medical Discov. ery" not only cleanses the blood of iin' nirlties. but increases the activity of <!ie blood-making glands, and enrlchac | lbs body with pure, rich blood. STATE BONDS SOLDI, AND PAYMENT MADE NEARLY TEN MILLION DOLLARS 18 HANDLED BY STATE TREASURER IN ONE DAY. . PALMETTO CAPITOL NEWS General News of South Carolina Collooted and Condensed From The , State Capital That Will Prove of Interest to All Our Readers. Columbia. Nearly ten millions of dolluts was ! handled one day recently by the state i treasurer, S. T. Carter, in the process | of refunding the state securities known as brown consols. Early in the day Mr. Carter was handed a check for $4,779,037.20 by J. Pope Matthews, cashier of the Palmetto National bank, in payment for the entire issue of refunding bonds which had been purchased by a syndicate of banks formed by Mr. Matthews on terms very advantageous to the state, in competition with a number of other bidders. The new bords had already been placed in the hands of trustees in Charleston. Baltimore and New York and by these they were delivered to the new owners on receipt of dispatches from Columbia snying payment had been made. In this way not a day's Interest was lost. Mr. Carter redeemed during the day several large batches of the old brown consols and in doing so had occasion to write several checks for more than $1,000,000 each. One lot delivered through the Palmetto National bank was taken up with a check for more than two and a quarter millions. Mr. Matthews' syndicate is composed of the Palmetto National bank. Stacy & Hraun. the Mercantile Trust and Deposit company. Townsend Scott & Son and the Germania Savings bank. Thq par value of the securities it bought was $4.7:11.720. Premium and interest amounted to $47,317.20, which made the total payment $4,779,037.20. The new bonds bear interest at the ! rate of 1 per cent. whereas the brown consols for which they were exchanged carried 4 1-2 per cent, so that there will he a large saving to I the state by reason of the refunding. The bonds are what is known as "20-40" bonds, since their term is 40 years, but the state has the option of taking them up at any time after the expiration of 20 years. Public Printing Contracts Let. The Joint committee on printing of the house and senate awarded contracts for about $10,000 worth of state printing to ten firms in the state, these having submitted the lowest olds, i ne list or contracts does not fnclude legislative work. Eighteen bids were received. The list of successful bidders follows: It. L. Bryan company of Columbia. The State company of Columbia. DuPre Printing company of Columbia. Carey Printing company of Columbia. Sloan Printing company of : Columbia. Lutheran Board of Publi- i cation of Columbia. Peace Printing | company of Greenville. Oulla Printing | company of Anderson. Greenwood in- j dex Printing company of Greenwood and the Dillon Herald Printing company of Dillon. The members of the joint commltfw.? ara- C M I ..f Neils Chrlstensen of Beaufort, mem- . bers of the senate; H. H. Arnold of Spartanburg and T. P. Cothran of Greenville, members of the house; W. R. Bradford of York Is celrk of the joint committee. Need Repairs at Cedar Springs. Mandamus proceedings will be brought in the supreme court to force 1 the comptroller general to pay a fund { of $10,000 for repairs at the Cedar Springs institute for the deaf, dumb 1 and blind. An error In the genera! appropriation bill caused the attorney i general to rule that the comptroller general had no right t*> pay out the ! fund without a court order. Solicitor Hill of Spartanburg will represent (he j school at the hearing. The comptroller general will be represented by the attorney general. The petition for the writ of mandamus will be Hied with the court early next week. | Dispensary Stocks Are Sold. L. L. Bultman, former state dispen j sary auditor, suld that practically all of the surplus stocks held by the late county dispensary systems had been disposed of by the county ltoards. The average price was about 50 per | cent of the real value. Name Board Members Soon. Gov. Manning has under consideration the appointment of two Important boards, the state board of review for the tax commission ami the eon- | rlllatlon board to settle nil disputes between capital and labor. The gov- | | ornor has indicated that the appointments are not to be made for some time. He Is giving each name sub- i mltted consideration. A list of sev-1 eral names has been submitted by the state federation of labor for appointment 011 the state hoard of coneilatlon. Gymnasium Almost Completed. "The gymnasium which will cost ituuui too.vuu is almost completed ami | it will be one of the finest In the ! S</uth," said D. W. McLaurin. who rei turned to Columbia after attending a I meeting of the board of trustees of , ! Wlnthrop College at Rock HUH. He said only routine matters were con- ' sldered. Mr. Mcl^aurin said the far-' ulty was expecting a large attendance for the summer school for teachers. "Rock Hill Is making great preparations for the meeting of the veterans next month," said Mr. McLaurin. Asks Governor to Convene Assembly. "I am convinced that the situation has reached a point where it is necessary that you call the legislature together to provide for state insurance" says John L. Mcl<aurin. state warehouse commissioner, in a long official communication which he addressed to Governor Manning. Gov. Manning said that at present he had nothing to say for publication In regard to McLaurln's letter. Other developments in the situation arising out of the enactment and approval of the Laney-Odotn measure relative to tire insurance were as fol- ; lows: Committeemen representing trade i bodies met iu Columbia and decided to engage counsel and bring an action j in the original jurisdiction of the s i- ; preme court to test tho constitution- | ality of the Laney-Odom act. A farmers' mutual tire company, to operate in Clarendon. Lee and Sumter counties, was char- j tered; this being the third such en- j ic? yuac lautu'iii'ti since me approval of the Laney-Odom act. Commissioner McLaurin furnished to the press copies of his extensive letter to Gov. Manning. Thirteen Companies Stay. Thirteen of the 93 stock tire insur ance companies that were authorized lust year to do business in South Carolina have renewed or given notice of their intention of renewing their lieenses for the ensuing year, according to information given out frotu the office of the insurance commissioner. All the old mutual companies and two | or three more recently chartered will I also continue to transact business, i The new licenses date from April 1 for the succeeding 12 months. The 13 companies are: Equitable of \ Charleston. Palmetto of Sumter. South Carolina of Columbia. Southern Home of Charleston, Southern Underwriters of Greensboro. N. C., Southern Stock of Greensboro. Underwriters of { Greensboro. New Brunswick of New Jersey. New Jersey of Newark, American Druggists of Cincinnati, Georgia Home of Columbus. Pacific of New York, and the Gerniunia of New York. The Gerrmania has paid its license fees but bus not signified its intention of establishing and ugen- | ciea for the writing of business. Will Test Laney-Odom Act. Commercial bodies of South Caro- J Una through their executive commit- | tee have decided to employ attorneys | to test the constitutionality of the ! Uaney-Odom anti-compact law in the i original Jurisdiction of the supreme I court. All agencies, it Is thought, will use their efforts in bringing the case to the supreme court in the near future so that the situation caused by the withdrawal of practically ull the fire insurance companies from the state will be clarified. This decision was reached by the committee in a session which commenced at noon and was continued in the afternoon. Fitx Hugh McMaster, insurance commissioner, and James A. Cathcart. president of the South Carolina Fire Underwriters' Association, appeared before the committee at its request. All members of the com mittee were present. Thy are: William M. Otis of Columbia, chairman; Hawley W. Holcombe of Columbia, secretary; B. F. McLeod of Charleston, George ii. Edwards of Darlington and E. E. Child of Whltmlre. The meet- \ ing was held in the roomu of the I chamber of commerce. Through the assistance of members j of the committee. Mr. Otis will annoint I county chairmen, who will he dele- j gated with authority to call mass ! meetings of business men, farmers, is- : surance agents and legislative dole- \ gations. Should the law be found constitutional, it is pointed out that [ further steps by the commercial Interests of the state wfll be available through the concerted actlc-n of these county agencies. Manning Approves Textile Acts. Gov. Manning approved two acts of importance to the textile industry in South Carolina. One of the acts provides for a week- 1 ly pa/ roll in all textile concerns and the other is the 60 hours a week lav/. The fine for violation of the weekly pay act is not less than $100 nor irore | man ?zuu. ints act will go into effect July 1. It was brought out at the hearing before the governor that the weekly ; pay act will affe.ct about 50 per cent of the textile plants in th state. New Enterprises Are Authorized. A commission was Issued to the Charleston Cement Products corpo- i ration with a capital of $5,000. The petitioners are: Walter R. Wilbur and J. J. Murray. The Finn Jewelry company of Wal terboro has been chartered with a capital of $"?.ooo. The officers are. A. Finn, president, and S. Finn, sec- ; retary and treasurer. Yonce & Co. of Graniteville ha*, j been commissioned with a capital of 1 $1,000. The petitioners are: O. W Yonce and Mrs. Cora 1*. Yonce. The Pastime Amusement Company of Lake City has been commissioned, with a capital of $2,000. The petitioners are: A. Weaver. J. P. Matthews, C. T. ilamer and J. M. Truluck. The itrdemont Company of Soar. ! tanburx has been chartered with n cai> Ital of $3,000. The officers are: J. P. Robertson, president and treasurer, and J. R. Robertson. Jr., secretary. The secretary of state has issued a commission to tire Commercial i ink of Kstill. with a capital of $25,000. The petitioners are: S M. Clarke M H. O'Neal. E. II Wyman and W E ; I'eeples. The Middleton Compress and Whre house Company of Charleston has been i chartered by the secretary of state, with a capital of $100,000. The officers are: Charles P. Middleton. president; O. A. Middleton. vice president, and C. P. Middleton. Jr., secretary and treasurer. The secretary of state has issued a charter to the Antonio Pasoli tiros. Company. Inc., of Columbia, with a capital stock of $5,000. The officers are: John I'eduzzi. president; Antonio Pasoli. vice president; Angelo Fasoll. secretary; P. Seroflni, treasurer, and James Canales. manager. 1 STOP CJ DODSOI New Discovery! Takes F Work Without M; Saliva I discovered a vegetable com] the work of dangerous, sickeninj want every reader of this paper and if it doesn't straighten yoi quicker than salivating calomel the store and get your money. I guarantee that one spoon! Liver Tone will put your sluggi and clean your thirty feet of bo bile and constipation poison wl your system and making you fet I guarantee that one s|>oonful liquid liver medicine will relieve t iousne^s coated tongue, ague, ma ach or any other distress caused as quickly as a dose of vile, nai besides it will not make you sick t Salt From Hawaii. One of the minor products of the Hawaiian islands is salt, the output for 1915 having been 11.400 tons, valued at $S a ton. Most of the salt produced in the islands is the output of j the Honolulu Salt company, whose j product is confined to coarse salt and manufactured entirely by natural evap- i oration, no vacuum pans, kettles or (trainers being used. RECEIPT FOR DARKENING GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES. Apply like a shampoo to your hair and scalp Q-Han Hair Color Restorer. Do this every day for a week then three times a week. In a short time all your gray, faded, prematurely gray or gray streaked hair turns an even beautiful dark shade with not even a trace of gray showing. Q-Iian makes scalp and hair healthy, leaving all your hair fluffy, soft, thick and beautifully dark and lustrous. Q-llan is not a dye, is harmless, and is sold on a money back guarantee by drug stores: big bottle 50c or sent prepaid by Q-Han, Front St.,Memphis, Tenn.?Adv. Amenities of War. The following is vouched for by M. Mlllerand. former French minister of war. A French scout came suddenly one day upon a German scout. The German was standing by his dying liorse. "Why do you not shoot it?" Inquired the Frenchman. "1 have no pistol." replied the other. The Frenchman drew his and was about to shoot the horse, when he said: "But you would sooner shoot your own horse." and handed the weapon to the tierman. who gravely bowed, shot his horse, and returned the pistol, and then gave himself up as prisoner.? I.ondon Daily News. Henry James on France. She lias gardened where the soil of humanity has been most grateful, and the aspect, so to call it, most toward J the sun. and there, at the high and yet mild and fortunate center, she has grown the precious, intimate, nourishing. finishing things that she has inexhaustibly scattered abroad. And if we have all taken them from her. so expected them from her as our right, tc the point that she would have seemed positively to fail of a passed pledge to help us to happiness if she had disappointed us. this has been because of her treating us to the impressior of genius as 110 other nation since the Greeks has treated the watching world, and because of our feeling that genius at that intensity is infallible Henry James, in "The Hook of France" M acini Han. WISE HOSTESS Won Her Guesto to Pottum. "Three great coffee drinkers were my old school friend and her two daughters. "They were always complaining and taking medicine. I determined to give them Postum Instead of coffee when they visited me. so without saying anything to them about it. 1 made a big pot of Postum the llrst morning. "Hefore the meal was half over, each one passed up her cup to be re tilled, remarking how fine the 'coffee' was. The mother asked for a third cup and inquired as to the brand of coffee I used. 1 didn't answer her question just then, for I heard her say a whHe before that she didn't like Postum Unless it was more than half coffee. "After breakfast I told her that the 'coffee' she liked so well at breakfast Was DUrO Postum. aild thi> reason alic liked it was because it was properly made. "1 havo been brought up from a nervous, wretched invalid, to a fine condition of physical health by leaving off coffee and using Postum. "I am doing all I can to help the world from coffee slavery to Postum freedom, and have earned the gratitude of many, many friends." Name given by Postum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal the original form? must be well boiled. 15c and 25c pkgs. Instant Po3tum?a soluble powder? dissolves quickly In a cup of hot water, and. with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverago instantly. 20c and 50c tins. Both forms are equally delicious and eost about the samo per cup. There's a Reason" for Postum. ? old by Gtocers. / \LOMEL! N'S LIVEI 'lace of Dangerous Calomeliking You Sick?Eat Anythii te?Don't Lose a Day's V pound that docs I a day's work. I v tr calomel ami I I derfnl liv??r to try a bottle Calomel is jxusc \ up better and bones, often causir just go back to gerous. It sickei Tone is safe, pie; 'ul of Dodson's thing afterwards, 1 sh liver to work it to the children b wels of the sour ach or shock the lich is clogging and wake up fee ;1 miserable. day's work, of this harmless Get a bottle! 1 he headache, bil- what I say, tell y< laria, sour stom- hack. Every drug by a torpid liver me and knows of iseating calomel, vegetable medicine >r keep you from ous caioineL Careless of Her. "Oh. say, who was here to see you si last night?" $ "Only Myrtle, father." ~" "Well, tell Myrtle that she left her ' I pipe on the piano." RELIEF HAS BEEN_PERMANENT Says Cardui Built Up System When Other Medicines Failed. Believes It Saved Her Life. Hendorsonville, N. C.?Mrs. M. A. Rediuon, of R. P. I). 1, this place, writes: "I wish to state that before j having taken Cardui, ray condition of health was all run-down, and had been that way ever since my marriage two ' years ago last May. I only weighed j 107 pounds. My average weight is 135 pounds. I had such awful pains o? *lt>,An T t ? o.i muui i (uuiu uuruiy go... 1 liud severe pains In iny back and abdomen, and could scarcoly do my work... I could not lift anything heavy. "In November, 1913, I began taking Cardui. I thought 1 would give it a trial though my furuily doctor, , had set the date for an examination of me.. . I saw my improvement after j taking the first bottle... I am getting fat and well, and in March this year I weighed 138 pounds... Your Cardui \ tonic built up my system when all other medicines failed. I feel and look like a difforent person... I ain still... I praising it to my friends.... for I can 1 truly say I believe it saved my life. ! My relief from all pain has been per- j rnanent." If you are run-down in health and need a tonic, take Cardui. the woman's tonic. It will help you. For sole by all druggists. A widow usually marries again just to satisfy herself that No. 1 will prove as unsatisfactory us No. 1 did. A woman hasn't time to pretend when she is seasick. ; Ozark Mothers Ui Afraid To Go ? s Now Sleep Soundly Since They Have t Found a Sure Preventive c For Croup. ( Many mothers. besides those of ' Ozark. Mo., liavo been nfraid to sleep a at night for fear of being awakened a l?y that dread croupy cough. Mrs. II. II. Givan and Mrs. J. J. Cave, both of 1 j O/.ark, have found, in common with c 1 many other Missouri mothers, that a " i jar of Vap O Rub in the house in- 11 i auros a good night's sleep. c Vap-O-Hub is the external treatment for all forms of croup or cold troubles. ; n introduced hero from tho South last ' winter. It is in salvo form and you '' ! Just rub it over the throat and chest. ' H , covering with a warm tlanncl cloth, j '' The body warmth releases antiseptic J ? vapors that aro inhaled with each '' breath, loosening the phlegm, and, in addition, Vick's is absorbed through ( and stimulates the skin, relieving the [ I i -gin'icss anci son nosa. Croup la uau j i ' v rt-Hevort In lifteon minutes, ami a , He Threw Oai Wm. S. Prince Gf Birmingham. Ala., writea?" ana kidney trouble. I tried calomel and the doctor Or. Ihaclier's Liver I and the first bottle relieved me very much. I am ( C ends of other* suffering- from liver, kidney, stomac I liev-d by this wonderful remedy which builds up t I and tl per bottle. Made by VHACttCR MED TRY I HE OLD RELIABLE V I F<?r MALARIA Cftevk:i1, J." A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC U (3L ft KODAKS & SUPPLIES V rffll? H'*" ?!ao do highest of tlnlnhlng " ' aW3L. Catalogue upon request S. Gtlitki Optical Ca , Rickeeej, Ve. j ^ TAKE H TONE ?It Puts Your Liver To lg?It Can Not /ork! vant to see a bottle of this wonne in every home here. >n?it's mercury?it attacks the ig rheumatism. Calomel is danus?while my Dotlson's Liver isant and harmless. Eat anybecause it can not salivate. Give ecause it doesn't upset the stomliver. Take a spoonful tonight ling- fine and ready for a full \ Try it! Tf it doesn't do exactly aur dealer to hand your money ?ist and store keeper here knows my wonderful discovery of a : that takes the place of dangerNew York city's net revenue from tloon licenses amounts to more than 12,000,000 u year. I Stop That Ache! Don't worry about a bad back. Get rid of It. Probably your kidneys are out of order. Resume sensible habits and help tho kidneys. Then, kidney backache will go; also the dizzy spells, lameness, stiffness, tired feeWngs, nervousness, rheumatic pains and bladder troubles. lTse Doan a Kidney Pills. Thousands recommend them. A South Carolina Case "Krtry Mrs. L,. F. TayAfTM lor. Ford 8t.. Mulitory" W* llnB> S" C" "a>'*: "My back ached 'v\ a and pained right I Ra across my kidneys. ^>YV The secretions W ' V"from my kidneys / W) passed Irregularly \ ant* oontahied s?'dl/ /*Wvhmont- t had attacks A / kidney colic and WV 1 suffered a w f u lly. itw rk y/^ ' Friends r o c o m' ^mended D o a n a" Kidney Plllfl and I used some. They relieved all symptoms of kidney trouble and 1 um glad to recommend them." Cat Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Bex DOAN'S Villi* FOSTER-Ml LB URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. y. i 0\/ n c I Neuralgia Nothing give* such quick relief from neuralgia, sciatica or rheumatism as Yager's Liniment. It slops pain and allays the inflammation instantly. YAGER'S LINIMENT The (isat eiltrnal pals alleviator Mrs. Mary H I'alersnn, SOS dlijPjJ^?vy )' Air S.E W*?hln /li.n.II (J. L ha?? lieen > sour tout m/^tijtfwbl Yager's l.ltiliusnt ami have la/a. cvs*f-> foiml It great relief yfiJmjBr At all dealers ? An eight I GILBERJ BROS. A CO.. Inc Baltimore. Md. M! &CrlVr~>ed To Be To Bed At Night ;ood appllrallon at night will, in alnost every case, prevent a night atack. But let Mrs. Givan speak for herself. >he writes?"I have used Vlck's Vap)-Rub on my little girl for croup. ruhhod it on her chest and throat ,nd it is Just splendid, and I wasn't fraid to go to bed at night." Mrs. Cave says?"I find Vap-O-Rub he best thing I have ?vor used for olds, sore throat, croup and all kinds t cl/ifi ? t..- "V. 11.1 . . tiouMivn (ui v. ? IIUI QU, 1 CUUiU ot do without it now, as It saves ailing a doctor." The penetrative quality of VIcU's lakes it excellent also for inflammaIons of the akin, such as burns, ruiflcR. Itchings, piles and muscular oroness. In these cases, particularly u cases of burns, it seoms to draw nt the inflammation and has a doightfully cooling effect. Three sizes, Fic, 50c or $1.00. The Vick Chemical 'ompany, Greensboro, N. C. &V> Thy Genuine h?* this IraJr Mori*3 !omei Awav * *1 was suffering with indigestion, biliousness r, for about a month. Finally I tried and Blood Syrup lounil and well, can eat anything." Tliou#h and bowel trouble have been quickly robe entire system. Sold ut nil druggists, 60c ICINE COMPANY, Chattanooga, Tann. /anted! You take no risk when buying iTEWART'S WASHING CRYSTAL est by actual test Discards washboards, saves me and money, housewives happy, simply arr.ared results Chief Ingredient used guaranteed under ure tool and drug act, no acids, positively harmss to clothes. Absolutely supreme. Oiganttc sucsss Own a repeat order bustnos>, make big money, ndemableproof. Stewart Co., Desk G. Fmdluy, O. OMMIYK WAYS 10 enure the poet (Ion you sir", mete or female; 2c at imp bring* parriilare free J. A they, Itennvn. I'n. .... _ ? ?? -r? ?3 f. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 15-1914.